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1. What are your observations about how men and women occupy and utilize public
2. Why do you use public space? Is there a need for the purpose to be here?
3. What do you think about the safety and comfort of women in the public domain?
(perception across all gender) Do you think women feel safe in public spaces and
4. Opinions about paanwala or chai stall? Why are they considered male-dominated

General safety questions

1. What do you consider to be the most important factors in ensuring the safety, comfort,
and inclusion of women in public spaces?
2. While moving alone in the street or while waiting for the bus, do you cover yourself with
scarves, use headphones, or pretend to be texting or on a call, sending updates of the
3. How do you move in the crowded lane?
4. Do you carry any safety devices like pepper spray, tasers, etc while going out?
5. In your opinion, what steps to be taken to make space more inclusive and safe?
6. Do you use any particular space only when you are in a group?
7. How do you commute to these spaces?

PUBLIC SPACES ( streetscape, waterfront, park)

○ How often do you visit the site? For what purpose? With whom?
○ How much time do you spend there at different times of the day?
○ Where do you generally place yourself in the site? How do you choose the
■ spatial elements, sense of familiarity, eyes on the street, adjacencies;
different functions/activities around, people they are with
○ How safe do you feel using the site, during day and night? What makes it safe at
different times of the day?
○ Do you prefer to be alone or to be accompanied by someone and who?
○ Have you ever felt threatened or experience harassment in this area? If so,
where, what time, and with whom were you with?
○ Have you ever seen any incidents of harassment or assault in this area? If so,
where what time, and what were the immediate steps taken?
○ What factors determine your return time?
○ If you were living close by, would you prefer to use this space on daily basis?

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