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A Project Report Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Mechanical Engineering

RISHABH SINGH (1616440092)
NITESH KUMAR (1616440073)

Under the Supervision of


Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur

to the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering



A Project Report Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Mechanical Engineering

RISHABH SINGH (1616440092)
NITESH KUMAR (1616440073)

Under the Supervision of


Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur

to the
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering




Certified that Rishabh Singh (1616440092), Yogendra Singh (1616440131), Nitesh

Kumar (1616440073), Prakhar Srivastava (1616440080) has carried out the
research work presented in this project entitled “Design and Fabrication of
Chainless Bicycle” for the award of Bachelor of Technology from Dr. A. P. J. Abdul
Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, under my supervision. The project embodies
results of original work, and studies are carried out by the student their self and the
contents of the project do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the
candidate or to anybody else from this or any other University / Institution.

Mr. Keshav Gupta Signature

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering



Our project-work the “Design and Fabrication of Chainless Bicycle” defines a

chainless bicycle with its designing and fabrication with the purpose to help the
people for travelling the highly distant roads or locations with the proper ease of rides.
The term ‘chainless bicycle’ describes clearly about such kind of bicycle which is
applied with a mechanism other than a metal chain.

If we talk about the mechanism so it is basically a bearing-shaft-bearing network,

which introduces a light-weight drive shaft aligned with the bearings in our project
with an aim to make our design standardized. The above mechanism is nothing but a
modification over the previously existed mode of drive like the Gear-Drives. During
the making of our project, we were aimed to launch such a version of bicycle which
can turn the minds of people to use it on a large-basis & make the roads-pollution
free. Hence we worked on the chainless bicycle and especially focused on its arising
complications like jamming or unwanted noise during some test-rides of it.

Now On viewing the literature, we gained some facts regarding chain-drives, gear-
drives & also concerning the weight of shafts. Basically chain-drives are left with the
wear of chains or rusting in chains, at the end, even with lubricating timely. The gear-
drives using the bevel gears but having with some troubling facts like rusting on gears
(so they are require adjustments or removals) and vibrations at high speeds. The shaft-
drives were required with low-weights of shaft. Hence we have concerned to
implement a feature of ‘low-maintenance’ in our formed design (after its testing &

Regarding design-specifications, we used ball-bearings (sealed or tightened on hub

through Allen Bolts), shaft of material-Mild Steel and sprocket-wheels with such a
material-considering its mechanical properties alongwith its chemical-composition.
The conventional shaft-drive is taken with the shaft to transmit power from pedals to
wheels & the ball bearings are installed for high power-transmission to wheels
efficiently (with the characteristic of minimizing friction to lessen the human-effort).
Hence we have taken these components on basis of continuous improvements on

designs, drawn in softwares (on taking calculations & measurements) and then we got
ready with the prototype, aligned with them (those components). We have fabricated
our whole-design one by one on aligning each & every measured part or designed
component to our bicycle. Testing & analysis of our work is still a concern & we can
say that our product is a prototypical concept in need for much work before all our
expectations to be come true.

Now our futuristic expectations are based upon the functioning of our bicycle with the
key-features like smooth transmissions, high efficiency, durability & reliability (than
the previous versions of the bicycle).

Some further benefits (alongwith the expectations) are also concerned for our
designed-system like- As this system will emit out no pollution hence it will be eco-
friendly & health-conscious at the same time, Since bearing-life is more than the
product-life, hence it would reduce the mechanical-losses and also it will be very
productive for the riders with their habits to ride over the roads & Riders can be use it
as a transport-medium in future with the consideration of technologies (like, IT or AI-
based controls).


It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B. Tech-Project

undertaken during B. Tech, Final Year. We owe special debt of gratitude to Mr.
Keshav Gupta, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pranveer Singh Institute of
Technology, Kanpur, for his constant support and guidance throughout the course of
our work. His sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source
of inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have seen light
of the day.

We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Dr. Nitin
Srivastava, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pranveer Singh Institute of
Technology, Kanpur, for his full support and assistance during the development of the

We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all
faculty members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during
the development of our project. Last but not the least; we acknowledge our family &
friends for their contribution in the completion of the project.

Signature: Signature:
Name: Rishabh Singh Name: Yogendra Singh
Roll No.: 1616440092 Roll No.: 1616440131
Date: Date:

Signature: Signature:
Name: Nitesh Kumar Name: Prakhar Srivastava
Roll No.: 1616440073 Roll No.: 1616440080
Date: Date:




CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION…………………………………...1-5
1.1 General……………………………………………………………1
1.2 Project Aim……………………………………………………….1
1.3 Relevance of topic………………………………………………...2
1.3.1 Problem Statement……………………………………………..2
1.3.2 Relevance………………………………………………………..2
1.3.3 Novelty…………………………………………………………..2
1.3.4 Benefits………………………………………………………….2
1.4 Objective of project………………………………………………3
1.5 Basic details about chainless bicycle…………………………….3
1.6 Features that the vehicle should have…………………………..3


2.1 History of bicycle…………………………………………………5
2.1.1 Bicycle background…………………………………………....5
2.1.2 Evolution begins………………………………………………..6
2.1.3 Scottish inventions……………………………………………..8
2.1.4 The michaux velocipede………………………………………..9
2.1.5 Penny earthing………………………………………………...11
2.1.6 Safety bicycles…………………………………………………12
2.1.7 The roadster…………………………………………………...13
2.1.8 BMX and mountain bikes…………………………………….14
2.1.9 Hybrid and commuter bicycles……………………………....15

2.1.10 Recumbent bicycles………………………………………….16
2.2 Chainless bicycle background………………………………....17


3.1 Components used and specification…………………………….21
3.1.1 Bearings………………………………………………………...21
3.1.2 Shaft Drive……………………………………………………..21
3.2 Sprocket wheels………………………………………………….21
3.3 Design consideration of chainless bicycle……………………...22
3.4 Components & their specification……………………………...22
3.4.1 Bearings………………………………………………………...23
3.4.2 Shaft…………………………………………………………….24
3.4.3 Purpose of drive shaft…………………………………………25
3.4.4 Functions of drive shaft……………………………………….25
3.4.5 Objective of dynamic bicycle………………………………….26
3.4.6 Frame…………………………………………………………...26
3.4.7 Sprocket………………………………………………………...27
3.4.8 Axle shaft……………………………………………………….28
3.4.9 Peddle crank…………………………………………………...29
3.4.10 Allen screws…………………………………………………..31
3.4.11 Grub screw……………………………………………………31
3.5 Designs on software……………………………………………...33


4.1 Steps involved in fabrication of chainless bicycle……………...39
4.1.1 Collect all the materials and components…………………….39
4.1.2 Structure or material of frame………………………………..39
4.1.3 Restructure the frame…………………………………………41 Remove unrequired parts…………………………………...41 Cleaning of paint…………………………………………….41
4.1.4 Welding…………………………………………………………41

viii Electric arc welding………………………………………….41 Gas welding…………………………………………………..43
4.1.5 Fabrication of new parts………………………………………45 Lathe machine………………………………………………..45 Vertical milling center……………………………………….46 Grinding……………………………………………………...48 Cutting………………………………………………………..49 Tap and die…………………………………………………..50
4.1.6 Assembly of all basic component……………………………..52
4.2 Parts after fabrication…………………………………………...52
4.3 Finalization of mechanical frame……………………………….54
4.4 Shaft drive connection…………………………………………...55


5.1 Comparison of shaft vs chain…………………………………..57

CHAPTER 6 : CONCLUSION……………………………………….59
CHAPTER 7 : REFRANCES…………………………………………61



Fig 2.1 The running machine………………………………………………………..6
Fig 2.2 Denis Johnson's son riding a velocipede…………………………………....8
Fig 2.3 McCall's improved velocipede of 1869……………………………………..9
Fig 2.4 New York Company Pickering and Davis………………………………...11
Fig 2.5 A penny-farthing or ordinary bicycle……………………………………..12
Fig 2.6 An 1884 McCammon safety bicycle……………………………………….13
Fig 2.7 Bicycle in Plymouth at the start of the 20th century……………………..14
Fig 2.8 Hybrid bicycle………………………………………………………………16
Fig 2.9 Recumbent bicycle………………………………………………………….17
Fig 2.10 Quadrant Shaft Driven Bicycle…………………………………………..18
Fig 2.11 Dynamic "Runabout" 7 shaft-driven bicycle……………………………24
Fig 2.12 Drive shaft housing………………………………………………………..20
Fig 3.1 Deep groove ball bearing…………………………………………………...23
Fig 3.2 Shafts………………………………………………………………………...24
Fig 3.3 Bicycle Frame……………………………………………………………….27
Fig 3.4 Sprocket wheel……………………………………………………………...27
Fig 3.5 Free wheel sprocket………………………………………………………...28
Fig 3.6 Axle shaft……………………………………………………………………29
Fig 3.7 Pedal crank………………………………………………………………….30
Fig 3.8 Allen screws…………………………………………………………………31
Fig 3.9 Allen grub screws…………………………………………………………...32
Fig 3.10 Rear sprocket……………………………………………………………...34
Fig 3.11 Front sprocket……………………………………………………………..35
Fig 3.12 Bearing hub………………………………………………………………..36
Fig 3.13 Front sprocket……………………………………………………………..37
Fig 3.14 Rear sprocket……………………………………………………………...38
Fig 4.1 Steel frame…………………………………………………………………..40

Fig 4.2 Cut away view of electric arc welding…………………………………….42
Fig 4.3 The Arc welding setup……………………………………………………...43
Fig 4.4 Low pressure acetylene generator…………………………………………44
Fig 4.5 Vertical machining center………………………………………………….47
Fig 4.6 Face milling process………………………………………………………...48
Fig 4.7 Grinding or abrasive cutting………………………………………………49
Fig 4.8 Hand held cutter……………………………………………………………50
Fig 4.9 Drilling and tapping………………………………………………………..51
Fig 4.10 Steps of tapping……………………………………………………………51
Fig 4.11 Shaft drive connection…………………………………………………….55
Fig 4.12 Front sprocket and bearings engagement……………………………….55
Fig 4.13 Rear sprocket and bearings engagement………………………………...56
Fig 4.14 Final fabricated model of Chainless bicycle……………………………..56



1.1 General

The Bicycles with chain drives helped the people to cover the paths or distances
primarily on wheels, after understanding the need & use of wheels. But along with
this kind of application, a mechanism had been developed called as the bicycles with
the shaft drives, which has proven more beneficial to us. Shaft drives were introduced
over a century ago, but were mostly supplanted by chain-driven bicycles due to the
gear ranges possible with sprockets. Recently, due to advancements in internal gear
technology, a small number of modern shaft-driven bicycles have been introduced.
Generally shaft drives are manufactured with positioning the gears, sealed inside the
housing which is attached to driving shaft. But, now in our case or project, we are
applying the mechanism of using roller bearings joint with main shaft to transmit
power with rider over wheels of bicycle. We were constantly researching in this field
& also are confirmed to make our vision in reality with designing a newer version of
bicycles. Actually this version is arising in our brains to give our product, a unique
quality & cheap rating, to satisfy the customers with advantageous features. Our
smarter product is fully meaningful & also mechanically advantageous for both
cyclists & cycle-industries.

1.2 Project Aim

On seeing two-wheelers like bikes on roads with basically no human-effort, we were

also thinking to lessen the human-efforts on bicycles with the fact like -“In 21st
century the most sustainable form of transport are bicycles having advantages like less
noise & air pollution, less congestion, less accidents and less maintenance compared
with motorized modes.”

But we already had the mechanism of gear-drives existed, hence seeking an
advancement over it with further improvements like raising torques with less loads.

1.3 Relevance of Topic Based On Novelty and Beneficiary

1.3.1 Problem Statement

• We are using the cycles with chain drives but now at the present time or age, we are
lacking with efficient & easier way of driving mechanisms.

• Also its system is less reliable & more power consuming.

1.3.2 Relevance

• Our project is relevant to increase the durability, reliability & efficiency of bicycles.

1.3.3 Novelty

• Our work is aimed to reduce the power wastage (human energy) by using light
weight drive shaft connecting with ball bearings to make the design standardized.

1.3.4 Benefits

• All types of costs would reduce & the system will also become easier & smarter.

• Noise-problems would also reduce through the efficient design with less jamming &
greater smoothening & clearance.

1.4 Objective of Project

Air pollution is the biggest problem these days. Vehicle emission also contributes to
increase pollution. Keeping this in mind our aim is to promote cycling which literally
produces no pollution but also cost effective. We have also focused on low
maintenance more reliable bicycle.

• In human transportation as a personalized vehicle.

• For inter departmental transportation in huge campuses.

• In industries, for different level personnel to move around to inspect the work

• Light weight & easy to control, makes convenient for use by anyone.

• Controlled speed ensures rider’s safety.

1.5 Basic Details about Chainless bicycle

• Chainless bicycle is designed to meet the present challenges of conventional bicycle

and also to reduce the injuries caused by conventional bicycles.

• The design of shaft and bearing produces less vibration and less noise than
conventional bicycle.

• Seems more stable on low speed.

• Goes easy on maintenance.

• Long term running cost is low.

• Vehicle is eco-friendly and keeps you healthy.

1.6 Features that the vehicle should have

• The chainless bicycle is a low maintenance product and this feature should be
visible to purchasers and users.

• The maintenance and the cleaning of bicycle are easy, so reducing the necessity of

• The insertion and removing of the bearings must be easy and fast. One of the key
considerations during the design of the bicycle will be the study of the possible places
to keep the bearing and how to insert and extract the bearing in the bicycle as well.

• The bicycle must be light in weight so could be handled easily.

• The bicycle will contain as much standard parts as possible.

• The price of the bicycle should be in between a conventional bicycle and a high end
bicycle price.

• The use of bearing eliminates the necessity of lubrication.

• The time interval of general servicing increases.

• The problem of de railing of chain over the sprockets is totally eliminated.

• The loosen chain many times causes injuries got terminated.

• The effort realized while riding the bicycle is very less, then the current model
present in the market.



2.1 History of bicycle

2.1.1 Bicycle background

In order to be able to examine the principles and specifics of electrical bicycles further
knowledge regarding the history of conventional bicycles must be acquired.
Throughout its long history numerous developments, approaches and remarks were
realized. Having a better view of the details behind the development of the bicycle
will make possible the use of former gained experience and past mistakes so they
won’t be repeated. After all it has been said by the American philosopher George
Santayana that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
(George Santayana, 1905).

Bicycle is the most effective medium invented to translate human power into
movement (S.S. Wilson, 1973). In 1815 a big volcano explosion caused starvation to
global population and horses used in transportation were massively killed due to lack
of fodder (Oppenheimer, Clive, 2003). Inventor Baron Karl von Drais, in an attempt
to deal with the increased transportation needs caused by the decrease in the number
of horses, developed the “running machine” (D. G. Wilson, J. Papadopoulos, 2004).
This invention formed the base of what would be characterized at a later time as a

Two iron wheels were attached inline onto a wooden frame and the rider positioned
the system in between the lower limbs. The front wheel was able to twist to provide
turning (something that later on discovered to be the reason for maintaining balance).
Therefore, the first ever bicycle patent was created and the product was officially
called “le velocipede”. It is interesting to note that in England the product was called
‘hobby horse’ because, in contrast with an animal horse which needs constant
treatment and care, it could be left unattended when not in use and therefore it was
considered a hobby. Product cost was unusually high and was almost exclusively used

by the rich, actually as a hobby product. The two wheeled vehicle could not present
its full potential just like any other individual transportation vehicle at the time,
because of the rapid railway development. The steamed horses were a far more
intriguing technology at the time for users and engineers comparing to the humble
bicycle (D. G. Wilson, J. Papadopoulos, 2004).

Fig.2.1 The running machine

In the years that followed bicycle products and developments were constantly being
introduced and prepared the product to be massively accepted around 1870. Cranks,
rubber tires, ball bearings (mentioned as friction rollers) and tensioned wheels with 15
radial spokes were used to enhance the user experience and increase product
efficiency. These solutions made possible the use of larger front wheels which were
solidly attached with a crank set and by pedaling could cover greater distance per
pedal revolution. This lead to the creation of the ‘high wheeler’ type which dominated
the bicycle market around 1890.

2.1.2 Evolution begins

As it is primarily discussed ―the celerifere‖ which was the earliest unverifiable claim
for the invention of bicycle, a rider was said to have sat across this machine and

pushed it along using alternate feet. It is now thought that the two-wheeled celerifere
never existed (though there were four-wheelers) and it was instead a misinterpretation
by the well-known French journalist Louis Baudry de Saunier in 1891. After it and by
the start of 19th century, the German innovator Baron Karl von Drais, a civil servant
to the Grand Duke of Baden, invented his Laufmaschine (German for "running
machine") in 1817, that was called Draisine (English) or draisienne (French) by the
press. Karl von Drais patented this design in 1818, which was the first commercially
successful two-wheeled, steerable, human-propelled machine, commonly called a
velocipede, and nicknamed hobby-horse or dandy horse. It was initially manufactured
in Germany and France.

Hans-Erhard Lessing (Drais' biographer) found from circumstantial evidence that

Drais' interest in finding an alternative to the horse was the starvation and death of
horses caused by crop failure in 1816, the Year Without a Summer (following the
volcanic eruption of Tambora in 1815).

On his first reported ride from Mannheim on June 12, 1817, he covered 13 km (eight
miles) in less than an hour. Constructed almost entirely of wood, the draisine weighed
22 kg (48 pounds), had brass bushings within the wheel bearings, iron shod wheels, a
rear-wheel brake and 152 mm (6 inches) of trail of the front-wheel for a self-centering
caster effect. This design was welcomed by mechanically minded men daring to
balance, and several thousand copies were built and used, primarily in Western
Europe and in North America. Its popularity rapidly faded when, partly due to
increasing numbers of accidents, some city authorities began to prohibit its use.
However, in 1866 Paris a Chinese visitor named Bin Chun could still observe foot-
pushed velocipedes.

The concept was picked up by a number of British cartwrights; the most notable was
Denis Johnson of London announcing in late 1818 that he would sell an improved
model. New names were introduced when Johnson patented his machine ―pedestrian
curricle‖ or ―velocipede,‖ but the public preferred nicknames like ―hobby-horse,‖
after the children's toy or, worse still, ―dandyhorse,‖ after the foppish men who often
rode them. Johnson's machine was an improvement on Drais's, being notably more
elegant: his wooden frame had a serpentine shape instead of Drais's straight one,
allowing the use of larger wheels without raising the rider's seat.

Fig 2.2 Denis Johnson's son riding a velocipede

During the summer of 1819, the "hobby-horse", thanks in part to Johnson's marketing
skills and better patent protection, became the craze and fashion in London society.
The dandies, the Corinthians of the Regency, adopted it, and therefore the poet John
Keats referred to it as "the nothing" of the day. Riders wore out their boots
surprisingly rapidly, and the fashion ended within the year, after riders on pavements
(sidewalks) were fined two pounds.

Nevertheless, Drais' velocipede provided the basis for further developments: in fact, it
was a draisine which inspired a French metalworker around 1863 to add rotary cranks
and pedals to the front-wheel hub, to create the first pedal-operated "bicycle" as we
today understand the word.

2.1.3 Scottish Inventions

The first mechanically propelled two-wheel vehicle is believed by some to have been
built by Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a Scottish blacksmith, in 1839. A nephew later
claimed that his uncle developed a rear-wheel drive design using mid-mounted
treadles connected by rods to a rear crank, similar to the transmission of a steam
locomotive. Proponents associate him with the first recorded instance of a bicycling
traffic offence, when a Glasgow newspaper reported in 1842 an accident in which an
anonymous "gentleman from Dumfries-shire... bestride a velocipede... of ingenious
design" knocked over a pedestrian in the Gorbals and was fined five British shillings.
However, the evidence connecting this with Macmillan is weak, since it is unlikely
that the artisan Macmillan would have been termed a gentleman, nor is the report
clear on how many wheels the vehicle had. The evidence is unclear, and may have
been faked by his son.

A similar machine was said to have been produced by Gavin Dalzell of Lesmahagow,
circa 1845. There is no record of Dalzell ever having laid claim to inventing the
machine. It is believed that he copied the idea having recognised the potential to help
him with his local drapery business and there is some evidence that he used the
contraption to take his wares into the rural community around his home. A replica still
exists today in the Glasgow Museum of Transport.

Fig 2.3 McCall's improved velocipede of 1869

The exhibit holds the honour of being the oldest bike in existence today. The first
documented producer of rod-driven two-wheelers, treadle bicycles, was Thomas
McCall, of Kilmarnock in 1869. The design was inspired by the French front-crank
velocipede of the Lallement/Michaux type.

2.1.4 The Michaux "Velocipede"

The first really popular and commercially successful design was French. An example
is at the Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa. Initially developed around
1863, it sparked a fashionable craze briefly during 1868–70. Its design was simpler
than the Macmillan bicycle; it used rotary cranks and pedals mounted to the front
wheel hub. Pedaling made it easier for riders to propel the machine at speed, but the

rotational speed limitation of this design created stability and comfort concerns which
would lead to the large front wheel of the "penny farthing". It was difficult to pedal
the wheel that was used for steering. The use of metal frames reduced the weight and
provided sleeker, more elegant designs, and also allowed mass-production.

The velocipede's renaissance began in Paris during the late 1860s. Its early history is
complex and has been shrouded in some mystery, not least because of conflicting
patent claims: all that has been stated for sure is that a French metalworker attached
pedals to the front wheel; at present, the earliest year bicycle historians agree on is
1864. The identity of the person who attached cranks is still an open question at
International Cycling History Conferences (ICHC). The claims of Ernest Michaux
and of Pierre Lallement, and the lesser claims of rear-pedaling Alexandre Lefebvre,
have their supporters within the ICHC community.

By the early 1860s, the blacksmith Pierre Michaux, besides producing parts for the
carriage trade, was producing "velocipede a pedales" on a small scale. The wealthy
Olivier brothers Aime and Rene were students in Paris at this time, and these shrewd
young entrepreneurs adopted the new machine. In 1865 they travelled from Paris to
Avignon on a velocipede in only eight days. They recognized the potential
profitability of producing and selling the new machine. Together with their friend
Georges de la Bouglise, they formed a partnership with Pierre Michaux, Michaux et
Cie ("Michaux and company"), in 1868, avoiding use of the Olivier family name and
staying behind the scenes, lest the venture prove to be a failure. This was the first
company which mass-produced bicycles, replacing the early wooden frame with one
made of two pieces of cast iron bolted together—otherwise, the early Michaux
machines look exactly like Lallement's patent drawing.

On the new macadam paved boulevards of Paris it was easy riding, although initially
still using what was essentially horse coach technology. It was still called
"velocipede" in France, but in the United States, the machine was commonly called
the "bone-shaker". Later improvements included solid rubber tires and ball bearings.

Fig 2.4 New York Company Pickering and Davis

However, the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 destroyed the velocipede market in

France, and the "bone-shaker" enjoyed only a brief period of popularity in the United
States, which ended by 1870. There is debate among bicycle historians about why it
failed in the United States, but one explanation is that American road surfaces were
much worse than European ones, and riding the machine on these roads was simply
too difficult. Certainly another factor was that Calvin Witty had purchased
Lallement's patent, and his royalty demands soon crippled the industry. The UK was
the only place where the bicycle never fell completely out of favour.

2.1.5 Penny Farthing

Penny Farthing was the first machine to be called a bicycle i.e. two wheels. The
Penny Farthing also referred to as the ordinary bicycle was invented by a British
engineer; James Starley in 1871. Penny Farthing was really efficient bicycle,
consisting of a small rear wheel and large front wheel pivoting on a simple tubular
frame with tires of rubber. This was the first metal machine.

In Penny Farthing there was no free wheel mechanism. The pedals were directly
attached to the front wheel. The chance of falling was higher since, the rider sat so
high above the center of gravity. Henry J. Lawson, in 1879 patents a rear wheel,

chain-driven safety bicycle, the Bicyclette. In 1888, an Irish veterinarian, Dunlop, first
applied the Pneumatic tire.

Fig 2.5 A penny-farthing or ordinary bicycle

2.1.6 Safety Bicycle

The development of the safety bicycle was arguably the most important change in the
history of the bicycle. It shifted their use and public perception from being a
dangerous toy for sporting young men to being an everyday transport tool for men—
and, crucially, women—of all ages.

Aside from the obvious safety problems, the high-wheeler's direct front wheel drive
limited its top speed. One attempt to solve both problems with a chain-driven front
wheel was the dwarf bicycle, exemplified by the Kangaroo. Inventors also tried a rear
wheel chain drive. Although Harry John Lawson invented a rear-chain-drive bicycle
in 1879 with his "bicyclette", it still had a huge front wheel and a small rear wheel.
Detractors called it "The Crocodile", and it failed in the market.

John Kemp Starley, James's nephew, produced the first successful "safety bicycle"
(again a retrospective name), the "Rover," in 1885, which he never patented. It
featured a steerable front wheel that had significant caster, equally sized wheels and a
chain drive to the rear wheel.

Fig 2.6 An 1884 McCammon safety bicycle

Widely imitated, the safety bicycle completely replaced the high-wheeler in North
America and Western Europe by 1890. Meanwhile, John Dunlop's reinvention of the
pneumatic bicycle tire in 1888 had made for a much smoother ride on paved streets;
the previous type were quite smooth-riding, when used on the dirt roads common at
the time. As with the original velocipede, safety bicycles had been much less
comfortable than high-wheelers precisely because of the smaller wheel size, and
frames were often buttressed with complicated bicycle suspension spring assemblies.
The pneumatic tire made all of these obsolete, and frame designers found a diamond
pattern to be the strongest and most efficient design.

2.1.7 The Roadster

The ladies' version of the roadster's design was very much in place by the 1890s. It
had a step-through frame rather than the diamond frame of the gentlemen's model so
that ladies, with their dresses and skirts, could easily mount and ride their bicycles,
and commonly came with a skirt guard to prevent skirts and dresses becoming
entangled in the rear wheel and spokes. As with the gents' roadster, the frame was of
steel construction and the positioning of the frame and handlebars gave the rider a
very upright riding position. Though they originally came with front spoon-brakes,
technological advancements meant that later models were equipped with the much-
improved coaster brakes or rod-actuated rim or drum-brakes.

The Dutch cycle industry grew rapidly from the 1890s onwards. Since by then it was
the British who had the strongest and best-developed market in bike design, Dutch
framemakers either copied them or imported them from England. In 1895, 85 per cent
of all bikes bought in the Netherlands were from Britain; the vestiges of that influence
can still be seen in the solid, gentlemanly shape of a traditional Dutch bike even now.

Fig 2.7 Bicycle in Plymouth at the start of the 20th century

Though the ladies' version of the roadster largely fell out of fashion in England and
many other Western nations as the 20th century progressed, it remains popular in the
Netherlands; this is why some people refer to bicycles of this design as Dutch bikes.
In Dutch the name of these bicycles is Omafiets ("grandma's bike").

2.1.8 BMX and Mountain bikes

BMX bikes are specially designed bicycles that usually have 16 to 24-inch wheels
(the norm being the 20-inch wheel), which originated in the state of California in the
early 1970s when teenagers imitated their motocross heroes on their bicycles.
Children were racing standard road bikes off-road, around purpose-built tracks in the
Netherlands. The 1971 motorcycle racing documentary On Any Sunday is generally
credited with inspiring the movement nationally in the US. In the opening scene, kids
are shown riding their Schwinn Sting-Rays off-road. It was not until the middle of the
decade the sport achieved critical mass, and manufacturers began creating bicycles
designed especially for the sport. It has grown into an international sport with several
different disciplines such as Freestyle, Racing, Street, and Flatland.

In 1981, the first mass-produced mountain bike appeared, intended for use off-
pavement over a variety of surfaces. It was an immediate success, and examples flew
off retailers' shelves during the 1980s, their popularity spurred by the novelty of all-
terrain cycling and the increasing desire of urban dwellers to escape their
surroundings via mountain biking and other extreme sports. These cycles featured
sturdier frames, wider tires with large knobs for increased traction, a more upright
seating position (to allow better visibility and shifting of body weight), and
increasingly, various front and rear suspension designs. By 2000, mountain bike sales
had far outstripped that of racing, sport/racer, and touring bicycles.

2.1.9 Hybrid and Commuter bicycles

In recent years, bicycle designs have trended towards increased specialization, as the
number of casual, recreational and commuter cyclists has grown. For these groups,
the industry responded with the hybrid bicycle, sometimes marketed as a city bike,
cross bike, or commuter bike. Hybrid bicycles combine elements of road racing and
mountain bikes, though the term is applied to a wide variety of bicycle types. Hybrid
bicycles and commuter bicycles can range from fast and light racing-type bicycles
with flat bars and other minimal concessions to casual use, to wider-tired bikes
designed for primarily for comfort, load-carrying, and increased versatility over a
range of different road surfaces. Enclosed hub gears have become popular again –
now with up to 8, 11 or 14 gears – for such bicycles due to ease of maintenance and
improved technology.

Fig 2.8 Hybrid bicycle

2.1.10 Recumbent Bicycles

In 1934, the Union Cycliste Internationale banned recumbent bicycles from all forms
of officially sanctioned racing, at the behest of the conventional bicycle industry, after
relatively little-known Francis Faure beat world champion Henri Lemoine and broke
Oscar Egg's hour record by half a mile while riding Mochet's Velocar. Some authors
assert that this resulted in the stagnation of the upright racing bike's frame geometry
which has remained essentially unchanged for 70 years. This stagnation finally started
to reverse with the formation of the International Human Powered Vehicle
Association which holds races for "banned" classes of bicycle. Sam Whittingham set
a human powered speed record of 132 km/h (82 mph) on level ground in a faired
recumbent streamliner in 2009 at Battle Mountain. While historically most bike
frames have been steel, recent designs, particularly of high-end racing bikes, have
made extensive use of carbon and aluminum frames. Recent years have also seen a
resurgence of interest in balloon tire cruiser bicycles for their low-tech comfort,
reliability, and style. In addition to influences derived from the evolution of American
bicycling trends, European, Asian and African cyclists have also continued to use
traditional roadster bicycles, as their rugged design, enclosed chain guards, and
dependable hub gearing make them ideal for commuting and utility cycling duty.

Fig 2.9 Recumbent bicycle

2.2 Chainless Bicycles background

As mentioned earlier; knowing history prevents people from making the same
mistakes. And while bicycle history showed us that some innovations could not
present their full potential at the time when they were first conceived, through further
improvements these same innovations brought big changes to the product. That is
describing in a well manner the case of chainless bicycles.

Shaft drives were introduced over a century ago, but were mostly supplanted by
chain-driven bicycles due to the gear ranges possible with sprockets and derailleurs.
Recently, due to advancements in internal gear technology, a small number of modern
shaft-driven bicycles have been introduced.

Shaft-driven bikes have a large bevel gear where a conventional bike would have its
chain ring. This meshes with another bevel gear mounted on the drive shaft. The use
of bevel gears allows the axis of the drive torque from the pedals to be turned through
90 degrees. The drive shaft then has another bevel gear near the rear wheel hub which
meshes with a bevel gear on the hub where the rear sprocket would be on a
conventional bike, and canceling out the first drive torque change of axis.

The 90-degree change of the drive plane that occurs at the bottom bracket and again at
the rear hub uses bevel gears for the most efficient performance, though other
mechanisms could be used, e.g. hobson's joints, worm gears or crossed helical gears.

The drive shaft is often mated to a hub gear which is an internal gear system housed
inside the rear hub. Manufacturers of internal hubs suitable for use with shaft drive
systems include NuVinci, Rohloff, Shimano, SRAM, and Sturmey-Archer.

Fig 2.10 Quadrant Shaft Driven Bicycle

The first shaft drives for cycles appear to have been invented independently in the
United States and Britain. In 1880, the Orbicycle (which as actually a tricycle) by
Thomas Moore used a shaft drive. A. Fearnhead, of 354 Caledonian Road, North
London, developed one in 1890 and received a patent in October 1891. His prototype
shaft was enclosed within a tube running along the top of the chainstay; later models
were enclosed within the actual chainstay. In the United States, Walter Stillman filed
for a patent on a shaft-driven bicycle on Dec. 10, 1890, which was granted on July 21,

The shaft drive was not well accepted in Britain, so in 1894 Fearnhead took it to the
United States where Colonel Pope of the Columbia firm bought the exclusive
American rights. Belatedly, the British makers took it up, with Humber in particular
plunging heavily on the deal. Curiously enough, the greatest of all the Victorian cycle

engineers, Professor Archibald Sharp, was against shaft drive; in his classic 1896
book "Bicycles and Tricycles", he wrote "The Fearnhead Gear ... if bevel-wheels
could be accurately and cheaply cut by machinery, it is possible that gears of this
description might supplant, to a great extent, the chain-drive gear; but the fact that the
teeth of the bevel-wheels cannot be accurately milled is a serious obstacle to their
practical success".

Fig 2.11 Dynamic "Runabout" 7 shaft-driven bicycle

In the United States, they had been made by the League Cycle Company as early as
1893. Soon after, the French company Metropole marketed their Acatane. By 1897
Columbia began aggressively to market the chainless bicycle it had acquired from the
League Cycle Company. Chainless bicycles were moderately popular in 1898 and
1899, although sales were still much smaller than regular bicycles, primarily due to
the high cost. They were also somewhat less efficient than regular bicycles: there was
roughly an 8 percent loss in the gearing, in part due to limited manufacturing
technology at the time. The rear wheel was also more difficult to remove to change
flats. Many of these deficiencies have been overcome in the past century.

Fig 2.12 Drive shaft housing

In 1902, The Hill-Climber Bicycle Mfg. Company sold a three-speed shaft-driven

bicycle in which the shifting was implemented with three sets of bevel gears. While a
small number of chainless bicycles were available, for the most part, shaft-driven
bicycles disappeared from view for most of the 20th century. There is, however, still a
niche market for chainless bikes, especially for commuters, and there is a number of
manufacturers who offer them either as part of a larger range or as a primary
specialization. A notable example is Biomega in Denmark.



3.1 Components Used and Specifications

3.1.1 Bearings

Actually in our project work we took the use of ball bearings as a purpose to reduce the
rotational friction on clamping with the sprocket-wheel (so that system can’t be
jammed) and support radial and axial loads. Here with the use of bearings we have the
pros of getting a smooth & noiseless transmission on. a less effort to save ultimately
the human energies.

 Bearings-19 mm (in size)

3.1.2 Shaft-Drive

Shaft-driven support was a revolution in place of chained-support to fulfill the

requirements of torque transmission capacities so that it becomes useful to attain
required speeds of wheels on less-efforts. Here in our project we used shaft induced of
mild-steel in place of composite elements and other elements like aluminum due to
better comparable mechanical properties.

 Material- Mild Steel

 Shaft-450 mm (in length)

3.2 Sprocket Wheels

Generally the sprocket-wheels are having alignment of teeth along the wheels but in
our case we having the perpendicular alignment of all teeth to the wheel-axes for the
enclosure of bearings.

 Here outer sprocket or front wheel dia-210mm

 Inner sprocket or rear wheel dia-112mm

 No. of teeth on front sprocket-32

 No. of teeth of rear sprocket-16

 Axle-223 mm (in length)

3.3 Design Consideration of Chainless Bicycle

1. Functionalism

2. Simplicity

3. Beauty as a function

4. Search for ergonomics

5. Noble and technological materials use

6. Rational conception of the daily life

7. Rustic objects

8. Natural Shapes

9. Dark colors

10. Plain textures

3.4 Components & their specifications of Chainless Bicycle

• Bearings

• Frame

• Shaft

• Sprocket

• Axle Shaft

• Pedal Crank

• Allen Screws

• Grub Screws

3.4.1 Bearing

A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired
motion, and reduces friction between moving parts. The design of the bearing may,
for example, provide for free linear movement of the moving part or for free rotation
around a fixed axis; or, it may prevent a motion by controlling the vectors of normal
forces that bear on the moving parts. Most bearings facilitate the desired motion by
minimizing friction. Bearings are classified broadly according to the type of
operation, the motions allowed, or to the directions of the loads (forces) applied to the

Rotary bearings hold rotating components such as shafts or axles within mechanical
systems, and transfer axial and radial loads from the source of the load to the structure
supporting it. The simplest form of bearing, the plain bearing, consists of a shaft
rotating in a hole. Lubrication is used to reduce friction. In the ball bearing and roller
bearing, to reduce sliding friction, rolling elements such as rollers or balls with a
circular cross-section are located between the races or journals of the bearing

Fig 3.1 Deep groove ball bearing

A wide variety of bearing designs exists to allow the demands of the application to be
correctly met for maximum efficiency, reliability, durability and performance. The
term bearing is derived from the verb to bear a bearing being a machine element that
allows one part to bear (i.e., to support) another. The simplest bearings are bearing
surfaces, cut or formed into a part, with varying degrees of control over the form, size,
roughness and location of the surface. Other bearings are separate devices installed
into a machine or machine part. The most sophisticated bearings for the most
demanding applications are very precise devices their manufacture requires some of
the highest standards of current technology.

3.4.2 Shaft

A shaft is a rotating machine element, usually circular in cross section, which is used
to transmit power from one part to another, or from a machine which produces power
to a machine which absorbs power.

A shaft-driven bicycle is a bicycle that uses a drive shaft instead of a chain to

transmit power from the pedals to the rear wheel. Shaft drives were introduced over a
century ago, but were mostly supplanted in chain-driven bicycles.

Fig 3.2 Shafts

An automotive drive shaft transmits power from the engine to the differential gear of
a rear wheel drive vehicle. The drive shaft is usually manufactured in two pieces to
increase the fundamental bending natural frequency because the bending natural
frequency of a shaft is inversely proportional to the square of beam length and

proportional to the square root of specific modulus which increases the total weight of
an automotive vehicle and decreases fuel efficiency. So, a single piece drive shaft is
preferred here and the material of it is considered to be Titanium alloy because of its
high strength and low density. Drive shafts are carriers of torque and are subject to
torsion and shear stress, equivalent to the difference between the input torque and the
load. They must therefore be strong enough to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too
much additional weight as that would in turn increase their inertia.

3.4.3 Purpose of the Drive Shaft (Or Propeller Shaft)

The torque that is produced from the engine and transmission must be transferred to
the rear wheels to push the vehicle forward and reverse. The drive shaft must provide
a smooth, uninterrupted flow of power to the axles. The drive shaft and differential
are used to transfer this torque.

3.4.4 Functions of the Drive Shaft

1. First, it must transmit torque from the transmission to the differential gear box.

2. During the operation, it is necessary to transmit maximum low-gear torque

developed by the engine.

3. The drive shafts must also be capable of rotating at the very fast speeds required the

4. The drive shaft must also operate through constantly changing angles between the
transmission, the differential and the axles. As the rear wheels roll over bumps in the
road, the differential and axles move up and down. This movement changes the angle
between the transmission and the differential.

5. The length of the drive shaft must also be capable of changing while transmitting
torque. Length changes are caused by axle movement due to torque reaction, road
deflections, braking loads and so on. A slip joint is used to compensate for this
motion. The slip joint is usually made of an internal and external spline. It is located
on the front end of the drive shaft and is connected to the transmission.

Now days all automobiles (which are having front engine rear wheel drive) have the
transmission shaft as shown in figure. A pair of short drive shafts is commonly used
to send power from a central differential, transmission, or transaxle to the wheels.
Two piece drive shaft increases the weight of drive shaft which is not desirable in
today’s market. Many methods are available at present for the design optimization of
structural systems and these methods based on mathematical programming techniques
involving gradient search and direct search. The reduction in weight of the drive
system is advantageous in overall weight reduction of automobiles which is a highly
desirable goal of design engineer.

3.4.5 Objectives of dynamic bicycle

a) Increase durability of bicycle with the help of shaft drive.

b) Reduce maintenance cost of bicycle.

c) Increase power transmission efficiency of the bicycle.

d) Making system more reliable.

e) Reduce noise pollution using shaft drive transmission system.

3.4.6 Frame

An old bicycle frame to attach the all components with some changes in the frame of
bicycle. A frame is often a structural system that supports other components of a
physical construction and/or steel frame that limits the construction's extent. A bicycle
frame is the main component of a bicycle, onto which wheels and other components
are fitted. The modern and most common frame design for an upright bicycle is based
on the safety bicycle, and consists of two triangles: a main triangle and a paired rear
triangle. This is known as the diamond frame. Frames are required to be strong, stiff
and light, which they do by combining different materials and shapes. A frameset
consists of the frame and fork of a bicycle and sometimes includes the headset and
seat post. Frame builders will often produce the frame and fork together as a paired
set created by the steel with the help of electric arc welding process.

Fig 3.3 Bicycle Frame

3.4.7 Sprocket

A sprocket or sprocket-wheel is a profiled wheel with teeth, or cogs, that mesh with a
chain, track or other perforated or indented material. The name 'sprocket' applies
generally to any wheel upon which radial projections engage a chain passing over it.
It is distinguished from a gear in that sprockets are never meshed together directly,
and differs from a pulley in that sprockets have teeth and pulleys are smooth.

Fig 3.4 Sprocket wheel

Sprockets are used in bicycles, motorcycles, cars, tracked vehicles, and other
machinery either to transmit rotary motion between two shafts where gears are
unsuitable or to impart linear motion to a track, tape etc. Perhaps the most common
form of sprocket may be found in the bicycle, in which the pedal shaft carries a large
sprocket-wheel, which drives a chain, which, in turn, drives a small sprocket on the
axle of the rear wheel. Early automobiles were also largely driven by sprocket and
chain mechanism, a practice largely copied from bicycles. Sprockets are of various
designs, a maximum of efficiency being claimed for each by its originator. Sprockets
typically do not have a flange. Some sprockets used with timing belts have flanges to
keep the timing belt centered. Sprockets and chains are also used for power
transmission from one shaft to another where slippage is not admissible, sprocket
chains being used instead of belts or ropes and sprocket-wheels instead of pulleys.
They can be run at high speed and some forms of chain are so constructed as to be
noiseless even at high speed.

Fig 3.5 Free wheel sprocket

3.4.8 Axle Shaft

An axle is a central shaft for a rotating wheel or gear. On wheeled vehicles, the axle
may be fixed to the wheels, rotating with them, or fixed to the vehicle, with the
wheels rotating around the axle. In the former case, bearings or bushings are provided
at the mounting points where the axle is supported. In the latter case, a bearing or
bushing sits inside a central hole in the wheel to allow the wheel or gear to rotate
around the axle. Sometimes, especially on bicycles, the latter type axle is referred to

as a spindle. Axles are an integral component of most practical wheeled vehicles. In a
live-axle suspension system, the axles serve to transmit driving torque to the wheel, as
well as to maintain the position of the wheels relative to each other and to the vehicle
body. The axles in this system must also bear the weight of the vehicle plus any cargo.
A non-driving axle, such as the front beam axle in heavy duty trucks and some two-
wheel drive light trucks and vans, will have no shaft, and serves only as a suspension
and steering component. Conversely, many front-wheel drive cars have a solid rear
beam axle.

Fig 3.6 Axle shaft

In other types of suspension systems, the axles serve only to transmit driving torque to
the wheels; the position and angle of the wheel hubs is an independent function of the
suspension system. This is typical of the independent suspensions found on most new
cars and SUVs, and on the front of many light trucks. These systems still have
differentials, but will not have attached axle housing tubes. They may be attached to
the vehicle frame or body, or integral in a transaxle. The axle shafts (usually constant-
velocity type) then transmit driving torque to the wheels. Like a full floating axle
system, the drive shafts in a front-wheel drive independent suspension system do not
support any vehicle weight.

3.4.9 Pedal Crank

The pedal crank is the component of a bicycle drivetrain that converts the
reciprocating motion of the rider's legs into rotational motion used to drive the chain
or belt, which in turn drives the rear wheel. It consists of one or more sprockets, also
called chainrings or chainwheels attached to the cranks, arms, or crankarms to which
the pedals attach. It is connected to the rider by the pedals, to the bicycle frame by the
bottom bracket, and to the rear sprocket, cassette or freewheel via the chain. Bicycle

cranks can vary in length to accommodate different sized riders and different types of
cycling. Crank length is measured from the center of the pedal spindle to the center of
the bottom bracket spindle or axle. The larger bicycle component manufacturers
typically offer crank lengths for adult riders from 165 mm to 180 mm long in 2.5 mm
increments, with 170 mm cranks being the most common size. A few small specialty
manufacturers make bicycle cranks in a number of sizes smaller than 165 mm and
longer than 180 mm. Some manufacturers also make bicycle cranks that can be
adjusted to different lengths.

In mechanical or automotive engineering, a freewheel or overrunning clutch is a

device in a transmission that disengages the driveshaft from the driven shaft when the
driven shaft rotates faster than the driveshaft. An overdrive is sometimes mistakenly
called freewheel, but is otherwise unrelated.

Fig 3.7 Pedal crank

The condition of a driven shaft spinning faster than its driveshaft exists in most
bicycles when the rider stops pedaling. In a fixed-gear bicycle, without freewheel; the
rear wheel drives the pedals around.

3.4.10 Allen Screws

A socket head screw or Allen screw wrench or Allen key, is a simple tool used to
drive bolts and screws with hexagonal sockets in their heads.

The tool is usually formed of a single piece of hexagonal rod of hard steel, with blunt
ends that are meant to fit snugly into the screw's socket, bent in an "L" shape with
unequal arms. The tool is usually held and twisted by the long arm, creating a large
torque at the tip of the short arm. Reversing the tool lets the long arm reach screws in
hard-to-reach places.

Fig 3.8 Allen screws

Each key is meant to be used with screws of a specific socket size, with rather tight
tolerances; so the tool is commonly sold in kits that include half a dozen or more keys
of different sizes. Usually the length of the key increases with the size of the socket,
but not necessarily in direct proportion.

Variants of the tool have the short end inserted in a transverse handle, which may
contain multiple keys that can be folded into the handle when not in use.

3.4.11 Grub Screw

A set screw or grub screw is a type of screw generally used to secure an object within
or against another object, normally without using a nut (see bolts compared with
screws). The most common examples are securing a pulley or gear to a shaft. Set
screws are usually headless (also called blind), meaning that the screw is fully
threaded and has no head projecting past the major diameter of the screw thread. If a
set screw has a head, the thread will extend all the way to the head (whereas a bolt

might have an unthreaded shank between the head and thread). A grub set screw
(known in the US as a "blind" screw) is almost always driven with an internal-
wrenching drive, such as a hex socket (Allen), star (Torx), square socket (Robertson),
or slot. The set screw passes through a threaded hole in the outer object and is
tightened against the inner object to prevent it from moving relative to the outer
object. It exerts compressional or clamping force through the bottom tip that projects
through the hole.

Fig 3.9 Allen grub screws

Set screws are not always the best way to resist the torque of driven shafts. To reduce
the chance of slipping and to increase load capacity, a detent (often called a "flat")
may be milled or ground at the part of the shaft where the set screw's point contacts.
The detent, however, must be closely aligned with the threaded hole prior to
fastening. The operator can often feel the screw push the flat into final alignment as
they make the last half- or quarter-turn that tightens the screw. Set screws can
successfully hold against heavy-torque applications if the details are right. For
example, endmill holders of the solid type typically use large set screws holding
against flats to fasten the endmill, and heavy loads are resisted. However, small set
screws without flats are prone to spinning and galling if overloaded. The use of keys
and keyways instead of, or in combination with, set screws is common for
applications requiring high torque resistance or transmission. Splines offer yet more

3.5 Designs on software

3.10 Rear sprocket

Fig 3.11 Front sprocket

Fig 3.12 Bearing hub

Fig 3.13 Front sprocket

Fig 3.14 Rear sprocket



4.1 Steps involved in fabrication of Chainless Bicycle

4.1.1 Collect all the material and components

1) Frame of a bicycle
2) Front and rear sprocket
3) Shaft
4) Bearings
5) Axle shaft
6) Pedal crank
7) Allen screws
8) Grub screws

4.1.2 Structure or Material of Frame

Frame is generally made by the Mild steel because of its provide weldability,
Machinability and sufficient strength. Although over the years there have been such
oddities as bamboo and plastic frames, current road bikes are made of one or blends
of these four materials: steel, aluminum, titanium and carbon fiber. We get into the
differences below. But first, realize that fine bicycles are built of all these materials.
Also, two frames can be constructed of the same material yet have entirely different
ride qualities due to differences in geometry, assembly, tube shape, and material
manipulation (reinforcing a tube, for example). Which is one of the reasons it's so
important to test ride and feel the bikes you're thinking of buying.


The most traditional frame material, steel has been used by frame builders for over a
century. Many types of steel tubing are available and the material is easy to bend and
shape. Plus, there are myriad methods of assembly making steel very adaptable to
cyclists' needs. It also offers excellent ride quality, durability, is easily repaired and
affordable. If there's a knock on steel, it's that it tends to be heavy when low-quality
tubing is used (found on bikes sold at department stores). And steel can rust if treated
carelessly (protect that paintjob!).

Fig 4.1Steel frame

Entry-level steel-frame bikes are usually less sophisticated than those typically
favored by discerning cyclists and steel fanatics. But, the affordability of the lesser
steel frames usually allows you to get a better level of components. And, it's possible
to make a fine-riding steel frame on a budget by cutting back on some of the frills that
add cost. For example, such a frame might feature less-costly TIG welding compared
to the fancier lug construction on the higher-end model. High-quality steel frames
integrate great design, superior assembly, and better alloys in the tubing. A popular
quality steel for bicycle frames is American SAE 4130 steel, better known as "chrome
molybdenum," and referred to as "chromoly" or "chrome-moly." And, there are plenty
of other impressive alloys offered by tubing suppliers such as Columbus, Reynolds,
Tange and True Temper. Frames built of these materials are famous for their
combination of responsiveness and comfort. Steel is an excellent fork material. It can
be formed into any shape; even aero ones. It's plenty strong. And, it also absorbs
shock to soften rough roads. Steel forks are heavier than those built of lighter
materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber.

4.1.3 Restructure the Frame

Normal frame design is based on the chain driven bicycle. For add the new
components change the structure of the frame. Remove unrequired parts

 Carryalls
 Chain
 Axle shaft
 Front and rear sprocket
 Pedal crank
 Brakes Cleaning of paint

 Amery paper
 Acid cleaning
 Oil cleaning

4.1.4 Welding

For attaching the new components, some additional parts required to weld in the
frame of the bicycle. These parts help to join other components.

 Welding of clamp supports the bearing hubs.

 Welding of additional length to Axle Shaft.
 Welding of supporting beams.
 Welding of rear sprocket with free wheel.

All process is done by electric arc welding and gas welding. Electric Arc welding

The arc welding is a fusion welding process in which the heat required to fuse the
metal is obtained from an electric arc between the base metal and an electrode.

The electric arc is produced when two conductors are touches together and then
separated by a small gap of 2 to 4 mm, such that the current continues to flow,
through the air. The temperature produced by the electric arc is about 4000°C to

Fig 4.2 Cut away view of electric arc welding

A metal electrode is used which supplies the filler metal. The electrode may be flux
coated or bare. In case of bare electrode, extra flux material is supplied. Both direct
current (D.C.) and alternating current (A.C.) are used for arc welding.

The alternating current for arc is obtained from a step down transformer. The
transformer receives current from the main supply at 220 to 440 volts and step down
to required voltage i.e., 80 to 100 volts. The direct current for arc is usually obtained
from a generator driven by either an electric motor, or patrol or diesel engine.

An open circuit voltage (for striking of arc) in case of D.C. welding is 60 to 80 volts
while a closed circuit voltage (for maintaining the arc) is 15 to 25 volts.

First of all, metal pieces to be weld are thoroughly cleaned to remove the dust, dirt,
grease, oil, etc. Then the work piece should be firmly held in suitable fixtures. Insert a
suitable electrode in the electrode holder at an angle of 60 to 80° with the work piece.

Select the proper current and polarity. The spot are marked by the arc at the places
where welding is to be done. The welding is done by making contact of the electrode
with the work and then separating the electrode to a proper distance to produce an arc.

Fig 4.3 The Arc welding setup

When the arc is obtained, intense heat so produced, melts the work below the arc, and
forming a molten metal pool. A small depression is formed in the work and the
molten metal is deposited around the edge of this depression. It is called arc crator.
The slag is brushed off easily after the joint has cooled. After welding is over, the
electrode holder should be taken out quickly to break the arc and the supply of current
is switched off. Gas Welding

Gas welding is a fusion welding process in which the heat for welding is obtained by
the combustion of oxygen and fuel gas. The fuel gas may be acetylene, hydrogen,
propane or butane.

An intense gas flame is thus produced which melts the edges of the parts to be
welded. The molten metal is allowed to flow to Solidify together and continuous joint
is obtained.

The gas welding is particularly suitable for joining metal sheets and plates having
thickness of 2 to 50 mm. An additional metal called filler material is used for
thickness more than 15mm. This filler metal is used in the form of welding rod.

The Composition of filler rod is usually same as that of base metal. The filler metal is
used to fill up the cavity made during edge preparation. A flux material is also used
during welding to remove impurities and oxides present on the metal surfaces to be

Different combinations of gases are used to produce hot gas flame, e.g., Oxygen and
acetylene, oxygen and hydrogen, oxygen and propane, air and acetylene etc.

The combination of oxygen and acetylene is most widely used. This combination
burns to produce a highest flame temperature of about 3200°C. Such a flame
produced is known as Oxy-acetylene flame.

Fig 4.4 Low pressure acetylene generator

Oxy-acetylene flame is used for welding metals, having high melting temperature
such as mild steel, high carbon steel etc. On the other hand, Oxy-hydrogen flame is
used for welding metals having low melting temperature such as aluminum, lead,
magnesium, etc.

When a combination of oxygen and acetylene is used in correct proportions, to

produce an intense gas flame, the process is known as Oxy-acetylene welding.

An Oxy-acetylene gas flame has a temperature of about 3200°C and thus can melt all
commercial available metals. A filler rod of the same material is used to fill up the
cavity made during edge preparation, if metal thickness is more than 15 mm. A flux is
used to remove impurities and oxides present on the metal surface.

To ignite flame, open the acetylene control valve of the welding torch. The necessary
oxygen is drawn from the atmosphere to burn acetylene partially.

4.1.5 Fabrication of new parts

For making new components like face toothed sprockets, axle shaft, bearing hubs ans
shaft, the following machines were used:

 Lathe machine
 Vertical milling center
 Grinder
 Cutter
 Tap and die Lathe machine

A lathe is a machine tool which is used to rotate a workpiece to perform various

operations such as turning, facing, knurling, grooving etc., with the help of tools that
are applied to the workpiece.

The lathe is a machine tool which holds the workpiece between two rigid and strong
supports called centers or in a chuck or face plate which revolves. The cutting tool is
rigidly held and supported in a tool post which is fed against the revolving work. The
normal cutting operations are performed with the cutting tool fed either parallel or at
right angles to the axis of the work.

The function of a lathe is to remove metal from a piece of work to give it a desired
shape and size. In a lathe machine, the workpiece rotates against the tool. The tool is
used to remove material from the workpiece. The direction of the motion of the tool is
called a feed. Vertical milling center

Milling is the process of machining using rotary cutters to remove material by

advancing a cutter into a work piece. This may be done varying direction on one or
several axes, cutter head speed, and pressure. Milling covers a wide variety of
different operations and machines, on scales from small individual parts to large,
heavy-duty gang milling operations. It is one of the most commonly used processes
for machining custom parts to precise tolerances.

Milling can be done with a wide range of machine tools. The original class of
machine tools for milling was the milling machine (often called a mill). After the
advent of computer numerical control (CNC) in the 1960s, milling machines evolved
into machining centers: milling machines augmented by automatic tool changers, tool
magazines or carousels, CNC capability, coolant systems, and enclosures. Milling

centers are generally classified as vertical machining centers (VMCs) or horizontal
machining centers (HMCs).

The integration of milling into turning environments, and vice versa, began with live
tooling for lathes and the occasional use of mills for turning operations. This led to a
new class of machine tools, multitasking machines (MTMs), which are purpose-built
to facilitate milling and turning within the same work envelope.

Fig 4.5 Vertical machining center

Milling is a cutting process that uses a milling cutter to remove material from the
surface of a work piece. The milling cutter is a rotary cutting tool, often with multiple
cutting points. As opposed to drilling, where the tool is advanced along its rotation
axis, the cutter in milling is usually moved perpendicular to its axis so that cutting
occurs on the circumference of the cutter. As the milling cutter enters the work piece,
the cutting edges (flutes or teeth) of the tool repeatedly cut into and exit from the
material, shaving off chips (swarf) from the work piece with each pass. The cutting
action is shear deformation; material is pushed off the work piece in tiny clumps that
hang together to a greater or lesser extent (depending on the material) to form chips.
This makes metal cutting somewhat different (in its mechanics) from slicing softer
materials with a blade.

Fig 4.6 Face milling process

The milling process removes material by performing many separate, small cuts. This
is accomplished by using a cutter with many teeth, spinning the cutter at high speed,
or advancing the material through the cutter slowly; most often it is some combination
of these three approaches. The speeds and feeds used are varied to suit a combination
of variables. The speed at which the piece advances through the cutter is called feed
rate, or just feed; it is most often measured in length of material per full revolution of
the cutter. Grinding

A grinding machine, often shortened to grinder, is one of power tools or machine

tools used for grinding, it is a type of machining using an abrasive wheel as the
cutting tool. Each grain of abrasive on the wheel's surface cuts a small chip from the
workpiece via shear deformation.

Grinding is used to finish workpieces that must show high surface quality (e.g., low
surface roughness) and high accuracy of shape and dimension. As the accuracy in
dimensions in grinding is of the order of 0.000025 mm, in most applications it tends
to be a finishing operation and removes comparatively little metal, about 0.25 to 0.50
mm depth. However, there are some roughing applications in which grinding removes
high volumes of metal quite rapidly. Thus, grinding is a diverse field.

The grinding machine consists of a bed with a fixture to guide and hold the work
piece, and a power-driven grinding wheel spinning at the required speed. The speed is
determined by the wheel’s diameter and manufacturer’s rating. The grinding head can
travel across a fixed work piece, or the work piece can be moved while the grind head
stays in a fixed position.

Fine control of the grinding head or table position is possible using a vernier
calibrated hand wheel, or using the features of numerical controls.

Fig 4.7 Grinding or abrasive cutting

Grinding machines remove material from the work piece by abrasion, which can
generate substantial amounts of heat. To cool the work piece so that it does not
overheat and go outside its tolerance, grinding machines incorporate a coolant. The
coolant also benefits the machinist as the heat generated may cause burns. In high-
precision grinding machines (most cylindrical and surface grinders), the final grinding
stages are usually set up so that they remove about 200 nm (less than 1/10000 in) per
pass - this generates so little heat that even with no coolant, the temperature rise is
negligible. Cutting

A disc cutter is a specialised, often hand-held, power tool used for cutting hard
materials, ceramic tile, metal, concrete, and stone for example. This tool is very

similar to an angle grinder, chop saw, or even a die grinder, with main difference
being cutting disc itself, (circular diamond blade, or resin-bonded abraisive cutting
wheel for disc cutter vs. abrasive grinding wheel for angle grinder). This tool is highly
efficient at cutting very hard materials especially when compared to hand tools.

Fig 4.8 Hand held cutter

Many manual cutting tasks require a hand-held grinder using a cutting wheel. Metal
fabrication is one of the most common uses for cutting wheels. Used to cut sheet
metal, sizing metal stock for welding, cut a weld to re-weld it, and cutting and
notching steel pipe are just few examples. Die grinders and Chop saws are also
common tools used with cutting discs.

Smaller projects and smaller or more precise cuts may require a die grinder equipped
with a cutting wheel, these cutting discs are extremely thin and often less than 2
inches in diameter. Because they are so thin, they are commonly made with metal and
have a diamond coated edge for the abrasive. This type of disc cutter is good for sheet
metal and light weight or thin materials, thicker or heavier materials will need a larger
disc cutter. Tap and die

Taps and dies are tools used to create screw threads, which is called threading. Many
are cutting tools; others are forming tools. A tap is used to cut or form the female

portion of the mating pair (e.g. a nut). A die is used to cut or form the male portion of
the mating pair (e.g. a bolt). The process of cutting or forming threads using a tap is
called tapping, whereas the process using a die is called threading.

Fig 4.9 Drilling and tapping

Both tools can be used to clean up a thread, which is called chasing. However, using
an ordinary tap or die to clean threads generally removes some material, which results
in looser, weaker threads. Because of this, machinists generally clean threads with
special taps and dies—called chasers—made for that purpose. Chasers are made of
softer materials and don't cut new threads. However they still fit tighter than actual
fasteners, and are fluted like regular taps and dies so debris can escape. Car
mechanics, for example, use chasers on spark plug threads, to remove corrosion and
carbon build-up.

Fig 4.10 Steps of tapping

4.1.6 Assembly of all basic components

 Sprockets
 Bearings
 Shaft
 Bearing hub
 Axle shaft
 Pedal crank
 Brakes
 Free wheel

4.2 Parts after Fabrication

4.3 Finalization of mechanical frame

 Assembly of mechanical brakes

 Assembly of shaft driven mechanism
 Painting of frame

4.4 Shaft drive connection

Fig 4.11 Shaft drive connection

Fig 4.12 Front sprocket and bearings engagement

Fig 4.13 Rear sprocket and bearings engagement

Fig 4.14 Final fabricated model of Chainless bicycle



5.1 Comparison of shaft vs chain

Shaft drives operate at a very consistent rate of efficiency and performance, without
adjustments or maintenance, though their efficiency has been lower than that of a
properly adjusted and lubricated chain, possibly because of insufficiently precise
machining or alignment of the bevel gears. Shaft drives are typically more complex to
disassemble when repairing flat rear tires, and the manufacturing cost is typically

A fundamental issue with bicycle shaft-drive systems is the requirement to transmit

the torque of the rider through bevel gears with much smaller radii than typical
bicycle sprockets. This requires both high quality gears and heavier frame

Since shaft-drives require gear hubs for shifting, they accrue all the benefits and
drawbacks associated with such mechanisms.

Most of the advantages claimed for a shaft drive can be realized by using a fully
enclosed chain case. Some of the other issues addressed by the shaft drive, such as
protection for clothing and from ingress of dirt, can be met through the use of chain
guards. The reduced need for adjustment in shaft-drive bikes also applies to a similar
extent to chain or belt-driven hub-geared bikes. Not all hub gear systems are shaft

Our concept creates the better and improved results over the chain-drives like-

 If Chains wear, they also wear the sprockets and chain-rings and therefore all
need replacing if we leave it too long or don't lubricate often enough, but
bearings & shaft-drive system hardly needs maintenances or replacements &
smoothly controlling the bicycle with the proper enclosures of bearings with

 Chain-drives consume human-efforts [or Energy-losses] whereas our bicycle
lessens it, by smooth-transmissions while cycling.

 Chain-driven systems often create the cons of noise or jamming and vibrations on
slackness of the chain but here our product creates no jamming ( if cycling
continues to too long) and thereby reduces the noise-pollution on the roads.

 As we know very well that the major benefits of shaft-drives are lower
maintenance and running costs, and cleanliness, whereas Chain-driven-systems
need their chains adjusting regularly and they can be expensive to replace when
they wear out. They need lubricating often, especially in bad weather, which can
be messy and inconvenient.
Hence in our project we implemented the shaft-drive to fulfill the
requirements of torque transmission capacities so that it becomes useful to attain
required speeds of wheels on less-efforts.



This project-work has concluded with the motive of giving the bicycles, ease of
functioning on the present & future scenarios. It was taken to test & launch such a
version of bicycle which can turn the minds of people to use it on a large-basis &
make the roads-pollution free.

The concept chainless-bicycle is aimed to reduce the power wastage by using light
weight drive shaft connecting with bearings to make the design standardized. The
mechanism is basically an another modification over the previous mode (existed) like

We used light weight shaft-drive connected with ball bearings & we are aimed to
convert our formed-prototype into reality with removing some complications like
jamming & unwanted noise.

We reached some conclusions regarding chain-drives, gear-drives & also concerning

the weight of shafts, on reviewing some research-papers. Basically chain-drives are
left with the wear of chains or rusting in chains, at the end, even with lubricating
timely. The gear-drives using the bevel gears but having with some troubling facts
like rusting on gears (so they are require adjustments or removals) and vibrations at
high speeds. The shaft-drives were required with low-weights of shaft. Then we
concluded with the concern to implement a feature of ‘low-maintenance’ in our aimed

Regarding design-specifications, we used ball-bearings (sealed or tightened on hub

through Allen Bolts), shaft of material-Mild Steel and sprocket-wheels with such a
material-considering its mechanical properties alongwith its chemical-composition.

We have taken these components on basis of continuous improvements on designs,

drawn in softwares (on taking calculations & measurements) and then we got ready
with the prototype, aligned with them (those components).

We have fabricated our whole-design one by one on aligning each & every measured
part or designed component to our bicycle.

Testing & analysis of our work is still a concern & we can say that our product is a
prototypical concept in need for much work before all our expectations to be come

Now our futuristic expectations are based upon the functioning of our bicycle with the
key-features like smooth transmissions, high efficiency, durability & reliability (than
the previous versions of the bicycle).



 Prof. Amit Kumar Kundu | Design & Fabrication of Shaft Driven Bicycle |
IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume
2 | Issue 11 | May 2016 |

 Khan Hassan Zakariya, Kolkar Abhimanyu Dashrath | Design & Fabrication

of Shaft Driven Bicycle | IRJET -International Research Journal of
Engineering & Technology | Volume 5 | Issue 03 |Page No.-2836-2837 |
March-2018 |

 R.P. Kumar | Design and Optimization of Drive Shaft with Composite

Materials International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) |
Vol. 2 | Issue 5 | September-October, 2012 | Page-3422-3423 |

 Anup B. Patel | “Design Optimization & Analysis of Drive Shaft”, vol. 1-

issue-12 | page-432-434 | (may-2015) |

 K. Mahadevan & K. Balaveera Reddy, Machine design- Design data book:

fourth edition (2013).

 RS Khurmi & JK Gupta, Machine Design, S Chand & Co Ltd: 14th edition
(July 3, 2005).


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Our project-work the “Design and Fabrication of Chainless Bicycle” defines a chainless bicycle with its designing and
fabrication with the purpose to help the people for travelling the highly distant roads or locations with the proper ease of
rides. The term ‘chainless bicycle’ describes clearly about such kind of bicycle which is applied with a mechanism other than a
metal chain. If we talk about the mechanism so it is basically a bearing-shaft-bearing network, which introduces a light-weight
drive shaft aligned with the bearings in our project with an aim to make our design standardized. The above mechanism is
nothing but a modification over the previously existed mode of drive like the Gear-Drives. During the making of our project,
we were aimed to launch such a version of bicycle which can turn the minds of people to use it on a large-basis & make the
roads-pollution free. Hence we worked on the chainless bicycle and especially focused on its arising complications like
jamming or unwanted noise during some test-rides of it. Now On viewing the literature, we gained some facts regarding chain-
drives, gear-drives & also concerning the weight of shafts. Basically chain-drives are left with the wear of chains or rusting in
chains, at the end, even with lubricating timely. The gear-drives using the bevel gears but having with some troubling facts like
rusting on gears (so they are require adjustments or removals) and vibrations at high speeds. The shaft-drives were required
with low-weights of shaft. Hence we have concerned to implement a feature of ‘low-maintenance’ in our formed design (after
its testing & analysis-phase). Regarding design-specifications, we used ball-bearings (sealed or tightened on hub through Allen
Bolts), shaft of material-Mild Steel and sprocket-wheels with such a material-considering its mechanical properties alongwith
its chemical-composition. The conventional shaft-drive is taken with the shaft to transmit power from pedals to wheels & the
ball bearings are installed for high power-transmission to wheels efficiently (with the characteristic of minimizing friction to
lessen the human-effort). Hence we have taken these components on basis of continuous improvements on designs, drawn in
softwares (on taking calculations & measurements) and then we got ready with the prototype, aligned with them (those
components). We have fabricated our whole-design one by one on aligning each & every measured part or designed
component to our bicycle. Testing & analysis of our work is still a concern & we can say that our product is a prototypical
concept in need for much work before all our expectations to be come true. Now our futuristic expectations are based upon
the functioning of our bicycle with the key-features like smooth transmissions, high efficiency, durability & reliability (than the
previous versions of the bicycle). Some further benefits (alongwith the expectations) are also concerned for our designed-
system like- As this system will emit out no pollution hence it will be eco-friendly & health-conscious at the same time, Since
bearing-life is more than the product-life, hence it would reduce the mechanical-losses and also it will be very productive for
the riders with their habits to ride over the roads & Riders can be use it as a transport-medium in future with the
consideration of technologies (like, IT or AI-based controls).

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