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COBLAW2 NOTES Definition of ‘Right of Succession’

by: migs o Q: If a director/stockholder dies, would it

result to dissolution?
(Note: Bullets with * that sign is emphasized by Sir
A: No.
to be part of the exam)
For example: (In a movie setting) When a
stockholder dies, the heirs commonly fight to
Title I
whoever will get the stocks and who will own the
Definitions and Classifications - The company remains alive, it does not
die along with its owners.
Section 1. Title of the Code. - This Code shall be For ‘powers, attributes, and properties’
known as the “The Corporation Code of the
Philippines.” (a)
o There are three types of powers: the express,
implied and inherent powers
Section 2. Corporation Defined. A corporation
is an artificial being created by operation of law, o The main difference is that in
having the right of succession and the powers, - Express powers - these are found either
attributes, and properties expressly authorized in the law or in the Articles of
by law or incidental to its existence. Incorporation
- Implied powers - these are implied from
Notes: the express powers
Definition of ‘Artificial Being’
- Inherent (/incidental) powers - these are
o First off, we need to understand that as necessary for a corporation to exist. For
natural beings (humans), our rights, some example: The power to acquire properties
are established by law and some are simply to dispose of them. (If you don’t have that
recognized by law. kind of power then what was the purpose
o And, there’s a difference. The moment you’re of you making a corporation)
born, you’re indulged (?) with human rights.
The laws that we have do not establish Piercing the veil of corporate entity
human rights rather they simply o The premise is this that in partnerships, it has
acknowledge these rights. a separate juridical personality. However, in
o Whereas, a corporation, being an artificial the event that the partnership does not have
being would not have existed without the sufficient properties, it will have to pay off its
law. Now, without the law giving it’s creditors using the partners, general
imprimatur to its existence, it would not have properties. They will be responsible for the
even existed. payment of the debt for they are subsidiary
o That being said, all of its rights depends on
the law. If the law does not grant a o When it comes to corporations, not quite. If
corporation such power, then it is withheld say a corporation, creates liabilities or
from it. becomes debtor to third persons. Whatever
happens, maybe because of bad business
For example: Can a corporation say that I have a decision or bankruptcy, the creditors cannot
right to remain silent? run after the stockholders. Why? Because the
A: No, it doesn’t have the right which is self- veil of corporate entity is much stronger in a
incrimination. corporation.

o So, the corporation having the juridical

Q: Does it have a right on undue seizure of personality, is much stronger in a
effects, violations of its office and papers? corporation setting.
A: Yes, you can have it subpoena for you cannot
enter the property without any notice (basta o The piercing the veil of corporate entity
basta lang papasukin ) means literally piercing the veil (tho it cannot
happen in reality) but it’s like creditors can
ran after the stockholders. However, on what
incidents or grounds that this can occur?
- Note: This is just an exception and not a
general rule.
Exceptions of the Concept: wife. He was pointing out that they had
1. Alter Ego Piercing separate personality. (But, this is not
- For Example: Let’s say that the allowed)
corporation is being used by one person - The court said then that this was true,
simply as his alter ego. This corporation that the person in contact with Mr. A was
is not being used for legitimate purposes Villarey Transit. However, the
and is purely to take advantage of establishment of the new company was
corporate setting so that he can shield his way to evade his obligations from that
himself from creditors, government and contract. And, because of that, the court
others. said that it will piece the veil of corporate
entity and you can hold Villarey for
- If the corporation is being used like that, damages.
like for example you’re running several
corporations and then the only thing Summary of Definitions:
you’re doing is to ensure that the  Corporation for the benefit of a single
government is unable to exact taxes from person (Alter ego).
you, that can be the ground for alter ego  Domestic corporation is dummy for aliens
piercing.  Insolvent debtor organizes to defraud
debtors. (BUT see the tax provision allowing
2. Fraud Piercing corporations composed by five five) GOOD
- For example: Let’s say you have a FAITH
corporation, and then you have  Subsidiary is created by parent corporation
employees that you don’t want to pay to evade liability
anymore. So, you simply made a new
 Formed by the person for the purpose of
corporation and transferred the assets
evading his individual contract (Villarey,
and hired new employees. you cannot compete with me clause)
- This cannot be done for you’re basically  Dissolved and assets are transferred to
defrauding the employees in order to evade liability. Corporations may merge,
evade the payment of liabilities. consolidate, or reorganize so long as done
Note: In these instances, the courts can in good faith.
pierce the veil of corporate entity and
therefore ran after the stockholders, Let’s Compare…
directors or the officers who openly and Partnership Corporation
practically accented to this act. Consensual Yes No
• For things like that will not happen, if not Number of Two or Min. of 1
for their decisions. persons more person
composing persons
3. Equity Piercing Juridical Yes Yes
- In this part, this can be perfectly
illustrated by the case of Villarey.
Backstory: Villarey owns a bus company and Management Managing Board of
he sold it to Mr. A for P20M. However, Mr. A partner Directors or
made an agreement with Villarey that he Board of
should not compete with him for the next Trustees
five years and he agreed. (Why is this Term Limit Not Continued
important for Mr. A? The situation will be is continued Perpetually
that Mr. A will buy the company then Villarey perpetually
will buy new ones and then compete with Mr. Name In the case should be
A so the effort will be wasted.) of Limited, distinguishable
- Then, what Villarey do is that it was his Ltd. should
wife who made the new company and be present
used the same office and facility like he Transferability Only Can easily
did and they have new set of buses. of Ownership transfer of transfer status
interests as a
- Mr. A then filed a complaint for this. stockholder
However, Villarey said that Mr. A was in
Manner of
contact with Villarey Transit and not his
Governing Civil Code Revised • For governing law, in partnership, it is the
Law Corporation Civil Code. In corporation, it’s the Revised
Code Corporation Code. (*Always look at the
Advantages revised corporation code)
Disadvantages • Advantages and Disadvantages
- Partnership: If the partnership becomes
Notes: insolvent then the general partners will
• Consensual - A partnership is consensual be subsidiary liable.
because it is perfected by mere consent. Another, when you put up a partnership,
There is no corporation that will be there are reportorial requirements which
established without the Certificate of means you need to report a lot in the SEC.
Incorporation so it should be registered
o That’s why in huge corporations,
in the SEC.
there are compliance officers,
• Number of persons composing - For a which are required to perform all
partnership, it should be two or more. the reportorial requirements of
While in a corporation, it can be just one. the corporation. In corporations,
In the past, there should be a minimum there are a lot of reporting’s
of 5. because that is how the SEC
• Both has juridical personality. monitor how they are doing. It is
to ensure that the public is
• In the partnership, it’s that managing protected.
partner. In a corporation, it’s the board of
directors or board of trustees. o So every time, that directors,
stockholders or officers are
• In a partnership, it has a limited life for it changed, they need to file a
can be dissolve upon the death of a general information sheet in SEC.
partner and other circumstances. It is In a Every year/quarter, the
corporation, it is continued perpetually. corporation need to hold a
(In the past, it was 50 years.) It is also stockholder’s meeting.
allowed that a corporation will have a
o Every year, they’re required to
specific term limit as long as it is in the
submit BIR Returns and
consolidate it with BIR.
• For the name, in the case of a Limited
- Corporation: Even if the corporation
partnership, the abbreviation of Ltd.
become insolvent, the stockholders will
should be present. In corporation, it
not be held liable for the liabilities of the
should be distinguishable. Like if it is OPC
(One person corporation), Inc. or
• For the transferability of ownership, if a  Stock vs. Non-Stock
partner transfers his ownership what will  Stock Corporation - the main goal is
happen? The partner can only transfer to earn profit
interest and not make someone a new o Q: What do you call the
partner. In corporation, you can easily persons who composes a stock
transfer your status as a stockholder corporation?
simply by selling/assigning your shares to A: Corporators but aside from
another person. it you also call the people who
own the corporation as
• In manner of dissolution, it’s almost the
stockholders. They own equity
same, the difference is that in part in
in the corporation.
partnership, the one that is being
returned is the capital and profits. In  Non-Stock Corporation - it is created
corporation, it’s the same but there is no for non-profit but for the public good
something similar to limited partners, and welfare
lahat third persons muna. o They are for the non-profit
- There’s also some sort of variation when organizations.
it comes to non-stock corporation. o The people that composes them
as members.

 Corporation aggregate vs. Corporation
 Closed corporations vs. Non-closed
Sole vs. OPC
 Closed Corporation - there are three
 Corporate Aggregate - this means two or
1. The stockholders numbering in the
 Corporation Sole - it is usually used like corporation should not exceed 20.
for example: a religious corporation
2. They are not allowed to participate in
o This religious corporation is any public offering like IPO and Stock
headed by one head of the church. Exchange
He is also the only person that
3. There are restrictions as to the
composes the religious society,
transfer of shares.
that’s why it’s only one (sole).
o So, it is a common misconception
 Ecclesiastical - 2 Kinds
that a closed corporations are
 Lay
those that are composed by family
o It has two types: Eleemosynary
members. Because, before you
and Civil Corporations.
become a stock corporation, the
o Eleemosynary - these are for
charitable purposes three elements should be present.
o Civil Corporations - for business or o The next misconception is that if
you’re all family members, it is
supposed to be a closed
 Religious
o These are corporations that is
o What is the implication of these?
geared towards faith and
- It doesn’t necessarily means that if you’re
proliferation of a certain faith
a family then it is a closed corporation. It
 Domestic vs. Foreign should be registered in a certain way and
 In the country, we don’t simply that all 3 elements are present. Also,
recognized foreign corporations simply shares in this type cannot be sold easily.
by the fact that they were incorporated If you are going to sell a share, you need
outside the Philippines. The main reason to give the other stockholders,
why they are considered foreign preemptive right before you sell it. So,
corporations is that they are incorporated you’ll still give them a chance or like right
in a country which allows Filipinos and of refusal.
Filipino corporations to do business
 Parent vs. Subsidiary
there. That’s how it works.
 Parent Corporation - Usually, this is the
o In short, if you have a foreign
holding company
corporation and you want to do
business here, you have to show  Subsidiary - they are the ones being held
first that you’re country of origin by the holding company
also gives Filipinos and Filipino
Corporations has the ability to do  Corporation by prescription
business there. (This is what you  It is exercises corporate powers for an
call the law on reciprocity.) indefinite period without the interference
of sovereign power
 De Jure vs. De Facto
 De Jure - it exists in fact and in law  Example: Roman Catholic Church
because you have complied with all the o Barnes vs Ramirez
requirements in establishing a - Around 1915, Barnes arrived in the
corporation church and was wondering where are the
 De facto - It exists in reality but on paper images. It was removed because the
you’re not. So, you’re someone who did parishioners doesn’t want to support
not comply with all the requirements and Barnes as the new parish priest. That’s
yet you’re there. why they made their own (Inglesia
Aglipay/ Philippine Independent Church)
They were claiming that all the images
were theirs. They reached the Supreme
Court and was saying that it could not
possibly be owned by the Roman
Catholic Church because they are not a Section 4. Corporations Created by Special
corporation, it does not exist and it Laws or Charters. - Corporations created by
doesn’t have papers in SEC. If it could not special laws or charters shall be governed
exist then how could it own properties? primarily by the provisions of the special law or
charter creating them or applicable to them,
- A: The SC said that the Roman Catholic
supplemented by the provisions of this Code,
Church has arrived before the
insofar as they are applicable.
establishment of the laws and how could
they expect to have papers about laws Note: What we will study are private
and corporations. corporations.
 That’s why the Roman Catholic Church is
the only private owned corporation in the Corporators vs. Incorporators
Philippines that is not registered in the
Definition (*what was recited*)
 Corporators - are those who composes a
 Corp by estoppel - a corporation which corporation
was never registered in the first place so  Incorporators - are the stockholders or
the people composing it are considered members mentioned in the Articles of
as general partners. Incorporation
 It will not be a partnership but they will  Q: Are all corporators, incorporators?
be treated as general partners. A: A corporator is somebody who holds
 The reason for this is that for the third shares of stock and they change every now
persons that were defrauded, they could and then. Stockholders sells, assigns his
claim that these group of people were shares of stock to another person he
acting as if they’re in a corporation becomes a corporator.
whereas in fact they’re not. The moment An incorporator is his fait accompli meaning
they could prove that, they could treat it’s an accomplished fact which will never
these as general partners. change. Why? Because they were the
 The implications is that the law will persons whose names are submitted in the
consider them as a corporation by SEC.
estoppel and that they will be treated as
Remember: If a friend offers you to be an
general partners.
incorporator, don’t believe if he will say that
 And, in the point of view of creditors,
you’ll be removed after a period of time because
general partners can be held liable up to
you’re part of the corporation forever. Although,
the extent of their personal assets.
you’ll not be part anymore of the corporation it
Section 3. Classes of Corporations. - will be sold. However, your name will always be
Corporations formed or organized under this there.
Code may be stock or nonstock corporations.
Section 5. Corporators and Incorporators.
Stock corporations are those which have Stockholders and Members.
capital stock divided into shares and are - Corporators are those who compose a
authorized to distribute to the holders of corporation, whether as stockholders or
such shares, dividends, or allotments of shareholders in a stock corporation or as
the surplus profits on the basis of the members in a nonstock corporation.
shares held. - Incorporators are those stockholders or
o These two attributes should be members mentioned in the articles of
present in a stock corporation. incorporation as originally forming and
All other corporations are nonstock composing the corporation and who are
corporations. signatories thereof.

*Recitation Answers with Sir*
• If there is only 1 stock in a corporation,
it’s shares of stock and if you have a  Stockholder vs. Member
share then, it would be like you have a
 Stockholder - the corporators in a stock
share of stock.
 Members - for the nonstock corporation

 Promoters  Authorized Capital Stock - means there’s
 They are the one who invite people to a ceiling or an amount of shares which
join the venture. you can sell.
o For kind of this stock, there is a
 Subscribers (par value) per share
o They are the persons who are willing
to pay. Why is this important? There is o For example: P10 par value, the
a difference with the persons who has minimum shares that you can sell
already paid. Although, as a is worth P10. It cannot be lower
subscriber you can already subscribe but can definitely be higher but
and already pay. However, it doesn’t there are implications.
mean that you already paid and If value at P10, then you’ll buy
you’re a subscriber. 100 shares. You need to pay
 Basically, what you did was to promise P1000. (The 1K should be kept
that you will be purchasing these specific by the corporation. That should
number of shares. be part of the trust fund
*Definition in the PPT* Q: Can you sell higher than the
 Stockholder vs. Member par value?
 Stockholder - Stock Corporation A: Yes. For example: They can
 Member - Non-Stock sell it at P20 so they can gain
profit. If they buy 100 shares,
 Promoters then you’ll pay 2K. (The
 Persons who bring about or cause to amount that you will be
bring about the formation and keeping in the Trust Fund
organization of a corporation Doctrine will be only 1K
because you have a par
 Subscribers value.) The other 1K will be
 persons who agreed to take and pay for recognized as Cash Premium.
original, unissued shares of a corporation
Anything above the par value
formed or to be formed.
is cash premium.

Q: If you bought from a stockholder, shares of  Capital Stock - these are for corporations
stock, would you consider him/her (the buyer) a issuing shares of stocks but without par
subscriber? value
A: No, because it’s original and unissued. o For it doesn’t have par value, you
Although, it can happen that you can assign the can sell it at any amount. But not
subscription. You’ll transfer the right and the lower than P5 for it is the issued
duty to buy, that can happen. value.
o What is the catch if it’s capital
But, if you bought shares from an existing stock? Since there is no par value,
stockholder, technically speaking, those are you can’t hide a minimum, instead
transfer of shares and you’re not subscribing any you need to keep everything in the
more. trust fund.
 Outstanding Capital Stock
 Capital vs. Capital Stock (*p.226)  There is someone who already purchased
 Capital - the money of the corporation. It or subscribed
also changes over time while;  It’s competitor is the treasury shares
 Capital Stock - it doesn’t change over  Paid-up capital vs. Subscribed vs.
time. Unissued Capital Stock
 Paid-up capital - it was paid already
 Authorized Capital Stock vs. Capital
Stock  Subscribed - you simply promised to
 Both of these stocks are considered for a pay
stock corporation.
 Unissued Capital Stock - it still not

 Shares of Stock vs. Certificate of Stock lower amount is a form of
 Shares of Stock - it is what you actually dishonesty.
own o For example: P9/par value and you
 Certificate of Stock - a manifestation or a sold 500 shares so it’s 4,500 but
piece of evidence of that particular what you recorded was for 10/par
ownership value and sold 500 shares means
o However, it doesn’t mean that you 5000. It means that you have
lost the certificate of stock, you’re recorded 5K but in reality, you
no longer the owner. only have 4,500.
o Remember: If you subscribe for a o So the people or the third persons
specific number of shares, you’re that will be relying on your Articles
not entitled to receive a certificate of Incorporation will be misled.
of stock until you have fully paid That’s why watered stocks are not
your subscription. allowed.
It may be that you’ve already Unrestricted retained earnings
subscribed yet you haven’t
 Any portion of company earning that
paid so you won’t get the
are not assigned to a specific purpose
certificate of stock yet.
 These are profits which you have kept
Trust Fund Doctrine and which are not yet earmarked for
a particular purpose. It hasn’t been
designated yet (*and with that you
 Subscriptions to the capital stock of a
could do anything with the
corporation constitute a fund to
unrestricted retained earnings).
which the creditors have a right to
look for the satisfaction of their claims Why is it important?
- It is where the corporation declares its
Explanation of Sir
dividends from. Hindi ka pwede mag
 This means that all your subscription
declare ng dividends na akala mo kita
to the capital stock constitutes a fund
lang. Kailangan sobra sobrang kita yon.
in which creditors have a right to look
for, for the satisfaction of their claims. Notes:
o The declaration of dividends, especially
 For example: The corporation
cash and stock dividends. It cannot be
becomes bankrupt, and they don’t
done simply by the corporation
have money to pay for the liabilities.
whenever it pleases.
The presumption of the law is that
you have money that you haven’t o Cash Dividends
spent and what is that? (*Lahat ng - It could be declared by the directors. But,
benta or proceeds ng shares ay dapat ofc they have to meet and agree that
ay tinatago ng corporation and hindi these are unrestricted retained earnings.
ginagamit.) That capital should always
o Stock Dividends
be intact because the creditors of the
- It has to be approved by the stockholders
corporation can look for those funds
and the board of directors.
in order to satisfy their claims.
 The importance of this concept is that,
 It means even though the corporation
this is where you get the dividends from
may be in the state of bankruptcy, the
and this is where you get the money, in
presumption is that they have money.
case you need to repurchase some of the
Watered down stocks or “Watered shares of the corporations. For at some
Stocks” instances, you can repurchase the shares
of the corporation.
 Stock that is issued for less than its  For example: There has been delinquency
par or issued value so the corporation will get it back and if
Notes: they have sold it in a public auction then
o Selling a stock at a lower par value they could buy. (*In accounting, the entry
without informing the would be [debit - unrestricted retained
stakeholders that you sold it at a earnings & credit - accounts receivable)

2nd Synch Class - Once it is delinquent, they cannot vote
Notes: and they also do not have the right to
 Common vs. Preferred earn dividends at that points, except cash
 Common
- What explicitly stated in the constitution  Principle of Equality of Shares
is that there should always be in a  All shares of the company (*by default)
corporation, a class of shares which has
shall be treated equally, if not otherwise
complete voting rights.
stipulated in law or provided under the
Why is that so important? articles of incorporation.
- Because, a corporation, moves on its own
 For example: What you did was, you went
as an entity but it have to be decided
to the SEC, filed the default Articles of
upon not just by the directors but as well
Incorporation because it’s not stated
as the stockholders who will eventually
there if you want preferred or something
elect the directors.
else unless you include it. Unless, the
- So, there must always be a share with
Articles of Incorporation that you’re
complete voting rights which is called the
going to submit will state the concept of
common shares/stock.
preferred shares. Because, if it is not
 Preferred stated then by default, all shares are
- They are given preference when it comes considered common. Everyone has
to certain things. voting rights.
- For example: The most usual preference  Because of this principle, unless you limit
is in the declaration of dividends or the otherwise, the default is that it would
preference in receiving surplus, later on. have equal rank in terms of privilege or
 However, despite this, there is a draw rights.
back. If you have preferred shares, this is Notes from Questions:
usually deprived of voting rights. The - If you’re buying a share, you can choose
company has an option to give it voting
whether it would be common or
rights however by default, it does not
preferred. Unless, if the company only
have voting rights. (*which means they offers common or preferred then you
don’t have the right to elect members of don’t have other choice but to buy that.
the board of directors.) - It is also allowed to buy both stocks.
Note: However, there are certain matters Remember: This is not a matter of right. It will
wherein shares without voting rights can vote. only be a matter of right, if it will be about pre-
There are only 2 kinds where there is no voting emptive right.
right: preferred and redeemable.
- For example: You increase your
 Voting Shares authorized capital stock. That increase
 Basically shares which has voting rights. means first dibs of all existing
stockholders. With that, that is your right
Q: Can common shares be deprived of voting and it is demandable. However,
rights? otherwise, this is an open contract of sale
A: Yes. which means it is really up to the buyer
- For example: they have delinquent and seller to agree on whether or not
shares. Once they become delinquent, they want to proceed with the sale. So, if
they are not anymore allowed to vote. a corporation don’t want to sell to you a
- Q: Is delinquency similar to failure to pay share, then you don’t have a choice but
a subscription? to just accept it. The only time where the
A: No. It should be delayed payment in corporation don’t have a choice is
subscription meaning there is a call from technically, where the corporation cannot
the board of directors and you did not do something about it if they are publicly
heed the call or natapos na yung term offered shares. (*those in the Stock
and when you already need to pay and Exchange.) Again, they are considered
you haven’t done it that’s when you’ll be securities.
place in default and because of that
you’re shares will be declared delinquent.

- Security/Securities - is anything that you e.) Increase or decrease of authorized
buy wherein you expect profits through capital stock;
the efforts of others. f.) Merger or consolidation of the
- For example: You buy investments, that’s corporation with another corporation
considered as securities and that should or business in accordance with this
Code; and
be registered in the SEC.
- In merger, you have two constituent
Section 6. ….. Holders of non-voting shares corporations, one is absorbed by the other,
shall nevertheless be entitled to vote on the so much so that only one will survive.
following matters; A+B = A
*Non-Voting Shares - Preferred and Redeemable - In consolidation, you have two
Note: However, in these following instances, they constituent corporations and neither of
are allowed to vote. them survives and they create a new one.
- As you can notice, these matter are of A+B = C
extreme importance, not just for the
stockholders but also for the corporation g.) Investment of corporate funds in
as a whole. another corporation or business in
a.) Amendment of the articles of accordance with this Code; and
incorporation; - Q: Is that so bad if you invest some funds
to another corporation? A: Well, it’s not
b.) Adoption and amendment of bylaws;
that bad.
- Bylaws - are internal rules. These are rules
which are attended to the corporation and - The source of concern is an instance
its directors, officers, and stockholders. wherein you have a corporation is that if
you’ll invest it to a field far different from
- For example: what is the manner of voting, your corporation, if it’s like a near industry
eligibility concerns (*especially in non- with yours then maybe it’s acceptable.
stock corporation where there is no shares
of stock, that’s why your membership is - A corporation should invest only with
dependent on whether you maintain good allied industries.
standing) h.) Dissolution of the Corporation
c.) Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge,
or other disposition of all or Section 7. Founders’ Shares. - Founders’ share
substantially all of the corporate may be given certain rights and privileges not
property; enjoyed by the owners of other stock. Where
the exclusive right to vote and be voted for in
- This is important, why? For example: you the election of directors is granted, it must be
have a corporation then you sold for a limited period not to exceed five (5)
everything, Q: Can you still operate the years from the date of incorporation:
next day? A: No, because you don’t have Provided, That such exclusive right shall not
any property anymore for it will affect be allowed if its exercise will violate
your operations. Commonwealth Act. No. 108, otherwise
d.) Incurring, creating, or increasing known as the “Anti-Dummy Law”; Republic
bonded indebtedness; Act No. 7042, otherwise known as the “Foreign
Investments Act of 1991”; and otherwise
- “bonded” - for example: Company A says known as “Foreign Investments Act of 1991”;
that I will build you a bridge, Company B. and other pertinent laws
However, B isn’t keen to the track record
of A. Instead, if you want, you can get a - Has special rights and privileges
bond. So, there is a bonding company (*or - May be given exclusive right to vote or me
what you call performance surety bond), A voted for 5 years from the date of
will talk to the bonding company and tell incorporation.
them what he promised A. If he fails to
deliver his promise, the bonding co. will Note:
pay B. So, if A really fails to fulfil the
- Remember the promoter, to persuade
promise, the bonding co. will pay B. Then,
potential investors they promise to give
B will not ran after A anymore bcos he’s
them founder shares.
- “the date of incorporation” is a new part of
Q: Is A free of his liabilities? the article. In the past, this isn’t included in
A: No, the bonding company has indemnity article. It becomes a leeway especially
agreement against A. Whatever happens, A will during the start of the corporation for
still pay the bonding company. So, in the POV of A, you’ll never know when will you have a
it’s more of an onerous obligation. tug-of-war between you and the other

stockholders over the control of the o Because, this is an obligation under
corporation. a contract. You are contractually
o In the past, it is in the bylaws obligated to buy back those shares.
stating that from the time that they So, whether or not you have extra
demand. money, you have to buy back those
Section 8. Redeemable Shares. - Redeemable
shares may be issued by the corporation when - Q: For example, the shares was redeemed
expressly provided in the Articles of already, what will happen to the shares?
Incorporation. They are shares which may be A: It will now be considered as Treasury
purchased by the corporation from the Shares.
holders of such shares upon the expiration of
a fixed period, regardless of the existence of Section 9. Treasury Shares. Treasury shares
unrestricted retained earnings in the books of are shares of stock which have been issued
the corporation, and upon such other terms and fully paid for, but subsequently
and conditions stated in the articles of reacquired by the issuing corporation through
incorporation and the certificate of stock purchase, redemption, donation, or some
representing the shares, subject to rules and other lawful means. Such shares may again be
regulations issued by the Commission. disposed of for a reasonable price fixed by the
board of directors.
Limitations: - Shares which are previously issued by the
1. Redeemable shares may be issued only corporation but subsequently reacquired
when expressly provided for in the by the corporation.
Articles of Incorporation;
- *Can be re-issued, unless retired.
2. The terms and conditions affecting said - *They are not entitled to dividends.
shares must be stated in the certificate of - *They are not entitled to voting rights.
stock representing such share; - *These shares may again be disposed of for
3. Redeemable shares may be deprived of a reasonable price fixed by the Board of
voting rights in the Articles of Directors.
4. The corporation is required to maintain a Notes:
sinking fund to answer for redemption Q: Do you think treasury shares can vote?
price if the corporation is required to A: No, because the shares are inside the
company, and remember that the one who
5. The redeemable shares are deemed makes the decision for the corporation is the
retired upon redemption unless otherwise board of directors and if it will have voting rights
provided in the articles of Incorporation.
then it’ll look like a joke. They will circumvent the
Notes: law, for example if they have the shares, then
- The rationale here is that for example: A is they can block the decisions which can be the
a promoter and is persuading you to invest director and they can override the decision by
in the corporation that A will be making the stockholders because they’ll also be the one
which he tells is the ‘next big thing’.
to vote.
However, you don’t trust A because of his
bad skills in business, that’s why A wants
to issue you redeemable shares. Q: Will they earn dividends?
A: No. Because they own it already and the
- Redeemable Shares is within a fix period
profits it will make will just go back to the
of time, the company will have to buy back
those shares. As long as the company will company.
continue to operate for example, in the
next three (3) years. • For example: Let’s assume that the
corporation has 1000 shares in the
o Q: How will they do this? Where are
they going to get the money? treasury with P1 par value.
Should it be in unrestricted Q: Can the corporation resell these treasury
retained earnings? shares?
A: No, because in the law, it says A: Yes, it can be.
‘regardless’ of the unrestricted
retain earnings. So, this is an Q: Can the corporation sell the share for P5
exception to the rule. In which, each?
when you need to buy back shares, A: Yes because pumasok na yung par value nung
you need to have unrestricted trust fund. Remember, when you say treasury
retained earnings. (*Here, it is not shares, these were fully paid for and issued, but
needed) Why?
subsequently reacquired. In short, it has been Each incorporator of a stock corporation must
issued before which means it’s been paid own or be a subscriber to at least one (1) share of
already. So, you have already complied with the the capital stock.
trust fund doctrine in the first sale of the share.
A corporation with a single stockholder is
So, when the shares returns to you, it has been considered a One Person Corporation as
already fully paid which means you can sell it at described in Title XIII, Chapter III of this Code.
any price even below the par value. Because, the
trust fund doctrine has not been violated.  Who is a professional?
 Someone who must have gone up to
study. Not only that, he went not only to
 Who can incorporate? [Sir then changed a rigorous training that has sequence of
the question to who can’t incorporate]
qualifications but also has a government
 Deaf and mute people can incorporate as
long as they are literate, if they’re not
 Has completed a prescribed field of study
then they can’t incorporate. Insane
or special training, education or skill
people can’t also incorporate unless
 Passed a licensure examination or
they’re in the lucid interval. Also, minors
complied with regulatory requirements
can’t incorporate.
 Member of a good standing of that
 How many does it take to incorporate?
 Follows a set of standards or code or
 It only takes one to incorporate provided
that it’s an OPC. In corporate aggregate,
 Example: (Medical Technicians, Brokers,
at least two. It is stated in the law that
Lawyers, Accountants)
singly or jointly with others.

 Can corporations incorporate?  Is there a term limit for corporate

 Yes, it is now allowed. existence?
 Nowadays, there is no term limit.
 What are the qualifications of an However, corporations can have term
incorporator? limits, they can impose upon themselves
 They should be a stockholder in the term limits in their Articles of
company. They should at least own one Incorporation.
share or if there’s no shares of stock then
he should at least be a member.  What is the rule on corporations already
in existence prior to the effectivity of the
 Can lawyers or accountants incorporate? Revised Corporation Code?
 Yes, they can as long as they don’t form
a corporation in order to perform their  In the past, the term limit was only 50
functions as professionals. years, so does that mean when the
 So, for example: if you’re a lawyer, you Revised Corporation Code was
can put up a hardware. The only time that implemented their life added up another
you won’t be allowed is when you’ll start 50 years? Can they exist even if they don’t
a corporation where you’ll practice your do anything? A: Yes, they don’t need to
profession. (*You can only do that do anything. It’s automatic if you had
through a partnership.) many years already in the past, you now
become perpetual.
Section 10. Number and Qualifications of
Incorporators. – Any person, partnership,  What about corporations whose terms
association or corporation, singly or jointly with have already expired prior to the
others but not more than fifteen (15) in effectivity of the Revised Corporation
number, may organize a corporation for any Code?
lawful purpose or purposes: Provided, That  Those companies can file a petition for
natural persons who are licensed to practice a revival. (*Lazarus Doctrine)
profession, and partnerships or associations
organized for the purpose of practicing a
 What about corporations whose licenses
profession, shall not be allowed to organize as a
corporation unless otherwise provided under have been revoked prior to the effectivity
special laws. Incorporators who are natural of the Revised Corporation Code, can
persons must be of legal age. they petition for revival?

 No, they did something bad which was • If for example: They suddenly want to cut
the cause of their license to be revoked the life of the corporation to 2032, will
so why would they be bring back to life they still need to wait for 3 years prior to
the subsequent expiry date? A: No they
which will not make sense.
don’t need to wait, they can cut it already.

SEC. 11. Corporate Term. – A corporation shall

have perpetual existence unless its articles of SEC. 12. Minimum Capital Stock Not Required
incorporation provides otherwise. of Stock Corporations. – Stock corporations
shall not be required to have a minimum capital
Corporations with certificates of incorporation stock, except as otherwise specifically provided
issued prior to the effectivity of this Code, and by special law.
which continue to exist, shall have perpetual
existence, unless the corporation, upon a vote of SEC. 13. Contents of the Articles of
its stockholders representing a majority of its Incorporation. – All corporations shall file with
outstanding capital stock, notifies the the Commission articles of incorporation in any of
Commission that it elects to retain its specific the official languages, duly signed and
corporate term pursuant to its articles of acknowledged or authenticated, in such form and
incorporation: Provided, That any change in the manner as may be allowed by the Commission,
corporate term under this section is without containing substantially the following matters,
prejudice to the appraisal right of dissenting except as otherwise prescribed by this Code or by
stockholders in accordance with the provisions of special law:
this Code.
(a) The name of the corporation;
A corporate term for a specific period may be
extended or shortened by amending the articles (b) The specific purpose or purposes for which
of incorporation: Provided, That no extension the corporation is being formed. Where a
may be made earlier than three (3) years prior to corporation has more than one stated purpose,
the original or subsequent expiry date(s) unless the articles of incorporation shall indicate the
there are justifiable reasons for an earlier primary purpose and the secondary purpose or
extension as may be determined by the purposes: Provided, That a nonstock corporation
Commission: Provided, further, That such may not include a purpose which would change or
extension of the corporate term shall take effect contradict its nature as such;
only on the day following the original or
subsequent expiry date(s). (c) The place where the principal office of the
corporation is to be located, which must be within
A corporation whose term has expired may apply the Philippines;
for a revival of its corporate existence, together
with all the rights and privileges under its (d) The term for which the corporation is to exist,
certificate of incorporation and subject to all of its if the corporation has not elected perpetual
duties, debts and liabilities existing prior to its existence;
revival. Upon approval by the Commission, the
corporation shall be deemed revived and a (e) The names, nationalities, and residence
certificate of revival of corporate existence shall addresses of the incorporators;
be issued, giving it perpetual existence, unless its
application for revival provides otherwise. (f) The number of directors, which shall not be
more than fifteen (15) or the number of trustees
No application for revival of certificate of which may be more than fifteen (15);
incorporation of banks, banking and quasi-
banking institutions, preneed, insurance and trust (g) The names, nationalities, and residence
companies, non-stock savings and loan addresses of persons who shall act as directors or
associations (NSSLAs), pawnshops, corporations trustees until the first regular directors or
engaged in money service business, and other trustees are duly elected and qualified in
financial intermediaries shall be approved by the accordance with this Code;
Commission unless accompanied by a favorable
recommendation of the appropriate government (h) If it be a stock corporation, the amount of its
agency. authorized capital stock, number of shares into
which it is divided, the par value of each, names,
• If for example: The corporation included in nationalities, and residence addresses of the
the stipulation that the life of the corp. will original subscribers, amount subscribed and paid
up until 2021-2121 only. However, they by each on the subscription, and a statement that
changed their mind on 2022 that they’ll some or all of the shares are without par value, if
change the articles. That is not allowed, applicable;
you can only do that 3 years (2068) prior
to the subsequent expiry date.
(i) If it be a nonstock corporation, the amount of is wrong. The thing that you’re going to
its capital, the names, nationalities, and residence count is the equity. So, it means that even
addresses of the contributors, and amount if there is only one person, if he holds
contributed by each; and
99% or 2/3 which is about 67%, then he
(j)Such other matters consistent with law and could decide on his own and it does not
which the incorporators may deem necessary and require the so called, majority or 2/3 by
convenient. sheer number.
 What are the steps? How can the
An arbitration agreement may be provided in the
articles of incorporation pursuant to Section 181 corporation indicate to the SEC what they
of this Code. want to amend?

 How does one incorporate?  Is a meeting of stockholders/board of

- Go to the SEC directors always necessary to amend the
 What are the government agencies articles?
- Primarily, the SEC. However, if you need - There should always be meeting for the
secondary licenses, SEC will refer you to board of directors.
that agencies.
- Secondary Licenses - are like clearances Note:
from other agencies then that’s the time - Not all events or matters can be taken
they will or they can approve the into the manner of written assent. It is
application. only a general rule.
 Is there a form?
- The default form is the Articles of - For example: You are going to enter into
Incorporation. a merger or consolidation with another
 Can incorporators draft their own articles corporation, or you’re going to sell all or
of Incorporation instead of using the form? substantially all of the assets of the
- Yes they can. corporation or if you’re going to dissolve
the corporation or many others. It is not
enough that you’ll only have written
3rd Synch Class assent. There should be an actual
(*From the Discussion of Sir)
Q: What’s the difference of the written
 How does one amend the articles of assent?
Incorporation? - In written assent, the scenario is that you
- You amend the articles by way of two can simply send the letter and all you
ways of approval: majority of the board have to do is to take the check box, if they
of directors and then when you get approve or not approve.
approved there, it would be subjected for
- For example: you’re going to amend the
ratification or approval of stockholders..
articles of incorporation, and all you’re
*Remember: When the law says 2/3 of the going to do is to ask the stockholders,
outstanding capital stock, we’re talking about would you like us to adapt this seal or this
the equity and not the number of people per seal, take the check box. Imagine if you’ll
head. still ask for a meeting for decisions like
- For example: Let’s say in a corporation, you
have a situation wherein only 1 person out of - So, as a general rule if you’re going to
100 owns 99% of the outstanding capital stock, change anything in the articles of
if you tell me that what is required would 2/3 or incorporation, written assent would
majority of the stockholders, that would be suffice. (*which means you don’t need to
definitely wrong because you’ll be counting by have a meeting, you just need to send
the number of shareholders which is not true. them or just have a proof that you have
One person holding 99% could very well written assent to whatever the thing or
determine by himself alone 2/3 or the majority. phrase that you are going to amend in
the articles. However, if it fits into the
• Do not ever say that 2/3 or majority of the instances where there should be a
stockholders. Because, whenever you say meeting, then there should be a meeting.
stockholders, you count per head which
 What is the concept of amendment by Q: Does the SEC automatically approve
inaction? amendments?
- This is about the inaction of the SEC. For A: No, they have to look into it.
an instance, the articles of incorporation
has been sent and was received by the Q: What are the possible grounds for denial of
SEC and SEC did not do anything. the amendment?
- The SEC is given 6 months to make an act A: ex. unlawful (Sec. 16)
on the application and beyond that the
amendment will be deemed approved. Q: What should the SEC do if it disapproves an
- It gives a mandate to the SEC to approve amendment?
or disapprove the application. It doesn’t A: SEC needs to inform the corporation and give
say that you need to approve it, but, If them time to change it.
you’re going to disapprove them, tell
them immediately within 6 months SEC. 16. Grounds When Articles of
otherwise if you don’t approve or Incorporation or Amendment May be
disapprove, it is deemed approved Disapproved. – The Commission may
already. disapprove the articles of incorporation or
any amendment thereto if the same is not
Q: How are you supposed to advise the SEC that compliant with the requirements of this Code:
Provided, That the Commission shall give the
these are the portions that you are going to
incorporators, directors, trustees, or officers a
amend? reasonable time from receipt of the
A: You need to underscore them. disapproval within which to modify the
objectionable portions of the articles or
SEC. 15. Amendment of Articles of amendment. The following are grounds for
Incorporation. – Unless otherwise prescribed such disapproval:
by this Code or by special law, and for
legitimate purposes, any provision or matter (a) The articles of incorporation or any
stated in the articles of incorporation may be amendment thereto is not substantially in
amended by a majority vote of the board of accordance with the form prescribed herein;
directors or trustees and the vote or written
assent of the stockholders representing at (b)The purpose or purposes of the
least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding corporation are patently unconstitutional,
capital stock, without prejudice to the illegal, immoral or contrary to government
appraisal right of dissenting stockholders in rules and regulations;
accordance with the provisions of this Code.
The articles of incorporation of a nonstock (c)The certification concerning the amount of
corporation may be amended by the vote or capital stock subscribed and/or paid is false;
written assent of majority of the trustees and and
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members.
(d)The required percentage of Filipino
The original and amended articles together ownership of the capital stock under existing
shall contain all provisions required by law to laws or the Constitution has not been
be set out in the articles of incorporation. complied with.
Amendments to the articles shall be indicated
by underscoring the change or changes made, No articles of incorporation or amendment to
and a copy thereof duly certified under oath articles of incorporation of banks, banking
by the corporate secretary and a majority of and quasi-banking institutions, preneed,
the directors or trustees, with a statement that insurance and trust companies, NSSLAS,
the amendments have been duly approved by pawnshops, and other financial
the required vote of the stockholders or intermediaries shall be approved by the
members, shall be submitted to the Commission unless accompanied by a
Commission. favorable recommendation of the appropriate
government agency to the effect that such
The amendments shall take effect upon their articles or amendment is in accordance with
approval by the Commission or from the date law.
of filing with the said Commission if not acted
upon within six (6) months from the date of
filing for a cause not attributable to the

Notes: If the corporation fails to comply with the
Commission’s order, the Commission may
• “Preneed” hold the corporation and its responsible
- one thing why the congress inserted directors or officers in contempt and/or hold
this in the articles is that, they are now them administratively, civilly and/or
criminally liable under this Code and other
included so that they will be governed
applicable laws and/or revoke the
properly (*it was due to the incident of registration of the corporation.
CAP investment fail)
- it is stated that incase that the Note:
amendment would be involving banks,
they need to go to BSP first and they - Remember that there are two barometers
need to seek its endorsement. on the law on corporate name:
- same thing with insurance commissions o First, it should be distinguishable.
or pawnshops o Second, if such name is not yet
protected by law, or when its use
Q: What are the rules on corporate name?
is contrary to existing law, rules
A: (Sec. 17) The rule right now is that it should
and regulations.
be distinguishable. It’s not anymore deceptively
similar or identical.
- Example: The name of your business is
SEC. 17. Corporate Name. – No corporate name Mcdoo Ice Cream.
shall be allowed by the Commission if it is not Q: Do you think that’s possible?
distinguishable from that already reserved or A: No. for there are already certain names
registered for the use of another corporation, which have already acquired a secondary
or if such name is already protected by law, or meaning, one of which in this example is
when its use is contrary to existing law, rules McDonalds.
and regulations.
o The name is protected by the law
A name is not distinguishable even if it especially if it was registered
contains one or more of the following: under Intellectual Property Rights.
- Now for example: even though SEC, has
(a) The word “corporation”, “company”,
already approved of your name, there
“incorporated”, “limited”, “limited liability”,
or an abbreviation of one of such words; and can still be an instance where SEC can
remove the name and the order is
(b) Punctuations, articles, conjunctions, summary (which means mabilisan like
contractions, prepositions, abbreviations, aalisin agad) If the SEC believes that the
different tenses, spacing, or number of the name you’re using has been protected by
same word or phrase. the law already then the SEC can
immediately order the removal of your
The Commission, upon determination that the
corporate name.
corporate name is:
- If you would not comply then you can be
(1) not distinguishable from a name already held in contempt and/or hold them
reserved or registered for the use of another
administratively, civilly or criminally
(2) already protected by law; or
(3) contrary to law, rules and regulations, may
summarily order the corporation to Q: What is a certificate of Incorporation? What
immediately cease and desist from using such is the significance of its issuance?
name and require the corporation to register
a new one. - The certificate of incorporation certifies
the existence of the corporation legally.
The Commission shall also cause the removal - It is the document that signifies the birth
of all visible signages, marks, advertisements,
of the corporation.
labels, prints and other effects bearing such
corporate name. Upon the approval of the new - Take note that upon the issuance of
corporate name, the Commission shall issue a certificate of Incorporation, that is the
certificate of incorporation under the only time that the corporation actually
amended name. comes alive. It’s not the filing of the
articles of Incorporation for that is the
operative fact rather it’s the issuance of Incorporation but there are requirements
the certificate of Incorporation. that you haven’t complied yet.
- Q: Should it be received or just the mere
- In short, they are still a corporation it’s
issuance of the certificate is enough?
just that they failed to comply with all of
A: Just the issuance is enough. As long as
the requirements.
it was issued, that is the time wherein the
birth of the corporation is recognized.
 What is de jure corporation?
SEC. 18. Registration, Incorporation and
Commencement of Corporate Existence. – A  What is a corporation by Estoppel?
person or group of persons desiring to - They are not a corporation, they formed
incorporate shall submit the intended a corporation that doesn’t exist in the first
corporate name to the Commission for place. They misrepresented to third
verification. If the Commission finds that the persons saying that they are a
name is distinguishable from a name already corporation but they are really not.
reserved or registered for the use of another
- These persons (*those who
corporation, not protected by law and is not
contrary to law, rules and regulations, the misrepresented) will be considered as
name shall be reserved in favor of the General Partners who is liable up to the
incorporators. The incorporators shall then extent of their personal assets.
submit their articles of incorporation and
bylaws to the Commission.  Which type of corporation is susceptible
to an attack over the issue of corporate
If the Commission finds that the submitted
documents and information are fully
compliant with the requirements of this Code,
other relevant laws, rules and regulations, the  How is the attack commence, and who
Commission shall issue the certificate of initiates the attack?
De Jure De Facto Corporation
A private corporation organized under this by Estoppel
Code commences its corporate existence and Exists both in Exists in fact, Assume to act
juridical personality from the date the fact and in but not in law. as a
Commission issues the certificate of law. corporation
incorporation under its official seal and knowing it to
thereupon the incorporators, be without
stockholders/members and their successors authority
shall constitute a body corporate under the Complied Filed the No Articles of
name stated in the articles of incorporation with all articles of Incorporation
for the period of time mentioned therein, requirements Incorporation filed
unless said period is extended or the for but failed to
corporation is sooner dissolved in accordance incorporation comply with
with law. all
---- for
 What is a de facto corporation? Cannot be Can be Can be
- These are corporations which haven’t directly or directly collaterally
fully complied with all of the collaterally attacked attacked.
requirements, meaning they lack certain attacked.
Attack Attack may be
initiated by initiated by
- Q: Would you consider a corporation or
the OSG anyone.
group of persons who never filed articles
of Incorporation before the SEC as
someone whose forming a de facto
corporation? SEC. 19. De facto Corporations. – The due
incorporation of any corporation claiming in
A: If you never filed anything in the SEC, good faith to be a corporation under this Code,
you’re a corporation by Estoppel, a de and its right to exercise corporate powers,
facto corporation is you filed articles of shall not be inquired into collaterally in any
Incorporation with the SEC and you have private suit to which such corporation may be
also been issued with certificate of a party. Such inquiry may be made by the

Solicitor General in a quo warranto
- So, in a way, he can use it to attack the
corporation, saying that he don’t have
Notes: anything against Y because they don’t
• Solicitor General - is the lawyer of the even have juridical personality which
government. The word ‘solicitor’ is just means they can’t file a case against Y.
another fancy word for lawyer. That is the issue which the court can to
o What is the work of the Solicitor resolve even though it’s a collateral issue.
General? Because, the corporation is one by
- He is the lawyer of the government estoppel.
incases for and against the state. So, if the o Now, for example it’s a de facto
state will be filing a case, it would be then corporation. Can Y still do the
represented by the Solicitor General. If a same? No. They need to go to the
case will be filed against the state, it Solicitor General and let the office
would be the Solicitor General that will file a case against the de facto
fight for the state. corporation.
• Quo Warranto - this has medieval origins.
SEC. 20. Corporation by Estoppel. – All persons
- The word ‘quo warranto’ literally means who assume to act as a corporation knowing it
by whose authority. to be without authority to do so shall be liable
- So being applied in the lesson, if you as general partners for all debts, liabilities
and damages incurred or arising as a result
have a de facto corporation, the solicitor
general is saying “by whose authority are
you acting as a corporation” whereas in Provided, however, That when any such
fact you have failed to comply with all of ostensible corporation is sued on any
the requirements. That is what a quo transaction entered by it as a corporation or
warranto proceeding is. on any tort committed by it as such, it shall not
be allowed to use its lack of corporate
- A quo warranto proceeding is available personality as a defense. Anyone who assumes
against a de facto corporation and it can an obligation to an ostensible corporation as
only be done by way of direct attack. such cannot resist performance thereof on the
‘Direct Attack’ means that it is the main ground that there was in fact no corporation.
issue in the case, meaning a case was
filed specifically to satisfy that purpose. Scenario #2:
That is what the court is going to resolve. - For example: you filed Articles of
As opposed to collateral attack, it is just a Incorporation before the SEC then they
side issue. issued you a Certificate of Incorporation,
dated April 21, 2021. So, you were happy
• Collateral Attack - In this attack, the
and promised to you will start operating
purpose is to obtain some relief, which is
immediately. However, when you woke
only incidental and not the main object
up the next morning there was text from
of the suit or proceeding.
GF telling that ‘break na kayo’ so you
- The subject in this attack are for example:
were so disheartened that you went to
the corporations by estoppel.
Sagada for 6 years. Then, you returned in
For example: A, B and C never formed a year 2027. By that time, you were already
corporation and never filed for articles of okay and told yourself that you will begin
Incorporation, buy they pretended as if they operating.
were. They have X&Co. which is not Q: Can you still do that?
registered. They had a contract with Y and A: No, because if you don’t operate within 5
under the contract Y is liable to X & Co. for
years from the date of its incorporation then
1M. The case that was filed by X & Co. to Y is your Certificate of Incorporation will be
a collection of sum of money. So, the issue is deemed revoked.
that you have a debt and if it’s due already.
These are the questions that should be *Change of Date*
resolved by the court and no other issue. - Example: On April 22-27, you began
However, for they are a Corporation by operating. Then on the 28th, your GF
Estoppel, Y can say that why would they sent you a breakup text and then you
collect money from him if they are not a went away for 6 years.
Q: Upon your return, can you still operate? could lawfully represent a person on a
A: suit, the board of directors will have to
determine who will it be.
Notes: - In short, they still have to name a person
- Your job is to operate immediately. If who will represent them. Because, that
you don’t do it for the next five years, person will be the one who will sign
then it is deemed revoked. papers that will be sent to the court.
- However, if a corporation has - BOD applies to a stock corporation.
commenced its business but
subsequently becomes inoperative for a  Board of Trustees, who are they?
period of at least five (5) consecutive - BOT applies to a non-stock corporation.
years, you will be placed in a delinquent
status.  What are their powers?
- There are 3 powers of the BOD
SEC. 21. Effects of Non-Use of Corporate They are in charge of the business,
Charter and Continuous Inoperation. – If a They are the ones who are in charge of
corporation does not formally organize and
exercising the corporate powers, and
commence its business within five (5) years
from the date of its incorporation, its They are the one who controls the
certificate of incorporation shall be deemed properties.
revoked as of the day following the end of the
five (5)-year period.  When shall they be elected?
- In annual stockholders meeting and
However, if a corporation has commenced its that’s the time where they will elect who
business but subsequently becomes
will the directors will be.
inoperative for a period of at least five (5)
consecutive years, the Commission may, after
due notice and hearing, place the corporation  How long are their terms of office?
under delinquent status. - For a director, it’s only one (1) year.
- For a trustee, not exceeding three (3)
A delinquent corporation shall have a period years.
of two (2) years to resume operations and
comply with all requirements that the Note: The difference of the revised corporation
Commission shall prescribe. Upon compliance
code from the past code is that the staggard
by the corporation, the Commission shall
issue an order lifting the delinquent status. form was removed.
Failure to comply with the requirements and
resume operations within the period given by  What is the minimum qualification for
the Commission shall cause the revocation of each director/trustee?
the corporation’s certificate of incorporation. - For a director, owns at least one (1) share
of stock.
The Commission shall give reasonable notice
- For a trustee, you must at least be a
to, and coordinate with the appropriate
regulatory agency prior to the suspension or member of the corporation.
revocation of the certificate of incorporation
of companies under their special regulatory
jurisdiction. TITLE III
 Board of Directors, who are they?
SEC. 22. The Board of Directors or Trustees of
- They are the brains of the operation. They a Corporation; Qualification and Term. –
will be the one deciding. On the other Unless otherwise provided in this Code, the
hand, the officers are their arms and board of directors or trustees shall exercise
hands in the daily operations of the the corporate powers, conduct all business,
business. and control all properties of the corporation.
Note: There are also some officers who
Directors shall be elected for a term of one (1)
are directors.
year from among the holders of stocks
- They could be held liable for their
registered in the corporation’s books, while
decisions in the corporations (for trustees shall be elected for a term not
example: they patently assented to an exceeding three (3) years from among the
unlawful act). But, as to the person who members of the corporation. Each director
and trustee shall hold office until the
successor is elected and qualified. A director limit, maximum number of board
who ceases to own at least one (1) share of memberships and other requirements that
stock or a trustee who ceases to be a member the Commission will prescribe to strengthen
of the corporation shall cease to be such. their independence and align with
international best practices.
- For example: They are removed by the ---
stockholders or they die (*referring to the
directors or trustee), the replacement will Quorum
only hold over the position for the - The minimum number of members of a
remainder of the term that is not yet group or committee required to be in
expired from the director/trustee. attendance in order for that group to be
able to take action.
The board of the following corporations
vested with public interest shall have
independent directors constituting at least - So for example: If there are 9 BOD, what
twenty percent (20%) of such board: is the most minimum number of assent
to a particular vote for us to amend the
a) Corporations covered by Section 17.2 of articles?
Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise known as A: It would be 5 for this example. But if
“The Securities Regulation Code”, namely these 5 are what consists of the quorum
those whose securities are registered with the
then only the majority of it is needed
Commission, corporations listed with an
exchange or with assets of at least Fifty million which is 3.
pesos (P50,000,000.00) and having two
hundred (200) or more holders of shares, - In any meeting of the BOD, the first thing
each holding at least one hundred (100) you need to do is to identify if there was
shares of a class of its equity shares; a quorum.

b) Banks and quasi-banks, NSSLAs,

• Why is this important?
pawnshops, corporations engaged in money
- Remember: When the BOD transacts
service business, pre-need, trust and
insurance companies, and other financial business, they don’t transact individually.
intermediaries; and They transact as a board.
- And, for them to compose a board that is
c) Other corporations engaged in business authorized to do business, the first thing
vested with public interest similar to the they need to have is quorum.
above, as may be determined by the
Commission, after taking into account
In the example: The quorum in a 9 BOD is
relevant factors which are germane to the
objective and purpose of requiring the 5. If the 5 of them attend, then there is
election of an independent director, such as quorum. If 3 out of 5 voted for Yes then
the extent of minority ownership, type of the decision is carried. Why?
financial products or securities issued or - If there is no quorum, ‘umuwi na kayo’.
offered to investors, public interest involved Because, the board is not speaking.
in the nature of business operations, and
other analogous factors.
Now for example: there 15 BOD, 7
An independent director is a person who, attended and all of them said Yes.
apart from shareholdings and fees received Q: Carried or Not Carried?
from the corporation, is independent of A: Not Carried, Because only 7 people
management and free from any business or attended and it did not reach the
other relationship which could, or could quorum.
reasonably be perceived to materially
interfere with the exercise of independent - In this instance, if 8 Directors attended,
judgment in carrying out the responsibilities
can they transact business? A: Yes. If 5 out
as a director.
of 3, said yes then it is carried.
Independent directors must be elected by the
shareholders present or entitled to vote in - Next instance, if 8 attended and 4 said
absentia during the election of directors. yes and also 4 said no. Is it carried? A: No.
Independent directors shall be subject to
rules and regulations governing their
qualifications, disqualifications, voting
requirements, duration of term and term
Remember: - *Another is that if they are in ownership
- Of everything that was mentioned in the of non-voting shares such as Preferred
revised corporation code, if it said that and Redeemable. They are shares which
Majority of the BOD, the general rule is could be deprive of voting rights.
Majority of the Quorum. Not the majority - Another, is what we call the Founder
of the absolute. Shares which is within a period of 5 years,
he/she is reserved with the power to vote
- When is the absolute majority needed? If
and to be voted in the BOD, this is also
the decision that will be made is about
considered a limitation.
who will be the officers.
- If they are to determine the officer, for a
- Remember for the BOD, when you file
15 member BOD, 8 of them attended, it
your articles of Incorporation, the BOD is
is needed that all of them said yes. Why?
already stated there.
Because 8 is the absolute majority of the
o The presumption is that they
already have a term of one (1) year
unless the bylaws says otherwise.
Who are independent directors?
- Is a person who has no shareholding in
- BOT will have a maximum term of office
another company which may create bias
of three (3) years.
on the way of how he will be going to
o However, as denoted this is only
decide for and behalf of the corporation.
the maximum, it doesn’t
- So, there should be no interest which necessarily means that it’s always
could form a conflict of interest in making like this. They might have some
a decision as a director and his status as other arrangement in the bylaws
a person. wherein it can say that the term of
- They should also have one (1) share of office will only be a year.
stock. o Example: In real life, there are a lot
- Stockholders elects them. of non-stock corporation who
- This is a concept that is in the article to only elect for one year but the
ensure corporations vested with public maximum is really 3 years.
interest will have a separate set of eyes
looking after the corporation that would - With respect to the BOD and Bot,
be unbiased and whose judgement will obviously, the persons who are going to
not be clouded. elect them are the stockholders.

4th Synch Class - Also, remember that when you draft the
bylaws, it important that you state the
 Election of Board of Directors, when is it manner of voting, who are eligible to
held? vote, and what date is it supposed to be
- The first election will probably be held on or the mechanism that you want to
the first stockholder’s meeting which is happen. If these are not stated in the
one year. bylaws, then it is presumed that
everybody who have shares on a
 Who can elect the BOD/BOT? particular date during the stockholder’s
- With respect to the BOD and Bot, meeting is eligible to cast a vote.
obviously, the persons who are going to
elect them are the stockholders.  In what manner could stockholders vote?
 There are three methods on exercising
 What is the procedure? your right to vote.

 Who are not allowed to vote? a) Straight Voting

Note: It is safe to say that there are certain - How does this work?
shareholders like while they are shareholders o For example: If you have 100
but they are still not allowed to vote. shares and there are 5 positions
- One reason is that shares which are that you can vote for (*which
delinquent, they cannot vote. means there are 5 directors), you
have 500 votes.
o So with this votes, how are you number of directors to be elected
going to exercise your right to multiplied by the number of the
vote or how are you going to cast shares owned; or
your ballot?
- Also remember that even though there
are only 5 directors, it doesn’t mean that (c) distribute them on the same principle
there’s only 5 people running for that among as many candidates as may be
position. seen fit:
o Example: There are 10 people
running for that position (Letters Provided, That the total number of votes cast
A-J), so if you are going to exercise shall not exceed the number of shares owned by
your straight voting you will the stockholders as shown in the books of the
exercise it by distributing the corporation multiplied by the whole number of
votes equally. directors to be elected: Provided, however, That
o So you’ll give equal 100 votes to A, no delinquent stock shall be voted. Unless
B, C, D and E. Like you can choose otherwise provided in the articles of
5 then you’ll give them 100 each. incorporation or in the bylaws, members of
nonstock corporations may cast as many votes
b) Cumulative Voting as there are trustees to be elected but may not
c) Cumulative Voting by distribution cast more than one (1) vote for one (1)
- How does this work? candidate. Nominees for directors or trustees
o For one candidate, whoever he receiving the highest number of votes shall be
votes for receives the votes. declared elected.
o For example: You can give 500
 Who are corporate officers?
votes to one candidate of your
- There are a lot of officers in a corporation
however these corporate officers whose
- What is this kind of voting good for? offices are existent because of the bylaws.
o If you are the voter/stockholder,
this will benefit you if you are part  Who are statutory corporate officers?
of the minority. Why? Because by - This is the bare minimum because it is
concentrating your votes to a required by the law.
single person, all persons or
stockholders who are part of the  Who elect the officers?
minority can elect a representative - The board.
at the board.
Q: Here, is the quorum determined and only the
- This way of voting is the most capricious
of all. It’s up to the voter how he will majority of the quorum will elect?
distribute the vote. A: No. Remember that here the absolute
o For example: He can give 5 votes majority is what always needed.
to A, no vote for B, 100 to C and - For example: If there are 5 directors, there
even 300 for D. It really depends should be 3 who will elect a corporate
on him. officer.
Notes: - It is not allowed that you got 3 directors
- These three manners of voting are then you have quorum then the majority
available to all stockholders. They can’t of the quorum is 2, then you’ll have
be deprive of these voting rights. Why? corporate officers. NO, that is not
Because it is part of their right as allowed.
- Here it should always be absolute
 The said stockholder may:
(a) vote such number of shares for as
many persons as there are directors
to be elected;

(b) cumulate said shares and give one (1)

candidate as many votes as the

 Minimum qualifications?
Q: Can you be the treasurer and the corporate
secretary at the same time?
- The president must be a director (and
A: Yes but you cannot hold the concurrent
when you’re a director it means you’re a
position of being the president and being the
corporate secretary or being the president and
- The treasure must be a resident then a
treasurer at the same time.
secretary must be both a citizen and
resident of the PH. Why is it different?
o Remember, that the corporate 1. Statutory Corporate Officers - the 4 in
secretary’s job/main functions is Sec. 24
to certify certain actions by the 2. As provided by the By-Laws - must be
Board of Directors, so usually clearly stated in the By-Laws that such
he/she releases a corporate office is a corporate office.
secretary certificate and what is 3. Those designated by the Board of
the content? Directors provided the Board of Directors
o He is usually telling other people is authorized to do so by the By-Laws.
or whoever who will see that
certificate that he is the corporate SEC. 24. Corporate Officers. – Immediately after
secretary and that there was a their election, the directors of a corporation must
formally organize and elect:
meeting held on this date and on
that date, this was the resolution (a) a president, who must be a director;
released by the board. Also, this
(b) a treasurer, who must be a resident;
corporate secretary certificate is
under oath before a notary public. (c) a secretary, who must be a citizen and
So, it means that he should be a resident of the Philippines; and
resident citizen so that he can be (d) such other officers as may be provided in the
held liable. So he cannot simply bylaws. If the corporation is vested with
certify and ran off. public interest, the board shall also elect a
compliance officer.
- In which corporations are compliance The same person may hold two (2) or more
officers required? positions concurrently, except that no one shall
o Corporations vested with public act as president and secretary or as president and
interest. treasurer at the same time, unless otherwise
o Also, it is not necessary for every allowed in this Code.
corporation to have a compliance The officers shall manage the corporation and
officer. However, if it’s necessary perform such duties as may be provided in the
the corporation must appoint one. bylaws and/or as resolved by the board of
- What is the downside if a corporation
don’t appoint a corporate officer?  Disqualifications of a director, trustee or
o The SEC said that if there is no officer? (Section 26)
compliance officer, the - (1) Final Judgement over a crime which
corporations is not only in punishes the offense for six years and
violation of the corporation code more
but the president will be burdened
- (2) One of the violation which can make
by the responsibility and duties of
you be disqualified as director, is if you
being the compliance officer.
deprive a stockholder the right to
see/inspect the corporate books when
Q: Can you be the president and secretary at the
necessary. (*When they are allowed to do
same time?
that and then you deprive them of that
A: No
which is looking at the books then you
Q: Can you be the president and treasurer at the can be liable for an administrative case in
same time? the SEC.)
A: No
Q: Can you be the secretary and corporate
secretary at the same time?
A: Yes
SEC. 26. Disqualification of Directors, Trustees - Let’s say A, B and C died of COVID-19 during
or Officers. – A person shall be disqualified from the middle of their term.
being a director, trustee or officer of any Q: Who will then decide their replacements?
corporation if, within five (5) years prior to the A: It would be the remaining directors who
election or appointment as such, the person would name the replacement of the late
was: directors.
- Then, for example D also died of COVID-19.
(a) Convicted by final judgment:
Q: Who will now select the replacements?
(1) Of an offense punishable by
imprisonment for a period exceeding - The first thing you need to know is the
six (6) years; reason for the vacancy, and in this case it was
because A,B,C and D died.
(2) For violating this Code; and o If the reason for vacancy is because
of removal of the directors or
(3) For violating Republic Act No. 8799, expiration of the term, automatically
otherwise known as “The Securities the one who will elect their
Regulation Code”; replacement would be the
(b) Found administratively liable for any o (Because the one who decided the
offense involving fraudulent acts; and removal of a director are
stockholders so they would also be
(c) By a foreign court or equivalent foreign same people who can elect or find
regulatory authority for acts, violations replacement for the directors)
or misconduct similar to those o (On the other hand, If their term ends
enumerated in paragraphs (a) and (b) then it means a new set of directors
above. is needed.)
Note: - A: So, in these two instances, it would be the
- If by a foreign court you were adjudged stockholders who would select the
to be liable for A and B , in other words replacement.
if you were convicted of final judgement - However, if the grounds for the vacancy
in another jurisdiction which essentially where other than removal or expiration of
the term, the rule would be that it would be
punishes the same crime or the same
the Board of Directors who will elect the
administrative liability then you would be
replacement provided that they could
disqualified in becoming a director or constitute quorum. If they can no longer
officer here in the country. constitute quorum, then that’s the time that
- For Example: Let’s say you created a they will have to seek the vote of the
ponzi scheme (like a pyramiding scam) in stockholders.
United States and then you were held
liable by the SEC Counterpart in US, you SEC. 28. Vacancies in the Office of Director or
cannot become a director here. Trustee; Emergency Board. – Any vacancy
occurring in the board of directors or trustees other
The foregoing is without prejudice to than by removal or by expiration of term may be
qualifications or other disqualifications, which filled by the vote of at least a majority of the
the Commission, the primary regulatory agency, remaining directors or trustees, if still constituting a
or the Philippine Competition Commission quorum; otherwise, said vacancies must be filled by
may impose in its promotion of good corporate the stockholders or members in a regular or special
meeting called for that purpose.
governance or as a sanction in its administrative
When the vacancy is due to term expiration, the
election shall be held no later than the day of such
Note: expiration at a meeting called for that purpose. When
- For example: If you will be held guilty by the vacancy arises as a result of removal by the
the Philippine Competition Commission stockholders or members, the election may be held
(PCC) of creating barriers to entry, you on the same day of the meeting authorizing the
can be disqualified from holding removal and this fact must be so stated in the agenda
positions as a director or an officer in an and notice of said meeting. In all other cases, the
election must be held no later than forty-five (45)
entirely different corporation.
days from the time the vacancy arose. A director or
trustee elected to fill a vacancy shall be referred to as
*Scenario #3: (in the finals) replacement director or trustee and shall serve only
- There are 7 directors namely: A,B,C,D,E,F, for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office.
and G.
Note for this part: In all elections to fill vacancies under this section, the
- Now, at least no later than forty-five (45) procedure set forth in Sections 23 and 25 of this Code
shall apply.
days the vacancy should be filled in. In
the past this rule was not included in the ----
article but now it is and must be followed.
 How can directors/trustees be removed?
However, when the vacancy prevents the remaining
- The stockholders has the power to
directors from constituting a quorum and emergency
action is required to prevent grave, substantial, and remove however there is a voting
irreparable loss or damage to the corporation, the requirement.
vacancy may be temporarily filled from among the - The question is what is the voting
officers of the corporation by unanimous vote of the requirement? What is the threshold
remaining directors or trustees. The action by the needed to be met in order to remove
designated director or trustee shall be limited to the
directors or trustees?
emergency action necessary, and the term shall cease
within a reasonable time from the termination of the o A: For Stock Corporation, Any
emergency or upon election of the replacement director of a corporation may be
director or trustee, whichever comes earlier. The removed from office by a vote of
corporation must notify the Commission within the stockholders holding or
three (3) days from the creation of the emergency representing at least two-thirds
board, stating therein the reason for its creation. (2/3) of the outstanding capital
Note for this part:
o A: For Non-Stock Corporation,
- Q: What is an Emergency Board?
majority of the members that are
- A: The Emergency Board is when because
able to vote.
of removal or vacancy prevents the
remaining directors in constituting a  Who can remove directors/trustees?
forum, and why would they convene an
Emergency Board? For there is an  Should a meeting be held?
emergency act that is required. - Yes. It must be opened up at must be
- They really need the composition of the participated by stockholders and
board in order to transact. members.
- Remember: That when there’s a meeting
and you cannot constitute quorum, what  What are the grounds for removal?
was the act that one should do? A: Uwi na
- Q: Can a director be removed because of
lang. But, another option is that you can his political views?
also call other members of the board to A: According to Sec. 27, it may be with or
constitute a quorum. without cause. So, the moment they no
- Truth be told, If there is no quorum, then longer have confidence in the directors,
there was a vacancy, it should be the they can have them removed. Same thing
stockholders already. The only exception
with the trustees. It is because they
to this rule is when there’s an emergency served for the pleasure of these
in which case you need to create an stockholders.
emergency board.
- Q: Is it easy to create an emergency SEC. 27. Removal of Directors or Trustees. –
board or are there limitations to the Any director or trustee of a corporation may be
creation of this board? removed from office by a vote of the stockholders
A: There are limitations in terms of the holding or representing at least two-thirds (2/3)
length. It’s limited to only the emergency of the outstanding capital stock, or in a
nonstock corporation, by a vote of at least two-
action necessary. So, after the emergency
thirds (2/3) of the members entitled to vote:
is over the board must be disbanded. Provided, That such removal shall take place
either at a regular meeting of the corporation or
Any directorship or trusteeship to be filled by at a special meeting called for the purpose, and
reason of an increase in the number of directors in either case, after previous notice to
or trustees shall be filled only by an election at a stockholders or members of the corporation of
regular or at a special meeting of stockholders or the intention to propose such removal at the
members duly called for the purpose, or in the
meeting. A special meeting of the stockholders
same meeting authorizing the increase of or members for the purpose of removing any
directors or trustees if so stated in the notice of the
director or trustee must be called by the
secretary on order of the president, or upon

written demand of the stockholders representing - They could have compensation in this
or holding at least a majority of the outstanding part of the article: Provided, that the
capital stock, or a majority of the members stockholders representing at least a
entitled to vote. If there is no secretary, or if the
majority of the outstanding capital stock
secretary, despite demand, fails or refuses to
call the special meeting or to give notice or majority of the members may grant
thereof, the stockholder or member of the directors or trustees with compensation
corporation signing the demand may call for and approve the amount thereof at a
the meeting by directly addressing the regular or special meeting.
stockholders or members. Notice of the time -
and place of such meeting, as well as of the o The limitation in this is that as long
intention to propose such removal, must be given
as it does not exceed 10% of the
by publication or by written notice prescribed in
this Code. Removal may be with or without net income of the corporation
cause: Provided, That removal without cause before taxes in the preceding year.
may not be used to deprive minority - So, they can have compensation naman
stockholders or members of the right of pala then why was the compensation
representation to which they may be entitled only an exception?
under Section 23 of this Code. o To motivate them to do better, coz
if they receive salary then they
The Commission shall, motu proprio or upon
would look at it like just the same
verified complaint, and after due notice and
hearing, order the removal of a director or trustee work with a normal position
elected despite the disqualification, or whose o If you become elected as a
disqualification arose or is discovered Director, it comes with the
subsequent to an election. The removal of a prestige that you are supposed to
disqualified director shall be without prejudice to do your best. You’re supposed to
other sanctions that the Commission may impose exert your effort in sailing the
on the board of directors or trustees who, with
corporation into a clear and better
knowledge of the disqualification, failed to
remove such director or trustee. source. At the end of the day, to
motivate them to do well, you’re
 Do directors receive compensation? not given a regular salary.
- As a rule they do not receive This is not like that you will go
compensation, they are not being paid by to office from 8am-5pm just to
way of salary or wages. fulfill your duties. The real
- Remember: There is a difference between reward comes in if you were
salaries and wages. able to direct the corporation
o Salaries are much higher than to success. If you were able to
wages. bring success to the
o Wages speaks of daily wage. corporation, then that’s the
o Nevertheless, both of them are time that you will reap the
considered as compensation benefits. And, How will you
packages. reap these benefits?
Remember, that these
- Directors are not being paid monthly or directors have shares and the
daily. It is not what you commonly receive more shares they have, it could
on a regular basis.
lead to or be realized as
- Q: What do they receive as a whole? dividends that they had good
A: Per diems is per day. That’s why there decision making and hard
is a kasabihan, Carpe Diem which means work.
seize the day. Then, it could translate to
Q: What is being paid here? money eventually.
A: If you attend, then give you a There are also directors who
representation allowance and have small shares in the
transportation allowance (RATA). corporation so does that mean
o The point here is that they don’t that they would be less
receive normal salaries or sweldo. motivated? Answer: No,
because they could still be
given compensation by the

SEC. 29. Compensation of Directors or Trustees. – they are issued less than its par
In the absence of any provision in the bylaws fixing value.
their compensation, the directors or trustees shall not
receive any compensation in their capacity as such,
except for reasonable per diems: Provided however, - Remember that there is a difference on
That the stockholders representing at least a majority doing something in good faith and doing
of the outstanding capital stock or majority of the something out of bad faith.
members may grant directors or trustees with o There’s also a difference between
compensation and approve the amount thereof at a doing something while in good
regular or special meeting. faith supposedly but because the
law requires you to know, you can
In no case shall the total yearly compensation of
directors exceed ten (10%) percent of the net income never be in good faith. What do
before income tax of the corporation during the you mean by this?
preceding year. o In COBLAW1, it says there that
ignorance of the law excuses no
Directors or trustees shall not participate in the one in the compliance therewith.
determination of their own per diems or
Definition in the PPT:
Corporations vested with public interest shall submit
to their shareholders and the Commission, an annual What is Business Judgment Rule?
report of the total compensation of each of their
directors or trustees. General Rule: Courts will NOT Interfere in the
decisions made by the Board of Directors on
 What is business judgement rule? matters concerning the internal affairs of the
- It protects the board from frivolous corporation.
- We have this rule because if a director Exception: Unless such contracts are so
decides for a corporation, the unconscionable and oppressive as to amount to
presumption is that he/they made it in a wanton destruction of rights of the minority.
good faith. (Ingersoll v. Malabon Sugar., G.R. No. L-- 16977,
- The courts cannot intervene with respect Apr. 21, 1922)
to the judgement of the board.
- Remember: When you make decisions as Still has connection with Business Judgment
part of the board, the presumption is that Rule:
you made it in good faith. However
SEC. 30. Liability of Directors, Trustees or Officers.
sometimes there are business decisions – Directors or trustees who willfully and knowingly
which you may regret eventually. But if vote for or assent to patently unlawful acts of the
they were business decisions rather than corporation or who are guilty of gross negligence or
decisions motivated by bad faith. The bad faith in directing the affairs of the corporation or
courts cannot tell the BOD na like ito sana acquire any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict
yung dapat ginawa niyo. The courts with their duty as such directors or trustees shall be
liable jointly and severally for all damages
cannot substitute their discretion with
resulting therefrom suffered by the corporation, its
that of the Board. stockholders or members and other persons.
o For when the board made that
decision, while it may turn out as a Note: (*Included in Exam)
bad business decision, it does not - Jointly and severally is just a fancy term
mean that they committed for solidary
something illegal. - Like what is the liability? Is it joint or
- However, there is a thin line between the Solidary. The answer is Solidary.
business judgement rule and violation of
a law. A director, trustee, or officer shall not attempt to
o If the decision made is oppressive acquire, or acquire any interest adverse to the
corporation in respect of any matter which has been
or was done in bad faith to the
reposed in them in confidence, and upon which,
minority. equity imposes a disability upon themselves to deal
o Another is that if they accented or in their own behalf; otherwise the said director,
allowed to the issuance of watered trustee, or officer shall be liable as a trustee for the
stocks. This can be used against corporation and must account for the profits which
them because the issuance of this otherwise would have accrued to the corporation.
stocks are definitely illegal. For
 Who is a disloyal director? Self-dealing Director
- A director, trustee, or officer shall not - For example: A,B,C,D, and E are the
attempt to acquire, or acquire any directors of X & Co. The company is
interest adverse to the corporation in looking for a warehouse to lease or rent.
respect of any matter which has been They looked into different places and
reposed in them in confidence, and upon they couldn’t find anything, only a
which, equity imposes disability upon property belonging to A.
themselves to deal in their own behalf; - So if A enters into contract of lease. With
otherwise the said director, trustee or X & Co. in his personal capacity. He is a
officer shall be liable as trustee for the self-dealing director. Because he’s a
corporation and must account for the director in the same company who will be
profits which otherwise would have dealing with him in his personal capacity.
accrued to the corporation. For he is part of the one who will make a
- If you are soliciting the business of the decision for he is a director in the
corporation for your own benefit or for company. So, he is a director in the
the benefit of another corporation. company at the same time, the
- For example: The corporation will buy a contracting party.
land in which the area where it is situated
is very profitable then the owner of the - The rule is if the same situation happens,
land was your friend so you bought the the contract entered into by A and X &
land before the corporation was able to Co. is merely voidable. And as learned
do so. You knew that there opportunity from COBLAW1, the contract is valid until
behind it because you were also a annulled. It can also be ratified. It is still
director. valid however it is susceptible to being
annulled by the stockholders.
SEC. 33. Disloyalty of a Director. – Where a - Q: How are we going to make this kind of
director, by virtue of such office, acquires a contract completely valid?
business opportunity which should belong
A: There are requisites mentioned in Sec.
to the corporation, thereby obtaining profits
to the prejudice of such corporation, the 31.
director must account for and refund to the o The first requisite for it to be valid
latter all such profits, unless the act has been is that A’s presence in the meeting
ratified by a vote of the stockholders
wherein the contract would be
owning or representing at least two- thirds
approved should not be necessary
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock. This
provision shall be applicable, notwithstanding to constitute quorum.
the fact that the director risked one’s own Example: Only 3 Directors are
funds in the venture. present, A,B, and C.
Q: Is there a quorum here?
 Who is a self-dealing director? (Sec.31) A: Yes there is quorum because
- The director who contracts with the 3 out of 5 attended.
corporation. Q: Is A’s presence necessary to
- Q: Why are trustees, officers or fourth civil constitute the quorum?
degree of consanguinity are also A: Yes
included in this prohibition?
- So, in this example the first pre-requisite
A: As under the revised corporation code,
has not been satisfied which is that for it
it even applies to contracts entered into
to be completely valid, A’s presence
by the corporation with the relative of the
should not be present for it to constitute
director or to the relative of the officer up
to the fourth civil degree.
o Fourth Civil Degree - for example: For example: If 4 of them
A’s father is B and his brother is C already attended, A,B,C and D.
- this only a two degrees Q: Is there a quorum?
consanguinity. If affinity or in-laws. A: Yes
o A,B,C,D and E or up to the first Q: Is A’s presence needed to
cousin. This is the fourth degree of constitute quorum?
consanguinity. A: No, for B,C and is already

o The second requirement is that A’s consanguinity or affinity is voidable, at the
vote should not be needed for the option of such corporation, unless all the
contract to be approved. following conditions are present:
For example: The votes was
(a) The presence of such director or trustee in the
Y|N|Y|Y. Was A’s vote necessary board meeting in which the contract was
to approve the contract? approved was not necessary to constitute a
A: No, so the requirement was quorum for such meeting;
When will the requirement be (b) The vote of such director or trustee was not
not satisfied? necessary for the approval of the contract; (c) The
contract is fair and reasonable under the
A: If for example, E attended
and he voted No. Y|N|Y|Y|N.
Q: Was the second (d) In case of corporations vested with public
requirement satisfied in this interest, material contracts are approved by at
instance? Was A’s vote not least two-thirds (2/3) of the entire membership
necessary in order to approve of the board, with at least a majority of the
the contract? independent directors voting to approve the
A: No, because his vote was material contract; and
need for the contract to be
(e) In case of an officer, the contract has been
approved. previously authorized by the board of directors.

o The third requirement is that the Where any of the first three (3) conditions set
contract must be fair and forth in the preceding paragraph is absent, in the
reasonable. case of a contract with a director or trustee, such
You have to look at the contract may be ratified by the vote of the
stockholders representing at least two-thirds
contract. Like how much is the
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock or of at
price, how long would be the least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in a
terms, what is the going rate meeting called for the purpose: Provided, That
now and more. full disclosure of the adverse interest of the
directors or trustees involved is made at such
o The forth requirement is a newly
meeting and the contract is fair and reasonable
added one in the article. under the circumstances.
With respect to corporations
which requires independent  Who is an interlocking director?
directors because there is a - For example: A, B, C, D, and E are directors
public interest involved. It is in X & Co. Then, we have F, G, H, I and A
needed that 2/3 of the entire which are directors in Y & Co.
membership of the board must Q: Do we have a common director in both
have approved it plus the companies?
independent directors must A: Yes, it’s A.
have also approved it.
- So, if both of the companies will have a
o The last pre-requisite was just contract and for they have a common
repeated in the previous article. director, the rule is that it is a interlocking
When it comes to the officers, director and the rules for this might be
if they are involved, it should applied.
have been previously - So, in X & Co. - A has 80% shares. In Y &
authorized by the board of Co. - A has 5%. (*It may be that A loves X
directors. & Co. for he has more shares in that
- Now, if these pre-requisites are not company compared to Y & Co.)
present, the contract is only voidable and - So, if there two same directors in both
it could be voided or annulled by the 2/3 companies, he holds a substantial
votes of the stockholders. number of shares and number of interest
(*which is more than 20% or 21% above.)
SEC. 31. Dealings of Directors, Trustees or that is considered substantial.
Officers with the Corporation. – A contract of
- A having 80% shares in X & Co. means it’s
the corporation with (1) one or more of its
directors, trustees, officers or their spouses substantial. Then, in another corporation
and relatives within the fourth civil degree of
he holds a nominal interest (*here 20% or SEC. 34. Executive, Management, and Other
less.) Special Committees. – If the bylaws so provide,
- Imagine the directors in Y & Co., they the board may create an executive committee
composed of at least three (3) directors. Said
might think that they are being taken
committee may act, by majority vote of all its
advantage of because of all the members, on such specific matters within the
companies which they could have a competence of the board, as may be delegated to
contract with, it is with the company of A it in the bylaws or by majority vote of the board,
who has also shares in Y & Co. If this except with respect to the:
happens, they can apply the rule in self-
dealing director in this situation. (a) approval of any action for which shareholders’
approval is also required;
o In short, if they want a contract to
(b) filling of vacancies in the board;
be approved in Y & Co., we need (c) amendment or repeal of bylaws or the
to subject A to the same rules as a adoption of new bylaws;
self-dealing director. (d) amendment or repeal of any resolution of the
o So, all the mentioned pre- board which by its express terms is not
requisite earlier like the first one amendable or repealable; and
wherein A’s presence or vote (e) distribution of cash dividends to the
would not be needed to constitute shareholders.
quorum. Along with the other pre-
The board of directors may create special
requisites they must all be present committees of temporary or permanent nature
in order to approve the contract as and determine the members’ term, composition,
far as Y & Co. is concerned. compensation, powers, and responsibilities.

- Remember: This rule does not apply if Notes:

both companies A’s shareholding is both - It doesn’t mean that the rest of the board
substantial or both nominal. The rules in of directors are no longer directors. They
interlocking director would not apply. are still directors, the only thing is that for
o It would only apply if the same the purpose of doing things easier and to
director has a substantial interest facilitate things better. They will create a
in one of the companies and has a board within the board so that these
nominal interest on the other minimum of 3 directors would then
company. decide on certain matters.
o So, this is only to facilitate how
SEC. 32. Contracts Between Corporations with they do things but it doesn’t mean
Interlocking Directors. – Except in cases of fraud, that the rest of the directors are no
and provided the contract is fair and reasonable under
longer directors.
the circumstances, a contract between two (2) or
more corporations having interlocking directors - Q: What can the Executive Committee
shall not be invalidated on that ground alone: decide upon?
Provided, That if the interest of the interlocking A: Generally, all things with the exception
director in one (1) corporation is substantial and the of these 5.
interest in the other corporation or corporations is o For example: (a) If there is any act
merely nominal, the contract shall be subject to the which requires the approval of the
provisions of the preceding section insofar as the
latter corporation or corporations are concerned. stockholders. If the board cannot
do it in its full capacity then much
Stockholdings exceeding twenty percent (20%) of less the executive committee.
the outstanding capital stock shall be considered o For example: (b) filing of vacancies
substantial for purposes of interlocking directors. in the board - In this case, even the
executive committee cannot do
that because it requires the full
determination of the board.
o For example: *© They can’t also do
o For example: (d) They created a
resolution specifically stating that
this resolution will subsist unless
and until appealed or repealed by
the amended or repealed by the
5th Synch Class
BOD in which case, the execom special committee has already been
cannot go against that expressed convened and once the purpose has been
directive from the complete created or is over, then the board or that
board. particular committee shall be disbanded as
o For example: (e) As a general rule, well.
A stockholder cannot demand for
the distribution of the dividends,  What are the classes of corporate
it’s really up to the corporation to powers?
whether or not it will distribute or
declare dividends for in so far the A. Classes of Corporate Powers
stockholders are concerned, the
1. Express - those expressly authorized in
money that they have allotted
the Corporation Code and other laws,
there is an investment so if there is
and its Articles of Incorporation or
an unrestricted retained earnings,
then there will be dividends that
o Powers which are granted to the
would be declared, if there is not
corporation by the virtue of law
then they don’t have the right to
and it’s Articles of Incorporation.
demand the declaration of
Q: Why is it important to know the
Articles of Incorporation?
However, it doesn’t mean that
A: As what Sir have told us, The
the director could always
Corporation can only do the
refuse to declare dividends
purposes it has disclosed to the
even if there is they have
SEC. It is not allowed that its
money. Why? The losses that if
declared purpose is different from
the unrestricted retained
the company is actually doing.
earnings of the corporation
Otherwise, the government could
exceeds 100% of the paid in
have required the corporation to
capital which means those that
undergo a different type of
was paid already (the
licensing or would have required
subscription)/. The excess in
additional requirements.
their profits must be declared
o Remember: So, it is important for
as dividends.
someone who’ll be setting up a
Another implication, tax
business or to incorporate that
implication. If they did not
you draft the purpose of the
declare dividends and they hid
Articles of Incorporation very
it behind their paid in capital,
seriously and carefully. It is
they will be assessed with
important to think about what the
additional payment by the
real purpose of the business
government because they are
because outside that purpose you
holding too much money.
might be creating an ultra vires (?)
- But to say, there are two type of
dividends, the cash/property dividends
or stock dividends.
2. Implied - those that can be inferred from
o If cash dividends, it’s really up to
or necessary for the exercise of the
the board.
o If stock dividends, there should be
o These are powers which are
prior approval not only by the
implied from the express meaning
board but by the stockholders
it was not specifically specified in
the Articles of Incorporation.
But the execom, cannot buy
Nevertheless, it is deemed that the
itself cash dividends and
corporation has it because it is
distribute them. Majority of the
necessary for it to perform its
quorum of the complete board
express powers.
should decide.
o For example: [A classic example]
- Second Paragraph of the Article: speaks of
The case involving a mining
the ad hoc committees, it is created
specifically for a specific purpose. Once that
A Tele Site Site
[PPT Definition]
- Obviously, the purpose of the mining - An act committed outside the object for
corporation (A) is to mine. They also built which a corporation is created as defined
a site. Then, the mining corporation built by the law of its organization and
a telegram site in their office (A). Back therefore beyond the power conferred
then, this was the best way to upon it by law.
communicate with each other in two far
- For example: Let’s say the corporation is
flung distances. The mining corporation
engaged in the Airline Industry.
(A) uses the site to communicate with the
Q: Can it engage in Farming?
mining site. Later on, someone
A: No.
questioned why the company was
o What would be the implication if
allowed to build a telegram facility for
the corporation will do this?
they weren’t engaged to the business of
Aside from violating certain
selling communication for a fee.
rules which the SEC has
o The SC told them that it is an
provided, the stockholders
implied power for it is a TG site.
have a right to question the
The mining site is very far from the
decision making of the
office which makes the
corporation. For the money of
communication in between them
the corporation is used for
difficult. The SC said that it is a
other purposes other than the
good example of an implied
main purpose of it which is in
the Airline Industry. If they lose
money in that field then
3. Incidental - those that are incidental to
everyone will lose money.
the existence of the corporation
o these are powers which are
- The effects of Ultra Vires Acts differs
incidental to the corporation by
depending on the stage of the contract.
the virtue of its very existence. In
o For example: A is an Airline
short, the mere fact that a
Industry which engaged with B
corporation exists, we must have
which is in the Farming Industry.
this powers.
The SC stated that there are three
o For example: The power to acquire
stages which will lead to the
or dispose properties. (*you won’t
be able to facilitate a business if
you don’t have these kind of
Effects of Ultra Vires Acts:
Note: 1. Executed Contract - courts will not set
- It doesn’t mean that if it’s an express aside or interfere with such contracts.
powers meaning it was stated by the law, - Contracts which were already completed
it can’t be incidental anymore. There are or fulfilled. (*for example: A already
certain incidental powers which at the fulfilled their job with B. The exchange of
same time are expressed. But, the mere payment between parties has been done
fact that it is stated by the law doesn’t already. Also, if the stockholders didn’t
mean that if they were not stated then do anything about it, the stockholders
they don’t have that power anymore. The cannot later on complain about the
law merely recognizes that power. contract. If they wanted to complain, they
- For example: The power to have a name. should have made it before the
How would you tell a corporation from performance of the contract or during
the other if it doesn’t have a name so that the performance of the contract. They
is both an incidental and expressed cannot hold the directors liable coz the
power. contract is already completed.)

 What are ultra vires acts? 2. Executory Contract - no enforcement

- These are acts which are outside the even at the suit of either party.
scope of the authority given to the - In this part, both parties have not yet
corporation. performed their parts in the contract but

they already had an agreement regarding SEC. 35. Corporate Powers and Capacity. – Every
the act. corporation incorporated under this Code has
the power and capacity:
- From the example: The stockholders of A
can later object the performance of the (h) To enter into a partnership, joint venture,
act. If the contract is yet to be performed, merger, consolidation, or any other commercial
the SC will say that neither A or B can agreement with natural and juridical persons;
enforce the contract. They should stop it
Notes (rest of sec. 35)
already and should not proceed with the
performance of the contract. SEC. 35. Corporate Powers and Capacity. – Every
corporation incorporated under this Code has the
3. Partly executed and Partly executory power and capacity:
contract - principle against unjust
enrichment shall apply. (a) To sue and be sued in its corporate name;
- In this contract, the act was already
performed however it is not yet done. In (b) To have perpetual existence unless the
certificate of incorporation provides otherwise;
this case, the SC will say that whatever
they have done already, that act should (c) To adopt and use a corporate seal;
not be continued anymore or tapusin na
agad. If company A has already done (d) To amend its articles of incorporation in
something for company B, B should just accordance with the provisions of this Code;
pay A whatever collectible they have
(*babayaran na lang dapat ni B si A). (e) To adopt bylaws, not contrary to law, morals
or public policy, and to amend or repeal the same
- The reason for this is simple, allowing in accordance with this Code;
them to proceed with the contract may
entail losses or could create further losses (f) In case of stock corporations, to issue or sell
for the corporation because it is not stocks to subscribers and to sell treasury stocks in
supported by the stockholders and the accordance with the provisions of this Code; and
to admit members to the corporation if it be a
purpose is different otherwise.
nonstock corporation;

 Do corporations have the power to enter (g) To purchase, receive, take or grant, hold,
into partnerships? convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage, and
- Yes they do have the power. otherwise deal with such real and personal
- Back then they don’t have the power. The property, including securities and bonds of other
jurisprudence (/SC) they cannot enter corporations, as the transaction of the lawful
business of the corporation may reasonably and
into partnerships but can enter into joint
necessarily require, subject to the limitations
ventures. prescribed by law and the Constitution;
o Joint Ventures - are like sort of
partnerships but not quite. (i) To make reasonable donations, including those
Partnerships have going concern. for the public welfare or for hospital, charitable,
When it’s joint venture, they only cultural, scientific, civic, or similar purposes:
have a specific purpose and after Provided, That no foreign corporation shall give
donations in aid of any political party or candidate
that purpose has been completed,
or for purposes of partisan political activity;
it’s finished already. Usually these
are for certain undertaking which (j) To establish pension, retirement, and other
are short-term and after the plans for the benefit of its directors, trustees,
undertaking is finished, that’s it. officers, and employees; and
The joint venture is disbanded.
(k) To exercise such other powers as may be
- Nowadays, because of the amendment essential or necessary to carry out its purpose or
introduced by the Revised Corporation purposes as stated in the articles of incorporation.
Code, corporations are expressly
empowered to enter into partnerships.
- It is now allowed also one of the
members of the partnership could be a  Do corporations have the power to
corporation. donate for partisan political activity?

• Partisan Political Activity - these are meddle with our domestic
activities whose purpose/s are geared affairs. So, to prevent that from
towards the success or defeat of a happening, we prevent these
particular political candidate/party. foreign corporations from
o For example: You are donating for donating to Partisan Political
a candidate whose running for the Activity.
office of the mayor.
o Take note: This activity is not only To exercise the following powers, the corporate
limited to supporting a particular act must be approved by the stockholders.
candidate but also whenever you
spend money in order to destroy 1. Extension of corporate term;
the reputation or advance the 2. Shortening of corporate term;
defeat of a particular candidate. 3. Increase or Decrease of Capital Stock;
o Q: Do corporations have the 4. Increase or Decrease of Bonded
power to donate for partisan Indebtedness
political activity? 5. Power to Invest Corporate Funds in
A: Foreign Corporations are not Another Corporation or Busines or for
allowed while Domestic any other purpose
Corporations are allowed. 6. SLEMPoD
Take note: That if you support 7. Management Contract
an election of a candidate
through a donation outside the
country like for example - During these instances, the corporation
supporting Joe Biden. It really has the power to perform all of these
depends on the law of USA. If things. However, it is not allowed that
only the Board of Directors will exercise
they prohibits that which they
that powers meaning it’s not really just
actually do then you can be
up to them. They have to get the prior
held liable in US.
Here in the country, political imprimatur of the stockholders.
candidates are allowed to o For No.1 and 2 (needs 2/3 of the
accept donations. What outstanding capital stock)
o SLEMPoD - Sales, lease,
allowed here in the Philippines
Exchanges, Mortgages, Pledge or
is the donation by an individual
other disposition of all or
or by a corporation that is
substantially all of the assets of the
domestic. So, if the donor or
the person donating is a corporation.
domestic corporation, that is
SEC. 37. Power to Increase or Decrease Capital
allowed. However, if the donor Stock; Incur, Create or Increase Bonded
is a foreign corporation that is Indebtedness. – No corporation shall increase or
NOT allowed. Why? decrease its capital stock or incur, create or
*To avoid the control in the increase any bonded indebtedness unless
economic activities of the approved by a majority vote of the board of
country. directors and by two-thirds (2/3) of the
outstanding capital stock at a stockholders’
For example: A candidate is
meeting duly called for the purpose. Written
accepting donations from a notice of the time and place of the stockholders’
Chinese corporation. meeting and the purpose for said meeting must be
Q: Is there anything wrong with sent to the stockholders at their places of
this? Why are foreign residence as shown in the books of the
corporations not allowed? corporation and served on the stockholders
A: There might be a hidden personally, or through electronic means
recognized in the corporation’s bylaws and/or
agenda behind it. We are
the Commission’s rules as a valid mode for service
talking about here a
of notices.
corporation which has a
foreign character. So, it is A certificate must be signed by a majority of the
possible for these corporations directors of the corporation and countersigned by
to be used as vehicles by the chairperson and secretary of the
foreign powers in order to stockholders’ meeting, setting forth:

(a) That the requirements of this section have decrease in capital stock shall be approved
been complied with; by the Commission if its effect shall
(b) The amount of the increase or decrease of prejudice the rights of corporate creditors.
the capital stock; (i) Nonstock corporations may incur, create
(c) In case of an increase of the capital stock, or increase bonded indebtedness when
the amount of capital stock or number of approved by a majority of the board of
shares of no-par stock thereof actually trustees and of at least two-thirds (2/3) of
subscribed, the names, nationalities and the members in a meeting duly called for
addresses of the persons subscribing, the the purpose.
amount of capital stock or number of no- (j) Bonds issued by a corporation shall be
par stock subscribed by each, and the registered with the Commission, which
amount paid by each on the subscription in shall have the authority to determine the
cash or property, or the amount of capital sufficiency of the terms thereof.
stock or number of shares of no-par stock
allotted to each stockholder if such Notes:
increase is for the purpose of making
effective stock dividend therefor - Remember that a corporation has the
authorized; power to increase or decrease his capital
(d) Any bonded indebtedness to be incurred, stock.
created or increased;
o For example: A corporation can
(e) The amount of stock represented at the
meeting; and have an authorized capital stock of
(f) The vote authorizing the increase or 1M then they’ll increase it to 2M,
decrease of the capital stock, or the that is allowed. But then again, it
incurring, creating or increasing of any has to have the approval of not
bonded indebtedness. only by the board but by 2/3 of the
(g) Any increase or decrease in the capital outstanding capital stock.
stock or the incurring, creating or
- Also in the past if you file an Articles of
increasing of any bonded indebtedness
Incorporation, it should be that 25% of
shall require prior approval of the
Commission, and where appropriate, of your authorized capital stock is
the Philippine Competition subscribed and 25% of that subscribed is
Commission. The application with the paid up. Now, it has changed. However, if
Commission shall be made within six (6) you plan to increase or decrease your
months from the date of approval of the authorized capital stock, you must
board of directors and stockholders, which comply with the 25-25 requirement.
period may be extended for justifiable
- The law does not require upon
(h) Copies of the certificate shall be kept on incorporation that you comply with the
file in the office of the corporation and filed 25-25 requirement but since it is required
with the Commission and attached to the that you increase your capital stock that
original articles of incorporation. After you have to comply the 25-25
approval by the Commission and the requirement, so you might as well comply
issuance by the Commission of its it at the get go.
certificate of filing, the capital stock shall
- When you increase the authorized capital
be deemed increased or decreased and the
incurring, creating or increasing of any stock, one of the things that you must
bonded indebtedness authorized, as the remember would be that the
certificate of filing may declare: Provided, stockholders are granted pre-emptive
That the Commission shall not accept for right.
filing any certificate of increase of capital
stock unless accompanied by a sworn  What is pre-emptive right?
statement of the treasurer of the - [recited] It is the right of an existing
corporation lawfully holding office at the
shareholders to purchase newly issued
time of the filing of the certificate,
showing that at least twenty-five stocks before they will be offered to
percent (25%) of the increase in capital others.
stock has been subscribed and that at - [PPT] The right granted to stockholders
least twenty-five percent (25%) of the to have the first option to subscribe to
amount subscribed has been paid in any future issuance or disposition of
actual cash to the corporation or that shares from the capital stock of a
property, the valuation of which is equal
corporation in proportion to their
to twenty-five percent (25%) of the
subscription, has been transferred to the respective shareholdings in the
corporation: Provided, further, That no corporation.

Q: Why is this important to give pre-emptive opportunity to maintain and retain his
right the existing stockholders before we shareholding in the corporation.
even offer the newly issued shares for sale to - Remember: Pre-emptive right is the right
others? to refuse but is not compulsory on the
part of the stockholder to purchase that
A: It protects the exisiting stockholders from share. That’s why it is important that a
losing their voting powers as more shares are stockholder or all of the stockholder were
sold. (?) But it’s not just the voting powers notified of the meeting and that a
but also the right to the dividends. meeting should be held whenever the
decision that the corporation is about to
Demonstration of Pre-Emptive Right reach could lead to the increase or
decrease of the capital stock.
For example:
 When can pre-emptive right be denied?
X Inc. has 5 shareholders namely A, B, C, D
- The time that it can be denied is
and E. Let’s say the authorized capital stock
whenever the articles of Incorporation
is 1M with 10/par value which means there
says so. If the Articles of Incorporation
is 100,000 shares.
says that pre-emptive right is not
A = 50K shares = 50% available then there is no pre-emptive
B = 20K = 20% right. This is allowed, as long as it is stated
C = 5K = 5% in the Articles of Incorporation.
D = 10K = 10% - However, if the Articles of Incorporation
E = 15K = 15% is silent with respect to the existence of
Total: 100K shares pre-emptive right the presumption is that
it exists.
Q: Technically speaking, how much is the equity of - Other instances where pre-emptive right
A? percentage wise? is not existing:
A: He has 50% equity. o If for example you are
participating in a public offering. If
Scenario: What if the shares will be increased to
your shares are publicly offered
200K shares then with a par value of 10.
meaning it’s available over-the-
counter on Stock Exchange. SEC
Q: If that is what had happened, and 100K of the
requires that there should be no
newly issued shares were sold to Mr. Y. Does
pre-emptive right because
that affect the equity shareholding of A?
everybody can buy those shares.
A: Yes, back then he used to own 50% of the
SEC. 38. Power to Deny Preemptive Right. – All
company. However, because Y was able to buy stockholders of a stock corporation shall enjoy
100K newly issued shares, how much then is the preemptive right to subscribe to all issues or
new equity of A? disposition of shares of any class, in proportion to
their respective shareholdings, unless such right is
A: The new equity of A is 25%. So, from 50% it denied by the articles of incorporation or an
decreased to 25%. It would be the same with the amendment thereto: Provided, That such
preemptive right shall not extend to shares issued in
equity of the other shareholders.
compliance with laws requiring stock offerings or
minimum stock ownership by the public; or to shares
- So the relative control of A in the past issued in good faith with the approval of the
when it comes to voting will decrease. At stockholders representing two-thirds (2/3) of the
the same time, if the dividends will be outstanding capital stock, in exchange for property
declared, it will also decrease. needed for corporate purposes or in payment of a
previously contracted debt.
Main Reason for the purpose of pre-emptive
- That is why, existing shareholders should
*Insert Sec 39 - 42 (NOT DISCUSSED)*
be given pre-emptive right to give Mr. A,
a chance to purchase the shares SEC. 39. Sale or Other Disposition of Assets. –
(Remember, A is not required to purchase Subject to the provisions of Republic Act No.
the shares if he don’t like to buy it we 10667, otherwise known as “Philippine
can’t force but A must be given that Competition Act”, and other related laws, a
corporation may, by a majority vote of its board of
directors or trustees, sell, lease, exchange, such property and assets shall be appropriated
mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of its for the conduct of its remaining business.
property and assets, upon such terms and
conditions and for such consideration, which may SEC. 40. Power to Acquire Own Shares. –
be money, stocks, bonds, or other instruments for Provided that the corporation has unrestricted
the payment of money or other property or retained earnings in its books to cover the shares
consideration, as its board of directors or trustees to be purchased or acquired, a stock corporation
may deem expedient. shall have the power to purchase or acquire its
own shares for a legitimate corporate purpose or
A sale of all or substantially all of the purposes, including the following cases:
corporation’s properties and assets, including its
goodwill, must be authorized by the vote of the (a) To eliminate fractional shares arising out of
stockholders representing at least two-thirds stock dividends;
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, or at least
two-thirds (2/3) of the members, in a (b) To collect or compromise an indebtedness to
stockholders’ or members’ meeting duly called the corporation, arising out of unpaid
for the purpose. subscription, in a delinquency sale, and to
purchase delinquent shares sold during said sale;
In nonstock corporations where there are no and
members with voting rights, the vote of at least a
majority of the trustees in office will be sufficient (c) To pay dissenting or withdrawing
authorization for the corporation to enter into stockholders entitled to payment for their shares
any transaction authorized by this section. under the provisions of this Code.

The determination of whether or not the sale SEC. 41. Power to Invest Corporate Funds in
involves all or substantially all of the Another Corporation or Business or for Any
corporation’s properties and assets must be Other Purpose. – Subject to the provisions of this
computed based on its net asset value, as shown Code, a private corporation may invest its funds
in its latest financial statements. A sale or other in any other corporation, business, or for any
disposition shall be deemed to cover substantially purpose other than the primary purpose for
all the corporate property and assets if thereby which it was organized, when approved by a
the corporation would be rendered incapable of majority of the board of directors or trustees and
continuing the business or accomplishing the ratified by the stockholders representing at least
purpose for which it was incorporated. two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock,
or by at least two thirds (2/3) of the members in
Written notice of the proposed action and of the the case of nonstock corporations, at a meeting
time and place for the meeting shall be addressed duly called for the purpose. Notice of the
to stockholders or members at their places of proposed investment and the time and place of
residence as shown in the books of the the meeting shall be addressed to each
corporation and deposited to the addressee in the stockholder or member at the place of residence
post office with postage prepaid, served as shown in the books of the corporation and
personally, or when allowed by the bylaws or deposited to the addressee in the post office with
done with the consent of the stockholder, sent postage prepaid, served personally, or sent
electronically: Provided, That any dissenting electronically in accordance with the rules and
stockholder may exercise the right of appraisal regulations of the Commission on the use of
under the conditions provided in this Code. electronic data message, when allowed by the
bylaws or done with the consent of the
After such authorization or approval by the stockholders: Provided, That any dissenting
stockholders or members, the board of directors stockholder shall have appraisal right as provided
or trustees may, nevertheless, in its discretion, in this Code: Provided, however, That where the
abandon such sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, investment by the corporation is reasonably
pledge, or other disposition of property and necessary to accomplish its primary purpose as
assets, subject to the rights of third parties under stated in the articles of incorporation, the
any contract relating thereto, without further approval of the stockholders or members shall
action or approval by the stockholders or not be necessary.
SEC. 42. Power to Declare Dividends. – The
Nothing in this section is intended to restrict the board of directors of a stock corporation may
power of any corporation, without the declare dividends out of the unrestricted retained
authorization by the stockholders or members, to earnings which shall be payable in cash, property,
sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, or or in stock to all stockholders on the basis of
otherwise dispose of any of its property and outstanding stock held by them: Provided, That
assets if the same is necessary in the usual and any cash dividends due on delinquent stock shall
regular course of business of the corporation or if first be applied to the unpaid balance on the
the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of subscription plus costs and expenses, while stock
dividends shall be withheld from the delinquent A. if you have a common
stockholders until their unpaid subscription is stockholder involved. And, in
fully paid: Provided, further, That no stock the example (B which will be
dividend shall be issued without the approval of
managed), the same
stockholders representing at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock at a regular stockholder owns more than
or special meeting duly called for the purpose. 1/3 of the shares.
In short if for example A, B, C,
Stock corporations are prohibited from retaining D, and E are the stockholders of
surplus profits in excess of one hundred percent A Inc. On the other hand, B Inc.
(100%) of their paid-in capital stock, except: (a) has A, F, G, H and I. So they
when justified by definite corporate expansion
have both have common
projects or programs approved by the board of
directors; or (b) when the corporation is stockholder which is A. In A Inc.
prohibited under any loan agreement with Mr. A has 1/3.
financial institutions or creditors, whether local Q: Why is this so important?
or foreign, from declaring dividends without their Why is it 1/3?
consent, and such consent has not yet been A: Remember, if you own more
secured; or (c) when it can be clearly shown that than 1/3, other stockholders
such retention is necessary under special will have a hard time to meet
circumstances obtaining in the corporation, such
the threshold of more than 2/3.
as when there is need for special reserve for
probable contingencies. - If you are very powerful in both
companies, 2/3 votes is needed not only
SEC. 44. Ultra Vires Acts of Corporations. – No the majority.
corporation shall possess or exercise corporate
powers other than those conferred by this Code Another Situation:
or by its articles of incorporation and except as - If there are common directors in both
necessary or incidental to the exercise of the
corporations A Inc. & B Inc. Then, the
powers conferred.
majority of the directors in A Inc. is same
*(NOT DISCUSSED)* with the majority of the directors in B Inc.
, 2/3 votes of the outstanding capital
 What is a management contract? stock is needed.

- A contract which involves two Q: Why is it important that we have

corporations. safeguards when it comes to
- For example: There are 2 corporations, A management contracts?
Inc. and it would be managing B Inc. Also, A: Basically, what you have here is a
there are safeguards in the law which will situation wherein B Inc. as the managed
ensure that both of the corporations corporation will be ceding the power to
agree to that terms. A Inc.
- o B Inc. has their own set of
o Magpapasakop na yung B sa A. stockholders and even directors.
Although, B Inc. has BOD the one And, they would not want to be
that will be followed will be the under control by A Inc. so to
BOD from A Inc. ensure that the management
- The first safeguard is that both contract has the approval of the
corporations must approve the corporation including the
management contract. stockholders, there are these
Q: By what vote? provided safeguards.
A: By majority vote of both the managing and - Remember that any management
the managed corporations. contract can only last for 5 years at the
Note: In the past, Sir told us that there are only maximum for every one term. It is
2 ways in voting threshold. It can either be 2/3 renewable but for every one term, it
or majority. However, in this part this is the only should be 5 years max.
exception. Why?
 What is the required vote for its
- In this instance, it can be majority or 2/3 approval?
votes of the managed corporation.
o 2/3 - It would be needed if: SEC. 43. Power to Enter into Management
Contract. – No corporation shall conclude a
management contract with another corporation Incorporation in the SEC, the By-Laws are
unless such contract is approved by the board of already included.
directors and by stockholders owning at least the o Similar to the Articles of
majority of the outstanding capital stock, or by at
Incorporation having a format, the
least a majority of the members in the case of a
nonstock corporation, of both the managing and By-Laws also has a format which
the managed corporation, at a meeting duly called can be used.
for the purpose: Provided, That (a) where a - So, it can also be filed, the By-Laws, after
stockholder or stockholders representing the the Certificate of Incorporation has been
same interest of both the managing and the issued already. That is also allowed and
managed corporations own or control more than now there is no time frame for this for the
one-third (1/3) of the total outstanding capital
congress has already removed it.
stock entitled to vote of the managing
corporation; or (b) where a majority of the - Remember that By-Laws are still part of
members of the board of directors of the your reportorial requirement meaning
managing corporation also constitute a majority whenever you submit a general
of the members of the board of directors of the information sheet every year which
managed corporation, then the management updates the SEC of the new stockholders
contract must be approved by the stockholders of and BOD, even the By-Laws are included
the managed corporation owning at least two- in it.
thirds (2/3) of the total outstanding capital stock
entitled to vote, or by at least two-thirds (2/3) of TITLE V BYLAWS
the members in the case of a nonstock
corporation. SEC. 45. Adoption of Bylaws. – For the adoption
of bylaws by the corporation, the affirmative vote
These shall apply to any contract whereby a of the stockholders representing at least a
corporation undertakes to manage or operate all majority of the outstanding capital stock, or of
or substantially all of the business of another at least a majority of the members in case of
corporation, whether such contracts are called nonstock corporations, shall be necessary. The
service contracts, operating agreements or bylaws shall be signed by the stockholders or
otherwise: Provided, however, That such service members voting for them and shall be kept in the
contracts or operating agreements which relate principal office of the corporation, subject to the
to the exploration, development, exploitation or inspection of the stockholders or members during
utilization of natural resources may be entered office hours. A copy thereof, duly certified by a
into for such periods as may be provided by the majority of the directors or trustees and
pertinent laws or regulations. countersigned by the secretary of the
corporation, shall be filed with the Commission
No management contract shall be entered into for and attached to the original articles of
a period longer than five (5) years for any one (1) incorporation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding
 What are they by-laws? paragraph, bylaws may be adopted and filed
- These are the internal laws of the prior to incorporation; in such case, such
corporation. As supposed to the Articles bylaws shall be approved and signed by all the
of Incorporation which goes out of the incorporators and submitted to the Commission,
corporation. Basically, this is a statement together with the articles of incorporation.
from the incorporators na like this is the
In all cases, bylaws shall be effective only upon the
corporation that we are about to build, it
issuance by the Commission of a certification that
is the representation to the SEC, the the bylaws are in accordance with this Code.
world and the PH government.
- The By-Laws are the rules that will govern The Commission shall not accept for filing the
the internal relationship between the bylaws or any amendment thereto of any bank,
stockholders, directors and the officers. banking institution, building and loan association,
 How are they adopted? trust company, insurance company, public utility,
educational institution, or other special
- By-Laws is affirmative vote of the majority
corporations governed by special laws, unless
of the outstanding capital stock. accompanied by a certificate of the appropriate
government agency to the effect that such bylaws
 When are they adopted? or amendments are in accordance with law.
- They can be adopted either before the
incorporation or after the incorporation.  Are by-laws binding to--
- So, it can be prior. How? It can be that 1. Officers? - Yes
when you submitted Articles of 2. Directors/Trustees? - Yes

3. Stockholders/Members? - Yes (a) The time, place and manner of calling and
4. Third persons? - No conducting regular or special meetings of the
directors or trustees;
Q: When is it binding with respect to third
(b) The time and manner of calling and
conducting regular or special meetings and mode
A: If the third person knew, either by way of of notifying the stockholders or members thereof;
actual notice or constructive notice.
(c) The required quorum in meetings of
Example: (Chinabank vs. Valley Golf) stockholders or members and the manner of
voting therein;
Mr. X is a stockholder of Valley Golf. Now,
(d) The modes by which a stockholder, member,
he borrowed money from Chinabank. He used
director, or trustee may attend meetings and cast
and surrendered his certificate of stock that he their votes;
has in valley golf as a security that he can pay
back the money he borrowed. (e) The form for proxies of stockholders and
Chinabank wrote valley golf a letter members and the manner of voting them;
informing valley golf that Mr. X a stockholder
pledged his Certificate of Stock and if he will not (f) The directors’ or trustees’ qualifications,
be able to pay his debt, they will fforeclose the duties and responsibilities, the guidelines for
setting the compensation of directors or trustees
certificate then they can sell it through a public
and officers, and the maximum number of other
auction. board representations that an independent
Later on, Mr. X wasn’t able to pay his debt director or trustee may have which shall, in no
and Chinabank foreclosed the pledge. case, be more than the number prescribed by the
Eventually, there was a public auction and the Commission;
one with the highest bid was Chinabank. CB then
became the owner. (g) The time for holding the annual election of
directors or trustees and the mode or manner of
CB then wrote a new letter to valley golf
giving notice thereof;
asking to transfer the ownership of the
certificate to CB from Mr. X. However, Valley Golf (h) The manner of election or appointment and
refused it because in their by-laws if there are the term of office of all officers other than
unpaid dues, the shares can’t be transferred. Mr. directors or trustees;
X wasn’t paying the dues when he was still part
of the club and it is stated in their by-laws that (i) The penalties for violation of the bylaws;
if they aren’t paying then the shares cannot be
(j) In the case of stock corporations, the manner
transferred and there’s no right to demand for of issuing stock certificates; and
The case reached the SC, and what he SC (k) Such other matters as may be necessary for
said was that Valley Golf cannot hold CB the proper or convenient transaction of its
responsible for a specific provision in their by- corporate affairs for the promotion of good
laws because it is a third person. They are not a governance and anti-graft and corruption
stockholder, an officer or even a director. So, measures.
they are not bound to pay. If they want CB to
An arbitration agreement may be provided in the
bind with the by-laws, they should already had bylaws pursuant to Section 181 of this Code.
taken an action when CB first wrote a letter to
them, they should have given CB a copy of their Notes:
by-laws. They did not do this so CB is not - Usually the contents of the by-laws are
knowledgeable of the by-laws and therefore is the schedule of the regular meetings, the
not bound by the by-laws voting system, the quorum, the corporate
officers and so on.
The lesson is that if you have a company and
there are third persons and that the by-laws  Whose vote is/are necessary to approve
could affect the third person, you furnish that the by-laws?
third person with a copy of the by-laws to - As mentioned the majority. Also, this is
appraise him of that particular provision. true with respect to the adoption and
amendment of the by-laws.
SEC. 46. Contents of Bylaws. – A private
- So for example, they will just adopt and
corporation may provide the following in its
bylaws: there was still by-laws in the first place,

majority of the outstanding capital with the Commission such amended or new
stockholders and the board of directors bylaws and, if applicable, the stockholders’ or
needs to vote. Same goes along with the members’ resolution authorizing the delegation
of the power to amend and/or adopt new bylaws,
amendment of the by-laws which is
duly certified under oath by the corporate
majority of the outstanding capital stock. secretary and a majority of the directors or
- However, it is possible that the trustees.
stockholders can say that they have
meetings and that the by-laws are always The amended or new bylaws shall only be
changed for they may still be learning. effective upon the issuance by the Commission of
Instead of doing it every time, it is a certification that the same is in accordance
with this Code and other relevant laws.
possible that they can delegate the task
to the board of directors or board of
trustees on the decisions whether or not Articles of Incorporation By-Laws
to amend the bylaws. Provided that 2/3 External Affairs Internal Affairs
of the outstanding capital stock allowed Affects the status of Does not affect the
the delegation. existence of the status of the
o So, it will be delegated to the BOD corporation existence but has
and then they will decide on impact on the
whether or not to amend the existence; failure to
bylaws. submit is a ground for
Q: Now, what if the stockholders would disenfranchisement
like to regain or withdrew that power Joint decision of the General Rule: joint
board and stockholders decision
from the Board?
Exception: Delegates
A: They only need the majority so that
the power to amend
they would be able to revoke that power. the By-Laws to the
- Why? For the BOD may eventually abuse Board
that delegated power.
o They may already be creating TITLE VI
bylaws which defeats the interest MEETINGS
of the stockholders.
- Revoking the power is easier for it only Types of Meetings
needs the majority instead of the 2/3.
SEC. 48. Kinds of Meetings. – Meetings of
- Take note: Any amendment in the bylaws
directors, trustees, stockholders, or members
would only take effect upon the issuance may be regular or special.
of the Certification of the SEC that it has
approved of the bylaws. Notes for the Table:
Why is it April 15? Remember a
SEC. 47. Amendment to Bylaws. – A majority of
corporation declares its taxes every
the board of directors or trustees, and the owners
of at least a majority of the outstanding capital quarter and every year. For there is a rule
stock, or at least a majority of the members of a that the income tax return of
nonstock corporation, at a regular or special corporations and individuals shall be filed
meeting duly called for the purpose, may amend on a yearly basis, 15 days after the end of
or repeal the bylaws or adopt new bylaws. The the first quarter of every year. That’s why
owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding it is April 15.
capital stock or two-thirds (2/3) of the o Also, the presumption is that at
members in a nonstock corporation may delegate
the very least, the corporation
to the board of directors or trustees the power to
amend or repeal the bylaws or adopt new bylaws: already has a Financial Statement.
Provided, That any power delegated to the So at the time that there will be a
board of directors or trustees to amend or stockholders meeting, one of the
repeal the bylaws or adopt new bylaws shall things that will be presented are
be considered as revoked whenever the Financial Statements.
stockholders owning or representing a o Also, the corporation are free to
majority of the outstanding capital stock or
choose whatever date but by
majority of the members shall so vote at a regular
or special meeting. default it’s any date after April 15.
When it comes to the stockholders
Whenever the bylaws are amended or new meeting, at the very least it should be
bylaws are adopted, the corporation shall file held in the city or municipality where the
principal place of business is located. But, notice thereof and the reason therefor
preferably in the specific place of the shall be sent to all stockholders or
principal place of business. members of record at least two (2) weeks
prior to the date of the meeting, unless a
o Take note that Metro Manila,
different period is required under the
Metro Cebu and Metro Davao are bylaws, law or regulation.
considered one big city. So for
example, your principal place of
business is in Paranaque and since
 Will the corporate books be accessible
Manila or Quezon city is within before the meeting?
Metro Manila, then you can hold - Yes but it is closed 20 days prior to the
your regular stockholders meeting meeting and the reason for that is to
there. prevent tampering.

 Can a corporation whose principal of

business is in Quezon City holds its
stockholder’s meeting in Pasig?
- Yes. As what Sir has told, Metro Manila,
Metro Cebu and Metro Davao are
considered as one big city.

 What about the meeting of members in

non-stock corporation where are they
- It can be held anywhere within the country
and is not allowed outside the country.

Q: Why is it different to a stock corporation?

A: In a stock corporation, they have
investments and that they should be able to

 Can the director’s meeting be held

- As long as it is agreed upon and is
present in the bylaws.
- Directors or trustees who cannot
physically attend or vote at board
meetings can participate and vote
through remote communication such as
videoconferencing, teleconferencing, or
 Can stockholders waive notice to other alternative modes of
meetings? communication that allow them
- Yes but the waiver must be individual. reasonable opportunities to participate.
- Notice of any meeting may be waived, Directors or trustees cannot attend or
expressly or impliedly, by any stockholder
vote by proxy at board meetings.
or member: Provided, That general
waivers of notice in the articles of
incorporation or the bylaws shall not be
allowed: Provided, further, That
attendance at a meeting shall constitute a  Who preside at meeting of directors?
waiver of notice of such meeting, except - The chairman but in the absence of the
when the person attends a meeting for the chairman, it would be the president.
express purpose of objecting to the
transaction of any business because the SEC. 53. Who Shall Preside at Meetings. – The
meeting is not lawfully called or convened. chairman or, in his absence, the president shall
preside at all meetings of the directors or trustees as
 If a stockholder’s meeting is cancelled, well as of the stockholders or members, unless the
should there be notice of cancellation? bylaws provide otherwise.
- In case of postponement of stockholders’
or members’ regular meetings, written
Scenario: Voting in Case of Joint Ownership of it with the proxy and look for the
Stock representative.
- “No proxy shall be valid and effective for
- In the Certificate of Stock, A and B owns
a period longer than five (5) years at any
one time.”
Q: Can A go to the meeting alone and exercise
o [example] In short, if the rule that
his vote over the 10K shares?
was stated for the proxy that is
A: No.
only for the May 5 meeting then
it’s effectivity will only be up to
Q: How about if A only wanted to exercise his
that date. However, if it is not
right over 5K of the shares? Is that allowed?
stated in the forms like indefinitely
A: No, for the shares are indivisible and they
then it means that it’ll last only up
both own it.
to five (5) years that it can be
Q: So, what if the Certificate of Stock, A and/or
B is stated for the voting right?
 What is a voting trust agreement? How
A: Yes for the right to vote can now either be A
does it work?
or B.
Voting Trust Demonstration
- In a TRUST relationship, there are three
SEC. 55. Voting in Case of Joint Ownership of
Stock. – The consent of all the co-owners shall be parties: trustor, trustee and the
necessary in voting shares of stock owned jointly beneficiary.
by two (2) or more persons, unless there is a o The trustor will entrust the legal
written proxy, signed by all the co-owners, title meaning the ownership of the
authorizing one (1) or some of them or any other thing to trustee. Si Trustee ang
person to vote such share or shares: Provided, lumalabas na may-ari. However,
That when the shares are owned in an “and/or”
yung pagmamay-ari ni Trustee is
capacity by the holders thereof, any one of the
joint owners can vote said shares or appoint a only holding it for the benefit of
proxy therefor. the beneficiary.
In law the beneficiary is what
 What is a proxy? you call the Cestuique Trust.
- A proxy is an agent legally authorized to o Sometimes, the Trustor and
act on behalf of a stockholder of record. Beneficiary are one and the same.

 How does one vote by proxy? What is the  What is a voting trust agreement? How
procedure? Do proxies prescribe? does it work?
- Proxies shall be in writing, signed and
filed, by the stockholder or member, in - For example: Mr. X is the stockholder of
any form authorized in the bylaws and record which means he has the right to
received by the corporate secretary vote and to be voted to the BOD.
within a reasonable time before the o Mr. Y then came to Mr. X who is
scheduled meeting. Unless otherwise interested to buying his shares.
provided in the proxy form, it shall be However, Mr. X doesn’t want to
valid only for the meeting for which it is sell his shares.
intended. No proxy shall be valid and o Mr. Y then offered the voting trust
effective for a period longer than five (5) agreement.
years at any one time. o When they execute the voting
trust agreement, the Certificate of
Notes: Stock will be sent to the
- Q: Who signs the proxies? Corporation and then the
A: The stockholders or members. In this corporate secretary will register
case they will make a proxy form and and will be sent to the SEC that’s
usually the corporation already has a why it should be notarized. Now,
form. The proxy will then bring it to the the Certificate of Stock that was
corporate secretary. Also, there is what issued under the name of Mr. X
you call Stock and Transfer Book (STB). will now be cancelled. The
The Secretary will look at it and will tally corporation will then issue a new

Certificate of Stock with respect to depends on what the corporation and the
Mr. Y and because of this the new subscriber will be settling with if it would
stockholder in record is Mr. Y. be full paid or he will be given time to pay
This gives him the right to elect for those shares.
and to become a member in
- So, this is also like a contract of sales. For
the board.
example: You’ll be buying a product and
Q: Now, how about Mr. X?
then the price that you’ll be going to pay
A: The corporation will give him a
depends on the contractual obligations
Voting Trust Certificate wherein Y
of the parties.
also signed it. This certificate will
- Take Note: The way of payment depends
give Mr. X dividends. He will have
on the subscription contract of the
the right to receive dividends.
- So, Mr. Y has the right to elect. Mr. X has
the right to own. SEC. 59. Subscription Contract. – Any contract
- Also, the Voting Right Certificate can be for the acquisition of unissued stock in an existing
sold or transferred to other people. corporation or a corporation still to be formed
shall be deemed a subscription within the
Q: How can this agreement last? meaning of this Title, notwithstanding the fact
that the parties refer to it as a purchase or some
A: Maximum of 5 years. However, if for example
other contract.
the reason why they executed a voting trust
agreement was because Mr. Y extended a loan  Is pre-incorporation subscription
to Mr. X. Then, the Voting Trust Agreement can revocable or irrevocable?
subsist until the loan is paid.
Q: Now, what happens if it reached 5 years and - So before the incorporation, there is
the loan was paid already? already a subscription.
A: The Certificate of Stock by Mr. Y will be - The birth of a corporation takes place
canceled as well as the Voting Trust Certificate when the Certificate of Incorporation is
of Mr. X. The corporation will issue another issued to the corporation.
Certificate of Stock again in the name of Mr. X - Pre-incorporation subscription are
consolidating again with the power to earn and subscriptions which takes place before
elect. the issuance of the Certificate of
 Is there a difference with this and a - Irrevocable means it can no longer be
proxy? reversed.
- Yes, here Mr. Y has complete ownership
while the proxy doesn’t have one. A: Basically, the rule is that pre-incorporation
subscriptions are irrevocable within 6 months.

- Additional Q: After 6 months is it now

A: Yes they are. Usually the one who
revokes it is the subscriber.
- Additional Q: Why did the law make it
A: It prevents speculation as to the
creation of the corporation.
So for example: you promised that you’ll
put up a corporation. Then suddenly
6th Synch Class someone wants to backout from the plan,
the corporation may not be formed
 What is a subscription contract? because everyone may also simply
- It is a method of acquiring shares. backout.
- Q: Are all subscriptions fully paid? o So, to prevent people from
A: No not all. Basically it’s a promise to backing out in the agreement to
pay but you already have a contract that form the corporation, there is the
you are buying that however it still

pre-incorporation subscriptions (b) Labor performed for or services actually
being irrevocable. rendered to the corporation;
For if they will back out last minute then - Take note: Future labor is not allowed.
you’ll not be able to meet the required - Q: Why is it actually rendered?
capital that you want. The point here is A: The entry for this in accounting is payable.
For when it is an accounts payable you will be
that within 6 months, your subscription
able to use it as consideration because utang
cannot be revoked. mo yon. So, labor actually performed
- So beyond the 6 months, it is now translates to accounts payable. The labor done
allowed. If within 6 months, it still haven’t can equate to shares.
incorporated then there must be
(d) Previously incurred indebtedness of the
something wrong or something is not corporation;
working out. The person has now the (e) Amounts transferred from unrestricted
power to revoke it. retained earnings to stated capital;
- Additional Q: So what if on the 7th month - Unrestricted retained earnings are the
accumulated profits. So, that can be used
you still haven’t revoked the
as a consideration for shares.
subscription? Can a subscriber do that?
- The corporation can also buy the shares so
A: Yes he can do that. they can use the unrestricted retained
earnings to buy those shares.
- Additional Q: After the 7th month, the
Articles of Incorporation has been (f) Outstanding shares exchanged for stocks in
submitted to the SEC, and then he had a the event of reclassification or conversion; (g)
change of heart. The day after the Articles Shares of stock in another corporation;
of Incorporation we’re submitted he
wants to back out and revoke his (h) Other generally accepted form of
subscription. Can he still do that? consideration.
A: It is not anymore allowed. - Q: Can electronic form of money be used to
buy stocks like GCASH?
A: It is accepted and therefore can be used.
SEC. 60. Pre-incorporation Subscription. – A
Where the consideration is other than actual
subscription of shares in a corporation still to be
cash, or consists of intangible property such as
formed shall be irrevocable for a period of at least
patents or copyrights, the valuation thereof
six (6) months from the date of subscription,
shall initially be determined by the
unless all of the other subscribers consent to the
stockholders or the board of directors, subject
revocation, or the corporation fails to incorporate
to the approval of the Commission.
within the same period or within a longer period
stipulated in the contract of subscription. No pre- Shares of stock shall not be issued in exchange
incorporation subscription may be revoked after for promissory notes or future service. The
the articles of incorporation is submitted to the same considerations provided in this section,
Commission. insofar as applicable, may be used for the
issuance of bonds by the corporation.
The issued price of no-par value shares may
be fixed in the articles of incorporation or by
 What are valid consideration for stocks?
the board of directors pursuant to authority
- [recited] Cash, Properties that may be conferred by the articles of incorporation or
tangible or intangible (like stocks, the bylaws, or if not so fixed, by the
copyrights, patent, trademark) stockholders representing at least a majority
of the outstanding capital stock at a meeting
SEC. 61. Consideration for Stocks. – Stocks shall duly called for the purpose.
not be issued for a consideration less than the par
or issued price thereof. Consideration for the
issuance of stock may be:

(a) Actual cash paid to the corporation;

(b) Property, tangible or intangible, actually
received by the corporation and necessary or  What are Certificates of Stocks?
convenient for its use and lawful purposes at - It is a written instrument signed by an
a fair valuation equal to the par or issued value officer of the corporation. It signifies that
of the stock issued; you are the owner of the stock.

- It is usually issued for the stockholder
who bought the stock. c. Judicial
- Q: Is there a Certificate of Stock issued to - For example: Later on, there will be a case
a subscriber that hasn’t paid in full yet or then there will be a court order for the
hasn’t paid at all? transfer of the shares.
A: No, it will be issued once the
subscription is fully paid. You must pay [Definition in the PPT]
first the entire subscription. It is what you - May be transferred by delivery of the
call Indivisibility of Subscription. certificate or certificates endorsed by the
- The certificate of stock is the evidence or owner, his attorney-in-fact, or any other
proof of ownership of the share. person legally authorized to make the
- The reckoning point here is if it is in the transfer. No transfer, however, shall be
Stock and Transfer Book so you need to valid, except as between the parties, until
make sure that it is recorded in the Stock the transfer is recorded in the books of
and Transfer Book. the corporation showing the names of
the parties to the transaction, the date of
[Definition in the PPT] the transfer, the number of the certificate
- The capital stock or corporations shall be or certificates, and the number of shares
divided into shares for which certificates transferred.
signed by the president or vice president,
countersigned by the secretary or Note:
assistant secretary, and sealed with the - Remember that after you buy a share
seal of the corporation shall be issued in from an individual you need to make sure
accordance with the bylaws. that is registered in the corporation.

 When are they issued?  What are uncertificated or scripless

- Upon full payment of the subscription. shares?
- The trading system where settlement is
[Definition in the PPT] carried out via book-entries rather than
by the movement of physical securities.
SEC. 63. Issuance of Stock Certificates. – No In other words, paperless trading.
certificate of stock shall be issued to a subscriber - For example: Instead of settling via
until the full amount of the subscription together
endorsement or delivery you use book
with interest and expenses (in case of delinquent
shares), if any is due, has been paid. entries instead of physical movement of
 How are they transferred? - Usually this is used in stocks which are
- There are three ways: traded publicly.

a. Endorse and Deliver Under the RCC:

- You sign it and then you deliver it - The commission may require
physically. Why physically? Because it is corporations whose securities are traded
like a bearer instrument. You were able to in trading markets and which can
get the Certificate of Stock and then reasonable demonstrate their capability
you’ll transfer it another person then to do so to issue their securities or shares
you’ll at the back of it and you’ll of stock in uncertificated or scripless from
physically transfer it. in accordance with the rules of the
b. Execute a Deed of Assignment - No shares of stock which the corporation
- You’ll assign your shares to another holds any unpaid claim shall be
person in a separate document. transferrable in the books of the
- You can photocopy the Certificate of corporation.
Stock then you’ll attach it and surrender
the Certificate of Stock.  What are watered stocks?
- Q: Why is it important to surrender the - Issues which are issued for no value or
Certificate of Stock to the Buyer? less than the amount that it is actually
A: That is what the buyer will bring to the sold.

- When it is par value, you cannot sell - If for example the shareholder did not
below par value. pay the shares on time, the share will
become delinquent.
 What is the liability of directors if a - The shares if not paid can be sold
corporation issues watered stocks? through public auction (after the notice,
- They are solidary liable. it will be published in a newspaper of
general circulation so that notice is for
SEC. 64. Liability of Directors for Watered the public who’ll be interested to buy that
Stocks. – A director or officer of a corporation share) or the corporation can file a case
who: (a) consents to the issuance of stocks for a
against the shareholder for the collection
consideration less than its par or issued value; (b)
consents to the issuance of stocks for a of a sum of money.
consideration other than cash, valued in excess of
its fair value; or (c) having knowledge of the [Definition in the PPT]
insufficient consideration, does not file a written
- AFTER THE CALL, notice of the sale, with
objection with the corporate secretary, shall be
a copy of the resolution, shall be sent to
liable to the corporation or its creditors,
solidarily with the stockholder concerned for every delinquent stockholder either
the difference between the value received at the personally, by registered mail, or through
time of issuance of the stock and the par or issued other means provided in the bylaws. The
value of the same. same shall be published once a week for
two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper
Remember: In a corporation, you will not be of general circulation in the province or
personally held liable because a corporation has a
city where the principal office of the
very strong separate juridical personality. You
have to pierce the veil of corporate entity to get corporation is located.
to the directors, the stockholders, and the officers.
 Are all unpaid subscriptions delinquent?
 What is a call? - It only be delinquent if there was a call
- Remember in COBLAW1, even though that happened already or also it can be
there is a due date, what makes it due is that it becomes due without further
not actually the arrival of the due date demand.
but the demand. Upon demand and as - The point here is that it doesn’t mean that
soon as he receives it, he needs to pay it. you weren’t able to pay something is that
If he doesn’t pay up then the next thing you’re already delinquent, there should
that will happen that he will be sued. still be a demand to pay.
- The call is actually a demand from the - If the shareholder has still not paid in full
board of directors saying that you should yet, it doesn’t mean that the subscription
already pay up the shares. is delinquent, it’s just not fully paid.
- Q: Is it always needed? - It important to know if the shares are
A: No, for example in the subscription delinquent because there are
contract, this is the due date without consequence if it is.
further demand. Then that doesn’t need
a call. However, if it is stated that the due SEC. 71. Rights of Unpaid Shares,
Nondelinquent. Holders of subscribed shares
date is on this, then there will be a call
not fully paid which are not delinquent shall
and that is actually the demand from the
have all the rights of a stockholder.
corporation asking you to pay up.
 What are the effects of delinquency to
[Definition in the PPT] the shares and shareholders?
- The board of directors may, by resolution, 1. To the right to vote or be voted for
order the sale of delinquent stock and - You cannot use it to vote and you cannot
shall specifically state the amount due on run in an election to be voted using those
each subscription plus all accrued shares.
interest, and the date, time and place of 2. The right to attend or be represented in
the sale which shall not be less than thirty any meeting.
(30) days nor more than sixty (6)0 days - The shareholder is entitled to receive
from the date the stocks become notices but you cannot attend meetings
delinquent. nor send proxy’s to represent yourself in
the meeting.
 How do shares become delinquent?
3. The right to receive dividends. court action, the amount due on any unpaid
- The shareholders can still receive subscription, with accrued interest, costs and
dividends however it’s only cash expenses.
dividends. They can’t receive stock
Scenario No. 2
o Receiving of stock dividends is not
X subscribed for 100 shares with par value of
allowed because you still have an
P100 each. X was only able to pay the
utang sa corporation and yet
corporation Php 50,000 out of P100,000.
you’ll receive stock dividends.
o Stock dividends are for fully paid The subscription became delinquent and the
shareholders because the shares were sold at a public auction, with costs
consideration for it is the for advertisement, sale and interest amounting
unrestricted retained earnings. to Php 20,000
Remember: The Dividends ay
hinuhugot from the Bidders:
unrestricted retained earnings
kasi ito yung sobra-sobrang A. P70K for 500 shares
kita. B. P70K for 400 shares
C. 50K for 300 shares
SEC. 70. Effect of Delinquency. – No
delinquent stock shall be voted for, be Who is the winning bidder?
entitled to vote, or be represented at any
stockholder’s meeting, nor shall the holder - It’s B. Here you need to be able to pay the
thereof be entitled to any of the rights of a
minimum which is to pay the remaining
stockholder except the right to dividends in
accordance with the provisions of this Code, part of subscription that became
until and unless payment is made by the delinquent which is 50K and the
holder of such delinquent stock for the advertising fee which is 20K.
amount due on the subscription with accrued - It is also allowed to pay higher than that
interest, and the costs and expenses of but the point is that if there are similar
advertisement, if any. bids like for A and B, bidder who bids for
the lowest number of shares for which
amount is already required, he will be
- If for example, you’re a delinquent
considered as the winning bidder.
stockholder, you are entitled to receive
cash dividends. However, before the Additional Q: For the remaining 600 shares,
corporation gives the money they’ll where will it go?
deduct the amount of the unpaid shares
from it. A: It will go to X because he was the original
bidder and he has also paid for it.
 What are the options of the corporation
as regards delinquent share? Additional Q: What if there’s no winning bid?
What will happen?
SEC. 67. Delinquency Sale. … Unless the
delinquent stockholder pays to the corporation, A: Should there be no bidder at the public
on or before the date specified for the sale of the auction who offers to pay the full amount of the
delinquent stock, the balance due on the former’s balance on the subscription together with
subscription, plus accrued interest, costs of accrued interest, costs of advertisement, and
advertisement and expenses of sale, or unless the
expenses of sale, for the smallest number of
board of directors otherwise orders, said
delinquent stock shall be sold at a public shares or fraction of a share, the corporation
auction to such bidder who shall offer to pay may, subject to the provisions of this Code, bid
the full amount of the balance on the for the same, and the total amount due shall be
subscription together with accrued interest, credited as fully paid in the books of the
costs of advertisement and expenses of sale, corporation. Title to all the shares of stock
for the smallest number of shares or fraction covered by the subscription shall be vested in
of a share.
the corporation as treasury shares.
SEC. 69. Court Action to Recover Unpaid
Subscription. – Nothing in this Code shall - And they will get it from the unrestricted
prevent the corporation from collecting through retained earnings.

shall be barred and the corporation shall cancel
the lost, destroyed or stolen certificate of stock in
Sec. 67. Delinquency Sale. xxx its books. In lieu thereof, the corporation shall
issue a new certificate of stock, unless the
Said delinquent stock shall be sold at a public registered owner files a bond or other security as
auction to such bidder who offers to pay the full may be required, effective for a period of one (1)
amount of the balance on the subscription year, for such amount and in such form and with
together with accrued interest, costs of such sureties as may be satisfactory to the board
advertisement, and expenses of sale, for the of directors, in which case a new certificate may
smallest number of shares or fraction of a share. be issued even before the expiration of the one (1)
The stock so purchased shall be transferred to year period provided herein.
such purchase in the books of the corporation and
a certificate for such stock shall be issued in the Notes: It can happen that in less than a year, you
purchaser’s favor. The remaining shares, if any, will receive a new certificate of stock if you’ll get
shall be credited in favor of the delinquent a bond. Wherein it will be a security for the
stockholder who shall likewise be entitled to the company that whatever happens, they will be
issuance of a certificate of stock covering such liable for it.
- If you want to not wait for a year then you
-- can get the bond.

Scenario on lost stock certificates: Q: Why is it that the law wants that it would be
- You were able to buy stocks from a still after a year that the Certificate of Stock will
corporation and they issued you a be reissued?
certificate but then because of an
A: It is possible that the Certificate was never lost
incident you lost it.
and the shareholder must have sold it to other
o In this scenario, it’s okay because people or he must just have kept it or wasn’t even
a stock is an intangible asset and destroyed.
the certificate is just an evidence
that you owned a stock. Also, it’s - Q: What is the danger in this?
written in the books. A: It is possible that he will have 2
- The corporation can issue another Certificate of Stock, and he can sell both of
certificate of stock and there is a the certificates to other people. Later on,
they may go to the corporation asking for
the share to be transferred wherein fact,
the owner is still there.
SEC. 72. Lost or Destroyed Certificates. – The
 What are dividends?
following procedure shall be followed by a
corporation in issuing new certificates of stock in - These are returns of one’s investments.
lieu of those which have been lost, stolen or It’s not an utang of the corporation to it’s
destroyed: stockholders. The only time that it will be
considered as an utang if upon
1. The registered owner of a certificate of stock in declaration is hindi nabayaran.
a corporation or such person’s legal - The expectation that the corporation will
representative shall file with the corporation an
declare dividends does not mean that a
affidavit in triplicate setting forth, if possible, the
circumstances as to how the certificate was lost, stockholder has a right to demand the
stolen or destroyed, corporation to declare dividends. For the
corporation can use the kita or the
2. After verifying the affidavit and other earnings in many ways. It could be for
information and evidence with the books of the investments, expansions or more.
corporation, the corporation shall publish a - It is sufficient to say that if sobra-sobra na
notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the
yung earnings, for example: If the
place where the corporation has its principal
corporation surplus profits is in excess of
office, once a week for three (3) consecutive
weeks at the expense of the registered owner of 100% of the paid-in capital stock, it
the certificate of stock which has been lost, stolen should now be declared as dividends. It
or destroyed. now becomes a duty on part of the Board
of Directors.
3. After the expiration of one (1) year from the
date of the last publication, if no contest has been  Who decides on whether to declare
presented to the corporation regarding the
certificate of stock, the right to make such contest

- The Board of Directors declares them. - Remember that if you put up a business
With respect to cash dividends and and you decided to quit the business, you
property dividends, only the BOD can can’t simply do that. You have to
declare them. remember that there are people who
- When it comes to stock dividends, it more or less have expectation to your
should be approved not only by the BOD business. They expect to be paid, to be
but also by 2/3 of the Outstanding served, in case the contract pre-existed
Capital Stock. the dissolution. Now, this also included
o Why? They may also want to have the investors, partners and stockholders.
cash dividends other than stock All of them must be satisfied first with
dividends. (The example was that their claims before you actually end the
you may have bought shares in a business.
low price but the company does - No, it’s not the end. The actual end would
not release cash dividends and be termination.
only focus on stock dividends. You
are not earning money, you’ll be
able to earn only when you sell Timeline of Corporate Life
that shares so the 2/3 of the
Outstanding Capital Stock may Promotion → Filing of AI → Issuance of Cert. of
want to say something about this) Incorporation → Going Concern → Dissolution

 When should they be declared? → Winding Up → Termination

SEC. 42. Power to Declare Dividends. – The Notes:

board of directors of a stock corporation may
- Everything starts with promotion, this is
declare dividends out of the unrestricted retained
where the promoters gather the people or
earnings which shall be payable in cash, property,
those who are interested in joining the
or in stock to all stockholders on the basis of
outstanding stock held by them: Provided, That
any cash dividends due on delinquent stock shall - Then, filing the Articles of Incorporation. →
first be applied to the unpaid balance on the Issuance of Cert. of Incorporation
subscription plus costs and expenses, while stock o The Issuance of Cert. of AI
dividends shall be withheld from the delinquent signifies the beginning or the
stockholders until their unpaid subscription is birth of the corporate existence.
fully paid: Provided, further, That no stock - Then going concern, → Dissolution →
dividend shall be issued without the approval of
Winding up and Termination.
stockholders representing at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock at a regular
or special meeting duly called for the purpose.
 What are the different modes of
Stock corporations are prohibited from retaining dissolving a corporation?
surplus profits in excess of one hundred percent
(100%) of their paid-in capital stock, except: (a) (a.) Voluntary Dissolution and;
when justified by definite corporate expansion  It is the corporation that initiates the
projects or programs approved by the board of dissolution
directors; or (b) when the corporation is  There are 2 Types under Voluntary
prohibited under any loan agreement with
financial institutions or creditors, whether local
or foreign, from declaring dividends without their a. No Creditor are affected
consent, and such consent has not yet been b. Creditors are affected
secured; or (c) when it can be clearly shown that
such retention is necessary under special 1. Voluntary Dissolution wherein No
circumstances obtaining in the corporation, such Creditors are Affected
as when there is need for special reserve for Q: What is the required votes to dissolve
probable contingencies. a corporation where there a no creditors
7th Synch Class
- A: The dissolution may be effected by
 Is dissolution the end-all and be-all of majority vote of the board of directors or
corporate life? trustees, and by a resolution adopted by
the affirmative vote of the stockholders

owning at least majority of the together so they already quit in which
outstanding capital stock or majority of case no creditors are affected.
the members of a meeting to be held - It is not allowed that the company will
upon the call of the directors or trustees. just quit all of a sudden, they still need to
undergo Voluntary Dissolution.
Q: Should the vote be obtained in a
meeting call for the purpose? o b. Involuntary Dissolution
- A: Yes there should be a meeting for it. It can be the government like
the SEC can revoke the
Q: Should there be a prior notice? If so, Certificate of Incorporation
how many days? Publication, where? which can lead to dissolution.
How many times should it be published?
- A: Yes there should be a prior notice. 2. Voluntary Dissolution where there are
- 20 days prior. creditors affected
- Publication through newspaper or any
news company in the city or region where Q: What is the required vote to dissolve?
the principal place is located. If there is - A: Majority of the directors and trustees
not, then a newspaper of general and 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock
circulation in the Philippines.
o Additional Q: Why is that in this
- It should be published once prior to the
part the required vote is 2/3 but
date of the meeting. when there are no creditors are
- Take note: When it comes to voluntary affected, majority will suffice?
dissolution wherein there is no creditors What is the difference in the
affected, you only publish it once. threshold that should be met
before dissolution takes place?
Q: What does the corporation file with
A: (2/3 is more difficult to achieve
the SEC to dissolve?
than the majority) The rationale
- A: A verified request for dissolution. It is
here is that if its 2/3, it means it’s a
important that it is verified to ensure that
higher threshold meaning there
everyone agreed for the dissolution. Also,
must be really that kind of
if someone lied about it, he can be held
decision and it’s not just a simple
liable for that action. It should be
decision wherein the majority will
win. Because, in that the threshold
is very slim.
What actions will the SEC perform after it
receives the verified request for -* Remember that 51% opposed
dissolution? to 49% is still majority. So, in that
- A: The commission shall accept the kind of voting, it is okay for there
request and issue a certificate of are no creditors affected. When
dissolution. there are creditors affected, it
- A: From the law, Within fifteen (15) days means that you have an obligation
from receipt of the verified request for on them. Also, you are already
dissolution, and in the absence of any expecting a profit from them.
withdrawal within said period, the Why? The creditors doesn’t only
Commission shall approve the request speak to the people whom you
and issue the certificate of dissolution. borrowed money with, these are
The dissolution shall take effect only also obligees meaning persons
upon the issuance by the Commission of who you contracted with that
a certificate of dissolution. you’ll do something with
expectation of returns.
-* For example: You’ll be creating
- Usually this kind of event happens when
a bridge, in return you’ll be
in the process of organization and then
earning money from it.
all of a sudden before they close any deal
-* So, the other stockholders may
with a third person, they decides to quit.
not be so keen in dissolving yet,
So, they may have thought all of a
they still haven’t earned
sudden that they don’t fit to work
something but then the company
will already be dissolved. That was
not the reason why they invested Q: What actions will the SEC perform?
the money.
SEC. 133. Methods of Dissolution. – A
-* The point is that there are more corporation formed or organized under the
people involved, there are more provisions of this Code may be dissolved
things at stake and so therefore, voluntarily or involuntarily.
2/3 is the best mode of voting
rather than majority. SEC. 134. Voluntary Dissolution Where No
-* Here you’ll be needing at least Creditors are Affected. – If dissolution of a
corporation does not prejudice the rights of any
67%, it is to really ensure that it is
creditor having a claim against it, the dissolution
what the company wants. may be effected by majority vote of the board of
directors or trustees, and by a resolution
Q: Should there be a meeting? adopted by the affirmative vote of the
- A: It depends on the by-laws but stockholders owning at least majority of the
technically speaking there should be a outstanding capital stock or majority of the
meeting. If the by-laws allow other means members of a meeting to be held upon the call of
the directors or trustees.
of participating in the meeting, it is
allowed. At least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting,
notice shall be given to each shareholder or
member of record personally, by registered mail,
Q: Should there be a prior notice, how or by any means authorized under its bylaws
many days? Publication, where? whether or not entitled to vote at the meeting, in
- A: Yes there should be. Here you need the manner provided in Section 50 of this Code
and shall state that the purpose of the meeting is
to publish at least once a week for three
to vote on the dissolution of the corporation.
consecutive weeks. Notice of the time, place, and object of the
o Additional Q: Why is it that here, meeting shall be published once prior to the
it’s once a week for three date of the meeting in a newspaper published in
consecutive weeks? the place where the principal office of said
A: corporation is located, or if no newspaper is
published in such place, in a newspaper of general
Q: What does the corporation file with circulation in the Philippines.
the SEC?
A verified request for dissolution shall be filed
- A: You’ll file a petition not a request. with the Commission stating: (a) the reason for
o Additional Q: When the SEC gets the dissolution; (b) the form, manner, and time
the petition, will they immediately when the notices were given; (c) names of the
grant the petition? stockholders and directors or members and
A: If the petition is sufficient in trustees who approved the dissolution; (d) the
form and substance, the date, place, and time of the meeting in which the
vote was made; and (e) details of publication.
Commission shall, by an order
reciting the purpose of the The corporation shall submit the following to the
petition, fix a deadline for filing Commission: (1) a copy of the resolution
objections to the petition which authorizing the dissolution, certified by a
date shall not be less than thirty majority of the board of directors or trustees and
(30) days nor more than sixty (60) countersigned by the secretary of the
days after the entry of the order. corporation; (2) proof of publication; and (3)
favorable recommendation from the appropriate
o Additional Q: Who will file the regulatory agency, when necessary.
A: The creditors. The people who Within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the
are affected by the petition. Why? verified request for dissolution, and in the
What are the possible objections absence of any withdrawal within said period,
the Commission shall approve the request and
they will make?
issue the certificate of dissolution. The
-* They may say that they should dissolution shall take effect only upon the
not dissolve for they may be using issuance by the Commission of a certificate of
it to evade their liabilities. Also, if dissolution.
for example they have a debt and
they stated a wrong figure so that No application for dissolution of banks, banking
can be a reason for objection. and quasi-banking institutions, preneed,
insurance and trust companies, NSSLAs,  Can the corporation withdraw its
pawnshops, and other financial intermediaries request/petition for dissolution?
shall be approved by the Commission unless - A: They can withdraw the request for
accompanied by a favorable recommendation of
the appropriate government agency.
o Additional Q: What is the
SEC. 135. Voluntary Dissolution Where required vote if they will withdraw
Creditors are Affected; Procedure and the decision?
Contents of Petition. Where the dissolution of a A: Whatever way they used to
corporation may prejudice the rights of any approve the dissolution, they’ll
creditor, a verified petition for dissolution shall use the same method for the
be filed with the Commission. The petition shall
voting to withdraw.
be signed by a majority of the corporation’s board
of directors or trustees, verified by its president
or secretary or one of its directors or trustees, and  Until when can the corporation withdraw
shall set forth all claims and demands against it, its decision to dissolve?
and that its dissolution was resolved upon by the - A: The withdrawal shall be submitted no
affirmative vote of the stockholders later than fifteen (15) days from receipt
representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the by the Commission of the request for
outstanding capital stock or at least two- dissolution.
thirds (2/3) of the members at a meeting of its
stockholders or members called for that purpose.
The petition shall likewise state: (a) the reason for  Is the SEC bound to approve the
the dissolution; (b) the form, manner, and time withdrawal?
when the notices were given; and (c) the date, - A: Upon receipt of a withdrawal of
place, and time of the meeting in which the vote request for dissolution, the Commission
was made. The corporation shall submit to the shall withhold action on the request for
Commission the following: (1) a copy of the dissolution and shall, after investigation:
resolution authorizing the dissolution, certified
(a) make a pronouncement that the
by a majority of the board of directors or trustees
and countersigned by the secretary of the request for dissolution is deemed
corporation; and (2) a list of all its creditors. withdrawn;
(b) direct a joint meeting of the board of
If the petition is sufficient in form and substance, directors or trustees and the stockholders
the Commission shall, by an order reciting the or members for the purpose of
purpose of the petition, fix a deadline for filing ascertaining whether to proceed with
objections to the petition which date shall not
dissolution; or
be less than thirty (30) days nor more than
(c) issue such other orders as it may deem
sixty (60) days after the entry of the order.
Before such date, a copy of the order shall be appropriate.
published at least once a week for three (3) - Notes: The SEC will conduct an
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
investigation for there maybe factions
circulation published in the municipality or city
where the principal office of the corporation is within the corporation who wants to
situated, or if there be no such newspaper, then in have dissolution and those that do not.
a newspaper of general circulation in the o Also, the SEC want to ensure that
Philippines, and a similar copy shall be posted for all documents are in order.
three (3) consecutive weeks in three (3) public
places in such municipality or city. SEC. 137. Withdrawal of Request and Petition
for Dissolution. – A withdrawal of the request for
Upon five (5) days’ notice, given after the date on dissolution shall be made in writing, duly verified
which the right to file objections as fixed in the by any incorporator, director, trustee,
order has expired, the Commission shall shareholder, or member and signed by the same
proceed to hear the petition and try any issue number of incorporators, directors, trustees,
raised in the objections filed; and if no such shareholders, or members necessary to request
objection is sufficient, and the material for dissolution as set forth in the foregoing
allegations of the petition are true, it shall render sections. The withdrawal shall be submitted no
judgment dissolving the corporation and later than fifteen (15) days from receipt by the
directing such disposition of its assets as justice Commission of the request for dissolution.
requires, and may appoint a receiver to collect
such assets and pay the debts of the corporation. Upon receipt of a withdrawal of request for
dissolution, the Commission shall withhold action
The dissolution shall take effect only upon the on the request for dissolution and shall, after
issuance by the Commission of a certificate of investigation: (a) make a pronouncement that
dissolution. the request for dissolution is deemed
withdrawn; (b) direct a joint meeting of the  What are the grounds for involuntary
board of directors or trustees and the dissolution?
stockholders or members for the purpose of - If the corporation becomes inactive for 5
ascertaining whether to proceed with
consecutive years.
dissolution; or (c) issue such other orders as it
may deem appropriate.
SEC. 138. Involuntary Dissolution. – A
corporation may be dissolved by the Commission
A withdrawal of the petition for dissolution
motu proprio or upon filing of a verified
shall be in the form of a motion and similar in
complaint by any interested party. The following
substance to a withdrawal of request for
may be grounds for dissolution of the
dissolution but shall be verified and filed prior
to publication of the order setting the
deadline for filing objections to the petition.
(a) Non-use of corporate charter as provided
under Section 21 of this Code;
Dissolution by shortening corporate term
- In a way, shortening the corporate term (b) Continuous inope ration of a corporation as
is a mode of dissolution. Because, in the provided under Section 21 of this Code;
revised code, corporation is now
perpetual. (c) Upon receipt of a lawful court order dissolving
- Q: Can the corporation opt to have a the corporation;
shorter period?
(d) Upon finding by final judgment that the
A: Yes and upon the arrival of that period,
corporation procured its incorporation through
the corporation will be dissolved. fraud;
- For example: A corporation only wants
the corporation to last for 50 years but he (e) Upon finding by final judgment that the
can still opt to shorten this to 10 years. corporation:

1. What is the required vote? (1) Was created for the purpose of committing,
concealing or aiding the commission of securities
- Majority of the board and then ratified by
violations, smuggling, tax evasion, money
the 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock. laundering, or graft and corrupt practices;
- 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock is
needed because the first thing that will (2) Committed or aided in the commission of
be done is amending the articles of securities violations, smuggling, tax evasion,
incorporation. money laundering, or graft and corrupt practices,
2. Who votes? Notice? Publication? How is and its stockholders knew; and
this done?
(3) Repeatedly and knowingly tolerated the
- Yes it is needed. commission of graft and corrupt practices or
other fraudulent or illegal acts by its directors,
trustees, officers, or employees.
SEC. 136. Dissolution by Shortening Corporate
Term. – A voluntary dissolution may be effected If the corporation is ordered dissolved by final
by amending the articles of incorporation to judgment pursuant to the grounds set forth in
shorten the corporate term pursuant to the subparagraph (e) hereof, its assets, after payment
provisions of this Code. A copy of the amended of its liabilities, shall, upon petition of the
articles of incorporation shall be submitted to the Commission with the appropriate court, be
Commission in accordance with this Code. forfeited in favor of the national government.
Such forfeiture shall be without prejudice to the
Upon the expiration of the shortened term, as rights of innocent stockholders and employees for
stated in the approved amended articles of services rendered, and to the application of other
incorporation, the corporation shall be penalty or sanction under this Code or other laws.
deemed dissolved without any further
proceedings, subject to the provisions of this The Commission shall give reasonable notice to,
Code on liquidation. and coordinate with, the appropriate regulatory
agency prior to the involuntary dissolution of
In the case of expiration of corporate term, companies under their special regulatory
dissolution shall automatically take effect on jurisdiction.
the day following the last day of the corporate
term stated in the articles of incorporation, Note:
without the need for the issuance by the
- The point here is that there are also
Commission of a certificate of dissolution.
causes for dissolution which are triggered

not by the stockholders themselves but convey all of its property to trustees for the
more so by the government. benefit of stockholders, members, creditors
and other persons in interest. After any such
conveyance by the corporation of its property
 What happens after the corporation is
in trust for the benefit of its stockholders,
dissolved? members, creditors and others in interest, all
- It’s the winding up phase. In this phase, interest which the corporation had in the
you settle obligations with the creditors. property terminates, the legal interest vests in
the trustees, and the beneficial interest in the
 Can the corporation still enter into stockholders, members, creditors or other
contracts during winding-up stage? persons-in-interest.
- You cannot enter into new contracts but
Except as otherwise provided for in Sections 93
if you have contracts which you have and 94 of this Code, upon the winding up of
made before the dissolution then that corporate affairs, any asset distributable to any
can be allowed. creditor or stockholder or member who is
unknown or cannot be found shall be escheated in
 What happens during the winding-up favor of the national government.
- Termination Except by decrease of capital stock and as
otherwise allowed by this Code, no corporation
shall distribute any of its assets or property
 What happens after the corporation has except upon lawful dissolution and after payment
winded-up? of all its debts and liabilities.
 How many years can a corporation wind-
up its affairs? Is there an exception to this  Can the corporation extend its winding up
rule? phase? If so, until when?
- A corporation can wind-up its affairs for - Remember that a corporation has only 3
3 years. years to wind up and what the
corporation do is that within that 3 years,
they will transfer to a trustee, the
ownership of the properties. Once the
 What is liquidation? trustees owns the properties now, it can
- You convert the assets into cash. now go beyond 3 years. The trustee is
- [Definition in the PPT] It is the process by simply holding the property in trust, in
which all the assets of the corporation are favor of the creditor. So if you do this, the
converted into liquid assets in order to transferring of the properties to a trustee
facilitate the payment of obligations to and make it explicit that it is his duty to
creditors, and the remaining balance if hold the properties in favor of the
any is to be distributed to the creditors, then that could be done. The
stockholders. trustee can hold onto or manage the
properties for a indefinite number of
SEC. 139. Corporate Liquidation. – Except for years.
banks, which shall be covered by the applicable o Additional Q: You know who’ll you
provisions of Republic Act No. 7653, otherwise
be paying however you cannot
known as the “New Central Bank Act”, as
amended, and Republic Act No. 3591, otherwise find that person? What can be the
known as the Philippine Deposit Insurance case that will be filed by the
Corporation Charter, as amended, every corporation?
corporation whose charter expires pursuant to its A: The proceeding that you file in
articles of incorporation, is annulled by forfeiture, case the creditor does not appear
or whose corporate existence is terminated in any after so many years and there is
other manner, shall nevertheless remain as a reason to believe that he no
body corporate for three (3) years after the
longer exists or dead and no
effective date of dissolution, for the purpose of
prosecuting and defending suits by or against it known heirs - escheat
and enabling it to settle and close its affairs, proceedings.
dispose of and convey its property, and distribute
What is Escheat?
its assets, but not for the purpose of continuing
the business for which it was established. A: It is when you hand over the
properties to the government.
At any time during said three (3) years, the Q: Why would it go to the
corporation is authorized and empowered to environment?
A: Remember that escheat is o The rehabilitation receiver must be
the same when you amass so carefully chosen because he will
much properties and you don’t have so much power to control the
have heirs. It will go to the things that must be done to be
government. This is under the able to rehabilitate the company.
theory that if it weren’t for the He also has the power to override
PH government, you would not the decision made by the board, if
have had the opportunity to he thinks it is needed to be able to
amass such wealth. If the revive the corporation.
government did not give you
an environment wherein you’ll What is a Stay Order?
gain profits, then you won’t
have profits at all. So, in a It stops or suspends the enforcement of all
sense, you owe it to the general claims for money or otherwise whether
to return that particular enforcement is by court or not, until
property in case you are no rehabilitation proceedings are terminated.
longer interested or there are
no known persons that can
collect those.
 Is dissolution the same as rehabilitation? - An order usually from the SEC or BSP. It
- No, they are not the same. is usually issued in the banks.
o If you recall in COBLAW1, bank
Rehabilitation connotes a reopening or deposits are not really deposits
reorganization. Contemplates a continuance of per se, they are loans
corporate existence in an effort to restore the o For example: When you go to a
corporation to its former successful operation. bank and you surrender money
amounting to 100K then you
Purpose: To make the corporation financially deposit it. The question is that if is
viable again. it a contract of deposit? The
money you surrendered is not
Ground for rehabilitation: really a deposit per se. A deposit,
for example when you surrender a
1. When there is imminent danger of car, you expect that you can get
dissipation or wastage of corporate the car again (*that was just safe
assets keeping) That is the definition of
2. Serious paralyzation of business which deposit. Here, when you surrender
would work to the prejudice of the money to the bank, it’s more of
stockholders and creditors of the like you lent the bank money. SO,
corporation. the bank becomes a debtor and
the depositor becomes the
*Mere misconduct of an officer is not a ground creditor.
for corporate rehabilitation. - The stay order is an order to stop the
company from paying its debts for a
*A corporation cannot ask for corporate
certain period of time.
rehabilitation and at the same time dissolution.
- Obviously, this is not the same with
dissolution because here you’ll only order
for it to be stopped.
- So, instead of dissolving the corporation,
the company can file for rehabilitation. In
 How are the corporate assets of a non-
that rehabilitation, there must be a plan
stock corporation distributed?
on how to like revive the company then
they’ll appoint a receiver. SEC. 93. Rules of Distribution. – The assets of a
- A receiver can either be a liquidating nonstock corporation undergoing the process of
receiver or rehabilitation receiver. dissolution for reasons other than those set forth
- Liquidating Receiver is for dissolution in Section 139 of this Code, shall be applied and
then Rehabilitation receiver is for the distributed as follows:
rehabilitation of the company.

(a) All liabilities and obligations of the SEC. 140. Definition and Rights of Foreign
corporation shall be paid, satisfied and Corporations. – For purposes of this Code, a
discharged, or adequate provision shall be made foreign corporation is one formed, organized or
therefor; existing under laws other than those of the
Philippines’ and whose laws allow Filipino
(b) Assets held by the corporation upon a citizens and corporations to do business in its
condition requiring return, transfer or own country or State. It shall have the right to
conveyance, and which condition occurs by transact business in the Philippines after
reason of the dissolution, shall be returned, obtaining a license for that purpose in accordance
transferred or conveyed in accordance with with this Code and a certificate of authority from
such requirements; the appropriate government agency.

(c) Assets received and held by the corporation - We do not simply recognize foreign
subject to limitations permitting their use only for corporations only because they have
charitable, religious, benevolent, educational or been incorporated in some other
similar purposes, but not held upon a condition
country, the qualifying factor is that they
requiring return, transfer or conveyance by
reason of the dissolution, shall be transferred or must have been existing under the laws
conveyed to one (1) or more corporations, of another country and that country
societies or organizations engaged in allows Filipinos and Filipino Corporations
activities in the Philippines substantially to do business there.
similar to those of the dissolving corporation
according to a plan of distribution adopted Q: How come PH adapts this kind of policy? Why
pursuant to this Chapter; are we only recognizing countries who are
willing to also do such for the PH?
(d) Assets other than those mentioned in the
preceding paragraphs, if any, shall be distributed A: The point is that if this provision is not here
in accordance with the provisions of the articles and then we allow foreign corporations to do
of incorporation or the bylaws, to the extent that business here even though their country
the articles of incorporation or the bylaws prevents us from doing business there, we
determine the distributive rights of members, or
would be at a great disadvantage. What
any class or classes of members, or provide for
distribution; and happens is that we cannot earn profits from their
country but they can here in the PH. At the same
(e) In any other case, assets may be distributed to time if this what happens, our foreign
such persons, societies, organizations or corporations ay malulugi because foreign corps
corporations, whether or not organized for profit, can penetrate in the country with ease but when
as may be specified in a plan of distribution our foreign corporations who will also do the
adopted pursuant to this Chapter.
same in their country will not be allowed. That’s
why as much as possible we only extend the
same courtesy, if they are willing to do the same
- The remaining properties of a dissolving
for us.
non-stock corporation shall be
transferred or conveyed to one (1) or - This is also called the laws on reciprocity.
more corporations, societies or
organizations engaged in activities in the  What are the tests to determine a
Philippines substantially similar to those corporation’s nationality?
of the dissolving corporation according to - There are three tests used to determine:
a plan of distribution adopted pursuant to Incorporation Test, Control Test and
this Chapter; Grandfather Rule
- So for example, Bantay Bata 163
o Incorporation Test - kung saan
dissolved, educational materials or other siya naincorporate, that is the
equipment’s left will be given to other corporation’s nationality.
homes/orphanages like for children and
infants for they are places who have [Definition in the PPT]
similar purposes with the corporation.  Corporation’s citizenship is where the
corporation is incorporated.
Example: If a corporation was
8th Synch Class incorporated in the PH then it’s
nationality is Filipino
 What are foreign corporations?

Example: If a corporation was Corporation. (If we will just look in the
incorporated in China then it’s skin then X Corp. has Filipino Nationality)
nationality is Chinese - However, we have to apply the
grandfather rule as there is a doubt to
o Control Test - Instead of looking at what really is the nature of the citizenship
the papers (Articles of or the nationality of the corporation.
Incorporation), we look at the
equity. - If to apply the grandfather rule, 52%
Filipino and 48% Foreign.
[Definition in the PPT] Q: What if the required equity under the law
 The citizenship of a particular says it should be 60-40 because it’s a mining
corporation is to be determined by company? Was the equity requirement
the citizenship of the controlling breached?
stockholders A: Yes because in the example the foreign
corporation owns 48% instead of just 40%.
Example: Majority of those
shares belong to a particular - So, we simply broke down the parts to be
individual whose nationality is able to understand more of the
this then it would be deemed corporation. That is the GF rule. We don’t
as that nationality. simply look at the direct shareholdings,
This is usually used when we we also see the attained direct.
are in conflict with another
country.  If a foreign corporation wants to do
business in the Philippines, what should it
o Grandfather Rule - to arrive at do?
Filipino ownership, both the direct - The corporation should have License to
and indirect shareholding in the Operate and Certificate of Authority.
corporation is determined. Used
by the court as supplement to
determine citizenship when the SEC. 140. Definition and Rights of Foreign
Corporations. – For purposes of this Code, a
attendant circumstances raise
foreign corporation is one formed, organized or
doubts as to Filipino equity. existing under laws other than those of the
Philippines’ and whose laws allow Filipino
Scenario: citizens and corporations to do business in its
The Facts on this Scenario own country or State. It shall have the right to
Fact No.1: X Corp was incorporated in the transact business in the Philippines after
Philippines, and its 40% equity is owned by obtaining a license for that purpose in
accordance with this Code and a certificate of
Foreigners, 40% by Filipino individuals, and 20%
authority from the appropriate government
by Y corp.

Foreigners = 40% - License to Operate (LTO) is really the

Filipino Individuals = 40% license of a foreign corporation if they
Y Corp = 20% were to do business here in the country.
- The thing is the SEC would tell you that
Fact No. 2: Y Corp. is a Filipino corporation under before you even dream of procuring a
the incorporation test license with us, you must first get a
certificate of authority from the
Let’s examine X Corp. under the GF Rule. appropriate government agency.
If Y is 60% Filipino and 40% Foreigner. That
means the 7% of Y’s 20% is foreign owned (40%  What is doing business? How are we
of 30 = 8% supposed to know if a company is doing
So X Corp. is 48% Foreign-owned and 52% - There are two tests, the substance test
Filipino-owned and continuity test.
Notes: Substance Test
- If we simply apply the Incorporation Test - Provides that: a foreign corporation is
& Control Test, X Corp. is a Filipino doing business in the country if it is
continuing the body or substance of the - They cannot sue but they can be sued.
enterprise of business for which it was
organized. SEC. 150. Doing Business Without a License. –
- When you say substance test, the No foreign corporation transacting business in
the Philippines without a license, or its successors
substance or the bulk of the services or
or assigns, shall be permitted to maintain or
the goods or the functions of the intervene in any action, suit or proceeding in any
operations are being held here in the court or administrative agency of the Philippines;
Philippines. but such corporation may be sued or proceeded
- Example: Japanese Airlines. They have a against before Philippine courts or administrative
telemarketer here in the country. They tribunals on any valid cause of action recognized
were asked by the PH to pay taxes under Philippine laws.
because they are earning here in the
Take Note:
Philippines. The reasoning of Japanese
- If the corporation is not licensed to do
Airlines is that the ticket still comes from
business in the Philippines, but does so
Japan and tickets are sent to their anyway, they cannot sue, but they can be
customers via email. sued.
Q: Is Japanese Airlines doing business
here in the PH? General Rule: They have no access in Philippine
A: SC rules yes it is doing business here in Courts. BUT THEY Can be sued.
the Philippines. If it weren’t for the
telemarketers, they wouldn’t have been Exceptions:
able to sold tickets and earn money. So, 1. Isolated transaction (one time transactions)
what happened after is that they were 2. Infringement of Intellectual Property
*International offense can be sued
held doing business here in the
Philippines and they were assessed of
3. Non-business transactions
taxes. That is substance test.
 How to obtain a license to operate?
Continuity Test
- See procedure outlined in Sections 142
- Provides that: doing business implies a
and 143.
continuity of commercial dealings and
arrangements, and contemplate to some
extent the performance of acts or works
1. Submission to SEC of foreign corp.’s
or the exercise of some functions
articles of incorporation and bylaws,
normally incident to and in progressive
certified in accordance with law, and their
prosecution of, the purpose and object of
translation to an official language in
its organization.
accordance with law, and their translation
- Under the National Internal Revenue
to an official language of the Philippines,
code as amended, the requirement is that
if necessary.
if a person is a non-resident alien (not yet
2. Appointment of its resident agent
a Filipino) but he was doing business here
in the PH for a period of 6 months or SEC. 144. Who May be a Resident Agent. – A
more in a year whether continuous or resident agent may be either an individual
broken is deemed to be doing business residing in the Philippines or a domestic
here in the Philippines. corporation lawfully transacting business in
- For example: January to March then you the Philippines: Provided, That an individual
resident agent must be of good moral
return June then stayed up to September,
character and of sound financial standing:
even though there is a break within the Provided, further, That in case of a domestic
timeline, it was more than 6 months so corporation who will act as a resident agent,
you are deemed to have done business it must likewise be of sound financial standing
here in the Philippines. and must show proof that it is in good
standing as certified by the Commission.

 What will happen should a corporation

What are the functions of a resident agent?
NOT procure a license to operate nor
- on whom summons and other legal
certificate of authority, before it does
processes may be served in all actions or
business in the Philippines?
other legal proceedings against such
corporation, and consenting that service approved by the SEC first before they come
upon such resident agent shall be into effect?
admitted and held as valid as if served
upon the duly authorized officers of the - They do not need to seek approval from
the SEC. They only need to notify the SEC.
foreign corporation at its home office
This is the general rule.
3. Attestation by the President that the SEC. 147. Amendments to Articles of
applicant is solvent and in sound financial Incorporation or Bylaws of Foreign
condition. Corporations. – Whenever the articles of
- Attestation is simply a president saying incorporation or bylaws of a foreign corporation
something that is documented and authorized to transact business in the Philippines
usually notarized. are amended, such foreign corporation shall,
within sixty (60) days after the amendment
becomes effective, file with the Commission, and
4. Within sixty (60) days after the issuance in the proper cases, with the appropriate
of the license to transact business in the government agency, a duly authenticated copy of
Philippines, the license shall provide the the amended articles of incorporation or bylaws,
SE C with securities. indicating clearly in capital letters or
underscoring the change or changes made, duly
certified by the authorized official or officials of
SEC. 145. Resident Agent; Service of Process. – the country or State of incorporation. Such filing
As a condition to the issuance of the license for a shall not in itself enlarge or alter the purpose or
foreign corporation to transact business in the purposes for which such corporation is
Philippines, such corporation shall file with the authorized to transact business in the Philippines.
Commission a written power of attorney
designating a person who must be a resident of  When is prior approval of the SEC
the Philippines, on whom summons and other necessary?
legal processes may be served in all actions or - There are two exceptions. If it wants to
other legal proceedings against such corporation, change its corporate name and the
and consenting that service upon such resident
agent shall be admitted and held as valid as if
served upon the duly authorized officers of the - When changing its corporate name, it
foreign corporation at its home office. tries to avoid having a similar or exactly
the same name with an existing business
 What if the Resident Agent cannot be or corporation here in the PH.
found, to whom will the summons be - About the purpose, because there are
served? different regulations for every kind of
SEC. 145. Such foreign corporation shall likewise
execute and file with the Commission an
agreement or stipulation, executed by the proper
SEC. 148. Amended License. – A foreign
authorities of said corporation, in form and
corporation authorized to transact business in the
substance as follows: “The (name of foreign
Philippines shall obtain an amended license in the
corporation) hereby stipulates and agrees, in
event it changes its corporate name, or desires to
consideration of being granted a license to
pursue other or additional purposes in the
transact business in the Philippines, that if the
Philippines, by submitting an application with the
corporation shall cease to transact business in the
Commission, favorably endorsed by the
Philippines, or shall be without any resident agent
appropriate government agency in the proper
in the Philippines on whom any summons or
other legal processes may be served, then service
of any summons or other legal process may be
 Can a foreign corporation merge with
made upon the Commission in any action or
another foreign corporation in its home
proceeding arising out of any business or
transaction which occurred in the Philippines and
such service shall have the same force and effect
SEC. 149. Merger or Consolidation Involving a
as if made upon the duly authorized officers of the
Foreign Corporation Licensed in the
corporation at its home office.”
Philippines. – One or more foreign corporations
authorized to transact business in the Philippines
- If the resident agent cannot be found then may merge or consolidate with any domestic
the summon will be served to the SEC.
corporation or corporations if permitted under
Philippine laws and by the law of its
 If a corporation amends its articles of incorporation: Provided, That the requirements
incorporation or by-laws, should they be

on merger or consolidation as provided in this corporation or entity not duly licensed to do
Code are followed. business in the Philippines; or

Whenever a foreign corporation authorized to (i) Any other ground as would render it unfit to
transact business in the Philippines shall be a transact business in the Philippines.
party to a merger or consolidation in its home
country or State as permitted by the law SEC. 152. Issuance of Certificate of Revocation.
authorizing its incorporation, such foreign – Upon the revocation of the license to transact
corporation shall, within sixty (60) days after the business in the Philippines, the Commission shall
effectivity of such merger or consolidation, file issue a corresponding certificate of revocation,
with the Commission, and in proper cases, with furnishing a copy thereof to the appropriate
the appropriate government agency, a copy of the government agency in the proper cases.
articles of merger or consolidation duly
authenticated by the proper official or officials of The Commission shall also mail the notice and
the country or State under whose laws the merger copy of the certificate of revocation to the
or consolidation was effected: Provided, however, corporation, at its registered office in the
That if the absorbed corporation is the foreign Philippines.
corporation doing business in the Philippines, the
latter shall at the same time file a petition for  Can a foreign corporation withdraw its
withdrawal of its license in accordance with this license to operate? What are the
Title. requisites?

 Can a foreign corporation’s license to SEC. 153. Withdrawal of Foreign Corporations.

operate be revoked? – Subject to existing laws and regulations, a
foreign corporation licensed to transact business
SEC. 151. Revocation of License. – Without in the Philippines may be allowed to withdraw
prejudice to other grounds provided under from the Philippines by filing a petition for
special laws, the license of a foreign corporation withdrawal of license. No certificate of
to transact business in the Philippines may be withdrawal shall be issued by the Commission
revoked or suspended by the Commission upon unless all the following requirements are met:
any of the following grounds:
(a) All claims which have accrued in the
(a) Failure to file its annual report or pay any fees Philippines have been paid, compromised or
as required by this Code; settled;

(b) Failure to appoint and maintain a resident (b) All taxes, imposts, assessments, and penalties,
agent in the Philippines as required by this Title; if any, lawfully due to the Philippine Government
or any of its agencies or political subdivisions,
(c) Failure, after change of its resident agent or have been paid; and
address, to submit to the Commission a statement
of such change as required by this Title; (c) The petition for withdrawal of license has
been published once a week for three (3)
(d) Failure to submit to the Commission an consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
authenticated copy of any amendment to its circulation in the Philippines.
articles of incorporation or bylaws or of any
articles of merger or consolidation within the
time prescribed by this Title;

(e) A misrepresentation of any material matter in

any application, report, affidavit or other
document submitted by such corporation
pursuant to this Title;

(f) Failure to pay any and all taxes, imposts,

assessments or penalties, if any, lawfully due to
the Philippine Government or any of its agencies
or political subdivisions;

(g) Transacting business in the Philippines

outside of the purpose or purposes for which such
corporation is authorized under its license;

(h) Transacting business in the Philippines as

agent of or acting on behalf of any foreign


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