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The topic of improving our town has proven to be a highly controversial one.

But those are

two different ways to improve it in distinct aspects. The first one is to make more cultural
venues and the second one is to upgrade our sports center.

Firstly, I would like to talk about cultural venues because even though our town is very close
to the capital, Barcelona, and there is not much turism, if we had more cultural stuff lots of
more people would come. As for cultural elements I do not mean to build something new, but
I mean to take advantage of the things we have such as the local church where we could
make guided tours. Or even to make some free activities for all ages like a concert or an art

The second proposal to improve our town is to enhance our local sports center because not
until I saw our next town sports center did I realized that ours was not so good. The other
one had much better installations, many more types of machines and also they had more
people helping the customers. Our one, even is quite new, is quite old and small, the
machines are new but we just have one of each and to cap it we have just one sports trainer
and does not even work hard.

My stand on this issue, alike culture is very important. I consider that a better sports center is
not only a good option for tourism but also it benefits the local people. So I would first invest
on it.

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