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7. Choose the correct options.

1. She warned that she had to come home too early.
2. Kerry persuaded everyone to get up and dance.
3. They ordered us to leave immediately.
4. Dan threatened to call the police.
5. People congratulated footballer Steven Naismith on his kindness when he
paid for a meal for hundreds of homeless people.

8. Rewrite the sentence in reported speech

1. “Would you like me to organize the party?
She said She offered him if he would her to organize the party
2. “Let’s go for a swim later”
He said He suggested her to go for swim later
3. “Well done on winning the tournament” he said to me
He congratulated me on winning the tournament
4. “I told the newspapers the whole story” he said
He admitted that he told the newspapers the whole story
5. “everything will be fine” he told me
He promised me that everything would be fine

9. Complete the sentence in the correct form of the reporting verbs in the box
and the bold verbs.
1. He denied that he hadn’t eaten the last chocolate
2. She recommended going to see the doctor
3. He reminded me about buying the present for Holly
4. They refuse to let Emily in
5. Mum blame Simon for losing her phone the day before

10. Choose the correct options

1. He asked us if Zayn Malik had belonged to the One Direction or The Wanted
2. They apologized for being late
3. She asked us to be early the following day.
4. The teacher said we had to wear school uniforms on the trip
5. The coach encouraged the player to train more often
6. They told us they had started to start going out a few weeks earlier.
11. Report the dialogue
1. Mara asked Jude why had people lit a huge bonfire in the park that night.
2. Jude said to Mara that it was 5th November, Guy Fawkes night. He explained
that people always lit bonfires to remember the night in 1605 when Guy
Fawkes had tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament
3. Mara told that they called him “Guido Fawkes” in Spanish. She also said that
he had fought with the Spanish against the Dutch in the Eighty Years’ War.
She added that he was a real hero in Spain
4. Jude said that it was interesting, and he hadn’t known that. Then he
suggested why didn’t they go to the bonfires
5. Mara refused to go because it was freezing outside that night

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