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Name: Tadzmahal A.

Jallaw Subject: PMGT 121

Section: 2A Professor: Maria Criselda Desolo

Principles of Management

1. Division of Work

“Henri believed that segregating work in the workforce among the workers would
enhance the quality of the product. Similarly, he also concluded that the division of work
improves the workers' productivity, efficiency, accuracy, and speed. This principle is
appropriate for both managerial and technical work levels.”

- According to the idea of division of labor, any project must be broken down into
manageable tasks that are distributed among employees depending on their areas of
expertise. For example, in preparing an event, a number of committees are
implemented that are also divided into various sub-processes in order to meet the
end goal of the event. The theory that governs the principle of work division says that
when a laborer is assigned a specialized work task, they gain mastery of the skill over
time. Due to the worker's ability to concentrate entirely on one activity and use their
time well, this ultimately results in time and resource savings. As a result, this
segmentation is incredibly dependable and cost-effective.

2. Authority and Responsibility

“These are the two key aspects of management. Authority facilitates the management to
work efficiently, and responsibility makes them responsible for the work done under their
guidance or leadership.”

- This principle of management states that a manager needs to have the necessary
authority in order to ensure that his instructions are carried out by the employees. If
managers lacked authority, they would be powerless to accomplish anything. But with
that power should come accountability. Henri Fayol asserts that there ought to be a
harmony between responsibility and power. Employees will become irritated if there
is too much authority and not enough responsibilities. The manager will become
irritated if there is more authority than responsibility. Authority is the power
delegated by senior executives to assign duties to all employees for better
functioning. Responsibility is the commitment to fulfill a task given by an executive.

3. Discipline

“Without discipline, nothing can be accomplished. It is the core value of any project or any
management. Good performance and sensible interrelation make the management job easy
and comprehensive. Employees' good behavior also helps them smoothly build and progress
in their professional careers.”
- According to this principle, discipline is necessary for any organization to function
well. Managers must establish an atmosphere of respect for one another if they want
disciplined workers. Every employee should adhere to a set of company policies,
ideas, and structures. Any organization should not tolerate breaking the rules or being
lax. This can only be accomplished with effective monitoring and objective judgment.

4. Unity of Command

“Whoever is engaged in the same activity should have a unified goal. This means all the
people working in a company should have one goal and motive which will make the work
easier and achieve the set goal easily.”

- According to this notion, there should be a distinct chain of command within the
organization. It should be clear to the employees whom the proper authority is to
obey. A worker should only take commands from one management, according to
Fayol. A worker faces a danger to authority, discipline, and stability if there are two or
more managers overseeing them. Additionally, this will lead to the collapse of the
management system and employee burnout.

5. Unity of Direction

“Whoever is engaged in the same activity should have a unified goal. This means all the people
working in a company should have one goal and motive which will make the work easier and
achieve the set goal easily.”

- According to Henry Fayol’s concept of management, tasks should be set up such that
team members can cooperate to achieve a common goal while following a single plan
and reporting to a single manager. One manager should use one strategy for all of the
marketing activities, for instance, if you have a variety of marketing operations, such
as budgeting, sales promotion, and advertising. The many tasks can be divided up
among several sub-managers, but they should all cooperate to achieve a single
objective under the supervision of the primary person in charge of everything.

6. Subordination of Individual Interest (Collective Interest Over Individual Interest)

“This indicates a company should work unitedly towards the interest of a company rather
than personal interest. Be subordinate to the purposes of an organization. This refers to
the whole chain of command in a company.”

- According to this principle, team interests should take precedence over individual
ones. The interest of a single person should not be allowed to compromise the
organization's interests. The group will disintegrate if one member goes rogue.
7. Remuneration

“This plays an important role in motivating the workers of a company. Remuneration can
be monetary or non-monetary. However, it should be according to an individual’s efforts
they have made.”

- According to the Henry Fayol principle of management, workers ought to get fair
compensation for the labor they perform. Underpaying employees makes it difficult
for businesses to retain high-caliber staff members and keep them motivated. This
compensation should comprise both monetary and non-monetary incentives. A
system for rewarding good performance should also be in place to inspire personnel.

8. Centralization

“In any company, the management or any authority responsible for the decision-making
process should be neutral. However, this depends on the size of an organization. Henri
Fayol stressed the point that there should be a balance between the hierarchy and the
division of power.”

- Centralization is the top-down style of management and the consolidation of power

in the hands of the authorities. All levels of management receive access to this power
under decentralization. No organization in the present day can be entirely
decentralized or centralized. People at the bottom have no control over their tasks
due to complete centralization. The absence of a higher authority to run the
organization is a consequence of complete decentralization. A balance between
centralization and decentralization is necessary for today's successful use of this. It
will vary from organization to organization how well this equilibrium is accomplished.

9. Scalar Chain

“Fayol on this principle highlights that the hierarchy steps should be from the top to the
lowest. This is necessary so that every employee knows their immediate senior also they
should be able to contact any if needed.”

- The term "scalar chain" describes a direct line of communication between

subordinates and superiors. The structure of the company should be clear to all
employees, as should the chain of command. Fayol proposes that an organizational
chart be created for employees to view this structure clearly in order to apply this in
the company.

10. Order

“A company should maintain a well-defined work order to have a favorable work culture. The
positive atmosphere in the workplace will boost more positive productivity.”
- According to this theory, resources should be strategically allocated so that they are
used when and where they are needed most. This guarantees the efficient and
organized use of resources. Any of these resources that are misplaced will result in
abuse and chaos within the organization.

11. Equity

“All employees should be treated equally and respectfully. It’s the responsibility of a manager
that no employees face discrimination.”

- Kindness and justice go hand in hand when defining equity. According to this notion,
managers should treat everyone they supervise with kindness and justice. Employees
become more loyal and devoted to the company they work for as a result.

12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel

“An employee delivers the best if they feel secure in their job. It is the duty of the
management to offer job security to their employees.”

- According to his approach, a company should strive to reduce employee turnover and
increase productivity. It is unrealistic to anticipate a new hire assimilating into an
organization's culture immediately away. To become effective, they must be given ample
time to become used to their jobs. Because employment instability can result in
inefficiency, both new and veteran employees should be given job security. Since it costs
time and money to train new employees, there should also be a straightforward and
efficient procedure in place for handling vacancies when they occur.

13. Initiative

“The management should support and encourage the employees to take initiative in an
organization. It will help them to increase their interest and make them worthwhile.”

- This principle suggests that initiative should be promoted among all employees.
Employees feel driven and valued when they have a say in how they can do their duties.
Employers should pay attention to employee complaints and support the creation and
implementation of improvement programs.

14. Esprit de Corps

“It is the responsibility of the management to motivate their employees and be supportive of
each other regularly. Developing trust and mutual understanding will lead to a positive
outcome and work environment.”

- Esprit de Corps translates as "Team Spirit." According to this management theory

developed by Henry Fayol, management should make an effort to foster employee
cooperation, morale, and unity. The organization benefits greatly from its strong sense of
teamwork. Employees that are happy and motivated are more likely to be effective and

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