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1/11/23, 10:30 PM GPA Calculator

52 Statistics I 3 A- 

53 Statistics II 3 A 

54 Qualitative Research Methodology 3 B+ 

55 Environmental Problems in Historical Perspectives 3 A 

56 Health Promotion Life Style 4 A 

57 Hungarian Tourism 4 A 

58 Introduction to Hungarian Culture 4 A 

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Credits/ Grade
  Course hours Grade US Grade Points

1 English 2 B- B- 2.7

2 Social Ethics 2 A A 4.0

Psychology Code of Ethics in

3 2 A- A- 3.7

4 Indonesian Language 2 A A 4.0

5 Philosophy of Human Person 2 A- A- 3.7

Philosophy of Science and Logical

6 2 A A 4.0

7 Civics 2 A A 4.0

8 State Philosophy 2 A A 4.0

9 Developmental Psychology I 2 A A 4.0

10 History and Paradigm in Psychology 2 A- A- 3.7

11 Positive Psychology 3 A A 4.0

12 Personality Psychology I 3 B B 3.0

13 Biopsychology 2 B- B- 2.7

14 Introduction to Psychology 2 A A 4.0 1/1

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