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Raphael & Egi: Good morning ladies and gentlemens

Egi: Welcome to today’s english debate competition.
Raphael: I’m Raphael
Egi: and I’m Nathania
Raphael: and we will be serving as your moderators for today’s english debate competition.
Egi: Before we start, let us introduce our judges. Please, give a round of applause for Ms….
on the left side, Ms….. on the middle, Ms…. on the right side. In today’s debate we will
challenge all of the interlocutors from grade 9 to give their arguments on various motions.
Starting from topics about education to technology.
Raphael: Prior to today’s competition, we would like to explain some few set of rules. Please
take note about the timing. Each team will be given three minutes to deliver their substantive
speech. In three minutes, all three speakers must give their arguments based on the motion.
Every team are expected to manage their material, Structure or organization, and their
delivery in the time span of 3 minutes.
Egi: Yeah, and most important of all, please be civil while delivering the argument. For the
audience, please make the situation as conducive as possible. Before we continue
furthermore, is there anything the judges would like to add?
Raphael: Now moving along to our session, we welcome class 9B as the affirmative team to
come forward. Here we have …. As the first speaker, …… as the second speaker, and ….
As the third speaker. Please give a round of applause for 9B.
Egi: Next, we welcome class 9D as the opposition team to come forward. Here we have ….
As the first speaker, … as the second speaker, and …. As the third speaker. Give a round of
applause for 9D.
Raphael: For the first round, both of the teams will be debating in regards to our first motion,
that is, how essential is a college education.
Egi: The next event is left to the judges, best of luck to both teams.

Raphael: Such cool performances they did! I like how 9B gave their arguments …
Egi: yeah, and I’m also amazed by 9D performances. Especially about ….
Raphael: Let’s give them some appreciation!
Egi: Before we proceed to the next team, is there any comment from the judges?
Raphael: For the next debate, let us welcome 9A as the affirmative team. Please come
forward. We have … as the first speaker, ………………… as the third speaker
Egi: on the opposition side, we have class 9C. Please come forward. We have … as the first
speaker, … as the second speaker, and … as the third speaker.
Raphael: Okay so both teams will debate over whether or not homeschooling is better than a
public or private school education.
Egi: we give back the stage to the judges and the team.

Egi: give it up for 9A and 9C! They did very well on giving their arguments.
Raphael: Yeah! Even the spectators are very zealous. Is there any comment from the
Egi: for the last motion, these teams will debate if senior high school is better than vocational
Raphael: Lets welcome class 9E as the affirmative team. Please come to the fore! Here we
have … as the first speaker ……………………..
Egi:Then, we would like to welcome 9F as the opposition team. Please step to the fore.We
have … as the first speaker, … as the second seeker, and … as the third speaker.
Raphael: Time and place will be handed over to the judges and both of the team. Goodluck

Raphael: It was really cool how they both are able to……. Please give a big hand for them!
Egi: that’s all for the first round. Is there any words that the judges would like to give?
Raphael: If so, round one was a great success!
Egi: The winner of the first round will be announced by the judges in a few moments. Please
relax a little bit while the judges gets to decide who passes the first round. Lets hope for the

Raphael: Congratulations to those who had just passed the first round! For the second
round, we will have some new topics to debate on. The first one is about whether or not we
should ban plastic bags and packaging, then the second one, is about whether or not
tourism affects the environment.
Egi: For round two, the winning team will debate on a more complex topic. So buckle up and
get ready!
Raphael: Let us welcome 9…. Please step ahead! We have …. As the first speaker then
…… as the second speaker and ….. As the third speaker.
Egi: Next, let us welcome 9… please step up! We have … As the first speaker then …… as
the second speaker and ….. As the third speaker.
Raphael: So for this session, both teams will be debating if banning plastic bags and
packaging are a great idea.
Egi: Stage is given to the judges and both of the teams. We wish you all the best!

Egi: Let’s hear it for 9.. And 9.. Both of them are very fluent on giving the material!
Raphael: I know right! I liked how 9… is so …. On giving their arguments
Egi: for me, I liked 9… for …
Raphael: Is there anything that the judges would like to say? <<
Egi: without wasting our time, let us welcome 9… please come forward. We have … As the
first speaker then …… as the second speaker and ….. As the third speaker.
Raphael: Yes and let us greet 9…. Please step forward. We have… As the first speaker then
…… as the second speaker and ….. As the third speaker.
Egi: For these teams, they will argue whether or not tourism affects the environment.
Raphael: We would like to hand over the stage to both teams and judges. Here’s a 4 leaf

Raphael: All four teams performed really well, I wonder, who will pass into the last and final
Egi: no need to worry raphael. Because we will know the finalists in a short time.
Raphael: before we’re guessing which teams will be the finalists, let’s give applause for
every team that already made up their way to round two
Egi: this will be the last and final round. If in the first round they discussed topics about
education and in round two they discussed topics about the environment, then in this final
round theyy will talk about technology. Whether or not artificial intelligence is dangerous
Raphael: Yes indeed, I’m very excited to hear what they will say regarding this motion or
topic. It seems interesting.
Egi: without any further a do, let us welcome our finalist from class 9…. We have … As the
first speaker then …… as the second speaker and ….. As the third speaker.
Raphael: Let us also welcome class 9… We have … As the first speaker then …… as the
second speaker and ….. As the third speaker. Who will be the first winner is determined in
this last and final round.
Egi: I guess we’ll never know. The stage is all yours. Goodluck, don’t rush, don’t panic, and
stay focus

Raphael: Wow, both of them did really well regarding the motion, it sure is a tough
competition isn’t it?
Egi: sure, it is. Both of the team gave a strong argument.
Raphael: Yeah, do the judges have any words for them?
Egi: we would like to close this debate competition. Please, give a final applause for all of us.
Raphael: we would like to thank Ms Cicil, Ms Tatik, and Ms Inge for serving as our judges
this morning until afternoon. We would also like to thank you to all the participants for the
great arguments and to the audiences for their active participation.
Egi: we’ll see who will be the winners. The winners will be announce through the central.
Before we completely close this competition, any other words the judges would like to add?
Raphael: Alright that maybe wraps it up for today, thank you and see you soon
(Both): Bye bye!

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