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Labor 1 Transcription Bases in the enactment of Labor Laws

Part 1-B: Applicable Laws 1. Police Power - Labor Code is an exercise of PP,
interference in life, liberty and property, where work is a
Labor Code of the Philippines, PD 442 property right (ex prevention of child labor)
2. Social Justice clause - those who have less in life should
PD 442 as amended, which took effect on November 1, 1972 have more in law (ex retirement pay)
3. Protection to labor clause - constitutional and labor law
Labor, defined provisions
4. Doctrine of incorporation clause - ILO conventions,
technically refers to an exertion by a human being of his counterpart provision in Phil Laws, Magna Carta for Women,
physical and/or mental effort or both towards the production of ratified by the Phil
good and services.
refers to the working class
1. Due Process Clause - no person shall be deprived of life,
there must be a balance between labor and capital liberty and property without due process of law
2. Equal Protection Clause - equality among equals, ex hiring
4 systems of labor only of male workers, by reason of sex,
3. Non-impairment Clause - parties to an CBA, Congress
1. slavery cannot change the terms and conditions voluntarily and freely
2. serfdom agreed upon by the parties to a contract
3. wage system
4. independent contractor/free artisan Sources of Labor Laws

The Labor Code contemplates wage system and free artisan 1. Primary - Constitution, IRR, Statutes, SC Decisions
2. Secondary/Auxiliary - opinions of legal luminaries, decisions
Employer-employee relationship governed by the LC of foreign tribunals

Specific provisions against slavery and serfdom; are they Part 1-C: Effectivity of Labor Laws Rules and Regulations
criminal in nature?
Secretary of Labor - qualified political agency to promulgate
3 fields of labor law labor laws and their IRR

1. labor standards - minimum terms and conditions of Tanada v Tuvera - requirement of publication as an
employment prescribed and fixed by law relating to wages, indispensable requirement for the effectivity of laws
hours of work, OSH and others; focus on the MINIMUM
standards IRR - 15 days after announcement of adoption in newspapers
2. labor relations of general circulation; part and parcel of due process
3. welfare measures or social/welfare legislation
effect of non-publication - validity and effectivity are different
Basic Principles involving Labor Standards
Interpretation of labor laws - to be resolved in favor of labor,
Labor Standards would apply when the worker/employee is ONLY IN CASE OF DOUBT
actually at work​, as distinguished from labor relations and
social legislation Rationale: labor and capital are not on equal footing; system is
lopsided in favor of capital; state shall protect labor to balance
Example: Principle of no work no pay, fair day’s wage for a fair inequality where there must be shared responsibility in the
day’s labor; not actually at work, the laborer is not earning production of goods
Relationship between capital and labor, not merely contractual
In Labor Legislation, when the employee is not actually at but one impressed in public interest which must yield to the
work, or the worker is not able to and does not work by reason common good; the state is a party so is the public, there are 4
of sickness, disability, etc, intended to substitute income to the parties instead in the employment contract and that that these
worker who cannot work/earn. parties must adhere to the principle of non-oppression as
provided by the Civil Code
Example: Social Security Act (SSS), social security will
substitute the income that the worker will not earn because the Tripartism in policy
worker is not at work; thereby if the worker is still at work, he is
not entitled to SSS 1. Government
2. Labor
In Labor Relations, refer to methods and processes by which 3. Employer Sector
the minimum is improved through a CBA, arbitration either
voluntary or compulsory. The parties are able to fix over and National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council - check the
above the minimum standards. composition of the parties and functions of this organization

Also consider the rules and regulations implementing (IRR) National Labor Relations Commission - composition also has 3
labor standards law, they are enacted pursuant to the parties: government, labor and employer
law/rule-making power of the DOLE Secretary and being
pieces of delegated social legislation, they have the force and Part 2 - Basic Principles in Labor Standards
effect of laws despite not being directly from the Legislature
(they are not considered laws) as long as they are issued Rights of Workers (Constitutional)
within the scope and authority of labor standards law. Social
legislation is not self-executory. 1. just and humane working conditions
2. security of tenure
Supreme Court decisions interpreting laws shall form part of 3. self-organization
labor laws (judicial decisions). 4. living wage
5. policy and decision-making
6. collective bargaining 3. basketball coach
7. peaceful or lawful concerted activities 4. doctors in a training agreement with DOH

Identify which rights relate to Labor Standards GR - Labor Standards cannot rule/apply without first
establishing an employer-employee relationship
Aspects of Labor Standards:
Characteristics of Employment as distinguished with
1. Protective - e.g., regulation of working hours, improvement independent contractor
of working conditions
2. Meliorative - e.g expansion of flow of income to the family of Scenarios: Independent professional, existence of EE-ER
the worker; overtime pay, premium pay relationship

Purpose/Object of Labor Standards 1. dentist in a clinic in Ayala

2. lawyer in a law firm in Ayala
- intended to provide remedial and humanitarian support to the
worker and his family DOLE Department Advisory No. 4 on talents - working
- minimal conditions of living which are necessary to the health, conditions in the movie industry
efficiency and wellbeing of the worker and his family
- overall impact is to improve the lot or conditions of the Civil Law
workers and their family
- found in the labor code purposely to improve the lot of the 1. Independent Contract
workers and their families 2. Partnership
- social, political and economic consequences afforded to the 3. Agency
workers through labor standards
Part 3 - Right to Hire
Sources of Labor Standards
Establishing ER-EE Relationship (4-fold test)
1. The Labor Code
2. Administrative Orders issued by the DOLE - either protective 1. Selection and Engagement Test - right to hire
or meliorative standards; department orders prescribed by the
Secretary of Labor - inherent in the management to exercise this management
3. Employment Contracts - non-impairment clause prerogative
4. Company Policy - statements or declarations fixing
employee standards on benefits found in the company - Labor Code restrictions on the power to hire:
manual/policy even with mere implied acceptance by the 1. stipulation against marriage - employers cannot
employee require female employee not to get married
5. Company Practice - non-verbal patterns of conduct by the 2. unfair labor practice - requiring as a condition of
employer, repeated behavior over a long period of time, employment where the worker is not allowed to join a union
customarily provided by the employer even when not 3. child labor - no children shall be hired below 15
documented subject to qualifications; criminal liability on the employer;
hazardous conditions, DO 149, 2016, selling of alcoholic
Perfection of an Employment Contract drinks, gambling etc
4. anti-sexual harassment law
1. offer of employment and acceptance 5. magna carta for disabled persons - qualified
2. meeting of minds disabled person; otherwise there can be lawful discrimination
3. essential elements of a contract 6. RA 8504 - Phil Aids prevention and control act
7. RA 10354 - Responsible Parenthood, employer
Consensual in nature, no need for a written contract for its prohibited from requiring employees to use contraception as a
perfection; may be done verbally or otherwise condition for employment
8. RA 1091 - Anti-Age discrimination Act to deny an
Contract of adhesion - employment contract comes from the employee’s application by reason of his age
employer where the employee simply needs to accept the 9. RA 10173 - Data Privacy Act - collecting personal
contract; labor code provision must be resolved in favor of information of the employee without his consent (age, marital
labor in case of doubt status, religious affiliations, sexual life etc)
10. RA 11210 - Expanded Maternity Leave Act
Does it give rise to an employee-employer relationship? No.
Perfection is not the same as commencement of Part 4 - Wages and Wage Fixing
employer-employee relationship but may be its consequence;
perfection precedes commencement of ER-EE relationship Establishing ER-EE Relationship (4-fold test)

Employer-employee Relationship must comply with the 4-fold 2. Payment of Wages

Pursuant to department orders of Regional Tripartite Wages
1. power of control - means and manner of one’s job and Productivity Board (RTWPB)
2. selection and engagement - employer prerogative Employee is expected to produce results and thereby earns
3. power of discipline or dismissal - substantive and procedural the right to be compensated
4. payment of wages/compensation - salary v wage
Wages do not only include the cash component but also to the
2-tiered test - economic reality test facts of the relation test facilities provided by the employer

4-fold test and 2-tiered test - not provided in law but expressed Salary and Wage - differ only by semantics; can be used
in various SC decisions interchangeably

Scenarios: Exception: Article 1708 CC, exempts the laborer’s

compensation/wages from execution or attachment except for
1. insurance agents debt incurred for food, medical expense etc
2. brokers
Wages - manual labor - a piece-rate is established by the RTWB through the DOLE
Salary - superior grade of services
Basic Principles:
Fair and Reasonable value of facilities - law allows the
employer to deduct the value of facilities to determine 1. No Work, No Pay Principle - Fair Day’s Pay for Fair Day’s
compliance with existing laws regarding payment of wages Work
2. Equal Pay for Equal Work - international school case where
Supplements - extra remuneration and/or special privileges there are foreign teachers who were paid more than local
over and above his minimum wages, not deductible teachers
3. Minimum wage is fixed by the RTWPB pursuant to the Wage
Purpose Test - if giving of these goods are intended primarily Rationalization Act
for the benefit of the employees, they are considered as
facilities but being facilities, they are not necessarily deductible National Policy on fixing wages - rationalize the fixing of the
unless qualified minimum wage because it is inequitable to have the same
wage in all the regions due to the differences in
DOLE DO 126-13 Revised Guidelines on Facility Evaluation - socio-economic factors per region, the Board is left to decide
employer can fix a value for facilities, evaluation conducted to how much the minimum wage per region
RTWPB, not the DOLE pursuant to the Wage Rationalization
Act Primary mode of settling wages - collective bargaining

Facility Evaluation Initiative to increase minimum wage - publication, hearing and

issuance of the Board for a wage order
1. File for evaluation
- by a manager, Factors to consider in wage fixing:
- by the union
2. may be filed at any time 1. standard of living by the NEDA
3. RTWPB gives an evaluation order 2. reasonable ROI of the employer

Deductibility of Facilities: Wage Distortion - can only be a cause of action from a wage
1. customarily furnished by the employers
2. deductibility must have been voluntarily accepted by the 1. Regions cannot be compared with each other in terms of
employee minimum wages
3. charged at fair and reasonable value 2. Floor Wage Method
3. Salary Ceiling Method - the board will fix an amount
overvalue by the employer - employer takes on the burden
that’s why employers are directed to file for a facility evaluation Liability of the Employer for non-compliance with a wage order
- civil and criminal liabilities, double indemnity
Part 4-A - Fixing of Wages
Exemption of Wage Orders:
Employer is not at liberty to choose these methods, restricted
by laws, must not be contrary to diminution of compensation 1. distressed businesses
2. domestic workers
Methods (not exclusive enumeration):
Part 5 - Wage Enforcement and Recovery
1. based on time - once agreed period of work is completed,
the compensation is due and demandable; ex bank teller, on Primary framework to ensure compliance with the Labor Laws
duty from 9am-4pm, considered as hours work regardless of
how many customers you attend to, compensation already Enforcement Tools in the recovery of wages:
deemed earned, monthly paid or daily paid worker; monthly
rate - divisor is 365, daily rate - divisor is 313 1. visitatorial and enforcement power - Article 128 LC, DO 183
Revised Rules on the Administration Enforcement of Labor
2. piece-rate - may still be supervised and therefore included in Laws, RA 11058 Compliance on OSH
the entitlement of labor standards, ex tailors paid on a 2. recovery of simple money claims (not beyond 5k) - Article
piece-rate basis, pakyaw basis employer cannot raise an issue 129 LC
that they are not employees but only spells out the manner of
payment Visitorial and Enforcement Power - to ensure compliance of
3. based on job/task - fixed amount based on task without
regard to the number of hours it took to complete the job; Bombo Radyo Case - exercise of visitorial power to determine
worker paid by results, ex standard amount for every furniture employer-employee relationship, can the regional director or
produced regardless of the time spent to produce it secretary of dole exercise visitorial power to determine EE-ER
4. based on commission - salesmen, parties agreeing to a
certain fraction of the sales Occupational Safety and Health Compliance

5. boundary - fixed amount is remitted to the operator and gets RA 11058 - OSH
the amount beyond thereof
Section 23 - employer may be made to pay the employees for
6. partly fixed and partly performance-based - amount will have a work stoppage due to the error of the employer (imminent
to be mutually agreed, DO 118-12 applicable to drivers and danger), employer may be held liable; there is a presumption
conductors, provincial bus operators case of fault on the employer; if the stoppage is ordered by another
agency other than the DOLE, the no-work-no-pay rule will
DO 125-13 - Revised Guidelines on Time and Motion Study apply

- Applicable to all workers of micro and small medium business Close Now, Hear Later Process - within the power of DOLE to
for all non-time work, employer must not commit a mistake in close operation; Department Circular No 3, ex lewd
calculating for compensation establishments
2. deduction for union dues - recognized CBA, valid and
Absence of EE-ER, visitorial powers no longer applies; when binding between the EE and the ER; expressly provided by law
the relationship ceases, it becomes a controversy for the to encourage unionism
NLRC to resolve, not the DOLE 3. authorized by the Secretary of Labor
4. authorized by the employee himself in writing for loan
Article 128 is a good self-help mechanism without having to go payments to the employer or to a third party (DO 195), as long
through litigation through various modes of as the employer does not derive any pecuniary benefit
SHS Perforated Materials case - GR management prerogative
Exception Clause - not all instances can DOLE retain does not include withholding of wage except:
jurisdiction pursuant to Article 128; if the findings of the DOLE
is contested, the claim is moved to the NLRC 1. creditor-debtor arrangement where payment of debt is due
and demandable
Article 129 - simple money claims, 5k: 2. when employee consents
3. deductions allowed by law
1. claimant is an employee or a domestic worker
2. 5k below Articles 114-115 - Deposits for loss and damage
3. there exists an EE-ER relationship
4. claimant is no longer employed and does not claim to be GR employer cannot require employee to make a deposit to
reinstated answer for loss and damage to tools and materials except:

DOLE Secretary’s exercise of quasi-judicial power where his 1. engaged in a trade or industry where making a deposit is a
decisions are subject to review recognized practice
2. considered necessary or desirable by the Secretary of
3 Modes of Implementation under Article 128 DOLE

1. Routine Inspection Nina Manufacturing Jewelry case - deposit must be authorized

2. Complaint Inspection by law, must be proved to be a recognized practice in the
3. Occupational Safety and Health Standard Investigation jewelry industry or authorized by the Secretary of DOLE;
employee was required to make a deposit, SC ruled that it was
Authorized representative for Employee a valid deposit because it is not a recognized practice in the
industry nor authorized by the Sec of DOLE
a. Organized Establishment - representative from the Union,
designated by the bargaining agent Bluer than Blue case - negative variance on sales, was there
b. Unorganized Establishment - representatives of such an existing rule and regulation where the Sec of DOLE
committees: authorizes such deposit? None. Was there a practice
1. any rank-and-file recognized in that industry? None. That deposit must be
2. labor management council refunded to the employee
3. compliance committee
4. safety and health committee Labor Advisory No 11 - non-interference on the disposal of
5. family and welfare committee wages

Routine Inspection Priorities: Security Agency - employer can require security guards to
deposit for the materials and tools but such cash deposit shall
1. hazardous work not exceed 1 month salary of the worker, max deduction must
2. employing children not exceed 20% of salary and upon separation, worker is
3. contracting arrangement entitled to refund; any deduction or deposit must be authorized
4. 10 or more employees by the Secretary of Labor

Complaint Inspection Deductions NOT allowed:

1. SEnA Referral - Single Entry Approach Desk Officer 1. Company uniform

2. Cash deposit for loss or damage unless authorized by DOLE
2. Anonymous Complaint Sec
3. PPE
Part 6-7 Wage Protection 4. capital share or build up in service cooperative
5. training piece
Articles 112-119, LC
Registered Cooperative - Phil Cooperative Code of 2008
Non-interference on Disposal of Wages
- employee can authorize employer to make deductions from
No person is allowed to limit or interfere in the employee’s salary/wage in favor of the cooperative
disposal of his wage/salary
Article 100 and 127, LC
Wages are property of workers
Non-diminution of Benefits
Prohibition against Compulsory Patronage - employer not
allowed to force or compel or oblige employees to purchase or GR - employer is prohibited from unilaterally withdrawing,
make use of the establishment’s merchandise; vitiates free and eliminating, reducing or diminishing these benefits or
lawful consent of the workers supplements of the employee

Wage Deduction - employer not allowed to deduct anything Davao Fruits case - 13th month pay law, included allowances
from the employee’s wage (GR) and other cash benefits; SC disallowed the employer to
change the manner of computation and that the employee has
Exceptions: already acquired a vested right

1. by virtue of a contract - worker is insured with his consent Notable cases:

Manila Bank, Nestle and Honda Phils - SC prohibited Meal Period Article 85 - duty of every employee to provide for
employers to deviate from standard practice of 13th month pay time off for regular meals, not compensable hours work,
computation and other benefits minimum of 60 minutes; can be shortened to less than 60min
but it must not be below 20 minutes but will be compensable;
*overtime pay is not a benefit - not included in the diminution of ex when work is non-manual, not physically strenuous
benefits; employee is for additional service
Employer is allowed to reinstate the 1hr period after shortening
Payment of Wages it, but still will not be compensable

Article 102 - Form of Payment of Wages Normal Work Week v Compressed Work Week

GR - legal tender and no other form regardless of employee Weekly rest day required, 7th day is the rest day, must not be
consent less than 24 hours; except for health personnel in far flung
areas, 5 day work week only
Place of Payment - at or near the place of undertaking
48 hour compressed work week - not found in the LC, created
Time and Frequency - intervals of not exceeding 16 days, at by the DOLE during the oil price hike; to conserve energy and
least once a month power, employer not obliged to pay overtime as long as the
employee does not work beyond 12hours a day; cannot be
Must be paid to the employee except: made permanent, to lower operating cost, additional day of rest
for the employees
1. death of employee - to his heirs
2. authorized third party Observance of OSH

Payment to a wrong person does not extinguish the obligation - DO 178 and 184 for workers who stand or sit for long periods
CC of time, the employer is required to provide tables or surfaces
with adjustable heights, accessible seat, frequent break time,
DO 18-A - Time interval of payment for subcontracting regular 5 min break every 2 hours
relationship; DOLE requires interval of 15 days, payroll
processing not beyond 10 days Part 9 - Minimum Labor Standards

Business Services of the Future Today case - unjust All establishments whether for profit or not
enrichment, workers’ salary advances must be returned to the
employer Will apply to everyone except:

105 days’ maternity leave - employer overpaid against unjust 1. managerial employees - includes members of the
enrichment, employer can recover managerial staff; workers who regularly and customarily
exercises discretion in the performance of work directly to
Part 8 - Conditions on Employment management policies, officers of the managerial staff, not
entitled to minimum labor standard; it is not the title of the job
Article 83, LC controls but the job description
2. government employees - civil service laws and regualtions
Hours of Work - duty or prescribed work days 3. field personnel - non agricultural workers
4. workers paid by results - either be by task or by piece rate
Any work performed beyond the prescribed work hours, the basis provided that their time and performance are not
employee is entitled to over time pay supervised; supervised or not
5. members of the family who are dependent for support
Normal hours of work must not exceed 8 hours 6. persons in the personal service of another - PAs of talents
Workers paid on time v workers paid by result must be entitled
to the minimum wage Minimum rate/standards pursuant to Article 82, LC

Requirement of keeping of time-record entries - applicable to 1. hours of work - not beyond 8 hours
all employees, from rank-and-file to managerial employees and
both workers paid on time and workers paid by results 2. overtime pay - service beyond 8 hours with proof of actual
work; cannot be waived or offset by under time; except for
Exceptions on the 8hr work hours compressed work week arrangement

1. children working, must not exceed 4hrs for 15 below, 15 to 3. premium pay - additional compensation for the first 8 hours
18, not beyond 8 hours on a rest day or a holiday
2. RA 10361 - Kasambahay Law, law does not prescribe
number of hours but we can infer that the domestic worker is 4. service incentive leave - at 5 days paid days, not the usual
given 8 hours of rest time, work must not exceed 16hrs a day leave benefit, must at least be working for a year, cash
equivalent can be redeemed by the employee
Employment of Health Personnel
5. service charges - Article 96 as amended by RA 11360, ex
On waiting time - considered as hours worked hotels and restaurants, to be collected by rank-and-file
excluding managerial staff, completely and equally distributed
1. Endorsement period if the employer requires the personnel to qualified workers
to wait
2. Working while on call - the whole time is paid including wait 6. night shift differential pay - 10pm-6am, at least 10% of the
time employee’s wage
3. Workers in movie/tv industry - talents are considered as
independent contractors where no EE-ER relationship exists; 7. holiday pay - government declared, excludes establishment
crew however are covered under the LC, paid including wait of less than 10 workers (retail and service); flexible holiday
time schedule, employees agree to avail of the holiday on other
days as long as it does not result to diminution of benefits
Part 10 - Other Special Benefits

GR - in addition to the statutory benefits

1. 13th Month Pay - PD 851, covers rank-and-file employees;

managerial employees excluded unless already an established
practice; employee must at least worked for a month, must not
be less than 1/12 of the total basic salary earned except other
benefits and commission; due and payable before Dec 24, may
be given in installment but not later than Dec 24, separated
employee still entitled to 13th month

2. Paternity Leave - must be married, both to private and

public sector, 7 days maximum paid in full, must be an
employee upon birth, lawfully married, one and the same
conjugal dwelling or cohabitation, must be applied within a
reasonable time, unless in case of miscarriage, cannot be
converted to cash, only available after the wife gives birth,

3. Adoptive working parents - entitled all benefits entitled to

biological parents, upon birth of the child if the adoptee is
below 7 years, adoption issued by the DSWD,

4. Retirement Pay - Article 302 LC, social legislation because

the worker is no longer employed, retirement result of bilateral
act of the parties, voluntary agreement between the EE and
the ER to severe contract upon retirement age, source must
either be in the contract of employment or from a CBA, 60 or
more with at least 5 years of service for optional retirement,
compulsory is 65 (except underground and surface mine
workers, 50, 60), RA 10789 race horse jockey must be
licensed retirement at 55, retirement pay is fixed in the
employment contract or CBA, 1/2 month salary minimum, does
not include establishments with less than 10 employees, retail,
government employees, Anti-age discrimination Act retired
workers can still work, compulsory age can be waived by the

5. Solo Parents Welfare Act - RA 8972, parental leave and

flexible working schedule, solo parents entitled to parental
leave when child is sick, to attend a PTA meeting, enrollment
of child, not more than 7 days per year as long as you have
rendered at least 1 year of service, qualified solo parent, apply
for leave from employer and apply for solo parent id from
DSWD, flexible work schedule to vary arrival time to work but
must not affect productivity, employer can request for
exemption from DOLE, dependent 18 yo below or beyond 18
but no means of support because of a mental disability

6. VAWC leave RA 9262 - 10 day paid leave, proof in a

complaint at the barangay or office of the prosecutor, may be
extended and still paid

7. Magna Carta of Women RA 9710 for female employees who

undergo gynecological surgery must be working for at least 1
year, in addition to SSS sickness benefit, maximum of 2
months per year depending on the certification prescribed by
the doc, cannot be converted to cash

8. Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act RA 10028 - for

nursing employees, 40 min break interval compensable hours
worked in addition to regular time off for regular meal breaks,
infant 0-12 months, to balance family and work life, employers
are required to create a lactation station, except
establishments with less than 10 employees, DO 143
exemptions on establishments to set up lactation stations if
there is no lactating or pregnant employee at the time of
application for the exemption and may be revoked by the

9. Drivers and Conductors in the PU transport system, DO

118-12, shall not exceed 12 hours subject to safety operational
regulations, may be required to render maximum 4 hours
overtime, rest period additional 1 hour on top of meal break of
1 hour non-compensable,

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