Clasa 2

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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s name: Lavinia Odobasianu

Date: 21.02.2023
School: Scoala Primara Nr. 1 Stancesti ( Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Buntesti)
Class name: II A
Level: Begginers
Workbook: Comunicare in limba moderna , Uniscan
Lesson: Let’s learn about fruits and vegetables!
Time: 50 minutes
Type of lesson: Introducing and practising new vocabulary
Skills: Listening, speaking, writing

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
- to understand and practice new language
- to identify various fruits and vegetables
- to practice colours and numbers in connection to fruits and vegetables
- to give controlled oral practice of the structure: My favourite .... is/are

Aims of the lesson:

- to consolidate lexis
- to improve pronunciation

Personal aims:
- to offer clearer examples and more relevant exercises
- to get quieter students to answer questions

Assumptions: The students may:

- be familiar with some of the vocabulary related to the topic
Anticipated problems:
- incorrectly using the indefinite article (a/an), It’s a apple/a orange., instead of It’s
an apple/an orange, because they haven’t learnt the difference between vowels
and consonants in their Romanian lesson.
Teaching aids: flashcards, board, laptop, video projector, realia
Teaching techniques: explanation, individual work, group work, exercise solving, riddles

Stages Activity Techniques/ Reasons for Materials Timing

Skills activity
Warm T greets class and Interaction/ To draw the 3
up/Review checks the attendance Speaking Ss attention minutes
Ss greet the T To review
T asks the Ss what previously
their favourites sweets taught
are , in order for the vocabulary
Ss to respond using “I
like/I don’t like” ,to
review previously
taught vocabulary
Ss answer the T’s
Lead in T shows the Ss a short Interaction/ To get them Laptop 2
video about fruits and Listening interacted Video minutes
vegetables from their projector
textbook. Ss watch the
video and tells the T
what the video is
Presentation T shows the Ps a set Explanation To get them Flashcards 5
of flashcards showing Repetition / engaged into minutes
fruits and vegetables, Speaking the task
then asks the Ss to Writing
repeat after her the
names of each one of
Then, T writes them
on the whiteboard,
telling the Ss to write
them also in their
Practice T brings a basket full Speaking/ To practice Flashcards 15
of fruits and Individual new Whiteboard minutes
vegetables , asking the work vocabulary
Ss to tell her and the Exercise To give
class the names and solving controlled
the colours of each of oral practice
them. “What’s this? / To revise
What colour is it?” colours
Ss answer the T’s
T writes on the board
the words FRUITS
then she asks the Ss to
come and put the
flashcards in the
correct column.
T prepares a game for
the Ss. She takes out
of the basket a fruit or
a vegetable and names
it wrong. The Ss must
say YES if it’s
correct, and NO if it’s
Production T tells the Ss what her Group work To Flashcards 20
favourite fruits and Individual consolidate minutes
vegetables are. work new
“My favourite fruit is vocabulary
banana. I love To give
bananas. My favourite controlled
vegetables are oral practice
potatoes and carrots. “
Ss tells the T and the
class what their
favourite fruits and
vegetables are, using
the T’s example as a
T prepares another
game and explains the
rules, that they will
play a riddle game.
The Ss will work in 4
groups , they can talk
to each other in order
to give the right
answer to the riddle.
“I am yellow, I am
long. Monkeys eat
them.” (bananas)
“You can eat me or
you can drink me. I
am juicy.” ( orange)
“I am round and red. I
can come in different
colours like green, red
oy yellow.”(apples)
“ I’m a vegetable. I’m
long and orange.
Rabbits like me.”
( carrot)
“ I’m a vegetable. I’m
brown. I’m round and
small. “ (potato)
Feedback/ During the lesson for Interaction Smiley faces 5
Evaluation each correct answer minutes
the Ps receive a smiley
At the end of the
lesson the Ps who
have received two
smiley faces get an FB

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