Module 11 Paternity and Filiation - PFR Atty. Valencia

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A child conceived or born of a marriage which is
Requisites void ab initio or one which is declared a nullity is
illegitimate since there is no marriage to speak of,
1. De Santos v. Hon. Angeles G.R. No. 105619. but it is the law which accords him the rights of an
December 12, 1995 acknowledged natural child.

Facts: Natural children by legal fiction cannot be

- On February 7, 1941, Dr. Antonio de Santos legitimized in this fashion.
married Sofia Bona, which union was blessed with
a daughter, herein petitioner Maria Rosario de Although natural children can be legitimized, and
Santos. natural children by legal fiction enjoy the rights of
acknowledged natural children, this does not
- After some time, their relationship became necessarily lead to the conclusion that natural
strained to the breaking point. Thereafter, Antonio children by legal fiction can likewise be legitimized.
fell in love with a fellow doctor, Conchita Talag,
private respondent herein. As has been pointed out, much more is involved
here than the mere privilege to be legitimized. The
- Antonio sought a formal dissolution of his first rights of other children, like the petitioner in the
marriage by obtaining a divorce decree from a case at bench, may be adversely affected as her
Nevada court in 1949, which was not recognized in testamentary share may well be reduced in the
the PH. event that her ten surviving half siblings should be
placed on par with her, when each of them is
- Antonio proceeded to Tokyo, Japan in 1951 to rightfully entitled to only half of her share.
marry private respondent, with whom he had been
cohabiting since his de facto separation from Sofia. Legitimation takes place when three requisites are
- March 30, 1967, Sofia died in Guatemala.
(a) that the child be a natural child;
- Less than a month later, on April 23, 1967, (b) that he be recognized by both parents
Antonio and private respondent contracted a either before or after a valid marriage, and
marriage in Tagaytay City celebrated under (c) that there be subsequent valid marriage of
Philippine laws. the parents.

- On March 8, 1981, Antonio died intestate leaving A natural child by legal fiction possesses the first
properties with an estimated value of two requisites from inception by virtue of Art. 89,
P15,000,000.00. which places him on the same plane as an
acknowledged natural child.
- On May 15, 1981, private respondent went to
court asking for the issuance of letters of In that sense, he has an advantage over a natural
administration in her favor in connection with the child as defined by Art. 269, for the latter would still
settlement of her late husband's estate. need to be recognized by both parents in order to
have the status and rights of an acknowledged
- She alleged, among other things, that the natural child.
decedent was survived by twelve legitimate heirs,
namely, herself, their ten surviving children, and Thus, for the purpose of legitimation, the natural
petitioner. child by legal fiction needs to fulfill only the third
requisite: a valid subsequent marriage between his
- There being no opposition, her petition was parents.
Where the impediment is permanent or perpetual,
- After six years of protracted intestate proceedings, such as incest or the fact that one or both of the
however, petitioner decided to intervene. parties have been found guilty of killing the spouse
of one them, no legitimation can even take place as
- Thus, in a motion she filed sometime in November no valid marriage can ever be made between the
1987, she argued inter alia that private parents.
respondent's children were illegitimate.
But the bigamous character of a marriage is
- Petitioner contends that since only natural terminable by, among other causes, the death of
children can be legitimized, the trial court the first spouse, making a subsequent marriage
mistakenly declared as legitimated her half brothers valid. And that simply was what happened in the
and sisters. case at bench.

Issue: Petitioner Maria Rosario de Santos is hereby

declared the SOLE LEGITIMATE CHILD of the
Can natural children by legal fiction be legitimized? decedent Antonio de Santos and, as such, entitled
to all the rights accorded to her by law.
The applicable legal provision in the case at bar is
Article 269 of the Civil Code of the Philippines (R.A.
386 as amended) which provides:
2. Abadilla v. Tagbiliran A.M. No. MTJ-92-716.
October 25, 1995. Art. 269. Only natural children can be
legitimated. Children born outside of wedlock of
Facts: parents who, at the time of the conception of the
former, were not disqualified by any impediment
- Complainant Abadilla, in respect to the charge of to marry each other, are natural.
gross immorality on the part of the respondent,
contends that respondent had scandalously and Legitimation is limited to natural children and
publicly cohabited with a certain Priscilla Q. cannot include those born of adulterous relations
Baybayan during the existence of his legitimate (Ramirez vs. Gmur, 42 Phil. 855).
marriage with Teresita Banzuela. Adding ignominy
to an ignominious situation, respondent allegedly The Family Code (Executive Order No. 209), which
shamefacedly contracted marriage with the said took effect on August 3, 1988, reiterated the above-
Priscilla Baybayan on May 23, 1986. mentioned provision thus:

- Complainant claims that this was a bigamous Art. 177. Only children conceived and born
union because of the fact that the respondent was outside of wedlock of parents who, at the time
then still very much married to Teresita Banzuela. of the conception of the former, were not
disqualified by any impediment to marry each
- Respondent's wife filed a complaint in the case other may be legitimated.
entitled, Teresita B . Tabiliran vs. Atty. Jose C.
Tabiliran, Jr., 115 SCRA 451. The reasons for this limitation are given as
- Respondent stood charged therein for abandoning
the family home and living with a certain Leonora 1) The rationale of legitimation would be
Pillarion with whom he had a son. destroyed;
2) It would be unfair to the legitimate children in
- In respect of the charge of deceitful conduct, terms of successional rights;
complainant claims that respondent caused to be 3) There will be the problem of public scandal,
registered as "legitimate," his three illegitimate unless social mores change;
children with Priscilla Baybayan by falsely 4) It is too violent to grant the privilege of
executing separate affidavits stating that the legitimation to adulterous children as it will
delayed registration was due to inadvertence, destroy the sanctity of marriage;
excusable negligence or oversight, when in truth 5) It will be very scandalous, especially if the
and in fact, respondent knew that these children parents marry many years after the birth of the
cannot be legally registered as legitimate. child. (The Family Code, p. 252, Alicia V.
Sempio Diy).
It is clear, therefore, that no legal provision,
Whether the children in the subsequent marriage whether old or new, can give refuge to the deceitful
with Priscilla can be legitimated or in any way be actuations of the respondent.
considered legitimate.


An examination of the birth certificates of

respondent's three illegitimate children with Priscilla
Baybayan clearly indicate that these children are
his legitimate issues.

It was respondent who caused the entry therein. It

is important to note that these children, namely,
Buenasol, Venus and Saturn, all surnamed
Tabiliran, were born in the year 1970, 1971, and
1975, respectively, and prior to the marriage of
respondent to Priscilla, which was in 1986.

As a lawyer and a judge, respondent ought to know

that, despite his subsequent marriage to Priscilla,
these three children cannot be legitimated nor in
any way be considered legitimate since at the time
they were born, there was an existing valid
marriage between respondent and his first wife,
Teresita B. Tabiliran.
Clearly then, the legal process of legitimation was
trifled with. BBB voluntarily but falsely
acknowledged CCC as his son.

3. BBB v. AAA G.R. No. 193225. February 9, Article 1431 of the New Civil Code pertinently
2015 provides:

Facts: Art. 1431. Through estoppel an admission or

- [AAA] was raising her first child borne from a representation is rendered conclusive upon the
previous relationship, a boy named [CCC], with the person making it, and cannot be denied or
help of her parents. disproved as against the person relying
- During the relationship with [BBB], [AAA] bore two
more children namely, [DDD] (born on December At least for the purpose of resolving the instant
11, 1997) and [EEE] (born on October 19, 2000). petition, the principle of estoppel finds application
and it now bars BBB from making an assertion
- To legalize their relationship, [BBB] and [AAA] contrary to his previous representations.
married in civil rights on October 10, 2002 and
thereafter, the birth certificates of the children, He should not be allowed to evade a responsibility
including [CCC's], was amended to change their arising from his own misrepresentations. He is
civil status to legitimated by virtue of the said bound by the effects of the legitimation process.
marriage. CCC remains to be BBB's son, and pursuant to
Article 179 of the Family Code, the former is
- Citing the instances as constituting economic and entitled to the same rights as those of a legitimate
psychological abuse, [AAA] filed an application for child, including the receipt of his father's support.
the issuance of a Temporary Protection Order with
a Notwithstanding the above, there is no absolute
request to make the same permanent after due preclusion for BBB from raising before the proper
hearing, before the Regional Trial Court of Pasig court the issue of CCC's status and filiation.
City which was granted.
However, BBB cannot do the same in the instant
- BBB appealed on the decision made by RTC, petition before this Court now. In Tison v. CA, 33
specifically: the Court held that "the civil status [of a child]
(a) issuance of the PPO against him, cannot be attacked collaterally."
(b) award to AAA of the sole custody over their
children, The child's legitimacy "cannot be contested by way
(c) directives for him to pay attorney's fees and of defense or as a collateral issue in another action
costs of litigation and to post an excessive for a different purpose."
amount of bond, and
(d) declaration that he had an abusive character The instant petition sprang out of AAA's application
lack factual bases. for a PPO before the RTC.

Issue: Hence, BBB's claim that CCC is not his biological

son is a collateral issue, which this Court has no
Whether BBB should support CCC, taking into the authority to resolve now.
consideration that the legitimation of CCC was after
the celebration of BBB and AAA's marriage.


Article 177 of the Family Code provides that “only

children conceived and born outside of wedlock of
parents who, at the time of the conception of the
former, were not disqualified by any impediment to
marry each other may be legitimated."

Article 178 states that "legitimation shall take place

by a subsequent valid marriage between parents."

In the case at bar, the parties do not dispute the

fact that BBB is not CCC's biological father.

Such being the case, it was improper to have CCC

legitimated after the celebration of BBB and AAA's
enlightened free society, sensitive to inherent and
irrefragable individual rights, cannot deny.

Vested rights include not only legal or equitable title

to the enforcement of a demand, but also an
exemption from new obligations created after the
right has vested.

Under the Child and Youth Welfare Code, private

respondent had the right to file a petition for
MODULE 12: ADOPTION adoption by herself, without joining her husband
Consent to Adoption therein.

1. Republic v. CA G.R. No. 92326. January 24, When Mrs. Bobiles filed her petition, she was
1992 exercising her explicit and unconditional right under
said law. Upon her filing thereof, her right to file
Facts: such petition alone and to have the same proceed
- On February 2, 1988, Zenaida Corteza Bobiles to final
filed a petition to adopt Jason Condat, then six (6) adjudication, in accordance with the law in force at
years old and who had been living with her family the time, was already vested and cannot be
since he was four (4) months old. prejudiced or impaired by the enactment of a new
- RTC favored the petition.
Although Dioscoro Bobiles was not named as one
- The petitioner OSG appealed to CA that the of the petitioners in the petition for adoption filed by
Family Code cannot be applied retroactively to the his wife, his affidavit of consent, attached to the
petition for adoption filed by Zenaida C. Bobiles and petition as Annex "B" and expressly made an
the petition for adoption must have not been integral part thereof, shows that he himself actually
granted. joined his wife in adopting the child.

Issue: The foregoing declarations, and his subsequent

confirmatory testimony in open court, are sufficient
Whether the adopter husband and wife must jointly to make him a co-petitioner. Under the
file for petition for adoption. circumstances then obtaining, and by reason of his
foreign residence, he must have yielded to the legal
Ruling: advice that an affidavit of consent on his part
sufficed to make him a party to the petition. This is
The petition for adoption was filed by private evident from the text of his affidavit.
respondent Zenaida C. Bobiles on February 2,
1988, when the law applicable was Presidential
Decree No. 603, the Child and Youth Welfare

Under said code, a petition for adoption may be

filed by either of the spouses or by both of them.

However, after the trial court rendered its decision

and while the case was pending on appeal in the
Court of Appeals, Executive Order No. 209, the
Family Code, took effect on August 3, 1988. Under
the said new law, joint adoption by husband and
wife is mandatory.

Article 246 of the Family Code provides for

retroactive effect of appropriate relevant provisions
thereof, subject to the qualification that such
retrospective application will not prejudice or impair
vested or acquired rights in accordance with the
Civil Code or other laws.

A vested right is one whose existence, effectivity

and extent does not depend upon events foreign to
the will of the holder.

The term expresses the concept of present fixed

interest which in right reason and natural justice
should be protected against arbitrary State action,
or an innately just and imperative right which
him of his parental authority over his beloved

- RTC granted the petition for adoption in favor of

the Clavano spouses.

- Petitioner Herbert appealed on the decision of

RTC, alleging that adoption was fatally defective
and tailored to divest him of parental authority
because: (a) he did not have a written consent to
the adoption; (b) he never abandoned his children;
(c) Keith and Charmaine did not properly give their
written consent: and
(d) the petitioners for adoption did not present as
2. Cang v. CA & Sps. Clavano G.R. No. 105308. witness the representative of the Department of
September 25, 1998 Social Welfare and Development who made the
case study report required by law.
- CA affirmed the decree of adoption based on
- Petitioner Herbert Cang and Anna Marie Clavano Article 188 of the Family Code which requires the
who were married on January 27, 1973, begot written consent of the natural parents of the child to
three children, namely: Keith, born on July 3, 1973; be adopted. It has been held however that the
Charmaine, born on January 23, 1977, and Joseph consent of the parent who has abandoned the child
Anthony, born on January 3, 1981. is not necessary.

- During the early years of their marriage, the Cang Issue:

couple's relationship was undisturbed. Not long
thereafter, however, Anna Marie learned of her Can minor children be legally adopted without the
husband's alleged extramarital affair with Wilma written consent of a natural parent on the ground
Soco, a family friend of the Clavanos. that the latter has abandoned them?

- Upon learning of her husband's alleged illicit Ruling:

liaison, Anna Marie filed a petition for legal
separation with alimony pendente lite which During the pendency of the petition for adoption or
rendered a decision approving the joint on August 3, 1988, the Family Code which
manifestation of the Cang spouses providing that amended the Child and Youth Welfare Code took
they agreed to "live separately and apart or from effect. Article 256 of the Family Code provides for
bed and board." its retroactivity "insofar as it does not prejudice or
impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with
- Petitioner Herbert went to US and secured a the Civil Code or other laws."
divorce decree from wife Anna Marie. He was also
granted sole custody of the three minor children to Notwithstanding the amendments to the law, the
Anna Marie, reserving "rights of visitation at all written consent of the natural parent to the adoption
reasonable times and places" to petitioner. has remained a requisite for its validity. Notably,
such requirement is also embodied in Rule 99 of
- Meanwhile, on September 25, 1987, private the Rules of Court. As clearly inferred from the
respondents Ronald V. Clavano and Maria Clara foregoing
Diago Clavano, respectively the brother and sister- provisions of law, the written consent of the natural
in-law of Anna Marie, filed for the adoption of the parent is indispensable for the validity of the decree
three minor Cang children. of adoption.

- Adoptee Ketih, 14 years old, signifying consent of Nevertheless, the requirement of written consent
adoption by signing on the petition. can be dispensed with if the parent has abandoned
the child or that such parent is "insane or
- Anna Marie likewise filed an affidavit of consent hopelessly intemperate." The court may acquire
alleging that her husband had "evaded his legal jurisdiction over the case even without the written
obligation to support" his children; that her brothers consent of the parents or one of the parents
and sisters including Ronald V. Clavano, had been provided that the petition for adoption alleges facts
helping her in taking care of the children; sufficient to warrant exemption from compliance
- Upon learning of the petition for adoption,
petitioner immediately returned to the Philippines This is in consonance with the liberality with which
and filed an opposition thereto, alleging that, this Court treats the procedural aspect of adoption.
although private respondents Ronald and Maria The allegations of abandonment in the petition for
Clara Clavano were financially capable of adoption, even absent the written consent of
supporting the children while petitioner, sufficiently vested the lower court with
his finances were "too meager" compared to theirs, jurisdiction since abandonment of the child by his
he could not "in conscience, allow anybody to strip
natural parents is one of the circumstances under
which our statutes and jurisprudence dispense with
the requirement of written consent to the adoption
of their minor children.

As clearly inferred from the foregoing provisions of

law, the written consent of the natural parent is
indispensable for the validity of the decree of
adoption. Nevertheless, the requirement of written
consent can be dispensed with if the parent has
abandoned the child or that such parent is "insane
or hopelessly intemperate."

In the instant case, only the affidavit of consent of

the natural mother was attached to the petition for
adoption. Petitioner's consent, as the natural father
is lacking.
Nonetheless, the petition sufficiently alleged the
fact of abandonment of the minors for adoption by
the natural father

In the instant case, records disclose that petitioner's

conduct did not manifest a settled purpose to
forego all parental duties and relinquish all parental
claims over his children as to constitute
abandonment. Physical estrangement alone,
without financial and
moral desertion, is not tantamount to abandonment

Keith, Charmaine and Joseph Anthony have all

grown up, Keith and Charmaine are now of legal
age while Joseph Anthony is approaching eighteen,
the age of majority. For sure, they shall be
endowed with the discretion to lead lives
independent of their parents.

This is not to state that this case has been

rendered moot and academic, for their welfare and
best interests regarding their adoption, must be
determined as of the time that the petition for
adoption was filed.

Said petition must be denied as it was filed without

the required consent of their father who, by law and
under the facts of the case at bar, has not
abandoned them.

1. Whether the petitioner is entitled to adopt the

minors without the written consent of their biological
mother, Amelia Ramos;

2. Whether or not the affidavit of consent

purportedly executed by the petitioner-adopter's
children sufficiently complies with the law; and

3. Whether or not petitioner is financially capable

of supporting the adoptees.


1. The general requirement of consent and notice

to the natural parents is intended to protect the
natural parental relationship from unwarranted
3. Landingin v. Republic G.R. No. 164948. June interference by interlopers, and to insure the
27, 2006 opportunity to safeguard the best interests of the
child in the manner of the proposed adoption.
Clearly, the written consent of the biological parents
- On February 4, 2002, Diwata Ramos Landingin, a is indispensable for the validity of a decree of
citizen of the United States of America (USA), of adoption.
Filipino parentage and a resident of Guam, USA,
filed a petition 3 for the adoption of minors Elaine Indeed, the natural right of a parent to his child
Dizon Ramos who was born on August 31, 1986; requires that his consent must be obtained before
Elma Dizon Ramos, who was born on September his parental rights and duties may.
7, 1987; and Eugene Dizon Ramos who was born
on 2. Section 34, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court
August 5, 1989. provides that the Court shall consider no evidence
which has not been formally offered. The purpose
- The minors are the natural children of Manuel for which the evidence is offered must be specified.
Ramos, petitioner's brother, and Amelia Ramos. The offer of evidence is necessary because it is the
duty of the Court to rest its findings of fact and its
- Landingin, as petitioner, alleged in her petition judgment only and strictly upon the evidence
that when Manuel died on May 19, 1990, the offered by the parties.
children were left to their paternal grandmother,
Maria Taruc Ramos; Unless and until admitted by the court in evidence
for the purpose or purposes for which such
- Their biological mother, Amelia, went to Italy, re- document is offered, the same is merely a scrap of
married there and now has two children by her paper barren of probative weight.
second marriage and no longer communicated with
her children by Manuel Ramos nor with her in-laws Mere identification of documents and the markings
from the time she left up to the institution of the thereof as exhibits do not confer any evidentiary
adoption; weight on documents unless formally offered.

- The minors are being financially supported by the As the alleged written consent of petitioner's
petitioner and her children, and relatives abroad; legitimate children did not comply with the afore-
cited law, the same can at best be treated by the
- As Maria passed away on November 23, 2000, Rules as a private document whose authenticity
petitioner desires to adopt the children; the minors must be proved either by anyone who saw the
have given their written consent 8 to the adoption; document executed or written; or by evidence of
the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of
- RTC granted the petition for adoption. the makers.

- OSG appealed to CA and reversed the decision of 3. No. It is indeed doubtful whether petitioner will be
court a quo that petitioner failed to adduce in able to sufficiently handle the financial aspect of
evidence the voluntary consent of Amelia Ramos, rearing the three children in the US. She only has a
the children's natural mother. Moreover, the part-time job, and she is rather of age. While
affidavit of consent of the petitioner's children could petitioner claims that she has the financial support
not also be admitted in evidence as the same was and backing of her children and siblings, the OSG
executed in Guam, USA and was not authenticated is correct in stating that the ability to support the
or acknowledged before a Philippine consular adoptees is personal to the adopter, as adoption
office, and although petitioner has a job, she was only creates a legal relation between the former
not stable enough to support the children. and the latter.
Moreover, the records do not prove nor support What is the status of the private respondents and
petitioner's allegation that her siblings and her their capacity to inherit from their alleged parents
children are financially able and that they are willing and grandparents?
to support the minors herein. The Court, therefore,
again sustains the ruling of the CA on this issue. Ruling:

While the Court recognizes that petitioner has only We hold that Doribel, as the legitimate daughter of
the best of intentions for her nieces and nephew, Teodoro and Isabel Sayson, and Delia and
there are legal infirmities that militate against Edmundo, as their adopted children, are the
reversing the ruling of the CA. exclusive heirs to the intestate estate of the
deceased couple, conformably to the following
be terminated and reestablished in adoptive Article 979 of the Civil Code:
parents. In this case, petitioner failed to submit the
written consent of Amelia Ramos to the adoption. ARTICLE 979. Legitimate children and their
descendants succeed the parents and other
ascendants, without distinction as to sex or
age, and even if they should come from
different marriages.

EFFECTS OF ADOPTION An adopted child succeeds to the property of

the adopting parents in the same manner as a
1. Sayson v. CA G.R. Nos. 89224-25. January 23, legitimate child.
The philosophy underlying this article is that a
Facts: person's love descends first to his children and
grandchildren before it ascends to his parents
- Eleno and Rafaela Sayson begot five children, and thereafter spreads among his collateral
namely, Mauricio, Rosario, Basilisa, Remedios and relatives. It is also supposed that one of his
Teodoro. Eleno died on November 10, 1952, and purposes in acquiring properties is to leave
Rafaela on May 15, 1976. them eventually to his children as a token of
his love for them and as a provision for their
- Teodoro, who had married Isabel Bautista, died continued care even after he is gone from this
on March 23, 1972. His wife died nine years later, earth.
on March 26, 1981.
There is no question that as the legitimate daughter
-Their properties were left in the possession of of Teodoro and thus the granddaughter of Eleno
Delia, and Rafaela, Doribel has a right to represent her
Edmundo, and Doribel, all surnamed Sayson, who deceased father in the distribution of the intestate
claim to be their children. estate of her grandparents. Under Article 981, she
is entitled to the share her father would have
- On April 25, 1983, Mauricio, Rosario, Basilisa, directly inherited had he survived, which shall be
and Remedios, together with Juana C. Bautista, equal to the shares of her grandparents' other
Isabel's mother, filed a complaint for partition and children.
accounting of the intestate estate of Teodoro and
Isabel Sayson. But a different conclusion must be reached in the
case of Delia and Edmundo, to whom the
- The action was resisted by Delia, Edmundo and grandparents were total strangers.
Doribel Sayson, who alleged successional rights to
the disputed estate as the decedent's lawful While it is true that the adopted child shall be
descendants. deemed to be a legitimate child and have the same
right as the latter, these rights do not include the
- On July 11, 1983, Delia, Edmundo and Doribel right of representation. The relationship created by
filed their own complaint, this time for the the adoption is between only the adopting parents
accounting and partition of the intestate estate of and the adopted child and does not extend to the
Eleno and Rafaela Sayson, against the couple's blood relatives of either party.
four surviving children.
In sum, we agree with the lower courts that Delia
- The complainants asserted the defense they and Edmundo as the adopted children and Doribel
raised in Civil Case No. 1030, to wit, that Delia and as the legitimate daughter of Teodoro Sayson and
Edmundo were the adopted children and Doribel Isabel Bautista, are their exclusive heirs and are
was the legitimate daughter of Teodoro and Isabel. under no obligation to share the estate of their
parents with the
- As such, they were entitled to inherit Teodoro's petitioners.
share in his parents' estate by right of

Insofar as the widow is concerned, Article 854 of
the Civil Code may not apply as she does not
ascend or descend from the testator, although she
is a compulsory heir.

Stated otherwise, even if the surviving spouse is a

compulsory heir, there is no preterition even if she
is omitted from the inheritance, for she is not in the
direct line. (Art. 854, Civil Code)

However, the same thing cannot be said of the

other respondent Virginia A. Fernandez, whose
legal adoption by the testator has not been
questioned by petitioner (Memorandum for the
Petitioner, pp. 8-9).

Under Article 39 of P.D. No. 603, known as the

Child and Youth Welfare Code, adoption gives to
the adopted person the same rights and duties as if
he were a legitimate child of the adopter and makes
the adopted person a legal heir of the adopter.

It cannot be denied that she was totally omitted and

preterited in the will of the testator and that both
2. Acain v. IAC G.R. No. 72706. October 27, 1987 adopted child and the widow were deprived of at
least their legitime. Neither can it be denied that
Facts: they were not expressly disinherited.

- On May 29, 1984 petitioner Constantino Acain Hence, this is a clear case of preterition of the
filed in the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City legally adopted child.
Branch XIII, a petition for the probate of the will of
the late Nemesio Acain and for the issuance to the The universal institution of petitioner together with
same petitioner of letters testamentary on the his brothers and sisters to the entire inheritance of
premise that Nemesio Acain died leaving a will in the testator results in totally abrogating the will
which petitioner and his brothers Antonio, Flores because the nullification of such institution of
and Jose and his universal heirs - without any other testamentary
sisters Anita, Concepcion, Quirina and Laura were disposition in the will - amounts to a declaration that
instituted as heirs. nothing at all was written.

- After the petition was set for hearing in the lower Carefully worded and in clear terms, Article 854 of
court on June 25, 1984 the oppositors (respondents the Civil Code offers no leeway for inferential
herein Virginia A. Fernandez, a legally adopted interpretation (Nuguid v. Nuguid), supra.
daughter of the deceased and the latter's widow
Rosa Diongson Vda. de Acain) filed a motion to No legacies nor devises having been provided in
dismiss on the following grounds: the will the whole property of the deceased has
(1) the petitioner has no legal capacity to institute been left by universal title to petitioner and his
these proceedings; brothers and sisters.
(2) he is merely a universal heir and
(3) the widow and the adopted daughter have been The effect of annulling the institution of heirs will be,
preterited. necessarily, the opening of a total intestacy (Neri v.
Akutin, 74 Phil. 185 [1943]) except that proper
- Motion was denied by trial judge. legacies and devises must, as already stated
above, be respected.

Whether the respondents were preterited.


Preterition consists in the omission in the testator's

will of the forced heirs or anyone of them either
because they are not mentioned therein, or, though
mentioned, they are neither instituted as heirs nor
are expressly disinherited (Nuguid v. Nuguid, 17
SCRA 450 [1966]; Maninang v. Court of Appeals,
114 SCRA 478 [1982]).
respondent natural parents of Adelberto indeed
were not indispensable parties to the action.

- CA dismissed petitioners’ appeal as they had lost

their right to appeal.


Whether or not the effects of adoption, insofar as

parental authority is concerned, may be given
retroactive effect so as to make the adopting
parents the indispensable parties in a damage case
filed against their adopted child, for acts committed
by the latter when actual custody was yet lodged
with the biological parents.


This principle of parental liability is a species of

what is frequently designated as vicarious liability,
or the doctrine of "imputed negligence" under
Anglo-American tort law, where a person is not only
liable for torts committed by himself, but also for
committed by others with whom he has a certain
relationship and for whom he is responsible.

3. Tamagro v. CA, G.R. No. 85044. June 3, 1992. Thus, parental liability is made a natural or logical
consequence of the duties and responsibilities of
Facts: parents — their parental authority — which includes
the instructing, controlling and disciplining of the
- On 20 October 1982, Adelberto Bundoc, then a child.
minor of 10 years of age, shot Jennifer Tamargo
with an air rifle causing injuries which resulted in In the instant case, the shooting of Jennifer by
her death. Adelberto with an air rifle occurred when parental
authority was still lodged in respondent Bundoc
- Accordingly, a civil complaint for damages was spouses, the natural parents of the minor
filed Adelberto.
by Petitioner Macario Tamargo, Jennifer's adopting
parent, and petitioner spouses Celso and Aurelia It would thus follow that the natural parents who
Tamargo, Jennifer's natural parents, against had then actual custody of the minor Adelberto, are
respondent spouses Victor and Clara Bundoc, the indispensable parties to the suit for damages.
Adelberto's natural parents with whom he was living
at the time of the tragic incident. The natural parents of Adelberto, however, stoutly
maintain that because a decree of adoption was
- Prior to the incident, or on 10 December 1981, the issued by the adoption court in favor of the
spouses Sabas and Felisa Rapisura had filed a Rapisura spouses, parental authority was vested in
petition to adopt the minor Adelberto Bundoc. the latter as adopting parents as of the time of the
filing the
- Petition for adoption was granted on 18 November petition for adoption that is, before Adelberto had
1982, that is, after Adelberto had shot and killed shot Jennifer with an air rifle.
The Bundoc spouses contend that they were
- Respondent spouses Bundoc, Adelberto's natural therefore free of any parental responsibility for
parents, claimed that not they, but rather the Adelberto's allegedly tortious conduct.
adopting parents, were indispensable parties to the
action since parental authority had shifted to the Respondent Bundoc spouses rely on Article 39 of
adopting parents from the moment the successful the Child and Youth Welfare Code which states
petition for adoption was filed. that the adoption shall Dissolve the authority vested
in the natural parents, except where the adopter is
- Petitioners in their Reply contended that since the spouse of the surviving natural parent
Adelberto Bundoc was then actually living with his
natural parents, parental authority had not ceased The Court is not persuaded. As earlier noted, under
nor been relinquished by the mere filing and the Civil Code, the basis of parental liability for the
granting of a petition for adoption. torts of a minor child is the relationship existing
between the parents and the minor child living with
- RTC dismissed petitioners' complaint, ruling that them and over whom, the law presumes, the
parents exercise supervision and control.
We do not believe that parental authority is properly
regarded as having been retroactively transferred May an illegitimate child, upon adoption by her
to and vested in the adopting parents, the Rapisura natural father, use the surname of her natural
spouses, at the time the air rifle shooting mother as her middle name?
happened. We do not consider that retroactive
effect may be given to the decree of adoption so as Ruling:
to impose a liability upon the adopting parents
accruing at a time One of the effects of adoption is that the adopted is
when the adopting parents had no actual or deemed to be a legitimate child of the adopter for
physical custody over the adopted child. all intents and purposes pursuant to Article 189 21
of the Family Code and Section 17 Article V of RA

Being a legitimate child by virtue of her adoption, it

follows that Stephanie is entitled to all the rights
provided by law to a legitimate child without
discrimination of any kind, including the right to
bear the surname of her father and her mother, as
discussed above.

This is consistent with the intention of the members

of the Civil Code and Family Law Committees as
earlier discussed. In fact, it is a Filipino custom that
the initial or surname of the mother should
immediately precede the surname of the father.

Additionally, as aptly stated by both parties,

Stephanie's continued use of her mother's surname
(Garcia) as her middle name will maintain her
maternal lineage.

It is to be noted that Article 189(3) of the Family

4. In The Matter Of The Adoption Of Stephanie Code and Section 18 Article V of RA 8552 (law on
Nathy Astorga Garcia, G.R. No. 148311. March 31, adoption) provide that the adoptee remains an
2005 intestate heir of his/her biological parent.

Facts: Hence, Stephanie can well assert or claim her

hereditary rights from her natural mother in the
- On August 31, 2000, Honorato B. Catindig , future.
herein petitioner, filed a petition to adopt his minor
illegitimate child Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia. Moreover, records show that Stephanie and her
mother are living together in the house built by
- He alleged therein, among others, that Stephanie petitioner for them at 390 Tumana, San Jose,
was born on June 26, 1994; that her mother is Baliuag, Bulacan.
Gemma Astorga Garcia; that Stephanie has been
using her mother's middle name and surname; and Petitioner provides for all their needs. Stephanie is
that he is now a widower and qualified to be her closely attached to both her mother and father. She
adopting parent. calls them "Mama" and "Papa". Indeed, they are
one normal happy family.
- He prayed that Stephanie's middle name Astorga
be changed to "Garcia," her mother's surname, and Hence, to allow Stephanie to use her mother's
that her surname “Garcia” be changed to surname as her middle name will not only sustain
"Catindig," his surname. her
continued loving relationship with her mother but
- RTC granted the adoption but the name reflected will also eliminate the stigma of her illegitimacy.

- Petitioner filed a motion for clarification and/or

reconsideration praying that Stephanie should be
allowed to use the surname of her natural mother
(GARCIA) as her middle name.

- RTC denied the petition holding that there is no

law or jurisprudence allowing an adopted child to
use the surname of his biological mother as his
middle name.
Michelle was 25 years old and already married,
while Michael was 18 years and seven months old.

- Michelle and her husband gave their consent to

the adoption as evidenced by their Affidavits of

- Michael also gave his consent to his adoption as

shown in his Affidavit of Consent.

- Petitioner's husband Olario likewise executed an

Affidavit of Consent for the adoption of Michelle and

- RTC rendered judgment dismissing the petitions.

The trial court ruled that since petitioner had
remarried, petitioner should have filed the petition
jointly with her new husband.

- The trial court ruled that joint adoption by the

husband and the wife is mandatory citing Section 7
(c), Article III of RA 8552 and Article 185 of the
Family Code.

- Petitioner’s argument that mere consent of her

husband would suffice was untenable because,
under the law, there are additional requirements,
such as residency and certification of his
qualification, which the husband, who was not even
made a party in this case, must comply.


5. In Re: Petition for Adoption of Michelle P. Whether or not petitioner, who has remarried, can
Lim, G.R. Nos. 168992-93. May 21, 2009 singly adopt.

Facts: Ruling:

- Minor children, whose parents were unknown, It is undisputed that, at the time the petitions for
were entrusted to them by a certain Lucia Ayuban. adoption were filed, petitioner had already
- Petitioner and Lim registered the children to make
it appear that they were the children's parents. The She filed the petitions by herself, without being
children were named Michelle P. Lim (Michelle) and joined by her husband Olario. We have no other
Michael Jude P. Lim (Michael). recourse but to affirm the trial court's decision
denying the petitions for adoption. Dura lex sed lex.
- Michelle was barely eleven days old when brought The law is explicit. Section 7, Article III of RA 8552
to the clinic of petitioner. She was born on 15 reads:
March 1977. Michael was 11 days old when
Ayuban brought him to petitioner's clinic. His date Husband and wife shall jointly adopt, except
of birth is 1 August 1983. in the following cases:

- Unfortunately, on 28 November 1998, Lim died. (i) if one spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate
On 27 December 2000, petitioner married Angel son/daughter of the other; or
Olario (Olario), an American citizen
(ii) if one spouse seeks to adopt his/her own
- Petitioner decided to adopt the children by illegitimate son/daughter: Provided, however,
availing of the amnesty given under Republic Act That the other spouse has signified his/her
No. 8552 (RA 8552) to those individuals who consent thereto; or
simulated the birth of a child.
(iii) if the spouses are legally separated from
- Thus, on 24 April 2002, petitioner filed separate each other.
petitions for the adoption of Michelle and Michael
before the trial court.
In case husband and wife jointly adopt, or one
- At the time of the filing of the petitions for spouse adopts the illegitimate son/daughter of
adoption, the other, joint parental authority shall be
exercised by the spouses. (Emphasis supplied)
consented to the adoption due to poverty and
The use of the word "shall" in the above-quoted inability to support and educate her son.
provision means that joint adoption by the husband
and the wife is mandatory. This is in consonance - RTC granted the petition for adoption.
with the concept of joint parental authority over the
child which is the ideal situation. Issue:

As the child to be adopted is elevated to the level of Whether the petitioners are qualified to adopt under
a legitimate child, it is but natural to require the Philippines Law.
spouses to adopt jointly. The rule also insures
harmony between the spouses. Ruling:

Neither does petitioner fall under any of the three Under Articles 184 and 185 of Executive Order
exceptions enumerated in Section 7. (E.O.) No. 209, otherwise known as "The Family
Code of the Philippines", private respondents
First, the children to be adopted are not the spouses Clouse are clearly barred from adopting
legitimate children of petitioner or of her husband Solomon Joseph Alcala.
There can be no question that private respondent
Second, the children are not the illegitimate Alvin A. Clouse is not qualified to adopt Solomon
children of petitioner. And third, petitioner and Joseph Alcala under any of the exceptional cases
Olario are not legally separated from each other. in the aforequoted provision.

These requirements on residency and certification In the first place, he is not a former Filipino citizen
of the alien's qualification to adopt cannot likewise but a natural born citizen of the United States of
be waived pursuant to Section 7. The children or America. In the second place, Solomon Joseph
adoptees are not relatives within the fourth degree Alcala is neither his relative by consanguinity nor
of consanguinity or affinity of petitioner or of Olario. the legitimate child of his spouse. In the third place,
Neither are the adoptees the legitimate children of when private respondents spouses Clouse jointly
petitioner. filed the petition to adopt Solomon Joseph Alcala
on February 21, 1990, private respondent Evelyn A.
Clouse was no longer a Filipino citizen. She lost her
Filipino citizenship when she was naturalized as a
citizen of the United States in 1988.

Private respondent Evelyn A. Clouse, on the other

hand, may appear to qualify pursuant to paragraph
Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995 (RA 8043) 3(a) of Article 184 of E.O. 209.

Republic of the Philippines v. Hon. Toledano, She was a former Filipino citizen. She sought to
G.R. No. 94147. June 8, 1994 adopt her younger brother. Unfortunately, the
petition for adoption cannot be granted in her favor
Facts: alone without violating Article 185 which mandates
a joint adoption by the husband and wife.
- On February 21, 1990, private respondents
spouses Clouse sought to adopt the minor, Article 185 requires a joint adoption by the husband
Solomon and wife, a condition that must be read along
Joseph Alcala, the younger brother of private together with Article 184
respondent Evelyn A. Clouse.

- The principal evidence disclose that private

respondent Alvin A. Clouse is a natural born citizen
of the United States of America. He married Evelyn,
a Filipino on June 4, 1981 at Olongapo City.

- On August 19, 1988, Evelyn became a naturalized

citizen of the United States of America in Guam.
They are physically, mentally, morally, and
financially capable of adopting Solomon, a twelve
(12) year old minor.

- Since 1981 to 1984, then from November 2, 1989

up to the present, Solomon Joseph Alcala was and
has been under the care and custody of private
respondents. Solomon gave his consent to the
adoption. His mother, Nery Alcala, a widow,

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