Strategic Planning

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CONCEPCION DATE: November 14, 2022



1. What is the one thing your company did best this year? How can we leverage this more?

I think one of best thing the company done as of this year is establishing and handling multiple
subdivision in some ideal areas or arguably one of the best areas for residential simultaneously.
Considering most of these subdivision lots are not yet totally paid to some landowners, but
fortunately enough we’re getting at least a good cash inflow to support all the monthly
amortization for landowners.

2. What is the one thing your company should improve upon?

I think the company should be wary about its customer retention, during my tenure to this company
I saw some clients leaving the company for some reasons (No updates on the projects, and
unattended client’s payment) that we might prevented to happen. I think we all knew that the life
blood of the business is the customer, we generated revenue from them. So, we need to do an
extra step understanding their concerns to resolve the misunderstanding and to avoid possible
problems might arise. Also, to avoid the negative impact on the company’s operation in the long

3. Which employee(s) prevented you from doing your best this past year? What should you do
about it?

For me as a finance assistant, there is no specific employee prevented me to show my full

potential. I can do any task that is given to me, although sometimes I wasn’t able to meet some
deadlines particularly on liquidation transactions.

4. Which department, team or function(s) prevented you from doing your best? What should you
do about it?

Just like I stated on question number 3, there is no specific department, and team or function that
prevented me to show my full potential.

5. Which team member was most responsible for your company’s success this year? How can we
maximize this member’s impact on others?

Aside to CEO and to all Managers that we all know the foundation of the company, I must say it
must be Ms. Kaye. He showcases tremendous effort day in and day out in selling all the properties
and subdivision lots of the company. Not to disregard the other CSR, Agents and SM, but it is very
evident on how different Ms. Kaye to others.

I think everybody could be Ms. Kaye referring on how he performs, his selling philosophy must
instill to others. Having some sort of training under the supervision of Ms. Kaye is good, and laying
down different selling methodology from traditional to digital will be a great additional knowledge
for everybody.

6. Which department, team or function(s) was most responsible for your company’s success this
year? What best practices can we pass on to others?

I think all department plays an important role in the success of the company; each function of the
department is connected to each other. But just like I stated on question number 2, customers are
the life blood of the business it means they plays a more crucial role in the operation or ultimately
in success of the business – Marketing Department. Simply because no revenue, no funds to
support the day-to-day operation of the company.

7. What is the single Key Performance Indicator you least liked hearing about this year? What
strategies and action plans can we implement to improve?

Business objective wise, I would love to hear about the revenue growth of the company. The only
way we can achieve that is through continues marketing, customers or clients would only buy your
product if they only know what you are offering. Possibly we can implement a monthly marketing
campaign, and setting targets or objectives, then after the duration of the campaign evaluate the

8. What is the single metric you will measure your company’s success by? What can you do to
make sure the goal is achieved?

Increase in Gross profit margin, the only way I know to achieve that goal is to lessen the expenses.
Just maximizing all the resources at hand efficiently and effectively.

9. If you had a clean sheet, what changes would you make to your company?

I believe changes must only do if wrong is existing, I would rather just improve something than
starting from the scratch again. I would suggest to take a closer look on the following;

1. Maximize the use of website, understanding the analytics and try to workout the SEO to get
some advantage in the search engine.
2. Maximize the use of social media as free advertising platform.
3. Creating a solid branding on social media to increase organic reach and engagement.
4. Provide a uniform, to established a brand identity of the company and some sort of a proof
that the company is existing.

10. If a perfect competitor opened up across the street, what would they look like?

For me, a perfect competitor would look like;

1. Market share dominance.

2. Financial flexibility.
3. Successfully developed multiple projects.

11. How often do you assess your team/department’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats? How do you use this information?

In finance department, I don’t usually assess my colleagues based on our differences. Personally, I
totally trust everybody on what they can do and offer in the table.

12. If you were in charge of strategic planning for the organization as a whole, what changes
would you make?

I would only change the marketing approach of the organization.

13. How efficient is your team from an operational standpoint?

I think we’re efficient and effective enough on our daily workloads, delivering relevant work outputs
and timely reporting.

14. How well does your department utilize its people as an asset to help it improve, stay
competitive, and strategically meet goals? Are people used efficiently or is talent wasted due to
lack of effective strategy?

I believe all the employee in the finance department is utilize reasonably, we had a specific
responsibilities and different workloads to each other.

15. How often do you analyze the competition in order to understand competitive advantages and
disadvantages as well as identify areas for investment or needs for improvement?

Not very much, but as far as I know there are some big players in the industry doing the same thing
similar to our organizations.

16. Do you understand your organization’s strategy on differentiation and what we do best?

Not much familiar with the current organizational strategy, and can’t relate to what we are doing
best right now.

17. What are the long-term goals of your department/the company?

I think creating a culture of success for both ends of the industry, from employee to valued clients.

18. Do your short-term priorities line up with these goals? How?

I believe some of my short-term priorities is inline with these goals of the company, by getting so
much knowledge – that’s success for me.

19.Is your organization pursuing growth and new business/market development with as much
passion as it does operational efficiency?

I think yes, the organization is kept on expanding its project and maximizing every opportunity in
the market.

20. How effective is your organization’s strategic vision?

I think it is effective, because it resulted to a desirable outcome.

21. When developing and implementing strategy, does your organization effectively balance short
and long-term priorities?

I think yes, the organization having the different approach dealing with these two different

22. How efficient and organized is your organization’s plan for how to improve and evolve the
strategic objectives over time?

I think it is efficient and well-organized, because in the planning phase everyone is involved. This
means the exploration of new ideas is wide, and coming from different perspective.

23. How many established connections does your organization have with consistent and
dependable customers?

Not familiar with the exact figures, but I guess it is around 3 to 4, I think.

24. How effective is your organization’s delivery model (service, product, value, etc.)? Is it clearly
recognizable and understood by your ideal customers?

I think it is obviously effective, the organization communicate its product very well to ideal or
prospect customers.
25. To what degree are your offerings clearly differentiated in their market?

I think the only significant difference is some subdivision lots is quite ideal for residential areas,
and the flexible pricing scheme.

26. Based on your knowledge of current efforts to promote your services, what are the major
internal barriers to selling your services to clients?

I think the lack of information for the developmental phase, having no solid information on that
sometimes it is quite to deliver the product if there is uncertainty on it.

27. How well does your organization maximize existing resources in order to deliver the product

I think the organization is doing well on that matter, delivering the product offering using resources
at hand.

28. How well do the organization’s products solve the customers’ problems and meet their

I think as of the moment the product itself doesn’t solve any problems from the customer, simply
because the purpose is not yet served.

29. How frequently does your organization deliver new value-adding ideas to your customers to
keep them engaged?

Not familiar on that figure.

30. Considering factors such as competition and timing of discounts, does your organization
provide the right number of discounts and at the right price?

I think yes, considering all the competitors in the industry selling the same products.

31. How often are your organization’s web strategies updated in order to align with current
organization news and capabilities?

Not particular on the organization’s web strategies at the moment.

32. How effective is your organization at ensuring loyalty of current customers by extending
various incentives for loyalty to your offerings?

Just fair enough on a scale basis.

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