The Future of Work

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The Future of Work (300+ words)

With the coming-of-age era of those who are currently college students, we are now beginning to
anticipate the world of working adults that we will soon enter. It is filled with ambiguousness,
uncertainty, and anxiousness. The future has always been described in those characteristics; it has always
been associated with vagueness and inconstancy. But the aftermath of the pandemic has made the future
‘more demanding’ and ‘more challenging’—something that those who will soon become part of the labor
force or the white collar should be prepared of.

In the documentary produced by Ian Khan, it was postulated that technology, robotics, animation, and
industry 4.0 are the main factors influencing the future of work. This is actually advantageous for the
current generation, more so for the future ones, as they have, technically, grew up with technology that’s
continuously improving. One sector that adjusted due to the pandemic is education where it transitioned
from traditional to virtual learning that we have to be knowledgeable of existing websites and applications
that we can utilize so as to guarantee a high quality of learning and nurture convenience and easy access
without compromising our academic performance. But even with being exposed to various creations of
technology in the daily setting, it does not imply that we have to be complacent that we know the basics.
As the documentary states, the future of work requires one to learn and relearn. The future of work is
always changing, but what is in our control is to change ourself, adapt, and acquire skills.

Machines, as clarified, does replace tasks and jobs, but it also creates opportunities. However, I also
thought that this situation is discriminating towards people who cannot afford high-end education nor
access learning with technology. Having to live in the future where technology dominates and where
digital skills are necessary, it would be daunting to try and be employed. But then I also think that those
who were able to access education should perceive it as a privilege, even though education is a right, and
should take this as a training ground for preparation for the demands of the future workplace. There
would be more diverse jobs, more freelancers, more employers with multiple jobs, and they will be
normalized. There would be a war of talents; flexibility and innovativeness will become in-demand. As
21st century learners, we should be equipped with literacy skills, critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity
because the future of work is us.

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