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The weaknesses of the Filipino character are as follows:

1. Extreme family centeredness

- Excessive concern for family means using one’s office and power to promote family
interests and thus factionalism patronage, political dynasties and protection of erring family
- It results in lack of concern for the common good, and acts as a block to national

2. Extreme personalism
- Takes things personally, cannot separate objective task from emotional involvement.
- Because of this the Filipino is uncomfortable with bureaucracy, with rules and regulations
and with standard procedures.
- He uses personal contacts, and gives preference to family and friends in hiring, services and
even voting.
- Leads to the graft and corruption evident in Philippine Society.

3. Lack of discipline

- A casual attitude toward time and space manifested in lack of precision and compulsiveness,
in poor time management and procrastination.
- Aversion to following procedures strictly results in lack of standardization and equality
- Impatience can result in shortcuts, palusot and nigas cogon.
- Often results to inefficient work systems, the violation of rules and a casual work ethic
lacking follow through.

4. Passivity and lack of initiative

- Waiting to be told what to do, reliance on others (leaders and government), complacence,
lack of sense of urgency.
- There is a high tolerance of inefficiency, poor service, and even violations of one’s right.
- Too patient and matiisin, too easily resigned to his fate, the Filipino is easily oppressed and

5. Colonial Mentality

- Lack of patriotism, or of an active awareness, appreciation and love of the Philippines and
an actual preference for things foreign.

6. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality

- Done by tsismis, intriga, unconstructive criticism, it is evident in the personal ambition that
is completely insensitive to the common good.
- Example: the lack of a sense of service among people in the government bureaucracy.
- This results in dampening of cooperative and community spirit, and in the trampling upon
other’s rights.

7. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection

- The tendency to be superficial and somewhat flighty.
- In the case of serious personal and social problems, there is lack of analysis or reflection,
and instead satisfaction with superficial explanations and solutions.

8. Emphasis on porma rather than substance

- This lack of analysis and emphasis on form is reinforced by an educational system that is
more from than substance.

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