Quiz6 Firstspreadsheet

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1. Open WPS Spreadsheet and copy the table below.


2. Follow the Format below (15 pts)

a. Merge Cell A1 to D1
b. Merge Cell B3 to D3
c. Merge Cell B4 to D4
d. Use this format for dates- 1-Dec-2020
e. Use this format for Deposits, Withdrawals and Balance amount
i. For Pc Users - PHP 1,000,000.00
ii. For Mobile Users - ₩1,000,000.00
f. ABC Bank
i. Font size – 24
ii. Font color – Blue
g. The rest of the text
i. Font size – 12
ii. Font color
i. Deposits - Blue
ii. Dates – yellow
iii. Withdrawals – Red
iv. Balances – Green
h. Border – All border
3. Save your work as ABC Bank_lastname.xls. (2pts)
Sample Output PC Version Sample Output Mobile Version

Note: Just make sure you follow the correct font color.

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