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A new paradigm of the space-time.

Remaking of the theory of relativity.

José Luís Pereira Rebelo Fernandes
To mankind.

In the relativity of Einstein, 2º postulate, hiper-deterministic with the same value

read in the speed of the light in any referential, never me seemed correct.
Having I already developed a new theory of universal gravitation that me seems
much more next to the reality and capable to explain the cosmological phenomena,
took the one leaned over that me on relativity.

1-The current paradigm.

Einstein´s mistake:
Einstein´s postulates:
At least he should have considered:

C =

1st Postulate

C = K C
“The laws of physics are the same in all inertia
referential. That is true in such a way for a
mechanics how much for the electromagnetism.”
It is logical that in the case of k is equal to 1 it would
The laws of physics are with absolute sure equal in prove that Einstein was right.

Being C the speed of light in our referential.

any give referential, because if that wasn’t true we
wouldn’t have physics.

2nd Postulate For calculus elaboration, Einstein, will use the

velocity of moving referential v.
“The speed of light in vacuum is constant (c=+-
300.000 Km/s) regardless of the velocity of the Here also he was not very cautious and scientific.
observer (and the source)”.
At least he should have considered the possibility of a
Well, here he shows a total lack of sense. change of value, for which he should have considered
a relation sort of the one we propose for the speed of
How is it possible that someone that has never been in light, because in both cases we are talking about
another referential, nor has any measurement that velocities.

confirms it, has this determination?
This is not scientific, is pure determination.

Vv =

= K

Until nowadays we don’t possess any measurement or
verification, and it has been over a century.

It is logical that Einstein should have taken some Time

precautions. He should have admitted that it could be
different. The proposed reasoning seems correct based on the
implied premises:

 V t   +  C t   =  C t  
2-A new paradigm of the space and

Here Einstein elaborates also the principle, with the  = !
premise that speed of light is constant in any given

 = t  1 
As explained previously, he did not considered the
possible variation of the velocities in other referential. " 
Which is the due correction:
Let as analyze what is seen from our referential:


We now go to the same apply used reasoning for

Einstein for the calculation of the bending of the
space, taking care of to already established and also
on the basis of the new premises.

The reasoning of Einstein:

Looking from our referential:

C t  +V t   = C t  

Replacing by the equivalent velocities we would have:

t + t = t

C  t   + V  t   = C  t  

C  t   + V  t   = C  t  
( ) *
C  t    C  t   - V  t   t = 

C  t    t   C  - V   lo
C  V
t    t   1 -  
 lo  V to
t   t 1   


Einstein´s previewed value maintains. C , V

t + t  = t  =
The possible alteration of the value of the speed does
not modify the bending of the time.

Do 1º postulado retiramos:
t =
 = C to   % 

 (    (/  
t  C = t  + t  = t  = t  =
  %    % 

t  C = L. t = 
Co  %

L. –Length covered for the light in its movement to We go to hold back the values of to and t  .
go and to come back.

We go to use to advantage the expression to t  . t   t  1 
t =
 (/    ( 

Co  %

On the basis of the new perspective we will have to
l k = l 1 
the other referential:



A indetermination.

Now we create a problem, or Einstein has reason and

k = 1, compelling the space to bend:

Seen from one referential:
(/ )/ */0
t  = 
Or, the space not bend, and we will have:

& 1
(/ )  /0 l = l
t  = '

2 The speed of the light, depends exclusively on the

t  =
speed of the source, the new referential:

& 1
(/ %  / 1 
t  = 2
We will have:
t  = t  C = LL

t  C = t  1 

What happens is a notion of different velocity,

because time changes.
In this concept also we can fit the quantum
t  C = t  C

m C  = h √
E  = h √
To advance, we will have that to clarify:
T - Period of the electromagnetic wave:

T =
After all, what is time contraction?
- inverse of the frequency

The internal work of matter. 5

Until nowadays we talk about time curvature, but we
never knew its true nature.

E t  = K
The internal work of matter, whatever it´s referential
is shouldn’t change.

E t  = K E t  = K

E t  = E t  h √ = E 

Is this principle correct? h x √ = m 9 

What is happening with energy?
Universal confirmation to Planck constant.
E t  = E t 
That type of relativity, in them will take the
t  = t  1 
different concept of bending, or not of the

E =
The theory of the relativity of Einstein, sight
in the perspective of the internal work of

What is according with relativity. We impose the speed of the constant light C :

We now know why time bends. E t  = E t 

E =
Because matter can’t, internally, produce any more
- value of the energy does not come
work every time we change its speed, then the inside
time has to adjust itself to maintain constant the
amount of work done by matter. '
The increase of energy matches a decrease of time.

Regarding the quantities, velocities, we are solely : C  t  = : C  t 

talking of quantities in referential.

: Co

t  1  = : Co

The quantity, velocity, maintains, its value changes,
because the time referential is the one that changes.

; E =
: = & 
- really different concept
$%  ' 


curious phenomenon, if V to tend for C, : tends for : C  t  = : C  t 

As we see in the relativity of Einstein transfers a

the infinite. Increasing the speed, it increases the

Co 2  
t 1  = : Co to
energy, but exclusively to the cost of the mass

&  o  
increase. The mass to the speed of the light will be
never changed into energy

: = : $1 
Vo 2
Mass at its own time: Co 2

< $% 
In this new concept of mass, whenever V to tend for
</ '  C, then the mass tends for 0, that is it tends to

changed itself into energy.
* $% 
'  The amount of movement.

</ ;
: . C = : 1 
*/ *
The notion of mass, is a relative notion, always in ' 

: C = : C
relation to a referential, i.e. it is a notion of time. The
greater the velocity, the smaller is the mass. What
seems logical because it tends for the transformation
of the mass into energy. Now, the amount of movement is always equal in any

: . C = : C
The amount of movement
If for beyond, of the said one previously, to take care
of to the one that:
C = : C All the relativity mechanics is gotten, from the
equation of the constancy of the amount of internal
work of the substance, independently of the

Well, the amount of movement is not remained. But after all what it is that the internal work of the
substance has to see with the space? I do not have
Will not be the equal laws of the physics in all the doubt none in choosing the beginning of not the
referential? bending of the space.

The relativity mechanics, considering, not In a next future, the measurement of the speed of the
bending of the space. light, made in one another referential, or same in one
another time will go to prove my decision.

E t  = E t 
If the space don’t bend, Einstein when considering the
Energy constant speeds, in any referential did not leave the
proper referential. Another referential was not in
game any, to be valid for another referential; the
speed had that to vary.

The conclusions taken by Einstein were wrong.

V  V  0 .
It created its relativity in our proper referential
Space does not bend, what bends is time.

The relativity of Einstein is the local equivalent of The second postulate has to be rewritten:
general relativity,)
2nd Postulate: The speed of light in vacuum, in the
bent time of our referential is 300.000 Km/s. The
The local mass if we to cancel the speed of the path of light in vacuum is constant, regarding the
simultaneous bent times of any referential.
:3 – Local mass.
It is as if we had a constant speed of light that is read

:3 = :
in a different value in any given referential due to the

time curvature of that referential.

The same is to say that the space traveled by light, not

:3 = : 1 
  in the time unit, but in the bent times regarding each

referential, is constant.
'  C t  = C t 

; t  = C t 
:3 =
- The local mass if we to cancel the
&  $% 
$%  '

t  1 

speed of the particle with mass mv.
= C t 
Regarding the considered velocities this is '

C t  = C t 
what is happening:

V = k V
C t  = C t 

V =

V =
'  The space and time.

C = k C Regarding the values of space read at each referential,

logically they will be completely the same for all

C =
referential, given the bent times of each referential.
The very speed of light, the universal invariant, in

C =
each reference unit will have a different unit reading,
because the curvature of the time, when dividing the
amount covered by the unit of time we will have
different measurements.

By transforming the values found in a single

After all what bends is velocity, because time referential, we will check the constancy of the path
bends and only for that. the speed of light.
The velocities now found are what always were, a This conclusion would only be viable with the non
distance divided by the time that takes to run that curvature of space.

Let us consider the referential absolutely stopped v0 ( The future evolution.
and to
The implications provoked for my new concept of
The velocity, as well as the path of the light in that relativity.
referential, in relation to our referential will be given
by: The appearance of these new concepts compels me to

C = C 1 

do a certain number of verifications, because they can

introduce any change in the theories published by me.

t =
&  F – Electron load.
G – Electromagnetic permeability of vacuum.

ABC = C t  Radius of matter:

ABC = C 1 
From the quantum mechanics we take, and in the case

the magnetic permeability of vacuum, U, changes
accordingly the study previously elaborated by me.

ABC = C tv = ABE R =    J
;# K# / L M#

The driven length is invariant, it is always the same
: = :
The space travelled by light is independent of the
reference site, the local times are the one that are
relative, then it be considered the speed of light as

F = F 1 
Vo 2

C t  = C t  Co 2

The curved space-time entity that has accompanied us,

Because U, as seen has no units, it is a part. It is the
must be abandoned, because only time curves.
part that universal charges allow to local radiation.
Now the galaxies that travel at a greater speed are As already we saw, the impact of the speed in the ray
further from the centre of the Big Bang, in any
ray of the matter is G3 - The universal magnetic
of the substance is null, for what goes to define the
We can someday travel at high speed and make a long
voyage. On the other hand by the previous theory, we permeability..

would practically stay at home. =
Separating these concepts is essential because the
curvature of the time is inside the matter and the A profound alteration in relation to the old relativity.
space is outside of this.
Locally with the increase of the magnetic
On my paper regarding the universal gravitational permeability of vacuum, the radius of matter keeps
variable, the problem time being intrinsic to matter decreasing in the opposite proportion of the growth of
and space exterior to it had been solved. the universe.

I had already felt the end of the space-time bend. Time o before time 1 .


Space is homogenous and has the same characteristics
across the Universe. Space is not bent.

The revolution takes place at the astrophysics The photon´s energy:


The implications provoked by my new concept of This privileged the one that would go to attend?
- To all measure a speed of the constant light in the
From the quantum mechanics we take, and in the case
the magnetic permeability of vacuum, U, changes universe, .
accordingly the study previously elaborated by me.

J   universe, always the same speed

, the same mass
- To measure in each situated relative local in the

</ R/ / L T/ S
E = : and the same energy V .
 I J N U
- It went to be able to have a vision of the universe,
Because U, as we seen before has no units, it’s a part.
It is the part that universal charges allow to local independent of the diverse relative times, that this
radiation contains.

As already we saw, the impact of the speed in the ray - When travelling for one definitive place of the

ray of the matter is G3 - The universal magnetic

of the substance is null, for what goes to define the universe, place this that possess its proper time,
would see to get excited all measured and would

!3 = k !
permeability.. measure:

5Q  RQ 
&  3=
$%  @

3 =


:3 = W :
A profound alteration in relation to the old relativity.

Locally with the increase of the magnetic
V3 = V
permeability of vacuum, the photon´s energy keeps
growth in the opposite proportions as the growth of @
the universe.

calculate any universal quantification, considering !

The principle is this that I will go to use, when to
Time o before time 1.

the current terrestrial time.
50 K
 K0  )08-01-09
 That it corresponds to our vision of the universe.

When looking at for the Universe, through the theory

I know that the path is not going to be easy, because I of the relativity of Einstein, we would see a wild
know human nature, but it is irreversible now. universe.

José Luís Pereira Rebelo Fernandes Note:

- It does not exist today until any demonstration of
Porto, 10 September 2008.
the bending of the space, that cannot be explained
P.S. – Today he was without a doubt one of the days by this new theory. Any bending of the space is
happiest of my life, the door was open. refutable for this new theory.

Very important note:

- The new theory only answers for itself to all the
But after all which is the conceptual principle of the
Universe the one that in them takes this new theory?

Let us imagine that it is possible to have an exterior

look to the universe, in a invariant time ! .
Porto. 2008/11/07

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