AS Test NC5 Khoa Demo

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Thi vào lớp Chất lượng cao Khoa học
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.

Question 1. Which form of energy causes the fan to turn on?

A. Chemical energy C. Sound energy

B. Electrical energy D. Light energy
Question 2. The picture below shows a solid piece of chocolate before and after melting into a liquid.

Solid chocolate Liquid chocolate

Which property of the piece of chocolate is the same in two pictures?
A. Texture B. Temperature C. Shape D. Mass
Question 3. A glass bottle breaks easily when dropped. Which object below has the similar
property as the glass bottle?

A. Ceramic pot B. School bag C. Plastic ball D. Wooden chair

Question 4. The picture below shows a pan of boiling water on a stove.

The water’s state of matter will change from

A. liquid to gas C. liquid to solid
B. gas to liquid D. solid to liquid
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Question 5. A restaurant serves 4 menus below.
Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Menu 4
Chicken salad
Fried chicken Peanut butter sandwich Egg salad sandwich
Cola soda Apple juice Apple juice
Potato chips Cucumbers Carrot sticks
Vanilla ice cream Fruit salad Strawberry yogurt
Vanilla pudding
Which menu is the least healthy?
A. Menu 1 B. Menu 2 C. Menu 3 D. Menu 4
Question 6. Which one of the following graphs shows the change in height as the seedling grows
into an adult plant?

A. B.

C. D.
Question 7. The picture shows a bell ringing. Which form of energy is produced
when the bell rings?
A. Magnetic C. Electrical
B. Light D. Sound
Question 8. The table below shows some types of species.

Tiger Dolphin Whale Penguin Parrot

Dog Chicken Tuna Salmon

How many species giving birth to the young does the table show?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
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Question 9. Which of the following shows the chemical change?

A. B. C. D.
Question 10. Which example describe a living thing taking in nutrients?
A. a girl eating an apple C. an insect crawling on a leaf
B. a dog burying a bone D. a boy playing soccer
Question 11. Four identical wet towels are hung out to dry outdoors in different locations as
shown in the diagrams below. Which towel dries most quickly?

A. B. C. D.

Question 12. Binh set up an experiment as shown below to test the flexibility of material W.
He measured the distance material W was pulled down by the block. He repeated the experiment
with materials X, Y and Z. The bar graph below shows his results.

Which material is the most flexible?

A. W B. X C. Y D. Z
Question 13. The picture shows the cross-section of a flower.

Which one of the labelled parts helps to produce pollen grains for pollination?
A. Part J B. Part K C. Part M D. Part L

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Question 14. Binh placed a bowl of ice-cream on the table. After three minutes, he observed his
ice-cream melting slowly. Which of the following correctly shows the transfer of heat between the
ice-cream and the surrounding air?
Surrounding air Ice-cream
A. gains heat gains heat
B. gains heat loses heat
C. loses heat loses heat
D. loses heat gains heat
Question 15. Which object is needed to light the bulb?

A. A battery B. A switch C. Another bulb D. Another wire

Question 16. Chi fills a jar with 75 cm of water. Which of equipment is most accurate for
measuring 75 cm 3 of water?

B. Measuring
A. Spoon cylinder C. Jug D. Bowl
Question 17. Chi conducted an experiment using three similar bowls of soup, all at the same
temperature of 30 oC. She placed the bowls in rooms with different surrounding temperatures.
Which of the following correctly shows mist being present?
Surrounding Surrounding Surrounding
temperature at 0 oC temperature at 30oC temperature at 60oC





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Question 18. A compass has a small magnet that can move freely.

Which diagram shows the directions of the small magnets in the compass correctly?

A. B.

C. D.

Question 19. What provides the source of energy for the water cycle?

A. Rain B. Soil C. The Sun D. Forest

Question 20. Two plants of the same species and size were
planted in identical pots of soil. Both plants were given the
same amount of water and nutrients. The picture shows the
two plants after 1 month. The plant in the window grew bigger
because it received more _____.

A. light C. water
B. air D. nutrients
Question 21. For a special dinner, Chi lit some candles in the living room
for decoration.
What two forms of energy does the fire from a burning candle making?

A. light and heat C. magnetic and nuclear

B. sound and chemical D. electrical and mechanical
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Question 22. Which gas is forming in the test tube shown below?

A. Carbon dioxide C. Oxygen

B. Hydrogen D. Nitrogen
Question 23. Some animals can identify a mate by its bright colors. Which body structure is needed
to sense color?
A. tongue B. skin C. eye D. ear
Question 24. Protein in foods helps the body to grow. The chart below shows the amount of
protein per serving in four foods.
Amount of Protein in Four food
Food Grams of Protein per Serving (g)
Chicken 25
Milk 10
Veggie burger 14
Hard-boiled egg 6
How much protein is in a meal of one glass of milk and one veggie burger?
A. 20 g B. 24 g C. 31 g D. 35 g
Question 25. Which statement best describes how energy can be harmful?
A. A fire burns down a house D. An alarm clock wakes up a sleeping
B. Electricity heats an oven person
C. A lamp lights a house.
Question 26. Binh puts two marbles in the cylinder and the water level rises from 43 mL to 45 mL.
He then puts the other two marbles in the graduated cylinder. What will the water level be when
all four marbles are in the graduated cylinder?
A. 43 mL C. 47 mL
B. 45 mL D. 49 mL

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Question 27. The picture below shows the human and plant reproductive systems.

Which of the following statements are correct?

(1) After fertilization, the baby develops in part P.
(2) Male reproductive cells are stored in parts Q and X.
(3) Female reproductive cells are stored in parts Q and Y.
A. (1) and (2) only C. (2) and (3) only
B. (1) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)
Question 28. A dog opens its mouth and lets its tongue hang out. A human’s body produce sweat.
These are two ways that living things may adjust to:
A. cold temperatures C. a shortage of food
B. hot temperatures D. a shortage of drinking water
Question 29. The diagram below shows insect P on a tree
Insect P feeds only on the leaves of tree branches. They are
often eaten by birds and reptiles but do not hide from its
predators. How does keeping very still on a branch help insect P
in its survival?
A. It helps the insect to find food.
B. It helps the insect to attract mates.
C. It prevents the insect from falling off a tree branch.
D. It prevents the insect from being detected by its predators.
Question 30. The picture below shows a balance. Side A has five blocks and side B has three blocks.
The mass of each block is shown in grams (g). Binh could balance sides P and Q by

A. moving 200 g from side P to side Q. C. moving 100 g from side P to side Q.
B. moving 200 g from side Q to side P. D. moving 100 g from side Q to side P.

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Question 31. Tick (v) on the boxes that show the devices measuring temperature.

□ □ □ □
Question 32. The picture below show five different stages of development of a plant.

A. B. C. D. E.
Arrange the stages of development of the plant correctly by writing the letters A, B, C and D in the
correct diagram below. Use the letter ONCE only.

___ ___

___ ___
Question 33. Binh drank an energy drink before his swimming competition. The graph below
shows his heart rate when he was at the pool.

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a. Based on the graph, fill in the blanks below with A, B, C, D, E or F.
(i) Binh started swimming at _______________________________
(ii) Binh stopped swimming at ______________________________
b. Explain why Binh’s heart rate was higher when he swam faster?
c. Which of the following body systems worked together to enable him to lift his head above the
water surface during swimming? Put a tick (v) in the correct boxes.
System Used to lift his head
Question 34. Study the flow chart below.

a. Based on the information in the flow chart, state two properties of object B.
b. Match each letter A, B, C and D in the flow chart to the correct object below. Use the letter
ONCE only.

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Question 35. Ha wanted to find out how the distance between the lamp and the water plant
affects the number of bubbles produced by the plant.

She switched on the lamp and set its brightness at 100 units. She counted the number of bubbles
produced per minute for the distances, X.
a. Complete the table below which shows the number of bubbles produced per minute with
different distances X.
Distance X (cm) Number of bubbles produced per minute
50 200
150 100
b. What can she conclude on the relationship between the number of bubbles produced per
minute and distance X?
--- THE END ---

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