Generador de Batallas en Inglés

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Units (Basic Game) Min Max Allies Only? Germany Only? Both? Version 1.1
Armor: 2 5 Allies Germany Both 3 by Kevin Trainer
Artillery: 0 2 Allies Germany Both 3
Infantry: 4 8 Allies Germany Both 3
Elite Armor
Elite Armor: 0 1 Allies Germany Both 2 29% of battlemap occupied by Terrain and Features
Elite Infantry
Elite Infantry: 0 1 Allies Germany Both 3 Terrain and Features Amount
French Resistance
French Resistance: 0 1 Allies 1
Units (Advanced Game) Min Max
Combat Engineers
Combat Engineers: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Snipers: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Half Tracks
Half-Tracks: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Heavy Anti-Tank Gun
Heavy Anti-Tank Gun: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Tank Destroyer
Tank Destroyer: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Mobile Artillery
Mobile Artillery: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Other: 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Terrain and Features (Basic Game) Actual
Village 1 6 2
Forest 12
Hedgerow 3
Hill 4
River Yes No 9 1
Village Forest Hedgerow Hill River Marsh Grass
Bridges 3
Terrain and Features (Advanced Game) Min Max Actual
Marsh 0
Grass 92 (calculated - do not modify this value)
Defenses Min Max
Bunkers 0 2 Allies Germany Both 2
Sandbags 1 5 Allies Germany Both 3
Wire 1 5 Allies Germany Both 3
Hedgehogs 0 5 Allies Germany Both 2
Other 0 0 Allies Germany Both 3
Allied side of battlefield Villages
0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 8 0 0 0 0


0 0

2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0


0 0

1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6


6 6 0 0

2 2 2 2 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0

2 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 2 2 6 6

8 8 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0


German side of battlefield

= Grass

= Forest

= Hedgerow

= Hill

= Village

= River

= Bridges

= Marsh
Kevin Trainer


Units (Basic Game) Number Units (Advanced Game) Number
Armor: 2 Combat Engineers: 0
Artillery: 0 Snipers: 0
Infantry: 8 Half-Tracks: 0
Elite Armor: 0 Heavy Anti-Tank Gun: 0
Elite Infantry: 1 Tank Destroyer: 0
French Resistance: 0 Mobile Artillery: 0
Other: 0
Bunkers 0
Sandbags 3
Wire 4
Hedgehogs 0
Other 0

Mission Summary
First Player: Germany
Cards in Hand: 5
Allied Victory Conditions: 5 medals and must occupy Juaye-Mondaye at end of game

Place medal(s) for Germany at the following location(s):


Note: if the medal location is not a village, then the allied player places the medal on a hex that meets the medal condition and informs the other player of the

Mission - Allies
Date: Monday, September 11, 1944
Time: 0643 GMT
Weather forecast: Light rain, calm winds, 56 degrees F.

Enemy Situation
Scouts observe that the enemy is preparing to attack.

Primary Objective
Hold Juaye-Mondaye

Secondary Objective
Destroy 5 enemy units
Kevin Trainer


Units (Basic Game) Number Units (Advanced Game) Number
Armor: 4 Combat Engineers: 0
Artillery: 0 Snipers: 0
Infantry: 7 Half-Tracks: 0
Elite Armor: 1 Heavy Anti-Tank Gun: 0
Elite Infantry: 0 Tank Destroyer: 0
French Resistance: 0 Mobile Artillery: 0
Other: 0
Bunkers 1
Sandbags 1
Wire 3
Hedgehogs 1
Other 0

Mission Summary
First Player: Germany
Cards in Hand: 5
German Victory Conditions: 5 medals and must occupy Juaye-Mondaye at end of game

Place medal(s) for the allies at the following location(s):

No medal locations

Note: if the medal location is not a village, then the German player places the medal on a hex that meets the medal condition and informs the other player of
the location.

Mission - Germany
Date: Monday, September 11, 1944
Time: 0643 GMT
Weather forecast: Light rain, calm winds, 56 degrees F.

Enemy Situation
Outposts report that the enemy was severely weaked by recent actions.

Primary Objective
Seize Juaye-Mondaye

Secondary Objective
Bridge Hex
Hex Number (beginning at Hex Occupied Random Occupied by
top left [allies]) Side by River? Hex Value Number Bridge?
1 no 0 no
2 no 0 no
3 yes 1 0.46953455 no
4 no 0 no
5 no 0 no
6 no 0 no
7 no 0 no
8 no 0 no
9 no 0 no
10 no 0 no
11 no 0 no
12 no 0 no
13 no 0 no
14 no 0 no
15 yes 1 0.22604998 yes
16 no 0 no
17 no 0 no
18 no 0 no
19 no 0 no
20 no 0 no
21 no 0 no
22 no 0 no
23 no 0 no
24 no 0 no
25 no 0 no
26 no 0 no
27 no 0 no
28 yes 1 0.48421578 no
29 no 0 no
30 no 0 no
31 no 0 no
32 no 0 no
33 no 0 no
34 no 0 no
35 no 0 no
36 no 0 no
37 no 0 no
38 no 0 no
39 no 0 no
40 yes 1 0.54262154 no
41 no 0 no
42 no 0 no
43 no 0 no
44 no 0 no
45 no 0 no
46 no 0 no
47 no 0 no
48 no 0 no
49 no 0 no
50 no 0 no
51 no 0 no
52 no 0 no
53 yes 1 0.14369071 yes
54 no 0 no
55 no 0 no
56 no 0 no
57 Neutral no 0 no
58 no 0 no
59 no 0 no
60 no 0 no
61 no 0 no
62 no 0 no
63 no 0 no
64 no 0 no
65 no 0 no
66 yes 1 0.30104041 no
67 no 0 no
68 no 0 no
69 no 0 no
70 no 0 no
71 no 0 no
72 no 0 no
73 no 0 no
74 no 0 no
75 no 0 no
76 no 0 no
77 no 0 no
78 no 0 no
79 yes 1 0.24759621 no
80 no 0 no
81 no 0 no
82 no 0 no
83 no 0 no
84 no 0 no
85 no 0 no
86 no 0 no

87 no 0 no
88 no 0 no
89 no 0 no
90 no 0 no
91 no 0 no
92 yes 1 0.08181249 yes
93 no 0 no
94 no 0 no
95 no 0 no
96 no 0 no
97 no 0 no
98 no 0 no
99 no 0 no
100 no 0 no
101 no 0 no
102 no 0 no
103 no 0 no
104 no 0 no
105 yes 1 0.68002738 no
106 no 0 no
107 no 0 no
108 no 0 no
109 no 0 no
110 no 0 no
111 no 0 no
112 no 0 no
113 no 0 no

Available Hexes

Percentile Calculator 0.24041414

Hexes Occupied by that Terrain Type 9 3

Terrain Type Rivers Bridges

Number in allied territory 4 1
Number in neutral territory 1 1
Number in German territory 4 1

River Calculator

Starting Hex 11
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 6
5 7
6 8
7 9
8 10
9 11
10 26
11 39
12 51
13 64
14 76

River Sinuosity Value (1 to 50) 20 Note: Higher sinuousity values result in

Number of
Row even or
River Hexes Row odd? Hexes in Start of Row End of Row
11 1 Odd 13 1 13
24 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25
25 2 Even 12 14 25


Random Village Name Village Village

Village Name Ranked order
Number Used? Number Name

Ajou 0.043442365 no 1
Amécourt 0.512167209 no 2
Athis-de-l'Orne 0.433701552 no
Audrieu 0.618110252 no
Aunay-sur-Odon 0.649026672 no
Auneuil 0.51407945 no
Auteuil 0.461798757 no
Aux-Marais 0.554280417 no
Barc 0.767063418 no
Bauquay 0.810379155 no
Beaumesnil 0.325238806 no
Berneuil-en-Bray 0.636534098 no
Bézu-Saint-Éloi 0.085302313 no
Blacourt 0.728144522 no
Boissey-le-Châtel 0.78636936 no
Bonnebosq 0.511220936 no
Boulleville 0.570309342 no
Bouquetot 0.732857114 no
Bréel 0.244458096 no
Bucéels 0.221243754 no
Cairon 0.204336237 no
Campeaux 0.908880542 no
Campigny 0.267138961 no
Castillon 0.20243737 no
Cerisy-la-Salle 0.919036577 no
Cheux 0.192095626 no
Couvains 0.07030236 no
Croisilles 0.180107351 no
Crouay 0.896781777 no
Curcy-sur-Orne 0.541526413 no
Épinay 0.199900713 no
Épron 0.334067573 no
Évrecy 0.149531841 no
Faverolles 0.86497742 no
Ferrières-Saint-Hilaire 0.76849778 no
Fourneaux 0.16602577 no
Gavray 0.8325157 no
Glos-sur-Risle 0.286542066 no
Hacqueville 0.989714453 no
Hodenc-en-Bray 0.440721617 no
Juaye-Mondaye 0.014214316 yes 0.01421432 Juaye-Mondaye
La Baleine 0.735728981 no
La Caine 0.468516308 no
La Haye-de-Routot 0.910588228 no
La Houssoye 0.365621741 no
La Neuve-Grange 0.661501643 no
La Roque-Baignard 0.516412978 no
Labosse 0.854837338 no
Lachapelle-aux-Pots 0.426747017 no
Lalande-en-Son 0.906922218 no
Landes-sur-Ajon 0.736572462 no
Le Grais 0.529538072 no
Le Gros-Theil 0.832464365 no
Le Pré-d'Auge 0.788146056 no
Le Thil 0.970079289 no
Le Vauroux 0.483092628 no
Longchamps 0.165340401 no
Maizères 0.009665659 yes 0.00966566 Maizères
Martragny 0.092751052 no
Montfort-sur-Risle 0.055382296 no
Morgny 0.208496217 no
Mouen 0.097411538 no
Nojeon-en-Vexin 0.254418507 no
Nonant 0.416223403 no
Noron-la-Poterie 0.745408471 no
Notre-Dame-de-Cenilly 0.740521506 no
Notre-Dame-de-Courson 0.287659081 no
Ondefontaine 0.05755736 no
Ons-en-Bray 0.808687476 no
Planquery 0.614653784 no
Pont-Audemer 0.560996147 no
Pont-Farcy 0.84776753 no
Pont-Hébert 0.267562119 no
Porcheux 0.669580757 no
Puiseux-en-Bray 0.496567087 no
Rônai 0.656097045 no
Saint-Aignan-de-Cramesnil 0.27599241 no
Saint-Brice-sou-Rânes 0.308709792 no
Saint-Clair-sur-l'Elle 0.327196359 no
Saint-Cyr-du-Ronceray 0.721719023 no
Saint-Denis-le-Gast 0.118155002 no
Sainte-Marie-de-Vatimesnil 0.658294425 no
Sainte-Opportune-la-Mare 0.958449796 no
Saint-Filles 0.07349581 no
Saint-Michel-de-Livet 0.047869909 no
Saint-Paul 0.945024442 no
Saint-Pierre-es-Champs 0.815319369 no
Saint-Sylvain 0.789196558 no
Savigny 0.041751245 no
Terry-sur-Vire 0.736908527 no
Thaon 0.285791312 no
Thury-Haracourt 0.646209394 no
Tilly-sur-Seulles 0.583724233 no
Toutainville 0.896804155 no
Troissereux 0.430108104 no
Verson 0.490659562 no
Vesly 0.962161195 no
Vicques 0.283136854 no
Vieux 0.630771429 no
Vieux-Pont-en-Auge 0.34287441 no
Villebaudon 0.22854689 no
Villembray 0.671923547 no
Villers-en-Vexin 0.546856671 no

Number of Villages 2


Final Forest Hex Hedgerow Hex
Bridge Hex River/Bridge Random Occupied by Random Occupied by
Value Hex Value Number Forest? Hex Value Number Hedgerow? Hex Value
0 0 0.10947722 no 0 0.57243512 no 0
0 0 0.39771199 no 0 0.61048091 no 0
0 1
0 0 0.52918749 no 0 0.03717341 no 0
0 0 0.70027173 no 0 0.3950285 no 0
0 0 0.55907526 no 0 0.35810231 no 0
0 0 0.67450089 no 0 0.82476982 no 0
0 0 0.46172676 no 0 0.47346871 no 0
0 0 0.88931419 no 0 0.92672522 no 0
0 0 0.13141445 no 0 0.27919275 no 0
0 0 0.20211869 no 0 0.59199001 no 0
0 0 0.93923536 no 0 0.62279448 no 0
0 0 0.75543346 no 0 0.31260529 no 0
0 0 0.76198535 no 0 0.31622957 no 0
0.5 1.5
0 0 0.02739787 yes 2
0 0 0.22811269 no 0 0.38003906 no 0
0 0 0.06428071 yes 2
0 0 0.50863858 no 0 0.18377471 no 0
0 0 0.9266814 no 0 0.95742196 no 0
0 0 0.02724316 yes 2
0 0 0.90221615 no 0 0.96273696 no 0
0 0 0.89971568 no 0 0.21638055 no 0
0 0 0.61808135 no 0 0.78395655 no 0
0 0 0.1183571 no 0 0.54198644 no 0
0 0 0.76940004 no 0 0.79018586 no 0
0 0 0.80950145 no 0 0.49787649 no 0
0 1
0 0 0.23560429 no 0 0.87549824 no 0
0 0 0.84607174 no 0 0.65508286 no 0
0 0 0.71735104 no 0 0.54958577 no 0
0 0 0.08874684 yes 2
0 0 0.69415762 no 0 0.4799999 no 0
0 0 0.26887917 no 0 0.23374528 no 0
0 0 0.2914424 no 0 0.89811221 no 0
0 0 0.39351624 no 0 0.29151598 no 0
0 0 0.31154126 no 0 0.1528386 no 0
0 0 0.72940453 no 0 0.48597629 no 0
0 0 0.1129056 no 0 0.81135873 no 0
0 1
0 0 0.02213179 yes 2
0 0 0.60046908 no 0 0.35623043 no 0
0 0 0.96140708 no 0 0.9605759 no 0
0 0 0.78750312 no 0 0.44717336 no 0
0 0 0.40083791 no 0 0.81702246 no 0
0 0 0.31251865 no 0 0.1632618 no 0
0 0 0.92349242 no 0 0.11093183 no 0
0 0 0.7674901 no 0 0.22032807 no 0
0 0 0.17660843 no 0 0.4654535 no 0
0 0 0.72806816 no 0 0.14902028 no 0
0 0 0.54208583 no 0 0.56199424 no 0
0 0 0.21989071 no 0 0.68076835 no 0
0.5 1.5
0 0 0.09331957 yes 2
0 0 0.5872725 no 0 0.03382867 yes 4
0 0 0.46475605 no 0 0.87972831 no 0
0 0 0.28224634 no 0 0.44534371 no 0
0 0 0.99719872 no 0 0.01705424 yes 4
0 0 0.47787383 no 0 0.44441939 no 0
0 0 0.13585389 no 0 0.82084015 no 0
0 0 0.51700394 no 0 0.05128757 no 0
0 0 0.74368624 no 0 0.70897033 no 0
0 0 0.12802108 no 0 0.22508265 no 0
0 0 0.73102997 no 0 0.48655877 no 0
0 0 0.77521334 no 0 0.49586843 no 0
0 1
0 0 0.12765883 no 0 0.7630325 no 0
0 0 0.68412847 no 0 0.39148322 no 0
0 0 0.20915591 no 0 0.67887118 no 0
0 0 0.77665381 no 0 0.204875 no 0
0 0 0.7825276 no 0 0.43648144 no 0
0 0 0.06969537 yes 2
0 0 0.06787006 yes 2
0 0 0.74059313 no 0 0.10900668 no 0
0 0 0.83555721 no 0 0.23620001 no 0
0 0 0.63908492 no 0 0.71657386 no 0
0 0 0.55612515 no 0 0.41985458 no 0
0 0 0.77870466 no 0 0.21424962 no 0
0 1
0 0 0.65440613 no 0 0.80538 no 0
0 0 0.63507829 no 0 0.11325254 no 0
0 0 0.9756796 no 0 0.13132491 no 0
0 0 0.47234519 no 0 0.48751994 no 0
0 0 0.42023002 no 0 0.24871134 no 0
0 0 0.81505922 no 0 0.14395466 no 0
0 0 0.01646147 yes 2
0 0 0.77702768 no 0 0.78193885 no 0
0 0 0.31318747 no 0 0.30409073 no 0
0 0 0.34202234 no 0 0.44831338 no 0
0 0 0.33834862 no 0 0.18030363 no 0
0 0 0.25303194 no 0 0.65968891 no 0
0.5 1.5
0 0 0.18040561 no 0 0.63730495 no 0
0 0 0.88448873 no 0 0.0027307 yes 4
0 0 0.62607924 no 0 0.55750786 no 0
0 0 0.16417651 no 0 0.50520767 no 0
0 0 0.69689648 no 0 0.83005332 no 0
0 0 0.11800965 no 0 0.88771642 no 0
0 0 0.10512082 yes 2
0 0 0.35386333 no 0 0.05659874 no 0
0 0 0.68540769 no 0 0.69712379 no 0
0 0 0.50213517 no 0 0.05777866 no 0
0 0 0.18392835 no 0 0.50439195 no 0
0 0 0.59454544 no 0 0.82529619 no 0
0 1
0 0 0.30601205 no 0 0.24222859 no 0
0 0 0.07967916 yes 2
0 0 0.85914233 no 0 0.54103988 no 0
0 0 0.74667415 no 0 0.77225809 no 0
0 0 0.85297851 no 0 0.34388519 no 0
0 0 0.79942601 no 0 0.32971888 no 0
0 0 0.09178939 yes 2
0 0 0.94226939 no 0 0.83663129 no 0

104 92

0.10897456 0.03706435

12 3

Forest Hedgerow
5 0
1 2
6 1
ote: Higher sinuousity values result in a more meandering river.
Vertical Rivers Horizontal Rivers
Number Left Ahead left Ahead Right Right Vertical Left Straight
River Value
74 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
83 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
14 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
82 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
-49 0 13 0 0 13 0 1
-67 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-61 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-88 -1 0 0 0 -1 -12 0
68 0 0 12 0 12 0 1
32 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
68 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
66 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
12 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
-49 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
29 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
-23 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-40 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-60 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-59 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
93 0 0 0 12 12 0 0
39 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
1 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
-48 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-58 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
5 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
-6 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-2 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
51 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
-40 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
33 0 0 13 0 13 0 1
-77 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
-71 0 12 0 0 12 0 1
74 0 0 13 0 13 0 1

Village Number

0.01421432 Juaye-Mondaye
0.00966566 Maizères
Hills Hex Marshes Villages
Random Occupied by Random Hex Occupied Random
Number Hill? Hex Value Number by Marsh? Hex Value Number
0.88323954 no 0 0.6780082695 no 0 0.727104
0.14577189 no 0 0.6064600562 no 0 0.2730648

0.35296926 no 0 0.0377207018 no 0 0.6545612

0.9013293 no 0 0.6250879165 no 0 0.124866
0.52285755 no 0 0.5291558695 no 0 0.711465
0.29421593 no 0 0.0876026602 no 0 0.485949
0.6468422 no 0 0.7099500062 no 0 0.6311464
0.55028859 no 0 0.8113999893 no 0 0.6736976
0.39456588 no 0 0.8699022367 no 0 0.393892
0.99577025 no 0 0.8462099324 no 0 0.0096669
0.20276886 no 0 0.666849621 no 0 0.4878486
0.62218214 no 0 0.3426901245 no 0 0.0894095
0.9709154 no 0 0.2042007173 no 0 0.7711882

0.92664452 no 0 0.1227439456 no 0 0.0668451

0.68531347 no 0 0.7170406393 no 0 0.0732275

0.48978999 no 0 0.6657607121 no 0 0.8967382

0.77165139 no 0 0.1393447566 no 0 0.1792466

0.66702324 no 0 0.806588095 no 0 0.3555706
0.73687578 no 0 0.2958464473 no 0 0.0154123
0.52658841 no 0 0.0351429091 no 0 0.7834357
0.15754644 no 0 0.0692595793 no 0 0.019754
0.06375653 no 0 0.3128144723 no 0 0.4032644

0.07566861 no 0 0.6937796867 no 0 0.3440983

0.12846105 no 0 0.1418956884 no 0 0.8408967
0.20502883 no 0 0.0351878582 no 0 0.6792711

0.73422002 no 0 0.597125932 no 0 0.5866639

0.42069863 no 0 0.4893597603 no 0 0.1541416
0.71452469 no 0 0.9993786959 no 0 0.4618938
0.62916795 no 0 0.4031165425 no 0 0.649417
0.04578961 yes 6
0.27592016 no 0 0.2854659669 no 0 0.4663696
0.32232905 no 0 0.5994458136 no 0 0.2905409
0.97991431 no 0 0.8201613741 no 0 0.0891157
0.05812226 no 0 0.3179808825 no 0 0.1178734
0.66809836 no 0 0.138360684 no 0 0.297813
0.87903869 no 0 0.4834901811 no 0 0.3414355
0.4996866 no 0 0.3222546896 no 0 0.1049513
0.22883094 no 0 0.1962323192 no 0 0.8668197
0.51118593 no 0 0.8608145858 no 0 0.4950843
0.55524149 no 0 0.627296405 no 0 0.873446
0.02346812 yes 6
0.00914065 yes 6
0.60825851 no 0 0.2050411764 no 0 0.8000946

0.79321494 no 0 0.4853867274 no 0 0.1364102

0.13821706 no 0 0.5052771738 no 0 0.5404416

0.84236171 no 0 0.7643804497 no 0 0.1990585

0.49752392 no 0 0.9267354424 no 0 0.7314735
0.62553016 no 0 0.4726423609 no 0 0.3685492
0.1420834 no 0 0.1030080405 no 0 0.670569
0.33666866 no 0 0.2359978773 no 0 0.4624694
0.91362763 no 0 0.2358652867 no 0 0.2523857
0.33571093 no 0 0.1561211367 no 0 0.5588663

0.9146931 no 0 0.9814216717 no 0 0.3864248

0.9269085 no 0 0.4618774761 no 0 0.7514012
0.16358311 no 0 0.9935198678 no 0 0.0310419
0.53798804 no 0 0.9986579866 no 0 0.1402037
0.31392384 no 0 0.4191930342 no 0 0.8798221

0.37757764 no 0 0.8245061425 no 0 0.907696

0.56727174 no 0 0.1027065696 no 0 0.0488588
0.53752575 no 0 0.5448172535 no 0 0.1167143
0.88674592 no 0 0.1756671243 no 0 0.3907703
0.14573676 no 0 0.6351295254 no 0 0.8900076

0.63736812 no 0 0.6749737266 no 0 0.8766186

0.04706864 no 0 0.3979814223 no 0 0.2716724
0.16476581 no 0 0.9305068131 no 0 0.2078967
0.51181166 no 0 0.6083041166 no 0 0.9826169
0.89830954 no 0 0.8514461587 no 0 0.725256
0.71838655 no 0 0.6949015326 no 0 0.9350246
0.23962208 no 0 0.4901018694 no 0 0.9395356
0.06815245 no 0 0.0782182509 no 0 0.982888
0.21822811 no 0 0.2209856628 no 0 0.2995463
0.29628692 no 0 0.8126207554 no 0 0.4898562
0.78727365 no 0 0.2648518067 no 0 0.1699775

0.47057465 no 0 0.0015887487 no 0 0.4433354

0.67438026 no 0 0.3948831769 no 0 0.8677356

0.4861762 no 0 0.0475735137 no 0 0.7560043
0.72539211 no 0 0.4106221655 no 0 0.4380559
0.84320815 no 0 0.5906062919 no 0 0.47247

0.14089187 no 0 0.1907480892 no 0 0.1945607

0.38682463 no 0 0.1801755531 no 0 0.3915612
0.32074754 no 0 0.6673150949 no 0 0.2961038
0.74415019 no 0 0.7706864858 no 0 0.9093175
0.21625575 no 0 0.666997908 no 0 0.6415193

0.26228961 no 0 0.092743345 no 0 0.555965

0.00935829 yes 6
0.88573293 no 0 0.0917872279 no 0 0.0134036
0.30561135 no 0 0.8139038728 no 0 0.6739566
0.35105979 no 0 0.4266454399 no 0 0.6153667

0.81304034 no 0 0.7733805226 no 0 0.8356425

89 85 85

0.04701115 0.0015887487 0.0153651

4 0 2

Hill Marsh
2 0
1 0
1 0
Boundary Conditions
Final Final
Top Edge Bottom Edge Left Edge Right Edge
Right Horizontal Boundary Boundary Boundary Boundary Additive
River Value Value

0 0 1 1 1 13
13 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
13 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
13 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Occupied Village Village Final Hex
by Village? Hex Value Number Name Objective? Value
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
yes 8 1 Juaye-Mond no 8
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0
yes 8 2 Maizères yes 8
no 0 0
no 0 0
no 0 0

Number of Allied
Units (Basic Game) Unit Value Allied Unit Value
Armor: 5 2 10
Artillery: 4 0 0
Infantry: 3 8 24
Elite Armor: 6 0 0
Elite Infantry: 3.75 1 3.75
French Resistance: 3.5 0 0
Units (Advanced Game) Unit Value
Combat Engineers: 3 0 0
Snipers: 2.5 0 0
Half-Tracks: 3.25 0 0
Heavy Anti-Tank Gun: 3.5 0 0
Tank Destroyer: 3.75 0 0
Mobile Artillery: 4.5 0 0
Other: 3 0 0

Units Sum: 37.75

Units Difference: -9.25
Terrain and Features (Basic Game) Value
Village 1 1 1
Forest 1 5 5
Hedgerow 1 0 0
Hill 0.75 2 1.5
Terrain and Features (Advanced Game) Value
Marsh 0.5 0 0
Grass 0 0

Terrain Sum: 7.5

Units and Terrain Sum: 45.25
Defenses overlap random value: 12
Note: a higher defenses overlap value will give a greater chance for both sides to have defenses

Defenses Value
Bunkers 1.15 0 0
Sandbags 0.9 3 2.7
Wire 0.3 4 1.2
Hedgehogs 0.25 0 0
Other 1 0 0

Total Sum: 49.15

Total Difference: -9.8
First Player: Germany
Cards in Hand: 5
Medals to Win 5


Date: ###
Time: 0643
Weather: Light rain, calm winds, 56 degrees F.

7 Light rain 1 calm winds

Weather Windy
1 Clear 1 calm winds
2 High clouds 2 calm winds, light breeze in aftern
3 Partly cloudy 3 light breeze
4 Cloudy 4 light winds from SW
5 Overcast 5 light winds from W
6 Showers 6 light winds from NNW
7 Light rain 7 winds from SSW
8 Heavy rain 8 winds from WSW
9 Afternoon storms 9 gusty winds

Degree of Uncertainty
Note: low numbers give more accurate intelligence, higher numbers give less accurate intelligence.
Allied Uncertainty -2
German Uncertainty 1
Enemy Situation (Allied):
Scouts observe that the enemy is preparing to attack.
Enemy Situation (Germany):
Outposts report that the enemy was severely weaked by recent actions.

5 Scouts observe is preparing to attack.

9 Outposts report was severely weaked by recent ac
Allied 7.25
German -8.25
1 Intelligence indicat 100 is preparing to attack.
2 Intelligence report 6 received reinforcements yesterda
3 Aerial reconnaissan 4 is probing for weakness in our sec
4 Aerial reconnaissa 2 resupplied overnight.
5 Scouts observe 0 has dug in.
6 Civilians report -2 is attempting to consolidate their
7 Intercepted signals -4 is understrength in this sector.
8 Enemy prisoner int -6 took casualties during yesterday's
9 Outposts report -8 was severely weaked by recent ac

100 Seize
8 Advance toward
2 Seek out and destroy enemy units
-2 Block enemy advance
-8 Hold

Order Randomness
Note: low numbers have less (potential) randomness, higher values have more (potential) randomness.

Allied Germany
Unit Value Difference: -9.25 9.25
Randomness Factor: -6 6
Order Value -15.25 15.25

Allies Primary Objective: Hold

Germany Primary Objective: Seize

Primary Objectives
Village Forest Hills
In allied territory 1 5 2
In neutral territory 0 1 1
In German territory 1 6 1
Village Names
Allied Objective: Village Maizères
German Objective Village Juaye-Mondaye

Objective Names
high ground
unit positions

Actual Primary Objective

Allies Maizères
Germany Juaye-Mondaye

Final Primary Objective Wording

Allies Hold Juaye-Mondaye
Germany Seize Juaye-Mondaye

Secondary Objectives
Secondary Objectives
Allies Destroy 5 enemy units


Random Values
Allies 5
Germany 6

Medals for Allies

1 No medal locations

Medals for Germany

1 Juaye-Mondaye
Number of German Unit
German Units Values
4 20
0 0
7 21
1 6
0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0


1 1
6 6
1 1
1 0.75

0 0


1 1.15
1 0.9
3 0.9
1 0.25
0 0



inds, light breeze in afternoon

nds from SW
nds from W
nds from NNW


weaked by recent actions.

aring to attack.
verely weaked by recent actions.

aring to attack.
d reinforcements yesterday.
ng for weakness in our sector.
ied overnight.

mpting to consolidate their positions.

rstrength in this sector.
sualties during yesterday's aerial bombardment.
verely weaked by recent actions.


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