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Expressions (2 hours)
 Basic mathematical operations
 String concatenation and string formatting
2. Flow Control (4 hours)
 If-else statements
 For and while loops
 Conditional expressions and the ternary operator
 try-except statements for error handling
3. Functions (6 hours)
 Defining and calling functions
 Parameters and arguments
 Return values
 Scope, default arguments, and keyword arguments
 Recursion
4. Built-in Data Structures (8 hours)
 Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets
 List and dictionary comprehension
 Advanced list and dictionary methods, such as sorting and filtering
 Advanced use cases, such as nested data structures
5. Numpy (4 hours)
 Introduction to Numpy
 Numpy arrays
 Array operations and manipulations
 Broadcasting
 Linear algebra with Numpy
6. Pandas (8 hours)
 Introduction to Pandas
 Series and DataFrame
 Data import and export
 Data cleaning and preprocessing
 Groupby and aggregation
 Merging and joining DataFrames
7. Series & DataFrame (4 hours)
 Indexing and slicing
 Handling missing data
 Data transformation
8. Data Visualization using Seaborn and Matplotlib (14 hours)
 Introduction to data visualization
 Matplotlib and Seaborn basics
 Line plots, scatter plots, and histograms
 Bar plots and box plots
 Heatmaps and pair plots
 Advanced visualization techniques, such as facet grids and categorical
 Visualization best practices
9. Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification (15 hours)
 Introduction to supervised machine learning
 Linear regression, multiple linear regression, and regularization
 Logistic regression and classification
 Decision Trees and Random Forest
 Support Vector Machines
10. Unsupervised Learning (8 hours)
 Introduction to unsupervised learning
 Clustering: k-means, hierarchical clustering, and density-based
 Dimensionality reduction: PCA and t-SNE
 Anomaly detection
11. Recommender Systems (7 hours)
 Introduction to Recommender Systems
 Collaborative filtering
 Content-based filtering
 Hybrid systems
 Matrix factorization and Singular Value Decomposition
 Evaluation of Recommender Systems
12. Introduction to NLP (2 hours)
 Overview of NLP and its applications
 Text data preprocessing
 Tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization
13. Text Representation (4 hours)
 Bag of words
 Word embeddings
 Sentence embeddings
14. Text Classification (4 hours)
 Supervised text classification
 Unsupervised text classification
 Text classification with deep learning
15. Named Entities Recognition (NER) (2 hours)
 Introduction to NER
 Rule-based NER
 Statistical NER
 Neural NER
16. Sentiment Analysis (4 hours)
 Introduction to sentiment analysis
 Supervised sentiment analysis
 Unsupervised sentiment analysis
 Sentiment analysis with deep learning
17. Text Generation (4 hours)
 Introduction to text generation
 Language models
 Text generation using deep learning
18. Introduction to Deep Learning (2 hours)
 Overview of deep learning and its applications
 Understanding artificial neural networks
19. Feedforward Neural Networks (4 hours)
 Introduction to feedforward neural networks
 Backpropagation
 Gradient descent
 Activation functions
20. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (4 hours)
 Introduction to CNNs
 Convolutional layers
 Pooling layers
 Applications in image classification
21. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) (4 hours)
 Introduction to RNNs
 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
 Applications in natural language processing and sequential data
22. Autoencoders (4 hours)
 Introduction to autoencoders
 Types of autoencoders
 Applications in dimensionality reduction and anomaly detection
23. Generative Models (4 hours)
 Introduction to generative models
 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
 Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
 Applications in image generation and text generation
24. Introduction to Computer Vision (2 hours)
 Overview of computer vision and its applications
 Understanding image data and digital image processing
25. Image Processing (4 hours)
 Image enhancement and restoration
 Image segmentation
 Feature extraction and object detection
26. Object Detection (4 hours)
 Introduction to object detection
 Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
 Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF)
 Fast R-CNN, YOLO
27. Image Segmentation (4 hours)
 Introduction to image segmentation
 K-means clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
 Semantic segmentation and instance segmentation
28. Image Classification (4 hours)
 Introduction to image classification
 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
 Neural networks and CNNs
 Transfer learning
29. Object Tracking (4 hours)
 Introduction to object tracking
 Optical flow and Lucas-Kanade algorithm
 Kalman filter and Particle filter
 Deep learning-based object tracking
30. Introduction to MLOps (2 hours)
 Overview of MLOps and its importance
 Understanding the MLOps pipeline
31. Data Management (4 hours)
 Data collection, cleaning and pre-processing
 Data storage and versioning
32. Model Development (4 hours)
 Model selection and tuning
 Hyperparameter tuning
 Model evaluation
33. Model Deployment (4 hours)
 Model packaging and deployment
 Continuous integration and delivery
 Model management and monitoring
34. Model Governance (4 hours)
 Model explainability and interpretability
 Model documentation and lineage
 Model audit and compliance
35. MLOps Tools (4 hours)
 Introduction to MLOps tools
 MLFlow, TensorFlow Extended (TFX) and Kubeflow
 Jenkins, Travis CI and CircleCI
 Prometheus, Grafana and ELK

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