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A Review on Context Aware Prediction for

Human Performance

Fatin Shahirah Zulkepli Roliana Ibrahim

Faculty of Computing Faculty of Computing
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor

Abstract—The implementation of context is crucial in performance affecting KPI of an organization. While last but
monitoring human performance. Context can be describes as the not least, in Section V concludes the paper.
situation or environment of human undertaking certain activities.
Previous studies shows there are several factors affecting human
performance. The paper discusses several factors affecting human
performance from achieving Key Performance Index (KPI) targets
identified from previous studies. We believe these factors could be A) Context
classified into multiple contexts such as into human personal,
behavior and environmental context in order for us to predict
human performance. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to Context can be defined as the characters or elements of
review and discuss the context-aware research in order for us to an environment surrounding things like objects, applications
develop a context-aware based predictive framework for monitoring or gadgets [2,42] as well as people or the end users of
human performance. applications [31,35]. In addition, context may contains
Keywords—key performance indicatior;context; context- parameters such as places [35], date, time, location,
aware;context-aware prediction;human behaviour; orientation, the user’s emotional state [8] and personality [31].
[16] also define context as aspects of the on-going situation
I. INTRODUCTION which covers the whole environment
. Key performance indicators (KPI) is one of the human The definitions stated by Schilit et al. [34], Dey et al. [7]
performance tools that assist a particular organization or
and Pascoe [26] are almost similar in the operational definition
someone in monitoring their performance against the target set
we seek off. Schilit et al. state that the important aspects of
by the management [37]. In Malaysia, universities which has
been given a status as Research University by the Ministry of context are: who is the person, where is the person, what is
Education need to maintain their status for several beneficial he/her doing, why he/she doing and what resources are nearby.
reasons. To maintain the status, these universities need to meet Schilit also stated that context to be variable despite the
certain KPI requirements. The number of publication environment. They also stated and consider these followings
achievement is an important indicators which measure the as environment:
universities achieve its KPI. For example, publication is done
by the academician within respective universities. However, III. CONTEXT AWARE RESEARCH
some of the constraints to achieve the KPI targets set the
university’s management are weak publishing cultures, weak A) Context
reviewing practices, inadequate Ph.D. and others. This factor
gradually occurs because the targeted objectives need high First and foremost, we have to develop our own
productivity from all the employees. In addition, there is no interpretation and idea of context and context aware which can
systemic study or method in measuring human performance in be fit in the context aware predictive field. In order to have our
terms of contextual information especially in context-aware own definition, we will look at how researchers defined
prediction field. context in their own work. According to Schilit and Theimer
[35], they define context as places, recognizes of nearby
This review paper is structured as follows: Section II objects and people, and objects alteration. In an identical
discussed in details regarding context aware research. We will explanation, Dey et al. [8] discuss context as focus of
review numerous definitions of contexts and context-aware by attention, date and time, the user’s emotional state, location
various researchers and come out with own definition. This is
and orientation, objects, and people in the user’s environment.
followed by key performance indicators (KPI) in Section III.
In Section IV is all about human performance and how human In a different point of view, Brown et al. [1] refer context as
location, locating user and identifies of the character around
the end user, the duration of the day, climate, and season. On Moreover, Dey et al. stated that context can be classified
top of that, Ryan et al. [31] define context as the character’s as emotional, user’s physical, informational state, or social.
area, surroundings, time and personality. Last but not least, Pascoe describe context to be the conceptual
and physical condition of interest to distinct entity. The three
There are few explanations and definition that brings the previous point of view and definitions are quite detailed and
same definition for context; for instance; context referring as specific. The flaw of these stated definitions is we can’t list
the surroundings or atmosphere, some believe context is out which aspects of context fit in the current issues of this
referring to be the character’s environment, while the rest research as all these requirements will dynamically change
from time to time, according to the situation.
acknowledge it to be the application’s environment. On the
other hand, Franklin and Flaschbart [12] state context as the
Based on the previous definition of context, we found
position of the character. In addition, Ward et al. [42] see
defining context through prototype is hard to apply. It is also
context as the case of the application’s surroundings. Besides,
hard to decide whether unlisted of information in the
according to Hull et al. [16] he views context as object covers
definition is context or not, and it is still unclear on how we
the whole environment by defining context to be aspects of the
can apply the definition and solution to figure out the
on-going situation. Rodden et al. [30] define context to be the
problems. In a nutshell, based on our research and
default of particular application while Brown [2] describe
requirements, we define context as information or data which
context to be the elements of the character’s surroundings that
can be applied to distinguish the environment and status of an
character’s computer acknowledge.
object. We can describe an object as a character, location,
position, job, age or factors that considered compatible to the
After some analysis and discussion we found out the
interaction between an application and an user, including the
definitions gave out by Dey et al. [7], Schilit et al. [34], and
user and application themselves.
Pascoe [26] are almost similar in the functional definition we
seek off. Schilit et al. state that what matters the most in B) Context-Aware
context are: who is the person, where is the person, what is
he/her doing, why he/she doing and what resources are nearby. First and foremost, past researchers have multiple
Schilit also stated that context to be variable despite the definitions of context-aware from different perspectives.
environment. They also stated and consider these followings According to Dey [7], Dey limits context-awareness to the
as environment: human-computer interface, as opposed to the underlying
application. While according to Pascoe et al. [26,27] and Hull
TABLE I. DEFINITON OF “CONTEXT” IN CONTEXT-AWARE et al. [16], both of them defined context-aware as the
capability of computing tools to sense and detect, processing
and reflect to aspects of a character’s current surroundings and
Categories Context the computing tools themselves.
Physical context - Noise, lighting, traffic
condition, temperature Context-aware has other similar with other terms such as
User context - Location, social, situation, user environment-directed [10], situated [16], context-sensitive
profile [29] and responsive [9]. The context-aware definitions are
Computing context - Network connectivity divided into two groups; applying context and adapting to
context. On the other hand, Salber et al [32] characterize
- Communication cost, context-aware as the capability to supply utmost adaptability
communication bandwidth
of a context-aware computational service based on real-time
- Nearby resource sensing of current context.
The definitions of context by Schilit et al. can understand
more by referring to figure 1. Context-aware back then were discussed by Schilit [34],
Ward [42], Korteum [19] contain similar definition which they
discussed context-aware applications to be a variable functions
that constantly changed or adapting their action based on the
WHO IS THE PERSON? context of the application and the character. In addition,
WHAT IS HE/HER DOING? Brown [2], see context-aware as applications that naturally
WHY HE/SHE DOING SO? give data and take actions accordingly based to character’s
current context as detected by sensors. In more specific
discussion, Ryan [31] state context-aware as an operations that
control data from environment sensors and grant permission to
characters to select from a range of logical and physical
AWARENESS contexts according to their personal preferences. Last but not
APPLICATIONS least, Fickas et al [10] see context-aware as applications that
control difference in the environment and fit their operation
based on the user guidelines.
Figure 1: Definition of context by Schilit et al.
Based on our research and requirements, we personally
defined context-aware as a scheme which practice context to Leach et al., Unsupervised Inherent problems of detecting
2014 context-aware human behavioural anomalies in
serve applicable data and information or services to the user, process crowd surveillance environment.
where the priority of the data is set itself by the user’s based
on user’s personal preferences. D) Context-Aware Prediction
Firstly, predictive analytic composes from multiple
C) Context-Aware Existing Works statistical techniques and actions such as data mining, machine
learning, and modelling that examine current and past facts to
Context-aware techniques and works has been make predictions about future or unknown period of time or
implemented in many fields and disciplines such as; web events. In addition, predictive analytic also aimed at
services (Van Woensel et al., 2011), tourism (Van Setten et understanding behavioural patterns of users.
al., 2004), social media (Liu and Aberer, 2013),
communication (Sudha et al., 2007), advertisement (Dao et al., In relation with this research, the main source of data for
2012) and etc. Previous researchers have also identified these predictive analytics is user’s profiles and user’s
‘context aware as a key enabling technology for pervasive performance. Understanding user’s performance patterns is an
computing’ (Ramesh et al., 2014). Context-aware has important component of predictive analytics. Predictive
significant relationship with human and environment; hence analytics application is naturally sensitive to context. The
its classification in user context, computing context, physical user’s performance may change depending on the context and
context (Dey et al., 2001; Ramesh et al., 2014). The following potentially within the context. Thus by applying the prediction
table II shows some of the context aware existing works found models with context management mechanisms are expected to
throughout this research study. make the model more specialized and predictive analytics
more accurate and reliable.


A conceptual reference model and their respective
explanation is shown as below. Conceptual reference model is
Author Domain Brief Description a mock-up of the conceptual reference model for a context
aware prediction system equipped with change detection
Schilit et’al, 1994 Prototype Content adaptation potential to
development cause distraction to users due mechanism that contains three main stages: (re)training
various changes. process, predicting process, and change detection process as
shown at figure 2[24].
Schilit and Theimer Multicast Inappropriate information
1994 distributions from active server
to the users.

Dey et’al SE using OOA Difficulty in the usage of the

2001 context for identifying the
behaviour of an application.

Gui et al., Run-time application Less design time knowledge on

2005 methodology the run-time entities, Inadequate
knowledge for run-time accuracy
and correct run-time adaption.

Sama et al., Classification Rapid acceleration of prevention

2010 for driving. The need for the fast
riving condition application.

Gu et al., Ontology using web Inherent issues of sematic

2011 ontology language representation of context Figure 2: Context Awareness in Predictive Analytics:
reasoning, classification and Process Interaction

Chang et al., Mobile devices Inherent nature of environmental

2012 changes leading to accidents and
disasters in an environment.
Importance of knowing why it
occurs and how to prevent.

Kiselava et al., Predictive web Inherent problem of context

2013 analytic discovery and integration.

Hoyos et al., Model Driven Problem of interaction of context

2013 Development using language, high-level
abstraction for building platform
independent models, and reuse
how well they are performing. Let’s take a look at a
Distribution centre, for example, they might measure punctual
and item delivery. And for Sales department, which are
measured and monitored regularly, tell us how well a store,
salesperson, area or region is performing.

There are two groups of employees divided in higher

institutions of learning such as universities which is the
academic staff and non-academic staff. These two groups is a
result of the objective of research and teaching that the
universities pursue. An academic staff can be describes as
those in charge of the processes of research and teaching in
Figure 3: Predicting Process (Context-aware higher institution of learning. Academic staffs is defined as
predictions) Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer and
any members of staff of the university who are paid on
academic related scales. The status of a university is
The main focus of this subtopic is to discuss in detail
influenced by the strength of its academic staffs; also clients
about process number two which is predicting process. In this are attracted to a university because of the cosmopolitan of a
predicting process, there are two level decision making university academic staffs [36].
involve for a given object, Xj has two steps;
i. The individual predictor Li ( or a combination)
is selected Li = H(G(C)), The need for every employee in institutions of higher
ii. The decision is made using Li as the predictor yj learning specifically academic staff of public universities in
= Li(Xj). Malaysia to deliver their KPI targets has both positive and
negative impacts. Past history has shown that the employees
Firstly, the contextual category of a new instance is who are failed to fulfil the KPI requirements results of many
determined; then the corresponding predictor is applied to this influential factors affecting the delivery process. According to
new instance. The first level can be seen either as a switch [39], education centre have to seek a path along which
mechanism from one context to another at an instance level or developmental activities can progress while enhancing quality
generally as a context identification mechanism. In this of employee’s life and ensuring the KPI delivery processes on
research study, we can consider object, Xj is a character or which both institutions and their employees depend.
profile in this process. Based on the diagram, the Xj
(character/profile) has their respective features Fjp. These
predictive features are differing according to the character By owning particular KPI for every employee will allow
environment. Hence, these research studies aim is to predict employee’s frequent timely and consistent feedback, based on
the outcome,(Li) of an Xj under two different situations, which facts and data not on personal opinion. This in return will
are according to predictive features(Fjp) and based on the allow employers to recognize their staff member’s effort,
contextual features(Fjs) despite dynamic environment. reward their achievement and celebrate their success.
Employers also are able to help their employees establish new
career opportunities based on their knowledge, skills and
There are few strong reasons why context-aware achievements. One of the advantages of having measurement
predictive analytics was chosen to apply in this study because tools is allows all of us to think and judge based on facts
context-aware predictive goes beyond anytime and anywhere rather than believing in the world of opinion. That is why all
data. These will give a whole new experience to the users. If the organizations are advisable to use KPI as an indicator.
we apply this concept widely in this world, users can predict With the absent of data, all of us are just another person with
and receive the right information, anytime, anywhere and on an opinion towards each other. Other than that, another reason
the right device. for having individual KPI is that all of us will be measured
before it gets done. People will make it a priority to do the
things they are going to be measured on based on the natural
IV. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPI) human nature behaviour. We can conclude that KPI are not
just measures of performance, KPI will tell us what we must
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is quantitative do in order to achieve goals and to improve organization.
evaluation and a supervise tool to find out how well something Besides that, with the presence of KPI, it will stop them
is working. Each organization have difference KPI, according establish bad habits; for instance spending most of their time
to their goal and objectives [39]. In addition, KPI also serves and tasks they enjoy or find easy but are not critical to the
measurement devices on how we look at particular success of the businesses.
organization and to know how well our organization is doing.
Before KPI was invented, there are many other ways in every
department to measure aspect of what they do so they can see
A) Key performance indicators (KPI) in Educational Field productivity from all the academic staff. In addition, there is
no fundamental study or method in measuring human
performance in terms of contextual information especially in
Academic staff information holds a lot of information that context-aware predictive analytics. Failure to achieve these
can be mined for useful patterns. In academic disciplines field, targeted goals frequently happens since the targeted objectives
predicting academic performance has long been a very require maximum cooperation from the academic staff. In
important research topic. There is lack of research topic and higher learning institutes, the academic staffs acknowledge of
study in predicting human behaviour in educational filed, the KPI relation with their career aspirations. Besides, they
however there is a few related research topic on predicting also agree that KPI are coordinate and in line with their job
student academic performance. Performance measurements prospects.
are formally regarded to be on financial aspects of
organizations. But instead of focusing on financial measures Past researchers have been identified constraints on issues
only, several organizations employed the use of non-financial of scholarly publication among the academic staffs, in as well
measures such as KPI. According to Dahan, H., M. (2007), he as they failed to reach KPI targets set by the university
identifies some characteristics of KPI based on educational management. Based on table 3, we already classified factors
field criteria which include;
on the issues of scholarly publication according to few
researchers that we found before.
 A KPI should lead a plan for improvement. This is
when the overall target contributes to the TABLE III. CONSTRAINTS ON ACHIEVEING SCHOLARLY
organizational development. PUBLICATION
 A KPI are to be regularly reviewed and updated.
 KPI make organization management to react. The Author Identified Constraints
final outcome of a KPI should be able to trigger
Lillydahl, J. H., & Singell, L. D. . - Academic staffs who publish
changes and make the decision makers to do (1992) infrequently will having
something in order to improve the situation. trouble in keeping time-track
 KPI involve all the employees understanding who are or late in promotion after
required to take corrective actions identified in KPI being employed
results. Little, S. G. - The competence of publication
 KPI are specified to an individual or team; but the (1997) among the academic staffs
best way to manage KPI is when there is a KPI
owners. Flowerdew, J. - Lack medium to voice out
(1999) personal opinion
 KPI have a remarkable impact on organization. It - Language barrier hence takes
leads the direction of an organization in achieving longer time to complete
their goals and targets. writing in English
- Less rich vocabulary
- Face hardship in making
The practice of KPI helps organizations in quantifying claims for the research with the
the achievement of a result, in order to know what works and suitable amount of effort.
what does not. Usually KPI are selected from organization - Limited writing style
- The main problematic parts of
performance indicators and then be enforced as key to specific scholarly articles are the
initiative [36]. An academic organization for instance may introductions and discussions
decide to consider several key performance indicators, for
example, the rate of student graduation, scholarly publication McGrail, M. R., Rickard, C. M., - Lack acknowledgement on the
& Jones, R. (2006) name list of journals as to
and citations and so on in order to achieve their targets and where they can comply their
objectives. work
- Culture and implementation of
Joy, S. - Time management
(2006) - The efficiency in writing effects
The implementation of key performance indicators (KPI) in almost each vital employees
in an institute of higher learning (IHL) organizational choices at research universities
educational institute aims to improve the targeted objectives - Workloads
and goals to develop rise in paper publication. The use of KPI
Claire Aitchisona, A.L. - Language barrier
in an organization is to boost targeted objectives then will (2007) - Time limitation to complete
added most value to the organization. However, such targeted writing and reviewing each
objectives are not always achieved due to some influential paper
circumstances affecting their realization. Some of the - University set high benchmark
constraints are weak publishing cultures, weak reviewing to be fulfil by academic staff
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