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Dialogue Practice 1

Receptionist : Good morning, this is Happy Marketing. How may I be of assistance?

Mark Smith : I would like to speak with Mr. Clarke, please.

Receptionist : May I ask who's calling?

Mark Smith : This is Mr. Smith from the ACE Solutions company .

Receptionist : Mr. Smith, I'm afraid the line is engaged at the moment.  Can I put you
on hold?
Mark Smith : I'm afraid I have to go now, and I really needed to talk to him on an
urgent matter...
Receptionist : Would you like to leave a message, then?

Mark Smith : That would be great. Please tell him that we revised the terms of the
contract and that we sent the document 2 days ago through e-mail.  He
needs to check it as soon as possible and then get back to us.  If he did
not receive the e-mail, please tell him to call my secretary and she will
re-send it.

Receptionist : Duly noted, Mr. Smith. Could you give me that phone number, please?

Mark Smith : Yes, it’s 043-865-4821.

Receptionist : Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. I will make sure Mr. Clarke gets your
message as soon as possible.

Check your understanding:

1. Did Mr. Smith manage to talk to Mr. Clarke?
not successful
2. What did Mr. Smith decide to do?
leave a message to the receptionist
3. What did Mr. Smith want to tell Mr. Clarke?
Please tell him that we revised the terms of the
contract and that we sent the document 2 days ago through e-mail.
He needs to check it as soon as possible and then get back to us. If he
did not receive the e-mail, please tell him to call my secretary and
she will re-send it.

Dialogue Practice 2
Secretary         : Good morning. Gama Corporation. Can I help you?
Caller               : Good morning. May I speak to Mr Fahrur Assegaf, please?
Secretary         : Who’s speaking, please?
Caller               : This is Apryan Siregar of Horasindo Oil Company.
Secretary         : I beg your pardon, Sir. Could you spell your first name, please?
Caller               : Alfa-Papa-Romeo-Yankee-Alfa-November. That’s APRYAN.
Secretary         : Thank you, Mr Apryan Siregar. Just a moment, please.
Caller               : All right.
Secretary         : I’m sorry, Sir. Mr Assegaf is in a meeting with the Board now.
Caller               : That’s OK! He is the Headboard. Can I leave a message?
Secretary         : With pleasure, Sir.
Caller               : Please tell him to call me back at 1 p.m. today.
Secretary         : Right, Sir. Could I have your phone number, please?
Caller               : Sure. +62-817-410-4496. Have you got that?
Secretary         : Yes, Sir. +62-817-410-4496. Anything else, Sir?
Caller               : Is Mr Rahmat, his assistant, in?
Secretary         : I’m sorry, Sir. He is attending a seminar in Paradiso Hotel. Could I
take your message, Sir?
Caller               : Emm…please tell him that I’ll come to see him at 9 tomorrow morning.
Secretary         : Right, Sir. I’ll give your message.
Caller               : OK. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.
Secretary         : You’re welcome, Sir. Goodbye.

Reading comprehension.

Read and answer the questions!

1. Who is the caller? (The caller is Mr Apryan Siregar.)
2. Whom does he want to speak to? Tuan Fahrur Assegaf
3. What does the secretary say to know who is calling? Who’s speaking, please?
4. What does she say to clarify the caller’s name? I’m sorry, Sir. Mr Assegaf is in a meeting
with the Board now.
5. How does the caller spell his name? Alfa-Papa-Romeo-Yankee-Alfa-November. That’s
6. What does he say when he wants to leave a message? Please tell him to call me back at 1
p.m. today.
7. What does the caller want Mr Assegaf to do? Please tell him to call me back at 1 p.m. today.

8. What is his message to Mr Rahmat? please tell him that I’ll come to see him at 9 tomorrow

9. What does the secretary say to know the caller’s phone number? Could I have your phone
number, please?
10.What does she say to end the conversation? Right, Sir. I’ll give your message.

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