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Session 12

CATA (Check-all-that-

Edwin Hadrian FS016 – Sensory Evaluation
In this class
we will do
• Q&A regarding last week session
• Understand the basic of acceptance testing in sensory test
• Review the problem face during the test
• Review how to-type of analysis
• Analysis the result using Excel & SPSS Test
• Prepare ourselves for the next session
Check or Choose All That Apply
Consists in sentences/statements used to mark out
as many options as are needed to express their
opinion about the product under analysis
(Ares et al., 2010; Jaeger et al., 2015; Meyners et al., 2013).
– CATA are descriptive
– Not lengthy
– Flexible
– No required training
– Eliminate extensive training
Example of CATA question
in ice cream products
CATA – Statistical Analysis
• A frequency matrix is compiled by counting the number of
assessors who used each attribute to describe each
• This matrix is obtained by summing the individual 1 ⁄ 0
matrices – based on YES (thick = 1) and NO (not thick = 0)
• Steele, R. (Ed.). (2004). Understanding and
measuring the shelf-life of food. Woodhead
• De Bouillé, A. G., & Beeren, C. J. M. (2016).
Sensory evaluation methods for food and
beverage shelf life assessment. In The Stability
and Shelf Life of Food (pp. 199-228).
Woodhead Publishing.

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