LKPPD Descriptive Text

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Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Parlilitan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/ Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

Worksheet 1

Read the two texts then analyze the social function, text structure and
lexicogrammatical features of the Text 1and 2!

Text 1


Lake Toba is one of the attractions in the province of North Sumatra. The lake is well known
for its scenic beauty surrounding by steep rocky walls. Regarding the history or origin of Lake Toba is
formed, according to research scientists, this lake formed by the eruption of the volcano which is
estimated to occur around 73,000-75000 years ago. As a result of the rest of the volcanic eruption then
formed this beautiful Lake Toba.

Super eruptions resulting from this volcano cause almost half the species of living things on
this earth to die and extinct. Vomit lava and volcanic ash from the eruption of the mountain is
estimated at a number of 2800 cubic km. Even the resulting explosion is capable of affecting the
world's greatest weather. Mount eruption in Toba is a natural phenomenon that can not be thought of
and imagined. The beauty of Lake Toba itself is well known by many public. Starting from the Asian
region even the European continent often stop coming to see the beauty of this lake. Even now in the
current government, stretching to revive Lake tourism has been re-launched. It appears that there have
been many great events held in this Lake area. The lake has about 1,130 kilometers square with 100
kilometers length, and 30 kilometers wide 505 meters depth. Even for Southeast Asia, Lake Toba is
the largest lake. Lake Toba is the ninth deepest lake in the world. Most tourists or travelers come to
this Lake through Medan by taking a plane at Kualanamu International Airport. From this airport the
tourists then headed to the town of Parapat, the famous city of tourist destinations of Lake Toba.
Parapat offers many kind of bataknese cultural attractions equipped with complete accommodation,
such as resorts, hotels, easy access vehicles, restaurants and others. Known as the second largest lake
in the world, Lake Toba also has a crater lake called Samosir Island. This island is believed to be
about the size of Singapore. Many other natural tourism objects presented around Lake Toba such as
Lake Aek Natonang on Samosir Island, beautiful Sipiso-Piso Waterfall, and Lake Sidihini. Lake Aek
Natonang in Samosir Island has a beautiful natural beauty with beautiful and calm water, in
accordance with its name Aek Natonang. Aek in Batak means Water, Natonang is interpreted as being
quiet. In April or until August, the sunny weather blanketed this Lake so that it makes a good time for
the visitors. And the most appropriate time to take pictures is in the morning before seven o'clock, or
in the afternoon after 16.00 WIB.

Text 2

Hillpark Sibolangit is a place that you must visit if you travel to the city of Medan. Hillpark
Sibolangit is a themepark that located in Sibolangit and it claimed to be the largest in the island of
Hillpark Sibolangit is divided into three themes: Lost City, toon town, and Heritage. The are
some existing vehicle such as Roller Coaster (Extravagance), Ferries Wheel (Ferris wheel), 4D
theater, and amphiteathre with the capacity of 1,200 for shows and concerts. Looking at the place, this
Park is similar to Dufan in Jakarta, or the existing Trans Studio in Makassar and Bandung. But in
contrast to Dufan, Hillpark is has smaller area. The name of Hillpark is taken for the location that
settled in Sibolangit mountains, where the journey takes around one hour by car from Medan.
The amusement playground in Hillpark Sibolangit are:
1. The Heritage, it has the feel of a magnificent castle. The architecture buildings such as castles make
you like a prince or princess. It consisting of indoor games and carnival games. There is also
Souvenier Shop, Floor projection games, Comedy swivel, Ombang - ambing, bombs, Bumper boats,
etc. Here, we can also watch movies with 4D technology.
2. The Lost City, it has the feel of the ancient architecture of ancient rocks with dinosaur skeleton. In
this zone there are a variety of fun games like Extravagance (Rooler Coaster) and Windmills Giant
(Ferries Wheel), Extravagance (will test your adrenaline), Giant mill, Telecombat, Space Shuttle,
Train Hillpark. Foods: Lost City Food Court.
3. Toon Town, it has the nuance of children or toddler (cartoons). In this theme, there are many
exciting rides or typical game such as: tornado, Mini BomBom, Ajut-Ajut, Propeller, Battery Car,
Mini Mill, Crazy Taxi, tulalit. Foods: Toon town Foodcourt.
Worksheet 1

Activity 1

In groups, analyze the social function, text structure and lexicogrammatical

features of the Text 1!

Social function

Text structure:
- Identification
- Description
Lexicogrammatical features

- Specific Participant
- The Adjective
- Simple Present Tense
- Action Verb

Activity 2

In groups, analyze the social function, text structure and lexicogrammatical

features of the Text 2!

Social function

Text structure:
- Identification
- Description
Lexicogrammatical features

- Specific Participant
- The Adjective
- Simple Present Tense
- Action Verb
Worksheet 2

In groups, Compare two texts above to identify their differences and

similiarities. Write your answer in the box provided below!

Similiarities Differences
Worksheet 3

Make a Descriptive text based on the pictures below!

Picture 1(Hill Park – Sibolangit, Kab. Deliserdang)

Picture 2 (Mimoon Palace, Medan)

Worksheet 4

Demonstrate the Descriptive Text in fron of the class!

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