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Eur. J. Biochem. 203,33 -42 (1992)
a FEBS 1992

Protein interaction with ice
Choy L. HEW and Daniel S. C. YANG2
Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children and Departments of Clinical Biochemistry
and Biochemistry University of Toronto, Canada
Department of Biochemistry, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

(Received May 28,1991) - EJB 91 0694

Many organisms have evolved novel mechanisms to minimize freezing injury due to extracellular
ice formation. This article reviews our present knowledge on the structure and mode of action of two
types of proteins capable of ice interaction. The antifreeze proteins inhibit ice crystal formation and
alter ice growth habits. The ice nucleation proteins, on the other hand, provide a proper template to
stimulate ice growth. The potential applications of these proteins in different industries are discussed.

Water is essential to all living cells. It serves as a medium unfavourable, as it tends to increase the total energy of the
for biological reactions, solute transport and interaction, and system; as a result, these clusters tend to be unstable and break
regulation of intracellular pH. It is also one of the reactants up rapidly. However, upon further cooling, likelihood of these
in many biochemical reactions, and contributes to the nuclei to grow in both number and size is increased. When
stabilization of various macromolecular structures. Any sig- these ‘ice-embryos’ or ‘nuclei’ reach a certain dimension (of a
nificant deviation on the accessibility of water due to dehy- criticlal size/volume ratio), their further growth leads to the
dration, dessication and the alteration of its physical state decrease in the total energy (a favourable process) and ice
from aqueous phase to ice crystal will pose a severe threat to crystallization occurs rapidly. This process is called ‘homo-
the normal function and survival of organisms [l].For many geneous ice nucleation’. The temperature at which this occurs
organisms, it is both desirable and important to have the (about - 40°C) is called the ‘supercooling threshold tempera-
ability to counteract or minimize these threats. The production ture’.
of specific protein molecules to prevent the loss of water or to In practice, impurities or foreign particles usually present
inhibit extracellular ice crystal growth are the better known in water act to attach water molecules on their surfaces. On
examples. some surfaces, water molecules may be oriented in a way such
In the past decade, significant progress has been made as to resemble an ice-nucleus. Upon further cooling, these
in characterizing several classes of proteins capable of ice become compatible with the critical dimension of ice-nu-
interaction. These include, surprisingly, two functionally dis- cleation. These foreign particles are called ‘ice nucleation acti-
tinct and opposite classes of proteins. These are the antifreeze vators‘ (INA) and the process is called ‘heterogeneous ice
proteins which inhibit ice crystal growth and ice-nucleation nucleation’. Since the formation of the ice embryo starts off
proteins, which on the other side, promote ice growth. The
with the dimension of the INA, heterogeneous ice nucleation
present review will only highlight some of the recent findings.
always occurs at a temperature greater than the homogeneous
Several excellent reviews are available [2 - 81.
ice nucleation. Threshold temperatures of heterogeneous ice
nucleation usually lie between - 2 “C and - 15“C. Many INA
ICE STRUCTURE AND ICE CRYSTAL GROWTH are known, including silver iodide and many inorganic clays.
When pure liquid water is cooled at atmospheric pressure it Ice can exist in several crystalline polymorphic structures
does not freeze spontaneously at 0 “C, the equilibrium freezing and also in an amorphous or vitreous state of rather uncertain
point of water; instead it continues to remain a liquid well structure. Of these, only the ordinary or the hexagonal ice, l h ,
below O‘C. The water is then said to be ‘supercooled’ or is stable under normal pressure at 0°C. The structure of the
‘undercooled’. Due to density fluctuations in liquid water, I,, is shown in Fig. 1 with the a and c axis indicated 19, lo].
water molecules form clusters with the same molecular ar- The function of the antifreeze proteins is to inhibit ice
rangement as in the ice crystal. This process is energetically formation by suppressing the growth of ice nuclei. In doing
so, they alter the ice habit and growth rate and, consequently,
Correspondence to C. L. Hew, Department of Clinical Biochemis- lower the freezing temperature. The ice nucleation proteins
try, University of Toronto, 100 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G stimulate ice growth by providing templates for ice crystals.
1L5, Canada
In several freeze-tolerant insects, both the antifreeze proteins
Abbreviafions. INA, ice nucleation activators; INP, ice nucleation
proteins; AFP, antifreeze proteins or polypeptides; AFGP, antifreeze and ice-nucleation proteins are present together in the
glycoproteins; .f, cumulative ice nucleation frequency; z, number of hemolymphs 1111. These two proteins work cooperatively to
cells. control the size and stability of small ice crystals.
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

For example, it is similar to the galactose-binding lectin from

c- f is
the acorn barnacle, echinoidin (a lectin from sea urchin), the
human pancreatic stone/thread protein, cartilage pro-
teoglycan core protein, lymphocyte IgE receptor and human
hepatic lectins (Hl, H2A). Several of the disulfide bonds are
conserved. A striking feature of one of these comparisons
comes from the apparent similarity in function between the
sea raven AFP and pancreatic stone protein: their ability to
inhibit crystallization. While sea raven AFP binds to ice to
prevent growth of ice crystals, pancreatic stone protein binds
to calcium to prevent growth of calcium carbonate cyrstals.
The elucidation of the tertiary structure of any of these two
proteins might provide some insight on their mode of action.
Fig. 1. Schematic representationof an hexagonal ice crystal. The basal Antifreeze proteins have also been isolated from terrestrial
plane, prism faces and the c and three a axis ( a , , u 2 , u 3 ) are shown. arthropods including several insects, spiders, a centipede and
Normally, the ice growth takes place on each prism face. an Antarctic mite. Most of these proteins have not been well
characterized. The antifreeze proteins from the larvae of the
beetle, Tenebrio molitor, are rich in half-cystine [14] and might
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION share structural similarities with the type I1 fish AFP. In
OF ANTIFREEZE PROTEINS general, insect antifreeze proteins are more active than the fish
Structural diversity of antifreeze proteins antifreeze proteins 1111. It will be interesting to study the
structure/function relationship of the insect antifreezes once
Freezing is detrimental to most organisms. Many organ- their structures are characterized.
isms face the threat of freezing all year around or seasonally. In addition to fishes and insects, many plants are known to
For example, in Antarctic sea waters, the year round tempera- withstand freezing temperatures. The plant hormone abscisic
ture (- 2 "C) could be well below the freezing temperature of acid has been shown to modulate the response to cold and
most fishes (- 0.7"C), while in the polar regions, the sea water water stresses. Both of these stresses lower the water potential
temperature could lower to -1.7"C in the winter months. of the cell and cause similar damage to plants. The freeze
Similarly, the overwintering larvae of many terrestial insects resistance in plants is apparently due to the tolerance of cell
encounter extreme fluctuation in temperatures. Many dehydration as a result of ice formation and growth in the
adaptative mechanisms have been utilized by various species. intracellular space 1151. Consistent with this thinking, Kurkela
These include seasonal migration, hibernation, supercooling, and Franck [16] have isolated a cold-inducible gene, Kin1 from
synthesis of small cryoprotectant molecules such as glycerol, Arahidosis thaliana. The gene is inducible by both water stress
trehalose, mannitol and others, and lastly, the synthesis of and abscisic acid. The Kin1 gene codes for a small hydrophilic
antifreeze proteins. polypeptide which is intracellularly located. The polypeptide
It is known that most fishes, due to the presence of electro- shares many similar features with the type I flounder AFP
lytes In their sera (mostly as Na', C1-, 0.14 M), have a freez- and has prompted the authors to suggest that it functions as
ing temperature of around - 0.6 "C to - 0.7 "C. Therefore, an antifreeze protein.
they cannot tolerate any lower temperatures. Scholander and
coworkers [I21 were the first to observe the unusually low
Ice binding and alteration of ice morphology of antifreezes
freezing temperatures (- 1.6"C) and the presence of
macromolecular antifreezes in Arctic sculpins in Baffin island It is generally believed that antifreeze proteins function at
and in Hebron Fjord, Northern Labrador, Canada. Similar the ice water interface; therefore, the binding of antifreeze
observations were later confirmed by DeVries and coworkers proteins to ice is requisite for their functions. The adsorption
from several species of Antarctic fishes having freezing tem- of the proteins to the ice surface has been examined by a
peratures of - 2°C [2]. More recently, several laboratories variety of techniques. Raymond and DeVries [17] monitored
[2 - 41 have demonstrated the presence of antifreeze proteins the changes in temperature during the freezing of pure water,
in a variety of cold water inarine fish species. Based on their and solutions of antifreezes and NaCI. A broad transition
primary structure, as well as the presence or absence of carbo- temperature range for NaCl solution was observed, suggesting
hydrates, these macromolecular antifreeze can be classified the exclusion of the ions from the ice phase. However, a sharp
into two major groups: the antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGP) transition temperature was observed for both pure water and
and antifreeze proteins/polypeptides (AFP). The AFP can be the antifreeze proteins indicating that the antifreeze proteins
further subdivided into at least three subtypes [4]. The general were actually incorporated into the ice phase. Similar results
features of these AFGPiAFP is shown in Table 1. At present, have also been observed by Tomimatsu et al. [18] and Kerr et
the tertiary structure of only the type I AFP is known [13]. al. [39].
Obviously, there are major structural differences among these Direct evidence for AFGP adsorption onto ice surface
different antifreezes and, therefore, it is difficult to formulate was provided by Brown et al. [20] using light spectroscopy.
a general mechanism. Nevertheless, some understanding has Polarizable materials respond non-linearly to incoming light
been gained concerning their mode of action and will be pre- of high intensity, and the signal transmitted by such a system
sented below. is a superposition of the fundamental and harmonic frequen-
Recently, the corrected primary structure of the sea raven cies. If the polarizability of the material possesses inversion
AFP with the disulfide bonds assigned has been determined symmetry with respect to the light wave oscillation, then only
by Ng and Hew (unpublished results). Computer search of the odd harmonics of the polarizability would be induced by
the structure has revealed that the sea raven AFP is similar to intense incident light. Since a surface does not possess inver-
a wide range of lectin and lectin domains in larger proteins sion symmetry with respect to its normal, the reflected light
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Table 1. Occurrence and classification of fish antifreeze proteins. Results are compiled from references in [4] unless indicated otherwise

Property AFGP AFP

type I1 type I11

~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~

General feature carbohydrate-rich alanine-rich cy she-rich average

Molecular mass 2.6- 34 kDa 3.3 -4.5 kDa 11.3 - 24 kDa 6 kDa
Primary structure (Ala-Ala-Thr), (1 1 amino acid disulfide- average
dissacharide rcpeat)3 ~ linked
Secondary structure expanded amphipathic contains ordered but
a-helical /-sheet unclassified
Hiosynthetic precursor polyprotein 1691 preproAFP preproAFP (?) preAFP
Fish species antarctic cod winter flounder sea raven ocean pout
Atlantic cod yellowtail flounder smelt [70] wolffish
frost fish shorthorn sculpin Atlantic herring [70]
polar cod grubby sculpin

will also induce harmonic, an effect termed ‘surface second analogs has been used as a measurement of the relative ice
harmonic generation’. Pure ice-water interface exhibits no binding affinity [23].
such discernible effect. Consequently, an adsorbed antifreeze
layer on an ice crystal should cause surface inversion asym-
Adsorption inhibition due to reversible antifreeze binding
metry and an increase in detected intensity, which was verified
experimentally. These studies have provided the evidence for While the growth of most crystals occurs by propagation
a specific interaction of active antifreezes with ice crystals. of steps across crystal faces, various studies have implied that
The antifreeze proteins, rather than binding uniformly to impurities can adsorb to crystal faces and interfere with the
all ice surfaces, adorb preferentially to specific planes of ice step propagation. Further growth of the steps will have to
crystals. As a result, they deter the morphology of the ice. force through between the impurities and thus result in a
Scholander and Maggert [12] noticed that whereas normal curved front. Such a process is energetically less favorable and
dendritic ice was formed in fish sera devoid of antifreeze, ice therefore the growth rate is retarded. This effect is known as
grew as fine needles in those sera with the antifreeze proteins, the ‘Kelvin effect’ [22]. Based essentially on the Kelvin effect
and the rate of ice growth was considerably faster in the and on an earlier proposed theory on the inhibition of crystal
latter. The altered growth habits and growth rates of ice were growth by adsorbants [24], Raymond and DeVries [21] have
observed subsequently by many other workers. For example, described the action of antifreeze proteins in ierms of
Raymond and DeVries [21] showed that in antifreeze solutions adsorption-inhibition. This model predicts that the growth
(both AFGP and type I AFP), the needle-shaped crystals grew of an ice crystal halts when the average separation between
along the crystallographic c axis of ice, as compared to normal adsorbed antifreezes approaches twice the critical radius of
a axis growth in water. Therefore, antifreeze proteins appeared curvature for that particular temperature.
to inhibit the normal growth direction of ice by preferentially Assuming that antifreeze proteins are evenly distributed
adsorbing to the prism faces of ice crystals. over the entire ice surface, the lowering of the freezing tem-
The most definitive proof of adsorption of a type I AFP perature of water due to surface effects is:
on specific ice crystals planes was provided by Knight et al.
AT = (~cJMT,/LQJ( ~ K ~ C N / M , ) ’ ~ ~
[22]. They grew a single ice crystal hemisphere into a dilute
solution of the AFP, thus presenting various crystallographic where AT is the freezing point depression (i.e. antifreeze ac-
planes to the protein for adsorption. Due to the low AFP tivity); (T is the surface tension; Tois the normal freezing point
concentration employed, only the planes that had the highest (273 K); M is the molar mass of water; L is the molar heat of
AFP affinities were coated with the protein. These planes were fusion; ei is the density of ice; 2r is the diameter of the anti-
later identified by evaporating the ice crystal in a - 10°C cold freeze protein; a is the relative amount of antifreeze protein
room. During the sublimation process, most surfaces of the that is incorporated into the ice crystal; C is the antifreeze
ice crystal became glass-like except sites of adsorption of the concentration (mgiml); N is Avagadro’s number; and M , is
AFP which remained rough, resembling finely ground glass. the molar mass of the antifreeze protein (in g/mol). Using
Knight et al. [22] identified these planes as the [20,21] pyrami- experimental values for CI and assuming that 2r was equal to
dal planes of ice. The planes of adsorptions for other anti- 0.8 nm, the curves of AT versus C were calculated. Using this
freezes appeared to be crystallographically different and were model, Raymond and DeVries were able to fit experimental
much more complex. Based on this study, they have proposed data from a number of antifreezes.
a mechanism for the observed preferential binding to the Burcham et al. [25] have also analyzed curves of antifreeze
pyramidal planes. We will summarize this in a later section. activity versus concentration. Their analysis assumes that anti-
In our own studies, the distinct morphology of the ice freeze proteins bind reversibly to ice. They described the inter-
crystal is routinely used as an indicator for the presence of action between AFGP and ice as simple equilibrium binding:
antifreeze activity during the fractionation of naturally occur-
ring and recombinant-derived AFP, i.e. bipyramid ice crystal
shape for the AFGP, type I and 111 AFP, multifaceted ice where AFGP is one antifreeze molecule and ICE is one binding
crysfal for type I1 AFP [4]. Similarly, the inhibition of n or/ site on an ice crystal. The reversible binding was treated like
and r axis ice crystal growth by various AFP or their structural a receptor-ligand interaction. It was assumed that an ice crys-
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
tal had a finite number of binding sites (which was determined basal plane
by the crystal size) to which antifreeze molecules bind with I
1. AFP binds preferentially to prlsrn faces
equal affinity. The following equation was derived. through dipolar and hydrogen bond

AT = AT,[AFGP]/(Kd + [AFGP]) interactions.

2. This results in ordering of waterdipoles

After measuring the activity ( A T ) of different types of that lie within the field of AFP helix-dipoles
(unshaded area).
AFGP as a function of concentration, the binding capacity
(AT,) and the binding constant (Kd) for individual AFGP
were calculated. These parameters varied in magnitude be-
tween the AFGP. If the calculated Kd represents the true
equilibrium constant for the reversible binding of the anti-
freeze proteins, then it should be possible to calculate the 3. Ice still grows on unordered basal plane
enthalpy and entropy contributions to the binding process. As (shaded area).
pointed out by these authors, determination of the antifreeze 4. AFP binds to new ice fronts.
activity by the freezing point osmometer method or the micro-
scopic observation method yields different values of Kd and
AT,. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether these calculated
parameters are physically meaningful. Nevertheless, this
method may still be useful for comparing the antifreeze ac-
tivity curves of different antifreeze proteins using a single
technique of measuring antifreeze activity.
The two proposed models compliment each other in ad- 5. Continued ice growth on basal plane,
dressing two different aspects of the adsorption-inhibition and continued binding of AFP to prism
faces results in bipyramidal ice crystals.
mechanism. While Burcham et al. [25]purposely neglected the
physical consequences of the binding of the protein to ice
surfaces, Raymond and DeVries [21] failed to consider the
distribution coefficient to be concentration-dependent. Gen-
eralizing from the two models, one obtains the following:
the binding of the protein molecules to the ice surfaces are Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the interaction of the type I AFP
reversible and Kelvin effect is the main reason for the freezing with ice.
depressions observed. The observed plateau in activity might
correspond to the saturation of protein binding sites on the
ice crystal surface. sional structure of the type I AFP from winter flounder. After
extensive efforts to identify a match between the binding sur-
face on the crystal structure of the AFP molecule and the
Mechanism of the preferential binding of antifreeze proteins
prism face (which has so far been assumed to be the preferred
to ice prism faces
site of binding), Yang et al. [13] failed to find any matching
Although the above discussion provides plausible expla- patterns which were significantly better for the prism faces
nations of how antifreeze proteins retard the growth of ice than for the basal planes. Consequently, they proposed that
crystals once they are adsorbed onto the ice crystal surfaces, the selection of prism face for binding might originate from
one of the central questions remains unanswered: why does the dipolar nature of the AFP. It was argued that the dipole
antifreeze protein adsorb preferentially to the prism faces of field of the a helix would align dipole moments of individual
ice? DeVries and Lin [26] attributed the preferential binding water molecules in the ice crystal, thus inducing a dipole-
of the winter flounder AFP to the apparent complimentarity dipole interaction between the protein molecule and the ice
between the spatial orientation of the polar groups on the crystal. It was observed that the direction for maximum dipole
AFP and that of the oxygen atoms on the ice surface. The induction would be along the < 221 > vectors. Since these
winter flounder AFP is a-helical (translation = 0.15 nm/resi- vectors can be found on the prism face but not on the basal
due) and is composed of triplicated 11-residue segments of plane, the dipole-induced dipole interactions then confer the
Thr-Xaa,-(Asp or Asn)-Xaa,, where Xaa is mainly alanine ‘specificity’for prism face binding (Fig. 2) [4, 131.
(see Table 1). Therefore, the distance separating Thr and Asp The dipolar model offers an attractive explanation for
or Asn residues is 0.45 nm. This distance matches the distances preferential binding of a-helical AFPs but it cannot account
separating adjacent oxygen atoms of the water molecules on for the binding of other AFPs that are non-a-helical. Preli-
the ice surfaces. The presence of this lattice match prompted minary data using the program DELPHI [27] to calculate
DeVries and Lin to suggest that this AFP binds to the ice the electrostatic potential around the a-helical type I AFP
crystal surfaces by hydrogen bond formation between the indicates that the field effect around the AFP is relatively
sidechains of Thr, Asp, and Asn and the oxygen atoms of the small to account for the dipolar interaction (Sicheri and Yang,
ice crystal surface. unpublished). More work is needed to clarify its role in protein
This lattice match model fails to explain the preference of ice interaction. The dipole moment, however, is important in
binding to the prism faces because as the 0.45-nm separation the stability of the a helix in the AFP [28].
is not unique to prism faces, it can be found on a large family Recently, Knight and coworkers [22] have demonstrated
of ice crystal planes including the basal plane. Therefore, the that the prism faces are not necessarily the preferred site of
lattice match model will predict AFP to bind to different ice binding. They have found that AFP from winter flounder and
planes with similar affinity. Alaskan plaice adsorb onto the [2021] pyramidal planes while
The question of the origin of binding preferences was the sculpin AFP absorbs on [2770] (Fig. 3). They have also
explored by Yang et al. [13] after obtaining the three-dimen- indicated that the planes of adsorption are quite complex for
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Erwiniu and Xunthomonas. Interestingly, a strain of Pseudo-

monus Juorescens producing INA has also been reported to
be associated with the cultures of marine dinoflagellate He-
terocupsu niei [34]. In some species of these bacteria, not all
natural strains exhibit ice nucleation activity [35]. Those
strains which produce INA are called h a + , and those which
do not, Ina- phenotypes. The h a + strains can lead to frost
damage in some sensitive host plants 1351. This fact has led to
the recognition of the importance in ecology and agriculture
I I of the role played by the bacterial INA.
At present, the function of INA in bacteria is not all well
c-axis c-axis understood, although their effect on certain plants is well
cl [OOOI] (d) [OOOI]
known. In the laboratory, reducing the growth temperature
from 23 "C to 5 "C has been shown to stimulate the production
of INA. However, to date, frost susceptibility of the Ina-
strain has not been demonstrated. It has also been shown that
frost damage in the host plant leads to proliferation of the
guest bacteria, possibly due to increase in available nutrients
[izio] [36]. Surely in the long term, the death of the host organism
[izio] sculpin adsorption cannot be beneficial to the guest bacterium. A suggestion has
plane (2110)
been made that h a f strains may have adapted to prolonged
dry weather conditions by using INA to capture water from
1 X, L o r p t i o n plane
[z iio] (ioio)
the surroundings 1371. A suggestion has also been made that
originally, in the temperate regions, h a ' bacteria may be
Fig. 3. Tracings of photographsof the etched, single crystal hemispheres associated with native frost-resistant plants symbiotically and
grown from solutions of two types of AFP. (a, b) Tracings of photo- that this relationship becomes pathogenic only in the case of
graphs of the etched, single-crystal hemispheres grown from solutions tropical plants imported into these regions [37]. The occur-
of (a) winter flounder and Alaskan plaice (F/P) and (b) sculpin (S). rence of Ina' and Ina- strains in nature and the role of the
(c, d) Perspectives (shaded area) of the adsorption planes of these
antifreezes with respect to the prism and basal planes in hexagonal INA in the guestlhost relationship between the bacteria and
ice. (Reproduced with permission from [22]). the plant are fascinating topics of biology.

Measurement of ice nucleation activity

other AFPs and are crystallographically different from those
described. Interestingly, they have identified a common vector In the case of bacteria, ice nucleation activity is measured
on the [2021] and [2'f'fO] planes containing the repeating dis- directly on cells [38]. It is found that bacterial cells exhibit
tance of 1.67 nm which matches with that of the a-helical AFP varying threshold temperatures in the range of -2°C to
(1.65 nm for 11 residues). They attributed the origin of binding - 15"C. A procedure has been developed for performing the
preferences to this matching of lattice distances. From their analysis of ice nucleation activity [38]: a fixed volume (in a
study it is apparent that, at low protein concentrations, differ- drop of 10 - 1000 pl) of a bacterial suspension containing
ent AFPs might have different preferred planes of binding. a known number of cells (Z) is allowed to cool to a fixed
However, it is not clear whether the same preferences hold temperature (in the range -2°C to - 15°C). The number of
at high protein concentrations. The flexibility of the protein ice nuclei present, N , at this threshold temperature, t , are then
molecule and the torsional movement of sidechains might counted. This is repeated for each degree of the temperature
allow the AFP to bind to other faces of the ice crystal. This in this range. Cumulative ice nucleation frequency,,f, is defined
is essential because at high protein concentrations (which is as the number of ice nuclei/cell, i.e. for the given t,
physiologically relevant), most of the AFPs induce the forma-
J'= N / Z .
tion of similar ice spicules, which argue against different
modes of binding for different AFPs. Thus, it is fair to con- This measurement can be repeated for each of a series of
clude that the mechanism of AFP binding is still unresolved. 10-fold dilutions and more statistically accurate values of ,f
can be obtained. Plotting logf against t gives the cumulative
ice nucleation spectrum (or simply, cumulative spectrum). In
ICE NUCLEATION PROTEINS some instances, another graph is obtained from the cumulative
In addition to the antifreeze proteins, another group of spectrum by plotting the derivative of,fagainst t. The resultant
proteins which can interact with ice, are the ice nucleation plot is called the differential ice nucleation spectrum. Usually,
proteins (INP) which are the integral components of various the cumulative spectrum gives more information than the
types of ice nucleation activators (INA) of biogenic origin. differential spectrum, although the latter has been used to
INA are present in a variety of plant bacteria [7], insects [5], advantage in certain studies [39]. After examining shapes of
intertidal invertebrates [29],plants [30] and lichen [31,32]. The cumulative spectra, it was suggested that bacterial nuclei could
JNA found in the frost-resistant frog, Rana sylvatica, have be classified into three classes: types I, 11, and 111with respec-
also been shown to be composed of proteins [33]. tive threshold temperature ranges of - 5°C or warmer;
-5°C to -8°C; and -1O'C or colder [40]. Recent activity
measurements using D 2 0 has led to a revision of the classifi-
Ice nucleating activators (INA) of bacterial origin cation to types A, B, and C, with respective threshold tempera-
Various Gram-negative epiphytic bacteria have been ture ranges of -4.4"C or greater, - 4 3 ° C to -5.7"C, and
known to produce INA. These belong to genera Pseudomonas, -7.6"C or lower [41].
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Another simpler analytical procedure used comonly by
insect physiologists is to measure the highest threshold tem- N- terminal Middle C- terminal
(non-repeating) (repeating section) (no-repeating)
perature ( t ) of the INA in the sample [42]. Usually this is done
for each of a series of 10-fold dilutions and the threshold
temperature is plotted against dilution. This procedure does
not assay for less active nucleators and is best suited for cases
where INA do not exhibit heterogeneity in their activity.

Structure of bacterial ice nucleation proteins A G Y G S T - T ~ A - - S- - L -

Comparison of DNA fragments from h a + and Ina-

phenotypes of Pseudoomonas syringae and Erwinia herbicola led
to identification of 4.5-kb and 5.7-kb fragments, respectively,
responsible for coding for INA from these two organisms [43]. Fig. 4. Schematic representation of primary structure of a typical bac-
Separate insertion of these two fragments into Escherichia coli terial INP. The structure consists of three well-defined segments. The
N-terminal segment consists of approximately 160- 170 residues; the
led to transformations of E. coli from the Ina- to the two middle repeating segment consists of about 900- 1100 residues; and
h a + phenotypes. A similar 7.5-kb DNA fragment was iso- the C-terminal section consists of 40-50 residues. Consensus 8-, 16-
lated from an h a + strain of P.fluorescens [44].The cumulative and 48-repeating amino acid residues which make up the repeating
nucleation spectrum of E. coli transformed with the DNA section are shown. One letter code is used for amino acids; a dash
from P. syringae was almost identical to that of the h a f P. indicates a variable amino acid. Modified from 1461.
.yyringae. The cumulative spectra obtained from the two
strains of E. coli, transformed with DNA fragments from E.
herhicola and P. fluorescens, respectively, were very similar in Since no experimental data on the tertiary structure of
shape, but contained higher frequencies at all temperatures, INP is presently available, model buildings have mainly been
when compared to those of the respective original bacteria. relying on the following considerations [46,47].
Thus it can be concluded that h a + E. coli can perform equally a) Secondary structure predictions show that both proteins
well all post-translational modifications required to manufac- consist mainly of fi-sheets with strong tendency for turns at
ture active INA. Complete DNA sequences of INA genes Gly-Tyr-Gly positions in each of the 16-residue repeats.
from P. syringae, P.fluorrscens and E. herhicola genes have b) Generally, antiparallel stacked P-sheets are thermo-
been obtained. Primary protein sequences of these three re- dynamically more stable.
spective gene products (INP) have thus been deduced [44]. c) By analogy to the highly repeating primary structure of
The three sequences appear to be highly similar, each with a INP, it is reasonable to asume that the tertiary structure would
molecular mass of around 115 kDa and consisting of a large also be highly repetitive.
number of eight-amino-acid repeats of a consensus sequence d) The non-repeating N- and C-terminal sequences do not
(Ala-Gly-Tyr-Gly-Ser-Thr-Leu-Thr). In addition, every alter- contribute to the determination of the conformation of the
nate eight-residue peptide exhibits greater similarity than main, highly repetitive section of the INP believed to be in-
neighbouring ones. Thus a 16-residue fragment also becomes volved in ice interaction.
highly repetitive. Several repeats of 48-residue fragments (con- e) Finally, the tertiary structure of INP should also consist
taining three 16-residue fragment) are also observed. Thus, of a surface that is latice-matching with ice.
bacterial INP are found to exhibit three orders of symmetry. The above factors impose structural constraints and, thus,
These features have also been found in the INP of Erwinia simplify the problem of model construction for INP. Two
ananus, bacteria thought to be responsible for frost damage models of three-dimensional structures have been suggested
to tea plants and other crops in Japan [45]. Briefly, each of by Warren and coworkers and are shown in Fig. 5 [46]. The
these protein sequences may be represented as shown in Fig. 4. first one (a) uses trigonal symmetry and consists of three pairs
Most of the structural studies carried out on bacterial INA of anti-parallel fl sheets per 48-residue repeat. The second one
has been performed by measuring nucleation activities directly (b) is hexagonally symmetric and conists of two antiparallel
on Inat cells and on recombinant products isolated from h a + helices, combining to form a double helix.
phenotypes of E. coli transformed by inserting ina genes from Other interesting models are based on computer calcu-
Pseudonionas and Erwinia species. Extensive mutational stud- lations for minimum energy conformations on the INP mol-
ies and nucleation activity studies on mutant cells show that ecule [47]. A theoretical protein of infinite number (to simplify
any disruption of a 48-residues repeating fragment affects the calculations) of repeats of the consensus eight-residue frag-
nucleation activity only when it disturbs the periodicity of 48- ment: Ala-Gly-Tyr-Gly-Ser-Thr-Leu-Thr was chosen as a
residue repeats [44, 4.51. Deletions at the N-terminal non- model for study. Upon stepwise energy minimizations, several
repeating region reduce activity at all temperatures, especially minimum energy conformation, all showing large right-
at the higher temperatures (- 2°C to - 6°C). Progressive de- handed helical structures, were obtained. Ice-binding proper-
letions at the C-terminal non-repeating region destroy activity ties on surfaces of these were examined, and two motifs
very rapidly. It is possible that in some cases low nucleation capable of binding to ice were found. The first motif contained
activity in cells may be due to poor translocation of INP a hexagonal symmetry; three conformations were found with
across the cytoplasm and the cell membrane and not due to this motif. The second motif contained a pentagonal sym-
functionally inferior INP. The conclusions from these studies metry; only one conformation was found to contain this motif.
are that (a) N- and C-terminal regions may be involved in In all four cases, contacting crystal planes of ice were found
assembly and stabilization of nucleation sites, and (b) the to be the basal plane [OOOl]. These results show the feasibility
main site of ice-interaction must lie in the repeating region. of stable helical conformations capable of interacting with ice
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
a Table 2. Correlation between the extent of INP aggregation with ice
nucleating activities. Results are compiled from [39, 521.

Supercooling Estimated No. of I N P

threshold molecular residues
temperature mass required to
form nucleus

'C kDa
-12 to -13 150 1
-3 870 60
-2 19800 132
-1 83 700 558

Fig. 5. Two models of INP as suggested by Warren and Wolber 1461. (a)
Trigonal model: a 48-residue repeating fragment forms three pairs of
8-sheets stacked in an antiparallel fashion on each of three symmetric
planes. (h) Antiparallel double helix model : two antiparallel helices,
one clockwise and the other anticlockwise, combine to form a double

at its basal [OOOZ] plane. Interestingly, no left-handed helical

conformations with minimum energies were found.
Bilayer Membrane
Assemhlv o f I N A Membrane anchor
In the case of P. syringae [48] and E. herhicola [49], ice Fig. 6. A cartoon of the proposed assembly of INA on the lipid bilayer
nuclei have been found to be located on the outer cell mem- membrane by aggregation of multiple units of INP. See text for details.
branes. E. herhicola is known also to release its ice nuclei in
microvesicles [49]. Therefore it appears that INA consist of
INPs attached to the outer cell membrane; the nature of this Although no hard physical data on the three-dimensional
attachment has not been fully established. However, extensive structure of INP and INA are available at this time, we would
evidence has been presented to show that lipid phos- like to use existing knowledge to formulate a scheme by which
phatidylinositol may play an important role in nucleation sites INPs might be arranged to form INA. Such a model might
[48, SO]. It has also been shown that Ina' strains exhibit facilitate our understanding and designing of future exper-
phosphatidylinositol synthase activity, while Ina- do not [50]. iments. Based on the constraints listed previously, Warren et
Also, E. coli does not show activity for this enzyme, while its al. and Mizuno have arrived at similar conclusions about the
Ina' does. These findings have lead to a suggestion that, to three-dimensional structure of the INP: it has to have some
form ice nuclei, INP may associate with membrane sort of helical arrangement. This conclusion is probably cor-
components, possibly through a covalent linkage to phos- rect because if the INP does have a unique three-dimensional
phatidylinositol. structure, then this protein consisting of a large number (60 -
Several different reports indicate that each bacterial 70) of repeats must adopt a helical conformation. We therefore
INA consist of multiple copies of INP. For example, data from assume INP to be a cylindrical molecule, with the 48 residues
y ray inactivation analysis studies show that the threshold being the basic repeating unit along the cylindrical axis. The
temperature increases linearly with the log size 1391. The results next piece of information is the requirement of a large number
of recent theoretical calculations of dimensions of INA of of INP in forming the warm-temperature INA. This aggre-
various activities also support arguments that INA are formed gation of INP will most likely form a hexagonal packing
by aggregations of INP residues [39, 511. Also, concentration/ arrangement such that the resulting aggregate will be compat-
activity analyses have shown that at least three copies of INP ible with the ice lattice. To maximize the intermolecular inter-
must be involved in a co-operative fashion to form an ice actions among INPs, the external surfaces of the cylindrical
nucleus active at -8°C [52]. The relationship between the INP molecule may also have to adopt an hexagonal shape (see
extent of aggregation and ice nucleation activity is shown in Fig. 6). In such an arrangement, the surfaces of INA that
Table 2. It appears that INP, as a monomer, would have a form the ice templates will also be those that are involved in
threshold temperature of - 12 "C to - 13°C. A large number protein -protein interaction. Since these interactions are
of copies may be involved in some sort of a co-operative likely to be hydrogen bonding in nature, the forces that are
process to form more active nuclei. To produce a nucleus holding the INPs together in the INA might be quite weak.
active at - 2°C approximately 132 units INP may be required. The anchoring of the INPs on a membrane surface will en-
This may account for the rarity of these INA in the cells. hance the stability of the LNA by reducing the entropy gain
14321033, 1992, 1-2, Downloaded from by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [09/02/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

when an INP breaks apart from the INA. The membrane have to be developed to convert monomeric INP (or small
anchor can also keep the INP in register for maximum or- aggregates of INP) to stable forms of INA of specific activity.
dering with the INA cluster. Since phosphatidylinositol has
been implicated as an important component in the INA as-
sembly, the membrane anchoring of INP might be mediated Ice nucleators from non-bacterial organisms
by it. However, no experimental evidence for this involvement Several frost-resistant insects have been known to produce
in the anchoring of proteins to prokaryotic membranes has ice nucleators [5]. Most of them are thought to be composed
appeared in the literature. In addition, most of the phos- of proteins or lipoproteins. However, the INA from insects
phatidylinositol anchor in eukaryotic cells require stretches of have not yet been characterized as well as those from bacteria,
hydrophobic C-terminal sequences for the glycan phos- although it is known that threshold temperatures of insect
phatidylinositol processing; no such hydrophobic stretches INA are usually much lower than those of bacterial ones.
exist in the C-terminal sequence of the INP. These might seem Recently, a lipoprotein with ice nucleating activity isolated
to preclude the involvement of phosphatidylinositol in the from the overwintering larvae of the cranefly, Tipula trivittata,
membrane anchoring of INP; however, we cannot rule out has been partially characterized [55]. This lipoprotein ice nu-
the possibility that this might be the first observed incidence cleator has been shown to consist of phosphatidylinositol,
of such anchoring in prokaryotic cells, although it is possible lipids and two apoprotein chains, apo-I (molecular mass
that the actual mechanism might be different from that in 265 kDa) and apo-I1 (molecular mass 81 kDa). The molecular
eukaryotes. The other alternative mechanism for the mem- mass of the lipoprotein was estimated to be about 800 kDa.
brane anchoring must involve the N-terminal domain which Approximately 13 phosphatidylinositol residues were esti-
itself is quite hydrophobic; if so, then the N-terminal sequence mated to be associated with apo I. Also, in this case, both
would be serving roles both as a sequence targeting INP to phosphatidylinositol residues and apo-I were postulated to be
the outer membrane, as well as an anchoring domain. What- involved in ice interaction. Amino acid compositions of the
ever the mode of anchoring, the membrane can provide the lipoprotein ice nucleators vary considerably from bacterial
fluidity that would allow the trial and error process in forming INP. The threshold temperature of the cranefly one was found
the optimal arrangement of INP. This same fluidity, however, to be concentration-dependent and varying between - 6°C
becomes a disadvantage when cells are grown at higher tem- and - 10°C. This suggests that they may also undergo aggre-
peratures. The INPs will tend to break apart from the larger gation in the hemolymph to form INA with higher activity. It
INA to form smaller INAs resulting in lower threshold tem- appears that, as compared to the bacterial INA, insect INA
peratures. It is important to establish firmly the relationship may have a different mechanism to make the ice nucleator
between phosphatidylinositol, INP and INA before the struc- sufficiently large for increased activity.
ture of INA and the mechanism of ice interaction can be
elucidated completely.
An understanding of the assembly of INA might also shed Biotechnology application
light on an interesting puzzle presented by the h a + bacteria. As discused in this review, protein-ice interaction plays
In a given population of the h a C strain (even within the an extremely important role in determining the survival of
same clonal population), every cell does not possess the same many organisms. Both the antifreeze proteins and ice-nu-
nucleation activity. A very small population (about 1 in lo6) cleation proteins obviously have many unique and interesting
show the activity of type A. Almost all cells show threshold properties which will have potential biotechnology appli-
temperatures greater than - 13"C. This is the reason why cations.
cumulative nucleation spectra have to be obtained in order to
analyze activity. The reason for this variability is not very
clear. Expression studies with recombinant E. coli using vari- Application of antifreeze proteins
ous promoters have shown that cumulative spectra do not As discussed in the earlier section, the freezing point of
vary except in absolute frequencies; relative shapes remain the most fish is around -0.6"C to -0.7"C. The Atlantic salmon,
same [53]. This rules out the possibility that heterogeneous for example, lacks any of the AFGP or AFP genes and is
activity is a result of varying levels of expression of INP among vulnerable to freezing to death when cultured in sea pens.
cells. Another possibility that has also been suggested involves Earlier experiments by Fletcher et al. [56]have demonstrated
'endergonic metabolism' [54]. According to this postulation, the direct application of AFP in the freezing protection of
the reversible transformations of the less active INA to the other fish species incapable of producing their own antifreeze
most active ones are controlled by metabolic processes. Since proteins. Purified AFP from the winter flounder was injected
these processes can vary among individuals, the occurrence of into sea-water-acclimated rainbow trout. The ability of inject-
an INA of a specific activity can also be expected to vary ed rainbow trout to withstand the low temperature correlated
among individuals. Another possibility also suggested is that with the amount of AFP in its circulation. It was concluded
each nucleus may be interacting with some 'impurities' to a that the AFP alone was sufficient and effective in providing
different extent; this would lead to varying extents of 'doping' freeze tolerance. The acquisition and expression of the anti-
of the nuclei and, thus, to varying threshold temperatures [46]. freeze protein gene by the Atlantic salmon might help to
It is also suggested that the INA assembly process would overcome this danger and expand many coastal regions in
require an involvement of a very large number of INP in a Northern Atlantic regions for salmon farming. As a part of
highly precise arrangement to produce an effective ice nucle- the Canadian strategic grant program, we have successfully
ation template, this may not be entirely controllable and there- incorporated the AFP gene in Atlantic salmon by gene transfer
fore may be a hit-or-miss affair among cells [7]. Solving this technology [57]. However, the level of AFP expressed in these
puzzle could prove extremely useful in the design and pro- transgenic fish, approximately 2 - 30 pg/ml, is relatively low.
duction in bacteria of INA with known homogeneous More work is needed to improve the transgene expression in
threshold temperatures. Alternatively, and in v i b o process will order to achieve its goal of providing freeze resistance.
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In a similar fashion, several laboratories are trying to This technique could find a widespread application when an
transfer the AFP genes into plants [58,59]. The freeze damage INA with the threshold temperature of -2°C to -5°C be-
to vegetable and citrus plants are a recurring and severe threat comes available commercially and when procedures have been
facing the agricultural industries in many parts of the world. established for the conjugating of INA to proteins and other
The justification for the AFP gene transfer was demonstrated molecules. Recently, a number of recombinant h a + bacterio-
by the vacuum infiltration of the protein into the leaves of phages each showing specificity against a specific bacterium
potato and other plants which resulted in a significant de- sp. have been developed by Warren and coworkers [68].These
pression of the spontaneous freezing temperature relative to have been used to develop very sensitive assays for bacterial
water-infiltrated control [60]. These results demonstrate the contamination in food stuff.
feasibility of improving cold hardiness in plants by AFP gene
In addition to the experiments on gene transfer, McKeown SUMMARY
and Warren [61] have recently demonstrated that a fusion It is both exciting and rewarding to notice that both the
protein containing the flounder AFP expressed intracellularly antifreeze proteins and ice-nucleation proteins, in addition to
in yeast can significantly improve the cell viability after freez- their biological importance, show a high potential for appli-
ing and thawing. This is consistent with the recent finding cations in a wide variety of economically important fields.
from Rubinisky et al. [62] that the AFGP facilitate the survival At present, intact, free INA are not available commercially,
of a variety of cells at cryogenic temperatures after rapid except perhaps as dead cells. Also, it is desirable that each of
cooling and vitrification. Using pig oocyte, which is sensitive the three types, A, B, and C, of INA be available so that their
to hypothermic temperatures, Rubinisky et al. [62] have dem- performances in many potential applications can be evaluated
onstrated that AFGP protects the structural integrity of the properly. The environmental and ecological concerns arising
oolemma and inhibits ion leakage across the oolemma at out of some of these potential applications will need to be
hypothermic temperatures. All these studies indicate the po- discussed and addressed before these applications become a
tential application of antifreeze proteins for the cryogenic and reality.
hypothermic preservation of cell and organs. Other direct
applications of the antifreeze proteins include the inhibition We wish to thank Mr S. Joshi for helpful discussions, and Elaine
Vorvis and Linda Gardiner for the preparation of the manuscript.
of recrystallization of ice in dairy products such as ice cream This work is supported by grants from the Medical Research Council
and deicing agents. of Canada to C.L.H. and D.Y.

Applicutions of bacterial ice nucleating agents

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