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I. Translate each of the following verbal phrases into mathematical phrase.

Use any letter for

the variable not specified. Write your answers on the space provided at the right.

Verbal Phrases Algebraic Expressions

1. a decreased by b
2. the square of x
3. the product of p and q
4. m more than n
5. the difference of 8 and w
6. the product of a and b divided by c
7. 9 times m diminished by 5 times n
8. The sum of a and b divided by their product
9. Twelve less than thrice a number
10. 5 times the sum of a and b over the product of a and b

II. Translate each of the following mathematical phrase into its equivalent verbal phrase. Write
your answer in the space provided at the right
1. 2 m+ n
2. 4 p−2 q
4. x2
5. 3 n+15
6. 10 ( a+b )
7. 6 ( s−t ) +20
8. ( m+n ) ( m−n )
10. xy

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