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Employment Contract

Party A:


The representative:


The address:


The contact person and phone:


Party B:


ID card No.:


Registered permanent residence:


Domestic family address: ____________________________


The domestic contact person and phone:


诚实信用”的原则,并在双方充分理解和完全自愿的基础上,于 2020 年 10 月 16 日在
广东省广州市 _(签订地)签订本境外劳务派遣和雇用合同,双方共同遵照执


To maintain rights of Party A and Party B, both parties sign the overseas labor dispatching and

employment contract at GUANG ZHOU Town GUANG DONG Province (the signing site)

on October 16, 2020 on the basis of full comprehension and complete willingness by

upholding the principles of “equality, willingness, fairness, and good faith” after determining

responsibilities of each party through negotiation. Both parties shall observe it.


Clause 1: The condition of services and duties




Party B acts as the Mining Technical Engineer to complete various overseas mining tasks (i.e.

operation and guidance of all processes in prospection and gold mining, operation and

maintenance of gold mining devices, and simple maintenance of excavators) for Party A.

Party A pays corresponding wages and benefits according to regulations in this contract.


Clause 2: Term of contract

1.乙方在国外工作期限定为自 2020 年 10 月 16 日起至自 2021 年 10 月 15 日。本合

1. Party B’s limit of work at abroad is determined from October 16, 2020 to October 15,

2021 Once this contract is signed by both parties, it officially takes effect.

2.乙方履约后确定试用期为 1 个月,自到达尼日利亚境内之日起开始计算。
2. After Party B fulfills the contract, the probation period is determined as 1 month, which

shall start calculation from the day of arriving the territory of Nigeria.

2.1 试用期满,经甲方审核同意后,由甲方正式雇用。

2.1 After expiry of the probation period, Party A will official employ Party B under the

approval and permission of Party A.

2.2 试用期间,如乙方不能胜任本职工作,甲方有权终止本合同并安排乙方回国,往返


2.2 During the probation period, if Party B can’t be competent for this post, Party A has the

right to terminate this contract and shall arrange Party B to go back to his country. Expenses

of the return ticket and visa shall be undertaken by Party B.

2.3 如乙方因其他原因回国,均按照本合同中第八、九条之规定执行。

2.3 If Party B go back to his Country for other reasons, it shall be executed according to

Clause 8 and Clause 9 of this contract.


Clause 3: Relevant expenses

1. 签证、出境体检及国内南宁市出发的交通费均由甲方承担。
1. Expenses of visa, departure physical examination, and transportation from Nan Ning town

shall be undertaken by Party A.

2. 乙方正常履约情况下,乙方的往返国际机票、国内车票、签证费、办理国外工作

2. Under the circumstance when Party B fulfills the contract normally, expenses of Party B’s

return international flight ticket, domestic ticket, visa, overseas work permit, health

certificate, and life permit shall be undertaken by Party A.


Clause 4: Party A’s rights and obligations

1. 负责乙方出国和归国的组织工作,以及出国前的思想教育、外事教育和宣传当


1.Party A shall be responsible for organization of going abroad and going back to China,

thought education, foreign affairs education, and the host country’s laws and regulations

before going abroad for Party B.

2. 负责组织乙方出国前体检、培训、考试、护照等;负责为乙方办理签证等相关工


2.Party A shall organize physical examination before going abroad, training, examination,

and passport for Party B, transact visa, and confirm inspection of departure conditions for

Party B.

3. 负担乙方在履约期间的工资报酬,负责向乙方提供住宿、用餐食堂(用餐标准


班交通工具、医疗就医条件。3.Party A shall afford wages and provide accommodations

and canteen with the Chinese as the chef (catering standard includes three meals every

day. Two meals shall have meat every day) for Party B during the period of fulfilling the

contract. Also, Party A shall provide transportation and medical treatment the long

distance between the dormitory and construction site.

4. 向乙方提供限量标准的生活用品及施工工具:

4.Party B shall provide supplies and construction tools with limit standard:

4.1 生活用品:床铺及床上用品(床垫、被子、枕头、蚊帐)一套。

4.1Supplies, a bed, and a set of beddings ( mattress, quilt, pillow, and bed net).

4.2 施工工具:完成生产活动所需材料、设备和生产机具。

4.2Operation tools, materials, devices and production tools for production activities.

4.3 如乙方超出使用量标准的生活、劳保用品,则由乙方按成本价负担相应费用;如乙

方使用不当,造成生产工具损坏的至少按照原价 20%进行赔偿。

4.3 If Party B need supplies and labor articles that exceed the usage amount standard, Party B

shall afford the corresponding expenses according to costs; if Party B damages production

tools for improper use, it shall compensate for it according to 20% of the original price.

5. 负责对乙方进行安全生产及各种规章制度的教育与培训,不要求乙方在不安全


5.Party A shall be responsible for Party B’s education and training of safety production and

various rules & regulations and shall not require Party B to work under the unsafe

environment, but shall safeguard safety and health of Party B during the working process.

6. 负责对乙方工资支付工作,并对乙方工资支付结算情况提供咨询、解释和问题


6.Party A shall pay wages for Party B and provide consultation, explanation, and problem

coordination for Party B’s wage payment settlement.

7. 将根据实际情况乙方自行安排休息,休息时间由乙方确定,原则上每个月不超

过 2 天。

7.Party B can voluntarily arrange rest according to the physical truth. The rest time shall be
determined by Party B. In principle, it shall not exceed 2 days per month.


8.Party A shall be responsible for coordination and management, including uniform

management of Party B’s passport at abroad.


9.Party A shall be responsible for undertaking disposal of casualties and accidents and

family’s pacification during the period when Party B fulfills the contract.




10.Party A shall undertake Party B’s travel expenses and expenses on luggage transportation

from the airport or railway station within the territory of China to the overseas

accommodation place and pick up Party B from going back to the county-level city at the end

of this contract. Expenses shall be undertaken by Party according to the coach expense

standard. Expenses of Party B’s luggage over the stipulated standard shall be self-undertaken.


Clause 5: Party B’s rights and obligations

1. 乙方办理出国签证前,向甲方正式出具(出国确认表)、(健康体检表)等,

1.Before transacting the visa of going abroad, Party B shall officially issue (abroad

confirmation table) and (physical examination table) for Party A and assist Party A to

transact the necessary procedures.

2. 乙方保证身体健康,无下列隐藏性疾病:心脏病、高血压、高血糖、关节炎、胃病、





2.Party B shall ensure good health and have no hiding diseases below, including heart disease,

hypertension, hyperglycemia, arthritis, stomach illness, epilepsy, chronic appendicitis,

pleurisy, hepatitis B, skin allergy, diabetes, fatty liver, eye disease, family genetic disease,

cancer, chronic disease, and cardiovascular disease or other diseases that only can be checked

by special medical equipment, and severe defects or lesions of non-local infectious diseases,

organs or limbs. Also, Party B shall pass the physical examination in the territory of Nigeria.

If Party B can’t engage in this job checked by the local hospital within six months after

concealing physical illness and going abroad, Party A has the right to terminate the contract

and dismiss to go back to China. All expenses shall be undertaken by Party B.

3. 乙方在签订本合同前不得隐瞒在国内的各项犯罪记录,以及以往在国外工作中



3.Party B shall not conceal various domestic criminal records and any violation of laws and

disciplines abroad, and strike records of any form before signing this contract. Also, Party B

shall have excellent moral quality and observe laws and disciplines without history of taking

drugs. Once the conceal truth is discovered, Party A has the right to terminate the contract. All
losses shall be undertaken by Party B.

4. 乙方签订本合同后应服从甲方的统一时间安排,如果在办理完签证或购买完机 、

4.After signing this contract, Party B shall observe Party A’s uniform time schedule. After

transacting visa and purchasing the air ticket, if Party B finally can’t go there, all expenses

shall be undertaken by Party B.

5. 乙方在国外发生的伤亡或非因工负伤事件,在当地处理完毕,回国后不再以此

5.If Party B occurs casualties or non-work-related injury accidents at abroad and deal with it

at the local, Party B shall not have any dispute with Party A after going back to China.

6. 必须严格遵守甲方所规定的各项劳动纪律和规章制度,出现违约情况则应接受

6.Party B shall strictly observe various law laws and regulations stipulated by Party A. If there

is default, Party B shall accept corresponding punishment of Party A.

7. 在工作中应当注意节约材料、爱护机械设备和生产工具,不浪费、损坏材料,如

7.During the working period, Party B shall notice economy of materials, care mechanical

equipment and production tools, and shall not waste and damage materials. If there is loss for

no reason or loss caused by non-normal operation, it shall be compensated by Party B.

8. 鉴于尼日利亚的实际情况,甲方将工资标准及发放的办法在本合同中作了规定,


8.According to the Nigeria’s physical situation, Party A stipulates wage standards and
granting regulation in this contract and Party B approves it. Party B shall not compare with

incomes of workers in other countries or other Chinese workers to make trouble. Party A has

the right to award employees with good performance, but punish employees with poor


9. 不得私自串岗、不得缺勤、不得打架斗殴、不得擅自外出、不得消极怠工、不得罢

9.Party B shall not arbitrarily leave the post, absent from duty, fight, arbitrarily go out, slow

down, and strike.

10. 要自觉参加甲方的各项活动和各种会议,不迟到、不早退、不能缺席、不起哄。

10.Party B shall continuously attend Party A’s various activities and meetings and shall not be

late, leave early, absent from duty, and kick up a fuss.




As violating the above-mentioned clauses, Party B will unconditionally accept Party A’s

punishment, including compensation, shutdown, deduction from salaries, and penalty. The

trouble maker for punishment shall be doubled. For the hardened, Party A shall dismiss and

dispatch to go back to China. All economic losses under the circumstance shall be undertaken

by Party B.


Clause 6: Remuneration for personal services and payment(amount involved in this

clause refers to RMB incomes)

1 工资待遇:

1.1 甲方保证乙方在年度内的有效工作日为 340 天,并在服从甲方工作安排的前提


人民币 10000 元加每条生产线总产金量的个人提成 0.5%,黄金价以当月为准计。

1. Salaries

1.1 Party A ensures that Party’s valid workdays in a year include 340 days. Under the

precondition of observing Party A’s work schedule, the monthly salaries shall be 10000

RMB(¥10000), adding 0.5% of personal commission of total gold output in each production

line. The gold price shall be based on the current month.



负责支付给乙方家属或指定帐户内。支付金额为当月实际应得工资,发放日期为次月 15






回国后一律按当月所得工资的 50%进行结算。

2. Wage payment

Wage payment shall start from the day when Party B arrives Nigeria. The wages shall be paid

once a month from the working day. Party A shall pay for Party B’s family or assigned
account. The payment amount is the actual gross-pay of that month. The granting date is 15th

day of next month.

Party B shall provide family bank account or personal account: ___________________.

In Nigeria, if Party B voluntarily requires to go back to China or Party A dismisses personnel

to go back for Party B’s unlawful act, it shall settle according to 50% of monthly wages after

going back to his country.


Clause 7 Benefits

1. 甲方按一定的标准向乙方提供适合的住宿、卫生设施、生活设施等。为了统一管


1. Party A shall provide suitable accommodations, sanitary facilities and life facilities for

Party B according to certain standards. To realize uniform management and valid

management, Party A shall uniformly arrange accommodation conditions according to

different types of work, while Party B shall not pick and choose, refuse accept or rent a

house outside. Otherwise, Party A has the right to consider it as breach of contract to

terminate the contract with Party B.

2. 乙方在尼日利亚由甲方统一安排集体伙食,费用由甲方承担。
2. In Nigeria, Party A shall uniformly arrange collective meals for Party B. The expenses shall

be undertaken by Party A.

3. 因乙方的生活习性不同,每天的伙食有一餐肉食,厨房安排中国人煮饭菜。
3. For different life habits of Party B, daily meals include a meal of meat. Chinese people
shall be arranged to cook in the kitchen.


4.After Party B arrives Nigeria, Party B shall not piddle and can’t dispute with other



Clause 8: Insurance, casualties and diseases

1. 本合同履行期间,甲方为乙方在国内办理人身意外伤害险(40 万人民币保额)。



1. During the period of fulfilling the contract, Party A shall transact accident insurance
(400,000 RMB insured amount) for Party B at domestic. If Party B occurs casualties and

accidents during the period of executing the contract in Nigeria, Party A shall be responsible

for assisting Party B to transaction casualties and insurance claims. After deducting accident

handling expenses, Party A shall transfer all claims to Party B or Party B’s family (relatives).

Party B and family (relatives) shall not propose any extra additional conditions.

2. 保险公司按照意外伤害赔偿有关规定支付一次性赔偿金后,甲方拒绝考虑任何

2.After the insurance company pays for disposable damages according to relevant

regulations of accidental damages, Party A refuses compensation requirements of any

other forms.


3.For any casualties and diseases of Party B at abroad, Party B’s family (relatives) shall not

visit and deal with matters concerning reconstruction for any reason, Party A shall transact it

according to the local customs.




4.For accidents caused by Party B’s non-fulfillment, all consequences shall be undertaken by

Party B. Party A can assist Party B to negotiate with relevant responsible party and transact

claims, but shall assume no responsibilities. Party B and family (relatives) have no right to

propose any economic compensation requirements for Party A.



5.Medical costs and other relevant expenses caused by Party B’s malpractice, negligence,

wrongful conduct or self-injury shall be self-undertaken by Party B. Party A will reserve the

right of punishing Party B.



6.In addition to damages of casualty insurance, disease rescue and medical expenses of Party

B are not included in Party B’s wages.


7.If Party B falls ill at abroad and must take a rest under the hospital diagnosis accepted by

Party A, Party B can take a rest. Anyone who has no sick leave or takes a rest without

approval of Party A shall be handled as violating Party A’s management system.

8.如乙方经甲方认可之医院确诊患病并无法继续工作,或连续休息 14 天仍不能恢


8.If Party B is diagnosed with a disease in the hospital accepted by Party A and can't continue

working or still can’t recover after taking a continuous rest for 14 days, Party A shall arrange

Party B to go back to China for treatment. Treatment expenses and expenses of return ticket

shall be undertaken by Party A.


Clause 9: Termination of the employment relationship

1. 给予通知的终止

系。在无损上述一般性前提下,若发生下列情况,甲方可在给予 1 天通知后终止雇


1. Termination of giving a notice

Party A can terminate the employment relationship with Party B after giving a suitable notice

according to Nigeria employment laws. Under the precondition of not damaging the above

generality, if the following situations occur, Party A can terminate the employment

relationship after giving a notice for one day.

1.1 甲方在任何时间内发现乙方不符合或违反中国的任何出国条件。
1.1 Party A finds that Party B does not conform to or violates any abroad conditions of China

within any time.

1.2 由于乙方自身直接或间接的原因导致生病不能胜任工作,连续病假超过 15 天或

在一年中累计病假超过 20 天或需要任何持续性治疗。

1.2 If Party B can’t be compensate for this job for direct or indirect reasons, continuous sick

leave exceeds 15 days or accumulated sick leave in one year exceeds 20 days or Party B needs

any continuous treatment.

1.3 由于乙方生病或伤亡经治疗后不能胜任原工作或甲方安排的其他工作的。

1.3 If Party B can’t be compensate for the original post or other post arranged by Party A for

sick or casualties after treatment, termination of notice will not be given.

2 不给予通知的终止




2.If Party B has the following conduct, once Party A investigates and verifies it, Party A has

the right to immediately terminate the contract without giving a notice and shall dispatch

Party B to go back to his country and terminate the employment relationship. Expenses of

return international ticket, overseas visa, and certificate transaction, and economic losses

caused by harmful effect shall be undertaken by Party B.

2.1 无故生事或以任何形式煽动或参与聚众闹事、罢工游行、私闯外事机构以及当地


2.1 Party B makes trouble for no reason or instigates or makes disturbances, strikes and

parades, and privately breaks in foreign affairs agencies and local government departments in
any form.

2.2 不服从甲方管理人员管理,严重违反甲方制定的管理制度、玩忽职守而给甲方造


2.2 Party B does not observe Party A’s personnel management and seriously violates

management system of Party A and misconduct in office to cause losses or harmful effect

for Party A.

2.3 触犯了尼日利亚有关法律法规;

2.3 Party B violates Nigeria laws and regulations.

2.4 参加和组织任何黑社会或帮派性质机构的;

2.4 Party B attends and organizes any gangdom or faction institutions.

2.5 不诚实或欺骗、蛮不讲理,严重触犯了公司有关管理制度和规定;

2.5 Party B severely violates relevant laws and regulations of the company for dishonesty,

cheat and unreasonable persistence.

2.6 连续旷工 3 日以上或一年内累计旷工达 2 次以上的;

2.6 Party B is continuously absent from work for more than 3 days or accumulates for

more than 2 times within one year.

2.7 私自外出打黑工,私自从事本合同外的其他活动、私逃或非法滞留的;

2.7 Party B privately engages in illegal work outside and privately attends other activities

out of this contract, absconds or stagnates illegally.

2.8 被发现有偷盗、赌博、嫖娼等违法违纪行为的;

2.8 Party B has unlawful act of stealing, gambling and whoring.

2.9 参与其他商业和个人活动或成为任何公司的合作伙伴或董事;

2.9 Party B attends other business and personal activities or become partner or director of
any company.

2.10 一旦查证伤亡是由乙方自残、自伤行为;

2.10 Casualties are caused by Party B’s self-mutilator and autolesionism.

2.11 不能胜任本职工作或玩忽职守对公司造成重大损失。

2.11 Party B can’t be competent for the own work or cause a great loss to the company

for misconduct in office.

2.12 乙方工作期间,利用职务之便为他人或自己谋求利益,挪用公款、向外界透露


2.12 During the working period, Party B takes advantage of his position to seek benefits

or others and self, embezzles public money and discloses company confidential to outside.

2.13 乙方若在工作中徇私舞弊(如偷金等行为),一经甲方发现,则处以其徇私舞

弊金额的 30 倍罚款,并立即开除、解除合同、遣送回国。所产生的一切费用,由乙方


2.13 If Party B commits illegalities for personal gains in work, (such as steal the gold)once

Party finds it, 30 times of penalty shall be punished for commit illegalities for personal gains.

And Party A shall immediately dismiss Party B, terminates the contract, and dispatches to go

back. All expenses under the circumstance shall be fully undertaken by Party B. If it is severe,

legal responsibilities shall be added.


Clause 10: Force Majeure

1. 由于天灾、战争、政治事件、核泄漏等人力不可抗拒事故而工作不能继续进行,

1. The work can’t go on for natural disasters, wars, political accidents, and nuclear leak,
Party A shall send Party B to the home country.

2. 如遇上述情况时,乙方必须在甲方的领导下有组织的进行撤退或不撤退。
2. In the above-mentioned situation, Party B must orderly retreat or not retreat under the
leadership of Party A.


Clause 11: Disputes and arbitration




During the process of executing the process, if both parties have a dispute, both parties agree

to solve them through friendly negotiation. If it is invalid to negotiate and Party B observes

Party A’s arrangement and disposal during the working period at abroad, Party B can

engage in a lawsuit to the people’s court in the defendant’s position after going back to China.


Clause 12: Contract copies

1. 合同未尽事宜,按照国家法律法规和有关政策执行。
1. Unaccomplished matters of the contract shall be executed according to national laws,
regulations and policies.

2. 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效,直至合同

2. This contract is in duplicate. Both parties shall hold one of them. It will take effect after
both parties shall and seal it until the contract is terminated.

Party A (Seal):___________________________________________


The legal representative or entrusted agent(Seal):_________________________


Party B (Personal signature):_______________________________________


Party B’s family(Personal signature)____________________________________

签订日期: 年 月 日

Signed on: ________________

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