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Dominant more powerful, successful influential and noticeable

One's karma is the good or bad that was performed in their previous life. Many writers on Hindu
law believe that karmic retribution plays a major role in someone's next life. How a human is in
this life, for example, their gender or caste, is a reflection of their actions in both their previous life
and their current life. Penance is the only way to evade bodily marking that is a consequence of
sin. It is through this ideology that we find a "naturalistic dimension also to the working of the
criminal justice system."[21] Mutilation of body parts is an action of the state as a form a
punishment. Therefore, just like people can know someone's past sins by whether they are born
blind or with some disease, it is also known that someone was punished by the state if they are
missing a limb, for example. Overall, the criminal body and sinful body are similar in that they
both carry the outward manifestations of one's disobedience of the criminal or moral law and
bare the stigma of their corrupt state and status

The consequences of sinful actions are fault or mistake

(aparadha), worry or anxiety (cintha), impurities or
imperfections (doshas), evil intentions (dudhi), evil
qualities (dhurta lakshana), immorality (adharma),
demonic nature (asura sampatti), chaos or disorderliness
(anrta), mental afflictions (klesha), destruction (nirtti),
karmic debt (rna), sorrow (shoka), darkness or grossness
(tamas) and suffering (pida).
The Dharmashastras list the consequences of sinful actions.
Most sins lead to sickness and disease either in this birth or
in future births. For example, according to Manu stealing
gold shows up as sickness in the nails, drinking liquor
blackens the teeth or sleeping with a teacher’s wife leads to
a certain skin disease, slander causes bad breath or foul
mouth. Leprosy, idiocy, mental illness, physical or mental
deformity are attributed in the lawbooks to grave sins only.
Other consequences of sinful karma are inferior birth, birth
through demonic wombs, downfall into hells, increased
suffering to ancestors, adversity, loss of reputation and so

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