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Let’s go to the cinema tonight
Week 21
Period: 62
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: fantasy (n); horror film (n); documentary (n),
comedy (n), exchange, review
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: fantasy (n); horror film (n); documentary (n),
comedy (n), exchange, review
* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
- read for specific information about one's favourite film;
- talk about a film;
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new unit.
2. Content:
To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire
Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
3. Products:
Having a chance to speak English.
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Sts do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Revision on previous lessons + Revision on previous lessons
- Review the previous unit before Ss - T_Ss.
open their books. T may organise a short
vocabulary game, e.g. Pass the Ball or Slap the
Board..., to revise the words Ss learnt in Unit 7.
- Lead to the new unit. Write the unit title
Films on the board. Elicit any information Ss
know about films by asking types of film they
know, the latest film they have seen, their
favourite films and film stars. After Ss answer,
ask them to open their books to page 82. Draw
their attention to the THIS UNIT INCLUDES
box and introduce what they are going to learn
in Unit 8.
+ Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
do the tasks.
- Open the book and write the tittle of the
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts work in group to discuss
- Sts join in the discussion
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
Activity 2.
1. Aim:
- To set the context for the introductory conversation;
- To introduce the topic of the unit.
- To help Ss deeply understand the text.
2. Content:
Learn some new words . Read the conversation and find out new words. Focus on topic
of the lesson, grammar points…
Read the conversation. Choose the correct answer.
3. Products:
Knowing more new words. Understanding the conversation; topic of the lesson,
grammar points…
Ss understanding more the content of the conversation. Get more information
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the listening and
Step 2: Task performance Task 1. Listen and read:
Task 1. Listen and read: (Ex 1, p. 82 -
*Teach vocabulary:
+ Teacher uses different techniques to
teach vocab (situation, realia, translation.)
+ Teacher introduces the vocabulary by:
- providing the pictures
- eliciting the definition of the words
+ Teacher do the “Rub out and
remember” checking technique.
* Vocabulary:
+ Teacher checks students’ pronunciation
1. dull (adj) buồn tẻ, chán; đơn điệu
and gives feedback.
- Teacher reveals that these words will 2. violent (adj) hung dữ; bạo lực, mãnh
appear in the reading text and asks students to liệt
open their textbook to discover further.
3. confusing (adj) khó hiểu, làm rối lên
* Set the context for the listening and
reading. Have Ss look at the pictures and guess 4. shocking (adj) gây choáng váng
where they come from.
5. enjoyable (adj) thú vị, thích thú
- T can also ask Ss to share any recent
experiences of going to see a film: Have you
ever gone to see a film with your
brothers/sisters? When and where? What film
did you see then? How did it make you feel?
- Encourage Ss to giveT their answers,
but do not confirm whether their answers are
right or wrong.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen
and read along.
- Have Ss underline the words that are
related to the topic of the unit while they are
listening and reading.
* Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and do the tasks
- Invite some pairs of Ss to read the
conversation aloud.
Task 2. Read the conversation again
and choose the correct answer to each Task 2. Read the conversation again
question. and choose the correct answer to each
- Have Ss read the conversation in detail
to answer the questions. Ask them how to do - T_Ss
this kind of exercise.
- Explain the strategies, if necessary (e.g. * Key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C
reading the questions and the options (A, B, C),
underlining the key words in the questions and
options, locating the key words in the text, and
reading that part and answering the
- Tell them to underline parts of the
conversation that help them with the answers.
Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read the text
quickly for information.
- Tell them to compare their answers in
pairs before they give the answers to T. Ask
them to give evidence when they give the
- Students Work individually.
- Students Give the answers
- Check their answers and explain if
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Sts answer some more questions about
the conversation
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Sts
1. Aim:
To teach Ss new vocabulary related to types of film.
To teach Ss new vocabulary for describing films.
To help Ss practise talking about their feelings about a type of film.
2. Content:
Choose the word or phrase to complete the sentence.
Complete the sentences with words in the box.
Further practice. Ask and answer about a type of film.
3. Products:
Ss can complete the sentences correctly.
Ss complete the sentences with correct words.
Ss can ask and answer the questions about a type of film.
4. Implementation:
- T_ Ss
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Sts learn Task 3 – Getting Started - Unit 6
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3. Choose the correct word or Task 3. Choose the correct word
phrase to complete each of the following or phrase to complete each of the
sentences. following sentences.
- Have each student quickly underline the - T_ Ss
words or phrases of film types he / she thinks * Key:
are defined in each of the sentences. Then ask 1. comedy
Ss to check their answers with their partners. 2. Fantasy
- Ask some Ss to read out their answers 3. documentary
or write them on the board. With weaker
classes, ask for translation of the words /
phrases to make sure they understand
4. science fiction film
- Students Listen to the instructions
clearly 5. horror film
- Students to work individually. 1. A film that tries to make the audience
- Check the answers as a class. laugh is a comedy.
2. A film that is based only on imagination,
not on real facts, is a fantasy.
3. A film that shows real life events or
stories is a documentary.
4. A film that is set in the future, often about
Task 4. Complete the following
science, is a science fiction film.
sentences with the words in the box.
5. A film in which strange and frightening
- First, have Ss work independently.
things happen is a horror film.
Then ask them to share their answers Task 4. Complete the following
with one or more partners. sentences with the words in the box.
- T can ask for translation of some of the
adjectives in the list to check their
* Key:
With stronger classes, T may wish to ask
1. frightening 2. funny
Ss to make sentences with the adjectives they
3. moving 4. boring
have learnt.
5. interesting
- If there is enough time, T can ask some
Ss to write their answers on the board.
Students Work individually.
- Students do the tasks
- Check the answers as a class.
Task 5. Work in pairs. Ask and
answer about a type of film. Use some of the
adjectives in 4. Task 5. Work in pairs. Ask and
answer about a type of film. Use some
- First, demonstrate the activity to the of the adjectives in 4.
class. Ask a strong student to help you. Example:
- Then ask Ss to work in pairs. A. Do you like documentaries?
- T may go round to help weaker Ss. Call B. No, I don’t.
on some pairs to perform in front of the class. A. Why not?
+ Students Listen to the instructions B. I think they’re boring.
carefully and do the tasks. ...............
- T goes round to help weaker Ss.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss work independently
- Share the answers
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the answers.


1. Aim:
To consolidate what Ss have learnt in the lesson.
To review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson.
To give Home assigment
2. Content:
Home assigment
3. Products:
Know more some words about hobbies
Take note Home assigment
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they
have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say some words / phrases and
grammar points they remember from the
lesson. Tell Ss that they will learn these
language points in the following lessons. * Home assigments:
- Home assigment - Do more exercises in workbook.
Step 2: Task performance
-T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt - Prepare new lesson: Lesson 2: A
in the lesson. CLOSER LOOK _1
- T let Sts take note the home assigments.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- T says something about the class time.
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Sts do

Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1
Week 21
Period: 63
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: dull (adj); violent (adj); confusing (adj);
enjoyable (adj); shocking (adj)
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: dull (adj); violent (adj); confusing (adj);
enjoyable (adj); shocking (adj)
* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
- read for specific information about one's favourite film;
- talk about a film;
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- Revise the old lesson.
- Do some activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to warm up to the new
2. Content:
- Have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire
Ss to warm up to the new class.
- Guessing game
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Sts on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Sts do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Game: Guessing your partner's + Game: Guessing your partner's
favourite film. favourite film.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Example:
- Explain that they are going to guess A: What kind of film is it?
their partner's film by interviewing each
B: It's a fantasy.
other about it.
A: Who stars in it?
- Remind Ss to use the questions and
words / phrases they learnt in GETTING B: Daniel Radcliffe.
STARTED. A: What's it about?
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. B: It's about a young wizard called
- T_ Ss Harry Potter.
- Students Work in pairs A: Is it Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone?
- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to
do and do the tasks. B: Yes!

- Students Do the tasks. - Ask Ss to open their book and

introduce what they are going to study….
- Students Open their book and write
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts join in the discussion
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
Activity 2.
1. Aim:
To teach Ss new adjectives for describing films.
To develop Ss' knowledge of the adjectives for describing films in context.
2. Content:
Teach some new adjectives for describing films. Do the matching.
Complete the sentences, using the adjectives in 1.
3. Products:
Ss know more some new adjectives for describing films. Match the adj correctly
Ss can learn how to use the adjectives correctly.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the reading and
vocabulary learning
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in A
Closer Look 1
Step 2: Task performance Task 1. Match the following
Task 1. Match the following
adjectives with their meanings.
adjectives with their meanings.
* Vocabulary:
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
1. dull (adj) buồn tẻ, chán; đơn điệu
- Teacher uses different techniques to
2. violent (adj) hung dữ; bạo lực, mãnh liệt
teach vocabulary (situation, realia,
3. confusing (adj) khó hiểu, làm rối lên
translation .....)
4. shocking (adj) gây choáng váng
+ Teacher may introduce the 5. enjoyable (adj) thú vị, thích thú
vocabulary by:
- providing explanations of the words; * Key:
- showing picture illustrating the word.
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c
+ Follow the steps to teach
- Repeat in chorus and individually
+ Check vocabulary.
- Have Ss quickly match the
adjectives in the left column with their
meanings in the right column individually.
- Then ask Ss to check their answers
with their partners. T can ask for translation
of some of the adjectives in the list to check
their understanding.
With stronger classes, T may wish to
ask Ss to make examples with the adjectives
they have learnt. - If there is enough time,T
can ask some Ss to write
their answers on the board.
- T_ Ss
+ Students (Ss) listen to the
instructions carefully and learn how to do
the tasks.
- Check the answers as a class.
Task 2. Complete the following Task 2. Complete the following
sentences, using the adjectives in 1. sentences, using the adjectives in 1.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise - T_Ss ; Pair work
individually and then check with the whole * Key:
class. 1. shocking 2. dull 3.
- When checking, ask Ss to refer to 1 enjoyable
to make the meanings of the adjectives 4. violent 5. confusing
clearer to them
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and learn how to do.
- Students Give the answer.
- T checks and gives the correct
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Sts answer some more questions
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Sts
1. Aim:
To help Ss practise asking and answering about a film, using the adjectives they have
To teach Ss how to pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ and practise pronouncing these
sounds correctly in single words.
To help Ss practise pronouncing the sounds /iə/ and /eə/ correctly in context
2. Content:
Ask and answer questions about a film you saw recently.
Listen and repeat the word to pay attention to the sounds: / iə/ and /eə/
Listen and pay attention to the underlined words
3. Products:
Ss can answer the questions correctly
Ss can learn how to pronounce the sounds: /iə/ and /eə/ correctly.
Ss will be able to pronounce the sounds correctly.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Sts learn Task 4-5 – A Closer look 1
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3. Work in pairs. Ask and Task 3. Work in pairs. Ask and
answer questions about a film you saw answer questions about a film you saw
recently. recently.
- Model this activity with a more able A: What film did you see recently?
student. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. B: Mr. Bean.
- T may go round to help weaker Ss. A: What do you think of it?
Call on some pairs to perform in front of the B: It's too funny.
- T goes around and gives assistance
if necessary and checks their answers.
- Students Listen to the teacher ‘s
instruction carefully.
- Students to work in pairs.
Task 4. Listen and repeat the Task 4. Listen and repeat the
words. Pay attention to the sounds / iə/ words. Pay attention to the sounds / iə/
and /eə/. and /eə/.
- Model the sounds /iə/ and /eə/ first
and let Ss see how the sounds are formed.
Ask Ss to practise the /ia/ and /ea/ sounds
* Audio script - Track 48:
- Play the recording and ask Ss to
listen and repeat. - Play the recording as /ai/: cycle fly fine sign
many times as necessary. motorbike

- Call on some Ss to read out the /ei/: sail train plane station
words in the table in front of the class. pavement

- Comment on their pronunciation of

the sounds /iə/ and /eə/
- Check their pronunciation if
- Students Listen carefully
- Students Listen and repeat
Task 5. Listen and repeat, paying Task 5. Listen and repeat, paying
attention to the underlined words. Then attention to the underlined words. Then
practice the sentences practice the sentences
- Play the recording and ask Ss to - T_ Ss
listen and repeat each sentence. Tell them to * Audio script - Track 56:
pay attention to the words with the sounds 1. Is there a cinema near here?
/ia/ and /ea/. Play the recording as many
2. There's a chair under the stairs.
times as necessary.
3. Put your earphones near here.
- Call on some Ss to read out the
sentences in front of the class. 4. I don't care about your idea.
- Comment on each student's 5. Our aeroplane is up there, in the
pronunciation of the sounds /iə/ and /eə/ . air
- Students do the tasks
- Check their pronunciation, if
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss work independently
- Share the answers
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the answers and
studying attitucde of Sts in class.


1. Aim:
To consolidate what students have learnt in the lesson.
To reactivate the knowledge that students have gained
2. Content:
Make sentences using the new words and structures
Home assigment
3. Products:
Know more some words about community service
Take note Home assigment
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they
have learnt.
- Ask Ss to say aloud some words they
remember from the lesson and make sentences
with them
- Home assigment
Step 2: Task performance
- Teacher summarizes the lesson

- T let Sts take note the home assignment

* Home assigment:
- Remember some new words.
- Do more exercises in workbook.
Step 3: Report and discussion - Prepare new lesson. A CLOSER
- T asks, Sts answer about volunteer work LOOK_ 2
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Sts do

Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2
Week 22
Period: 64
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: although/ though; however, amateur actor,
play a leading role in film
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: although/ though; however, amateur actor,
play a leading role in film
* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
- read for specific information about one's favourite film;
- talk about a film;
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new lesson.
2. Content:
Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Sts on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Sts do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- game
Step 2: Task performance + Greeting
+ Greeting
+ Game: Sentence puzzling
+ Game: Sentence puzzling
Set 1:
* Teacher divides the class into 4
groups. He goes out although it is raining.
Set 2:
- Teacher delivers different sets of word
cards to 4 groups. She gets good marks though she is lazy.
- Each group will have to arrange the word Set 3:
cards to make a meaningful sentence.
He is an amateur actor. However, he acts
- The group with a correct sentence will get 1
point very well.
- Students play the game in groups. Set 4:
- Teacher and students discuss the He studied hard. However, he failed the
answers. - - Teacher confirms the answers exam.
and gives feedback.
Students Open their notebooks and
write the titles of the lesson
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts join in the discussion and do as required
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads
to Activity 2.
1. Aim:
To help Students learn how to use : Although, though and however.
To help Ss learn how to use although, though and however.
2. Content:
Ss can learn how to use Although, though and however.
Ask and Answer the questions about distance.
3. Products:
Teacher’s instructions…
Ss can ask and answer about distance correctly.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the listening
and reading.
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in A
Closer Look 2
Step 2: Task performance
* Grammar
Although / though and however
- Ask Ss to study the Grammar
box. Draw Ss' attention to the meaning
and use of although / though and however
by analysing the instructions and
examples in the Grammar box. Then ask
strong Ss to give some more examples.
- For Activities 1,2 and 3, tell Ss
what they should do. Ask Ss to do the
grammar exercises individually. Remind
them to look back to the Grammar box
and use a dictionary if necessary. Then
have Ss compare their answers in pairs
before checking with the whole class.
Task 1. Combine the two Although/ though
sentences, using although / though. We use although/ though before a
+ Ask Ss to do the grammar clause to connect two contrasting ideas in
exercises individually. the same sentence.
- Ss look back to the Grammar box Examples:
and use a dictionary if necessary. - Although/ Though John Peters is an
- Have Ss compare their answers in amateur actor, he gave a great
performance in his latest film.
pairs before checking with the whole - John Peters gave a great performance in
class. his latest film although/ though he is an
- Teacher draws students’ attention to the amateur actor.
connectors used to create the sentences. + However: We use however to
- Teacher introduces the target of contrast ideas in two sentences. We
the lesson: connectors of contrast – normally use a comma after it.
although/ though and however. Example:
- Ask Ss to open their book and John Peters is an amateur actor.
introduce what they are going to study…. However, he gave a great performance in
+ Students (Ss) listen to the his latest film
instructions carefully and learn how to do Task 1. Combine the two
the tasks. sentences, using although / though.
* Teacher asks students to study the - T_ Ss
Grammar box. * Key:
- Teacher draws students’ attention to the 1. Although / Though the questions
meaning and use of although/ though and were very difficult, he solved them easily.
** Teacher then asks some more He solved the questions easily
able students to give some more although / though they were very
examples. difficult.
- Teacher and students discuss the 2. Although / Though he was a
answers. great actor, he never played a leading role
in a film. He never played a leading role
- Teacher confirms the answers and
in a film although / though he was a great
gives feedback.
3. Although / Though they spent a
lot of money on the film, it wasn't a big
success. The film wasn't a big success
although / though they spent a lot of
money on it.
4. Although /Though the film was a
comedy, I didn't find it funny at all.
I didn't find the film funny at all
although / though it was a comedy.
5. Although /Though we played
well, we couldn't win the match.
We couldn't win the match
although / though we played well.
Task 2. Complete the sentences,
using although / though or however.
Task 2. Complete the sentences, - T_ Ss
using although / though or however.
+ Ask Ss to do the grammar
exercises individually. 1. Though/Although
- Ss look back to the Grammar box 2. However
and use a dictionary if necessary. 3. although / though
4. However
- Have Ss compare their answers in 5. although / though
pairs before checking with the whole
* OR: Teacher has students work
- Students work individually to
combine the sentences.
- Teacher lets students work in
pairs and exchange the answers before
checking with the whole class (explain
each sentence if necessary).
- Students Listen carefully and
learn how to do.
- Students work individually first
then in pairs
- Teacher confirms the answers and
gives feedback.

Step 3: Report and discussion

- Sts write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Sts answer some more questions
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Sts
1. Aim:
To help Ss use although/ though and however correctly.
To help Ss revise and distinguish the uses of although / though and however with
those of the connectors because, so, and but.
To give Ss further practice in using although/though in context.
2. Content:
Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option in brackets.
Complete the sentence, using should/ shouldn’t
Make sentences, using should/ shouldn’t .
3. Products:
Ss can choose the correct option correctly.
Ss can complete the sentence correctly.
Ss can make sentences, using should/ shouldn’t correctly
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Sts study the examples, consume the
rules and do the exercises
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3. Use your own ideas to Task 3. Use your own ideas to
complete the following sentences. Then complete the following sentences. Then
compare your sentences with a compare your sentences with a
partner’s. partner’s.
+ Ask Ss to do the grammar - Ss work individually.
exercises individually. * Key:
- Ss look back to the Grammar box Suggested answers:
and use a dictionary if necessary.
1. ........... my friends said it was a very
- Have Ss compare their answers in interesting film.
pairs before checking with the whole
2. .......... he didn't go for a walk this
* OR Teacher asks students to read morning as usual.
the instruction. 3. ......... they didn't go to see it.
- Teacher asks students to do the 4. ......... they didn't stop their outdoor
exercise individually, using their own activities.
ideas to write sentences.
5......... the acting was excellent.
- Students listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and do the tasks.
- Teacher then has them work in
pairs, comparing their sentences. Teacher
can go around to help students.
- Teacher confirms the answers and
gives feedback.
Task 4. Choose the correct
answer A, B, or C to complete each Task 4. Choose the correct answer A,
sentence. B, or C to complete each sentence.
* Teacher has students work - T_ Ss
* Key:
- Teacher asks students to do the
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
exercise individually.
- Teacher lets students work in
pairs and exchange the answers before
checking with the whole class (explain
each sentence if necessary).
- Teacher confirms the answers and
gives feedback.
- Students Do the tasks and share
the answers.
Task 5. GAME : Chain story Task 5. GAME : Chain story
- First, ask Ss to read the - T_ Ss
instructions. Use the example to make
clear to Ss what they are supposed to do:
Write a story beginning with the given - Although it rained yesterday, we
went shopping.
clause. They have to use the second part
of the previous sentence with - Although / Though we went
although/though as the first part of the shopping, we didn’t buy anything.
next sentence. .....…
Then have Ss work in groups. Set a
time limit for Ss to finish their story.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully do the tasks that
- When time is up, ask a member
from each group to read out their stories
for the whole class to check. The team
with the longest story wins the game.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss work independently
- Share the answers
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the answers and
studying attitude of Sts in class.


1. Aim:
To help Ss revise all they have learnt.
To give Home assigment
2. Content:
Make sentences using the although / though and however.
Home assigment
3. Products:
Review the old lesson
Take note Home assigment
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home
- Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what
they have learnt.
- T asks some Ss to give a sentence about
themselves, using the past simple .
- Home assigment
Step 2: Task performance
- Teacher summarizes the lesson * Home assigment:
- T lets Sts take note the home assignment - Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson:

Step 3: Report and discussion

- T asks, Sts answer about leisure activities
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Sts do

Week 22
Period: 65
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: accept, decline, suggest, survey, go
ahead, director
+ adjectives describing films.
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: accept, decline, suggest, survey, go
ahead, director
+ adjectives describing films.
* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
- read for specific information about one's favourite film;
- talk about a film;
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- To revise the old lesson.
- To lead in the targeted vocabulary and pronunciation.
2. Content:
Review the previous leson or have some warm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed
atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Sts on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- Developing the language skills by asking and answering questions about themselves.
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Sts do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting
+ Asking questions + Greeting
- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions + Asking questions
about them and class. - T_ Ss
- Teacher reminds student of the Although /though and
homework of the previous lesson: Ask Ss some however
questions about types of films. a) An is small, but he's
- Students raise hands to talk about it. healthy.
- Remind Ss of the use of although / Although / Though An's
though and however. Then, ask them to work in small, he's healthy.
pairs, changing these sentences in the same way. An is small. However, he's
- Teacher asks the whole class to discuss healthy.
and give feedback on their friends’ favourite b) It's raining, but it's not cold.
c) It's expensive, but it’s
- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do. useless.
+ Students Answer the questions. d) My grandmother is old, but
- Teacher chooses some useful and she’s active.
feasible and leads in the topic of the lesson: - If there is enough time, T
Communication may ask Ss to think of five similar
- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce sentences that are true for themselves
what they are going to study…. and tell the partner.
- T leads in the lesson.
- Students Open their book and write .
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts join in the discussion and do as required
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
Activity 2.
1. Aim:
To introduce the ways to accept and decline suggestions.
* Tell Ss that they are going to learn how to accept and decline suggestions. Ask Ss
if they know any expressions for accepting and declining suggestions.
To help Ss practise accepting and declining suggestions.
2. Content:
To introduce the expressions for accepting and declining suggestions. Listen and
read the conversation, pay attention to the highlighted sentences.
Make similar conversations with the situations.
3. Products:
Ss learn how to express for accepting and declining suggestions correctly.
Ss can make similar conversations with the situations freely.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context to reading and listening
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in
Step 2: Task performance
Task 1. Listen and read the Task 1. Listen and read the
conversations. Pay attention to the conversations. Pay attention to the
highlighted sentences. highlighted sentences.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen and - T_ Ss
read the two conversations at the same time.
* Audio script - Track 57:
Ask Ss to pay attention to the highlighted
sentences. Tom: How about going to the
cinema tonight?
- Elicit the expressions for accepting and
declining suggestions from Ss. Anno; That's a great idea.

- Have Ss practise the conversations in Mirth: Let's go to see A

pairs. Nightmare at Sao Mai Cinema
tonight .
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks. Mi: I'd love to, but that's too
far for me to travel.
- Call on some pairs to practise the
conversations in front of the class.
Task 2. Work in pairs. Make
Task 2. Work in pairs. Make similar
similar conversations with the
conversations with the following situations.
following situations.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar
1. Student A suggests going to the
conversations, using the structures for accepting
and declining suggestions in the three given cinema and student B accepts.
situations. A: How about going to the cinema at
- Move around to observe and provide
B: That’s a good idea.
2. Student A suggests going for a picnic
- Call on some pairs to perform in front of
but student B declines.
the class.
A: How about going for a picnic at
- Students Work in pairs to do this
B: I’d love to, but I have to prepare for
- Students Listen carefully and learn how the midterm test.
to do.
3. Student A suggests playing
- Students Do the tasks. badminton. after school and student B
- Comment on their performance. accepts.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- T asks, Sts answer some more questions about
the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Sts
1. Aim:
- To teach Ss the questions they can ask their classmates to do a survey about their
favourite films;
- To help Ss practise doing a survey about their classmates' favourite films;
- To help Ss get information for a report on their classmates' favourite films
To help Ss practise reporting the results of their surveys.
2. Content:
Listen and do the filling.
Do a survey about your group member’s favourite films.
Report the result of the survey.
3. Products:
Ss can do the filling correctly by listening.
Ss can ask and answer questions about their favourite films.
Ss can report the result of the survey.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Sts study the examples, consume the rules
and do the exercises
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3. Listen to the conversation and Task 3. Listen to the
fill in the blanks with the words you hear conversation and fill in the blanks
- To help Ss revise vocabulary related to with the words you hear
the topic. * Key:
- First, play the recording and ask Ss to 1. best
listen only.Then play the recording again and 2. comedies
allow Ss to write down the answers as they
3. favourite
- Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs, 4. Star
before playing the recording a final time to 5. funny
allow the pairs to check their answers.
- Students Listen to the instructions
- Correct Ss' answers as a class.
Task 4. Work in groups. Do a survey
Task 4. Work in groups. Do
about your group members’ favourite films.
a survey about your group
- Ask Ss to work in groups and ask their members’ favourite films.
group members about their favourite films.
- T_ Ss
Remind them to write the names of the people
they interview and note the answers in the table. * Keys:
- Have Ss make notes of their survey 1.
results, using the suggestions in the Student's Me: Hi Minh. I'm doing a survey about
Book. When they have finished the survey, T films. Can I ask you some questions?
may have Ss practise reporting the results of Minh: Certainly. Go ahead.
their surveys in pairs or in groups. Me: What kind of films do you like?
- Students Listen to the instructions Minh: I love horror films.
clearly Me: What's the name of your favorite
- Correct Ss' answers as a class. horror?
Minh: It's The conjuring.
Me: Who stars in it?
Minh: Vera Farmiga.
Me: What do you think of it?
Minh: It's very scary.
Me: Thank you.
Me: Hi Nga. I'm doing a survey about
films. Can I ask you some questions?
Nga: Of course.
Me: What kind of films do you like?
Nga: I love romantic films.
Me: What's the name of your favorite
romantic film?
Nga: It's Titanic.
Me: Who stars in it?
Nga: Leonardo Dicaprio and Katte
Me: What do you think of it?
Nga: It's very moving.
Me: Thank you.
Task 5. Report your results to the class. Task 5. Report your results
- Choose some Ss to report the results of to the class.
their surveys in front of the whole class. After - T_ Ss
each student has finished his / her report, invite
* Example:
some comments from other Ss.
In our survey we interviewed
- T comments and corrects any common
three members: Lan, … and … Lan
likes comedies best. Her favourite
- Correct Ss' answers as a class. comedy is …
- Students Listen to the instructions Suggested answer:
In our survey, we interviewed three
members: Lan, Minh and Nga.
Firstly, Lan likes comedies best. Her
favourite comedy is Dr. Johnny. This
film is very funny. Bill Harris is the
main actor in this film. Secondly, The
conjuring is the favourite horror film
of Minh. He likes this kind of film
very much. Vega Farmiga is the
actress in this film. Minh feels very
scared when he saw The conjuring.
Finally, Nga likes romantic films
best. Her favourite film is Titanic.
This film is very moving. Leonardo
Dicaprio and Katte Winslet are stars
Step 3: Report and discussion in it.
- Ss work independently and in groups
- Share the answers
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the answers and studying
attitude of Sts in class.


1. Aim:
To consolidate what Ss have learnt in the lesson.
To give Home assigment
2. Content:
Revision of the lesson
Home assigment
3. Products:
Review the old lesson
Take note Home assigment
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- T summarizes the lesson and let Sts tell what
the have learnt
T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt
and ticked the objectives they can do in the
- Home assigment
Step 2: Task performance
- Teacher summarizes the lesson
- T has Ss tell what they have learnt * Home assigment:
- T lets Sts take note the home assignment - Do more exercises in workbook.
- Prepare new lesson. SKILLS_1

Step 3: Report and discussion

- T asks, Sts answer about community service
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Sts do homework.

Lesson 5: SKILLS 1
Week: 22
Period: 66
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: series (n); wizard (n); must-see (n); gripping
* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: series (n); wizard (n); must-see (n); gripping
* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
- read for specific information about one's favourite film;
- talk about a film;
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new lesson.
2. Content:
- Having some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to
inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Sts on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- A chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Sts do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Game: Who is faster? + Game: Who is faster?
* Teacher divides the class into 2 teams.
- Each team will have to run in a relay to the board + T_ Ss
to write the correct types of films under the
- The team with more correct answers will be the
- Students play the game in team mode.
- Teacher and students discuss the answers.
- Teacher confirms the answers and gives

Step 3: Report and discussion

- Sts join in the discussion and do as required
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
Activity 2.
1. Aim:
To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge of the topic.
- To get Ss acquainted with a reading skill: Predicting the meaning of new
vocabulary using context;
- To help Ss understand new vocabulary in the reading text.
2. Content:
Look at the pictures and discuss , answer the questions.
Read the film review and Match the words with their meaning.
3. Products:
Ss can answer the questions freely.
Ss can read the the film review and Match the words with their meaning correctly.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the speaking and
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in Skills 1
Step 2: Task performance
Pre- reading
Task 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the Task 1. Work in pairs.
following questions. Discuss the following questions.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary: - T_ Ss
- Teacher uses different techniques to
teach vocabulary (situation, realia, *Vocabulary
translation .....) 1. series (n) chuỗi, loạt (phim,
+ Teacher may introduce the vocabulary chương trình)
by: 2. wizard (n) phù thủy, người
- providing explanations of the words; có tài phi thường
- showing picture illustrating the word. 3. must-see (n) đáng xem
+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary 4. gripping (a) lôi cuốn, hấp
- Repeat in chorus and individually dẫn
+ Check vocabulary
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss
questions about a type of film: fantasies.
- Ask some Ss to say their answers in
front of the class.
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Students Answer the questions
- T may ask some other questions about
what fantasies they have seen lately.
Task 2. Read the film review of Harry Task 2. Read the film review
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on Mark’s of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
blog. Match the words with their meanings. Stone on Mark’s blog. Match the
- Ask Ss to scan the passage to find where words with their meanings.
the words series, wizard, must-see and gripping - T_ Ss
are in the passage.
- T may help Ss use the context of the * Key:
passage to work out the meanings of these 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
words. Ask them to match the words (1 - 4) with
their meanings (a - d) individually.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and learn how to do.
- Check the answers as a class.
- Confirm the correct answers. If it is a
weak class
- T may ask for translation to check their
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Sts write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Sts answer some more questions about
the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Sts
1. Aim:
To help Ss develop their reading skill for specific information (scanning).
To provide an opportunity for Ss to practise asking and answering about a film, using the
information on a given film poster.
To provide an opportunity for Ss to practise talking about a film, using the information in a
given film poster.
2. Content:
Read Mark’s blog again and answer the questions
Ask and answer the questions about the film Kungfu Boy
Further practice. Take turns to talk about the film Kungfu Boy.
3. Products:
Ss can answer the questions correctly.
Ss can ask and answer questions about the film Kungfu Boy correctly.
Ss will be able to take turns to talk about the film Kungfu Boy
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Sts study the examples, consume the rules
and do the exercises
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3. Read Mark’s blog again and Task 3. Read Mark’s blog
answer the questions. again and answer the questions.
- Have Ss read the text in detail to answer - T_ Ss
the questions. Ask them how to do this kind of * Key:
exercise. 1. It is a fantasy.
- Explain the strategies if necessary (e.g. 2. He is one of the stars in the
reading the questions, underlining the key words film.
in the questions, locating the key words in the 3. It is about Harry Potter, a
text, and then reading that part and answering powerful wizard. 'He learns about...
the questions). himself, his family and the bad things
- Tell them to underline parts of the happening around him.
passage that help them with the answers. 4. They say it is a must see for teens.
- Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read
the text quickly for information.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and follow them.
- Tell them to compare their answers in
pairs before they give the answers with evidence
to teacher.
Task 4. Look at the table. Work in Task 4. Look at the table.
pairs. Ask and answer questions about the Work in pairs. Ask and answer
film Kungfu Boy. questions about the film Kungfu
- First, ask Ss to read the film poster of Boy.
the film KungfuBoy. T can help them with the
new vocabulary.
- Then ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and
answering questions about the film Kungfu Boy.
- T can go around to help Ss. After
finishing, T calls on some pairs to practise in
front of the class.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and follow them.
- Work in groups
- T and other Ss listen and comment.
Task 5. Work in groups. Take turns to
talk about the film Kungfu Boy. Task 5. Work in groups.
- T may ask a strong student to model this Take turns to talk about the film
Kungfu Boy.
activity in front of the class.
- T_ Ss
- T may ask Ss to make notes of what
they are going to say.
* Suggestion:
- T may have Ss work in groups while T
Kungfu Boy is a comedy directed
circulates and monitors. If there is enough time,
by John Stevenson. Bruce Wane is the
call on some Ss to talk before the whole class,
main actor in this film. It's about a very
then invite some positive comments from other
big boy who saves his town and
becomes a hero. People say that it's a
* Extension Activity must-see because it's very funny and
Aim: To provide another opportunity for interesting. It's at 4.30 p.m. and 8.30
Ss to practise asking and answering about a p.m. daily at Ngoc Khanh Cinema. Let's
film. go to see it!
Game: Hot seating
- First, remind Ss of the words or phrases
about films. T may refer to the words / phrases
that they can use to talk about films in the
previous lessons.
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Each group
chooses one student to be in the hot seat,
playing the role of a character in any of the
films. The other members brainstorm the
questions they would like to ask (E.g. Can you
describe the film in three words? Why should
we watch the film?...). Then, they in turns
interview the student in the hot seat.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and follow them.
- Discuss in groups.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions about the
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
- Check Ss’ understanding about the reading passage.
- To help some Ss enhance presentation skill.
- To consolidate what Ss have learnt in the lesson.
- To give Home assigment
2. Content:
A mind map summarising the main points of the lesson.
Home assigment
3. Products:
Review the old lesson
Take note Home assigment
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- T has Ss summarise what they have learnt with
the two skills.
- T can instruct them to draw a mind map to
summarise the main points of the lesson.
- Home assigment
Step 2: Task performance
*T allows Ss to give comments for their * Home assigment:
friends and vote for the most interesting and - Do more exercises in
informative presentation. workbook.
** Ss do as required. - Prepare new lesson. Skills 2.
*** T calls Ss to share answer.
****T gives feedback and comments.
- T lets Sts take note the home assignment

Step 3: Report and discussion

- T asks, Sts answer about community service and
tips for treating health problems.
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Sts do homework.

Lesson 6: SKILLS 2
Week 23
Period: 67
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: film series, wizard, must see, gripping, interview

* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: film series, wizard, must see, gripping, interview

* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
- listen for specific information about a film;
- write a paragraph about one's favourite film.
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aim:
- To develop student’s listening skills for specific information. It also provides input
for the writing skills.
- To lead in the new lesson
2. Content:
Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and
relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- A chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Ss do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting + Greeting
+ Game: Name the comedy + Game: Name the comedy
* Teacher divides the class into 2
groups and shows them a video of some
- After the video, teacher asks
students to pass the chalk and take turns to
run to the board and write down the name of
the films that appeared in the video.
- Students take turns to run to the
board and write down the name of the films
appeared in the video.
- Students Play games.
- Students (Ss) listen and do as
teacher’s instructions.
- Teacher allows students to cross
check first.
- Teacher confirms the answers and
gives feedback.
- Students Open their book and write
the tittle of the lesson .
+ Lead to the unit 6: Lesson :
- Ask Ss to open their book to page
89 and introduce what they are going to
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss join in the discussion and do as required
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
the lesson.
1. Aim:
To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge of the topic
To help Ss have the ideas of what the conversation is about;
To help develop their skill of listening for specific information.
2. Content:
Discussing the questions.
Listen to the conversation and answer who stars in the film.
3. Products:
Ss discuss and brainstorm key words / phrases about films
Ss listen and answer who stars in the film correctly.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for the listening and
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in Skills
Step 2: Task performance
Task 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the Task 1. Work in pairs. Discuss
following question. the following question.
*) Pre- teach vocabulary:
- Teacher uses different techniques to
teach vocabulary (situation, realia,
translation .....) if have
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss
questions about what they like or dislike
about a comedy.
Then ask some Ss to say their
answers in front of the class.
* Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and do the tasks.
- Students answer
- T checks their answers...
Task 2. Mark and Hoa are talking
about the film Naughty Twins. Listen to Task 2. Mark and Hoa are
their conversation. Who stars the film. talking about the film Naughty Twins.
Play the recording and ask Ss to Listen to their conversation. Who stars
identify the names of the film stars they the film.
hear from the conversation. Then ask two or
three Ss to write their answers on the board.
Play the recording again for Ss to
check the answers. If time is limited, T may
only play the conversation once.T may
pause at the sentences that include the
words or phrases Ss need for their answer. *Key: Linda Brown and Susan Smith
- Check the answers as a class and
correct mistakes where necessary.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully and learn how to do it.
- Check and confirm the correct
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
To help Ss develop their skill of listening for specific information.
To help Ss prepare ideas for their writing.
To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about their favourite films.

2. Content:
Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the questions.
Make notes about one of the favourite films.
Write a paragraph about an outdoor activity at their own school.
3. Products:
Ss listen and Choose the best answer to each question correctly.
Ss can make notes about one of the favourite films freely and correctly.
Ss can write a paragraph about an outdoor activity at their own school.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Ss study the examples, consume the
rules and do the exercises
Step 2: Task performing
Task 3. Listen to the conversation Task 3. Listen to the
again. Choose the best answer to each conversation again. Choose the best
question below. answer to each question below.
Have Ss look at the questions in this
activity. Ask them how to do it. Give them
some strategies to do the exercise (e.g.
reading the questions, underlining the key
words in the questions and the options (A,
B, and C), listening to the text paying
1. A 2.C 3. A 4. A
attention to the key words, deciding what
options to choose).
Play the recording twice for Ss to
answer the questions. For stronger classes,
ask Ss to take notes of the information to
explain why they choose the answers.
Have Ss share their answers in pairs. * Audio script - Tracks 60:
Invite some pairs to answer and confirm the
Teacher’s book
correct ones. Play the recording again if
needed, stopping at the places where Ss find
difficult. For stronger classes, ask Ss to
explain their answer choices
*Post-listening: Retelling
- Teacher invites some students to retell it
briefly if possible.
- Teacher confirms the correct answers
- Students Listen carefully to the
- T_ Ss
* Students learn how to do the tasks
- Call on some Ss to talk freely.
- Correct pronunciations, grammar,
vocab, intonation.
- Lead to the writing part.
Task 4. Make notes about one of
Task 4. Make notes about one of
your favourite films.
your favourite films.
Ask Ss to make notes about one of
- T_ Ss
their favourite films. Remind them that they
Suggested answer:
do not have to write full sentences and they
can use abbreviations. A: How about seeing a film this evening?
Then ask Ss to share their notes with B: That's a great idea. What film shall we
their partners. T may read out the notes see?
from some more able Ss to the whole class. A: Kungfu Boy.
- Students work individually. B: What kind of film is it?
*Students make note A: It is a comedy.
- Others comment and write them in B: Who are its main actor and director?
their notebooks  A: It stars Bruce Wane and was directed
by John Stevenson.
B: What is the main content?
A: It is about a very big boy who saves his
town and becomes a hero.
B: How about reviews of that film?
A: People say that it is very funny and
B: So, when and where we can watch it?
A: We can watch it daily from 4.30 p.m. to
8.30 p.m. at Ngoc Khanh Cinema.
Task 5. Write a paragraph of about
Task 5. Write a paragraph of
70 words about your favourite film, using
about 70 words about your favourite
the information in 4.
film, using the information in 4.
Set up the writing activity: T reminds
Ss to always think about what they are
going to write. Ss can use the ideas they
have prepared in 4.T asks Ss to brainstorm
the ideas and necessary language for the
writing. T may ask Ss to refer back to the * Suggested answers;
reading for useful language and ideas and My favourite film is the Harry Potter
write some useful expressions and language series. It is based on one of the best
on the board. selling novels. They are fantasy and
Ask Ss to write the first draft fiction films about the wizard named
individually. Then have them write their Harry Potter and his friends: Ron and
final version. T may display all or some of Hermione. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma
the Ss' writings on the wall / notice board. T Watson, Rupert Grint starred in this film.
and other Ss comment. Ss edit and revise I like this film and I find it gripping,
their writing as homework. If time is moving and funny, too. The scenes were
limited, T may ask Ss to write the final set in the beautiful spots in the UK and
version at home the acting was really great
* Post writing
- Ask one or two Ss to write a
paragraph on the board. Other Ss and T
comment on the paragraph
- T collects some to correct at home.
- Ask Ss to revise the paragraph at
home based on the comments given and
submit them at the next lesson.
* Teacher may ask students to share their
writing with their partners. Then, call on
some students to show their writing in front
of the class.
- T_ Ss
- Students work individually.
- Students Write themselves.
- Teacher checks ideas, grammar, vocabulary
and gives comments.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions
about the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
To help Ss revise all they have learnt.
To give Home assigments
2. Content:
A mind map summarising the main points of the lesson.
Home assigments
3. Products:
Review the old lesson
Take note Home assigments
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- T has Ss summarise what they have learnt
with the two skills.
- T can instruct them to draw a mind map to
summarise the main points of the lesson.
- Home assigments
Step 2: Task performance
- Ask Ss to summarise what they have * Home assigments:
learnt in the lesson. Have Ss look at the - Do more exercises in workbook.
objectives written on the board at the
- Prepare for the next lesson: Lesson 7:
beginning of the lesson and tick the
objectives they can do.
Encourage Ss not to refer back to the
unit. Ask them to keep a record of their
answers to each exercise so that they can use
that information to complete the self-
assessment table at the end of the unit.
- T lets Ss take note the home assignments
Step 3: Report and discussion
- T asks, Ss answer about hobbies
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Ss do
Week 23
Period: 68
Class Date of teaching Attendance

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary to talk about about Films: afraid, get lost, supernatural, popcorn, cinema

* Pronunciation:
- Pronounce the new words correctly: afraid, get lost, supernatural, popcorn, cinema

* Grammar:
- Use although / though to express contrasting ideas between two pieces of
information in the same sentence;
- Use however to contrast ideas in two sentences;
2. Competencies:
a. General competencies:
- Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence,
cooperative learning and communicative competence.
- Develop communication skills and enhance awareness of preserving the
- Be co-operative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
b. Specific competencies:
- use words related to the topic Films;
- Asking and answering questions about films and other entertainments
- pronounce the sounds / iə/ and /eə/ correctly;
- accept and decline suggestions;
3. Qualities:
- Be concerned to films and other entertaining types
- Develop self-study skills.
- Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, and pairwork,
cooperative learning and working.
Teacher: Text book, laptop, loudspeaker, projector…
Students: Text books, studying equipment’s….
1. Aims:
- This is the review and drill section of the unit. Encourage Ss not to refer back to the
unit pages.
Instead they can use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the
- That will help you and your Ss see how far they have progressed, and which areas need
further practice.
- Encourage Ss to review and drill section of the unit 7
2. Content:
Review the previous lesson or have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and
relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.
3. Products:
- Interest and concentration of Ss on the class activities.
- A friendly and relaxed atmostphere to the new lesson
- A chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..
4. Implementation:
- Teacher instructs
- Ss do as required
Step 1: Task delivering
- Chatting
Step 2: Task performance
+ Greeting
+ Greeting: T_ Ss
+ Brainstorming
* Teacher divides the board, and + Brainstorming
divides the class into 2 teams.
- Members of each team take turns and
write as many types of films as possible in 2
- Students cross check their answers
- Teacher confirms the answers and
gives feedback. The group having more
correct answers is the winner.
OR : Teacher (T) asks Ss some
questions about the previous lessons,
- T may introduce some warm-up
activities to creat a friendly and relaxed
atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the
subject and new class…
- Encourage Ss not to refer back to the
- Ask them to record their answers to
each exercise so that they can use that
information to complete the self-assessment
box at the end of the unit.
+ Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully.
- Students Do the tasks
+ Students Listen carefully and do the
+ Ask Ss to open their book and
introduce what they are going to study….
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss join in the discussion and do as required
Step 4: Judgement
- T summarizes the discussion and leads to
the lesson.
1. Aim:
To help Ss revise the vocabulary items they have learnt in the unit.
2. Content:
Revision on the words . Do the matching and give an example for types of films.
3. Products:
Ss remember the words/ phrases. Match the types of film in column A
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T sets the scene/ context for doing exercises
- T ask the whole class to do the Tasks in
Looking Back
Step 2: Task performance
Task 1. Match the types of film in
column A with their descriptions in column Task 1. Match the types of film in
B. column A with their descriptions in
- For activities 1,2 and 3, have Ss do column B.
these activities individually then compare
their answers with their partners. Ask for Ss' * Key:
answers or ask some Ss to read out their 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b
answers in front of the class.
- T_ Ss
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
+ Teacher encourages students to
complete the task individually. + The answers may vary.
+ Students do the task individually. Suggested answers:
+ Students exchange their textbooks - comedy: You've Got Mail.
with their partners. - documentary: Pirates of Southeast
+ Teacher gives feedback as a class Asia.
discussion. - fantasy: Harry Potter and the
- Check Ss' answers as a class. Prisoner of Azkaban.
+ To encourage students to give - horror film: The Chainsaw
examples for types of films: Massacre at Halloween.
Task 2. Give an example for every - science fiction film: Planet of the
film type in the box. Jellyfish.
* Teacher asks students to think of as
many examples of different types of films as * Answer key:
1. C 2. B 3. C
- Students think of as many examples
4. A 5. B 6. A
of different types of films as possible.
- Teacher then asks some students to
say out their examples in front of the class.
Examples of Vietnamese films are fine.
+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions
carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- Teacher gives feedback as a class
- a comedy: Mr Bean
Task 3. Choose the correct answer A,
B, or C to complete each sentence.
* Teacher encourages students to
complete the task individually.
- Students complete the task
- Students exchange their textbooks
with their partners.
- Teacher gives feedback as a class
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions about
the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
To help Ss revise the use of although /though and however.
PROJECT: - Topic “ favourite film”
2. Content:
Do the matching.
Display all the posters on the wall or notice board and ask each group to present their poster to
the whole class.
3. Products:
Ss can match halves in columns A and B correctly
Display posters and present their presentation their poster to the whole class.
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering
- T let Ss study the examples, consume the rules
and do the exercises
Step 2: Task performing
Task 4. Match the sentences or Task 4. Match the sentences or
sentence halves in columns A and B. sentence halves in columns A and B.
- Ask Ss to do the exercise individually - T_ Ss
- Ask Ss to check their answers with a
1. d 2. e
partner before discussing the answers as a
class. 3. a 4. b
- Remind Ss to keep a record of their 5. c
original answers so that they can use that
information in the Now I can...... statements.
- Students Do the tasks
- Students Give the answers
- T and other Ss comment. Check the
answers as a class.
Posters exhibition: Posters exhibition:
* T should assign the project in earlier - T_ Ss
lessons such as in GETTING STARTED
1. Choose one of your favourite films and
lesson. Make sure you guide them carefully
design a poster for it, including:
and check their progress after each lesson. In
the last lesson (LOOKING BACK), ask Ss to - name of the film - type of film
organise their posters into an exhibition. - its director and main actors / actresses
- a short summary - your overall opinion about
- Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing
the film
what film they will design a posterior and
decide what information they should write - the showtime and cinema - pictures or photos
about it and what pictures or photos they to illustrate the film
should use to illustrate it. 2. Organise them into an exhibition.
- Ask Ss to display all the posters on 3. Vote for the best poster.
the wall or notice board and ask each group to
present their poster to the whole class.
- Students Listen to the teacher’s
instructions carefully.
- Students vote for the best poster.
- Students should finish the project in
class, assign groups in the previous lessons.
- First, invite the comments from some
members of the other groups about the
posters. Then have the whole class vote for
the best poster.
Posters exhibition:
* Teacher has students work in groups
and gives instructions to students as follow:
1. Choose one of your favourite films
and design a poster for it, including:
– name of the film
– type of film
– its director and main actors / actresses
– a short summary
– your overall opinion about the film
– the showtime and cinema
– pictures or photos to illustrate the
2. Organise them into an exhibition.
3. Vote for the best poster.
- Teacher gives feedback.
Step 3: Report and discussion
- Ss write down the new vocabulary
- T asks, Ss answer some more questions about
the lesson
Step 4: Judgement
- T gives feedback on the reaction of Ss
1. Aim:
To help Ss revise all they have learnt.
To give Home assigments
2. Content:
A mind map summarising the main points of the lesson.
Home assigments
3. Products:
Review the old lesson
Take note Home assigments
4. Implementation:
Step 1: Task delivering (Home assignment)
- T has Ss summarise what they have learnt
with the two skills.
- T can instruct them to draw a mind map to
summarise the main points of the lesson.
- Home assigments
Step 2: Task performance
- T summarises the main points. * Home assigments:
- Do more exercises in workbook.
- T asks Ss what they have learnt so far.
Have them recall the important elements: - Prepare UNIT 9
- T lets Ss take note the home assignments

Step 3: Report and discussion

- T asks, Ss answer.
-Step 4: Judgement
T gives feedback and requires Ss do

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