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College of Law 2nd Semester, AY ’19-‘20




(1) This is not a basic course in criminal law. It  Your performance in this
is a review course that will focus on helping Review will be evaluated
you recall, remember, organize, and when you take the 2020 Bar
synthesize what you have learned from Examinations. But for
your previous criminal law courses. purposes of the University’s
(2) The course design will incorporate learnings academic requirements,
evaluation will be based on
in how to learn (organizing the subject
the following components: (a)
matter) and how to take a test (the Bar
Four short exams (One after
exam, in this instance). Book 1, another after the First
(3) We will use, as materials: a.) The law itself, Part of Book 2, the third after
i.e., the Revised Penal Code, b.) Special the Second Part of Book 2,
penal laws indicated in this Outline, and c.) and the last after Special
the cases assigned in this Outline. The cases Penal Laws). The total of all
are illustrative, so there will be older cases the short exams which
that demonstrate the principle or doctrine or constitute 70% of your final
may be seminal; there will also be newer grade. The mock bar
cases. (equivalent to a departmental
(4) Consistent with andragogy, the Review will final exam) will be equal to
largely depend on your efforts. Input, by 30% of your final grade.
way of short interventions on specific areas  We will start the Review with
of the law (primarily Book 1, some parts of a short diagnostic exam that
Book 2, and some special penal laws), will be will be graded but will not
factor into your final grade. It
given but the primarily learning will come
is intended to establish a
from you through the questions you ask as starting point for evaluation.
well as in the application of the principles of
adult learning to criminal law.
(5) We will follow the syllabus (for item
coverage) released by the Supreme Court,
through the 2019 Bar Chair Associate
Justice Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe in the
absence of a syllabus for the 2020 Bar
(which has yet to be released).

Malcolm Knowles’s Theory of Andragogy (or Adult Learning) emphasizes that adults are self-
directed and are expected to take responsibility for decisions. Andragogy makes the following
assumptions about the design of learning: (1) Adults need to know why they need to learn
something; (2) Adults need to learn experientially; (3) Adults approach learning as problem-
solving; and (4) Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value. Andragogy (as opposed to
Pedagogy) means that the instruction needs to focus more on the process and less on the content
being taught. Instructors adopt a role of facilitator or resource rather than lecturer or grader.



Title One: Crimes Against National Security & The Law of Nations

Read, generally:
RA 9372 “The Human Security Act”
Art. 2, RPC

1. Treason (Art. 114)

a. Laurel v. Misa, 77 Phil. 856
b. People v. Perez, 83 Phil 314
c. People v. Prieto, 80 Phil 138
d. People v. Manayao, 78 Phil 721
e. People v. Adriano, 78 Phil 561
2. Conspiracy and proposal to commit treason (Art. 115); cf. Art. 8, RPC
3. Misprison of treason (Art. 116); cf. Art. 3, RPC
4. Espionage (Art. 117)
a. CA 616
b. Santos v. Misa, 76 Phil. 415
5. Inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals (Art. 118); cf. Art. 17, RPC
6. Violation of neutrality (Art. 119)
7. Correspondence with hostile country (Art. 120)
8. Flight to enemy’s country (Art. 121)
9. Piracy and mutiny (Art. 122)
a. People v. Lol-lo and Saraw, 43 Phil 19
b. U.S. v. Dasal, 3 Phil. 6
c. People v. Rodriguez, 135 SCRA 485
d. People v. Siyoh 141 SCRA 356
10. Qualified Piracy (Art. 123)
a. People v. Siyoh, 141 SCRA 356
b. R.A. No. 6235
c. People v. Ang Cho Kio, 95 Phil. 475
Cf. Hijacking
RA 6235

Title Two: Crimes Against The Fundamental Laws Of State

1. Arbitrary detention (Art. 124)

a. Rule 112 Sec. 6, rule of Court Rule 113 Sec. 5, Rules of Court
b. Umil v. Ramos, 187 SCRA 311
c. People v. Burgos, 144 SCRA 1
d. Milo V. Salanga, 152 SCRA 113
e. Astorga vs. People, 412 SCRA 512
f. People v. Bringas, 619 SCRA 481
2. Delay in the delivery detained persons (Art. 125); cf. Art. 11, RPC
a. EO 272
b. Rule 112 Sec 7 ROC

c. RA 7438
3. Delaying Release (Art. 126)
4. Expulsion (Art. 127)
5. Violation of domicile (Art. 128)
6. Search warrants maliciously obtained& abuse in the service of those legally
obtained (Art. 129)
a. Const. (1987), art. III, sec. 2 cf. sec. 3, par. 1
b. Rule 126, ROC
c. Stonehill v. Diokno, 20 SCRA 383
d. Burgos v. Chief of Staff, 133 SCRA 800
7. Searching domicile without witnesses (Art. 130)
8. Prohibition, interruption, & dissolution of peaceful meetings (Art. 131)
9. Interruption of religious worship (Art. 132)
10. Offending the religious feelings (Art. 133)
a. People v. Baes, 68 Phil 203

Title Three: Crimes Against Public Order

Read, generally:
RA 9372 “The Human Security Act”

1. Rebellion, Insurrection, Coup d’etat (Art. 134); Penalty for rebellion,

Insurrection, or coup d’etat (Art. 135)
a. RA 6968
b. Enrile v. Salazar, 186 SCRA 217
c. Umil v. Ramos, supra
d. Enrile v. Amin, 189 SCRA 573
e. People v. Dasig, 221 SCRA 549
f. People v. Lovedioro, 250 SCRA 389
g. People v. Silongan, 401 SCRA 459
h. Baylosis v. Chavez, GR No. 95136, October 3, 1991
i. Gonzales v. Abaya, 498 SCRA 445, 476 (see particularly concurring
opinion of Callejo, J.)
2. Conspiracy to commit rebellion, Insurrection, or coup d’etat (Art. 136); cf.
Art. 8, RPC
3. Disloyalty of public officers or employees (Art. 137)
4. Inciting to rebellion or Insurrection (Art. 138); cf. Art. 6, RPC
5. Sedition (Art. 139); Penalty for Sedition (Art. 140)
a. People v. Cabrera, 43 Phil 64
6. Conspiracy to Commit Sedition (Art. 141)
7. Inciting to Sedition (Art. 142)
a. US v. Tolentino, 5 Phil 682
b. Espuelas v. People, 90 Phil 524
c. Umil v. Ramos, supra
8. Acts tending to prevent the meeting of the Assembly & similar bodies (Art.
9. Disturbance of proceedings (Art. 144)
10. Violation of parliamentary immunity (Art. 145)
a. Martinez v. Morfe, 44 SCRA 22
11. Direct Assaults (Art. 148)
a. People v. Beltran, 138 SCRA 534

b. People v. Dollantes, 151 SCRA 592

c. Rivera v. People, 462 SCRA 350
12. Indirect Assaults (Art. 149)
13. Disobedience to summons (Art. 150)
14. Resistance & disobedience to a person in authority or his agents (Art. 151)
15. Persons in authority & agents of persons in authority (Art. 152)
16. Tumults & other disturbances of public order (Art. 153)
17. Unlawful use of means of publication & unlawful utterances (Art. 154)
18. Alarms & scandals (Art. 155)
19. Delivering prisoners from Jail (Art. 156)
a. Alberto v. Dela Cruz, 98 SCRA 406
20.Evasion of service of sentence (Art. 157)
a. Tañega v. Masakayan, 19 SCRA 564
b. People v. Abilong, 82 Phil 172
21. Evasion of service of sentence on occasion of disorders (Art. 158)
22. Violation of conditional pardon (Art. 159)
a. Torres v. Gonzalez, 152 SCRA 272
23. Quasi-recidivism (Art. 160); cf. Art. 14(9), (10)
a. People v. Dioso, 132 SCRA 616

Title Four: Crimes Against Public Interest

1. Counterfeiting the great seal of the government, foregoing the seal of the
government; Signatures/stamp of Chief Executive (Art. 161)
2. Using forged signature pr counterfeit seal or stamp (Art. 162)
3. Making and Importing and uttering false coins (Art. 163)
4. Mutilation of coins - Importation & utterances of mutilated coins (art. 167)
a. PD 247
5. Selling of false or mutilated coin (Art. 165)
6. Forging, importing, uttering instrument not payable to bearer (Art. 167)
7. Illegal possession and use of false treasury, bank notes, and other
instruments of credits (Art. 168)
8. Forgery (Art. 169)
a. Del Rosario v. People, 3 SCRA 650
9. Falsification of legislative documents (Art. 170)
10. Falsification by public officer, employee, notary, or ecclesiastical minister
(Art. 171)
a. People v. Romualdez, 57 Phil 148
b. Beradio v. CA, 103 SCRA 97
c. Luague v. CA , 112 SCRA 97
d. Cabigas v. People 152 SCRA 18
e. People v. Sendaydiego, 81 SCRA 120
f. Siquian v. People, 171 SCRA 223
g. People v. Villalon, 192 SCRA 521
h. Adaza v. Sandiganbayan, 464 SCRA 460
i. Santos v. Sandiganbayan 347 SCRA 386
11. Falsification by private individual & use of falsified documents (Art. 172)
a. People v. Dava, 202 SCRA 62
b. Recebido vs. People, SCRA 346 881
c. Lumancas v. Intas, 347 SCRA 22
d. Garcia v. CA, 447 SCRA 427

12. Falsification & Use of wireless, cable, telegraph, & telephone messages
(Art. 173)
13. Falsification of medical certificates, certificates of merit or service (Art.
14. Using false certificates (Art. 175)
15. Manufacturing & Possession of Instruments or Implements for
falsification (Art. 176)
16. Usurpation of authority or official functions (Art. 177)
a. Gigantoni v. People, 162 SCRA 158
17. Using fictitious names and concealing true name (Art. 178)
a. CA 142
b. Legamia v. IAC, 131 SCRA 478
18. Illegal use of uniforms & Insignia (Art. 179)
a. RA 75 RA 493
19. False Testimony against a defendant (Art. 180)
20.False testimony favorable to the defendant (Art. 181)
21. False testimony in civil cases (Art. 182)
22. False testimony in other cases and perjury in solemn affirmation (Art. 183)
a. Diaz v. People, 191 SCRA 86
b. Villanueva v. Secretary of Justice, 475 SCRA 495
c. Acuña v. Deputy Ombudsman 450 SCRA 232
d. People v. Choa, 399 SCRA 45
23. Offering false testimony in evidence (Art. 184)
24. Machinations in public auctions (Art. 185)
a. Ouano v. CA, 188 SCRA 799
25. Monopolies & combinations in restraint of trade (Art. 186)
26. Importation and disposition of falsely marked articles made of gold, silver,
etc. (Art. 187)
27. Substituting & altering trademarks, tradenames, or service marks (Art.
28.Unfair competition, fraudulent registration, fraudulent designation of
origin (Art. 189)
a. RA 8293 [Intellectual Property Code]
b. RA 8792 [E-Commerce Act]
c. RA 9160, as amended by RA 9194 (Anti-Money Laundering Act]
d. Consumer Code
e. RA 8203 [Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs]in relation to RA 3720,
as amended by EO 175 [Foods, Drugs, Devices, & Cosmetics Act]

Title Five: Crimes Relative To Opium & Other Prohibited Drugs

RA 6425, as amended
RA 9165 [Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002]

Title Six: Crimes Against Public Morals

1. Acts punishable in gambling (Art. 195)

a. PD 1602
b. LOI 816
2. Importation, sale, possession of lottery tickets or advertisement (Art. 196)
3. Betting in sports contests (Art 197)

4. Illegal betting on horse races (Art. 198)

5. Illegal cockfighting (Art. 199)
6. Grave Scandal (Art. 200)
7. Immoral doctrines, obscene publications & exhibitions & indecent shows
(Art. 201)
a. PD 960, as amended by PD 969
b. People v. Kottinger, 45 Phil 352
c. People v. Padan 101 Phil 749
d. Fernando v. CA, 510 SCRA 351


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