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Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology

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Historical Antecedents
of Science and Technology
This section tackles how social contexts shaped and were shaped by science and technology across
three historical periods.
By introducing the historical antecedents of science and technology, the section explores the dynamic
interactions between different societal factors and science and technology.
Along with the discussion of these antecedents during the ancient period, middle ages, and modern
ages, this section also includes a discussion on important Philippine inventions and innovations.
It emphasizes various social, cultural, economic, and political impacts of scientific and technological
innovation throughout history.

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Intended Learning Outcomes
discuss the historical antecedents of science and technology across time; and
explain how Philippine scientific and technological inventions shaped and were shaped by various
social contexts.

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Key Interests of STS
History of Science and Technology
how science and technology have changed across time
explores the impacts of scientific and technological innovations on the prevailing social, cultural,
political and economic contexts throughout history
pays attention to the conditions that shaped science and technology
interests lie in historical antecedents of scientific and technological innovations

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Historical Antecedents
of Science and Technology
ANTECEDENT is defined as a precursor to the unfolding or existence of something.
Historical antecedents in science and technology are factors that paved the way for the presence of
advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations today
Knowledge of the history of science and technology is useful in appraising these innovations today
By understanding how previous generations influenced and were influenced by developments in
science and technology, today’s generation can come up with informed decisions on the proper
application of science and technology to daily life.

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Ancient Period
Rise of ancient civilization paved the way for advances in science and technology.
Advances during the Ancient Period allowed civilizations to flourish by finding better ways of
self-organization, and of
living in general.

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Ancient Wheel
People from ancient civilizations use animals for transportation long before the invention of the
No one knows exactly who invented the wheel and when.
There is, however, a general agreement that the ancient wheel grew out of a mechanical device called
the potter's wheel- a heavy flat disk made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally on an axis.
It is believed that the Sumerians invented the potter's wheel shortly after 3500 BC.
The invention of the ancient wheel is often credited to the Sumerians since no other ancient
civilization used a similar device at the same time. It could be that a potter thought of shifting the
potter's wheel to a 90-degree angle for the purpose of transportation or the wheel was reinvented for
this purpose. Nonetheless, it would not be until 1000 to 1500 years later that the wheel was first used
on carts.

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The Edwin Smith Papyrus
Roughly around 3000 BC, the ancient Egyptians began writing on papyrus, a material similar to thick
Papyrus is made from the pith of the papyrus plant cyperus papyrus. It is lightweight, strong, durable,
and most importantly, portable.
Before the Egyptians invented the papyrus, writing was done on stone. Because of the difficulty of
writing on stone, writing was reserved only for very important occasions.
With the advent of the papyrus, documentation and record-keeping became efficient, widespread,
and vast.
Through its use, information dissemination became exponentially faster. Records were kept and stood
the test of time.

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Shadoof was an early tool invented and used by the Nile river, irrigation was necessary to water their
The shadoof, also spelled as shaduf, is a hand-operated device used for lifting water. Its invention
introduced the idea of lifting things using counterweights.
Because of this invention, irrigation and farming became much more efficient.
The shadoof is also believed to be an ancient precursor of more sophisticated irrigation tools.

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Antikythera mechanism
Even before the invention of the antecedents of the modern computer, the Greeks had already
invented the ancient world's analog computer orrery.
Discovered in 1902 and retrieved from the waters of Antikythera, Greece, the Antikythera mechanism
is similar to a mantel clock.
Upon its discovery, the bits of wood seen on its fragments suggest that it must have been housed in a
wooden case.
It is akin to a clock in the way that the case has a circular face and rotating hands. A knob on the sides
makes it possible for it to be wound forward or backward. As this knob moves forward or backward,
its mechanism allows it to display celestial time.
Thus it is widely believed that the Antikythera mechanism was used to predict astronomical positions
and eclipses for calendars and astrological purposes. It is also believed that the Antikythera
mechanism, which is one of the oldest known antecedents of modern clockwork, was invented by
Greek scientists between 150-100 BC.
A fragment of the Antikythera mechanism

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Also known as the Hero's engine, the aeolipile is widely believed to be the ancient precursor of the
steam engine.
Hero of Alexandria is credited for the demonstration of the use of aeolipile during the 1st century AD.
The aeolipile is a steam-powered turbine which spun when the water container at its center was
heated, thus making it practically the first rudimentary steam engine. It is not clear whether the
aeolipile served any practical purpose, but it is believed to be one of many "temple wonders" at the
Nonetheless, Vitruvius, a Roman author, architect, and civil engineer, described the aeolipile as a
specific invention through which "the mighty and wonderful laws of the heavens and the nature of
winds" may be understood and judged.
An illustration of Hero’s engine

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Middle Ages
Between the collapse of the Roman Empire in 5th century AD and the colonial expansion of Western
Europe in late 15th century AD, major advances in scientific and technological development took
These include steady increase of new inventions, introduction to innovations in traditional
production, and emergence of scientific thinking and method.
The Middle Ages was not as stagnant as alternate terms such as the 'Medieval Period' or 'Dark Ages'
In fact, many medieval universities at the time stirred scientific thinking and built infrastructures for
scientific communities to flourish. As such, some of humanity's most important present-day
technologies could be traced back to their historical antecedents in the Middle Ages.

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Heavy Plough
Perhaps one of the most important technological innovations during the middle ages is the invention
of the heavy plough.
Clay soil, despite being more fertile than lighter types of soil, was now cultivated because of its heavy
However, through the invention of the heavy plough, it became possible to harness clay soil.
Professor Thomas Bernebeck Anderson of University of Southern Denmark succinctly describes the
impact of the invention of the heavy plough: "The heavy plough turned European agriculture and
economy on its head. Suddenly, the fields with heavy, fatty, and moist clay soils became those that
gave the greatest yields." Because of this, Europe, particularly its northern territories, saw rapid
economic prosperity. The heavy plough stirred an agricultural revolution in Northern Europe marked
by higher and healthier agricultural yields and more efficient agricultural practices.
An impression of the heavy plough

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Around 850 AD, Chinese alchemists accidentally invented black powder or gunpowder.
Multiple accounts suggest the gunpowder might have been an unintended byproduct of attempts
made by the Chinese to invent the elixir of life, which is why the Chinese called it huoyao, roughly
translated as "fire potion."
Prior to the invention of the gunpowder, swords and spears were used in battles and wars. Towards
the end of the 13th century, the explosive invention crept into most parts of Europe and Asia.
Since its invention, the gunpowder has allowed for more advanced warfare. From fiery arrows to
cannons and grenades, the gunpowder has prompted foundation for the functionality of almost every
new weapon used in war since its invention.
It ushered in an unprecedented advancement in warfare and combat throughout the Middle Ages.
Illustration of a Chinese warrior using gunpowder in weapons

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Paper Money.
Although it was not until the 17th century that bank notes began to be used in Europe, the first
known versions of paper money could be traced back to the Chinese in the 17th century AD as an
offshoot of the invention of block printing, which is similar to stamping.
Before the introduction of paper money, precious metals such as gold and silver were used as
currency. However, the idea of assigning value to a marked piece of paper did not immediately
become popular. In fact, when the Mongols attempted to introduce paper money into the Middle
East market in the 13th century, it did not gain immediate success.
Nonetheless, traders and merchants eventually realized the huge advantage of using paper money
because it was easier to transport around compared to the previous forms of currencies.
The Chinese are credited for the invention of paper money

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Mechanical Clock.
Although devices for timekeeping and recording sprung from the ancient times, such as the
Antikythera mechanism, it was not until the Middle Ages that clockwork technology was developed.
The development of mechanical clocks paved the way for accurately keeping track of time.
The sophistication of clockwork technology of the mechanical clock drastically changed the way days
were spent and work patterns were established, particularly in the more advanced Middle Age cities.
A medieval mechanical clock found in Prague, Czech Republic

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Modern Ages
As the world population steadily increased, people of the Modern Ages realized the utmost
importance of increasing the efficiency of transportation, communication, and production.
Industrialization took place with greater risks in human health, food safety and environment which
had to be addressed as scientific and technological progress unfolded at an unimaginable speed.

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Compound Microscope.
A Dutch spectacle maker named Zacharias Janssen is credited for the invention of the first compound
microscope in 1590.
Together with his father Hans, Zacharias began experimenting with lenses by putting together several
lenses on a tube. This led to an amazing discovery that an object, when placed near the end of the
tube, can be magnified far larger than what a simple magnifying lens can do. Janssen's compound
microscope was an important progression from the single lens microscope. It was capable of
magnifying objects three times their size when fully closed and up to then times when extended to
the maximum.
Today, the compound microscope is an important instrument in many scientific studies such as in the
areas of medicine, forensic studies, tissue analysis, atomic studies, and genetics.
Janssen’s compound microscope

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Perhaps the single most important technological invention in the study of astronomy during the
Modern Ages was the practical telescope invented by Galileo Galilei.
This invention could magnify objects 20 times larger than the Dutch perspective glasses.
It was Galileo who first used the telescope skyward and made important astronomical discoveries,
and identified the presence of craters and mountains on the moon.
Galileo's remarkable technological contribution drastically changed the study of astronomy. For the
first time, it became clear that the universe is far larger than previously imagined and the Earth far
smaller compared to the entire universe.
One of Galileo’s first telescope

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Jacquard Loom
As the Industrial Revolution reached full speed, the Jacquard loom was considered as one of the most
critical drivers of the revolution.
Built by French weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard, the Jacquard loom simplifies textile manufacturing.
Prior to the invention of the Jacquard loom, a drawloom was used which required two individuals to
operate- the weaver and a "drawboy"- if figured designs on textiles were needed. As such, intensified
manual labor and greater effort had to be exerted to produce complex designs.
In 1801, Jacquard demonstrated the ingenuity of his version of a loom in which a series of cards with
punched holes automatically created complex textile designs and made mass production easier.
The Jacquard loom is also an important antecedent of modern computer technology as it
demonstrated the use of punched cards to instruct a machine to carry out complex tasks, i.e., making
different textile patterns.
Jacquard Loom

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Engine-Powered Airplane
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright are credited for designing and successfully operating the first
engine-powered aircraft.
The Wright brothers approached the design of powered aircraft and flight scientifically. Orville and
Wilbur proved that aircrafts could fly without airfoil-shaped wings. They demonstrated this in their
original Flying Machine patent (US patent #821393), showing that slightly-tilted wings, which they
referred to as aero planes, were the key features of a powered aircraft. Their pioneering success
marked an age of powered flights.
Sans modern knowledge on aerodynamics and a comprehensive understanding of the working of
aircraft wings, the Wright brothers were brilliant scientists who paved the way for modern aircraft
The flight of the Flying Machine of Orville and Wilbur Wright

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The Scottish engineer John Logie Baird is largely credited for the invention of the modern television.
Baird successfully televised objects in outline in 1924, recognizable human faces in 1925, and moving
objects in 1926, and projected colored images in 1928.
Baird's television technology caught on really swiftly. In fact, the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC) used this for its earliest television programming in 1929.
Despite being the first television invented, Baird's television was later on criticized for its fuzzy and
flickering images, primarily because it was mechanical compared to electronic versions that were
developed much later.
Baird’s television

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Inventions by Filipino Scientists
The Philippines boasts of, its own history and tradition of scientific and technological innovations.
Filipinos have long been known for their ingenuity.
As with all other inventions, necessity has always been the mother of Philippine inventions.
Most of these inventions appealed to the unique social and cultural context of the archipelagic nation.
Throughout Philippine history, Filipinos are responsible for developing many scientific and
technological innovations focused on navigation, traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing,
indigenous arts and techniques, and even cultural inventions.
The following are some of the most important inventions by Filipino scientists.

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Electronic Jeepney (e-jeepney)
The jeepney is perhaps one of the most recognizable national symbols of the Philippines and the most
popular mode of public transportation in the country. It is also perhaps one of the most enduring
symbols of Filipino ingenuity.
Jeepneys were designed and improvised from scratch out of military jeeps that the Americans left in
the country after World War II. As demand for more responsive transportation technology arose, the
e-jeepney was introduced in Metro Manila and Bacolod City.
The e-jeepney is the inventive response to criticisms to the traditional jeepney that belched smoke,
directly causing air pollution which made it unsustainable and uneconomical. E-jeepneys are designed
to be environment-friendly, eliminating noise and air pollution as they run on electricity. They are also
more economical for electricity is far cheaper than ordinary diesel, allowing jeepney drivers to earn
more profit.

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Perhaps one of the most important medical inventions is the Erythromycin.
The Ilonggo scientist Abelardo Aguilar invented this antibiotic out of a strain of bacterium called
Streptomyces erythreus, from which this drug derived its name.
As with the case of several other local scientists, however, Aguilar was not credited for this discovery
by Eli Lilli Co., Aguilar's US employer, to whom he sent the strain for separation.
The US Company eventually owned the merits for this discovery.
Abelardo Aguilar and his Erythromycin

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Medical Incubator
World-renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fe del Mundo, is credited for the
invention of the incubator and jaundice reliving device. Del Mundo was the first woman pediatrician
to be admitted to the prestigious Harvard University's School of Medicine.
She is also the founder of the first pediatric hospital in the country. Her pioneering work in pediatrics
that spanned a total of eight decades won her the 1977 Ramon Magsaysay Award, Asia's premier
prize granted to outstanding individuals whose selfless service remarkably contributed to the
betterment of society.
Her original improvised incubator consisted of two laundry baskets of different sizes that are placed
one side the other. Warmth is generated by bottles with hot water placed around the baskets. A
makeshift hood over the baskets allows oxygen to circulate inside the incubator.
Del Mundo's incubator was particularly outstanding as it addressed the state of Philippine rural
communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn babies.
For this purpose, Del Mundo's invention was truly ingenious.

Dr. Fe del Mundo and the medical incubator

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Mole Remover
In 2000, a local invention that had the ability to easily remove moles and warts on the skin without
the need for any surgical procedure shot to fame.
Rolando dela Cruz is credited for the invention of a local mole remover that made use of extracts of
cashew nuts (Annacardium occidentale), which are very common in the Philippines.
The indigenous formula easily caught on for its accessibility, affordability, and painless and scarless
procedure. Dela Cruz won a gold medal for this invention in the International Invention, Innovation,
Industrial Design, and Technology Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2000.
Rolando dela Cruz’s commercial product- a mole remover formula made if cashew nut extracts

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Banana Ketchup
Filipino food technologist, Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of banana ketchup, a variety of
ketchup different from the commonly known tomato ketchup.
Her invention appeals particularly in Filipinos who love using condiments to go along with their food.
Historical accounts posit that Orisa invented the banana ketchup at the backdrop of World War II
when there was a huge shortage of tomatoes.
As a result, Orosa developed a variety of ketchup that made use of mashed banana, sugar, vinegar,
and spices, which were all readily available. Orosa's banana ketchup is brownish-yellow in natural
color, but is dyed red to resemble the color of the most loved ketchup.
Banana Ketchup also called “Banana Sauce”

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This section reviews the intellectual revolution that changed the way people perceive the influence of
science on society in general.
It focuses on three of the most important intellectual revolutions in history: Copernican, Darwinian,
and Freudian.
By discussing these intellectual revolutions in the context of science, technology, and society, the
attention of students are drawn again toward the complex interplay of the various social contexts and
the development of modern science.
The section also engages students in critical analysis of on-going intellectual and scientific revolution,
which they may find themselves to be part of.

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Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this section, the students should be able to:
Identify the intellectual revolutions that shaped society across time;
Explain how intellectual revolutions transformed the views f society about dominant scientific
thought; and
Research on other intellectual revolutions that advance modern science and scientific thinking.

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In the study of the history of science and technology, another important area of interest involves the
various intellectual revolutions across time. In this area, interest lies in how intellectual revolutions
emerged as a result of the interaction of science and technology and of society. It covers how
intellectual revolutions altered the way modern science was understood ad approached.
For this discussion, intellectual revolutions should not be confused with the Greeks’ pre-Socratic
speculations about the behavior of the universe. In science and technology, intellectual revolutions
refer to the series of events that led to the emergence of modern science and the progress of
scientific thinking across critical periods in history. Although there are many intellectual revolutions,
this section focuses on three of the most important ones that altered the way humans view science
and its impacts on society: the Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian revolutions. In the words of
French (astronomer, mathematician, and freemason, Jean Sylvain Bailey (1976 in Cohen, 1976), these
scientific revolutions involved a two-stage progress of sweeping away the old and establishing the
In understanding intellectual revolutions, It is worth nothing that these revolutions are, in themselves,
paradigm shifts. These shifts resulted from a renewed and enlightened understanding of how the
universe behaves and functions. They challenged long held views about the nature of the universe.
Thus, these revolutions were often met with huge resistance and controversy.

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Copernican Revolution

The Copernican Revolution refers to the 16th-century paradigm shift name after the Polish
mathematician and astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus.
Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of the universe.
At the time, the belief was the Earth was the center of the Solar System based on the geocentric
model of Ptolemy (i.e., Ptolemaic model).

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Copernican Revolution
Copernicus introduced the heliocentric model in a 40 page outline entitled Commentariolus.
He formalized his model in the publication of his treatise, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (The
revolution of Celestial Spheres) in 1543.
In his model, Copernicus repositioned the Earth from the center of the Solar System and introduced
the idea that the Earth rotates on its own axis. The model illustrated the Earth, along with the
heavenly bodies, to be rotating around the sun.
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Copernican Revolution

The idea that the Sun is in the center of the universe instead of the Earth proved to be unsettling to
many when Copernicus first introduced his model.
In fact, the heliocentric model was met with huge resistance, primarily from the Church, accusing
Copernicus of heresy. At the time, the idea that it was not the Earth, and, by extension, not man, that
was at the center of all creation was unthinkable.
Copernicus faced persecution from the church because of this.

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Copernican Revolution

Moreover, although far more sensible than the Ptolemaic model which as early as the 1th century had
been criticized for its shortcomings, the Copernican model also had multiple inadequacies that were
later filled in by astronomers who participated in the revolution.
Nonetheless, despite problems with the model and the persecution of the Church, the heliocentric
model was soon accepted by other scientist of the time, most profoundly by Galileo Galilei.

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Copernican Revolution

The contribution of the Copernican Revolution is far-reaching.

It served as a catalyst to away from age-long views about the position of the Earth relative to an
enlightened understanding of the universe.
This marked the beginning of modern astronomy. Although very slowly, the heliocentric model
eventually caught on among other astronomers who further refined the model and contributed to the
recognition of heliocentrism.
Thus, the Copernican Revolution marked a turning point in the study of cosmology and astronomy
making it a truly important intellectual revolution.

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Darwinian Revolution

The English naturalist, geologist, and biologist, Charles Darwin, is credited for stirring another
important intellectual revolution in the mid-19th century.
His treatise on the science of evolution, On The Origin of Species, was published in 1859 and began a
revolution that brought humanity to a new era of intellectual discovery.

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Darwinian Revolution

The Darwinian Revolution benefited from earlier intellectual revolutions especially those in the 16th
and 17th centuries, such that it was guided by confidence in human reason’s ability to explain
phenomena in the universe.
For his part, Darwin gathered evidence pointing to what is now known as natural selection, an
evolutionary process by which organisms, including humans, inherit, develop and adapt traits that
favored survival and reproduction.
These traits are manifested in offspring that are more fit and well-suited to the challenges of survival
and reproduction.

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Darwinian Revolution
Darwin's theory of evolution was, of course, met with resistance and considered to be controversial.
Critics accused the theory of either short in accounting for the broad and complex evolutionary
process or dismissive of the idea that the functional design of organisms was a manifestation of an
omniscient God.
The Darwinian Revolution can be likened to the Copernican Revolution in its demonstration of the
power of the laws of nature in explaining biological phenomena of survival and reproduction.

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Darwinian Revolution

The place of the Darwinian Revolution in modern science cannot but underestimated.
Through the Darwinian Revolution, the development of organisms and the origin of unique forms of
life and humanity could be rationalized by a lawful system or an orderly process of change
underpinned by laws of nature

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Freudian Revolution
Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud, is credited for stirring a 20th century intellectual revolution
name after him, the Freudian Revolution.
Psychoanalysis as a school of thought in psychology is at the center of this revolution.
Freud develop psychoanalysis - a scientific method of understanding inner and unconscious conflicts
embedded within one's personality, springing from free associations, dreams and fantasies of the
Psychoanalysis immediately shot into controversy for it emphasized the existence of the unconscious
where feelings, thoughts, urges, emotions, and memories are contained outside of one's conscious
Psychoanalytic concepts of psychosexual development, libido, and ego were met with both support
and resistance from many scholars. Freud suggested that humans are inherently pleasure-seeking
individuals. These notions were particularly caught in the crossfire of whether Freud's psychoanalysis
fit in the scientific study of the brain and mind.

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Freudian Revolution

Scientists working on a biological approach in studying human behavior criticize psychoanalysis for
lack of vitality and bordering on being unscientific as a theory.
Particularly, the notion that all humans are destined to exhibit Oedipus and Electra complexes (i.e.,
sexual desire towards the parent of the opposite sex and exclusion of the parent of the same sex) did
not seem to be supported by empirical data .
In the same vein, it appeared to critics that psychoanalysis, then, was more of an ideological stance
than a scientific one.

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Freudian Revolution
Amidst controversial, Freud's psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating psychotherapeutic
practice in the early 20th century Psychodynamic therapies that treat a myriad of psychological
disorders still remain largely informed by Freud's work on psychoanalysis.
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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society


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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
defining science and technology
traces the historical roots of STS as an academic field
enumerates emerging ethical dilemmas

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this section, the students should be able to:
1. discuss the general concepts related to science and technology;
2. explain the scope of the study of STS; and
3. demonstrate preparedness and readiness in the study of STS.

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Scientia - knowledge
systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing knowledge about how the universe
behaves through observation, experimentation or both.

“Modern science is a discovery as well as an invention.“

John Heilbron

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Technology, for its part, is the application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce
services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world problems.
It comes from the Greek root word techne, meaning 'art, skill, or cunning of hand.'
Mark Zuckerberg defines a technological tool-one historical definition-is something that takes a
human's sense or ability and augments it and makes it more powerful. So, for example, I wear contact
lenses or glasses; that is a technology that enhances my human ability of vision and makes it better."

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
The Medawar Lecture 1998: Is Science Dangerous? Wolpert explained that
reliable scientific knowledge has no moral or ethical value
science is not the same as technology

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Advancements in science and technology have become pervasive.

The dynamism and immensity of scientific and technological progress also pose challenges and
drawbacks to the way humans live.
The introduction of machines
The invention of drugs
The rise of social media

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Science and technology have served a predominantly double-edged function.
American scientist, Carl Sagan, quoted in Tom Head's (2006) book:
"We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged
things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
As problems in science and technology continue to rise and become more observable, the need to pay
attention to their interactions with various aspects of human life, e.g., social, political, and economic,
becomes even more necessary.
How the different aspects of society shape and influence the progression and further development of
science and technology is the area of concern of a relatively new academic discipline called Science,
Technology, and Society.

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is a relatively young field that combines previously
independent and older disciplines, such as the
history of science,
philosophy of science, and
sociology of science.
As an academic field, STS, according to Harvard University's Kennedy School (2018), traces its roots
from the interwar period and the start of the Cold War.
The rise of STS as an academic field resulted from the recognition that many schools today do not
really prepare students to respond critically, reflectively, and proactively to the challenges posed by
science and technology in the contemporary world.

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
In general, STS applies methods drawn from history, philosophy, and sociology to study the nature of
science and technology.
Ultimately judge their value and place in society.
Kennedy School effectively encapsulates, STS seeks to bridge the gap between two traditionally
exclusive cultures-humanities (interpretive) and natural sciences (rational)---so that humans will be
able to better confront the moral, ethical, and existential dilemmas brought by the continued
developments in science and technology.

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Ten emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in science and technology
Helix - a digital app store designed to read genomes
Bless U-2 and Pepper - first robot priest and monk
Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition – a software being developed to assess your reactions to
anything such as shopping and playing games
Ransomware - a way of holding data hostage through hacking and requiring a ransom to be paid
Textalyzer - a device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or her phone during an accident

Slide 13:
Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
Ten emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in science and technology
Social Credit System - a system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them
under constant surveillance (which China plays to adopt)
Google Clips - a hand-free camera that lets the user capture every moment effortlessly
Sentencing Software - a mysterious algorithm designed to aid courts in sentencing decisions
Friendbot - an app that stores the deceased's digital footprint so one can still "chat" with them
Citizen App - an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific area

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Introduction to
Science, Technology, and Society
 The future ain't what it used to be
-- Yogi Berra
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Science and technology in the Philippines had its beginnings during the pre-colonial times.
During this period, people used herbal medicine to treat illnesses. To facilitate trading, Filipinos made
use of writing, numerical, measurement, and calendar systems.
Farming, fishing, mining, and weaving were the first livelihood skills developed by Filipinos.
In some cases, the techniques Filipinos developed for livelihood purposes resulted in majestic
architectural designs that managed to attract worldwide attention like Banaue Rice Terraces of Ifugao.

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During the Spanish colonial period, science and technology developed through the establishment of
formal education institutions and the launching of scientific organizations.
Schools were mandated to teach religion, mathematics, reading and writing, music and arts, and
health and sanitation. Medicine and biology were taught in different educational and training
Since agriculture was the major livelihood of Filipinos, the natives were trained to use innovative
approaches in farming.
To construct buildings, churches, bridges, roads and forts, engineering was introduced and developed
as well.
The rapid development of scientific principles influenced by Western culture during the Spanish
colonial period was shortchanged. This is why agriculture and industrial developments were during
the latter part of the Spanish era. Instead, trade was prioritized due to possible bigger profits.

Slide 6:


When the Americans came, institutions for science and technology were reorganized as well.
The former Laboratorio Municipal was replaced by the Bureau of Government Laboratories under the
United States’ Department of interior.
The Bureau was established for the purpose of studying tropical diseases and pursuing other related
research projects.
Eventually in 1905, the Bureau was changed to Bureau of Science, which became the main research
center of the Philippines.
In 1933, the National Research Council of the Philippines was established.
Developments in science and technology during the American regime were focused on agriculture,
medicine and pharmacy, food processing, and forestry.
In 1946, the Bureau of Science was replaced by the Institute of Science.

Slide 7:


During the time of the former President Ferdinand Marcos, the role of science and technology in
national development was emphasize.
He mandated the Department of Education and Culture, now known as the Department of Education
(DepEd), to promote science course in public high schools.
Additional budget for research project in applied science and science education was granted by
A big chunk of the war damage fund from the Japanese was donated to the private universities and
colleges for the creation of science and technology-related courses and to promote research.
The 35-hectare lot in Bicutan, Taguig was proclaimed in 1968 as the Philippine Science Community,
now the site of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).
Seminars, workshops, training programs, and scholarships on fisheries and oceanography were also
sponsored by the government during Marcos’ presidency.
The Philippine Coconut Research Institute (PHILCORIN) was tasked to promote the modernization of
the coconut industry.

Slide 8:
Several agencies and organizations were then established like the

Philippine Textile Research Institute,

Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (now the Philippine Nuclear Institute),
National Grains Authority ( now the National Food Authority,
Philippine Council For Agricultural Research (now the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and
Natural Resources Research and Development),

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administrations (PAGASA),

Philippine National Oil Company,
Plant Breeding Institute,
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI),
Bureau of Plant Industry,
Bureau of Forest Products, and the
National Committee on Geological Sciences.

Slide 9:
The National Science Development Board (NSDB) was reorganized as the National Science and
Technology Authority (NSTA) in 1981.
In 1976, Marcos established the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) to be the
reservoir of scientific and technological expertise in the country.
Salary increases for teachers and administrators at the Philippine Science High school were granted
and the Mindanao and Visayas campuses of the Philippine Science High School were established
during Marcos’ time.

Slide 10:


In 1986,under President Corazon Aquino , NSTA was renamed DOST .
This was done in order for the science and technology sector to be represented in the cabinet and
thus play an integral role in the country`s sustainable economic recovery and growth.
The Science and Technology Master Plan penned by DOST aimed to update the production sector,
improve research activities, and develop infrastructures for the science and technology sector .

Slide 11:


In 1987, during the presidency of Fidel Ramos ,the Philippines had approximately 3,000 competent
scientist and engineers.
The "Doctors to the Barrio" Program made healthcare are accessible even far-flung to areas in the
Incentives were given to people who played significant roles in the science and technology sector.
The National Program for Gifted Filipino Children in Science and Technology was created for high
school students who wanted to major in science and engineering in college.

Slide 12:


It was also during Ramos' term that a number of laws and statutes relayed to the Science and
Technology sector were mandated such as
RA 8439: Magna Carta for Scientist Engineers , Researchers and other Science and Technology
personnel in Government;
RA 7687: Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994 ;
RA 7459: Inventors

Slide 13:

RA 8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and

RA 8792: Electronic Commerce Act if 2000
were both signed and mandated during the term of President Joseph Estrada.
He was also responsible for implementing coat effective irrigation technologies and providing basic
health care services for those who could not afford them.

Slide 14:
During the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the science and technology sector
were developed to strengthen the education system and to address poverty.
The term Filipinnovation was coined to refer to the Philippines as an innovation hub in Asia. Arroyo
also promulgated
RA 9367: Biofuels Act, to utilize indigenous materials. It was also in Arroyo's term that farmers were
encouraged to use rice that can withstand environmental hazards.
RA 10601: Agriculture and Fisheries mechanization (AFMech) Law was also passed to modernize
agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment.

Slide 15:


In 2014, President Benigno Aquino III named new National Scientist namely ,
Gavino C. Trono for Marine Biology,
Angel C. Alcala for Biological Science,
Ramon C. Barba for Horticulture, and
Edgardo D. Gomez also for Marine Biology.

Slide 16:
Today, in the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, the science and technology sector is seen
to be a priority based on the budget for research and development (R&I) that grew by nearly six times
over the same period.
Formulation of programs and policies that will aid in shaping the country is backed up President
The focus of DOST is to put the results of R&D into commercialization in order to gain new intellectual
Currently, the Philippines have the Philippine Space Technology Program which launched Diwata-2 in
2018 after the launched of Diwata-1 in 2016 that displayed the Philippine flag in space.
Besides space technology, the current administration also gives importance to agriculture and disaster

Slide 17:
These contributions of science and technology, however, always come with adverse impacts
especially on the environment. One is resource depletion.
The increasing number of new and advanced technologies in the production and manufacture
different goods and services results in the depletion of the Earth's natural resources.
Wastes are also generated as these technologies are developed. People have also become too
dependent on science and technology, making them disregards its consequences that may be
damaging to the environment.

Slide 18:

Science, Technology and Society
Quinto and Nieva, 2019
C & E Publishing Inc.
pp. 48-53
Slide 1:
The Good Life
Section 3

Slide 2:
The Good Life
Introduces concepts from Aristotle 's Nichomachean Ethics and examines issues in contemporary
science and technology using the same philosophical lens.
Tackles the important Aristotelian concepts of eudaimonia and arête, and how these can be used to
assess one's relationship and dealings with science and technology.
Aims to answer the question, "Are we living the good life?"

Slide 3:
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this section, the students should be able to:
define the idea of the good life;
discuss Aristotle's concept of eudaimonia and arête; and
examine contemporary issues and come up with innovative and creative solutions to contemporary
issues guided by ethical standards leading to a good life.

Slide 4:
The Good Life
Are we living the good life?
This question  is inarguably one universal human concern.
Everyone aims to lead a good life. Yet, what constitutes a happy and contented life varies from a
person to person.
Unique backgrounds,  experiences, social contexts and even preferences make it difficult to subscribe
to a unified standard on which to tease  out the meaning of 'the good life.'
Thus, the prospect of a standard of the good life-one that resonates across unique human
experiences- is inviting.

Slide 5:
Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics and the Good Life
"Are we living the good life?," necessary reflection must be made on two things:
what standard could be used to define 'the good life?'
how can the standard serve as a guide toward living the good life in the midst of specific progress and
technological advancement?
 In the documentary film, The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism, C.S. Lewis
posited that "science must be guided by some ethical basis is Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics.
 Aristotle, who lived from 384 to 322 BC, is probably the most important ancient Greek philosopher
and scientist. He was a student of Plato, who was then a student of Socrates. Together, they were
considered the 'Big Three of Greek Philosophy.'

Slide 6:
Big Three of Greek Philosophy

Slide 7:
Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics and the Good Life
Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, the fundamental basis of Aristotelian ethics, consist of ten books.
Originally, there were lecture notes written on scrolls when he taught at the Lyceum. It is widely
believed that the lecture notes were compiled by or were dedicated to one of Aristotle's sons,
Nichomacus. Alternatively, it is believed that the work was dedicated to Aristotle's father who was of
the same name.
 The Nichomachean Ethics, abbreviated as NE or sometimes EN based on the Latin version of the
name, is a treatise on the nature of moral life and human happiness based on the unique essence of
human nature.

The NE is particularly useful in defining what the good life is.

Slide 8:
Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics and the Good Life
Everyone  has a definition of what good is- getting a college degree, travelling across the world,
succeeding in a business venture, becoming a healthy and active lifestyle, or being a responsible

However, although everyone aims to that which is good. Aristotle positioned two types of good. In Ne
Book 2 Chapter 2 (NE 2:2).
Aristotle explained that every action aim at some good. However, some actions aim at an
instrumental good while some at an intrinsic good.
He made it clear that the ultimate good is better than instrumental good for the latter is good as a
means of achieving something else or some other end while the former is good in itself.

Slide 9:
Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good
What then is the ultimate good?
Based on the contrast between two types of good, one could reflect on some potential candidates for
the ultimate good.
One might think that pleasure in the food they eat or in the experiences they immerse themselves
into. Yet, while pleasure is an important human need, it can not be ultimate good.
First, it is transitory- it passes.
One may have been pleased with the food they had for lunch, but he or she will be hungry again or
will want something else for a while.
Second, pleasure does not encompass all aspects of life.
One may be pleased with an opportunity to travel but that may not make him or her feel good about
leaving, say, his or her studies or the relationship he or she has been struggling with.

Slide 10:
Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good

Others might think that wealth is a potential candidate for the ultimate good, but a critique of wealth
would prove otherwise.
Indeed, many, if not most, aim to be financially stable, to be rich, or to be able to afford a luxurious
life. However it is very common to hear people say that they aim to be wealthy in so far as it would
help them achieve some other goals.
Elsewhere, it is also common to hear stories about people who have become very wealthy but
remain, by and large, unhappy with the lives they lead. In this sense, wealth is just an intermediate
good- that is only instrumental.
It is not the ultimate good because it is not self-sufficient and does not stop in from aiming for some
other 'greater' good.

Slide 11:
Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good

Another candidate for the ultimate good is fame and honor.

Many people today seem to be motivated by a desire to be known- to be famous. Others strive for
honor and recognition. This is reflected by those people who use social media to acquire large virtual
following on the internet and wish to gain a foothold on the benefits that fame brings.
Many people act according to how they think they will be admired and appreciated by other people.
However, these cannot constitute the ultimate good, simply  because they are bases on the
perception of others.
Fame and honor can never be good in themselves. If one's definition is good life is being popular and
respected, then the good life becomes elusive since it is based on the subjective views of others.

Slide 12:
Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good

Unlike pleasure, wealth, fame and honor, HAPPINESS is the ultimate good.
In the Aristotelian sense, happiness is " living well and doing well" ( NE 1:4).
Among the Greeks, this is known as eudainonias from the root words eu, meaning good, and daimon,
meaning spirit. Combining the root words eudaimonia meaning happiness or welfare.
More accurately, others translate it as human flourishing or prosperity.
Aristotle proposed two hallmarks of eudaimonia, namely virtue and excellence (NE 1: 7).
Thus, happiness in the sense of eudaimonia has to be distinguished from merely living good.
Eudaimonia transcends all aspect of life for it is about living well and doing well in whatever one does.

Slide 13:
Eudaimonia: Uniquely Human?

Eudaimonia or happiness is unique to humans for it is uniquely human function.

It is achieved only through a rationally directed life.
Aristotle's notion of a tripartite soul is summarized in Table 1 illustrates a nested hierarchy of the
function and activities of the soul.


(rational) (partly rational) (non rational)
Practical Locomotion
Perception Growth Nutrition

Slide 14:
The degrees and functions of the soul are nested, such that the one has a higher degree of the soul
has all of the lower degree.
Thus, on the nutritive degree, all living things, ie.,  plants, animals and humans, requires nourishment
and ability to reproduce.
On the sensitive degree, only animals and human have the ability to move and perceive. 
Finally, on the rational degree, only humans are capable of theoretical and practical functions.

Following this, humans possess the nutritive, sensitive, and rational degrees of the soul.

More importantly, only humans are capable of a life guided by reason. Because this is so, happiness,
too, is a uniquely human function for it can only be achieved through a rationally directed life.


(rational) (partly rational) (non rational)
Practical Locomotion
Perception Growth Nutrition

Slide 15:
Arête and Human Happiness
Eudaimonia is what defines the good life. To live a good life is to live a happy life. For Aristotle,
eudaimonia is only possible by living a life of virtue.
Arête, a Greek term, is defined as “excellence of any kind” and can also mean “moral virtue.”
A virtue is what makes one function well. Aristotle suggested two types of virtue: intellectual virtue
and moral virtue.
Intellectual Virtue or virtue of thought is achieved through education, time, and experience. Key
intellectual virtue are wisdom, which guides ethical behavior, and understanding, which is gained
from scientific endeavors and contemplation.
Wisdom and understanding are achieve through formal and non-formal means. Intellectual virtues
are acquired through self-taught knowledge and skills as much as taught and learned in formal

Slide 16:
Arête and Human Happiness
Moral Virtue or virtue of character is achieved though habitual practice.
Some key moral virtues are generosity, temperance, and courage.
Aristotle explained that although the capacity for intellectual virtue is innate, it is brought into
completion only by practice.
It is by repeatedly being unselfish that one develops the virtue of generosity.
It is by repeatedly resisting and foregoing every inviting opportunity that one develops the virtue of
It is by repeatedly exhibiting the proper action and emotional response in the face of danger that one
develops the virtue of courage.
By and large, moral virtue is like a skill.
A skill is acquired only through repeated practice.
Everyone is capable of learning how to play guitar because everyone has an innate capacity for
intellectual virtue, but not everyone acquires it because only those who devote time and practice
develop the skills of playing the instrument.

Slide 17:
Arête and Human Happiness
If one learns that eating too much fatty foods is bad for the health, he or she has to make habit to stay
away from his type of food because health contributes to living well and doing well.
If one believes that too much use of social media is detrimental to human relationships and
productivity, he or she must regulate his or her use of social media and deliberately spend more time
with friends, and family, and work than in virtual platform.
If one understands the enormous damage to the environment that plastic materials bring, he or she
must repeatedly forego the next plastic item e or she could do away with.
Good relationship dynamics and a healthy environment contribute one’s wellness, in how he or she
lives and what he or she does.

Slide 18:
Arête and Human Happiness
Both intellectual virtue and moral virtue should be in accordance with reason to achieve eudaimonia.
Indifference with these virtues, for reasons that are only for one’s convenience, pleasure, or
satisfaction, leads humans away from eudaimonia.
A virtue is ruined by any excess and deficiency in how one lives and acts.
A balance between two extremes is a requisite of virtue. This balance is means to excess not in the
sense of geometric or arithmetic average. Instead, it is mean relative to the person, circumstances,
and the right emotional response in every experience (NE 2:2: 2:6).

Slide 19:
Arête and Human Happiness
Courage was earlier defined as displaying the right action and emotional response in the face of
The virtue of courage is ruined by an excess of the needed emotional and proper action to address a
particular situation.
A person who does not properly assess the danger and is totally without fear may develop the vice of
foolhardiness or rashness.
Also, courage is ruined by a deficiency of the needed emotion and proper action. When one over
thinks of a looming danger, that he or she becomes too fearful and incapable of acting on the
problem, he or she develops the vice of cowardice.

Slide 20:
What then is the good of life?
Putting everything in perspective, the good life in the sense of eudaimonia in the state of being happy,
healthy, and prosperous in the way of one thinks, lives, and acts.
The path to the good life consists of the virtues of thought and character, which are relative
mediators between the two extremes of excess and deficiency. In this way, the good life is
understood as happiness brought about by living a virtuous life.
One could draw parallels between moving toward the good life and moving toward further progress
and development in science and technology. In appraising the goodness of the next medical
procedure, the new social media trend, the latest mobile device, or the upcoming technology for food
safety, one must be guided by Aristotle virtues.
Science and technology can be ruined by under- or over-appreciation of the scope and function it
plays in the pursuit of the uniquely human experience of happiness.
Refusing science and technology altogether to improve human life is as problematic as allowing it to
entirely dictate reason and action without any regard for ethical and moral standards.
By imposing on science and technology an ethical standard that is not dictated by itself, as C. S. Lewis
proposed, not only will scientific advancement and technological development flourish, but also the
human person.

Slide 21:
What then is the good of life?
Science and technology can be ruined by under- or over-appreciation of the scope and function it
plays in the pursuit of the uniquely human experience of happiness.
Refusing science and technology altogether to improve human life is as problematic as allowing it to
entirely dictate reason and action without any regard for ethical and moral standards.
By imposing on science and technology an ethical standard that is not dictated by itself, as C. S. Lewis
proposed, not only will scientific advancement and technological development flourish, but also the
human person.
Slide 1:
as Way of Revealing

Slide 2:
At A Glance…
Tackles the essence of technology based on Martin Heidegger's work, the Question Concerning

Engage in the process of questioning concerning technology.

Discusses the key concepts related to Heidegger's work and how these concepts relate to an
understanding of the essence of technology

Slide 3:
Who is Martin Heidegger?
German philosopher who was part of the Continental tradition of philosophy.
His stern opposition to positivism and technological world domination received unequivocal support
from leading postmodernists and post-structuralists of the time, including Jacques Derrida, Michel
Foucault, and Jean-François Lyotard.
focused on ontology or the study of being
philosophical works are often described as complicated
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)

Slide 4:
Technology as a Way of Revealing
Heidegger stressed that :
TRUE can only be pursued through the correct.
Technology as a way of revealing – a mode of ‘bringing forth.’
Bringing forth can be understood through the Ancient Greek philosophical concept, poesies, which
refers to the act of bringing something out of concealment.

The truth is understood though another Ancient Greek concept of Alethia, which is translated as
unclosedness, unconcealedness, disclosure, or truth.
Technology is a form of poesies -a way of revealing that unconceals Alethia or truth.

the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known

Slide 5:
The Essence of Technology
Instrumental definition:
Technology is a means to an end.

Technology is not an end in itself; it is a means to an end.

Technology is an instrument aimed at getting things done.

Anthropological definition:
Technology is a human activity.

To achieve an end and to produce and use a means to an end is, by itself, a human activity.
The production or invention of technological equipment, tools and machines, the products and
inventions, and the purpose and functions they serve are what define technology.

Slide 6:
Technology as a Way of Revealing
The term techne, the Greek root word of technology, is understood in different contexts.
In philosophy, techne resembles the term episteme that refers to the human ability to make and
Techne also encompasses knowledge and understanding.
In art, it refers to tangible and intangible aspects of life.
The Greeks understood techne in the way that it encompasses not only craft, but other acts of the
mind, and poetry.

encompass - surround and have or hold within

Slide 7:
Technology as Poesies:
Does Modern Technology Bring Forth or Challenge Forth?
Heidegger, in the question concerning technology, posited that both primitive crafts and modern
technology are revealing.
Modern technology is revealing not in the sense of bringing forth or poesies.
Heidegger made a clear distinction between technology and modern technology in that the latter
‘challenges’ nature.
Modern technology challenges nature by extracting something form it, transforming and storing,
distributing it.
revealing- allowing a look at or an understanding of something inner or hidden

Slide 8:
Technology as Poesies:
Does Modern Technology Bring Forth or Challenge Forth?
In the surface Heidegger's criticism of modern technology might appear counterintuitive to the
purpose of nature to human existence.
However, by digging deeper to Heidegger's question, it becomes clear that the existence of modern
technology is not to bring forth in the existence of poiesis. Instead, Heidegger considers modern
technology's way of revealing as a way of challenging forth.
Makes people think how to do things faster, more effectively, and with less effort.
Prompts people into dominating and enframing the earth's natural resources.

counterintuitive - something that goes against what you believe would be logical, or something that
goes against common sense.

Slide 9:
Technology as Poesies:
Does Modern Technology Bring Forth or Challenge Forth?
Challenging forth reduces objects as standing-reserve or something to be disposed of by those who
enflamed them-humans.
Evident in the way people exploit natural resources with very little concern for the ecological
consequences that come with it.
Challenging forth because of modern technology is also evident in the information age.
greater control of information to profit from its value gives rise to concerns about privacy and the
protection of human rights

Slide 10:
Technology as Poesies: Does Modern Technology Bring Forth or Challenge Forth?
The challenging forth of modern technology is seen everywhere:
rise and depletion of petroleum as a strategic resource;
introduction and use of synthetic dyes, artificial flavorings, and toxic materials into consumer stream
that bring about adverse effects on human health;
use of ripening agent in agriculture that poses threats to food safety and health security.

Slide 11:
as the Modern Technology's Way of Revealing

If the essence of technology can be understood as a way of bringing forth the truth in the sense of
poesies, Heidegger distinguished the way of revealing modern technology by considering it as a
process of enframing. Heidegger's desire to control everything including nature, is captured in
this process. In putting things, in this case nature, in a frame, it becomes much easier for humans to
control it according to their desires.

Slide 12:

as the Modern Technology's Way of Revealing

Enframing, according to Heidegger, is akin to two ways of looking at the world: calculate thinking and
meditative thinking.
In calculative thinking, humans desire to put an order to nature to better understand and control it.
In meditative thinking, humans allow nature to reveal itself to them without the use of force or

One thinking is not necessarily better than the other. In fact, humans can use both and will benefit
from being able to harmonize these ways of looking at the world. Yet, calculative thinking tends to be
more commonly utilized, primary because humans' desire to control due to their fear of irregularity.

Slide 13:
as the Modern Technology's Way of Revealing
Enframing, then, is a way of ordering (or framing) nature to better manipulate it.
Enframing happens because of how humans desire for security, even if it puts all of nature as a
standing reserve ready for exploitation.
Modern technology challenges humans to enframe nature. Thus, humans become part of the
standing reserve and an instrument of technology, to be exploited in the ordering of nature.
The role humans take as instruments of technology through enframing is called destining.
In destining, humans are challenged forth by enframing to reveal what is real. However, this destining
of humans to reveal nature carries with it the danger of misconstruction or misinterpretation.

Slide 14:
The Dangers of Technology
The dangers of technology lie in how humans let themselves be consumed by it.

Although humans are looped into the cycle of bringing forth or challenging forth, it is their
responsibility to recognize how they become instruments of technology.

Slide 15:
The Dangers of Technology
The Brazilian novelist, Paulo Coelho once remarked that it is boastful for humans to think that nature
needs to be saved, whereas mother Nature would remain even if humans cease to exist.

Hence, in facing the dangers of technology, the fear of disappearing from face of the Earth should
concern people more potently than the fear of the Earth disappearing.

As mere tenants on Earth, people must not allow themselves to be consumed by technology lest they
lose the essence of who they are as human beings.
In this sense, humans are in danger of becoming merely part of the standing reserve or, alternatively,
may find themselves in nature.
Bring - come to an end

Slide 16:
The Dangers of Technology
Recognizing its dangers of technology requires critical and reflective thinking on its use.
Social media has indeed connected people in the most efficient and convenient way imaginable,
inadvertently gave rise to issues such as invasion of privacy, online disinhibition, and proliferation of
fake news.
The line must be drawn between what constitutes a beneficial use of social media and a dangerous
As exemplified, social media comes with both benefits and drawbacks.

Slide 17:
The Dangers of Technology
However, the real threat of technology comes from its essence, not its activities or products.
The correct response to the danger of technology is not simply dismissing technology altogether
Heidegger(1977) explained that people are delivered over to technology in the worst possible way
when they regard it as something neutral.
This conception of technology, according to Heidegger, to which today humans particularly like to pay
homage, makes them utterly blind to the essence of technology.
Ultimately, the essence of technology is by no means anything technological(Heidegger, 1977).

Threat - danger
Essence- nature

Slide 18:

Art as the Saving Power

Necessary reflection upon and confrontation with technology are required in order to proactively
address the dangers of technology.

Friedrich Holderlin, a German poet quoted by Heidegger, said:

"But where danger is, grows the saving power also" (1977,.14).
Following this, saving power can be traced exactly where the danger is- in the essence of technology.
As mentioned, this essence is not neutral and by no means anything technological.

Along this line, Heidegger proposed art as the saving power and way out of enframing:
"And art was simply called techne. It was a single, manifold revealing" (1977,p.18)

Slide 19:

Art as the Saving Power

Heidegger saw art as an act of the mind, i.e., a techne, that protected and had great power over the
By focusing on art, people can see more clearly how art is embedded in nature.
Art encourages humans to think less from a calculative standpoint where nature is viewed as an
ordered system. Instead it inspires mediated thinking where nature is seen as an art and that, in all of
art nature is most poetic.
mediated – to bring about

Slide 20:

Art as the Saving Power

Heidegger encapsulated this as follows:
Because the essence of technology is nothing technological, essential reflection upon technology and
decisive confrontation with it must happen in a realm that is, on the one hand, akin to the essence of
technology and, on the other, fundamentally different from it. Such a realm is art. But certainly, only if
reflection on art, for its part, does not shut its eyes to the constellation of truth after which we are
questioning (1977, p. 19).
Realm - world
Akin - similar

Slide 21:
Questioning as the Piety of Thought
Heidegger concluded his treatise in technology by saying:
The closer we come to the danger, the more brightly do the ways into the saving power begin to shine
and the more questioning we become. For questioning is the piety of thought(1977,p.19)

Heidegger underscored the importance of questioning in the middle of technology.

There is unparalleled wisdom gained only when humans can pause, think, and question what is
around them.
Humans are consumed by technology when they are caught up in enframing and fail to pay attention
to the intricacies of technology, the brilliance of the purpose of humankind, and the genius of human
to bring forth the truth.

Unparalleled - exceptional
intricacies - details

Slide 22:
Questioning as the Piety of Thought
Questioning is the piety of thought.
It is only through questioning that humans can reassess their position not only amid technology
around them, but also, and most importantly, in the grand scheme of things.
It is through questioning that humans bear witness to the crises that a complete preoccupation with
technology brings, preventing them from experiencing the essence of technology.
Thus, humans need to take a step back and reassess who they were, who they are, and who they are
becoming amid technology today.

Piety - strong belief in a religion that is shown in the way someone lives
amid - within

Slide 23:
"The essence of technology is by no means anything technological."
- Martin Heidegger (1977)

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