Differents Meaning of Cultur1

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Speak about culture include an endless of concepts that overstep confines, time,
religious and beliefs. Distort concep emerge overtime. Starting from the basic concept
in the dictionary of the royal academy of languages with own etymology: “In the sense
of the term,culture means , Cultivations, in the fourth meaning implies the resulto r the
effect or cultivating human knowledge and fine-tunning through the exercise of the
intelectual faculties”, 1. Acoording the same definition in an article where Merria-
webster offers six definitions for It(including biological one, as “Bacteial culture”, the
problema is that “Culture is no more tan sum of the this definitions. If anything, Its
value as Word depends on the tensión between them. 2.

On the other hand, globalization have changed of the culture is, because the same
growth global evolted Its mean, so, It was expressed: "But culture is no longer fixed, if
it ever was. It is essentially fluid and constantly in motion.". 3. Otherwise culture is
implied in the article that Rothman write about Raymond Williams said. "culture" was
often opposed to "civilization." Civilization, the thinking went, was a homogenizing
system of efficient, rational rules, designed to encourage discipline and "progress."
Culture was the opposite: an unpredictable expression of human potential for its own

“A consulate is not just a place to do bureaucratic procedures, cultural promotion is vital

for us, It contributes to the image we give abroad in Argentina and It is a way to
maintain the affective bond of Argentines who have breen living abroad for somethime.
The cultural is not superfluos, says a lot about the idiosyncracy of a people, in ou case a
clear relationship between Galicia and Argentina is established through exchanges over
time”, says Silvina Montenegro, Argentinean cónsul in vigo,Spain. The Argentina
cónsul wanted to expand the Argentinian culture by music. 5 and that has the meaning
of culture as a group, as Rothman Said.

1. https://www.livescience.com/21478-what-is-culture-definition-of-culture.html .
by Kim Ann Zimmermman. “What is culture?”
2. https://www.newyorker.com/books/joshua-rothman/meaning-culture by Joshua
Rothman. (ph 2)
3. https://www.oei.es/historico/pensariberoamerica/colaboraciones11.htm by
Lic.Nera Gonzales Ramirez.
4. https://www.newyorker.com/books/joshua-rothman/meaning-culture by Joshua
Rothman. (ph 3) “the meaning of the culture”

5. https://www.atlantico.net/articulo/vigo/promoción-cultural-es-vital-argentina/

20181129233009680065.html by Ana Baena, 29/11/2018

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