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North Oil

Bl ock 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Deve opment

Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type:
I PHI System:
I Phase
I FE Status: IFR Class: 01


CE, EH Wellhead Platform -

Electrical Desian Basis

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01


Rev. Rev. Date Status History Issuer Reviewer Approver



1 Equipment Rating
2 Existing Equipment Loadings
3 Transformer location and type
4 HVAC system and location of ACU in Electrical room
5 Requirement for Harmonic Study
6 Foghorn requirement for new well head platform

The information contained in this document is the proprietary to North Oil Company. It must not be reproduced, stored, disclosed to any third party or used for any purpose not authorized by North
Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01


1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATION ............................................................................................... 7
2.1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2. Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
3. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Platform Process Facilities ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2. Electrical Equipment ............................................................................................................................................. 10
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................. 14
5.1. Environmental Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2. Vocabulary, Units and Symbols ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.3. Standard Voltage and Frequency ........................................................................................................................... 15
5.4. Voltage and Frequency Variations .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.5. System Voltage Drops .......................................................................................................................................... 17
5.6. Harmonic Distortions ............................................................................................................................................ 18
5.7. Electromagnetic Compatibility ............................................................................................................................... 19
6. EARTHING SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................... 20
7. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 22
7.1. General Principles ................................................................................................................................................ 22
7.2. Equipment Rating / Sizing ..................................................................................................................................... 22
7.3. Hazardous Area Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 23
7.4. Overall Configuration............................................................................................................................................ 24
7.5. System Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 28
7.6. Inter-tripping and Inter-locking ............................................................................................................................. 30
7.7. ECS ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
7.8. ICSS / Switchgear Interface .................................................................................................................................. 31
7.9. Black Start Requirements...................................................................................................................................... 31
7.10. Electrical Shutdown Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 32
7.11. ESD Relays .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
8. ELECTRICAL SUBSTATIONS .......................................................................................................... 33
8.1. General ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
8.2. Minimum Clearances ............................................................................................................................................ 33
8.3. G.I.S Substation................................................................................................................................................... 34
9. EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................. 35
9.1. General ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
9.2. Transformers ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
9.3. Motors ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
9.4. UPS ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
9.5. Lighting / Small Power and Welding Sockets .......................................................................................................... 36
9.6. Capacitor Banks ................................................................................................................................................... 37
9.7. Thyristor Controlled Electric Heater........................................................................................................................ 37
9.8. Cables and Cabling .............................................................................................................................................. 37

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

10. MISCLLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................ 40

10.1. Electrical Workshop .............................................................................................................................................. 40
10.2. Electrical Safety Kit .............................................................................................................................................. 40
10.3. Earthing 40
10.4. Lightning Protection ............................................................................................................................................. 41
11. ELECTRICAL DESIGN STUDIES ..................................................................................................... 42
11.1. Protection and Metering ....................................................................................................................................... 42
11.2. Power System Studies .......................................................................................................................................... 44
11.3. Hazardous Area Verification Dossier ....................................................................................................................... 45
11.4. Electrical Equipment Obsolescence Dossier ............................................................................................................. 46

Table 2-1 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4-1 References...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 5-1 Utilisation Voltages .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 5-2 Power Frequency and Impulse Withstand Voltages ............................................................................................. 16
Table 5-3 Equipment Power System Tolerances ................................................................................................................ 16
Table 5-4 System Voltage Drops ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 6-1 System Earthing Methods ................................................................................................................................. 20
Table 7-1 Hazardous Area Equipment Selection ................................................................................................................ 23
Table 7-2 C Location Host Platform Supply Loadings ......................................................................................................... 24
Table 7-3 E Location Host Platform Supply Loadings .......................................................................................................... 26
Table 8-1 Equipment Minimum Clearance Distances .......................................................................................................... 33
Table 9-1 Minimum Requirements for Indoor Installation of Dry Type Transformers (AN) ..................................................... 35
Table 9-2 AC UPS Battery Autonomy ................................................................................................................................ 35
Table 9-3 Cable Conductor Maximum Cross-Sectional Area ................................................................................................ 37
Table 9-4 Cable Conductor Minimum Cross-Sectional Area ................................................................................................. 37

Figure 1-1 Al Shaheen Field – Existing and Planned Development ......................................................................................... 5
Figure 7-1 CD Platform 11kV Switchboard ........................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 7-2 ED Platform 3kV Switchboard Unequipped Feeders ............................................................................................ 27

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

1.1. Introduction
North Oil Company (NOC) (referred as COMPANY in this document) is a crude oil and natural gas company based in
Qatar. The formation of the COMPANY was announced in June 2016 by Qatar Petroleum as a Joint Venture with Total
S.A. to develop and operate the Al-Shaheen Oil Field for 25 years. Operations along with production, sale and export of
crude oil have started since July 2017.

The Al Shaheen field is Qatar’s largest oil field. It is a conventional oil field (60m WD) situated offshore in Qatar
approximately 70km NNE of Ras Laffan. The field overlays the giant pre-Khuff gas field known as North Field.

In order to sustain current production plateau rate of 300,000 BPD and further increase in field production capacity,
COMPANY has initiated Gallaf project to install eight new WHPs, in three batches as detailed below:

➢ Batch - 1: New bridge-linked Wellhead platform (24 Slots) including jackets (DC / FC / EG), shall be installed and
the new WHP’s shall be integrated with their respective existing host platforms (DA / FA / ED) facilities.

➢ Batch - 2: New bridge-linked Wellhead platform (24 Slots) including jackets (CE / EH) shall be installed and the
new WHP’s shall be integrated with their respective host platforms (CD / EG) facilities.

➢ Batch - 3: New WHP’s including jackets (G-East / G-West / X-EI) shall be remote connected to their respective
existing host platform facilities.

A schematic showing the locations for the three batches is presented below:

Figure 1-1 Al Shaheen Field – Existing and Planned Development

After successful completion of Pre-FEED Studies for Batch 2, carried out by 'Genesis' Oil and Gas Consultants
Limited, COMPANY has appointed RCE and their subcontractor, Doris Engineering (DE), for carrying out FEED Studies
for the new WHP’s including jackets and detail design for the brownfield (Batch 2). The FEED study includes a Greenfield

The information contained in this document is the proprietary to North Oil Company. It must not be reproduced, stored, disclosed to any third party or used for any purpose not authorized by North
Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

scope for the design of new facilities and detail design for brownfield scope, tie-ins and associated modifications on the
existing host platforms.

Incremental well potential shall be used to fill ullage within the existing process capacity. Maximum use shall be made of
utility / service infrastructure from host facilities, including; power supply, lift gas supply, instrument air, breathing air,
fire water, service water, flare & vent, diesel, LP fuel gas, control command etc.

The main objective of the FEED WORK is to complete the design of the facilities to a point where the EPIC CONTRACTOR
can start detailed design without further definition of the systems being required.

This document covers the electrical requirements for FEED of new WHP’s and detail design engineering of Host platforms
of Phase 2, Batch-2 development activities only.

1.2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define and cover the electrical technical requirements and the operating principles to
execute the FEED design for the Phase 2 Batch 2 Wellhead Platforms (WHPs), CE & EH.

As well as the basis, this document will include the major deviations to the COMPANY General Specification SD-NOC-ELE-
001 ‘Electrical Design Criteria’ and highlight the major requirements of this project that have been reviewed at the FEED
stage. This document shall remain live throughout this phase of engineering and shall ultimately form the design basis
for electrical systems for the next phase – Detail Design.

The information contained in this document is the proprietary to North Oil Company. It must not be reproduced, stored, disclosed to any third party or used for any purpose not authorized by North
Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01


2.1. Definitions
COMPANY North Oil Company
PROJECT Gallaf Project Batch 2 FEED for new Well Head Platforms (CE & EH)
ENGINEER Ramboll Consulting Engineering (RCE) appointed by COMPANY to carry out the FEED
studies for the PROJECT
SUB-CONTRACTOR Any Company or person appointed by the ENGNEER to perform part of the PROJECT
SHALL or MUST It is to be understood as a mandatory requirement
SHOULD The specified action is recommended but not mandatory. However, the action party
will be responsible for the consequences in the event that he/she elects not to do it
WILL A commitment by the COMPANY or a statement of fact
MAY It is to be understood as giving freedom of choice

2.2. Abbreviations

Table 2-1 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

AC Alternating Current
AN Air Natural
API American Petroleum Institute
ATEX Atmosphere Explosive
BIL Basic Insulation Level
BSTB Billion Standard Barrels
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
DB Distribution Board
DC Direct Current
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DOL Direct On Line
ECS Electrical Control System
EDG Emergency Diesel Generator
EDP Emergency Depressurisation
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
EPC Engineering Procurement and Construction
EPR Ethylene Propylene Rubber
ESD Emergency Shutdown
F&G Fire and Gas
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FSO Floating Storage and Offloading

The information contained in this document is the proprietary to North Oil Company. It must not be reproduced, stored, disclosed to any third party or used for any purpose not authorized by North
Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Abbreviation Description

GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear

GRP Glass Reinforced Polyester
HP High Pressure
HPS High Pressure Sodium
HPU Hydraulic Powerpack Unit
HV High Voltage >= 1000V
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP Ingress Protection
IS Intrinsically Safe
IT Isolated Terre (Earth)
JB Junction Box
LED Light Emitting Diode
LP Low Pressure
LV Low Voltage <1000V
MBOPD Millions of Barrels of Oil Per Day
MCC Motor Control Centre
MCT Multi-Cable Transit
MOV Motor Operated Valve
NER Neutral Earthing Resistor
Ni-Cd Nickel Cadmium
NFA North Field Alpha
NOC North Oil Company
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PAGA Public Address / General Alarm
QP Qatar Petroleum
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RIO Remote Input Output
RMS Root Mean Square
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SI System International

The information contained in this document is the proprietary to North Oil Company. It must not be reproduced, stored, disclosed to any third party or used for any purpose not authorized by North
Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Abbreviation Description

SLD Single Line Diagram

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TNS Terre (Earth) Neutral Separate
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker
VCU Vacuum Contactor Unit
VSD Variable Speed Drive
WAG Water Alternating Gas (injection)
WHCP Well Head Control Panel
WHP Well Head Platform
WI Water Injection
XLPE Cross Linked Polyethylene

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

3.1. Platform Process Facilities
The new wellhead platform facilities at C and E locations shall be a 24-slot facility bridge linked to the existing CD and
EG platforms and include the following overall process facilities:
• Production and Test Manifolds (900# rating) shall be equipped with 14-slots each (2x7-slot sections at East and
West of well-bay. The design shall enable Injector well clean-up via the Production Manifold.
• Water Injection Manifold (1,500# rating) equipped with 14-slots (2x7-slot sections at East and West of well-bay).
• The well bay/manifold layout shall be designed such that every well slot is capable of being either a Producer or
an Injector.
• Producer flowlines shall be 900# rated.
• Water Injector flowlines shall be 1,500# rated.
• Artificial lift is via lift gas supplied from the CD or EG platform. The gas lift manifold and flowlines shall be 900#
rated [Ref. 3].
• 24 Slot Electro-Hydraulic Wellhead Control Panel (WHCP) and Hydraulic Powerpack Unit (HPU).
• Automated, remotely operable, 3-phase well testing via dedicated Test Separator on each WHP.
• Dedicated chemical storage tanks and injection systems to be provided at CE and EH WHPs.
• Utilities and services supplied over the bridge from the CD/ EG (ED) host facility, to include:
• Lift Gas
• Instrument Air
• Utility Air (to service stations)
• Breathing Air
• Inert Gas (to utility stations and blanketing)
• Service Water (to utility stations)
• Potable Water (to safety showers)
• Electrical Power
• Fire water
• Fuel Gas (flare header purge)
• Cables for communication and control
• Other connections from CE/EH to the host facility:
• HP Flare
• LP flare (EH), Atmospheric Vent (CE)
• Closed Drains
3.2. Electrical Equipment
The following minimum electrical equipment shall be installed on the new WHPs for safe and reliable operation of the
• Main Power Transformer (11/0.42kV for CE, 3/0.42kV for EH)
• 400V (LV) switchboard
• Navigation aid equipment
• Normal, essential and escape lighting fixtures and junction boxes
• Lighting and Small Power Distribution Boards
• MOV Distribution Boards
• Tie-in to ICSS system
• Power and Control cables
• Cable ladders and trays
• System earthing
No new Emergency / Essential Diesel Generator (EDG) is envisaged on the new Phase 2, Batch 2 platforms however
facilities will be provided to allow a portable generator to be connected to the 400V (LV Switchboard) for planned
maintenance purposes when main power is not available.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01


Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001, Rev. 01 [Section no. 2 – Reference Documents].
Latest revision of all relevant IECs, IEEE 519 and NF C15-100 are applicable.
In addition, the following shall be followed:

IEC 61892 Mobile and Fixed Offshore Units - Electrical Installations – All parts
IEC 62305- 1 Protection against Lightning – General principles

The design shall be in accordance with Qatari National Regulation, COMPANY Standards (SD) and International Codes
and Standards in the order of precedence as mentioned in SD-NOC-ELE-001. The most stringent applies in the case of
The reference standards are included below:
Table 4-1 References

Document Reference Title/ Description

NOC Standards

SD-NOC-EC-119 Metocean and Earthquake Design Data

SD-NOC-ELE-001 Electrical Design Criteria

SD-NOC-ELE-011 Electrical Requirements for Packaged Units

SD-NOC-ELE-013 Electrical Requirements for Generating Units

SD-NOC-ELE-031 Design of Earthing and Bonding Systems for Offshore Installations

SD-NOC-ELE-061 Minimum Requirements for HV and LV Cable Sizing

SD-NOC-ELE-079 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Gas Atmospheres

SD-NOC-ELE-081 Lighting

SD-NOC-ELE-091 Minimum Contractor Document Requirements

SD-NOC-ELE-111 Induction Motors

SD-NOC-ELE-112 High Speed Induction Motors

SD-NOC-ELE-113 AC Generators

SD-NOC-ELE-131 High Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Assemblies

SD-NOC-ELE-135 Low Voltage Switchgear Assembly

SD-NOC-ELE-137 Distribution Boards

SD-NOC-ELE-141 Power Transformers

SD-NOC-ELE-151 DC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

SD-NOC-ELE-152 AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

SD-NOC-ELE-161 Electrical Cables

The information contained in this document is the proprietary to North Oil Company. It must not be reproduced, stored, disclosed to any third party or used for any purpose not authorized by North
Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Document Reference Title/ Description

SD-NOC-ELE-211 Electrical Cabin Construction and Equipment

SD-NOC-ELE-221 Electrical Control System (ECS)

SD-NOC-ELE-311 Cable Trays / Ladders

SD-NOC-ELE-321 Navigational Aids System

SD-NOC-ELE-364 Electrical Installations

SD-NOC-ELE-374 Construction Site Electrical Installations

SD-NOC-ELE-451 THIRD PARTY Inspection Independent Verification of Electrical Facilities

SD-NOC-ELE-460 Engineering Studies

SD-NOC-ELE-931 Technical Assessment of High Voltage Switchgear Assembly Manufacturers

SD-NOC-ELE-935 Technical Assessment of Low Voltage Switchgear Assembly Manufacturers

SD-NOC-ELE-941 Technical Assessment of Power Transformers Manufacturers

SD-NOC-ELE-952 Technical Assessment of AC UPS Manufacturers

SD-NOC-ELE-961 Technical Assessment of Electrical Cables Manufacturers

SD-NOC-INS-106 Instrument Installation

SD-NOC-SAF-003 Area Classification

SD-NOC-SAF-010 Emergency Shutdown and Emergency Depressurisation (ESD and EDP)

Documents Identification & Numbering at Project Execution and Field
Operations Phases
Requirements for electronic Documents at Project Execution and Field
Operations Phases
SD-NOC-PJC-501 Requirements for Contractor Quality Management

Existing Drawings

ASYYY-07-07001-0001 Al Shaheen Key Single Line Diagram

C Location

ASCAA-07-00087-0001 C Platform Cable Block Diagram Navaids System

Project Drawings

C Location

WHP02-RCE2-ASCYY-07-07001-0001 C Location Key Single Line Diagram

WHP02- RCE2-ASCDA-07-00010-0001 CD Platform 11kV Switchboard Single Line Diagram ASCDA-N-1801 Sheet 1

WHP02- RCE2-ASCDA-07-00010-0002 CD Platform 11kV Switchboard Single Line Diagram ASCDA-N-1801 Sheet 2
Electrical Load Schedule Utility 11kV Switchboard ASCDA-N-1801

WHP02-RCE2-ASCDA-07-00021-0001 CD Platform Equipment and Switchgear Room Layout Plan

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Oil Company. Printed documents are uncontrolled and considered as "for information only". Reference should always be made to the on-line EDMS for the updated version
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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Document Reference Title/ Description

WHP02- RCE2-ASCYY-07-01003-0001 C Location Overall Layout Over-all Navigational System

CD Platform 11kV Switchgear New Panel Data Sheet
E Location

WHP02-RCE2-ASEYY-07-07001-0001 E Location Key Single Line Diagram

WHP02- RCE2-ASEDA-07-00012-0001 ED Platform Single Line Diagram 3kV Switchboard N-1811 Sheet 1

WHP02- RCE2-ASEDA-07-00012-0002 ED Platform Single Line Diagram 3kV Switchboard N-1811 Sheet 2

WHP02- RCE2-ASEDA-07-00012-0004 ED Platform Single Line Diagram 3kV Switchboard N-1811 Sheet 3

WHP02- RCE2-ASEDA-07-01001-0001 ED Platform Electrical Load Schedule

WHP02- RCE2-ASEDA-07-00021-0001 ED Platform Switchgear Room Equipment Layout – Deck Level 3

WHP02- RCE2-ASEYY-07-00081-0001 E Location Overall Navigational System Layout

WHP02-RCE2-ASEGA-07-360001-0001 EG Wellhead Platform 400V LV Emergency Switchboard Single Line Diagram

WHP02-RCE2-ASEGA-07-360002-0001 EG Wellhead Platform 400V LV Emergency Switchboard Single Line Diagram

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

5.1. Environmental Conditions
Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section No 3. Environmental conditions].
Following parameters shall be considered for design conditions.
Parameter Minimum Maximum
Ambient Air Temperature, °C
5 50
Relative Humidity, % 31 95

Design Temperature (indoor installation) 40°C

Design Temperature (outdoor installation under shade) 50°C
Design Relative Humidity (indoor) 60% and below
Design Relative Humidity (outdoor) 100%
Altitude Sea level

Atmosphere shall be regarded as dusty, saliferous and corrosive as commonly encountered in offshore marine Oil & gas
installations. All equipment categorized as outdoor equipment shall be suitable for the highest level of marine grade
equipment (C5-M, Atmosphere of very high corrosivity level (marine) – coastal, Offshore areas) according to NOC
standard SD-NOC-COR-001, clause 6.3.1

Electrical equipment installed within air-conditioned rooms shall be suitable for an ambient air temperature of 25°C but
they shall be able to operate at rated capacity as long as room temperature does not exceed 40°C.

The minimum degree of protection of new enclosures shall be at least:

Indoor equipment IP-31
Outdoor equipment IP-55 (or higher if mentioned in equipment specification)
Offshore exposed deck IP-56
Lighting apparatus and JBs IP-66

All areas with HVAC shall be positively pressurised in normal operation and have pressure air-locks.
Special provisions shall be taken by the equipment Supplier to avoid equipment corrosion. The equipment shall be
installed offshore in corrosive, salt laden atmosphere with H2S presence. Equipment shall be selected based on
requirements in the NOC standard SD-NOC-COR-350 (External protection of offshore and coastal structures and
equipment by painting)
All outdoor equipment on WHPs shall be considered as located in hazardous areas. Equipment shall be selected based on
requirements in the General specification SD-NOC-ELE-079. Equipment shall be IEC Ex / ATEX certified and self-
certification is prohibited.
Design life of all electrical equipment shall be minimum 25 years.
5.2. Vocabulary, Units and Symbols
Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 4 – Vocabulary, units and symbols]
The Electro-technical vocabulary and graphical symbols used shall be as defined in the IEC 60050 and IEC 60617.
In the case of use of any vocabulary, units or symbols that are not in the above IEC publications, the Engineer /
Contractor is required to produce a glossary (for vocabulary), correspondence table to IEC units (for units) and / or clear
legend (for symbols).

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

The contractual language of nameplate and documents shall be English. All quantities and dimensions in the electrical
design shall be expressed in System International (SI) units. All information, data, documentation provided during all
phases of engineering and all inscriptions and labels etc, provided by equipment suppliers and fabrication contractors
shall be in the English language. All test certificates provided by suppliers shall be in the English language.
All warning signs / caution board shall be in English.
5.3. Standard Voltage and Frequency
Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 5.2 and 5.3 – Standard Frequencies and Voltages].
All general requirements as in Section 5 are applicable. Specific requirements are highlighted below.
The following utilisation voltages shall be considered for various types of equipment

Table 5-1 Utilisation Voltages

Equipment Voltage

HV supply in Host platform (CD) / Incoming

11 kV, AC, 3 phase
supply to main CE Platform power transformer
Tie-in supply from Host platform (ED) / Incoming
3 kV, AC, 3 phase (Resistance earthed)
supply to EH Platform main power transformer
Motors >= 160kW and <=710kW 3 kV, AC, 3 phase
Motors >= 160kW 400 V, AC, 3 phase, TNS, Soft starter (See note below)
Motors < 160kW 400 V, AC, 3 phase, TNS, DOL
Motors less than 0.37kW 230 V, AC, 1 phase + N + E
Incoming supply to AC and Nav-aid control panel 400 V, AC, 3 phase, TNS
Lighting DB / MOV distribution boards and
400 V, AC, 3 phase TNS
Auxiliary Boards
Welding receptacles 400 V, AC, 3 Phase, TNS
Normal lighting / Emergency lighting 230 V, AC, 1ph + N + E
Convenience outlets 230 V, AC, 1ph + N + E
400V, AC, 3 phase TNS
All packages less than 350kW
230 V, AC, 1ph + N
Critical lighting (with integral battery pack / built
230 V, AC, 1ph + N + E
in battery)
Switchboard Control
- VCB / ACB closing / tripping circuit voltage 230 V AC UPS supply (IT)

- Protection relay voltage 230 V AC UPS supply (IT)

- VCB / ACB spring charge motor voltage 230V AC, 1 ph, 50Hz supply (Non-UPS)

LV contactor coils for 400V Switchboard (Through

230 V, AC, 1ph + N – IT system (as in existing)
control transformer for each bus section)
Space heater for Panel and motors 230 V, AC, 1ph + N (TNS)
ICSS 230 V AC UPS supply (IT)
PAGA / F&G 230 V AC (IT)
Nav-aid system 48V DC or Vendor standard

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Note: Power supply for Electric cranes in C and E locations with rating 260kW (HOLD 1), are proposed to be fed through
soft starter panels at low voltage. Transformer sizing will take due cognisance of this.
50Hz is the standard frequency for entire Al Shaheen complex. AC equipment shall operate satisfactorily at frequencies
within ± 5% of the stated frequency.
The general electrical characteristics of HV systems shall be in compliance with the values indicated in IEC 62271-1 -
paragraph 4.2 rated insulation level, Table 1a - Rated insulation levels for rated voltages of range I, series I. General
characteristics of LV systems shall be in compliance with IEC-61439. The power frequency withstand voltage and
impulse withstand voltage for various system voltages used in this project shall be as below:
Table 5-2 Power Frequency and Impulse Withstand Voltages
Nominal Power Frequency
Maximum Impulse Withstand Voltage (1.2 /
System Withstand Voltage (1
System Voltage 50 -sec.)
Voltage min)
400 V 690 V 2.5 kVrms 8 kVp (overvoltage category IV)
3 kV 3.6 kV 10 kVrms 40 kVp
11 kV 12 kV 28 kVrms 75 kVp

The EH platform is tied-in at 3kV. The existing ED 3kV system is earthed through Neutral Earthing Resistor (NER). The
impulse withstand voltage and Basic Insulation Level (BIL) of the transformer and the associated system shall be
determined by the upstream system switching, voltage surges and earthing on each platform defined in the project
The CE platform is tied-in at 11kV. The existing CD 11kV system is earthed through NERs at the source generators. The
impulse withstand voltage and BIL of the transformer and the associated system shall be determined by the upstream
system switching, voltage surges and Neutral Earth Resistance on each platform defined in the project drawings.
5.4. Voltage and Frequency Variations
Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 5.4 – Voltage and frequency variations].
Electrical equipment shall operate satisfactorily with the following simultaneous variations, from their nominal value,
when measured at the consumer input terminals.
Table 5-3 Equipment Power System Tolerances
Nominal Steady State
Transient Variation
System Voltage Operation
AC system

Voltage ±10% ±20% Recovery within 1.5 seconds

±10% Recovery within
Frequency ±5%
5 seconds
DC system

Voltage +10%, -15% ±25%

DC Voltage Cyclic variation: 5%

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

5.5. System Voltage Drops

Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 5.4 – Voltage and frequency variations].
The distribution system cable sizing shall ensure that the following voltage drops, at the circuit full load current, are not
Table 5-4 System Voltage Drops

Load Max Voltage Drop

Portable generator JB to LV switchboard 2%

Feeders (from main to sub-main switchboard and MCCs) 2%

Transformer feeders (from switchboard to transformer) with Off-Circuit tap 2%

changer transformers
Transformer feeders (from transformer to switchboard) 1%

Motor feeders (at motor terminals, running at full current) Max. 5%

During motor starting (The voltage at motor terminals shall ensure a

sufficient accelerating torque and the voltage drop at bus bar shall not 15%
cause shutdown of other consumers)
Lighting sub-circuits and sockets 4% avg. with max. 8% at the farthest fitting

Other (heaters, packages, etc.) 5%

2% of nominal voltage taking into account
UPS & DC distribution
inrush currents and transient loads
Note: In any case, voltage drop from the source until the load terminal shall not exceed 5% during steady state

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

5.6. Harmonic Distortions

NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 5.6 – Harmonic distortions].
All parts of this section are applicable.
There are proportionally large soft starters on CE and EH platforms and therefore harmonic studies shall be performed
for these platforms (Hold 5). As these only have an ephemeral transient effect on the network (as opposed to VSDs),
requirement of harmonic calculations shall be based on the requirements of IEEE519 for short time
The 'very short time' values shall be 1.5 times of the normal values recommended mentioned below in IEEE 519:
• Total Harmonic distortion (THD) ≤ 5% (x 1.5 times for very short duration)
• Single harmonic ≤ 3% (x 1.5 times for very short duration)

Calculations to demonstrate that emission levels of harmonics remain within the requirements of IEEE 519, including size
and effect of harmonics and inter-harmonics, taking into account data of all drives and converters installed on the
If the THD exceeds the acceptable limits, action shall be taken either by equipment over-sizing or by additional active
harmonic filters to meet these limits, or harmonic management techniques such as increasing pulse, high end devices
such as IGBT etc to meet these limits.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

5.7. Electromagnetic Compatibility

NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 5.7 – Electromagnetic Compatibility].
All parts of this section are applicable.
In order to comply with the EMC requirements of IEC 60533 (offshore) and of IEC 61000 all electrical systems and
equipment shall meet the current applicable levels of “emission” and “immunity” detailed therein.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 [Section no. 6 – Earthing systems].
Table 6-1 System Earthing Methods

System Earthing Method

HV system
(11kV) C HV system through generator NERs at host platform ASBGA-N-1820.
HV system through NER or earthing transformer. The neutral system and the relevant fault current
HV system (3kV) value are imposed by the ED platform normal switchboard. The neutral is earthed through a NER of
E location the ratings below:
ED Platform ASEDA-NER-1811 - 3kV, 6.06 ohms, 300A for 10s (7.5MVA transformer)
The existing LV systems on C and E location platforms are 3 phase, 4 wire with separate PE
conductors. (TNS system). The neutral of an HV/LV transformer is directly earthed to primary
structure of the platform.

All motor feeders higher than 30kW shall be provided with an Earth leakage relay which should be 3%
of the rated current or 6A whichever is higher, in line with the existing protection system philosophy.

All smaller feeders should have an earth leakage protection of 1A. Welding socket outlets will be fitted
with an Earth leakage relay set at 30mA.

LV system Since the electrical system is TNS, the faults are cleared on the first instance within 1 second unlike
an IT system. Differential protection / earth fault leakage relay (with time delay) shall be required for
LV outgoing feeders in charge to supply electrical consumers / loads (heaters, induction motors)
located outdoors.

Short-circuit calculations shall be performed at each feeder termination to allow selection of the
appropriate protective device. Local equipotential bonding is provided on all equipment.

A copper main earth bar on isolators shall be installed in the switchgear room. The earth bars of all
switchgear shall be connected to two individual earth bosses and welded on the main structure via
two earth conductors.
TNS system 400 V/230 V, 3 phase + Neutral + Earth (Protection conductor), 5 Wires for 3 phase
distribution on all host and same shall be followed on new platforms.
Lighting and Multipoles (phases and neutral) switching is required for all incoming / outgoing circuits.
Small power Each individual outgoing feeder shall have differential device with 300mA sensitivity, which shall trip
on first earth fault.
Small power socket outlets shall be fitted with an earth fault leakage relay set at 30 mA.
Heat Tracing Heat Tracing is not required for this project
400 V/230 V, 3 phases + Neutral + Earth (Protection conductor), 5-Wires for 3 phase distribution
Welding (TNS system) (This is same as existing system philosophy on upstream host platform and different to
receptacles SD-NOC-ELE-001 requirement, 3 PH + E)
Welding socket outlets will be fitted with an Earth leakage relay set at 300mA.
Isolated IT system, Phase + Neutral
(The existing philosophy on host platform is Phase + Neutral + earth, 3 wires. However, this is not
230V UPS proposed as disruption on fault to essential system like UPS loads is not recommended.)
UPS socket outlet circuits shall be fitted with an earth fault leakage relay set at 30mA. A maximum
number of three socket outlets per circuit are allowed.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

System Earthing Method

Isolated IT (internally derived from 230V AC)

DC system DC distribution shall be unearthed. An insulation monitoring system and ground fault detector relay
providing local and remote alarm shall be installed.
Company Specification SD-NOC-ELE-374, and relevant Civil specifications to be referred
Site installation

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01


The following principles shall be applied regarding the basic requirements and configuration of the distribution systems
for this project and other associated electrical systems such as HVAC, UPS, Lighting and Small Power System. The power
tie-in to the new platforms is from host platforms in CD and ED (3kV Tie-in) & EG (400V Tie-in) locations.
7.1. General Principles
All distribution systems shall be designed to fulfil the following requirements:
• To ensure maximum continuity of supply to users as far as possible
• To provide reliable power sources for essential and emergency loads
• To allow ease of operation and maintenance of the system while operating in a safe manner without unduly
affecting the production of the plant
• To allow remote operation from the technical room through SCADA or ICSS system
• To design a system for which the necessary elements e.g. switchgear assemblies, cables, etc. are currently
manufactured, and tested. Industrial type equipment with a minimum of two years field proven experience is
• Selection of equipment shall be based on OPEX and CAPEX considerations.
• Selection of philosophy and design shall be based on existing Al Shaheen platform as far as possible. In case
of any conflict with requirements in NOC standards, the same shall be assessed on a case to case basis and
shall be implemented after COMPANY’s concurrence and approval. Any change from NOC standard shall be
notified to COMPANY and derogation shall be raised to get COMPANY approval.
• Phase rotation sequence of power supply in the new platform should be maintained the same as in the
existing host platform.
7.2. Equipment Rating / Sizing
A Load List and Load Balance shall be developed for each new platform.
All relevant operational cases that may impact on equipment sizing will be considered. The Load List will calculate the
Maximum Normal Operating load and the Total design load (or Peak Load) for each switchboard.
Max. Normal Operating Load = Continuous load + intermittent loads * (effect of diversity factor or largest
intermittent load, whichever is greater)
Peak Load or Total Design Load = Continuous load + intermittent loads * (effect of diversity factor) + Largest
standby motor / load
HV/LV Transformer sizing shall be done taking into consideration all extensions known at design phase. Transformer
rating shall take into consideration the starting of the largest motor.
Rating of the switchboard and transformer shall be based on Total Design Load + 20% margin such that the power
system should be capable of delivering 120% of the peak load without exceeding the specified voltage limits, frequency
limits and equipment ratings. Major equipment (transformers, 400V switchboards, UPS) of the power distribution are
designed to include 20% spare capacity above the peak load. For tie-ins to existing switchgear, the spare and the
unused design capacity in the existing system shall be utilised.
Sizes of equipment used in various locations shall be standardized globally as much as possible. All equipment of similar
type and incorporating similar or identical components and of similar and identical constructions shall be of the same
All equipment and material to be selected for the Platforms shall be new, commercially well known, proved for use in
plant application and designed and manufactured according to the most up-to-date technology.
The voltage rating for all electrical equipment shall be in accordance with Section 5.3.
All components (e.g. bus bars, circuit breakers, contactors, switches, etc.) shall be rated to handle maximum fault
current of the equipment in which they are installed.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

The short circuit rating of LV switchboards shall be determined with all the LV consumers in service.
The equipment rating shall take into account voltage and frequency variation stated in Section 5.4.
7.3. Hazardous Area Equipment
All electrical outdoor equipment in offshore wellhead platforms shall be considered as being in a hazardous area.
Equipment shall be selected based on requirements in SD-NOC-ELE-079 “Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive
gas atmospheres”. As a minimum all outdoor electrical equipment shall be specified to be suitable for a Zone 2, gas
group IIA, temperature class T3 area, ATEX category II 3 G.
All indoor electrical equipment shall be in non-hazardous areas except for cases required by the project safety
For electrical equipment defined as Zone 2, ATEX category, II 3 G, “self-certification” by the MANUFACTURER shall not
be accepted. Only an EC declaration of conformity delivered by MANUFACTURER / VENDOR accompanied by an EC
Examination type certificate delivered by a Notify Body (listed in the SD-NOC-ELE-079) shall be accepted by COMPANY.
Therefore, all outdoor electrical equipment shall be specified either II 3 G or II 2 G in accordance with ATEX directives
and the chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Appendix 1 of the SD-NOC-ELE-079.
No electrical equipment shall be installed in zone 0.
Table 7-1 Hazardous Area Equipment Selection
Zone 1 Hazardous
Equipment Type Zone 2 Hazardous Area Non-hazardous Area
Exd or Exde (<1MW) Exd or Exde (<1MW)
HV electric motors Standard industrial motor
Expx (>=1MW) Expx (>=1MW)

LV electric motors Exd or Exde Exd or Exde Offshore ExnA

Variable Speed Drive Prohibited Prohibited Standard industrial VSD

Exo with HV Exe plug in

Power Transformer Standard industrial
Prohibited terminals when available
(Liquid Filled) transformer
and LV Exe connection
Power Transformer Prohibited Prohibited Indoors IP31
(Dry Type)
Lighting Fixture Offshore process areas as
(Luminaires, Floodlight, Exd, Exde, Exe Exd, Exde, Exe
per Zone 2
Distribution Panel Outdoor
(lighting, small power Exde Exde
Standard Industrial IP55
Control Station / Push Offshore process areas as per
Exde Exde
Button Zone 2
Offshore process areas as per
LV socket outlet Prohibited Exde
Zone 2

Solenoid Valve Exd, Exe Exd, Exe Standard Industrial IP55

Heater Exd Exd, Exde Standard Industrial IP55

Junction Box Prohibited Exe Offshore process areas as per

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Zone 1 Hazardous
Equipment Type Zone 2 Hazardous Area Non-hazardous Area
Zone 2

Protection against short circuits.
Exe Exe Battery box with internal
Protection against short Protection against short insulation.
circuits. circuits. Natural cooling
Battery box with internal Battery box with internal Global certification
Accumulator Batteries
insulation. insulation. (box and battery box)
Natural cooling Natural cooling Indoor
Global certification Global certification Protection against short circuits.
(box and battery box) (box and battery box) Natural cooling
On battery stand or in cabinet
Exd, Exe, ExnR

Exd, Exe (in line with the rating of Industrial IP55

Cable Glands
the equipment

7.4. Overall Configuration

Addendum to the NOC Standard SD-NOC-ELE-001 Section no. 7.4 – Overall Configuration.
The new wellhead platforms CE and EH shall be bridge linked to the adjacent platforms CD and EG / ED.
Main power shall be supplied to CE from the adjacent CD platform’s 11kV switchboard ASCDA-N-1801 located in the CD
platform switchgear room.
Main power shall be supplied to EH from the ED platform’s 3kV switchboard ASEDA-N-1811 via the EG platform.
7.4.1. C Location
The Al Shaheen electrical distribution system is shown in the Al Shaheen Key Single Line Diagram, Drawing No.
C location is powered via a submarine cable from A location and a submarine cable from the B location.
At present the incoming circuit breaker for the supply from A location on switchboard ASCAA-N-1801 on the CA platform
is normally open. The whole load for C location is supplied via the cable from B location to the 11kV switchboard
ASCDA-N-1801 on CD platform.
Table 7-2 C Location Host Platform Supply Loadings
Tag Rating Approximate Loading (Existing)
11kV, 630 A incomer, 25 kA for 1 Sec.
ASCDA-N-1801 *3200kVA [HOLD 2]

ASCDA-TN-1803 500kVA, 11/0.42kV 150kVA

* Measured load 3 July 2018 by Pre-FEED Contractor. (HOLD 2 – To be confirmed after Site Survey by FEED

7.4.2. C Location Tie Ins
The C location electrical distribution is shown in WHP02 FEED C Location Key Single Line Diagram Drawing No. WHP02-

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

C location is supplied by a submarine cable from A location and a submarine cable from the B location. At present the
feeder from A location is normally open.
The 400V main supply for CE platform shall be taken from a new vacuum circuit breaker from the 11kV switchboard
ASCDA-N-1801 on CD platform, then transformed down to 400V through a 11/0.42kV, 1 MVA transformer located on the
CE platform. The new 11kV circuit breaker shall be installed in the future space to the right of the existing switchboard
when viewed from the front. The existing arc duct above the switchgear shall be modified to accommodate the new
Figure 7-1 CD Platform 11kV Switchboard

A new 400V, 1600A, 50Hz, 50kA for 1 sec switchboard ASCEA-N-1803 shall be located on CE feeding all loads requiring
normal power.
An alternative 400V supply for the CE main switchboard shall be taken from the CD Emergency Switchboard ASCDA-N-
1805. Note: None of the loads on CE platform have been designated as “Essential” in accordance with clause 7.1. of this
document, however an alternative source of power is provided from ASCDA-N-1805 which would be used in the event of
unavailability of main supply. This connection will be limited to 250A as the supply transformer to the CD platform low
voltage switchboards is only 500kVA. The outgoing circuit breaker from CD switchboard ASCDA-N-1805 to CE shall be
interlocked with the incomer to ASCDA-N-1805 indirectly supplied from the C location EDG ASCCI-G-1701 to prevent the
EDG being overloaded by the CE loads. Cable entry for the new circuit breakers on the 11kV switchboard ASCDA-N-
1801, and the 400V Emergency Switchboard ASCDA-N-1805 shall be from the top as per the existing switchboards.
A connection to a junction box allowing a portable generator to be connected to the CE switchboard shall also be
provided. This shall be fully rated (1600A) allowing the electric crane to be operated during periods of planned
Loads designated as “Emergency” will receive supplies from a CE platform dual redundant 230V AC UPS rated at 25kVA
(HOLD 1) with 2 x 100% rectifier / inverters, 2 x 50% Ni-Cd batteries with a backup time of 2 hours.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

7.4.3. E Location
The Al Shaheen electrical distribution system is shown in the Al Shaheen Key Single Line Diagram, Drawing No.
E location is powered via a submarine cable from A location and a submarine cable from the B location.
At present the outgoing circuit breaker 18 for the supply at A location from 11kV switchboard ASABI-N-1801 on the AB
platform is normally open. An 11kV link has been added from a B location 11kV switchboard ASBAA-N-1801 to the
outgoing terminals of breaker 18 of ASABI-N-1801 allowing power to be supplied from B location via A to E location.
However, at present the whole load for E location is supplied via the cable from B location to the 11kV switchboard
ASEDA-N-1811 on ED platform.
The E location electrical distribution is shown in WHP02FEED E Location Key Single Line Diagram, Drawing no. WHP02-
At ED platform, a 3kV switchboard ASEDA-N-1811 is supplied via a single 11/3.15kV, 7500kVA (LNAN) / 9000kVA (LNAF)
transformer ASEDA-TN-1811.
Table 7-3 E Location Host Platform Supply Loadings
Tag Rating Approximate Loading (Existing)
ASEDA-TN-1811 7500kVA (LNAN) / 900kVA (LNAF), *4200kVA [HOLD 2]
ASEGA-TN-1802 11/3.15kV
630kVA, 3/0.42kV 64kVA [HOLD 2]
*Measured Load 5th July 2018 by Pre-FEED Contractor
7.4.4. E Location Tie Ins
The 400V main supply for EH platform shall be taken from a new fuse switch Vacuum Contactor Unit (VCU) from the 3kV
switchboard ASEDA-N-1811 on ED platform, then transformed down to 400V through a 3/0.42kV, 1MVA transformer
located on the EH platform. The existing 3kV switchboard has two unequipped cubicle, busbars and arc duct already in
place to accommodate both the EG platform feeder and the EH feeder. The tie-in will involve installing the VCU itself
plus its protection relays controls and interface wiring. This VCU will be installed at the same time as the contactor unit
being provided for the EG platform supply as part of the Batch 1 project. The cable entry for the 3kV VCU on ASEDA-N-
1801 shall be from the top as per the existing switchboard.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Figure 7-2 ED Platform 3kV Switchboard Unequipped Feeders

A new 400V, 1600A, 50Hz, 50kA for 1 sec switchboard ASEHA-N-1803 shall be located on EH feeding all loads with
requiring normal power.
An alternative 400V supply for the EH main switchboard shall be taken from the EG platform Emergency Switchboard
ASEGA-N-1803. Note: None of the loads on EH platform have been designated as “Essential” in accordance with Section
7.1. of this document, however an alternative source of power is provided which would be used in the event of
unavailability of main supply. This connection will be limited to 250A as the supply transformer to the EG platform low
voltage switchboards is only 630kVA. The outgoing circuit breaker from EG switchboard ASEGA-N-1803 to EH shall be
interlocked with the incomer to ASEGA-N-1803 indirectly supplied from the E location EDG ASECI-G-1701 to prevent the
EDG being overloaded by EH loads. Cable entry for the new circuit breaker in ASEGA-N-1803 shall be from the bottom
as per the Batch 1 switchboard design.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

A connection to a junction box allowing a portable generator to be connected to the EH switchboard shall also be
provided. This shall be fully rated (1600A) allowing the electric crane to be operated during periods of planned
Loads designated as “Emergency” will receive supplies from a CE platform dual redundant 230V AC UPS rated at 25kVA
(HOLD 1) with 2 x 100% rectifier/inverters, 2 x 50% Ni-Cd batteries with a backup time of 2 hours.
7.5. System Configuration
7.5.1. HV Switchgear
The new feeder from the 11kV switchboard ASCDA-N-1801 on CD platform and the 3kV switchboard ASEDA-N-1811 on
ED platform shall be designed for Remote Open / Close / Trip operation from the relevant location(s) ICSS system.
7.5.2. Diesel Generation
A new permanent diesel generator is not envisaged for the CE and EH platforms as there are no loads designated as
“Essential” (See Section 7.1). A fully rated circuit breaker connected to a junction box shall be provided to allow a
portable generator to be connected.
7.5.3. LV Switchgear
New 400V Switchgear for the new platforms shall be designed according to SD-NOC-ELE-135 and SD-NOC-ELE-001 and
installed in new air-conditioned and pressurised technical rooms on CE and EH platforms respectively.
The 400V Main switchgear shall be provided with one incoming circuit breaker from a dedicated transformer and one
incoming circuit breaker capable of being connected to a portable generator. These shall be located on separate busbars
with a bus-tie circuit breaker between them. On the busbar with the portable generator connection an alternative
reduced rating incomer shall be provided.
400V Main switchgear shall be withdrawable type, and separation shall be Form 4b. The minimum degree of protection
against direct contact for the LV switchboard enclosure shall be at least IP31 and IP20 when any door (if any) is open as
per IEC 60529. Impact strength shall be at minimum IK 08 as defined in the IEC 62262. Cable entry shall be from the
bottom as per SD-NOC-ELE-001 and a false floor shall be installed in the switch room. Earthing system shall be TNS.
The auxiliary voltage supply to the switchboard for control/relaying and signalling shall be 230V from new 230V AC UPS
on the new Platforms and any other control voltage shall be generated internally by using of suitable AC/DC converters.
All HVAC loads / drives shall be fed from the 400V main switchgear. One drive of HVAC and of WHCP shall be fed from
the A busbar and the other shall be fed from the B busbar. All switchboards shall interface with the ICSS system through
in-built RIO panels in the LV switchgear assemblies. The numerical relays installed in all ACB feeders shall be
multifunctional, microprocessor based intelligent programmable type, and shall be serially looped via Modbus TCP/IP
daisy chain ring connection to the SCADA system.
7.5.4. Transfomer
One transformer is installed on the each of the new WHPs which shall be able to feed the total load of its downstream
switchboard continuously. Transformer shall be designed to include a 20% spare loading capacity. Sizing shall also be
such as to permit starting of largest motor with the remaining normal load operating without exceeding the secondary
bus voltage drop specified in Section 5.4.
The 11/0.42kV transformer on CE Platform and the 3/0.42kV transformer on EH Platform shall be cast resin type and be
installed within the electrical Room. (HOLD 3 for finalization of sensitivity study) The transformers shall have self-cooling
by natural Air-flow and radiation. Transformer shall be designed according to SD-NOC-ELE-141 and SD-NOC-ELE-001.
The transformer(s) shall be equipped with a removable protective enclosure made of sheet steel which shall provide an
IP31 protection degree.
The HV connections on the transformers shall be plug-in type (for separate cable connector). LV connections shall be of
busbar bushing type providing a direct connection to cables.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

7.5.5. Uninterruptible Power Supplies

A new 230V AC UPS Systems comprising of battery charger, stationary batteries, inverter and by-pass transformer shall
be used to provide uninterruptible power supplies for ICSS systems, switchgear control, PA/GA system, other instrument
loads and telecom systems. The UPS shall have a dual redundant configuration with 2 x 100% chargers and inverters, 2
x 50% battery, and 1 Distribution board with Bus A and B.
Each battery charger-inverter branch shall be installed in separate cabinets. There shall be 2 incomers (one from either
side of the main switchboard and 1 by-pass with transformer). The 2 Nos. of battery banks shall be connected through a
link to charge both batteries from one charger in case of failure of another charger and to maintain battery full
autonomy in case of one inverter fail to operate. Batteries shall be Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) type and shall be designed to
reduce weight, overall footprint and support long battery life. Battery circuit breakers shall be fitted with an under-
voltage trip or shunt trip for ESD tripping. It shall be possible to disable or bypass the under-voltage trip and energize
the UPS inverter from batteries for black start. In case of failure of HVAC system, the UPS shall be able to operate in an
ambient temperature of up to 40°C for the designated standby time and until the system shuts itself down.
The UPS battery boost charging shall be stopped in case the battery room fan system is failed or stopped.
The UPS shall be sized based on the total UPS load of the ICSS system (ESD, SCADA and F&G system), Network Panels,
Telecom loads, PA/GA system, Switchgear Control, Muster area and Boat landing lighting and any other UPS loads
envisaged for the new WHP. The UPS distribution shall be designed for 230V single phase, IT system. Suitable
converters shall be used for instrument loads as required by the specific consumers.
230V AC UPS Battery autonomy shall be 2 hours for all loads.
24V DC system shall be provided part of Navigation aid central control system or as per vendor’s standard, which shall
have 1x 100% charger and Nickel-Cadmium type battery. The autonomy of Navigation aid system shall be 96 hours as
per IALA regulations. The 24V DC UPS shall consist of necessary navigational aids control system to control and monitor
the Nav aid lanterns along with the photocell.
UPS units shall be located indoor in pressurised rooms and the battery shall be in separate air-conditioned battery
AC UPS system shall be designed according to project specification for AC UPS, project datasheets and NOC standards,
SD-NOC-ELE-152 & SD-NOC-ELE-001, Schematic Diagram 2 of SD-NOC-ELE-152.
7.5.6. Distribution Boards
Distribution boards (e.g. for lighting and small power and MOVs) shall be normally fed by only one feeder coming from
upstream 400V switchboard. The earthing and distribution philosophy shall be same as that in existing system. All
distribution boards and panels shall be located indoor in electrical room on each platform and having minimum Form 2b
construction. Distribution board assembly shall be self-ventilated. Distribution board shall be designed for front access
only with door and bottom entry. All circuit breakers shall be equipped with an auxiliary contact for fault signalling. All
circuit breakers fault signals shall be grouped to provide a common signal wired on terminal for remote signalling
A separate MOV distribution board shall be provided to feed all motor operated valves (MOV).
All distribution boards shall be designed as per project specification for Distribution boards, project data sheet and NOC
standards SD-NOC-ELE-137 & SD-NOC-ELE-001.
7.5.7. HVAC Distribution
HVAC drives and heaters shall be supplied from motor starters and feeders integrated into the 400V Main switchboard.
All HVAC starters / feeders shall be interfaced and controlled from HVAC control panel located in Electrical room.
7.5.8. Navigational Aid System
The CE and EH platforms are bridge linked to existing platforms at the C and E locations respectively and as such do not
require an independent navigational aids system, in fact it is important that any supplied equipment is synchronised with
the existing systems.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

As the CE and EH platforms are at the extremities of the locations, the following equipment shall be installed as a
• 1 off Main Marine light - white light of which the intensity shall be 12000 candelas, giving a range of 15
nautical miles synchronised with the existing C or E location Navigational aids system.
• 1 off Secondary Marine light - white light of which the intensity shall not be less than 1200 candelas giving a
range of 10 nautical miles synchronised with the existing C or E location Navigational aids system.
• Aviation obstruction lights as required powered from 230V AC UPS.
The following equipment shall be installed on the CD-CE & EG-EH bridges:
• 1 off Subsidiary Marine Light - red light of which the intensity shall be not less than 15 candelas giving a
range of 3 nautical miles synchronised with the existing C or E location Navigational aids system.
Both C and E locations already have 2 off foghorns, wave off lights and windsocks for the helideck(s) and no additional
units are envisaged being required for the new platforms (Hold 6 will be confirmed after site survey).
For the C location the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) has confirmed that it is not possible to supply the new
navigational aids lights from the existing CA platform control panel ASCAA-CPJ-1501. This was confirmed in the Pre-
FEEED Site Survey Report. Therefore, a small new navigational aids control panel will be installed within the CE
electrical room to supply the main / secondary light on CE and the subsidiary light on the CD-CE bridge. These lights
have to be synchronized with the existing C location lights so control connections will be made between the new CE
control panel ASCEA-CPJ-1501 and the existing CA panel ASCAA-CPJ-1501.
The new Nav aid system on CE platform shall be supplied from the 400V AC network fed through a 24V DC system and
Distribution and Control panel and having a battery autonomy of 96 hours. This system shall be permanently energised
and able to stay in operation for 96 hours even in case of total platform shutdown. The operating mode shall be fully
The Navigation aid central control panel system comprising of 24V DC system, 24V DC distribution and Navigation Aid
control shall be installed in the Electrical room and battery shall be installed in the battery room.
The entire Navigational aids control system inclusive of navigation aid central control panel shall be suitable to operate
and certified to Zone 1 hazardous areas, gas group IIB, temperature class T3. The minimum degree of protection of
enclosure shall be IP 31 for indoor and IP 66 for outdoor.
For the E location, it is the intention to tie into the new control panel ASEGA-CPJ-1501 being provided by the Batch 1
project on EG to supply the new lights.
7.6. Inter-tripping and Inter-locking
Interlocking for the new electrical equipment shall be provided, as indicated in the project single line diagrams and
interlocking & inter-tripping diagrams, to prevent incorrect operation of equipment. This shall be achieved, depending on
the equipment involved, either electrically and / or by a system of locks and key switches as far as reasonable and
• Inter-tripping sequences and interlocking shall be achieved via hardwired signals only.
• Normal opening or tripping by protection of a HV circuit breaker (3kV or 11kV) shall cause the opening of the
corresponding 400V breaker.
• 400V incomer circuit breakers shall not be capable of closure until upstream HV circuit breakers are closed.
This shall be achieved by providing permissive close interlock from upstream breaker to downstream incomer
• HV circuit breaker to be tripped if 400V circuit breaker is tripped on fault. HV circuit breakers to be prevented
from closing if 400V circuit breaker lock out relay is operational.
• Transformer fault shall trip the respective HV & LV breaker

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

• Protection tripping of either 400V breaker in host emergency switchboard or new WHP 400V main
switchboard alternate incomer breaker shall cause the opening of the corresponding upstream / downstream
breaker by inter-trips.
• Key interlocking shall be provided in order to prevent application of earthing devices until all sources of supply
are isolated (access to transformer terminals, HV live parts in switchboard, etc.).
• Key interlocking shall be provided as indicated in the project single line diagrams and interlocking & inter-
tripping diagram
• Mechanical interlocking shall prevent closing of HV earthing switch on an energized part of a HV circuit or
unless incomer is earthed.
• Key interlock shall prevent access to dry type transformer enclosure unless HV circuit breaker and LV circuit
breaker are isolated.
• Circuit breakers shall be prevented from being racked out, when in Service.
• Earth switches shall be prevented from being applied when Circuit breaker racked in Service position.
• Circuit breaker shall be prevented from being racked into Service if Earth switch is closed.
7.7. ECS
The CE and EH platforms shall have no separate Electrical Control System (ECS) and operation shall be controlled from
the ICSS system including:
• Control of power distribution e.g. remote open and close control facility of the main circuit breakers of the HV
and LV switchboards

• Start / Stop / trip and status signals of motors

• Start inhibit of loads according to generators spinning reserve
• Event recording disturbance recording
• Display of alarms
Load shedding will occur on the main 11kV or 3kV feeder from upstream platform. Therefore, load shedding on
individual WHP drives is not envisaged for this project.
The electrical and ICSS interfaces shall be captured equipment wise with List of signals as part of the Electrical and
Instrument interphase philosophy document and I/O list (part of Instrumentation deliverables).
The operation shall be controlled from the ICSS system (i.e. SCADA and ESD) via Remote I/O rack panel (RIO), which
will be part of Low Voltage Switchgear in Electrical room. The RIO panel shall be installed in one panel of the 400V main
switchboard for the 2 platforms. The I/O module and cards will be free-issued from the ICSS Vendor to the LV
switchboard Vendor for installation in LV switchboards of respective platform.
For signal interface with 400V main switchboard, HV switchboard on DC and all other equipment interface with ICSS
system, signals shall be routed through the IRP.
7.8. ICSS / Switchgear Interface
Electric motor drives shall be capable of being controlled from the ICSS/SCADA. All critical signals shall be hardwired
from the ICSS/SCADA to the switchgear. Non-critical signals shall be via a redundant Modbus TCP/IP serial link.
Typical signals between the ICSS/SCADA and the switchgear are:
Start / Stop / Running / Stopped / Available / Local / Remote / Trip / Fault
7.9. Black Start Requirements
A black start philosophy shall be incorporated into the electrical design as per the Black start philosophy (Doc. No.
WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-262003-0001) to allow re-starting of the facilities after a total power shutdown (i.e. shutdown

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

of all AC and DC sources). The black start philosophy shall be similar to that on the host platforms – black start shall be
from the UPS batteries. ICSS system essential for black start shall have a power back-up from the platform UPS system
on CE and EH WHP. Black start shall always be manually executed. For Black start requirements, under voltage trip on
the battery breaker shall be bypassed to energize the AC UPS inverter from batteries for black start.
The black start of the electrical system shall be initiated by over-riding the battery circuit breaker ESD signal and
energizing the UPS on available charge on the station batteries. The inhibits and over-rides shall be controlled and
indicated in the black start procedure.
7.10. Electrical Shutdown Requirements
In case of gas detection inside the electrical substation, all power supplies, including batteries, shall be switched-off (see
SD-NOC-SAF-010) at the host platform feeder.
Exception shall be made for equipment and relevant power supplies which have to remain in operation and shall be
suitable for hazardous area zone 1 (e.g.: navigational aids and battery backup lighting fixtures) on the 2 new WHPs.
7.11. ESD Relays
Where identified on the Safety Logic Diagrams and Fire and Gas (F&G) Cause and Effect charts, feeders and incomers
shall be equipped with ESD / F&G relays which shall be activated by 24V supply from RIO in the switchgear. The relays
shall be under-voltage release fail-safe (de-energise to trip). By-pass links shall be provided when ESD is not required or
Interposing relays shall be located within the switchgear.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

8.1. General
Electrical distribution equipment shall be installed within dedicated electrical room for CE and EH Platforms. One HV/LV
distribution transformer is provided on each WHP within the electrical room. The electrical room is dimensioned to
enable easy, safe access and removal of single largest item and keeping the minimum clearance requirements.
LV switchgear shall have space for at least one cubicle extension on both sides. Cable entry to switchboards and
distribution panels shall be from the bottom. Equipment shall be installed on raised floor having a height of 1m. Cable
trays/ ladders shall be installed below the false floor. Cables shall enter or exit the electrical room through sealed wall
MCTs suitably certified for Zone 2 and adequately moisture and dust-proof. MCT’s shall not be installed in the floor or
roof of the pressurized electrical room.
The substation false floor shall be set down into the steelwork of the platform so that personnel or equipment entry is
not via steps. The false floor construction shall be suitable for supporting and being able to install and remove the
heaviest piece of electrical equipment into and out of the electrical room.
Reference shall be made to FEED Electrical equipment layout drawing developed for each Platform.
For the WHP, the electrical room shall house the main electrical equipment including, but not limited to the following:

• Transformer (11kV/ 0.42kV for CE Platform & 3kV/0.42kV for EH platform)

• 400V Main switchboard
• Redundant 230V AC UPS with by-pass
• 230V AC UPS Distribution Board
• Lighting and Small Power Distribution Boards
• MOV Distribution Board
• Soft Starter panel for crane
• HVAC Control Panel
• Navigational Aid Control panel (for CE only)
• ACU (HOLD-4 for finalization of HVAC sensitivity study)
• First Aid and Safety devices
• Mechanical key Interlock box
Electrical room shall be air-conditioned and pressurised to provide clean, dry and dust-free environment.
Batteries shall be kept in separate room. Temperature monitoring of battery rooms shall be done and the signal shall be
interfaced to ICSS system for information to control room and required operator action on high temperature.
The electrical room shall be designed to requirements of SD-NOC-ELE-211 and requirements in SD-NOC-ELE-001.
8.2. Minimum Clearances
Following figures are minimum values given as a general guidance, unless otherwise specified by equipment / switchgear
assembly manufacturer:
Table 8-1 Equipment Minimum Clearance Distances
Equipment Minimum Clearance
Vertical from equipment to ceiling or HVAC ducting 450 mm
Front of operating side of high voltage switchgear assemblies 1500 mm

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Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Front of operating side of low voltage switchgear assemblies 1200 mm

Switchgear assemblies from each end and non-operating side 100 mm
Front of operating side of low voltage distribution board / panels 800 mm
Neutral earthing resistors, at least on 3 sides 500 mm
1000 mm on cable side,
Power transformer
800 mm on other

8.3. G.I.S Substation

Not Applicable.

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Block 5 - AL SHAHEEN FIELD Development
Document Title: CE, EH Wellhead Platform - Electrical Design Basis

Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

9.1. General
Equipment shall be provided with their proper handling and / or lifting arrangement which shall be permanently attached
to and arranged to provide a balanced lift in a vertical direction. For equipment subject to site installation (offshore
lifting), the lifting system shall be designed in compliance with DNV 2.7-3 Type C for certification. The centre of gravity
of the equipment shall be shown on general arrangement drawing for both operation and transportation conditions.
9.2. Transformers
Transformers shall comply with SD-NOC-ELE-141 & SD-NOC-ELE-001. The 11kV/0.42kV transformer for CE platform &
3kV/0.42kV transformer for EH platform shall be dry type and installed in electrical room (HOLD 3). Dry type transformer
cooling shall be Air Natural (AN).
The separation having a minimum classification EI60 or REI60 are as defined by standard EN 13051-2.
Table 9-1 Minimum Requirements for Indoor Installation of Dry Type Transformers (AN)
Fire Behaviour Class Requirement

EI60 respectively REI60 or separation distances

0.9m horizontally and 1.5m vertically

F1 Non-combustible walls
9.3. Motors
Motors shall generally be 3 phase squirrel cage induction type Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC), ingress protection
IP55, adequately rated for their duty and suitable for direct on line starting. Motors shall be suitable to start and
accelerate the load at 80% voltage at its terminals. Motor service factor shall be 1 and efficiency Class shall be IE2 as
per IEC 60034.
Motors up to 150 kW & crane package shall be low voltage, 400V. Motors below 0.37kW shall be 230V, 1-phase. Motors
150kW and above shall be high voltage except crane package. As far as possible, motors shall be designed for direct-
on-line starting. Crane motors shall be driven through soft starter to limit the motor starting current.
All motors equal to or larger than 22kW will be equipped with space heater.
Motors shall comply with Company Specification SD-NOC-ELE-111.
Requirement of a Local Push Button station (Start/Stop/Status) shall be based on the process requirements. As
minimum, every motor shall be provided with Emergency Stop control stations, Ex de type mounted local to motors on
suitable steel supports. Emergency stop push buttons shall always be directly hardwired to the motor starter in the
switchboard and shall have spare contact available for connection to the ICSS if required.
9.4. UPS
AC UPS system shall be designed according to SD-NOC-ELE-152 and SD-NOC-ELE-001, Schematic Diagram 2 of SD-NOC-
UPS units shall be located indoor in pressurized electrical room and the battery shall be in separate air-conditioned
battery rooms. The UPS shall be suitable for floor mounted, bottom cable entry. The degree of protection of the UPS
shall be minimum IP-31.
Battery shall be Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd) partial recombination type. Battery autonomy shall be as in accordance with
SD-NOC-ELE-001 and SD-NOC-SAF-022 and are as follows:
Table 9-2 AC UPS Battery Autonomy
Type of Load Autonomy
Electrical Switchgear 90 mins.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

ICSS/F&G 90 mins.
Telecoms 120 mins.

In order to simplify the design, the UPSs for CE and EH shall be sized for 2 hours autonomy.
9.5. Lighting / Small Power and Welding Sockets
9.5.1. Lighting
The lighting system for WHP02 shall be split into two main systems:
• Normal Lighting: fed from normal distribution boards supplied from B busbar of main switchboards
• Emergency/Escape Lighting fed from normal distribution boards supplied from A busbar of main switchboards
Luminaires which shall illuminate escape routes, emergency exits and ladders shall have an integrated Ni-Cd battery (90
minutes autonomy).
Inside technical rooms, 50% of LED linear luminaires with integrated Ni-Cd battery shall be installed to provide 90
minutes illumination of panels/switchboards used for re-starting operation.
High Pressure Sodium (HPS) or LED floodlights shall be used for well head, boat landing, Muster areas and work over
areas lighting.
Lighting fixtures quantity and location shall be arrived at by using lighting calculation software in accordance with
required lux levels. Junction boxes shall be IP65, IK08, made of Glass Reinforced Polyester, provided with a minimum of
1 spare entry and suitable accessories for earthing of armoured cables.
The Lux levels to be maintained in the different areas shall be based on the table below based on illumination levels
recommended in SD-NOC-ELE-081 and IEC61892-2 and as specified in 'Specification for Lighting'.
All external light fittings to be installed on Well Head platforms shall be suitable for installation in hazardous area and
shall confirm to IEC Ex requirements. The lighting fixtures for use in classified areas shall be suitable for installation in a
Zone 1 hazardous area, Gas group IIA/B, Temperature class T3.
Light fixtures shall be powered from lighting distribution boards respectively, with additional wire to charge the battery
continuously and photo cell control along with Auto / Hand selector switch.
Separate lighting circuits shall be provided for floodlights and lighting fixtures with the following maximum fixtures per
• Four plus one possible additional for floodlights
• Ten plus two possible additional for other lighting fixtures
Each outdoor lighting fixture shall be connected to an accessible local junction box.
WHP and Interconnection Bridge lighting system shall be designed according to SD-NOC-ELE-081 and SD-NOC-ELE-001.
9.5.2. Socket Outlets
Socket outlet requirements for indoor and outdoor areas shall be designed according to SD-NOC-ELE-001 requirements.
However, requirement of keeping same model and type as host platform, to be considered, to keep in line with existing
operational spare requirements.
Socket outlets 16A (Ph+N+E) shall be provided on each deck and laid out so as they can be reached from any location
with 25m cable. These sockets shall be fed from 230V distribution boards.
Welding sockets 63A (3P+N+E) shall be provided (one per deck minimum) and so installed as they can be reached from
any location with 35m cable.
All external sockets shall be provided with plugs.

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Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

The following sockets shall be provided in the well bay area for well service operations in order to run sundry temporary
• 2-off 400V AC / 63A sockets
• 3-off 230V AC / 16A Sockets
Socket outlets installed indoors shall be as follows and required number shall be provided at suitable points:
UPS 230 V - 2 phase + earth, 16A with covers 1 shall be provided in each Electrical room and Instrument Technical room
(for temporary use by operator and considered standby load).
Socket outlets shall be fitted with a 30mA earth leakage protection.
9.5.3. Temporary Platform Supply
Junction box is provided connected to fully rated incoming circuit breaker for each of the new WHPs low voltage
switchboard to allow connection of a temporary generator for maintenance activities. Note: incomer is fully rated so that
crane operation is possible when WHP is supplied by the temporary generator.
9.6. Capacitor Banks
Not installed as part of this project.
9.7. Thyristor Controlled Electric Heater
Not installed as part of this project.
9.8. Cables and Cabling
9.8.1. Cables
All cables shall be flame retardant type to IEC 60332-3-22, Category A.
In addition to this requirement, cables for loads defined as emergency (i.e. public-address system, foghorn, beaconing
with centralised batteries, ultimate emergency distribution, and safety shutdown systems) shall also be fire resistant type
to IEC 60331-21.
The power and control cables shall be in accordance with SD-NOC-ELE-161 and project 'Specification for Electrical
All cables shall be of one continuous length from outlet to outlet. No cable splices shall be permitted.
Cable cross sections shall be chosen among the standardised list of IEC 60228. As much as possible, maximum and
minimum core cross section shall be as follows:
Table 9-3 Cable Conductor Maximum Cross-Sectional Area

LV/HV Max CSA Single / Multicore

LV 3 x 185mm2 Copper Multicore

1 x 400mm2 Copper Single
HV 3 x 120mm2 Copper Multicore
1 x 300mm2 Copper Single
Note: Only copper conductors shall be used. Aluminium conductors are not permitted.
Table 9-4 Cable Conductor Minimum Cross-Sectional Area

Type Min CSA

Power 2.5mm2

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Type Min CSA

Control 1.5mm2
Lighting 2.5mm2
Cable sizing shall be done in accordance with SD-NOC-ELE-061. All power cables shall be sized considering the following:
• Short circuit withstand capacity
• Full load current carrying capacity under site installation
• Voltage drop across the cable
• Site conditions
• Installation method
• System earthing method
9.8.2. Cable Routing
Cable routes shall be as defined in Company general specification SD-NOC-ELE-364 and SD-NOC-INS-106.
If allowed by layout, separate routings will be used for:
• Redundant power distribution feeders
Cables shall be routed in such a manner that routine maintenance and removal of equipment can be carried out without
interfering with cable trays.
9.8.3. Segregation
Segregation distances between various systems and voltages shall be as SD-NOC-ELE-364 and SD-NOC-INS-106.
Minimum distances (for parallel routings) between power and electronic / Signal wiring shall be as per below:
• LV : 600mm
• HV up to 33kV : 1000mm
For cable crossings (at right angle), minimum distances shall be 200mm.
Separate racking / trays shall be used and generally arranged from top to bottom in the following manner:
• H.V. cabling.
• L.V. AC Power and lighting and DC Power Supplies.
• Electrical control, signal, or measure cables (Non-IS type).
• Electronic and signal cables (e.g. ECS serial links cables)
• Instruments
Individual LV motor’s power and control cables may be grouped together with cable ties.
9.8.4. Cable Trays, Ladders and Cable Glands
Cable trays and ladders shall comply with the project specification for cable trays / ladders SD-NOC-ELE-311.
For outdoor application cable ladders and trays shall be stainless steel 316L (painted) installed with covers for exposed
trays and vertical installations. For indoor application cable ladders and trays shall be stainless steel 316L.

Cable trays shall be used for cable routings in raised floors and technical voids. A minimum of 20% spare capacity in
each cable ladder / tray shall be provided for future extension.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Gland type and size shall be as specified on the Cable schedule. Barrier glands shall only be used where required by IEC
60079-10-1. For certified equipment, cable glands shall be of the same mode of protection as the certified device (i.e.
Ex “d” glands for Ex “d” equipment).
Cables shall be terminated into enclosures using mechanical compression type cable glands nickel plated brass (metallic
enclosures or armoured cables) or polyamide (polyester enclosures). All cable glands shall be certified for the area where
they are installed and shall be Ex d or Ex e for all cables on the WHPs.
Aluminium alloy cable glands are prohibited.
9.8.5. Junction Boxes
Junction boxes shall be IP65, IK08, made of GRP, provided with a minimum of 1 spare entry.
Suitable accessories shall be provided with GRP boxes for earthing of armoured cables.
Outdoor Junction boxes (except small lighting JBs) shall be fitted with a pressure compensation device. (Breathing plug).

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Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

10.1. Electrical Workshop
Not applicable for this project.
10.2. Electrical Safety Kit
Each electrical room shall be equipped with electrical safety devices selected according to voltage level. Safety devices
shall be grouped together on a rack fixed to the wall close to the main door access and shall include as a minimum:
• One pair of rubber gloves (in box) + tester
• Safety anti-flash glasses
• One rubber mat
• One rescue stick
• One voltage detector
• First aid safety instructions and first aid posters
• Portable light suitable for a zone 1 hazardous area (ATEX category 2)
10.3. Earthing
Earthing and bonding systems shall be designed according to SD-NOC-ELE-031 and Overall earthing concept drawing
(drawing no. WHP02-RCE2-ASCEA-07-080001-0001 & WHP02-RCE2-ASEHA-07-080001-0001). All new equipment shall
be grounded and bonded in accordance with the recommendations of IEC 61892-2 (Mobile and fixed offshore units –
Electrical installations – Part 2: System design) or IEC 60364-3.
10.3.1. System Neutral Earthing
The Transformer neutral shall be brought up to neutral terminal of the Switchboard & then it will be connected to the
earth bar of the switchboard through a disconnecting link. Two (2) nos. of bonding connections shall be provided
between the earth bar and the Platform steel structure.
The cross-sectional area of each earthing conductor is to be based on the rating of the fuse or circuit protection device
installed to protect the circuit. As per IEC61892-2, cable earthing conductors serving a system under fault conditions
with a cross-sectional area equal to the cross-sectional area of the power conductors carrying current under normal
conditions will normally fulfil the requirement.
10.3.2. Equipment Earthing
All non-current carrying metal parts of electrical equipment, switchboard housings, etc, shall be solidly earthed to the
structural steel work via main equipment copper earth bar via 2 separate earthing conductors at 2 diagonally opposite
points. All the electrical panels shall be provided with a continuous earth bar running the entire length of the equipment
to which all sections of the metal enclosure including cable boxes, gland plates, etc shall be bonded.
All non-electrical metallic equipment and installation not welded to structure like skid mounted equipment, vessels etc.
shall have earthing terminals or studs welded to equipment skid. Earthing conductors will be connected to the equipment
earth connections from the main structure beam through earth bars on the platform.
The earth bars of all switchboards shall be connected through PE cables as per the Overall earthing concept drawings.
Earth Bars shall be provided to facilitate and provide adequate earth connections at each level & electrical room.
Earthing cables for shall have yellow/green outer sheaths. Cable armour and / or screen shall be connected to earth at
both ends of the cable either by gland entry threads screwed into the enclosure or by earth tags.
The minimum cross-sectional area of main conductors and branch conductor connections shall be as specified in
'Specification for Earthing and Bonding systems'.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

Earthing system for UPS distribution board shall be IT. The insulation resistance shall be continuously monitored, and an
alarm shall be given at a manned control centre.
10.4. Lightning Protection
For offshore unit, lightning protection against primary structural damage and secondary damage to electrical system
shall be made as per requirement of IEC 61892-6 and IEC 62305, as supplemented by (Annexure 5) of the IEC standard.
The topside main steel structures shall be utilised as an integral part of the earth system. The top side main steel
structures shall be connected to the jacket foundation structure via the main structural connections.
For metallic structure, lightning protection study and risk analysis is not required as the entire structure is connected to
ground. However, lightning protection is considered for the well head platform due to highest point being crane which is
bolted and not welded. For such configuration, it is mandatory to provide the lightning protection to achieve safety to
the operator and avoid damage to equipment.
The crane body shall be connected from two connection points to the near bonding points by a short earth cable of 70
An obstruction light and crane beacon shall be placed on top of the crane, furthermore an air termination rod shall be
installed. The conductor shall be fastened to a copper spike of minimum diameter 12mm reaching a minimum of 300mm
above the top of crane.

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01


Network studies shall follow requirements of SD NOC ELE 460.
The following electrical studies shall be done to substantiate the selection and sizing of electrical equipment such as
transformers, switchgear, cables, etc.
• Load flow study
• Short-circuit study
• Motor starting study
• Harmonic study (Hold 5)
• Transient switching over voltage study
Network studies except transient switching over voltage study shall be carried out in Paladin Design Base 6.0 (formerly
known as EDSA). Transient switching over voltage study shall be carried out in EMTP-ATP.
11.1. Protection and Metering
Protection and metering scheme for the new electrical equipment shall be as indicated in the project single line
All protective relays for incomers, outgoing motor and feeder breakers larger than 250A shall be microprocessor based,
intelligent programmable type.
In order to limit the damage of electrical equipment and to maximise the continuity of supply, a graded protective
coordination of devices shall be supplied and properly coordinated.
The protective system shall be based on the philosophy of back up protection, that is, in case of failure of tripping
devices nearest to the fault, the protective device of the upstream equipment shall operate to clear the fault.
Provisions shall be made in order to ensure that all the switching devices that have tripped on any fault cannot be re-
closed without manually resetting the respective protective relay.
The following minimum protection and metering features shall be provided:
1) 11kV / 3kV HV Transformer feeder on CD and ED platform for 11/0.42kV transformer at CE and 3/0.42kV
transformer EH
• IDMT over current (50 & 51)
• IDMT earth fault (50N, 51N & 51G)
• Under voltage (27)
• Over voltage (59)
• Lockout relay (86)
• Trip circuit supervision (74TC)
• Ammeter with selector switch
• Voltmeter
• Kilo Watt meter
• Kilo Watt hour meter
• Power factor meter
• Frequency meter

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Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

2) 400V Incoming from 11/0.42kV Transformer on CE and 3/0.42kV transformer EH

• IDMT over current relays (50, 51)
• IDMT earth fault (50N, 51N)
• Lockout Relay for transformer (86)
• Trip circuit supervision (74TC)
• Winding temperature indicator
• Ammeter with selector switch
• Voltmeter with selector switch
• Kilo Watt meter
• Kilo Watt hour meter
• Power factor meter
• Frequency meter
3) 400V Motor Feeder
• Instantaneous overcurrent protection by MCCB (50)
• Overload Protection (49)
• Instantaneous Earth Fault Protection (50G)
• Ammeter
Core balance CT for earth fault protection for motors 30kW or higher shall be provided. Microprocessor based motor
protection relay, to be provided for HV motors. For LV motor ≥30kW shall be provided with electronic overload
protection. For smaller motors <30kW, bi-metal thermal overload relays shall be provided.
The incoming feeder shall be provided with analogue Voltmeter with selector switch & Ammeter with selector switch and
all the outgoing feeders shall be provided with analogue Ammeter with selector switch.
For 11/0.42kV transformer or 3/0.42kV transformer, all alarm and trip signals from transformer shall be hard wired
individually to auxiliary relays provided in upstream switchboard transformer feeder. The transformer fault will trip the
respective HV/ LV breaker as per SLD. The signals shall be transferred to the switchboard through IS (Intrinsically Safe)
All outgoing power feeders shall be provided with Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB). The MCCB feeders shall be of
current limiting type and provided with suitable protection for motors and feeders.
For small power & lighting distribution boards, the incomer feeders shall be provided with MCCB’s and outgoing feeders
shall be provided with MCB / MCCB.
11.1.1. Coordination of Electrical System Protective Devices
The protection philosophy shall be based on the following philosophy:
• Time constant protection system shall be preferred. Time dependent protection system may be considered
• Selectivity shall be preferably time graded (time delayed)
• No logical interlock between protection shall be considered
• Protection settings are based on minimum short circuit values
• In case of protection failure, any electrical fault shall be tripped by the upstream protection

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Document Number: WHP02-RCE2-ASYYY-07-260005-0001 Date: 30-Jan-2019 Rev.: 00

Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

• A lockout relay (86) shall be installed on all equipment to inhibit automatic restart after a failure (except
thermal overload 49). It can be reset only locally
• Protection settings shall not be changed through communication links
Overcurrent settings for transformer and existing feeders shall be reviewed and updated due to the impact of
additional loads on the new well head platforms
Protection and co-ordination study shall be carried out in the detail design with selected vendor data to ensure that all
the HV and LV systems are selective.
11.1.2. Insulation Coordination
Insulation co-ordination study shall determine, as per IEC 60071-1, the insulation characteristics necessary for the
various network equipment to obtain a withstand level that matches the normal voltages, as well as the different over-
voltages due to disturbances such as switching, lightning impulses, capacitive voltage rise for long cables (Ferranti
effect), etc. Study shall provide suitable protection measures to reduce the risks of over-voltages and thus the danger
that they represent for persons and equipment.
The switching overvoltage study shall be carried out for the existing host platforms based on the switching technology
applied at the host platform switchboard to analyse the following:
• Correct insulation level on the supply link from host to new platforms.
• Calculate switching surge voltage and propose if surge arrestors are required
11.2. Power System Studies
Power system studies shall be produced as per SD-NOC-ELE-001 and shall include the following:
• Load Flow Study (Steady State Conditions)
• Motor Starting Studies
• Short Circuit Calculation
• Harmonic studies
The existing power system model available with COMPANY shall be used and updated for the upgraded network. Latest
version of EDSA software shall be used to perform the analysis. Different operating scenario shall be studied to review
the system adequacy.
11.2.1. Load Flow Study
Load flow calculations shall be carried out for the various operating scenarios to calculate the following:
• Bus bar voltages for the new WHP’s
• Active and reactive power load at the busbars
• Active and reactive power flow in the system
• Power losses in the system
• Verification of transformer size
• Verification of transformer setting and if necessary adjustment of tap settings
The total voltage drop between generators or transformers and load under steady state conditions shall not exceed the
following values:
• AC systems: normal continuous load 10% of nominal voltage
• Voltage dip during motor starting shall not exceed 20% of nominal voltage

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

The voltage dip / drop should be calculated from the distribution board where regulating facilities are included, that is,
supplied by a transformer with tappings or a generator.
Voltage dip/drop calculations should take account of the power factor of the load. Where this is not known, a value of
0.85 for normal AC loads and 0.25 for motor starting conditions shall be considered.
11.2.2. Short Circuit Study
A short circuit calculation shall be carried out as per IEC 60909-0 (2016).
Short circuit studies shall be conducted for determining the maximum fault levels at each switchboard in the specified
operating scenarios. The results will be used to verify the adequacy of the switchboard short circuit withstand capability.
The following short circuit faults will be simulated to calculate Sub-transient fault current Ik”, Peak fault current Ip, and
breaking fault current Ib.
• 3-phase symmetrical fault
• Single-phase to earth fault
• Phase to phase fault
• Phase to phase to earth fault
Minimum short circuit Current shall be computed for input to protective device coordination studies.
The calculations shall also be performed with the aim to check that the increased short circuit levels do not affect
existing electrical installations. The design shall not give adverse effect to the present equipment, by increasing the
short-circuit levels above the equipment design data.
11.2.3. Motor Starting Study
Motor starting studies shall be carried out for the largest DOL motors in the network at each voltage level and in
different operating loads.
The analysis shall prove that the system will re-stabilize following the specified disturbances, and that the transient
voltage and frequency variations, motor slip, re-acceleration and start up times are within acceptable limits. Motor
starting studies shall recommend requirement of soft starting if voltage drop at any bus is exceeding the permissible
11.2.4. Harmonic Studies (Hold 5)
Harmonic studies shall be carried out to determine the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the system during normal
operating conditions. The study shall be carried out using EDSA software. The study shall model electrical equipment
that generate harmonics (non-linear loads such as soft starter, UPS, Thyristors, IGBT’s etc) and confirm that the THD at
each bus and voltage level is maintained within 5% as per recommendations of IEEE 519.
Frequency sweep up to 50th harmonic will be performed for detection of resonance points.
11.3. Hazardous Area Verification Dossier
This dossier shall be prepared as per IEC 60079-14 at the EPC stage.
An exhaustive register of installed explosion protected Ex equipment shall be prepared by the EPC Contractor. The list
shall be made available prior to commencement of pre-commissioning activities and shall provide following information
as a minimum:
• Equipment / component tag
• Equipment Description
• Location
• Manufacturer

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Doc Type: PHI System: GENE Phase FE Status: IFR Class: 01

• Model
• Serial Number
• Hazardous area classification of the location
• Ex Protection Concept eg Exd
• Gas Group
• Temperature Class
• ATEX Category eg II 2 G
• IP rating
• Certifying Authority
• EC Examination Certificate Number
All Ex equipment shall be tagged with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag at the field termination cable end.
The reference for this RFID tag shall be included in the Ex equipment register.
11.4. Electrical Equipment Obsolescence Dossier
Preparation of the Obsolescence dossier shall be done during EPC stage.

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