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Mooove Letters 📝

Over the past 18 months, we have organized close to 100 trips to exciting tourist destinations in
Ghana and other parts of Africa. During this period we have collated contact details of our
Mooovers for future informationals with the hope of retaining them while making them
evangelists of the brand. We want to explore the option of email marketing with newsletters.
Task 1: Draft a 1-page newsletter with a striking headline and content that you deem relevant to
entice and excite a reader to want to travel again with MOOOVE.
[You are free to use imagery of your choice or from the MOOOVE Instagram or website]

Public Relations (PR) 🎺

In these past 18 months, our sales strategy has usually been to run a post on social media
(WhatsApp, Instagram & Twitter) with a call to action for Mooovers and our target audience to
sign up, go enjoy the trip and get back home. We don’t want to be just any travel
group/company. Our value proposition runs deep into providing experiences for Mooovers like
they’ve never experienced before. We would love for the rest of the world to hear about who we
are and what we do.
Task 2: What would you recommend the brand can do to boost its PR and awareness across its
target audience and beyond the country at large (further pushing the agenda #VisitGhana)

Mooovers in Corporate 👔
We have been looking to get corporate bodies to hop on to our travel programs as travelers
which would most likely be a bonding and entertaining element for their departments or
Task 3: Draft a pitch to the HR or Head of People in any institution of your choice highlighting
why they should partner with Mooove Africa for a team bonding experience.

Content & Research 📸

Our content is rich in experience-filled photography and reels to attract and induce viewers to
want to join us on our next trip.
Task 4: Assess the Mooove Africa social media pages and website carefully and make your
suggestions on future content creation and also marketing efforts to drive more interest and sign

NB: Please submit this in PDF by Sunday, 2nd October, 2022.

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