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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in English


At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:

 identify the figures of speech: Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole;
 Give examples of the figures of speech
 Effectively compare the difference between the literary devices


Topic: Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole

Reference: English Learner’s Material page 423-424
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures

A. Preparation
 The teacher will begin the class with a prayer; she will
ask the students to arrange their chairs properly and to
pick up pieces of paper.
 She will introduce herself to the class and set some
agreements to present formality and organization in the
class discussion. The teacher will also account her
students on who are absent.

 Review
The teacher will ask about the previous topic.

B. Motivation/ Opening Activity

SING IT: The teacher will show a different line that comes from
different songs and the students will tell the title of the song and they
will sing the line.
 The teacher will ask the students what they have noticed based on the
given lines of the songs.

C. Presentation of Objective

(Let the class read your objective and use PowerPoint

presentation in presenting your objectives.)

At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:

 identify the figures of speech: Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole;
 Give examples of the figures of speech
 Effectively compare the difference between the literary devices

D. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher will present the lesson, Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor,
Personification, Hyperbole
Learning Task
1. Activity
The teacher gives an example of the Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor,
Personification, and Hyperbole, and the students will identify the figures of speech in
the sentence.

2. Analysis
Give other examples for the oral recitation and students will identify the figures
of speech.

3. Abstraction
Ask the learners to construct their own sentences using simile,
metaphor, personification, and hyperbole.

4. Application
Divide the class into three groups, they will choose a song that uses figures of
speech and they will sing it.

Creativity: 20 points
Presentation: 20 points
Teamwork: 10 points
Total: 50 points

5. Generalization
A simile is a comparison between unlike things using like or as. A metaphor
compares two, unlike things or ideas. Personification is giving human qualities to non-
living things or ideas. Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device.

6. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the types of figures of speech used in the following sentences.
Choose your answer from the words in the parenthesis. (Simile, Metaphor,
Personification, Hyperbole)

1. I’ve been working like a dog.

2. The hungry chainsaw growled loudly.
3. The homework was a breeze.
4. The angry clouds marched across the sky.
5. I’ve told you a million times to help with the housework.
6. Eats like a pig.
7. The classroom was a zoo.
8. Like peas in a pod.
9. He’s filthy rich. He’s got tons of money.
10. He’s my knight in shining armor.

Identify the type of figures of speech used in the phrases given below and
use it in your own sentences. Write it in your notebook.

A. Roar of the wind

B. Gurgling like a baby.

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