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Research Problem/Question

1. What broad topic are you

interested in? You may need to do Nature: the physical world and
some background research to find everything in it (such as plants,
out more about it first. animals, mountains, oceans, stars,
etc.) that is not made by people. :
the natural forces that control
what happens in the world. : the
way that a person or animal
behaves : the character or
personality of a person or animal.

2. What topic
are you interested in? Brainstorm Plants
or do a library search to identify
possible sub-topics and pick on
3. List a few possible questions
about your specific topic area Why are the plants green?
Will the plants survive if you put it
inside your house?
Why plants need sunlight, water,
air and nutrients from soil?

4. Choose one to be your main

research question. Analysis (why Why plants need sunlight, water,
or air and nutrients from soil??
how) questions are best
5. Make your question as clear and
specific as possible. Specify what Plants – a living thing
you mean for all general words Sunlight, water, air and nutrients
(e.g. women, media) from soil – this are example of
abiotic that can help living things
grow or survive
6. Create a preliminary thesis.
Answer your question in a one The soil gives stability to the
sentence. This thesis will likely plants; it also stores the water and
change after you’ve done your nutrients which the plants can take
research up through their roots. The
sunlight provides the energy which
is necessary for plant growth . The
air allows the plants to "breath".

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