Business Research Techniques (BRT) - Tilburg University

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Business Research Techniques Summary - 2020

Research: the process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis of the
situational factors.

Business research definitions:

- A series of well thought out activities and carefully executed data analyses that help a manager to
avoid, solve or minimize a problem;
- A systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work

The essence of research:

- Identify and effectively solve minor problems in the work setting;

- Know how to discriminate good from bad decisions, take calculated risks;
- Correctly recognize the relevant factors in the situation that needs investigation;
- Knowing what types of information are to be gathered and how;
- Knowing how to implement the results of the process.

Why should a manager know about ‘Good’ Business Research?

- To be able to perform business research (to do your own business research);

- To be able to steer business research (describe the problem to research agencies and work with
- To be able to evaluate business research (discriminate between good and bad research);
- To be able to identify and effectively solve minor problems in the work setting

Managers that have knowledge about research can more easily communicate with the researcher about
expectations of both parties and can easily foresee what information researchers might require.

Types of research:

- Management: The study of employee attitude and behaviors, strategy formulation, information
systems etc.
- Marketing: Research towards consumer decision making, customer satisfaction and loyalty market

Types of business research: Applied vs. Fundamental research

1. Applied research: Specific research with the purpose of solving a current problem faced by the
manager in the work setting. FE  a particular product is not selling well and the manager wants
to know why.
- Applied research applies to a specific company;
- Mostly done within firms.

2. Fundamental, basic or pure research: Research that focusses on generating a body of knowledge
by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved.
- Basis for applied research;
- Applies to several organizational settings;
- To base theories based on the research results.
- (Basic  driven purely by curiosity and a desire to expand knowledge).

Scientific or business research: Focuses on solving problems and pursues a step-by-step logical, organized
and rigorous method to identify the problems, gather data, analyse them and draw valid conclusions
from them. Note: Scientific research is not based on hunches, experience and intuition. Scientific research
includes both applied and basic research.

Hallmarks of good research: To distinguish scientific research from non-scientific research

1. Purposiveness  knowing the why of your research

- Knowing the why of your research. What is my problem that I need to have solved?
- Research has a purposive focus;
- F.e. Why is the traffic to my website low? Why are my employees dissatisfied?
2. Rigor  precision/exactness
- Ensuring a theoretical base (e.g. large sample);
- Ensuring a methodological design: focuses on carefulness, scrupulousness of the study.
3. Objectivity
- Drawing conclusions based on facts (rather than on subjective ideas);
- When you report results, report the real results and do not make it better than it is.
- You build your theoretical framework on what is already known. Taking information from
academic studies is good. But you need to have a critical look at these studies. Might not
apply in the same way in your study.
4. Parsimony
- Shaving away unnecessary details, say a lot with little;
- Use the most important and relevant information for your research. You can use secondary
data for this.
5. Replicability
- Finding the same results if the research is repeated in similar circumstances, using the same
research design;
- How? Key is to describe your study in detail.
6. Generalizability:
- Being able to apply the research finding in a wide variety of different settings; Generalizable
to other companies/industries/countries.

Examples of applying the hallmarks of scientific research | What’s wrong in terms of the hallmarks
Samsung wants to find out if people are satisfied with their Samsung phones. They decide to do a survey,
which they email to everyone who has subscribed to the newsletter. Answer: Not generalizable, because
people who are unsatisfied might have unsubscribed for the newsletter and may not be willing to answer.

Samsung understood that they should also ask people who were not subscribed to their newsletter. They
decided to invite a hundred-random people who were promised a compensation of 20 dollars for an
interview. During the interview, they were handed a Samsung phone and asked questions about it.
Answer: This is generalizable, but not rigorous. The methodological design doesn’t seem to be right,
because (1) people are paid to do the interview and (2) people are interviewed by someone who might
expect a certain response from them. Both of these can cause bias.

Deductive vs. Inductive research

Deductive research (top-down logic) Needs quantitative data

You start with the general theory, and you test if the theory holds for a specific case (general knowledge,
general theory). Example: if it rains, everything outside becomes wet. This is the theory, which you will
test with observations.

Inductive research (bottom-up logic)  Needs qualitative data

You start with data (observations) and based on this data you will conclude that a general theory holds.
Example: the first duck in the park is brown, the second one is brown and the third duck is also brown.
Conclusion is that every duck in the park is brown.

The seven-step research process for deductive research | Theory to data (test if the theory holds)

1. Define the business problem

- The reason for the research. F.e. drop in sales.
2. Formulate the problem statement
- Which question will you answer with the research?
- Be as specific as possible and answer the question. Look at which factors influence f.e. the
drop-in sales.
3. Develop a theoretical framework (hypotheses)
- Use theory, variables e.d. that you want to include in your study;
- Hypothesis must be testable and the hypothesis must be falsifiable.
4. Choose a research design (determine measures)
- Surveys and different types of research. Other research designs are archival and experimental
5. Collect data
- Through a consumer panel f.e.
6. Analyze data
- Perform a logit analysis.
7. Write-up (interpretation)
- Conclusions. Which variables are (not) significant within the study? What does this imply for
managerial decision making?

The seven-step research process for inductive research | Data to theory (develop theory)

1. Define the business problem

2. Formulate the problem statement
3. Provide a conceptual background (no hypothesis)
4. Choose a research design
5. Collect data
6. Analyze data
7. Develop theory

STEP 1: Define the business problem

When does a business problem occur?

A ‘problem’ does not necessarily mean that something is seriously wrong with a current situation that
needs to be rectified immediately. It is any situation where a gap exists between an actual and desired
ideal state. Two types of (business) problems:

- Actual state: The actual situation is seriously wrong and needs to be improved asap.
- Desired state: The actual situation is not seriously wrong but can be improved.

Preliminary research | Narrow down the problem statement

Using primary or secondary data (such as interviews, archival research) to transform the broad
management problem into a research problem. Although the exact nature of the information needed for
this purpose depends on the type of problem one is addressing, it may be broadly classified under two

- Background information: on the organization and its environment (contextual factors). Like, the
origin and history of the company, size in terms of employees, location, resources etc.
- Information on the topic of interest: the body of knowledge available to you as researcher may also
help you to think about and/-or better understand the problem. A careful review of textbooks,
journals, conference proceedings and other published materials (Chapter 4) ensures that you have
a thorough awareness and understanding of current work and viewpoints on the subject area.

The data for preliminary research can be gathered by primary and secondary data:

- Primary data: Refers to information that the researchers gather first hand through instruments such
as surveys, interviews, focus groups or observation(s).
- Secondary data: Data that already exists (although for another purpose than the current study) and
do not have to be collected by the researcher. Hence! It is often beneficial to gather primary and
secondary data at the same time.

What makes a GOOD business problem?

1. Feasibility (focus of specific):

o The problem needs to be demarcated, which means that the problem needs a specific focus.
You cannot study everything at once.
o Express the business problem in variables;
o You have to be able to gather the required data. This can be existing data (research firms) or
new data (you generate on your own by focus groups, surveys e.g.).

Examples of feasible business problems:

Pfizer would like to know whether soft-selling new drugs to doctors leads to more prescriptions
than hard-selling
Philips would like to know whether running price promotions (vs. no price promotions) on its
products can reduce the sales of its competitors’ new products.
Philips would like to know whether running price promotions (vs. no price promotions) on its
products can increase the profitability of its own products.

2. Relevance: A problem statement is relevant if it is meaningful from a managerial perspective, an

academic perspective or both.
a. Managerial relevance: Who benefits from having the problem solved? It has to be relevant
for managers (of one company, of one industry, of multiple industries), end-users
(consumers, investors) or policy makers (EU, government);
b. Academic relevance: Has the problem not already been solved in prior research? Four
different ways to create academic relevance:
i. Use a completely new topic: No research available, although the topic is important;
ii. New context: Prior research is available, but not in the same context;
iii. Integrate scattered research: Different studies have focused on different IV’s or
moderators. So, their relative importance is not clear;
iv. Reconcile contradictory research: Solve the contradictions through introducing


What makes a good problem statement:

A good problem statement includes both a statement of the research objective(s) and the research
question(s). The objective of the study explains why the study is being done. The research questions
clarify the issue to be resolved. They specify what you want to learn about the topic. Criteria for good
quality of the problem statement:

1. Formulated in terms of:

o Variables;
o Relations.
2. Open ended question;
3. Stated clearly/unambiguously (relevant/duidelijk)

What makes a good research objective?

1. Ask about the relationship between two or more variables;
2. Be stated clearly and unambiguously, usually in question form;
3. Be amenable (vatbaar) to empirical (practical) testing;
4. Not represent a moral or ethical position.

What makes good Research Questions:

Basic type of questions:

- Exploratory: developed when little is known about the topic, existing research results are unclear or
contradictory, the topic is highly complex or not enough theory is available for a theoretical
- Descriptive: to obtain data that describes the topic of interest. These questions are designed to
collect data that describe characteristics of objects, events or situations. Mostly measured by
surveys, observations or case studies. Can be qualitative and quantitative.
- Causal: used to test whether or not one variable causes another variable to change. Used to
delineate one or more factors that are causing a problem.

What makes good research questions?

- They should collectively address the problem statement;
- First theoretical questions and then practical research questions;
- Stated clearly and unambiguously (no vague

Step 3: Develop a Theoretical framework:

A theoretical framework is the foundation of the hypothetico-deductive research process. The theoretical
framework represents your beliefs on how certain phenomena (variables or concepts) are
related to each other (a model) or an explanation of why you believe that these variables are related to
each other (a theory). The process of building a theoretical framework includes three steps:

1. Introducing definitions of the concepts or variables in your model;

2. Developing a conceptual model that provides a descriptive representation of your theory;
3. Coming up with hypotheses that provides an explanation for relationships between variables.

1. What makes a good variable definition?

Variable(s): Is anything that can take on differing or varying values. The values can differ at various times
for the same object or person or at the same time for different object or persons. Variables are based on
careful literature review. Avoid jargon, use more simplified and common terms. For example: motivation,
absenteeism and production are variables. Can be discreet (male or female) or continuous (the age of an

Choosing the right definition based on literature review. With the existence of many different definitions.
- Formulate one and explain why this is the best definition;
- Create a new definition, based on existing definitions, which fits best to your research.

2. Developing a conceptual model:

Explaining the problem statement by visualizing the different variables and relationships and effects they
have on each other. There are four types of variables:

- Independent variable (IV): A variable that influences the dependent variable in either a positive or
in a negative way. Also notated as predictor variable or X.
- Dependent variable (DV): The variable that is of primary interest of the researcher. Also notated as
criterion variable or Y. It is possible to have more than one dependent variable in a study.
For example, salary levels (IV) influences job satisfaction (DV).

To establish that a change in the independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable, all four
conditions should be met:
1. A change in the dependent variable should be associated with a change in the IV;
2. The cause must occur before the effect (you cannot have a hangover without drinking beer);
3. No other factor should be possible cause of the change in the DV;
4. A logical explanation is needed and must explain why the IV affects the DV.

Mediator (MED): A variable that explains the mechanism at work between X and Y
(dependent/independent) also known as the intervening variable. Surfaces between the time the IV starts
operating to influence the DV and the time their impact is felt on. Two types of mediating variables:

- Full mediation: X only has an effect on Y through the mediator;

- Partial mediation: X has an indirect effect on Y through the mediator, but also has a direct
effect on Y. Use existing literature to explain if this is the case.

Moderator (MOD): A variable that alters the strength and sometimes even the direction (positive or
negative) of the relationship between X and Y. Example is hours of driving lessons (X), gender (MOD)
and parking skills (Y). Two types of moderating variables:

- Pure-moderation: Only influences the relationship between X and Y, but no direct effect on Y;
- Quasi-moderation: Moderates the relationship between X (IV) and Y (DV), but also has a direct
effect on the DV (rare).

Conditional process model: When both a mediator and a moderator are present.

3. Building a Hypotheses

The explanation for relationship between variables is done by formulation hypotheses. A hypothesis is a
tentative (voorlopig/voorzichtige), yet testable statement about the coherence between two or more
variables, which you hope to find in your empirical data (primary data).

What makes a good hypothesis?

1. Should be testable (measurable variables);
2. Hypotheses are derived from the theory on which your conceptual model is based;
3. Are formulated clearly and unambiguously.

How to phrase a hypotheses:

- Directional: Used when stating the relationship between two variables or comparing two groups
and terms such as positive/negative or more than/less than are used. They already point you in the
right direction. Example: The greater the stress experienced in the job, the lower the job satisfaction
of employees. Women are more motivated then men.
- Non-directional: Used when stating the relationship or difference, but the direction of the
relationships or differences are unclear. These hypotheses do not give any information about a
positive or negative relationship. Example: There is a difference between the work ethic values of
American and Asian employees.

Null and alternate hypotheses:

Method that requires that hypotheses are falsifiable; they must be written in such a way that other
researchers can show them to be false. In order to collect data for the research objective, two hypotheses
are formulated: the null and alternate hypothesis.

- Null hypothesis: expresses no relationship between variables is set up to be rejected in order to

support an alternative hypothesis. Null hypotheses are not presented in research reports.
- Alternate hypothesis: contains the research statement. In order to conclude that the alternate
hypothesis is true, the null hypothesis should be rejected. This happens when this hypothesis is
located in the rejection region. When using directional hypotheses, the rejection region is one-
sided. When using non-directional hypotheses, the rejection region is two-sided.

The steps to be followed in hypothesis testing are:

1. State the null hypothesis land the alternate hypothesis;
2. Choose the appropriate statistical test depending on whether the data collected are parametric
or nonparametric;
3. Determine the level of significance desired;
4. See if the output results from the computer analysis indicate that the significance level is met

Step 4: Choose a Research design

What is a research design?

Research design: is a blueprint for the collection, measurement, analysis of data, based on the research
questions of the study. Studies may be either exploratory, descriptive or causal in nature. The nature of
the study depends on the stage to which knowledge about the research topic has advanced. Research
strategies will help you to meet your research objective(s) and to answer the research questions. The
choice for a particular research strategy depends on the research objective and the type of questions.

Choose a research design (deductive research process):

1. Choosing between (deductive) research designs;

2. Choosing between statistical techniques;
3. Choosing between sampling designs.

1. Different research designs

Variables that have a causal relationship, will show a significant correlation. A correlation shows a linear
positive or negative relationship between variable X and Y, but correlation does not always imply causality
(logical explanation for effect between X and Y). Watch out for: (1) expert bias; an authority says so isn’t
an argument and (2) confirmation bias; only citing articles that confirm your point of view.

Causal research

Within causal research there is already a relationship. Causality means that a dependent variable Y is
caused by independent variable(s) X. In a causal study, the researcher is interested in delineating one or
more factors that are causing the problem. This research is conducted to establish cause-and-effect
relationships, where the researcher tries to manipulate certain variables so as to study the effects of such
manipulation on the DV of interest.

Assumptions for causality

- X and Y correlate;
- There should be a logical explanation for the effect of X on Y;
- X precedes Y in time (The cause happens first and the effect after that);
- No other cause (Z) explains the co-occurrence of X and Y (ceteris paribus).

Causal research consists of two different research strategies:

- Lab experiments: Takes place in an artificial environment (not in a natural setting), also called
contrived or artificial settings. Independent variables are manipulated and the effect on the
dependent variable is measured. Cause-and-effect relationships are exploring with a high degree of

- Field experiments: An experiment carried out in the natural environment in which life goes on as
usual (non-contrived). Manipulation is still possible. There are two options for field experiments:

o Field studies: Where various factors are examined in the natural setting in which daily
activities go on as normal with minimal researcher interference. There is no manipulation.
(note! field studies are used within correlational, descriptive research).
o Field experiments: Where cause-and-effect relationships are studied with some amount of
researcher interference, but still in the natural setting where events continue normally.

Example: When French music was played in the store, people who were in the wine section were
more likely to buy French wine rather than German wine. There is a manipulation of an
independent variable (type of music) and the dependent variable (type of purchased wine).

Correlational, descriptive research

The focus of correlation research is to look for a certain relationship. Describes the relationship between
variables. Descriptive studies are often designed to collect data that describe the characteristics of
persons, events or situations. This study is either quantitative or qualitative in nature. Finding a
correlation does not mean that one variable causes a change in another variable. It is conducted in a
natural environment with minimal interference by the researcher with the normal flow of events.

Correlational research consists of two different research strategies:

1. Archival research: Research based on data that already exist (secondary data). External data is
gathered outside the firm, like stock price information and internal data is existing company data, like
sales data. Internal data is company-data that is only internally available, such as sales data.
2. Survey research: Research based on a questionnaire to which respondents record their answers,
typically with closely defined alternatives. Possible when all variables are askable.

Use group labels like work related factors (satisfaction about current job, attitude towards current job). All
variables can be combined as 1 variable. Correlation can mean causation in non-experimental settings as
well if proper methods are used.

The correlation coefficient (ρ) is a measure that determines the degree to which the movement of two
different variables is associated. The most common correlation coefficient, generated by the Pearson
product-moment correlation, may be used to measure the linear relationship between two
variables. However, in a non-linear relationship, this correlation coefficient may not always be a suitable
measure of dependence.

The possible range of values for the correlation coefficient is -1.0 to 1.0. In other words, the values cannot
exceed 1.0 or be less than -1.0, and a correlation of -1.0 indicates a perfect negative correlation, and a
correlation of 1.0 indicates a perfect positive correlation. Anytime the correlation coefficient is greater
than zero, it's a positive relationship. Conversely, anytime the value is less than zero, it's a negative
relationship. A value of zero indicates that there is no relationship between the two variables.

- Positive Correlation: A positive correlation–when the correlation coefficient is greater than 0–

signifies that both variables move in the same direction.
- Negative Correlation: When ρ is -1, the relationship is said to be perfectly negatively correlated.

2. Choosing between Statistical techniques

1. Descriptive statistics: offer a general picture in a summative way.

- Measure of central tendency (Mean/median/mode).
- Measure of dispersion (Range, standard deviation, variance, interquartile range).
2. Inferential statistics: Methods to draw conclusions (Chi-square, ANOVA, regression analysis etc.).

Which statistical technique to choose| Four types of statistical techniques

A scale is a tool or mechanism by which individuals are distinguished as to how they differ from one
another on the variables of interest to study. There are four different types of scales. The first is the least
powerful and the fourth the most powerful. Always use the most powerful measurement scale possible.
The four types of scales:

1. Nominal scale: Meant to categorize a group of data, just label in categories. No further meaning. Like,

male and female. We can calculate % of males and females (mode).

2. Ordinal scale: Also meant to categorize the data and rank-orders the preferences of categories in a
meaningful way. The distances between rank-orders do not have to be the same everywhere. For
example: scale from 1 = hot, 2 = hotter, 3 = hottest or the position in a race.

3. Interval: Numerically equal distances on the scale represent equal values in the characteristics being
measured. Allows us to compare differences between objects. Distance between the measurements
means something. But there is no zero point. For example: IQ measuring. You can calculate the
arithmetic mean, range, standard deviation and the variance. Also, temperature has an interval scale.

4. Ratio: Has an absolute zero point. Not only measures the magnitude of the differences between the
points on the scale, but also taps the proportions in the differences. Meaningful differences and ratios

between variables. You can say that something is twice as much than the other one. Like, money and
distance. Most powerful scale and you can also calculate the arithmetic mean, range, standard
deviation and the variance.

1. Likert scale (interval): Used to examine how strongly subjects agree or disagree with statements on a
five-point scale (1= strongly disagree until 5 = strongly agree). Commonly used to measure opinions
and attitudes. Also known as a summated scale.
2. Semantic differential (interval): Several bipolar attributes are
identified at the extremes of the scale, respondents are asked to
indicate their attitudes. You have two opposites, and people choose
one. See picture for examples.

Goodness of measures

It is important to make sure that the instrument that we develop to measure a particular concept is
indeed accurately measuring the variable.

1. Item analysis: Item analysis is carried out to see if the items in the instrument belong there or not. In
item analysis, the mean between the high-score group and the low-score group are tested to detect
significant differences through the t-values.
2. Validity: Does an instrument measure what it was intended to measure? The extent to which
observations accurately record the behavior in which you are interested. Internal validity is the
authenticity of the cause-and-effect relationships. External validity is the generalizability to the
external environment.
o Interviewer biases: Loaded questions, expressing one’s own opinion and judging.
Selective perception: hearing what you want to hear and observing what you want to
o Interviewee biases: Obedience: desire to please the interviewer; conformity: do/think
what the majority does/thinks (=normative social influence).
3. Reliability: Is the data accurate (free from measurement error) and consistent (from one occasion to
another) across time and across the various items in the instrument. In other words, the stability and
consistency of the measures contributes to the goodness of measures.

3. Choosing between sampling designs
The process of selecting the right individuals, objects or events as representatives for the entire
population is known as sampling. We use sampling, because sometimes is it impossible to study the entire
population or because in terms of costs and speed it is better not to study the entire population. When it
is impossible to study the entire population, this is called destructive sampling.

Sampling process

1. Define the target population

Defined in terms of elements, geographical boundaries and time.

2. Determine the sample frame

The physical representation of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn. For
example: The target population consists of TiSEM students 2017/2018, then the sample frame is the
database of students from TiSEM. Sometimes errors can occur, called coverage errors. This means that
the sample frame is not equal to the population.

Two types of coverage error:

a. Under coverage: True population members are excluded. Some members in which you are
interested are not in the sampling frame;
b. Miss-coverage: Non-population members are included;

Solutions: If small, recognize but ignore. If large, redefine the population in terms of sampling frame.

3. Determine the sample design

There are two methods of sampling design:

c. Probability sampling: Each element of your population

has a known chance of being selected as a subject. This
will allow you to generalize the population. This way of
sample design is more intensive and will be costlier and
will take more time;
d. Non-probability sampling: Not everyone has a known
chance of being selected as a subject. This way of
sample design will cost less time and is less intensive. Mostly used when information is
quickly needed. Results cannot be generalizable to the population.

Probability sampling
Probability sampling is when elements in population have a known, non-zero chance to be selected as
sample subjects. The results are generalizable to the population, but costs more time and is resource
intensive. 4 types of probability sampling: (use if you have a good sample frame, if not choose non-ps
because if you don’t know your variables correctly)

1. Simple random sampling (unrestricted):

There is an equal chance of being selected. It’s comparable to the lottery. It is
very generalizable but very costly.
2. Systematic sampling (restricted)
Select a random starting point, and from there for example you will take every 3rd
element. More efficient and less costly, but lower in generalizability. F.e. the Dutch
3. Stratified sampling (restricted)
Divide the population in meaningful groups (same characteristics) and then
apply SRS (simple random sampling). Stratification ensures homogeneity
within each stratum, but heterogeneity between strata. In other words,
there will be more between-group differences than within-group
4. Cluster sampling (restricted)
Divide the population in heterogeneous groups (clusters) that differ in
characteristics and then select random clusters (opposite of stratified
sampling). This is a good option when you’re interested in geographic
cultures. Subsets of naturally occurring clusters are typically more
homogenous than heterogeneous. A specific type of cluster sampling is
area sampling. In this case, clusters consist of geographic areas, such as counties, city blocks etc.
When the goal of the research is confined to an area or particular locality. Area sampling is less
expensive and it does not depend on a sample frame.

Non-probability sampling
With non-probability sampling, the elements do not have a known predetermined chance of being
selected as
subjects. Not everything or everyone has an equal chance of being selected. If you don’t have a sampling
frame, you have non-probability sampling. Results are non-
generalizable, but it is less costly and time consuming as probability
sampling. Four types of non-probability sampling:

1. Convenience sampling: Select subjects who are conveniently

available. For example, people you approach on the street. Results
are easy to gather, very fast, low costs but a low generalizability.
2. Quota sampling: Ensures that certain groups are adequately represented in the
study by using a quota. There is a fixed quota for each subgroup; when minority
participation is critical. The generalizability is lower.
3. Judgement sampling: The choice of subjects who are most advantageously placed or
in the best position to provide the information required.
Subjects are selected based on their knowledge and/or
professional judgment. It is convenient (inexpensive and fast)
when a limited number of people has the information you need.
Also, there is lower generalizability.
4. Snowball sampling: Start with a small group of the population, you ask them for the
other people in the sampling, and so on. The researcher chooses the first group with
specific criteria. The first group will have a big influence on the entire sample. For

example: ‘Do you know people who…’ this is for rare characteristics (experts) and note that the first
participants strongly influence the sample. Not easily generalizable.

4. Determine the appropriate sample size:

There are no exact rules for how large a sample size must be. Factors affecting decisions on sample size:

- The research objective;

- The extent of precision desired (the confidence interval);
- The acceptable risk in predicting that level of precision (confidence interval);
- The amount of variability in the population itself;
- The cost and time constraints;


1. Sample size 75> - <500

2. Multivariate research > 10x parameters to be estimated
3. Subsamples (male/female) >30 per subsample


So if the number of parameters is asked, you count the arrows +1 (DE CONSTANTE)

Survey research| Quantitative data

Research based on a survey/questionnaire to which respondents record their answers, typically with
closely defined alternatives. A survey is a preformulated set of questions to which respondents record
their answers. It is a research strategy for correlational research. That means that it is quantitative and is
used within the deductive research process.

When to use surveys?

- When you are interested in quantitative descriptors (number rather than text);
- When you want to say something about a population, but you cannot measure the whole
population (happens very often);
- When you are interested in the ‘perception’ of customers;
- Quantitative research often uses a big sample size (N). Generalizability is very important, the
purpose can be that the results will represent the population and important decisions have to be

Survey research design decisions

Each of the below mentioned elements will be explained in this summary.

1. Operationalization of concepts;
2. Decide on survey mode;
3. Appearance of the questionnaire;
4. Data collection.

Step 1 | Operationalization of concepts

How can you measure all of your concepts and/or variables in your
conceptual model?

- Reduction of abstract;
- concepts to render them measurable in a tangible way.

Categories of questions:

1. Open-ended vs. closed-ended questions

a. Open-ended: Allows respondents to answer a question in any way they
choose. ‘If you could have 2 wishes, what would they be?’.

b. Closed-ended: Ask the respondents to make choices among a set of

alternatives. ‘if you could choose 2 of the wishes from the list below,
which ones would it be?’. Advantage(s): Help respondents to make
quick decisions. Disadvantages: Alternatives need to be mutually
exclusive (= no category overlaps) and collectively exhaustive (= covers
all possibilities).

2. Single-item vs. multi-item measures
a. Single-item: When concrete singular object/attribute: What is your marital status? How long
have you been working for this company? NOT: How diverse is your company’s workforce?
Or how effective is your organization?
b. Multi-item: When you have an abstract construct. Use ‘off-the-shelf’ scales and develop your
own scale. Attitude, perception and feelings to measure a variable. Overall perceived service
quality of a bank, measure by ‘bank is expert’, bank adapts to my need & bank is accessible.

3. Off-the-shelf scales: Existing questions (seen from other researchers);

a. Advantages: Known and ‘good’ validity and reliability. Comparability of results and low costs.
b. Disadvantages: Not tailored to your exact research need. Require translation if in different
language (source of error, bias, which might change the meaning of the words).

Developing questions | Question types you want to avoid (minimize bias);

- Avoid double-barreled questions: Two questions in one question, which results in vague answers.
F.e. How is the taste and appearance of your pancakes?
- Avoid ambiguous, vague questions
- Avoid leading questions: f.e. a true American’s favorite colors are red, white and blue. Are these
your favorite colors?
- Avoid loaded questions: ‘Do you still beat your wife?’ If you say yes, you still beat her and if you say
no, you say you have beaten her in the past.
- Avoid social desirability: Elicit socially desirable responses ‘Do you think that older people should be

laid off?’.
- Avoid double negatives: ‘Do you oppose not allowing the board to pass article 10 of the ballot?’.
What does not oppose to not allowing the board to pass article 10 really mean? Confusing: unclear
what people mean when answering yes/no.
- Recall-dependent questions: A question might require respondents to recall experience from the
past which they don’t know for sure. F.e. when exactly did you start smoking? This can lead to bias.

Decide on response categories | Item response scales
Response scales are devided into two categories:

- Rating scales: (non-comparative scales): Each object is scaled independendly of the other object of
the study;
- Ranking scales: (comparative scales): make comparences among object and lists the prefered choises
among those objects.

1. Comparative scales (Ranking): With ranking you compare one or more subjects to one another.
Ranking is ordinal in nature. There are several types of ranking scales:
a. Paired comparison: Used when a small number of objects, respondents are asked to
choose between two objects at the same time;
b. Forced choice: Enables respondents to rank objects relative to one another, among the
alternatives provided. For example, rank the following magazines that you would like to
subscribe to in order of preference.
c. Comparative scale: Provides a benchmark or a point of reference to access attitudes
towards the current object, event or situation under study.
2. Non-comparative scales (Rating): Through rating scales each subject gets its own separate score.
Several types of rating scales:
a. Continuous rating scales: How would you rate Bijenkorf as a department store? 0 till 100
b. Semantic differentials: Good – bad, powerful – weak, modern – old-fashioned;
c. Likert: Disagree or Agree on a scale of 1 – 5 or 1 – 7;

2. Decide on survey mode| How the data are collected

Types of questionnaires (Data collection methods):

1. Personally administered: Interviewers asking questions and recording responses. Can be used
when the survey is confined to a local area. Advantage is that information is gathered within a short
period of time and the researcher can give extra explanation and explain unclarities. A disadvantage
is that respondents may feel that they cannot freely answer because it is not anonymous.
Two types:
o Personal, face-to-face questionnaires;
o Telephone questionnaires;

2. Self-administered: Respondents reading and recording their own answers. A big advantage is the
anonymity and the ease to reach a lot of people irrespective of their geographical location. A
disadvantage is the low response rate. Two types:
o Mail questionnaires (sent to respondents through mail);
o Electronic, online questionnaires (quick distribution of the survey, most commonly used).

Keep the following subjects into account when choosing a survey mode:

- Measurement: Interactivity, multi-media, interviewer presence and self-administration;

- Representation: Coverage quality, sampling control and response rate (% of sample);
- Economics: Sample size, questionnaire size, survey speed and survey cost.

Mixed-mode designs: To trade off cost and errors, mixed-mode designs can be used. E.g., using web
surveys + mail surveys to senior citizens. The web is cheaper, but via mail there is better coverage.

Step 3 | Appearance of the questionnaire

1. A good introduction (confidentiality, thanking respondents for participating);

2. Organizing the questions and giving proper instructions and guidance for how to answer;
3. Classification of personal data;
4. Personal data should appear at the beginning or at the end. Reasons for end: at the time, the
respondent reaches the end he/she may be more convinced of the legitimacy and genuineness of the
Beginning: once respondents have shared some personal history, they may feel more commitment to
respond. However, highly sensitive information is best placed at the end of the questionnaire.
5. Concluding the questionnaire (ask about the quality of the survey, thank respondent for

ALWAYS Pre-testing the questionnaire

Always pre-test the questionnaire first in order to catch errors, discover sensitive topics, check response
categories and optimize the length of the survey (not too long so people don’t get bored while filling it
out). A pre-test can be done by picking 5 to 10 people from the target group and let them fill out the
survey and discuss all thoughts and opinions about the survey (focus group). After the feedback, the
survey can be improved.

Step 4 | Data collection Response

Response rate:

(Empathically mentioned that the response rate is important for the exam)
The response rate is generally low:

- Generally LOW
- Internal surveys: 30/40%
- External surveys: 10/15%
- Up to 85% when respondent population is motivated and survey well executed, and you are very
lucky. (reached in panels)
- <2% when respondent population is less-targeted, contact information is unreliable or lower incentive
and motivation to respond.

How to increase your response rate?

- Maximize rewards of participation:

o Show appreciation,
o use interesting/friendly questionnaires
o offer tangible rewards;
- Minimize costs of participation:
o Minimize time and effort required
o minimize the chance of feeling
threatened by questions;
- Maximize trust:
o Ensure anonymity, confidentiality.
o Open lines of communication with participant and
identify research with well-known, legitimate organization.

Validity and reliability | Survey research

Validity :

- Measures provide precedence (use scales other studies used before);

- but provide sound logic to support that considerable conceptual overlap exists between proxy and
construct. The proxy can never be 100% comparable with the construct, but make the overlap as
good as possible. (proxy is f.e. you cant measure the fat of somebody so you use B.M.I.);
- Single-item measures for abstract construct à low validity. Make sure the construct is operationalized
and use preferably multi-item measures to fully cover the construct you want to measure. You can
influence the validity as researcher by choosing the approach. People are f.e. more likely to give
socially desirable responses on the phone or face-to-face and this will negatively influence the

Social desirability bias

Respondents may not always be willing to communicate their true response in case of sensitive issues.
This often happens with face-to-face or phone questionnaires because of the lack of anonymity. A
solution to minimize socially desirable responding: Ask leading and loaded questions to normalize the real
answers the respondents would give with an anonymous questionnaire. Below a couple examples of
social desirability bias:

- Everybody-does-it: ‘Even the most truthful people may sometimes not declare all income for taxes.
Has this happened to you?’
- Assume-the-behavior: ‘How often have you overeaten yourself in the past week?’;
- Authorities-recommend-it: ‘Doctors generally acknowledge that drinking wine in moderation is
beneficial. Did you drink wine yesterday?’;
- Reasons-for-doing-it: ‘Did things happen, so that you could not go to the dentist for the regular
check-up, or did you go?’.

Note: in all other circumstances, avoid leading & loading.

Also the survey mode effects validity


• For multi-item measures: Cronbach’s alpha. For example, to measure customer satisfaction;
• Cronbach’s alpha measures to what extent a set of items are inter-related;
• High inter-relatedness = high reliability;

• Cronbach’s alpha is between 0 and 1, values > 0.7 are considered acceptable.

Experimental research

Why Experimental research?

Experimental designs are typically used in deductive research, where the researcher is interested in
establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Experiments are used by manipulating a situation where you
can test the differences of X and how they affect Y. You want to use experimental research when you:

1. Are testing causality of (X, Y). Assumptions of causality:

o X and Y co-occur (correlation)
o A logical explanation for the effect of X on Y is needed
o X proceeds Y in time
o No other cause (Z) explains the co-occurrence of X and Y (ceteris paribus).
(A second independent variable can often be considered as a moderator in your design.)

2. Have a limited number of X’s and Y’s

Example: Observation: More POP (Point of Purchases) purchases is Y and more POP displays in store is
Interpretation: You as a researcher want to find out about the effect of X on Y, but also of Y on X? And
the effect of Z (In store communication) on X? And Z on Y?

What is experimental research?

Data collection method where one or more IV’s are manipulated to measure the effect on the DV, and
you control for other causes. Example of field research: Coca-Cola wants to investigate the effects of POP
displays on sales. Keep the following things in mind during this field experiment;

- X (IV) Is the manipulated variable. Ways to manipulate:

o Presence vs absence (bonus vs no bonus);
o Frequency (high bonus vs low bonus vs no bonus);
o Type (Punishment vs reward).
- Y (DV): Variable that is measured
o Can be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio.
- We always control extraneous variables: Every possible variable that can influence the DV, other than
the IV. (store location, age, gender, culture).

- 4 stores are chosen as test units; 3 of these stores are
will use a POP display (POP1, POP2, POP3); 1 store
will not use a POP display (control group);
- All stores are AH stores, with the same yearly
- Sales of Coca-Cola are measured 5 days before and 5 days after placement of POP displays.
POP Displays (X vs. Sales (Y)

X (IV): 4 levels (manipulated by ‘type’); three different displays + one store with no POP display;
Y (DV): Sales difference (Sales after and sales before);
Possible Z: yearly turnover store (controlled for: ‘All store are AH stores, with the same yearly turnover’).

Validity | Experimental research

Validity issues
- Experimental studies have two main objectives, namely:
o To draw valid conclusions about the effects of IV’s on DV (requires internal validity);
o To make valid generalizations towards a broader group (requires external validity).
- Without internal validity, no external validity;
- Confound: A variable (Z) that threatens internal validity, to prevent confounds include extraneous and

control variables in the design.

Types of experimental designs

1. Lab experiment: takes place in an artificial setting to have as much control as possible over the
manipulations. Internal validity is very high because all external effects (Z) can be blocked out.
2. Field experiment: takes place in a natural environment where manipulation is possible. Problems
with randomization and problems to exclude external influences can occur. External validity is high
because the generalizability is high because of the realness of the natural environment.
In a good study: Start with a lab study and continue with a field study with same conceptual model.

Threats to internal validity | Controlling and contaminating exogenous or nuisance variables

1. History effect: Events or factors outside the experiment have an impact on DV during the experiment;
F.e. road constructions towards one of the AH test stores (Coca-Cola);

2. Maturation effect: Biological, psychological changes over time; passage of time can have an effect on
the dependent variable. F.e. an R&D director wants to test whether workers will work more efficiently

with the help of technology. After 3 months, there is in fact an increase in efficiency, but this is also
caused by the experience workers gained with working with the technology; (honger krijgen)

3. Testing effect: Prior testing affects the DV; people start behaving differently after you pre-measured
your DV. Pretesting = first a measure of Y is taken (pretest), then the treatment is given, and after that

a second measure of Y is taken (posttest). There are two threats of the testing effect:
a. Main testing effect: The prior observation (pretest) affects the later observation (posttest).
This effect occurs because participants want to be consistent and therefore want to try to
answer the same in the posttest as in the pretest. Therefore, no significant effect on the
dependent variables can be found;
b. Interactive testing effects: The pretest affects the participants’ reaction to the treatment (IV).
Discussed below in ‘Threats to external validity’.

4. Instrumentation effect: The observed effect is due to a change in measurement between the pretest
and posttest. With administrating the data, results cannot really be compared because the frame of
the measurement is different. Can happen when the pretest and posttest are led by different people;
(getting tired toward the end)

5. Selection bias effect: Incorrect selection of respondents (experimental and/or control group):

a. Threat to internal validity: improper or unmatched selection of subjects for the experimental
and control groups. Such bias in the selection might contaminate the cause-and-effect
relationships. Randomization or matching groups is recommended to avoid this threat;
b. Threat to external validity: Discussed below in ‘Threats to external validity’.
6. Mortality effect: Drop out of respondents during experiment. Therefore, the group composition
changes over time and it is difficult to draw an unbiased conclusion from the gathered data. Try to
prevent this, try to see why they drop out.

Increasing internal validity

1. Randomization: Everyone has a known chance of being selected. The process of controlling the
nuisance variables by randomly assigning members among the various experimental and control
groups, so that the confounding variables are randomly distributed across all groups. Random
allocation of participants to different conditions (to decrease selection bias, but also
instrumentation, history and mortality effect). Matching might be less effective than randomization.

2. Design control: (extra test groep toevoegen)

o Control group: Include group that does not receive the treatment (to decrease history
and maturation, but also instrumentation and statistical regression effect);
o Additional groups: E.g. groups without pre-test, but with an experiment manipulation to
exclude effects of pre-testing (to decrease testing, instrumentation and statistical

3. Statistical control: Measure extraneous variables, and include these in the statistical analysis
(covariance analysis) (to decrease history and selection bias effect).

Experimental designs:

- True experimental design: Includes both the treatment and control groups and record information
both before and after the experimental group is exposed to the treatment.
- Quasi experimental design: Expose an experimental group to a treatment and measure its effects.
This is the weakest design because there is no comparison between groups nor a situation without
the treatment. Therefore, the true cause-and-effect relationship is hard to determine.

Solomon four group design: Almost never used, because of its complexity. Strongest design.
The participants in the study are randomly assigned to four different conditions, namely:

1. Manipulation, intervention with pre-test and post-test: What you would see in a typical pre-test,
post-test design with a control group;
2. Pre-test and post-test without manipulation or intervention: What you would see in a typical pre-
test, post-test design with a control group;
3. Manipulation, intervention with post-test: Replicate conditions of a and b, except no pre-test is
4. Post-test without manipulation, intervention: Replicate conditions a and b except no pre-test is

Analyzing your full factorial Experiment: If IV’s are categorial and DV is continuous, as is often the
case in experimental designs:


- Experiments are used to investigate causal relations;

- Extraneous variables form a threat to the internal (and sometimes external) validity;
- Some procedures can increase the validity (randomization, matching, control group etc.);
- Of all experimental designs, ‘true experimental designs’ have the highest validity;
- Full factorial designs are most often used;
- The challenge is to design an experiment that has high internal validity, without sacrificing external

Archival Research

Data that already exists, have been collected by someone else to answer another research question.
Archival data is thus secondary data. Note that archival data was at some point primary data and can
therefore contain for example survey data.

Archival-based research:
Research that uses archival data, what is already out there (rather than generating new primary data).

Sources of archival data:

- Internal: company records and archives (sales data);

- External: outer records and archives in two forms;
- Commercially available data sets like ORBIS (accounting information), GfK/AC Nielsen etc.
Companies can purchase data that are out there;
- Publicly available are available data sets for free, like statistical bulletins (government
publications), annual reports and anything on the internet.

Unit of analysis: Level of data aggregation/analysis on which you are going to run your analysis. From high

towards low the levels are country, industry, firm, manager(s), product etc. The IV’s should be at the same
or a
higher level as the DV. The level of the IV’s can never be lower than your level of DV.

Why/when archival research?

There are five advantages of why you would use archival research as research strategy:

- Tap into industry wisdom: Learn from past successes and failures in the industry when you
cannot rely on your own experiences. F.e. the effect of buying group entry on firm profitability;
- Power: High likelihood of rejecting H0 when H0 is false (a correct decision) = low likelihood of
missing a real effect. F.e. the effect of innovation on firm value and risk;
- Examining effects across time: Examine whether a phenomenon changes over time, or examine
the duration of an effect. F.e. effect of price and advertising on sales during business cycle
contractions and expansions;
- Examining effects across countries: Primary international research is expensive and
cumbersome. F.e. the effect of retailers’ entry decisions in Eastern Europe on performance.
Survey costs lots of time and is difficult;
- Examining socially sensitive phenomena: Archival data is unobtrusive (onopvallend, niet
opdringerig); good way to gather true and genuine data. There is a big difference between what
people say and what people do. Minimize the opportunity of distorted responses.

Unit of analysis

Examples of unit of analysis (LEVEL DV IS MEASURED)

- DV: Industry employment level IV’s: Industry (and country) characteristics;
- DV: Firm innovativeness IV’s: Firm (and industry and country) characteristics.

Time-dimension unit of analysis

- Cross-sectional: At one point in time;
- Longitudinal: From high towards low: yearly, quarterly, monthly or weekly. Two forms of longitudinal:

time-varying (different numbers per year) or time-invariant variables (same values for all years).

Kijken waar er variatie is (zijn de jaren verschillend? Zijn er verschillende landen? Dan country-year!
Choose the data that changes (varies). Altijd kijken naar de DV!

Reliability | Archival Research

Multi item vs. Single-item measures: If you want to combine multiple archival indicators you have to
standardize them.

Sources of unreliability of archival data

- Missing observations| problem: Some data points may be missing (for some customers we don’t
income information), solutions for cross-sectional data;
1. Means substitution: You are going to plug in values for the missing information. The data
you are going to use for this is the average (mean) of all other samples concerning the data.
Why the means? If you run a regression analysis it will hardly be influenced when you use
2. Listwise deletion: You kick out all of the observations with missing values (pretty extreme).
Not something you would like to do (less to analyses). When to use it? When a respondent
only answered 3 out 100 questions. But for all other use substitution. Information missing
set to 0, because sometimes people don’t have the information (no credit card). Note:
sometimes, no information, means 0. So, do not fill the empty part with the means, but fill
in 0.
3. Solutions for longitudinal data: Intrapolate: Some time series data are missing (only data of
2002, 2004, 2007 and 2008). You should average the sales numbers of 2002 and 2004 to the
mean for the sales numbers of 2003.

- Inaccurately recorded observations: problem: Data error because of extreme observations. (make a
plot). Solutions:
1. Trim/truncate: remove the most extreme ones of observations; (only very big data sets)
2. Winsorize: Suppose that the sample is small. Then you don’t want to throw out 1%. You
replace the extreme observation with the next value in line that is more realistic.

- Fake observations: Be critical and always check who collected the data? When? Where? For what

Validity | Archival Research

Validity and reliability

- Area A: Scale is unreliable, not valid (green dots are
everywhere). The reputation differs from time to time;
- Area B: Scale is reliable, because all the green dots are close
together. It is however not valid;
- Area C: Scale is unreliable, the measurements are not
consistent. A scale that is unreliable is never valid;
- Area D: Scale is reliable and valid, all the green dots are
together and centred (middle is the purpose of research).

Validity of archival data

Archival measure may only be a ‘proxy’ of the construct one wishes to measure (approximation of
construct). Only needed with archival research, because of the constructs. A construct is sensitive and
subjective, which cannot be measured in once.

Good proxy: Questionable proxy:

Considerable conceptual overlap; Little conceptual overlap;
Example: construct is firm innovativeness and Example: Construct is firm innovation (output)
measure is the number of new products per year. and
measure is R&D spending or media bias (input).

Archival proxy: A quantitative measure that is used to represent a theoretical construct that is relevant to
the design and completion of a research study. Construct validity: Is defined as how close of an
association actually exists between a measure and the theoretical construct that the measure is meant to
represent or capture. Type I error: Incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis (H0). Is to falsely infer the
existence of something that is not there, while a type II error is to falsely infer the absence of something
that is. Type II error: Incorrectly retaining a false null hypothesis (H0).

How to validate an archival measure as a good proxy?

- Provide precedence (prior studies that have used this measures as explanation);
- Provide ‘sound logic’ to support that considerable conceptual overlap exists between proxy and
construct (maybe things have changed over time);
- Provide evidence of significant correlations with related constructs (nomological validity): r > 0.3 it is
acceptable correlation and r > 0.5 there is high correlation.

Generalizability | Archival Research

Assess generalizability (external validity) | To what extend can you generalize your conclusions to the

- Are data drawn from the correct population?

- Is the sample representative? Always read the documents explaining the methodology behind
archival data bases.

Field Experimental Research

Field Experiment = Randomized experiment in a real-world setting (unit of randomization can be

individuals, households, areas etc.)
- Experimental studies have 2 main objectives:
- To draw valid conclusions about the effects of IV(s) on DV requires internal validity
- To make valid generalizations towards a broader group / population requires external
- Without internal validity, no external validity.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros: Cons:
- Real world impact (high external validity); - Time consuming;
- Authenticity - Challenging to implement;
- Novel Insights (does the discount; strategy - Focus on observed behavior;
really work). - High degree of noise;
- Ethical considerations.

Internal Validity Issues

- Unexpected Factors;
- Poor timing;
- Failure to Randomize;
- Spill over and Side-effects;
- Non-Compliance;
- Insufficient Sample Size.
- Second order effect  effects after the effect

Reliability: For concrete constructs: single-item measures , For abstract constructs: multi-item measures
→ Report Cronbach’s alpha (preferred > 0.7).

Best practice: Randomization checks a priori & ad hoc, Unit of randomization, Power calculations a priori,
Outcome measures (capture all relevant metrics).

A/B Testing

- Field experiment in a digital/online environment (usually large-scale);

- Testing on large-scale enables to detect small effects;
- Results scale easily in the online environment;
- A/B tests are an excellent opportunity to replace intuition with tests, Experiments can guide
Investment Decisions;
- Small change can have a big impact (e.g., colors or location of buttons), especially if a platform has
millions of concurrent users.
- But 1: Most test fail; only about 10-30% generate positive results (Google and Bing); 33%
have negative results (Microsoft);
- But 2: Changes rarely have a large positive impact;
- Consequence: Need to make a lot of several small wins to improve;
- A/B testing is about learning
- Leverage opportunities to learn by getting direct customer feedback; for example to shorten
design processes (e.g., for colors; webpages)
- A/B vs. A/B/n vs. Multifactorial tests
- Multifactorial designs are more complex and require larger sample size (“traffic”)
- Drawback may be that in the field treatment may incur losses.
- Twyman’s law: Any figure that looks interesting or different is usually wrong.

To implement successfully:

- Step 1: Decide on the unit of randomization.

- Step 2: Minimize spill overs and crossovers between experimental treatments.
- Step 3: Decide on complete or stratified randomization.
- Step 4: Ensure that appropriate data is collected.
- Step 5: Interpret results from a field experiment carefully.

- Instead of focusing on overall effects only, consider to look at the effects in subgroups /segments
(Heterogeneous treatment effects)
- Effects in segments might vary; for example for gender (men vs. women), historical purchase
patterns (heavy vs light shoppers) etc.
- Focusing on aggregate data might lead to the incorrect conclusion that there are no effects on any
- Important 1: Partition subjects in subgroups based on pre-treatment covariates
- Important 2: Need sufficiently large sample in each condition to get valid results

Kohavi& Thomke (2017), Harvard Business Review

- Appreciate the Value of A/B Tests:Tiny Changes can have a Big Impact &
Experiments can guide Investment Decisions
- Build a Large-Scale Capability: Center-of-Excellence Model:A third
option is to have some data scientists in a centralized function and others
within the different business units. (Microsoft uses this approach.) A center
of excellence focuses mostly on the design, execution, and analysis of
controlled experiments. It significantly lowers the time and resources those
tasks require by build-ing a companywide experimentation platform and
related tools. It can also spread best testing practices throughout the
organization by hosting classes, labs, and conferences. The main
disadvantages are a lack of clarity about what the center of excellence
owns and what the product teams own, who should pay for hiring more
data scientists when various units in-crease their experiments, and who is
responsible for investments in alerts and checks that indicate results aren’t

- Address the Definition of Success

- Beware of Low-Quality Data
- Avoid Assumptions about Causality
- Lambrecht& Tucker (2016), GFK Marketing Intelligence Review

- Causality Trap: correlation =/= causality
- Apparent causalities often fail to hold up under examination
- Field experiments permit causal inferences
- 5 steps of implementation

Big data


1. Big: When is big an advantage?

- When the event is rare:
- When the average click through rate on banner ad is 0.35%
- When there is “Heterogeneity” in the response (Consumers respond differently to the same
2. Always on: collecting data in real time is important when we need to know and respond to the
answers quickly. (Economic activity, trend spotting).
3. Nonreactive: People usually change their behavior when they know they are being observed, but with
big data users are typically not aware they are being recorded.


1. Incomplete: Big data records what consumers do, not why they do it.
2. Inaccessible: from outside the organization ethical and legal barriers, from inside the company,
not integrated lacking variables..)
3. Nonrepresentative: If the sample is representative, you can make inferences about the
population based on your sample. How representative are online opinions?
4. Drifting: If you want to measure change, don’t change the measure.
5. Algorithmically confounded: How the platform is designed can influence behavior, introducing
bias or noise into what you’re trying to study.
6. Dirty: Big data sources can be loaded with junk or spam.
7. Sensitive: Some of the information that companies have is sensitive (Strava).

Exploratory research -> Inductive Research

What is exploratory research?  Aim: to require an in-depth understanding when prior theory is absent
 often based on qualitative data. In words rather than in numbers , has a small sample size, questions
often asked 1 by 1, offers you richness of information of each respondent

Fundamental characteristics of qualitative data

1. Open ended:
- No need to predetermine precise constructs;
- flexible and exploratory.
2. concrete and vivid:
- See the world through the eyes of the subjects.
3. Rich and nuanced:
- capture details.

Sources of qualitative data:

1. Primary qualitative data (field research)

- Interviews: unstructured or structured;
2. Secondary qualitative data (desk research)
- annual reports and other company records;
- blogs, websites.

Research design decisions for inductive research:

When to use exploratory research: When not to use exploratory research?

- to study a new phenomenon; - When results are to be generalized to

- to capture concrete and vivid the total population;
information. - When numbers are needed to make a

So at inducted research you only don’t do statistical techniques (obviously because you don’t use
statistical data).

Research strategies:

1. In-depth interviews;
2. Focus groups;
3. Observations;

Unstructured interviews:
- Interviewer: only has a vague idea about the info needed, no planned sequence of questions;
- Respondent: Talks openly and widely about the topic.

Structured interviews:

- Interviewer: Knows at the outset what info is needed. has a list of the predetermined questions &
has a list of predetermined questions.
- Respondent: is asked the same set of questions in the same order.

5 Steps how to conduct interviews:

1. Designing:
1. Introduce yourself;
2. Introduce the purpose of the interview;
3. Assure confidentiality;
4. Ask permission to tape-record the interview;
5. Construct the questions.
2. Interviewing:
1. Warm up questions (easy to answer);
2. Main questions: per topic (first an open answer, followed by one or more probing questions).

3. Transcribe
1. Write down questions and answers;
2. Do it immediately and exactly (in same language).
4. Analyzing:
1. Data reduction;
2. Data display (identify themes and patterns).
5. Reporting:
1. Empirical description of themes and patterns.
2. Quotes from interviews.
3. Explanations for observed patterns and relationships (theory development).

Focus groups

- An interview on a group basis;

- 8 to 10 participants, chosen based on their familiarity of the topic;
- Discussion is facilitated by a moderator.

- The watching and analysis;
- Of the behavior;
- Of Employees, consumers investors.

4 types of observation:

1. Controlled vs. uncontrolled;

- Controlled or artificial envornment (artificial envirnment);
- Uncontrolled or natural environment (real environment);
2. Participant vs. non participant observation (does observer observes or interacts);
3. Concealed vs. unconcealed (knowing they are observed);
4. Structured vs. unstructured (know what to investigate).

Sampling design:

Sampling designs in qualitative research: (generalizability is not important, so usually a small sample size).

- Convenience sampling;
- Quota sampling;
- Judgement sampling;
- Snowball sampling.

Reliability and validity

1. Interjudge reliability: (how much consensus there is, giving in the ratings by judges)
- Degree of agreement among raters/judges
- Calculations: percentage of agreement, cohen’s kappa etc.
2. Interviewer biases:
- Loaded questions (hidden purpus behind its asking);
- Expressing one’s own opinion and judging;
- Selective perception (= hearing what you want to hear, = observing what you want to
3. Interviewee biases:
- Obedience = desire to please the interviewer
- Conformity = do/think what the majority does/thinks (= normative social influence)


Mixed methods:

- Using multiples research strategies in combination;

- ‘and.. and’ rather than ‘either…or’;
- Qualitative pre-phase, before a quantitative main analysis;
- Small archival study, followed up by an experiment.

International research

Differences between domestic and international research – going from local country to doing research in
international level:

- Increased complexity
- Most slips/blunders come from inadequate research
- Previous business research knowledge still applies

Differences between countries arise from:

- political, legal, economic, social, and cultural differences;
- Results in possible issue with comparing research results between companies;
- Are differences real or due to cultural… difference between companies.

Main factors that affect international research are:

1. Cultural factors: Widely shared norms or patterns of behavior within a large group of people
Differences in family structure, household roles and attitudes.
2. Ethnic factors: Do not influence behavior – differences in physical features
Different hair culture, hair care products needed differ.
3. Climatic factors: Climates in different parts of the world account for many differences between
cultures. Differences in produces/ consumed products (British drink beer).
4. Economic factors: Level of wealth and taxation also effects behavior in countries. Prices of
products, Norwegians drink little alcohol.
5. Religious factors: Religious can lay down specific rules and patterns diet and thinks you may not
6. Historical factors Differences have slowly evolved over time but can have strong effect on
consumer behavior (bull fight Spain).
7. Geograph. factors: Some target groups are not easy to reach small towns vs. cities.

8. Consump. patt fact: Difference in consumption patterns between regions. French wine, port before
or after dinner.
9. Res. condition fact: Researchers will have to make note of small differences in different cultures
while performing research different mode for different preference.

Also deal with differences in: language, market research- facilities and capabilities.

Classification of different types of international research

- Single-country research: Need when want to know if strategies from country x can be adopted to
country y.
- Multi-country research:

1. Independent multicounty research: Most common. When branches independently conduct similar
research of same products in different countries. Often leads to double effort and – cannot compare
numbers between countries (brand awareness checks/job satisfaction in different countries). 
double the effort and difficult to compare countries.

2. Sequential multicounty research: Countries researched one after the other. Attractive way to
research range of geographical regions. Learning from prior research. Sequential approach. Helping to
define limits subjects matters that is covered, operational problems earlier learned avoided, key
findings are focus of later studies. spreading cost

3. Simultaneous multicounty research: Studying companies in different countries simultaneously.

Purest form international. Toughest test researcher capabilities, but increases comparability.

Equivalence in international research | Uniformity in research

Quality or uniformity all have to be equivalent:

1. Construct equivalence:
- Studying same phenomena/concepts?
- Gender have same construct over all countries;
- Coffee covers a lot of different beverages or forms;
- Important in primary research and secondary data;
- May not be readily comparable;

How to ensure?

- Do not only use domestic literature but also country-specific literature;
- Conduct qualitative research – focus group.

2. Measurement equivalence: Are phenomena/concepts measured in the same way in terms of:

1. Wording  transactional equivalence

Important questionnaire is translated correctly Ensure by: back translation
decentering, change target language and source language wording
= make from gezellig, plezierig, becomes pleasant. Back translating 

2. Scaling/scoring  metric equivalence

Do the scores have the same meaning in different countries. Likert scale – 5 points. Countries not
used to certain scales Extreme responding  Socially desirable responding. (Latin give an extreme
number than Chinese for example).
- Egoistic response tendencies. Self-deceptive, positive self-view.
- Moralistic response tendencies. Deliberate attempt to project a favorable self-image.

How to obtain metric equivalence?

- Before data collection: pictorial response scale work well, semantic differentials.
- After data collection: standardize response to each variable within each country sample.

- Careful: with secondary data, categories and calibration systems may differ across countries.
(monetary units, measure of weight, distance and volume).

3. Sampling equivalence

Achieve representative and comparable samples

1. Population must be same = same description – minimum under coverage allowed.
2. Strict probability sampling applied to guarantee precision – not non-probability.

Without sampling equivalence validity findings is called into question. Cannot eliminate that differences in
sample are not differences in countries. Consider 3 elements:
1. Timing – preferably take place as simultaneously as possible
2. Sampling frame may need to be different in different countries
3. Data collection procedure

Sampling frame – use comparable sampling frames, unless inadequate coverage in countries. Not when,
women were not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia , election list only men.

Units of analysis: The unit of analysis refers to the level of aggregation of the data collected during the
research. It depends on the kind of research objective, what kind of ‘units’ will be analysed. (The units are
named differently on p25).

- Individual level: when the problem statement focuses on motivational levels of employees for
- Dyads: when the researcher is interested in two-person interactions;
- Groups: when the problem statement is related to group effectiveness. Collect individual data
first and categorize it into groups to see whether there are differences between these groups;
- Organisations: when the researchers wants to look at differences between companies;
- Nations: when for example cultural differences among nations are studied.

Time horizon: Cross-sectional versus longitudinal studies:

- Cross-sectional studies or ‘one-shot’: A study of which the data are gathered just once, perhaps over a
period of days or weeks or months, in order to answer a research question.
- Longitudinal studies: A study of which the data is gathered at two different points in time. The
researcher studies people or phenomena at more than one point in time in order to answer the research
question (pre-and post-test). For example: Measuring employee behaviour during a managerial change.
o Takes more time and effort than previous one-shot method;
o Among other things, longitudinal studies can help to identify cause-and-effect relationships.
For example: measuring the sales of a product before and after advertisement or comparing
data of nowadays with 10 years ago;
o Experimental designs are always longitudinal studies, since data are collected both before and
after a manipulation. (note that manipulation and interference are equal);

Mixed methods
Mixed methods research: Combinations of methods are used in many studies. For example: You can
interview managers to collect data about the nature of managerial work. Based on the analysis of this
interview data, you can formulate theories of managerial roles, the nature and types of managerial
activities. These have been tested in different setting through both interviews and questionnaire
• Triangulation: Is a technique that is associated with mixed methods, because triangulation means that
one can be more confident in a result if the use of different methods or sources leads to the same
results. Triangulation can be addressed from multiple perspectives, namely:
o Method: using multiple methods of data collection and analysis;
o Data: collecting data from several sources and/or at different time periods;
o Researcher: multiple researchers collect and/or analyse the data;
o Theory: multiple theories and/or perspective are used to interpret and explain the data.
Omitted variable: where there is an omitted variable (weghalen), the estimated model will have biased


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