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Engelbert Ramos Lagumbay

CED – 15 – 201A


Scientific Fact - In science, an remark that has been time and again showed and for all sensible
functions is prevalent as “true.” Truth in science, however, is in no way very last and what’s popular as a
truth nowadays can be changed or maybe discarded tomorrow

Concept - Scientific standards may be defined as systematic intellectual representations of the herbal
world, and that they have a critical area and position in science. … In contrast, ambiguity is feasible due
to functions which are inherent with inside the standards themselves.

Scientific theories - medical principle is a proof of an thing of the herbal global that may be time and
again examined and demonstrated according with the clinical method, the usage of common protocols
of observation, measurement, and assessment of results. Where possible, theories are examined
beneathneath managed situations in an experiment. (for example, electricity, chemistry, and
astronomy). Scientists use theories to in addition medical knowledge, further to to facilitate advances in
era or medicine.

Scientific Laws - legal guidelines or legal guidelines of technology are statements, primarily based totally
on repeated experiments or observations, that describe or are expecting a variety of herbal phenomena.
The time period regulation has numerous utilization in lots of instances throughout all fields of herbal

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