305.icm-Ou-11.07 Programmable Logic Controller

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Programmable Logic Controller ICM-OU-11.07


1.0 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................4

1.1 ......Scope ...............................................................................................................4
1.2 ......Responsibilities ................................................................................................4
1.3 ......Conflicts and Deviations ...................................................................................4
2.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................4
3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................5
3.1 ......Item Definition ..................................................................................................6
3.2 ......Input/Output Types ...........................................................................................6
3.3 ......Input/Output Requirements ..............................................................................7
3.4 ......Termination Assemblies ...................................................................................8
3.5 ......Data Manipulation ............................................................................................8
3.6 ......Peer-to-Peer Communications .........................................................................9
3.7 ......Redundancy .....................................................................................................9
3.8 ......Radio Frequency Interference ........................................................................10
3.9 ......Power Supplies ..............................................................................................10
3.10 ....Environmental Conditions ..............................................................................10
4.0 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................10
4.1 ......General ...........................................................................................................10
4.2 ......Reliability ........................................................................................................11
5.0 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ...............................................................................12
5.1 ......General ...........................................................................................................12
5.2 ......Wiring .............................................................................................................12
5.3 ......Human Machine Interface ..............................................................................13
5.4 ......PLC Programming ..........................................................................................15
5.5 ......Maintainability .................................................................................................16
5.6 ......Availability of Spare Parts ..............................................................................16
6.0 AUXILIARIES ............................................................................................................16
6.1 ......Power Supplies ..............................................................................................16
6.2 ......Backup Power ................................................................................................17
6.3 ......Failure Mode ..................................................................................................17
6.4 ......Diagnostics .....................................................................................................17
7.0 CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................18
7.1 ......General ...........................................................................................................18
7.2 ......Personnel Training .........................................................................................18
8.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS ....................................................................18
8.1 ......General ...........................................................................................................18
8.2 ......Acceptance Testing ........................................................................................19
8.3 ......Factory Acceptance Test ................................................................................19
8.4 ......System Integration Test .................................................................................22

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8.5 ......Acceptance .....................................................................................................24

8.6 ......Preparation for Shipment ...............................................................................25
8.7 ......Site Acceptance Test (SAT) ...........................................................................25
9.0 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................26

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1.1 Scope
1. This specification covers the minimum technical requirements for the design, manufacture,
documentation and testing of a Programmable Logic Control (PLC) system intended for use as
a stand alone system or integrated into an overall control system.
2. This specification addresses self contained PLC control systems designated to control a partic-
ular piece of equipment or sub-set of the overall process that is defined and limited in scope.
These systems are common to what is generally called packaged equipment (e.g. compressors,
boilers, fired furnaces, filters, lube oil systems, gas generators, etc.).
3. PLC panel wiring requirements are not part of this specification. The wiring requirements for
both controlled and uncontrolled environments shall be per the Instrument Control Panels
4. The PLC system is separate from what is defined as either the overall Control System or the
Safety Instrumented System (SIS) per the Project Technical Requirements.
5. This specification is not intended to specify all the complete details of design and construction,
which are the responsibility of the detail design Contractor.

1.2 Responsibilities
1. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing complete and operable PLC system
mounted in prefabricated electrical and/or pneumatic instrument control panels in full accor-
dance with all applicable industry codes and standards, Government Regulations and Project
Technical Requirements.
2. The Contractor shall supply the location for all work to be preformed. The Company shall
approve such locations in writing before contract award.
3. The Contractor shall note:
A federal export license may be required to export components of the PLC system. The
responsibility of securing any required license(s) is in the scope of the Contractor. In the event
difficulty in doing so is encountered, the Company may be solicited for assistance.

1.3 Conflicts and Deviations

1. All conflicts between this specification, the Project Technical Requirements, and the applica-
ble codes and standards shall be submitted in writing to the Company for resolution.
2. If conflicting statements exist within this document or between this document and the docu-
ments referenced, the Contractor shall bring these to the attention of the Company for resolu-

International Electrotechnical Commission
1131, “Programmable Controllers”

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Programmable Logic Controller ICM-OU-11.07


1. The use of a separate PLC system, instead of performing the controls applications in the over-
all Control System, must be reviewed and approved by the Company as to meeting the speci-
fied Project Technical Requirements intent.
a. The review shall take into account the number of separate systems to be maintained.
b. The review shall also address the concerns of local spare parts, local software knowledge,
maintenance training, and communication support to the overall control system for the life
of the facility.
2. The use of multiple independent PLCs to create a PLC system requires review and written
approval by the Company.
a. All multiple independent PLCs shall use the same hardware and software.
b. The hardware shall be interchangeable between PLCs unless otherwise approved by the
3. Packaged equipment PLC systems are designed to stand alone and are completely ready for
the control application.
a. These systems are completely programmed.
b. They include the PLC installed and completely wired in a local or remote cabinet.
c. The extent of external wiring shall be defined at the time of project execution.
4. A Safety Objective Analysis (SOA) following the Project Technical Requirements shall be
coordinated by the Contractor using ChevronTexaco guidelines and utilizing an SOA special-
ist as a facilitator.
a. The SOA and Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) shall be used to review and document the
process safety needs in accordance with the Project Technical Requirements.
b. Safety Integrity Level (SIL) requirements shall be determined to set the required hardware
c. SIL-1 actions shall generally be implemented in a PLC system or overall control system.
d. A SIL-2 or SIL-3 application requires a SIL rated Safety Instrumented System.
5. All components and subsystems required for a complete and fully operable system shall be
included whether or not specifically called out in this or other documents. Examples are:
• Control Systems philosophy
• P&ID
• Flow diagrams
• Safe charts
• Data sheets
• Engineering specifications
• Memory organizational map
• I/O Schedules/Termination diagrams
• General arrangements

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6. All components and subsystems shall be of new manufacture, purchased from manufacturer or
manufacturer's authorized representative, with full manufacturer's warranty.
7. No new surplus, reused, rebuilt, or repaired components or subsystems shall be accepted with-
out written Company approval.
8. All hardware and software manufacturers, models (or titles), detailed version numbers, and
detailed firmware version numbers shall be approved in writing by the Company.
9. All software shall be registered under the Company's name.
10. This Specification shall be used in conjunction with the Project Technical Requirements and
data sheets for that PLC system.
11. The Project Technical Requirements defines the utilization of Intergraph INtools for the exe-
cution of the instrumentation and PLC system design and documentation.
12. At a minimum, all components supplied with and part of the PLC system shall be provided
with data sufficient to completely populate the Company INtools database.
13. The data shall be compatible and complete, such that all instrument specifications data sheets,
I/O loadings, the instrument index, calculations, loop diagrams, cable schedules, Fieldbus seg-
ments, junction box loadings, instrument installation details, and installation bill of materials
(BOMs) can be produced from the project INtools software.

3.1 Item Definition

1. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) executes continuous and sequential control of equip-
ment and systems through both continuous and discrete input/output (I/O) signals.
2. A PLC receives serial digital bus (FOUNDATION Fieldbus), discrete analog, a combination
of analog and serial digital (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (HART) protocol), dig-
ital, and pulse inputs from processes and equipment.
3. A PLC provides serial digital bus, analog, digital, and pulse outputs to process equipment
based upon the internal programmed logic of the PLC.
4. The PLC systems include the computer hardware, software, and interfacing cabling required
for the PLC configuration
5. These systems interface to the overall control system and data transfer to the Process Informa-
tion Management System (PIMS).
6. The PIMS data requirements are the same as the overall control system unless defined as dif-
ferent in the Project Technical Requirements.

3.2 Input/Output Types

1. The PLC shall be capable of handling all necessary inputs and outputs required for the applica-
a. The PLC system design shall minimize the different types of modules required.
b. Voltage levels above 24 vdc must be grouped and separate from the lower voltage levels.
c. Interposing relays may be required per the Project Technical Requirements.
2. The PLC may use FOUNDATION Fieldbus, HART protocol, or DeviceNet communications
for control and device diagnostics.
a. Non-system rack modules require Company approval.

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b. No non-PLC manufacture licensed third party interface devices may be used without writ-
ten Company approval.
3. The PLC shall use the following discrete input/output (I/O) levels, as required:
• 5 VDC
• 12 VDC
• 24 VDC
• 120 VAC
• 120 VDC
• Relay Contact
4. The PLC shall use the following analog input and output ranges, as required:
• -10 to 10 VDC
• 0 to 10 VDC
• 0 to 5 VDC
• 1 to 5 VDC
• 4 to 20 milliamps (ma), at 24V DC
• Thermocouple/RTD
5. The PLC may use pulse inputs and square wave inputs such as from turbine meters.
6. The PLC shall be capable of receiving, transmitting, and manipulating 4 digit binary coded
decimal (BCD) numbers and 16 bit binary numbers.
7. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion error shall be a maximum of ± 0.25% of
the span.

3.3 Input/Output Requirements

1. I/O termination assemblies, I/O modules, and I/O communication cables shall be monitored
and cause an I/O fault if a malfunction occurs.
2. I/O faults shall alarm and be available to the program and alarmed for remedial action.
3. During normal operation, a malfunction in any Fieldbus segment or input/output channel shall
affect the operation of only that segment or channel and not the operation of the CPU or any
other channel.
4. Discrete I/O modules shall come equipped with integral light emitting diode (LED) indicators
to indicate whether a signal is off or on.
5. The design of the PLC system shall allow for the replacement of any FOUNDATION Fieldbus
interface, input, or output module without disturbing field wiring terminations or shutting
down the processor or other I/O modules in the rack.
6. The PLC shall be designed to communicate and distribute power through a standard single
backplane to the controller and modules.
7. Output design and hardware shall be fail safe on loss of power.
8. Input modules shall be optically isolated from the process signal input.
9. Input modules shall be self-protected against status or alarm contact bounce, induced noise,
and voltage transients.

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3.4 Termination Assemblies

1. Remotely mounted I/O module assemblies shall connect via fiber optic and shall support both
simplex and redundant communications.
2. The I/O module assemblies shall be modular with individual, replaceable plug-in modules.
3. The I/O terminations shall come equipped with blown fuse indicators. The fuses shall be
replaceable from the front of the panel without removing the protected device from the panel.
4. I/O field terminations shall be provided for all installed I/O modules.

3.5 Data Manipulation

1. The PLC shall be capable of manipulating numeric data.
a. The PLC system shall do math on a minimum 32-bit basis.
b. A PLC doing process control shall do floating-point math.
2. Along with any required logic function, data handling, or other capabilities for the application,
the PLC shall be provided with, as a minimum:
• On-line data up-load and down-load from Remote Terminal Units (RTU)
• Self-diagnostics alarm and fault generation
• Data reads and writes to and from a overall control system or supervisory computer
3. Along with any required analog control algorithms required for the application, the PLC shall
be provided with, as a minimum:
• Dynamic set point manipulations
• Set point limiting and filtering
• Anti-reset windup
4. The PLC shall be capable of programming any of the following alarm conditions:
• High-High
• High
• Low
• Low-Low
• Deviation
• Deviation from setpoint
• Discrete event
• Rate of change
• Bad input
• Open loop detection
• System diagnostics
• Communication failure
5. The design and management of the process and system alarms shall be in accordance with the
Project Technical Requirements and the Alarm Management Philosophy specification.
6. An Alarm Objective Analysis (AOA) following the Project Technical Requirement shall be
coordinated by the Contractor using ChevronTexaco guidelines and utilizing an AOA special-
ist as a facilitator.

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7. The PLC shall be capable of accepting program changes while in the process of executing a
program (on-line). The Contractor shall detail how this is achieved and any limitations.
8. Software shall be provided to display and alter or force the status of all inputs, outputs, internal
relays, and data registers from the programming package environment. Software shall provide
a search and display summary of any forced values.
9. Software shall display the on-line running open/closed status of inputs and energize/de-ener-
gize status of outputs. Every input and output shall be shown on the display with comments as
to what they are and what they do.
10. It shall be possible to insert changes anywhere in the program, even between existing blocks,
insofar as there is sufficient memory to accommodate these additions.
11. The PLC and software shall be capable of altering program details without requiring that the
entire rung or ladder be deleted and reprogrammed, such as:
• Changing the action of a contact from normally open to normally closed
• Addition of extra contacts
• Changing addresses
12. Software shall require a multiple programming commands to delete any part of the control
program while system is on-line.
13. If function blocks are deleted from an existing program, the remaining program shall be auto-
matically repositioned to fill the void. Whenever function blocks are inserted into an existing
program, the original program shall automatically be repositioned to accommodate the
enlarged program.
14. The PLC memory size shall be selected, such that there is a minimum of 100% spare program-
ming memory and data register space left after all programming has been completed.

3.6 Peer-to-Peer Communications

1. The PLC shall support redundant, high speed, peer-to-peer communications between control-
2. The peer-to-peer link shall support transfer of all data types including alarms and diagnostics.
3. The peer-to-peer links shall be fiber optic cable when cables are routed external to the cabinet
or cabinet sections.
4. Peer-to-peer within a cabinet or cabinet sections may be manufacturers standard.

3.7 Redundancy
1. The PLC shall support redundancy of central processors, communication, and I/O modules.
2. It shall be possible to mix redundant and non-redundant I/O modules within the one system if
3. Redundant central processors and communications configurations shall be standard and trans-
parent to program coding. No custom wiring or programming shall be required.
4. Systems utilizing redundant central processors, communication, or I/O modules shall have
identical modules and shall have bumpless auto-transfer capabilities on detection of a fault in
one of the units.

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3.8 Radio Frequency Interference

1. The PLC equipment shall not be affected by radio frequency interference from standard, com-
mercial ultra high frequency (UHF) and very high frequency (VHF) hand-held, personal trans-
ceivers of 5 watts nominal output power, which will be operated within two feet of the PLC
system including remote I/O units.
2. The RF emissions of the PLC equipment shall not exceed those allowed by current FCC rules.

3.9 Power Supplies

1. The PLC shall be capable of operating on the following power sources or as required by the
project specifications or data sheets:
• 120 VAC (plus or minus 15 percent), 47 to 63 Hertz
• 24 VDC (plus or minus 15 percent), grounded
2. In cases where the AC power is unstable or subject to unusual variations, it shall be possible to
install constant voltage transformers between the AC lines and the power supplies.

3.10 Environmental Conditions

1. The PLC system and local outdoor operator interfaces shall be rated for Class I Division 2
installation and capable of withstanding the following environmental conditions without a
decrease in operations or accuracy:
• Operating temperature range of 32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C)
• Storage temperature range of -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)
• Relative humidity range of 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
2. Operator screens, operator terminals, processor(s), and communication equipment located
indoors shall be capable of withstanding the following environmental conditions without a
decrease in operations or accuracy:
• Operating temperature range of 40°F to 95°F (4°C to 35°C)
• Storage temperature range of 0°F to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C)
• Relative humidity range of 20% to 80% (non-condensing)
3. When the environmental conditions in the Project Technical Requirements exceed the specifi-
cations of the PLC system equipment, the Contractor shall submit for written approval the pro-
posed design to meet those conditions before proceeding with the design.


4.1 General
1. Packaged equipment PLC systems shall be the same hardware and software utilized in the
existing facility unless specifically called out to be different in the Project Technical Require-
ments or written Company approval. The PLC shall incorporate architecture and data struc-
tures that can be readily integrated into the overall control system.
2. Packaged equipment PLC systems shall be designed to be controlled from local control panels
and by remote operations from the overall control system Human Machine Interfaces (HMI).
a. The interface shall be capable of redundant Ethernet networks.
b. The communications network design and protocol requires written Company approval.

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3. The PLC shall be configured to communicate all internal information to the overall control
system. This specific application may require but is not limited to the following:
• Digital Input/Output status
• Analog Input/Output values (Engineering Units)
• Controller setpoints (Engineering Units)
• Controller operating modes
• FOUNDATION Fieldbus device data and diagnostics
• HART protocol device data and diagnostics
• DeviceNet device data and diagnostics
• Motor run statuses
• Equipment alarms
• Shutdowns
• First-Out Indication (with time stamps)
• Sequence Steps (actual step and next step permissives)
• Sequence of Events (SOE)
• Initiation and Reset Commands
• System diagnostics
• Communications status and health
4. The SOE data shall be captured by the PLC on occurrence of defined events (such as a trip)
and stored for later upload by a SOE package on a separate computer. Time stamping of SOE
data shall be to millisecond resolution (subject to overall scan time)
5. Where redundant processors are specified, operation shall normally be on a single processor
with the other in standby and synchronized to both program and I/O status. On failure of the
primary processor, a bumpless transfer to the standby shall automatically occur.
6. The user program and data shall be contained in non-volatile memory.
a. The memory shall be battery backed or electronically programmable read only memory
b. The operating system shall be contained in non-volatile firmware.
c. The memory containing the operating system shall be capable of updates via update soft-
7. The PLC shall allow online program changes which are automatically synchronized with the
redundant processor.
8. The PLC CPU(s) shall utilize a key switch(s) to prevent unauthorized program changes.
9. All system modules including the processor may be removed from or inserted into the system
while power is being supplied to the system without faulting the processor or damaging the

4.2 Reliability
1. The PLC equipment associated with process monitoring and control shall have a minimum
availability of 0.999.

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2. Failure of one critical system component shall be equivalent to total system failure. A critical
component is defined as a component that is required for the system to operate and communi-
cate with any inputs or outputs.
3. When specified in project data sheets or specifications, the PLC system shall have redundant
processors and communications modules where two modules run simultaneously. Redundant
processors must allow on-line program changes, total failure, removal, and reinstallation of
either of the processors with no disturbance to the process.
4. Reliability calculations shall be provided for the entire PLC system (processor, power supply,
I/Os, etc.).


5.1 General
1. As a minimum, each PLC system shall consist of one central processing unit (CPU) and I/O
modules and termination assemblies sufficient to accommodate the system requirements as
required by the application.
2. Modules are defined as devices that plug into the electronic chassis and are mechanically and/
or electronically keyed such that a module can be installed and/or function in only a position
keyed for that type of module.
a. The chassis shall prevent the insertion of a module upside-down or into a wrong slot.
b. The PLC software shall perform an electronic check to insure that the physical module is
consistent with what was configured.
3. A minimum of 25% installed spare I/O modules shall be provided for each type of I/O. All
associated power, termination assemblies, interposing relays etc are to be provided and wired
for immediate use.
4. Space shall be allowed in the installed PLC racks for 25% additional I/O modules. The space
requirement is calculated on the total number of I/O modules (redundant modules count as
2 modules). Space shall be allowed for associated power, termination assemblies, interposing
relays etc to accommodate the 25% spare I/O modules space.
5. All system equipment shall be designed to provide for free airflow convection cooling. No
internal fans or other means of cooling, except heat sinks, shall be permitted.
6. All circuitry design shall be based on worst-case design criteria.
a. PLC components shall be derated for the applicable ambient temperature, current, and
voltage extremes, including heat-buildup in non-ventilated enclosures in hazardous areas.
b. Radiant heat from local flares shall be included in heat-buildup calculations if the equip-
ment is installed in full view of the flare tip.

5.2 Wiring
1. A complete technical description of all proposed system wiring and termination designs shall
be submitted with the proposal and shall be subject to Company approval.
2. The Contractor shall be responsible for all system cables.
a. Cables shall be fitted with connectors on both ends to form the completed system cable.
b. Connections between cables and equipment shall be made via mating system sockets.

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3. System cable fabrication shall be of the highest standard, using crimping machines approved
by the connector manufacturer only. No stripped part of the cable shall be exposed upon com-
pletion of fabrication and exposed end of cable screen shall be covered with shrink sleeve.
4. The cables shall be identified at both ends adjacent the connector using a Company approved
5. Each module I/O terminal shall have a label with the appropriate tag number.

5.3 Human Machine Interface

1. The PLC is required to interface to a Company overall control system that will provide a
Human Machine Interface (HMI) as well as any other local operations panel requirements.
2. Local HMI panel equipment (displays, switches, indicators, lamps) require written Company
approval. Particular attention must address readability in direct sunlight conditions.
3. Overall control system operator graphics shall be supplied by the Company. The vendor is
responsible for supplying all information required to build these graphics.
4. Vendor shall coordinate with the Contractor to facilitate the Company's development of the
overall control system operating graphics.
a. These specifically designed graphics shall provide operations with all the process permis-
sives and procedures in a step-by-step format to enable startup, normal, and shutdown
b. Contractor shall provide all pertinent information (i.e. tag numbers, service description,
mapping tables, ranges, etc) to the Company in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.
c. This information is in addition to and shall be the same as supplied to the INtools data-
base, but is supplied specifically for the graphics development.
d. Particular attention shall be paid to this deliverable to enable the timely completion of the
graphics to minimize rework.
5. PLC communications to the operations HMI shall be a minimum of Ethernet 100 Mbps. Writ-
ten Company approval of communications modules is required.
6. The PLC communications hardware and wiring topology requires review and written Com-
pany approval.
7. A PLC system supplied with a desktop HMI shall at a minimum consist of the following major
a. Operator HMI terminal computer (either rack or desk design per the Project Technical
Requirements) with the following specifications:
(1) This computer shall utilize the latest computer bus and hard drive technologies
(2) It shall be equipped with a minimum 3 GHz processor and a minimum 1 gigabyte of
memory (all proposed software shall be checked for any additional requirements)
(3) It shall have two 120 megabyte hard drives (one for applications and one for data
storage), and a CD-RW and DVD+R (and -R) combination drive
b. HMI terminals with the following specifications:
(1) They shall have a minimum of two displays and up to four displays.

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(2) Each display shall be a minimum 19-inch (diagonal viewable image size), active
matrix, thin film transistor (TFT), liquid crystal display (LCD), 400:1 contrast ratio,
16ms response time, 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz resolution, with 16,194,277 colors
c. Standard 101/102 keyboard and optical wheel mouse (a single keyboard and mouse shall
be utilized for as many as four displays on a single computer)
d. Operations printer(s) configured for desk mounting. (Type of printer(s), functionality,
report format, and print priorities shall be approved by the Company.)
e. 3 Ethernet 100 Mbps connections (two for control, and one for the LAN)
f. 2 USB 2.0 ports
g. All interconnecting cables required for final installation
h. Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system
i. Process control displays and data acquisition software residing in the operator terminal
computer. (Multiple HMI systems may have a dedicated data acquisition system with
access to the data from the HMI.)
j. PLC access and documentation software residing in the operator terminal computer. (Mul-
tiple HMI systems may have dedicated PLC engineering station for PLC access.)
8. Software residing in the HMI shall be a multi-tasking process control and data acquisition pro-
gram capable of control, supervision, and communications with the Company control system.
9. The PLC shall allow the Company HMI to monitor and alter all discrete and data registers of
the PLC.
a. The PLC shall allow the Company HMI or other engineering computer to load and record
the user PLC program.
b. It shall be possible to configure the program to restrict writes from any HMI and perform
verification of writes.
10. The HMI software shall include data logging to a dedicated hard disk and data transfer to a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data format.
11. The HMI software shall be capable of generating shift reports, alarm event reports, operator
action reports, and utility reports.
12. The HMI operating system and user programs shall be auto-booted from disc in cold-starts.
Cold-start operating parameters (setpoints, limits, etc.) shall be configured and stored on a
dedicated hard disc for replacement of the operating database in the event of a power loss.
13. The HMI graphics shall be built per ChevronTexaco Distributed Control System (DCS) dis-
play guidelines or as defined in the Project Technical Requirements.
14. Access to PID control templates shall be from the operations HMI terminal. Direct access of
the PLC process control program shall be prohibited.
15. All logic and control algorithms shall reside in the PLC and not in the HMI.
16. Program development for the HMI computer and PLC shall be capable of being performed
concurrently with normal operation of the control system. Concurrent operation shall be possi-
ble without causing an increase in the normal control response of the system.
17. The HMI shall be capable of remote access for viewing and maintenance using standard
Microsoft Windows internet applications over Company-wide area network.

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5.4 PLC Programming

1. Company input shall be solicited prior to the start of program design.
2. The PLC shall be provided with a ruggedized laptop computer with all necessary software and
cables to provide the Company complete download, upload, and maintenance of the PLC pro-
a. The laptop computer shall be dedicated for this use.
b. The laptop and software shall be configured to the fullest possible extent so that a mini-
mum of keystrokes is required for starting the software and communicating to the PLC.
3. The PLC shall be provided with one dedicated communications port for exclusive use by the
laptop programming computer.
4. A Control Objective Analysis (COA) following the Project Technical Requirement shall be
coordinated by the Contractor using ChevronTexaco guidelines and utilizing a COA specialist
as a facilitator.
5. The PLC shall be programmed and documented using software and specific version approved
by both the Company and PLC manufacturer and supplied by the PLC manufacturer.
6. The PLC programming software shall be IEC 1131 compliant and run in a standard Microsoft
Windows XP Professional environment.
7. PLC programs shall be developed using the Function Block Design methodology of IEC 1131.
a. Other programming types, such as ladder logic, require written Company approval.
b. Structured Text programming shall be avoided except where used for development of
standard function blocks where performance is an issue.
8. The PLC program shall use Company approved I/O tagging along with the PLC point assign-
ment. External cross-reference documentation is not acceptable.
9. The programming software shall support on-line and off-line programming.
10. The programming package shall be self documenting.
a. The programming package shall be capable of generating a hard copy printout of the pro-
gram functional logic diagrams and cross reference listing of all storage registers used.
b. All comments and annotations shall be included on program printouts.
11. The programming package shall provide extensive verification utilities. This shall include
cross reference reports and change reports.
12. The PLC program shall be structured such that multiple stand-alone units shall have dedicated
software modules.
13. Common portions of multiple units shall have a separate software module.
14. Each software module shall have a label.
15. Use of indirect addressing shall require Company approval.
16. Software design shall maximize communication speed. If Modbus is used, then external Mod-
bus addressing shall use consecutive analog and digital addresses to minimize Modbus data
17. Subroutines may be utilized; however, use of "nested" subroutines is prohibited.

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18. PLC program shall have self-diagnostic and alarm capabilities, such as a memory scan timer
or "watchdog timer".
19. In the event of a requested PLC shutdown:
a. Continuous process controls shall be driven to a "production stop" condition.
b. Batching operations shall be placed in a "batch pause" condition.
c. All entered parameters shall be retained.
d. Reset shall be required by the operator.
20. In the event of a non-requested PLC shutdown or loss of communication, output circuits shall
assume a fail-safe position, as configured in the PLC program or module.
21. The user program shall be capable of overriding any automatic restart feature.

5.5 Maintainability
1. PLC equipment shall be highly modular in design so that the equipment can be repaired by
unplugging a faulty module or board and plugging in a replacement without disassembling the
equipment or disconnecting wiring terminations.
2. Any module shall be replaceable by trained service personnel in less than one hour.
3. Components shall be arranged to facilitate identification for testing and maintenance.
4. System design shall incorporate a means to inhibit all outputs to enable system testing. This
feature may be implemented in software or hardware.

5.6 Availability of Spare Parts

1. Spare parts, system expansion components or modules, and support service shall be available
for a minimum of 10 years after system acceptance.
2. Spare parts, components, and modules shall be available at the Contractor's local office within
24 hours of requesting an item.


6.1 Power Supplies

1. The power supplies shall have the capability to automatically shut down the programmable
controller system whenever over-voltage, under-voltage, and/or over-current conditions are
detected at the output.
2. The 120 VAC power supplies shall monitor the incoming AC line voltage for proper levels.
The power supplies shall provide surge protection, isolation, and outage carry-over up to
2 cycles of the AC line.
3. At the time of power-up, the power supply shall inhibit the processor and I/O modules until the
DC voltages are within Specifications.
4. Each PLC shall have redundant power supplies, with the ability for one supply to fail, be
removed, and be replaced without affecting normal operation unless otherwise approved by
the Company.
5. The power supply wiring design shall be such that each power supply may be powered by a
different AC source.

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6. 24VDC power supplies shall be provided for field devices.

a. The supply shall be sized to power all field devices in their energized or maximum load
configurations, plus an additional 25% for future expansion.
b. Both inputs and outputs shall be protected from overcurrents by fuses and/or other protec-
tive devices or circuits.
c. Power supply outputs are to be diode protected and connected in parallel.
7. The power supplies shall have normally open, energized closed, alarm contacts wired to the
PLC system to monitor and alarm on power supply failure or fault.

6.2 Backup Power

1. The CPU shall have a battery to maintain the program for up to 4 months in the event of power
loss to the CPU.
2. The PLC shall be capable of resuming operation on normal power without action by the oper-
ator when normal power is restored, provided that the power is restored within 4 months.
3. The Company shall specify any addition backup power requirements, such as output status's
and PLC communications, in the Project Technical Requirements.
4. A visual indication shall be provided to indicate the operating status of the battery.
5. An indication that normal power has been restored after a power failure shall be provided by
both software and hardware.
6. Loss of power, dry contacts, from a relay or PLC output shall be provided and wired to a ter-
minal strip for use by the overall control system.

6.3 Failure Mode

If a PLC malfunction occurs, the system design shall provide for selecting whether the outputs
retain the last state or are deenergized.

6.4 Diagnostics
1. Light emitting diode (LED) indicator lights shall be provided to indicate the following infor-
• Power on
• Program executing
• CPU failure
• Memory battery backup available
• Output status
• Input status
2. The maximum internal diagnostics shall be provided on all PLC system hardware. This shall
include processors, I/O and communications modules as well as remote I/O module faults.
3. PLC malfunctions and I/O faults shall be annunciated and alarmed on the operations HMI. The
PLC shall report all diagnostic information available to the operations HMI.
4. All PLC malfunctions and I/O faults shall be recorded and shall be capable of being printed as
an on-demand hard copy from the HMI.

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7.1 General
1. The Contractor shall conform to the Company approved schedule of delivery.
2. Any deviation or proposed deviated from the approved schedule shall be reported immediately
to the Company.

7.2 Personnel Training

1. The Contractor shall provide formal, comprehensive training programs for up to 8 Company
designated personnel.
2. Training programs shall include the operations, configuration, and maintenance of the system.
3. The formal training classes shall be conducted by experienced instructors.
4. Training shall be conducted on the actual equipment or identical to the purchased systems.
5. Each trainee shall receive a full set of all classroom material for permanent possession by the
6. The courses shall be scheduled so that all sessions may be attended by the personnel involved.
7. The Contractor shall develop a training plan and submit it to the Company to decide by mutual
agreement the facilities, where the training sessions shall be given.
8. All training visual aids and other course material along with an instructor's guide shall be pro-
vided to the Company on CD-ROM for in-house training of additional Company personnel


8.1 General
1. Contractor shall provide inspection for Quality Assurance and Specification conformance.
a. Contractor shall conduct PLC manufacturer visits for the following purposes:
• Pre-design kick-off
• Design development and progress visits
• Prefabrication kick-off
• Fabrication inspections and progress checks
• Pretest meeting
• Test meeting
• Test witnessing
• Witnessing crating or completed assembly.
b. These visits shall be in addition to any other communications.
2. Copies of all test and inspection reports and meeting minutes shall be transmitted to the Com-
3. Company shall be notified at least four (4) weeks prior to allow Company to attend any meet-
ings, inspections, or testing.
4. The number and frequency of visits are to be fully documented in the Project Technical
Requirements and PLC system Request for Quotation (RFQ).

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8.2 Acceptance Testing

1. The Vendor shall provide complete system validation procedures for testing of the configured
a. The validation procedure shall include system Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), System
Integration Test (SIT), and a Site Acceptance Test (SAT).
b. The validation procedures shall include the following, as a minimum:
• Date and place of validation
• Validation testing hardware
• Personnel required
• Sequence of testing events
• Validation testing procedures
• Simulation hardware utilized
• Expected duration of test
• Contractor and Company sign-off format
• FAT / SIT / SAT design change log
• FAT / SIT / SAT punch list form
• FAT / SIT / SAT completion approval forms
2. Validation procedures shall be submitted to the Company in electronic format at least four
weeks prior to the FAT for approval.
a. Approval does not remove the responsibility of proper system operation from the Vendor.
b. Approval signifies only that the validation procedures format and content is accepted.
3. The system shall be exercised with all pre-reliability and simulation testing completed prior to
the FAT. The Contractor shall confirm that the system has been debugged with pre-tested vali-
dation procedures prior to confirming FAT start date.
4. The Company shall visit the Contractor FAT site two weeks prior to the scheduled factory
acceptance test. At that time, Company and Contractor shall review FAT requirements and
determine whether scheduled FAT startup date is viable.

8.3 Factory Acceptance Test

1. The Contractor shall perform a PLC system Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) using the program
developed for the specific application.
The FAT shall be performed on the actual hardware being supplied in its final configuration.
2. The purpose of the FAT is to functionally test all inputs, outputs, displays, and all the functions
of the system.
a. Inputs shall be simulated at the input modules and outputs verified at the output modules.
b. Displays shall be verified as I/Os are simulated.
c. The test shall demonstrate all data collection and display functions of the system.
3. I/O simulation software or test panels may be used for testing the PLC program functions.
4. The simulation panels or software shall be sufficient to test all I/O points without disconnect-
ing, rewiring, or reconfiguring during the FAT.
5. For further test clarifications see Project Technical Requirements.

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6. The Contractor shall submit draft FAT procedures in writing to the Company at least four
weeks prior to the starting date planned for the test.
7. The Company may modify the procedures with the agreement of the Contractor.
8. The procedures shall incorporate record sheets for each test.
9. When each test procedure has been agreed on by the Company and the Contractor, the Con-
tractor shall forward master copies of the procedure to the Company. The Company shall wit-
ness testing.
10. The Contractor shall provide facilities and staff to conduct a full control and logic simulation
11. The Contractor shall provide office space for Contractor and Company engineers to work
comfortably during the FAT with access to phone, fax, and internet.
12. Contractor must provide a log of all approved changes (if any) during the FAT.
13. The Contractor shall provide at the conclusion of the FAT three sets of signed FAT procedures
and change logs to the Company.
14. Contractor shall have all drawings and I/O lists available to properly test the PLC system.
These shall include, but are not limited to:
• Chassis / Panel electrical drawings
• Interconnecting drawings
• (INtools) Instrument loop diagrams for the PLC system
• (INtools) I/O list for all software and hardware tags between PLC and control system
• Chassis / Panel physical dimension drawings
• Cause and Effects diagrams
• Logic narratives
• Control narratives
• Memory organizational map
• (INtools) Instrument Index complete with all tag ranges, engineering units, alarm set-
points, point descriptors and other information to fully checkout the system. This includes
all instruments provided on other sub-vendor systems.
• (INtools) Instrument specification sheets, including all engineered instruments and all
vendor/skid unit supplied instruments.
15. System Visual / Mechanical Inspection shall be conducted without power to the system and
shall include the following activities as a minimum:
a. Inspect all cabinets, Chassis, and Marshalling cabinets against interconnection drawings.
Confirm that all equipment is clearly tagged as per specification.
b. Pull test of all terminations and connections.
c. Confirm all interconnecting cables are clearly identified with source and destination in
case they are disconnected for shipping.
d. Ensure that interconnecting cables are of suitable length based on RIB layout drawing.
e. Ensure Chassis metal components are connected to electrical safety grounds including
hinged doors.
f. Ensure enclosure fans are fitted with appropriate dust screens.

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g. Ensure all power supplies, circuit breakers, and fuses are clearly identified and tagged.
h. Ensure cabinet mounting dimensions meet with expected RIB mounting chassis, and con-
firm external dimensions and door opening dimensions against approved drawings.
i. Verify there are no short circuits present on power wiring, disconnect fans and internal
power supplies and check for resistance to chassis / ground.
16. System test shall include the following activities as a minimum:
a. System power up with all chassis circuit breakers and fuses open
b. Close in primary source of power
c. Load test primary source at maximum rated output
d. Confirm primary source voltage is present at appropriate circuit breakers and fuses
e. Open all chassis circuit breakers and fuses
f. Close in alternate source of power
g. Load test alternate source at maximum rated output
h. Confirm alternate source of power is available at appropriate circuit breakers and fuses
i. Confirm that all circuit breakers and fuses have correct ratings, and are clearly identified
as to service
j. Close circuit breakers and fuses one by one, verifying each load as per electrical drawings
k. Confirm correct operation on single source of power
l. Power up each system and check communication, system errors
m. Energized testing using actual I/O modules, cables and termination panels supplied
n. System hardware test to verify proper operation including redundancy swap over on fail-
o. Hard I/O test each I/O point by placing proper voltage, or other, signal on marshalling ter-
minal and verifying signal appears at proper I/O location and tag number using program-
mer (I/O test will not check I/O signal thru logic)
p. All Analog I/O tested at least at 3 levels (low, medium, high)
q. All Digital inputs must be confirmed for normally closed or normally open condition
r. All Digital outputs must be confirmed for normally open or normally closed failsafe con-
s. All hard wired I/O must be confirmed for correct tag number and termination against
Instrument loop diagram
t. Proof test each type of field device with the PLC (This includes transmitters, fire/gas
detectors, sirens, lamps, buttons etc.)
u. All local and remote HMIs powered, connected, communicating and setup for testing of
the HMI functionality including all system diagnostics
v. Simulate logic and controls for all operating modes such as, start-up, normal, shutdown,
w. Perform logic test, simulating I/O by forcing in software and verifying logic actuates
proper outputs

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x. Verify correct functionality of off-normal conditions such as single power supply failure,
Input deviations, and output deviations
y. Confirm all soft I/O points:
(1) Are configured and placed in proper I/O file addresses.
(2) Are formatted correctly (i.e. bit, integer, real number, floating point value with proper
decimal places, etc.)
(3) For correct range of data value.
17. The Contractor shall be responsible for recording the test results and for writing test reports.
18. Any test discrepancies shall be recorded and agreed between Contractor and Company on a
Contractor supplied punchlist form. The punchlist items will be categorized as follows:
a. Category 1 items must be rectified by Contractor and re-tested at Contractor's expense
PRIOR to shipment.
b. Category 2 items must be rectified by Contractor and re-tested at Contractor's expense
AFTER shipment.
c. Category 3 items are improvements or modifications requested by Company. Must be rec-
tified by Contractor and re-tested at Company's expense PRIOR to shipment.
d. Category 4 items are improvements or modifications requested by Company. Must be rec-
tified by Contractor and re-tested at Company's expense AFTER shipment.
19. Red Lined drawings - As part of the FAT, the Contractor shall be responsible for red-lining all
P&IDs and drawings, instrument indexes, spec sheets, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Logic Nar-
ratives and other documentation to correctly reflect the system.
a. At the end of the FAT, the Contractor shall provide the Company with a Xerox copy of all
FAT red-lined drawings and documents.
b. The Contractor shall incorporate all of the FAT red-lined changes into the original elec-
tronic document files, in the proper format, and issue all affected documents as a FAT as-
built revision.
c. This revision shall be issued within one month of FAT completion.
20. The Contractor will supply the Company one electronic copy of all system software for all
components supplied and required interfaces.
a. Each different manufacturer's application software shall be saved to a separate CD, clearly
labeled to identify the vendor name and identifying system.
b. It shall be clearly identified as FAT revision.
c. No further changes will be allowed to this program after the FAT is closed out, without
Company approval and Contractor documentation.
d. The Contractor shall provide a complete index, listing all of the different manufacture's
software included on the CDs.
21. Company shall sign the witnessed results of the FAT test, with a copy of the agreed punch list.

8.4 System Integration Test

1. Optionally and as specified in the Project Specification, the Contractor shall perform a System
Integration Test (SIT) at designated system integrator's location.

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a. This test may include all requirements for the FAT but also aspects related to integration of
the PLC with other systems.
b. This test may be a joint effort between many parties.
c. The Contractor shall make allowance for system engineering support and liaison require-
ments for this activity.
2. The SIT shall be performed on the actual hardware being supplied in its final configuration
and with all interconnections to other systems in place and functional. I/O may be simulated
from either I/O simulation software or hardwired test panels.
3. The SIT shall include the following additional activities to the FAT as a minimum:
a. Communication links to all other systems (PLCs, HMIs, DCS, smart field devices) includ-
ing diagnostics, performance and failure modes and recovery.
(1) All communication link data shall be tested from end to end
(2) All communication link data shall be tested from the field I/O through to the HMI
graphic screens and alarms.
b. PLC performance with all communications in active use to check for clashes and
unwanted interactions between systems
4. The Contractor shall submit draft SIT procedures in writing to the Company at least four
weeks prior to the starting date planned for the test.
5. The Company may modify the procedures with the agreement of the Contractor.
6. The procedures shall incorporate record sheets for each test.
7. When each test procedure has been agreed on by the Company and the Contractor, the Con-
tractor shall forward master copies of the procedure to the Company. The Company shall wit-
ness testing.
8. The SIT shall be conducted with the complete system interconnected, including all I/O
devices, simulated field equipment, and functional programs as described in the project speci-
9. The Contractor shall be responsible for making interconnections and for providing all signals
to and from the equipment that are required to demonstrate the data and display functions.
10. The entire PLC software package shall be tested to verify proper interface to the overall con-
trol system. The test may also include any support or test programs required, such as system
simulation programs.
11. Simulators and receiving elements shall be identical to the Company equipment in the field
12. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the power supplies or transformers required
for the test.
13. The test shall demonstrate the good working condition of the PLC system using the PLC man-
ufacturer diagnostic and maintenance software packages.
14. The correct functioning of visual display equipment, operator keyboards, and printing equip-
ment (if applicable) shall be checked in the actual PLC system configuration.

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15. A complete program listing shall be provided using the PLC documentation software.
a. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain a current (updated) copy of the listing
during design, testing, and commissioning.
b. Each function shall have a description of its function.
c. Groups of function blocks rungs shall be labeled and a description shall identify the pur-
pose of the code (for example; motor test circuits, well test, spare/future I/Os).
d. Each I/O shall be tagged and have a service descriptor.
16. The Contractor shall be responsible for recording the test results and for writing test reports.
17. Any test discrepancies will be recorded and agreed between the Company and Contractor on a
Contractor supplied punchlist form. The punchlist items will be categorized as follows:
a. Category 1 items must be rectified by Contractor and re-tested at Contractor's expense
PRIOR to shipment.
b. Category 2 items must be rectified by Contractor and re-tested at Contractor's expense
AFTER shipment.
c. Category 3 items are improvements or modifications requested by Company. Must be rec-
tified by Contractor and re-tested at Company's expense PRIOR to shipment.
d. Category 4 items are improvements or modifications requested by Company. Must be rec-
tified by Contractor and re-tested at Company's expense AFTER shipment.
18. Red Lined drawings - As part of the SIT, the Contractor shall be responsible for red-lining all
P&IDs and drawings, instrument indexes, spec sheets, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Logic Nar-
ratives and other documentation to correctly reflect the system.
a. At the end of the SIT, the Contractor shall provide the Company with a Xerox copy of all
SIT red-lined drawings and documents.
b. The Contractor shall incorporate all of the SIT red-lined changes into the original elec-
tronic document files, in the proper format, and issue all affected documents as a SIT as-
built revision.
c. This revision shall be issued within one month of SIT completion.
19. The Contractor will supply the Company one electronic copy of all system software for all
components supplied and required interfaces for the SIT that where not supplied at the FAT.
a. Each different manufacture's application software shall be saved to a separate CD, clearly
labeled to identify the manufacturer name and identifying system.
b. It shall be clearly identified as SIT revision.
c. No further changes will be allowed to this program after the SIT is closed out, without
Company approval and Contractor documentation.
d. The Contractor shall provide a complete index, listing all of the different manufacture's
software included on the CDs.
20. Company shall sign the witnessed results of the SIT test, with a copy of the agreed punch list.

8.5 Acceptance
1. Satisfactory performance of the PLC system shall require that the entire, interconnected sys-
tem operate without errors or failures for five continuous days. All faults listed in the FAT or
SIT fault logs shall be rectified unless agreed otherwise in writing with the Company.

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2. The Company will participate in the factory acceptance and system integration tests. The
Company representative shall be responsible for issuing the final approval for shipping the
3. The Project Technical Requirements may specify different test requirements and shall take

8.6 Preparation for Shipment

1. The PLC system shall be shipped in the fewest number of pieces possible.
2. Each disassembled component shall be clearly marked with an item number. Documentation
shall accompany the item and project documentation for its use and reassembly.
3. Equipment shall be protected against mechanical damage and corrosion during shipment and
4. Exposed coated, machined, or threaded metal surfaces shall be protected with a rust preventive
coating that is easily removable with petroleum solvents.
5. All external hubs and threaded connections shall be fitted with a 316 stainless steel plug.
6. Company shall be notified two weeks in advance of preparation for shipment to witness this

8.7 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

1. The vendor shall support the on-site installation requirements for any remaining terminations,
power up, and system diagnostics checks.
2. The Site Acceptance Test (SAT) shall be conducted after the PLC has been installed on the off-
shore platform and a complete operational test has been run on the system.
3. Satisfactory site acceptance testing shall consist of seven consecutive days of a completed sys-
tem installation, on-line operation, during which the system shall meet the following require-
a. No unexplainable logic component failures
b. No unexplainable shutdowns
c. A percent reliability factor of at least the factor required by this specification.
d. No known, uncorrected hardware or software deficiencies
4. A record shall be kept and witnessed by the Contractor's commissioning engineer of all hard-
ware and software errors and failures observed during the system installation, checkout, and
functional test. The record shall show the cause of the failure and the corrective action taken.
5. Contractor personnel shall assist training the Company's personnel during the testing and star-
tup phase as required to assure proper turnover of the system.
6. Red Lined drawings - As part of the SAT, the Contractor shall be responsible for red-lining all
P&IDs and drawings, instrument indexes, spec sheets, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Logic Nar-
ratives and other documentation to correctly reflect the system.
a. At the end of the SAT, the Contractor shall provide the Company with a Xerox copy of all
SAT red-lined drawings and documents.
b. The Contractor shall incorporate all of the SAT red-lined changes into the original elec-
tronic document files, in the proper format, and issue all affected documents as a SAT as-
built revision.

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c. This revision shall be issued within one month of SAT completion.

7. The Project Technical Requirements may specify different test requirements and shall take
8. The Contractor shall provide inspection for Quality Assurance and Specification conformance
in accordance with the Project Technical Requirements.
9. Copies of all test/inspection reports and meeting minutes shall be transmitted to the Company.
10. The Company shall be notified at least two weeks prior to allow the Company to attend any
meetings, inspections, or testing.


1. All documentation and custom software developed are confidential and proprietary to the
Company. After completion of the project, all copies of documentation, supplied or developed
software or databases, and purchased software shall be transferred to the Company.
2. The Vendor shall provide as a minimum the following documents for approval prior to issu-
ance of the authorization to manufacture:
• System architecture block diagrams showing all hardware devices
• Dimensional outline drawings showing cabinet layout, equipment mounting details,
required clearances, cable entry areas, terminal block locations and arrangements
• Total (INtools) I/O summary table
• Chassis and I/O layout drawings
• Chassis heat load and power requirements
• Electrical schematics and wiring diagrams
• Detailed bill of materials for furnished equipment
• Hardware specifications
• Function block format
• Memory organizational map
• Typical (INtools) instrument specification sheet
• Typical (INtools) loop diagram
• List of all recommended spare equipment necessary for commissioning and start-up
• List of all recommended spare equipment for two years maintenance and operational sup-
• Project execution plan
• Drawing Index
• Paint and preservation specifications
• EMI characteristics
• Guarantee of availability of all equipment and support services to ten years from the date
of commissioning. This shall include repair and maintenance services, spare parts, soft-
ware updates, and system modifications.
3. Final documentation shall be provided in accordance with the Project Technical Requirements,
with the following additional requirements:
• PLC system specifications and data sheets
• MTBF calculations with data sources noted

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• Complete wiring schematics of PLC system, including wire numbering and terminal iden-
• Updated system architecture block diagrams showing all hardware devices showing cable
numbers as they appear on the wiring schematics
• Layout and arrangement drawings of PLC rack with all auxiliaries shown and identified
• Completed INtools data for all instrument specifications data sheets, I/O loadings, the
instrument index, calculations, loop diagrams, cable schedules, Fieldbus segments, junc-
tion box loadings, instrument installation details, and installation bill of materials (BOMs)
for Company INtools database software.
• Hard-copy of annotated program listing with descriptive notes
• PLC memory organization
• Register assignment summaries
• Database configuration
• Detailed bill of materials (non-field instrumentation equipment)
• Assembly and installation procedures
• Manuals (Operator, Engineer, Maintenance, Equipment, Software)
• Power up procedures
• Test and troubleshooting procedures
• Programming procedures
• Message listings
• Explanation of fault diagnostics
• Shut down procedures
• Index listing all of the different vendors' software that are included on the CDs
• FAT and SIT documentation
• SAT test checklists
• Maintenance and testing logs
• Certificates of warranty
• Certificates of applicable code compliance
• Priced recommended spare parts list
• Copies of export licenses
• Paint and preservation specifications
• Specific site re-assembly instructions per the packing item listing
4. Examples of all documentation requirements shall be submitted to the Company for review of
the documentation format and content. The format and content of the documentation must be
submitted and approved in writing by the Company before the start of programming.
5. The Contractor shall coordinate all information and data exchange needs for the project. Com-
pany, Contractor, PLC Vendor, overall control system Vendor shall have a designated coordi-
nator responsible for transfer of information and data.
6. The documentation shall be kept current as the manufacturing and programming proceeds.

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7. The Company Representative will respond to Contractor documentation approval requests in

accordance with the Project Specification.
a. The Company Representative's approval in no way relieves the Contractor of any respon-
sibility for compliance with this Specification.
b. The Company Representative's initial approval covers only design and manufacturing

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