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Nutritional Factors Affecting Adult Neurogenesis

and Cognitive Function
Shibu M Poulose, Marshall G Miller, Tammy Scott, and Barbara Shukitt-Hale
USDA-ARS Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Neuroscience and Aging Laboratory, Boston, MA


Adult neurogenesis, a complex process by which stem cells in the hippocampal brain region differentiate and proliferate into new neurons and
other resident brain cells, is known to be affected by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including diet. Neurogenesis plays a critical role in neural
plasticity, brain homeostasis, and maintenance in the central nervous system and is a crucial factor in preserving the cognitive function and repair
of damaged brain cells affected by aging and brain disorders. Intrinsic factors such as aging, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and brain injury,
as well as lifestyle factors such as high-fat and high-sugar diets and alcohol and opioid addiction, negatively affect adult neurogenesis.
Conversely, many dietary components such as curcumin, resveratrol, blueberry polyphenols, sulforaphane, salvionic acid, polyunsaturated fatty
acids (PUFAs), and diets enriched with polyphenols and PUFAs, as well as caloric restriction, physical exercise, and learning, have been shown to
induce neurogenesis in adult brains. Although many of the underlying mechanisms by which nutrients and dietary factors affect adult
neurogenesis have yet to be determined, nutritional approaches provide promising prospects to stimulate adult neurogenesis and combat
neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline. In this review, we summarize the evidence supporting the role of nutritional factors in
modifying adult neurogenesis and their potential to preserve cognitive function during aging. Adv Nutr 2017;8:804–11.

Keywords: hippocampal neurogenesis, stem cells, cognition, polyphenols, neurodegeneration, aging brain

Introduction specialization restricted the extent to which residual

Aging is the single greatest risk factor for most neurode- healthy tissue could assume the functions of damaged
generative diseases, which often are characterized by their brain tissue (5). Many studies since the mid-1990s, how-
irreversibility, their lack of effective treatment, and the ever, have established adult neurogenesis in mammalian
poor quality of life they engender, along with social and systems, where adult neural stem cells or precursor cells,
economic burdens. Lack of effective therapies for these de- located in the rostral subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lat-
bilitating brain disorders has been attributed to the inabil- eral ventricles and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the den-
ity of adult mammalian brains to generate or repair tate gyrus (DG) in the hippocampus, can differentiate and
damaged neurons. Although Altman and Das (1) showed proliferate into new neurons (5–9). The process is a highly
continuous adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rat brains complex, multistep process that begins with the prolifera-
in 1965, further studies to reinforce theories such as dam- tion of progenitor cells, is followed by commitment to a
aged neuronal replacement by resident precursor cells neuronal phenotype and morphological and physiological
were conducted mainly after 1989 (2–4). The limiting fac- maturation with the development of functional neuronal
tor for this delay was that the limited regenerative capacity
characteristics, and ends with the existence of a newly
of the mature brain and its unusual degree of cellular
functioning, integrated neuron (10). Adult neurogenesis
is an integral component of neural plasticity, brain homeo-
This article is a review from the session “Aging and Cognition,” presented at the 6th Annual
Advances & Controversies in Clinical Nutrition Conference, held 8–10 December 2016 at stasis, maintenance, and tissue remodeling in the central
Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Florida. The conference was jointly provided by ASN and nervous system (CNS). The migration and repopulation
Tufts University School of Medicine.
The authors reported no funding received for this study.
of neural stem cells (NSCs) into other critical regions of
Author disclosures: SMP, MGM, TS, and BS-H, no conflicts of interest. the brain and their maturation into functional neurons
Address correspondence to BS-H (e-mail: or other brain cells is determined by both intrinsic and ex-
Abbreviations used: AD, Alzheimer disease; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CNS,
central nervous system; DG, dentate gyrus; NSCs, neural stem cells; SGZ, subgranular zone; trinsic factors, including neurotrophins, antidepressants,
SVZ, subventricular zone. opioids, seizures, physical activity (10), glucocorticoids (11),

804 ã2017 American Society for Nutrition. Adv Nutr 2017;8:804–11; doi:
sex hormones (12), growth factors (13), excitatory neuro- reduce oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, enhance cell
transmission (14), learning (15), physical exercise (16), signaling, activate autophagy, and affect growth factors (34).
stress (17), and diet (18). The prospect of continuous gene- Many of these compounds have been shown to improve
sis and proliferation of new neurons and glial cells and the learning and memory by affecting specifically the hippo-
plastic nature of adult mammalian brains has vast therapeu- campal brain region. Dietary compounds also have been
tic potential in combating the exponential rise in the inci- shown to induce adaptive stress–response molecules and al-
dence of neurodegenerative diseases. ter the specific microenvironments in which adult progeni-
Age-related decline in cognitive function has been char- tor cells reside (34). These compounds enhance the ability of
acterized by compromised neuronal plasticity, decreased the brain to resist more severe stress in the event of larger
neurogenesis, and neuronal death (19). Impaired adult neu- insults by promoting cell repair and survival, via inducing
rogenesis also has been well characterized in patients with and activating trophic factors, antioxidant and DNA-repair
neurological diseases, including Alzheimer disease (AD), enzymes, and proteins involved in mitochondrial biogenesis
Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, epilepsy, ischemia, (20, 28–34). Although the potential roles of adult neurogen-
autism spectrum disorders, and prion diseases, leading to esis have been widely established in neurophysiologic pro-
continuous loss of neurons and subsequent cognitive and cesses such as motor function, learning and memory,
motor disabilities (20). Aberrant neurogenesis appears to olfaction, and the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-
be a common hallmark for most neurodegenerative diseases, adrenal axis (35), its therapeutic applications have been lim-
even though distinct proteins are responsible for different ited because it is a complex multistep process, and accurate
diseases and cause the loss of different neural populations biomarkers to establish each of these steps are still being
in different regions of the brain. Adult hippocampal neuro- discovered.
genesis has a direct effect on cognitive function, because the Although the individual effects of dietary compounds on
hippocampal formation has been widely linked to memory adult neurogenesis are not yet fully understood, evidence
storage and processing (21) and, in most neuropathologies, supports the notion that some of the bioactive compounds
the hippocampal region has been shown to be the brain re- from fruits and vegetables can modulate brain structure
gion that is the most affected (22). It has been shown that and function, as well as cognitive ability, throughout the life-
neurogenesis can be induced in the SVZ and hippocampus span of an organism. In this review, we focus primarily on
in response to neuronal death (23). Moreover, some neuro- studies that have investigated the effects of dietary factors
nal precursors reach these degeneration-prone areas and in that influence hippocampal neurogenesis and brain plastic-
some cases replace dead neurons (24). Treatment of neuro- ity in the context of cognitive function, aging, and neurode-
logic diseases using endogenous neurogenesis is limited by generative disease.
the continuous decline in number and capacity of NSCs
as a result of the disease process and aging (6, 23). Regener- Factors Negatively Affecting Adult
ation of damaged neurons with site-specific transplantation Neurogenesis
of NSCs also has limitations because the transplanted NSCs Aging negatively affects the proliferation of neural progeni-
sometimes are unable to differentiate into specific types of tor cells and the survival of immature neurons, thus reduc-
neurons and because of the increased risk of malignant ing neurogenesis (36–39). Proposed mechanisms include
transformation and immune rejection after NSC transplan- the modulation of inflammation and hormonal concentra-
tation (6). Therefore, determination of a clear mechanism in tions, as well as structural changes to brain vasculature.
the development and activation of endogenous neurogenesis Although the functional consequences of a decline in
may be an ideal approach to the prevention and treatment of neurogenesis are not understood fully, performance on
neurological diseases. hippocampus-dependent learning and memory tasks is
Many exogenous modulators of neural activity such as closely linked to the amount of hippocampal neurogenesis
physical activity, enriched environment (e.g., containing in adult rodents (24, 36, 40–43).
tunnels, platforms, toys, and running wheels), caloric re- The aging process, and to a greater degree neurodegener-
striction, and vitamin E have been shown to regulate and ative disorders such as AD, are characterized by a proinflam-
stimulate adult progenitor cells and neurogenesis (25–27). matory state [(44–46), as reviewed in (47, 48)]. In rodent
Furthermore, dietary phytochemicals, which are known to models, injection of LPS to induce systemic inflammation
possess many neurogenic properties, play a beneficial role results in a decrease in hippocampal neurogenesis (49, 50).
in brain aging and neurodegenerative disease. Compounds Activation of microglia and the release of proinflammatory
such as curcumin, resveratrol, blueberry polyphenols, sul- cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 can inhibit neu-
foraphanes, salvionic acids, PUFAs (e.g., omega-3 and rogenic differentiation of neural progenitor cells (51).
DHA), the LMN diet (a patented diet by the company With aging, blood vessels become more permeable for pro-
La Morella Nuts enriched with polyphenols and PUFAs), teins that normally would be blocked by the blood-brain
and flours rich in soluble fibers have been shown to induce barrier, potentially initiating an inflammatory response
neurogenesis in the adult brain (20, 28–33). Although the (52, 53). The role of inflammation in adult neurogenesis is
molecular mechanisms by which these compounds influ- complex; however, there is evidence that microglia, depend-
ence neurogenesis have yet be established, these compounds ing on the phenotype or state of activation, may be beneficial

Nutrition affects neurogenesis and cognition 805

and support progenitor proliferation, survival, and differen- of newly formed cells (74, 75). Oxidative stress has been
tiation (54). Both astrocyte and microglial cells remain qui- shown to diminish neurogenesis in aged animals to a
escent under normal physiologic conditions and respond to much greater extent than in their younger counterparts
an infection, injury, or neurotoxicity by releasing neuroin- (76). Oxidative stress in the CNS, marked by an increased
flammatory molecules. The balance between the beneficial release of reactive oxygen species, is a critical factor in cellu-
and harmful effects of neuroinflammation on neurogenesis lar injury and in the activation of both acute and chronic
depends on the magnitude of the inflammatory response. neuroinflammation, thereby inhibiting the adult neurogen-
This response is classified as acute or chronic inflammation, esis process (77). Many dietary components have been
with the former being an early defensive response leading to shown to reduce oxidative stress and neuroinflammation,
the protection or repair of the damaged CNS area and the provide protection from cellular damage, and improve cog-
maintenance of neurogenesis as a mechanism of brain re- nitive function (78); therefore, improving the neuronal at-
pair. On the one hand, the mobilization of neural precursors mosphere could be the key to enhancing adult hippocampal
for repair, remyelination, and even axonal regeneration neurogenesis.
could facilitate long-term neuronal survival. On the other
hand, chronic inflammation leads to long-lasting damage Dietary Enhancement of Adult Neurogenesis
to adult neurogenesis processes (55) and plays a mechanistic During the last decade there has been a steady increase in re-
role in neurodegenerative disease. search into the dietary factors that affect the brain. Although
The aging process also affects a number of hormone clas- the overall diet can have profound effects on the brain, accu-
ses. Ghrelin, an orexigenic hormone produced in the stom- mulating evidence suggests that consumption of specific di-
ach, has been shown to promote neurogenesis and synaptic etary compounds can improve cognition. Many of these
plasticity in the hippocampus and to have neuroprotective compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory prop-
effects (56, 57). Ghrelin concentrations are reduced in erties; however, increases in adult neurogenesis may also
aged animals (58), and young knock-out rats lacking the contribute to some of the observed cognitive improvements.
ghrelin receptor growth hormone secretagogue receptor Investigations into improving adult neurogenesis have thus
have reduced hippocampal neurogenesis (59). Likewise, far focused primarily on vitamins B-9 and E, v-3 PUFAs,
vascular endothelial growth factor and insulin growth and nonnutrient phytochemicals.
factor-1 decrease with age and may contribute to a decline
in hippocampal neurogenesis (60). Vitamins
Diets high in fat and refined sugars contribute to age- Folic acid and folate (vitamin B-9) can be found in a wide va-
related cognitive decline and dementia (61–63). Although riety of plant and animal foods and is a necessary regulator of
the negative effects of high-fat and –refined sugar diets on CNS development. As such, many grain-based foods are forti-
brain function result in part from cardiovascular and cerebro- fied with folates and the intake of folic acid and folate by
vascular diseases (e.g., atherosclerosis), there appear to be di- women of childbearing age is encouraged. In later life, low con-
rect effects on the brain from diet. Lindqvist and colleagues centrations of folates are associated with reduced cognitive abil-
(64) found that feeding a high-fat (but not high-sugar) diet ity (79). Supplementation with folic acid has been shown to
for 4 wk decreased hippocampal neurogenesis and increased slow cognitive and clinical decline in people with mild cogni-
serum corticosterone concentrations in male but not female tive impairment, in particular in those with elevated homocys-
rats as compared with controls. Other studies have found teine, which is a risk factor for AD (80). In a randomized,
that high-fat and –refined sugar diets affect neurogenesis double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Durga and co-
and neuroplasticity through a decrease in hippocampal workers in 2007 (81), folic acid supplementation for 3 y
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (65–67), a vital greatly improved domains of cognitive function that tend
mediator of neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity implicated to decline with age. In vivo studies have shown that folate
in the formation of long-term memory. Reduced hippocam- plays a critical role in DNA methylation and epigenetic phe-
pal neurogenesis (68) and impaired spatial memory (69) nomenon in the CNS along with vitamins B-6 and B-12,
also have been linked to high fructose consumption and in- which is critical for the maintenance of adult neuro-
sulin resistance (66). Conversely, calorie restriction appears genesis (82). Folate deficiency substantially affects adult
to increase BDNF, neurogenesis, and the survival of newly hippocampal neurogenesis and depletes neurotransmitter
generated cells in the DG (70, 71). Findings from studies concentrations in the hippocampus (82); therefore, it may
by Hornsby and colleagues (72) and Kim and colleagues be inferred that folic acid plays a critical role in the cognitive
(73) suggest that the beneficial effects of calorie restriction function through the regulation of neurogenesis.
on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and memory may be Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) is known to play a major role
mediated by the ghrelin receptor. in proper brain development and function. Many clinical
Oxidative stress has been considered one of the most po- studies have indicated that “low-normal” (150–300 pmol/L)
tent environmental factors negatively affecting neurogenesis vitamin B-12 status in the serum is strongly correlated with
because it inhibits various stages of adult neurogenesis cognitive impairment. One plausible mechanism for this
(74, 75). Oxidative stress is known to suppress the prolifer- cognitive impairment extrapolates the white matter damage
ation of precursor cells, migration, integration, and survival in the spinal cord characteristic of vitamin B-12 deficiency

806 Poulose et al.

to the white matter in the brain, damage which is known to diet containing v-3 FAs (EPA:DHA: 1.5:1; 270 mg $ kg21 $ d21;
be associated with cognitive deficits. Another possible mech- per os) partially attenuated age-related declines in adult neuro-
anism is related to DG being one of the few regions of the genesis, relative to diet controls. A systematic meta-analysis
adult brain where neurogenesis occurs; because vitamin by Yurko-Mauro and colleagues in 2015 (101), using clinical
B-12 is needed for DNA replication, an inadequate supply trials and observational studies to establish the relation
could impair neurogenesis. A potential third mechanism is between DHA intake and cognitive outcomes, showed a sub-
the impairment of methylation caused by insufficient vita- stantial improvement in specific memory domains such as
min B-12, leading to loss of myelin from axons of the perfo- episodic, working, and semantic memory, linking the possible
rant path (83). role of adult neurogenesis to improved cognitive function.
In a 2012 study (84), male Sprague-Dawley rats were ad-
ministered folic acid (0, 4, or 12 mg $ kg21 $ d21) for 28 d
before middle cerebral artery occlusion. Neurogenesis was in- Phenolics
creased following occlusion; however, folic acid potentiated Polyphenols are a class of phytochemicals present in a wide va-
this response, further increasing hippocampal neurogenesis riety of plant foods. Polyphenols have received increasing atten-
and attenuating ischemia-induced cognitive impairments by tion in recent years, both as bioactive compounds underlying
improving cognitive performance following occlusion to the the health benefits of fruits and vegetables and for their poten-
level of sham controls. tial utility as dietary supplements. In addition to their known
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in nuts, seed oil, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, polyphenols
and leafy green vegetables. Along with vitamin C, it is known and polyphenol-rich whole foods can increase neurogenesis.
for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (85). Berry fruit has been shown to improve cognition in both
Preclinical studies have shown that vitamin E can regulate animals (102) and humans (103–106). Blueberry has been
adult neurogenesis (85). In an initial study (86), Sprague- shown to increase neurogenesis (107). Aged F344 rats (age
Dawley rats (age 1 mo; male) were fed a standard diet or 19 mo; male) were fed a modified NIH-31 control diet
one that lacked vitamin E. After 5 mo, vitamin E–deficient or a diet containing 2% blueberry (;20 g/kg). After 8 wk,
rats showed increased cell proliferation and density in the blueberry-fed rats showed improved performance (fewer er-
DG, relative to diet controls. In a subsequent study (87), it rors) on a spatial memory task, which was associated with an
was determined that, although vitamin E deficiency in- increased proliferation of precursor cells in the DG, relative
creased cell proliferation, it also increased cell death in the to control-fed rats. Recently, strawberry also has been shown
DG. Furthermore, supplementation with a-tocopherol to improve neurogenesis (31); in this study, aged F344 rats
(2 mg $ kg21 $ d21; subcutaneously) reversed these effects, (age 19 mo; male) were randomly assigned to a 2% blueberry
decreasing cell proliferation but increasing cell survival in diet, a 2% strawberry diet, or a control diet (NIH-31). After
the DG (88). Vitamins are a key component of the diet; how- 8 wk, blueberry-fed rats showed increased coordination,
ever, not all vitamins are consumed adequately. In the and rats in both diet groups showed improved spatial working
United States (89), both folates and vitamin E are undercon- memory, relative to diet controls. Strawberry-fed rats showed
sumed; therefore, supplementation with these vitamins may increased survival in the precursor cells in the DG, relative to
help individuals achieve recommended intake amounts and controls. No substantial improvements in cell survival were
improve neurogenesis. achieved in blueberry-fed rats in the study by Shukitt-Hale
et al. (31); however, changes in cognition were positively cor-
v-3 FAs related with changes in cell proliferation in blueberry-fed rats.
v-3 FAs are a form of PUFA commonly found in fatty fish, Similarly, grapeseed extract has been shown to improve
walnuts, flaxseed, and their respective oils. v-3 FAs are nec- adult neurogenesis. Middle-aged C57BL/6 mice (age 12 mo;
essary to the structure and function of the brain, and their male) were administered grapeseed extract (0, 25, 50, or
role in brain health has been studied extensively. Supple- 100 mg $ kg21 $ d21) for 28 d. Grapeseed extract increased
mentation trials with v-3 FAs suggest, however, that their proliferation, differentiation, and integration in the DG,
effects on cognition may be beneficial only in certain com- in a dose-dependent manner, relative to controls. Although
promised populations and not in healthy older adults (90– the effect of grapeseed extract on neurogenesis has not been
97). These clinical studies indicate an improvement in assessed in humans, acute administration has been shown
cognitive function with DHA or PUFA supplementation in to increase serum concentrations of BDNF, which plays a reg-
the population with habitual diets low in DHA (98). Preclin- ulatory role in neurogenesis (108).
ical research suggests that one mechanism by which v-3 FAs Curcumin is a polyphenol found in turmeric, a staple of
could improve cognition is by increasing adult neurogenesis. Asian cuisine. Curcumin has been studied widely for its po-
In an early study (99), aged Wistar rats (age 18 mo; male) tential health benefits (109); however, research shows that it
were administered a 5% gum arabic solution with or without may promote brain health by increasing or stabilizing adult
DHA (300 mg $ kg21 $ d21; per os). After 7 wk, rats in the neurogenesis. Aged Sprague-Dawley rats (age 15 mo; male)
DHA group showed increased neurogenesis in the DG. When were administered a 0.048% curcumin diet or unpurified
aged Wistar rats (25–26 mo; male) were compared with young diet for 6 or 12 wk (110). Curcumin-fed rats showed im-
Wistar rats (age 3–4 mo; male) (100), 12 wk of feeding with a proved performance on an olfactory cortex–based social

Nutrition affects neurogenesis and cognition 807

recognition memory task at both 6 and 12 wk, and on a by dietary factors, leading to possible improvement in age-
hippocampus-dependent spatial learning and memory task related cognitive deficits. The US population is experiencing
after 12 wk, relative to controls. Curcumin-fed rats also an increase in the proportion of older people, such that
showed increased proliferation in the DG at 12 wk, relative ;20% of the US total population will be >65 y by 2050,
to diet controls. Similarly, Xu et al. showed that curcumin which is almost double what it is today. As people age, the
can reverse stress-induced reductions in neurogenesis incidence of age-related pathologies, including decreases in
(111). In this study, Sprague-Dawley rats (190–200 g) were cognitive function, will also increase, with a concomitant in-
administered a peanut oil solution containing curcumin crease in health care costs. As shown in this review, neuro-
(0, 5, 10, or 20 mg $ kg21 $ d21; per os) during 20 d of un- genesis also decreases with age, and because of its role in
predictable chronic stress. Whereas control rats showed de- neural plasticity, brain homeostasis, maintenance, and tissue
creased proliferation and BDNF concentrations in the DG, remodeling, it plays a critical role in cognitive function. Al-
curcumin-fed rats showed attenuated amounts of proliferation though factors associated with aging, such as oxidative stress
and BDNF, in a dose-dependent manner, with the highest dose and inflammation, have been shown to decrease neurogen-
(20 mg $ kg21 $ d21) being consistent with the amount of pro- esis, dietary compounds that mitigate aging and age-related
liferation seen in imipramine hydrochloride–treated positive behavioral declines have been shown to increase neurogen-
controls (110 mg $ kg21 $ d21; intraperitoneally). esis. Some of these food compounds include the folates,
Resveratrol is a stilbene found in peanuts, tree nuts, grapes, vitamin E, v-3 FAs, and polyphenols found in fruits, vege-
cocoa, wine, and berry fruits (112). Resveratrol is well known tables, nuts, and spices. Because these studies have been con-
for its activation of sirtuin 1 (113), and it can also induce neu- ducted in animal models, it is unclear whether the results
rogenesis. In one study (114), 2-mo-old female BALB/c mice will translate to humans. Although these studies are needed
were administered Brucella abortus antigen to induce chronic for proof of concept, the difficulty of assessing neurogenesis
fatigue, which reduced the amounts of cell proliferation in the in human intervention studies precludes their feasibility in
SGZ of the DG and hippocampal BDNF mRNA, relative to clinical trials. Given that increasing intake of these foods
controls. Subsequent treatment with resveratrol (40 mg $ and food components is relatively safe and easy, however,
kg21 $ d21) for 1 mo fully attenuated the reduction of cell their potential beneficial effects on neurogenesis should be
proliferation and normalized the amounts of hippocampal considered for the prevention of or delay in age-related neu-
BDNF mRNA, relative to vehicle controls. rological dysfunction and cognitive decline.

Synergy Acknowledgments
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