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IEC 61378-1 (Second edition - 2011) Converter transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications CORRIGENDUM 1 Replace the existing Formula (H.1) by the following new formula P= ky AIK wa) Replace the existing Formula (H.2} by the following new formula tyre VB Ky /K AV + Ky /K) (H2) anuary 2012 IEC 61378-1 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ex it inside Converter transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications THIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright © 2011 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland publication may be reprediced wr uineed any fa All agns reserved, Unless otherase specified, no par af fr by any meas. elocnonc of mochanveal mchung phacopgng aed merohi, wAto titer IEC or €C's emer Netonal Commitee ine country oF te requester you have any questens aout IEC copyrignt or hae an enquiry about abtaning actors igs to this bic, rnger Rotanal Comms for hier inormaon plesse comace About the IEC The Intersatnal Electotechrics| Commission (HEC) isthe leasing global e1ganzation that prepares arc publsnes Inematonal Stinsords ors eiseacalstectane an related technologies About IEC publications The technical content of IEC publcadons s kept under constant review by the |EC. Please make sure fet you have te noblihe wstediton a congendo or am amendment mgt * Catalogue of IEC publeabons: vanes Seasonal ICC Just Published: wxwsiee crvooine news juetpu ‘mont all nevepublicatans released. Avaliable Susy up oat on all eve lEC pubicators. at Pcbrehed details ace * Clecropedin wuwsncnapedia ee rel oe al IEC 61378-1 Euivon 20. 2011-07 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD @ 2: inside Converter transformers - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications enag 6 2 1378-1 © 1EC:2011(€) CONTENTS REWORD Scope Normative references. Terms, definitions and acronyms 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.2 Acronyms Classification 1 General 4.2 Normal service conditions 4.3. Provision for unusual service conditions Ratings, 5.1 General Rated power at rated frequency and load capability Rated and sen ce voltages. 5.3.1 Transformer energized from an a.c. power system 3.2. Transformer energized from a converterinverter with or without variable frequency 5.4 Rated current 5 Phase displacement and terminal identification for three-phase tansformer 5.6 Rating plate 5.7 Units with tertiary windings loaded wath filter and compensation 5.8 Onload tap-changers Load loss and voltage drop in transformers and reactors 61 General 62 Determination of transformer load loss under distorted current loading 63 Current sharing, losses and hot spot in high cusrent windings, 64 flect of geomevical winding arrangement and magnebe coupling between windings on their eddy current losses due to harmonics in transformers with three or more windings wound on the same core. limb Losses in intarphase transformers, current balancing reactors, series Smoothing reactors and tansductors 65.1 General 6.5.2. Interphase tansformers 65.3 Current balancing eeactors 654 Series smoothing reactors 655. Transductors, Voltage drops in tansformers and reactors 661 General 66.2 Transductors Tests for converter tansformers 1.1 General 1,2. Measurement of commutating reactance and determination of the inductive voltage drop 1.2.1 Commutating reactance 1.2.2 Inductive voltage regulation 1.3. Measurement of voltage ratio and phase displacement. a 10 u u " 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 4 4 15 15 15, 15 19 20, 26 26 26 26 26 26 2 ar 28 29 29 61378-1 © IEC:2011(6) 3 1.4.1 General 1.4,2 Dielecuic test betaeen interleaved valve windings 1.5 Load loss test 7.5.1 General 7.5.2 Load loss measurementin rectifier transformers with tansductors in the same tank 1.5.3 Testbus bars configuration for short circuit of high current valve vwandings 1.6 Temperature rise tests 1.61 General 1.6.2. Total loss injection 7.6.3 Rated load loss injection 1.6.4 Test of temparature rise on dry-type transformers, B_ On load noise level with tansductors andor IPT Annex A (informative) Determination of vansformer service load loss at rated non Sinusoidal converter current from measurements with rated wanstormer current of fundamental frequency Annex 8 (informative) Shortcireuit test currents and load losses in tansformers for single-way converters (total lass injection) Annex C (informative) Current sharing measurement in high current value windings, Annex D finformative) { xamples of duty cycles Annex £ {informative) Guidelines for design review Annex F (informative) Determination of loss in transformer tank due to magnetic field 3D simulation and guidelines for tank losses evaluation and tank hotspot calculation Annex G (informative) Shortcircuit measurements of rectifier transformers equipped ‘with built in transductors Annex H {informative) Determination of the transformer voltage ratio and phase displacement by the turn ratio measurements Annex | (informative) Phase displacement connections and terminal indications of ‘converter fanstormers Annex | {normative} Correlation between IEC 6137841 and IEC 60146-1-1 ratings. Bibliography Figura 1 ~ B6U er DB 6 pulse double bridge connection Figure 2- DSS 6 pulse connection Figure 3 Leakage fields for a three-winding transformer with clasely coupled valve windings Figura 4~ Leakage fields for a three-winding transformer wath decoupled value windings Figure 5 Leakage fields for a three winding uansformer wth loosely coupled double concenttic value windings Figure 6 Leakage fields for a three winding wansformer with loosely coupled double tick valve windings. Figure 7 ~ Typical ransductor regulating curve (with max voltage drop at ere control current) and tolerance band Figure A.1~ Cross-section of a winding stand Figure A.2- Terminal identification for winding connection ¥ yOy6 a al x2 x 32 38 56 st 6 a 0) 24 25. 28 40 a3. 4 61378-1 © IE Figure f.4~ Valve current DB connection rectangular shape positive shape Figure A.5~ Valve current DB connection rectangular shape positive and negative shape. Figure A.6~ Valve current OSS connection rectangular shape Figure disposition Figure C.2- Transformer windings arrangement Figure € ~ Example of valve high current winding and measurement equipment Measurement circuit for the in-phase measurement. Figure C.4— Measurement circuit for the in-oppasition measurement Figure €.5— Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite ‘element method software far the in-phase current distribution, Figure C.6— Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite ‘element methad software far the in-opposition current distibution Figura H.1 ~ Yd connection Figure H.2- Yd11 connection Figure H.3~ Pd0:7,5 connection. Figure H.4 ~ Oscillascope connection Figure H.5 ~ Oscilloscope h phase 8 » 7.5! lag wefecting to phase A Figure H.6~ Oscilloscope with phase & lead referring to phase A Figura I.1 ~ Counterclackwise phase displacement. Figure 1.2 - Yd11 connection Figura 1.8 - Yd connection, Figure |.4~ Example 1.1 phase displacement Figure Ls = Example |.2 phase displacement Figure J.1 ~ D8 connection ideal rectangular current blocks Figure 1.2 DSS Connection rectangular current blacks. Table 1 ~ Connections and calculation factors Table A.1 ~ Specified harmonic currents and phase displacement in the valve windings Table A.2~ Resistance measurements at 20°C winding temperature able A.3 ~ Specified harmonic windings Table Aa Measurements from test report urrents and phase displacement in the line and valve Table A.5 ~ Resulting current harmonies Table A.6— Resulting current harmonies Table A.7 ~ Resulting current harmonies Table A.8— Detailed transformer load losses at cated tap position, with tertiary unloaded Table A.9~ Resulting current harmonics Table A.10~ Specified harmonic currents and phase displacement in the line and valve windings, Table A.11 ~ Resulting curcent harmonies Table A.12- Detailed transformer load lasses at rated tap position, with tertiary unloaded Table C.1— Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite element method software for the in-phase current distribution OVE) ar 60 63 14 "4 7 76. 76 n 8 18 8 19 79 83 ea 36 a 42 45, 46 48 49 50) 51 52 61378-1 © IEC:2011(6) 5 Table €.2~ Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite element method software for the in-oppasition current aistibution Table D.1~ Examples of duty cycles for different applications Table H.1 ~ Single phase ratio measurements. Table 1.1 ~ Harmonics content up to 25% in DB 6 pulse connection (ideal rectangular current waveshape) Table 1.2 - Harmonics canteat up to 25% in DSS 6 pulse connection (ideal rectangular current waveshape) Table J.3 - Calculation factor comparison example Table 1.4 Calculation factor comparison general factors 64 6 8 84 85, 86 a7 6 1378-1 © 1EC:2011(€) INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION CONVERTER TRANSFORNERS ~ Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications FOREWORD 1) The Intemational Electrotechnical Commission UEC) 1 yarksetse organization for standerdization comorsing A national ehecttechmeal commitaes, (EC Natinal Committees). The abject of ECs, ti. promote Iiermavonal co-sperstion on ail questinys concering standarciznvon mn the slecrcs! and eleeteme Relds. To ris ond and i taditon to ether sctivues. IEC publshes Internatonal Standards, Technical Specifestons, Teenmica! Repors. Publicly Aualabie. 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IEC © nse esponsioie for any Services earned out ay avependan certcation bass 65) Aljusees should ensute tat hey have the latest elton ofthis publi 1) No liabity shall atach to IEC or its directors. employees. servants oF agents inckiding mca! experss and members bf fs ienmiea! comminees and TEC Nationa Commitzees for any personal my. proper’y damage cr her damage of any nature whatsoever, whether sect er mitect. or fr coats (meladng legal fees) ad expenses ansing out of te puslieaion, ose of or telanee agen ths |EC Pudieston ar any ter EC Publications 8} Acenten is drawn to the Nowmaave references cted m this publication, Use of tie referenced publicatons Indispersable for the correct apgliaton a ths publica 9} Avwnton is craw 19 the pessbilay that some of the elements of dis IEC Publication patentrights, IEC shal not ve held tespansibie fer igentiyng any oral such pater ght may be the subject of International Standard IEC 61378-1 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 14 Power transformers, This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1997. It constitutes a technical revision, This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition ‘¢ addition of winding connections (2ig-2ag. extended dolta, etc.) with phase displacement (309, ‘¢addition of transformers with more than ane active part in the same tank. ‘+ change of reference power definition (itis now based on fundamental component of the current) ‘¢ addition of considerations for quidelines for OLTC selection, 61378-1 © IEC:2011(6) ‘¢ addition of considerations about current sharing and hot spot temperature in high current taandings for various winding arrangements, ‘¢ addition of ransductors used fo dc. voltage regulation tagether with diode rectifiers ‘¢ improved old annexes with several calculation examples ‘* addition of new annexes for special measurements setups, The text of tis standard is based an the following documents, Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found ia the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been deatted in accordance with the ISOAEC Directives, Part 2 A list of all parts of the IFC 61378 Wansformers, on the IEC website. efies can be found, under the general title Converter The committee has decided that the contents of this publication yall remain unchanged unt! the Stability date indicated on the IEC web site under ‘hitp:/" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be + reconfirmed, witha replaced by a revised edition, or amended. A bilingual version of this standard may be issuedata later date IMPORTANT - The ‘colour inside’ logo on the cover page of this publication indicates that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer. 8 61378-1 © IE OVE) CONVERTER TRANSFORNERS - Part 1: Transformers for industrial applications 1 Scope This Part of IEC 61378 deals with the specification, design and testing of power tansformers land reactors which are intended for integration within semiconductor converter plants, itis not applicable to wansformers designed for industial ar public distribution of a.c. power in general The scope of this International Standard is limited t application of power converters of any power rating. Typical applications are: thyristar rectifiers for electrolysis: diade rectifiers for slectralysis: thyristar rechfiers for large drives; thyristor rectifiers for scrap melting tumaces and diode recbliers feeding inverters for variable speed drives, Ihe standard also covers the fegulating unit utized in such application as. step down regulating wanstormers or autovansformers. The valve winding highest voltage for equipment s limited to 36 kW This standard is not applicable ta transformers for HVDC power transmission. These are high jltage wanstormers, and they are subjected to d.c, voltage tests The standards for the complete converter plant (IFC 60146 series, ar other publications dedicated to particular fields of application) may contain requirements of guarantees and tests GGuch as insulation and power loss) for the whole plant, including the converter tanstormer and possibly auxiliary transformers and reactor equipment. This does not relieve the applicauon of the requirements of this standard conceming the guarantees and tnsts applicable to the converter wansformer itself as a separate component before being assembled with the femainder of the converter plant The guarantees, service and type tests defined in this standard apply equally to wansformers Supplied as part of an averall converter package, or tb those transformers ottlered separately but for use with canvertar equipment. Any supplementary guarantee ar special verification has to be specifically agreed in the ansformer contract. The converter vansformers covered by this standard may be of the oil-immersed or dry-type design, Unless specific exceptions are stated in this standard, the transformers comply with IEC 60076 series for ollimmersed wanstormers, and with IEC 6007611 for dey-type transformers, NOTE For some converter applications, tis possibe to use common distibution transformers of standard design The ose of such standard ‘ranstonmers Io toe speci converter spphentins. may reseite a eertan deren. This rater Is tot specifeally esvered in ths stondord mich deals wth the requiterents to be placed on speci ty (cesigned unis. eis possi to estimate ths derating Som she formulae gen m Sl and also fom Clause 9 at ee sn076-8 739) This standard deals with vansformers with one oF more active parts installed in the same tank like regulating fautojuansformer and one or to rectifier wansformers. It also covers transformers wath wansductors andor one oF more Nterphase wansformers For any combination not listed above an agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer is necessary regarding the determination and the measurement of the total losses This standard deals with wanstormers star Y and delta D and any other phase shifting connections (ike 2ig 2g, extended dalta, polygon etz.). Phase shifting windings can be placed fon either the regulating or rectifier wanstormer, 61378-1 © IEC:2011(6) 9 2 Normative references The following referenced dacuments are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only se edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 60050-421:1950, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IE) — transformers and reactors Chapter 421. Power 1-€ GOOFS fal parts}, Bows transformers IFC GONTG-1:2011, Power wansformers ~ Part 1: Gel ra idimmersed transformers IEC GON76-22011, Power tanstormers - Part 2 Temperauure rise fork IE 60076-32000, Power ransformers ~ Part 3 Insulation levels, dielect fests and external © 60076.6:2007, Power transformers ~ Part 6 Ri IEC 60076-81997, Power vansformers ~ Part & Application guide eC 6007611 001, Power transformers ~ Part 11. Dry-type transformers IEC 60146 fall parts), Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated verters IEC 60146.1-1:2009, Semiconductor converters - Ge: converters ~ Part 1-1: Specifications of basie requremer ral requirements and fine commutated IECAR 60146-1-2.2011, Semiconductor converters — General requirements and tine commutated converters - Part 1-2: Application guide IE CAR 60816 1978, Terminal and tapping markings for power wanstorn 3. Terms, definitions and acronyms 31 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IE IEC 60076-1 and IEC 6O146-1-1. as well as the following apply. 344 polygon connection P the winding connection in which each phase winding consists af nwo parts in which phase isplaced voltages are induced. One pact of each phase is connected in series to the other patt of a different phase and then closed ina delta (sce Annex |) B12 extended delta connection E the winding connection in which each phase winding consists of nwo parts in which phase displaced voltages are induced, One part of each phase is delta connected and it is then 61378-1 © 1EC:2011(F} 31.3 phase shifting angle r the angle with sign, expressed in degrees and decimal of degrees. which needs to be added ta the nearest clock number to obtain the phase displacement B14 transductor dovice consisting of one oF more ferramagnetic cores with windings, by means of which an a.c for dic. current of voltage can be varied by an independent voltage or current, utilizing Saturation phenomena in the magnetic circuit (general Frese teh ranecucteur lenght. transducer). The use et tie term trarsductev in the sense. of ractictnir magnets rs perms tien no ambuiy fs goes be IEC 60080-431:1980, 4381-01-01) 315 interphase transformer an electromagnetic deviee enabling the operation in parallel of two ar more phase displaced commmutating groups through inductive coupling between the windings placed on the same core EC 6008 31.6 line side transformer winding connected to the a.c. network 317 valve side transformee winding connected to the converter 32 Acronyms BE) G.pulse double bridge connection (see Figure 1 below) DB double bridge connection (see Figure 1 below) Nore 1 Figure 1 - B6U or DB 6 pulse double bridge connection DSS double star with interphase vansformer (see Figure 2 below) 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 1 y Figure 2- DSS Gpulse connection IPT see definition 3 SR see definition 8.1.4 FET fast fourier transformation 4 Classification 41 General Classification of converters and converter applications are given in 4.1 of IEC 60146-1-1.20¢ and in 4.1 af IEC/TR 6145 1.2:2011, Fram the aspect of transformer design, itis important ta distinguish between ~ applications with essentially sinusoidal voltage across the transformer, and applications with non-sinusoidal voltage where the wansformer primary is enc converter circuit for a.c. power contol or variable frequency conversion gized from 3 Itis also important to distinguish benween pli ns characterized by a continuous load, such as electrolysis, d.c. arc furnace ete, applications with short-time cyclic ar irregular load variation, such as reversible mill: motor dives, ete Information about the converter application should be supplied in the wanstormer specification. This is detailed further in fallowing Subclauses of this standard, 4.2 Normal service conditions Normal service conditions fr the wanstormer are in accordance with IEC 60076-1, IFC BOOTS. 2.1EC BOQTG-11 and IFC 60146-1-1 Any deviation of the a.c. voltage from the rated voltage value oF tapping voltage value Sinusoidal wave shape or three phase symmetty should be within the limits of immunity class 8, according to 4 of IEC &N45-1-1:2008. If the converter transformer is supplied with non Sinusoidal vollage, inverter or Frequency converter application, itis necessary that information 12 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) the specification. It is also important that information is given regarding the dc. component of the applied voltage cycle. 4.3 Provision for unusual service conditions In addition to the unusual service conditions to be specified for power transformers, in case of transformers with more than hwo windings, each loading combination of the windings is 1 be clearly specified. Fach loading combination shall include the respective current harmonic components, Examples of this type of unusual service conditions are no or reduced load on tertiary ‘compensation winding or on one valve winding. 5 Ratings 51 General IEC 60076-1 applies, with the follows ing additions and explanations, Transformers for converter application are loaded with non sinusoidal current. and sometimes work with non-sinusoidal voltage. Even the frequency may vary considerably in certain applications. The rating of the wansformers on which the tosts will be conducted and two which the correspanding guarantees are related is expressed h Sinusoidal quantities. of fundamental Frequency in steady state. The following subclauses provide guidance as to howto determine the tansformer rating when the details of the converter and other information about the loading are available 5.2 Rated power at rated frequency and load capability The fated power of the converter wansformer line side winding is based on te fundamental frequency companents of voltage and current, hence the rated three-phase power is: Sp-VB-U, (calculated) 4.c. lass in windings and connections based an measured Ry and Re: iil) eddy loss in high-current busbars, when present, Pre (derived): iy) stray loss induced in suuctural steel parts, Pse~ (derived). The sum of Pees + PSe> is the remainder when the previous terms from i) and ii) have been subtracted from the measured total lass. The following relations apply P= as) PR) B Re) Faw « Pou NOTE 1 The sum Pep) + Poe) is upratee wih a common enhancement factor Fee = Foe 19 obtain the lasses at Fed non-sinusoidal convert fae NOTE 2. Ditlerant vandings of » converter ransformer may have ailferent values of rated power and also cifferent proportons of /¥ and eddy loss, The tespectve components fn be equation above shoud thereto be interpreted Siete sum of valies ealsuntec for each vancing sesanacely. NOTE 3. Resistance measurements, especially wen the secondary vellage is low and the secondary current i 2) cifculies in measuring low vesistances: bo) the infuence of he short-cireuitng device In case of multiple active parts in the same tank, the quantities above shall be computed for ‘each active part wath the current harmonies specific to that part 63 Current sharing, losses and hot spot in high current windings Valve windings in converter transformers for industial applications are often characterized by a small number of turns and large rated currents (ram several kA and more). Often the consequence of this fact is that the valve wanding has to be made of several coils connected in parallel Whenever a winding is made up of coils connected in parallel, the sharing of the total winding current among the coils will be influenced by the self and mutual reactance af each coil and by the loading of other windings. In general, couls exposed to radial leakage flux will carry a higher current than the coils exposed to axial leakage flux only, Typical current values for coils placed at the ends of a valve winding can be 1,2 t0 1,7 times the value of current corresponding to a perfectly even sharing among coils. In addition, it shall be noted that also the curtent sharing betwen the strands forming the uimns of these higher loaded coils is unequal unless even current sharing among the strands is achieved by perfect, transposition or by using continuously tansposed cable. 20. 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) This means that these windings will exhibit a difference between hot spot and average temperature rise which can be significantly higher than that af other windings. Therefore a simple hot spot factor cannot be assumed and load losses need to be computed accurately. In partcuiar the manufacturer shall compute 2}, PR loss due to uneven current sharing among the coils making up the high current winding, b) BR due to uneven current sharing among the strands making up the turns of each coil ©) eddy loss in each strand making up the tums of each coil These calculations can be carried out by means of magnetic field simulations which take into account both the cannections among the different ccils and windings in the wansformer and Sinusoidal variaton of currents versus time. There is a need for one simulation for each Inakage field pattern (see following subleause). 64 Effect of geometrical winding arrangement and magnetic coupling between windings on their eddy current losses due to harmonics in transformers with three ‘or more windings wound on the same core limb Ina two-winding tansformer, ampere-turns are balanced if we neglect the magnetizing current, The harmonic currents flowing in the valve winding are balanced by harmonics (with the same pal. magnitude) in the ling winding: therefore the eddy loss enhancement factor is the same for oth the line and valve windings. Ina transformer with three windings its known that the sum of all windings ampere urns adds Lup to zero and so itis necessary to Consider in detail how to calculate cach winding eddy loss, ‘enhancement factor It is possible to identify the following configurations for three winding core-type transformers characterized by the coupling hemeen value windings, a} close coupling — two-valve windings interleaved and one tine winding b) no coupling two pairs of valueline windings separated by an intermediate yoke or belonging to two separate cores: ¢} loose coupling ~ i) double concentric wansformer with one line winding positioned radially betwen the two valve windings: ii) two fine windings in parallel, one above the other, each tine winding facing one valve ‘winding, After measuring current harmonics at all theee transformer terminals, it is possible to observe that, while some Narmonics injected into the valve windings appear on the line with an identical pal value, other harmonics are nat present an the line side Therefore, it is possible ta divide the harmonics injected into the valve windings into twa groups: 1) harmonies in phase - there is no phase displacement between these harmonics flo the valve windings: they sum and appear an the line side; ng in 2} harmonies in phase opposition - there is a TAO phase displacement bemween these harmonics flowing in the valve windings; they cancel and do not appear on the line side’. Harmonic currents in phase always contribute to the total eddy loss value, 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) a1 As for harmonic currents in phase opposition the fallow ng applies: 1) close coupling harmonics in opposition are balanced bemmen the interleaved valve windings; they produce a negligible leakage flux Se that they only produce FR losses in the valve windings (see Figure 3h 2) no coupling ~ the intermediate yoke separates the magnetic cicults of the two pairs of valve-line. windings: harmonies. in opposition are balanced. between each. vale-line Sandings couple so. Wat they produce both PR and eddy losses. im both line and valve windings (see Figure 4) and stray losses in structural parts and line winding 3} loose coupling ablained wath double concentric value windings ~ harmonics in opposition do not flow in the_line winding as they are balanced between the valve windings where they produce both FR and eddy losses (see Figure 5) and stray losses in structural parts and in Tine wanding: 4} loose coupling obtained with two line windings i parallel axially-«isplaced — harmonies in ‘opposition are almost completely balanced between each valve-line windings couple so that the same considerations made for no coupling apply (see Figure 6) for the calculation of Ky. However local loss distribution may differ signficantly, see paragraph below and Annex C. hen rectifiers cause harmonic currents of opposite direction in loosely connected valve winding, the resulting magnetic leakage fields have significant radial components at the winding ends. These radial components generate local eddy losses in the uppermost and the lowest parts of each valve winding. The winding arrangement shown in Figure 6 requires, Special attention because of the high concentration af harmonic current of certain orders in the lowest part of the upper valve winding and in the highest part of the lower valve winding. Such Sehvice condition cannot be produced in a normal temperature vse test where the valves. are not connected to the wansformer. Therefore, if required by the purchaser, the effects of the harmonics in opposition shall be studied by means of the appropriate magnet field simulation tools to validate the design solution Similar considerations, based on the mutual coupling of the windings, apply when more than three windings or shell ype wansformers are considered 22 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) POPOHODO HODOSO ul dw A 8 c Key A yanding arrangement in the cove ws ve wnding 1B eekage fx produced by harmonies in hose iterleovee valve vondings leakage fx proshiced by hat th 180" pose displacement Figure 3- Leakage fields for a three-winding transformer with closely coupled valve windings Coefficient Line winding: 1 ~ Valve windings: in both windings, culating in pposition in both windings. 61378-1 © IEC:2011(€) 4 Wl L ll Figure 4~ Leakage fields for a three-winging transformer oupled valve winding 24 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) Ty A B Key 1B Ieoknge fax produced by harmonics m phase Figure 5~ Leakage fields for a three winding transformer with loosely coupled double concentric valve windings Line winding: 1 — Valve windings: #1 for harmonic current circulating in phase in both windings #¢( 21) for harmonic current circulating in phase opposition in both windings. Xx-could be derived fram either a computation or an implementation when possible, of a short incuit test betunen valve windings, 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 25. Aa SIA Hl Lf fy af ly DNS 1 Ha 5 L v | 1] fis | 1] | HAI H LH A 8 c Key 8 feoeage tx proces by harnones m prose © lehage x rode by namoricsh TED'phase displace Je swnding| Figure 6 - Leakage fields for a three winding transformer with loosely coupled double-tier valve windings #1 for harmonic curren culating in phase. in both win * x for harmanic current circulating in phase appositian in both windings X-could be derived from either a computation or an mplementation when possible circuit tes of a short 26 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 65 _ Losses in interphase transformers, current-balancing reactors, series-smoothing reactors and transductors 65.1 General hen interphase wansformers, curent-bslancing reactors. series smoothing reactors and lransductors are integral parts of a vansformer fer connection to a static converter, the losses fof these components shall be derived as stated helews NOTE The roles laid down in ths stsesuse de not mnply speeifestion ef the ncivdual pieces of equsmentn the Content of stasdard 65.2 Interphase transformers The manufacturer shall supply the calculated iron lasses at a frequency equal to the normal sevice frequency of the interphase wansformer, and at a voltage calculated to provide the magnetic flux corresponding t operation of the corwerter at rated current, voltage and Specified phase control. Data about current unbalance shall be discussed and agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer. Capability to withstand the unbalance shall be demonstrated by calculation, The losses in the winding shall be calculated as the product of the d.c. resistance and the square af the direct eurrentin the winding, 65.3. Current-balancing reactors The iron losses in current balancing reactors are small and may be ignored 65.4 Series-smoothing reactors In general reference shall be made ta IEC 600766 The iron losses caused by harmonic ripple current components are small and may be ignored. NOTE The lesses in the vanding are eitier part of the converter loss messurement, or ere calculated as the product ofthe ec resistance anc tne square ofthe direct cuneene nthe sencing 65.5 Transductors Transductors are devices that allow a continuous and fine regulation of the d.c. voltage generated by the converter within specified range. They are usually applied in conjunction with a.c. ~ de. diode based converters. The degree of saturation in groups of magnetic cores determines the voltage drop in the transductors. A polarizing d.c. current imposed in auxiliary windings on the wansductors governs the degree ef saturation in the cores. A control circuit with or without an additional bias circuit governs the dc. current. The voltage regulation is obtained by varying the d.c. current The choice betwen contol circuit with or without bias circuit depends on the converter control system design. Transductors installed in converter transformers cauld be of hwo different types * Wound core Transductors of this type are installed on the HY side of the converter iransformer and they ate series connected to the HY windings. © Pass treauah bar, Transductors of this type are installed on the LV connection bars system) OF the converter Wansformer and in such a way that each tansductor is series connected directly to cach converter valve arm. They are generally based on toroidal cores. 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) a Wound core type transductors have the following losses: * Core lasses: The combined effect of the main a.c. current and the bias and convol dc Currants generates lasses in the care lamination. Far the time being, there is nat any faliated method to measure directly the core lasses in vansductor cores. How to estimate or calculate them has t be agreed benween manufacturer and purchaser before the placement of the order ¢ Load Insses in the wansductor a,c, windings: They shall be calculated at rated load based fan the winding d.c. resistance at reference temperature and af the winding eddy lasses at the fundamental frequency. enhanced by the corresponding factor ye for distorted current loading operation, © Stay losses in tansductor structural parts: They shall be calculated at rated load and Tundamental Wequency on The bass of proven empircal formulas and enhanced by the corresponding factor Fg¢ for distorted current loading operation. © Losses in the bias windings: They shall be calculated at reference temperature based on the measured dc, resistance and the d.c. bias currents, Pass through bar type tansductors have the following losses, ¢ Core losses: The losses are generated in the wound cores by the combined effect of the main single way periodical current and the bias and conval d.c. currents. For the time ing, there is net any validated method to measure directly the core losses in wansductor cores. How to estimate or calculate them has to be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser before the placement af the order * Load losses in the wansductor bars: They shall be calculated at rated load on the basis of the bars d.c, resistance at reference temperature and of the bars calculated eddy losses at the fundamental frequency, enhanced by the corresponding factor Fo for distorted current loading operation, These losses are usually evaluated together with the transformer load losses. OTE + In DB converters. the LY sige current hamnenie spectum = diferent fom the tmnscuctor bar Current spectuim, It fact, tansductors. shat are series connected. to converter valves. are subject to hotmanics speetum that includes bots ext sid sven harmonics. Per tis *eeson, care should be taker n the fevalvation of the susbar enbancemest fretor Foon the Hosts of the appropriate hovmanies spectrum. (See ‘© Stray losses in wansductor structural parts: In this type of transductor, due to the particular Eonstucton that minimizes the presence of suuchral metallic parts, they are generally negligible. © Losses in the hiag and control windings: They shall be calculated at reference temperature based on te measured d.c. resistance and the d.c. bias and contrat currents, NOTE 2 tn pass-tough bar wansductors, these losses ote generally lve compared to the over conmbutions but the bies ond centcl sieuit resistance measurement rs tmportart-as a reterence vas to be percdcally checked dering the wasformen Me 66 Voltage drops in transformers and reactors 661 General DE voltage drop introduced by converter transformers oF reactors, depend on the respective feactive and the resistive component of the short circuit voltage: © fosistive direct voltage regulation: it shall be calculated fram the loss measurements using ihe formulae given in 2.4 oF IEC GOI 46-1-1: 2008) © inductive direct voltage regulation: it shall be calculated from the impedance measurements lusing the formulae gen in 6.2.4 of IEC 6O146-1-1 2009, See also 7.2.2 28 662 Transductors The regulating capability of the wansductors can be described by a curve waced at rated converter d.c. load and variable contro! current (see Figure 7). Transductors are identified by the following parameters: * bio. Ihe maximum value of the d.c. voltage drop generated by the tansductors at rated converter d.c. load and at the specified value of the contro! current. The value depends from transductor core physical and geometrical characteristics. © Commanded voltage roa Converter dc, load and regulating curve that is within the limits, ¢ Residual voltage regulation; The non-tinear part of the tansductor regulating curve at rated Eonverter d.c, load and vatiable control eusrents. Itis the difference between the maximum voltage drop and she commanded voltage The linear part of the transductor regulating curve at rated arable contol currents. This is defined as the porten of the of a desined tolerance hand. All the voltage drops described above are associated with a specific value of contral current, which needs to be documented The purchaser shall prier of placing the order specify which of the above quantities are to be guaranteed (usually only the commanded voltage regulation is guaranteed). Corresponding tolerances on measured values of guaranteed quanties shall be agreed between purchaser and manufachurer tend ina + ‘ vag rah u ici ah ot “ ‘ 1 \ b= Mx Figure 7 - Typical transductor regulating curve (with max voltage drop at zero control current) and tolerance band The method of determination of the regulating curve (commonly named 'S curve’) is subject to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser If the value Usa iS quaranteed, then it shall be checked according to she following procedure and linearity band definition © from test data plot the regulating curve (commonly named °S curve’) ‘¢ ace the tangent to the curve in the inflection point of the 'S curve 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 2 Dandy = 29D) Uq/100 08) ‘¢ the 0 points of interception of the linearity band with the 'S curve’ give the value of the commanded voltage Usma The value of the percent linearity band %b,,, has to he agreed between manufacturer and purchaser. A commonly accepted value for this parameter is ty =15% an J. commonly recagnized method to calculate the wansductar voltage drop is based on the following formulas: U, = 6 fF Sex B for double star converter aa U, 12> fs Sr B for double bridge converter where Bis te induction value (Tests) Us is the voltage drop invoduced on the d.c, side by the transductor (V) Fs the fundamental equency (H2) Sr the net tansductor core section (m2) Una Ucn 8 the commanded vokage .,i6 the voltage drop at the induction of saturation value By The $ curve and corresponding value of U, of the tansductors cores matefial, 1's obtained by referring to the 8-H characteristic The Usqg value, shall, if guaranteed, be assessed (either by calculations or special tests) at the factory acceptance test stage at the latest 7 Tests for converter transformers 7.1 General All tests shall be made in accordance with IEC GOO7E-1, IEC 60076.2 and IEC 600763 far oil immersed transformers, and IFC GODT6-11 for dey-type vansformers, unless otherwise specified in this clause. Ihe transformer tests are divided into routine, type and special tests in accordance with 11.1.2, MAS and 11.1.4 of IEC 6O076-1:2011 for ailimmesed transformers, and Clause 5 of IEC 60076-11:2004 for dry-type tanstormers, In case of measurement of short circuit impedance between two valve windings is required, it may not be possible to reach 50% of the rated current. This measurement will be carried out at the highest current allowable by the test equipment The tolerance on this measurement has 10 be agreed with the purchaser. In case of interleaved valve windings, the short circuit impedance between them can be assumed as negligiale, 30. 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 7.2 Measurement of commutating reactance and determination of the inductive voltage drop 7.2.1 Commutating reactance To measure the commutating reactance, the line side terminals of the wansformer shall be short-circuited, An alternabng current of fundamental frequency as specified in tem ) of 7.2.2 Shall be passed through two consecutive phases of the same commutating group, and the voltage bemween these terminals shall be measured. The commutating reactance 2» X; is equal to the inductive component of the impedance calculated from this measurement. At east two tests shall be carried out with different pairs of phases in each commutaung group, and the aritimene mean of these measurements shall be taken as the value of the commutating reactance hen the same line winding feeds a commutating group connected in parallel or in series. which commutates simultaneously, the wandings corresponding to these groups shall be connected phase. by phase in parallel for the above tests An alternative estimate of the commutating reactance can be deduced fram the transformer impedance test results as follows The three phases of the valve winding are short-circuited. The short circuit impedance in p.u. is measured from the line side and reterred to the tated power and the rated voltage of the valve winding, The commutating reactance X; is equal to the inductive component of tie short circuit impedance. 7.2.2 Inductive voltage regulation The inductive voltage regulation shall be determined by either of the following tw procedures. a) Calculation, using the formula es b) Measurement as desesihed in 7.2.1, with an rm.s. current equal to v2 6 eo tay @ 4g where Gis the number of sets of commutating groups between which ly is divided: iy is the rated direct current: Gis the commutation number 5 16 tho number af commutavng groups in series Ugio is the ideal no-load direct voltage, 8 is the number of commutating groups commutating simultaneously per primary, X, is the inductive component of the short circuit impedance: day 1S the inductye voltage regulation vath cunent hy dg is the inductive voltage regulation with cunent In this case, the inductive component of the input voltage, expressed in pu. of the rated voltage between terminals Uo represents the inductive voltage regulaton dy: 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) a1 For the connections given in Table 1, the inductive voltage regulation can be calculated trom the results of secondary short-circuit tests specified in last column, with the exception of connections Q and 12. For these connections, the shortciecuit test specified im 7.2.1 1s Fecommended, 7.3. Measurement of voltage ratio and phase displacement According to the IEC 600761, the valtage ratio shall be measured on each tap position However, some converter transformers may have a vary large number of taps. In this case. the manulachiter may agree with he purchaser to testjust a subset of taps (as an example when coarse and fine regulations are present. it is sufficient ta make measurements on each fine fegulation step, having fixed a coarse step, and then ane for each remaining coarse steps) Tolerances ef valtage ratio an taps ather than the principal and of phase displacement angle on all taps have to be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer prior to the placing of Vithout agreement betwen purchaser and manufacturer before the order. the tolerance of phase displacement should be 205° The measurement of voltage ratio and phase displacement can be obtained by one of the following metods (see Annex H)) a) woltage ratio measurements, b)oscillascope measurements, The oscilloscope measurement checks the phase displacement with the sampling rate and the Fesolution of the measurement instruments while the voltage ratio measurement is independent from the device resolution needed to test the phase displacement for this reason the measurement a) is recommended. 7.4 Dielectric tests 7.4.1 General For single active part, dielectric tasts shall be made in accordance sith IEC 60076-32000, For rectifier units including more than one active partin the same tank, the reference voltages for defining the dielectric tests are the line wo ine voltages of the primary and secondary terminals. It is often impracticaple to test intermediate windings in formal compliance with IEC 60076. 3.2000 and it should be agreed hetween the supplier and the purchaser as to which tests have to be omitted er madified before the time of placing the order. In case intermediate windings are tested, then their insulation level will be stated an the rung plate. If tansductors are present. they shall be fully mounted at the time of dielectric tests 7.4.2 Dielectric test between interleaved valve windings The dielectric withstand capability of interleaved value windings shall be tested as follows, a) Dielectic withstand capability between interleaved value yindings and ground. & single test is cartied out with all interleaved valve windings terminals connected together. All the rest being in accordance with IEC 6076-3 b)_ Dielectic vathstand capability between interleaved valve windings. The terminals of one of the txo interleaved valve windings are connected tagetner and grounded. The terminals of the other interleaved valve winding are connected ingether and an a.c. test voltage is applied for T min between these terminal and ground, The value of the test voltage is equal 1 double the rated a.c. voltage plus SCO V or 2 SED V, whichever is higher. 32 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 7.5 Load loss test 7.5.1 General This test shall be performed to obtain the load loss in the tansformer at rated current (}) and fundamental frequency. The appropriate short-circuit connections for the tests are given in Table 1 for the commonly used connections. The losses ate measured for each short-circuit combination A, 8 and C, The measured loss values Pg, Pg and Pe are used to calculate the total guaranteed loss figure by the relevant equation in Table 1 The test results shall be correctad ta the following reference temperanure © ilimmersed wanstormers: 75°C as defined in 11.1 oF IEC 60076-1:2011 ‘¢ aty type wansformers. according tw the general requirements for tests in IE C 6076-11, Itis not required that the foad loss shall be measured at two different frequencies in IC B1S76.2. as described 7.5.2 Load loss measurement in rectifier transformers with transductors in the same tank During shortcircuit test for load lass and impedance measurements the presence of wansductor cores add up both their losses and impedance to the main wansformer. It also causes current and voltage wave shapes distortion. Measurements am then affected and if not properly compensated, may not comply wath 114 of IFC 60076-12011 requirements (measurement of short circuit impedance and load loss). Special agmement needs to be reached benween purchaser and manuiacturer ta perform these tests prior of placing the order. Several Approaches are passisle and some are illustrated in Annex G. 7.5.3. Test bus bars configuration for short circuit of high current valve windings When selecting a configuration of external bus bars ta short circuit high current valve windings special care must be taken to estimate the increase of load loss, short circuit impedance and possibility of tank hotspots related to the presence of these test bus bars themselves. 7.6 Temperature rise tests 7.6.1 General The temperature rise twst procedure for oilimmersed wansformers according to 7.3.2 of IEC 60076.2:2011 is modified as described in 7.6.2and 7.6.3 below. These subclauses also serve as guidance, as applicable, for the testing of dry-type transformers (see Clause 23 of IFC 6076-11: 2004) The purpase of the testis to establish the top oil temperature rise in steady-state condition, with dissipation of total loss equal to the loss at rated non-sinusoidal converter load current, and rated sinusoidal transformer vallage — tw establish the winding temperature rise above ail under the same conditions to establish the winding temperature rise abaye ambient for dry-type trans formers. The oil and winding temacrature rise values are dewrmined using the methods described in 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 38 In somo cases, it is possible that the test current needed to reach the specified test value of the total losses (see 7.6.1) to establish sttady state oi! tomperanute rise would overload some of the windings to unacceptable levels. Therefore may be necessary to reduce. the eurrentiosses below the limits of applicability of correction formulas of 7.13 of IEC 6007S. 2.2011. In this case, purchaser and manutacturer shall agree on whether to extond the applicability of these correction formulas or to assess the temperature rises by means oF calculations. Whenever winding terminals are accessible, then winding tomperanure shall be measured at equivalent test current as per calculation in 7.6.3 hen winding terminals are not accessible (for example when multiple active parts are present in the same tank and/or in case of shifter windings). then these windings shall be considerec as part of “intemal design’ and sheir temperature rise shall be assessed by means of calculations. In case wansductors are in the same tank of the active part(s), the temperature rise test can be carried out by one of the following modes to be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer at tender stage a} the wansductors romain fully assembled. In this case winding currents during tests do not present sinusoidal wave shapes. The addivonal loss due to these current harmonics shall be taken into account in the determination of the equivalent test cucrent. Equivalent test current shall be measured in RMB. b) the wansductors are either bypassed or their magnetic cores are remaved in order to have sinusoidal wave shape of winding cusrents during the test 7.6.2 Total loss injection The tatal loss is the sum of the load loss plus the no-load lass and, if present, of IPT and ransductors losses. The load lass is te loss developed from the non-sinusoidal converter curtent (see 6.2). The no-load lass corresponds to rated vanstormer voltage The lass injected into the wansformer shall be measured. The fundamental power frequency current, I shall be adjusted to give the specified test valuc of the total lass, 7.6.3 Rated load loss injection 7.6.31 Two-winding transformer hen the top oil temperature rise has been established, the test shall continue with a Sinusoidal test current equivalent to the load loss at rated converter current. This condition Shall be maintained for 1h during which measurements of oil and cooling medium temparatures shall be made. The equivalent test currentis equal ta > as lag Wt (Ry + Ro) (Fe Pues) ' We (Ry = Re) Rove (22) AL the end of the temperature rise test, the temperatures of the tw windings shall be ‘etermined. This is done by a series of resistance measurements of the Neo windings that shal be made during the cooling period following the rapid disconnection of the supply and short cuits. Tor more details, see 7.3, 78 7.9 710 as well as C.1, C2 and C3 of © BAN 22017 34 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) NOTE |f the tomperaune nse tests eared out wih te tansthictors mountes, then the current harmonies die to se presence of te Wansductors and sow cortespardng losses shoulé be taeen Wee accouM fe SeMaHON OF ag 7.6.32 — Multi-winding transformer The most common case is @ three winding converter ransformer with tuo secondary windings having the same rated power. The secondary three-phase connection is either star-star sath an imerphase wanstormer, of star-star, delta-delta or one star- and ane delta-connected winding, The equivalent test current for each winding, in tum, shall be supplied and the winding temperature rise figures shall be obtained. The general form for the equivalent current is Kis (Rwy + Ro) hue «Rue s) Ig ‘ ' TR RO! Bue 3) NOTE 1 The tum secondary valve wncings per phase Have elose to 100% magnete coupling inthe calculations developed in 2 ang A.3. Therevore, the esey losses of al windings are bases on sie pulses #9 A.2 an We pulses m3 see 82) The equivalent test current value for eact winding shall be obtained using specific values for resistance, eddy loss and enhancement factor for the winding NOTL 2 For tonsformers vith heavy curent busbar systems on the secondary sis, ft may be difeult Impossible to acheye a rape discomecton of te shert cireuits, In that cese, a agreement betveen the rmanutactre* ane purehoser snould be made concerning the tenperstore ise af bre wangings mvelved NOTE 3. Due to very low resistance volves (105 2 ~ 10°64: of high current valve wwndings, special core should be tower in tie messurerent of resistance ef such vanings tavete gift errr NOTE 4 fg coplaces | wren the enhancement oF Fy. for the tested winding 's calculated In accordance The test shall be cartied out in the following manner Both secondaries shall be short-circuited, and the equivalent primary current shall be supplied tp obtain the temperature rise over the mean oil af the primary winding. Then each secondary winding shall in turn be short-circuited (leaving the other open) and primary current supplied 10 give the equivalent current in the tested secondary winding. These two tests give the winding twmperature rises above mean oil for the secondary windings Alamatvely, only the first test, with both secondary windings short-circuited, could be used The measured winding temperature rise values of the secondary windings obtained trom sis test shall then be corrected in accordance wath 7.13 af IFC 60076-2:2011 7.6.33 Considerations about winding and tank hot spots Equivalent test current is computed in order to praduce the total losses equivalent to anes when windings are harmonically loaded, However eddy losses, with harmonics, increase in the ‘winding end regions and a test with sinusoidal current is nat able to reproduce the leakage field patiorns that occur in service. In summary, therefere, it should be noted tat this equivalent Inst current does not produce the local loss distrbution within the winding that will occur when harmonic curtents are present Particular attention is drawn to the fact that the hot spot temperature and its location, determined through a temperature rise test with sinusoidal currant, is not necessarily the same that will be encountered during converter service. Therefore, because of the test procedure, care should be taken at the test staue to prevent thermal stresses beyond those occuring in 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 38 thermal behaviour of the unit either during the thermal test, or at on-load service. In case of non accessible intermediate circuit windings, fiber optics could be employed to assess thermal design, To minimize undesired influence of external magnet fields and to eptmize the valve side design, the purchaser shall inform the vansformer manufacturer about the mechanical layout of the bus 7.6.4 Test of temperature rise on dry-type transformers The test shall be made in accordance with aay of the methods given in Clause 23 of IEC 60076-11:2004, with the following modification The load current shall be adjusted to correspond to load loss at rated converter current. he adjustment shall be carried gut in accordance with Annex A and the equations in 7.6.3 for the equivalent current. 8 On load noise level with transductors and/or IPT Whenever present, wansductors andJor IPT are the main source of noise in converter transformers. For both these devices, the noise generated is a function of the load currants and of system parameters outside the transformer itself On load noise measurements are either not possible or not representative of the aperation anditions and there are no reliable methods to cakulate the load noise level, Table 1~ Connections and calculation factors DAD > Ap) AB (3) L102: O31e LeLeis (i029) Tn. L619 38 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) Annex A (informative) Determination of transformer service load loss at rated non-sinusoidal converter current from measurements with rated transformer current of fundamental frequency A. General Using the notations given in the list of symbols in 6.3, the following relations can be writen far the winding loss Pe Paa= wn Py = Consequently “2 Py With x = 2 for windings, the enhancement 3) the same basic rule as for mant factar for connections is In high current busbar connection systems, the loss will Follo windings, but the exponent, x, is ower 8, the enhanc equal Based on other studies, the enhancement factor for the stay loss in stuctural parts is taken as equal to that of busbar systems, Jude conto ns tne explonation of tre choice of x= 2 for awnings an) xO for hi 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 39 a) the winding loss Py; is taken as the sum of the measured (2 Ry, loss and the calculated eddy loss Pwe Wn = UP Ry} +P A.6) b) the sum of the eddy losses Pees from connections and the stray loss Pye in structural parts is equal to the measured total loss Pr minus the winding loss Py; according to a) and minus the measured [2 Re loss of the connections. PsP. (Pro A «Ro}) an Total lass with distorted current: «(Pop + Pa) (as) All loss components in the above calculations are adjusind to the reference temperature (ee M11 of IEC 60076-12011 and Clause 12 of IEC 60076-11:2008), The respective components in the equations above shall be the sum of the values calculated for each winding separately. The calculated eddy losses Pye: in the windings together with the measured 1? = R, ive an accurate value for the total winding loss Py The sum of stray loss from connections and stuctural parts Pez+ + Pscy can be derived with reasonable accuracy as the difference between the total measured loss P; minus the winding loss Pay and minus the measured quantity [7 Re of the dc. lass of the connections, A.2 Alternative method for calculation of the winding eddy loss enhancement factor A more accurate estimate of the eddy loss enhancement factor for windings, Fye described in ALT. can be made if the winding eddy loss components from axial and radial sway flux, Pye, and Piycjoas fespectively, are known. These may be calculated at fundamental frequeney using a finite element method of field analysis Since te distibution of the harmonic stay flux the same as that of the flux at fundamental frequency in conventional windings consisting of individual strands, the following relationships may be derived, 40, 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) Relation henween strand dimensions and penetration depths where ©) is the pulse of fundamental Frequency " n “ Figure A.1 - Cross-section bis the harmonic order: ‘of a winding strand Hf, is the permeability of vacuum; 1, 1s the relative permeability (for copper and aluminium £4,~ 1) The additional resistance, Ryoyy at frequency of order, h so, may be defined as Ragn © Ry ~ Ry re) where Ris the winding resistance at frequency, fh» The increase of additional resistance same for all winding stands, regardles ‘expressed as bp if felation to Rg) fundamental frequency, is the of the specific eddy loss of each stand and may be aaa whore V(X, }— 2x, SEPM asin | coshX, 1 603%, Hence the expression for the winding enhancement factor Fe may be expressed as. Poeoe YP Xu) “ hy? Xa) Frye ~ Ht Han) Pao ff n 8 Pe Wa Awe St) PGT a “HOP ara 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) a A.3. Example of the determination of transformer load loss under distorted current load (Scheme as in Table 1, connection 5 magnede coupling benwen valve windings practically 100%, p- 6) 1000 A ih interphase transformer in common tank mer connection ¥ y0y6 Transforms ne winding votiage (kV) x0 Transformer valve winding voltage (kV) Q354 2 =Q524 Rated wansformer line current fy (A) 50.000 ; a 2824 _ 3406 Rated transformer power Sg (kVA) V3. 30: 4406-17700 Yec052 Table A.1 - Specified harmonic currents and phase displacement in the valve windings Warmonie order Phase current Phase displacement | Calculated phase in valve winding between currents in| current in line winding valve windings ae pn = 3504 yi by =14157 A Magnetic effect of even harmonics practically offset each other in valve windings and the eddy loss enhancement factors for je and line windings are the same (refer to Figure 3 in 65) In this example we assume busbars are fully compensated and my harmonies practically offset each other in valve winding connections, gnetic effect of even «hh! 124 and F Fee =) Valve current Direct component Ip (A) 50 00008 - B 333.3 Fundamental component hy (8) 50000. 2 746,2 Measurements from test report in Table A.2. Table A.2- Resistance measurements at 20°C winding temperature Connected Measured phase resistance Corrected values terminals: at 75°C (see Figure A.2) Ww WW 1 y 457 Bag a AT 9313.10 6 z 3 2 v-aw 18504 605 oe 2 3 30 3V 875) 9071 8) 538.108 3 m2 2N 147.108 7.910 ng aN 36.108 65.10% 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) as Figure A.2- Terminal identification for winding connection Y yOy6 Measured load loss at 75°C winding temperature, SOHz, and rated current fy ~ 341 A Py = 124, 3K FPR loss at 75°C and rated current for te transformer windings and connections Prima PR- 3 34125 BBO 1034103 S1OkW wey Secondary PRO3 535x108 103 3O5kW BU aw Second PR 3x ASTER» 588% 10% 10-3 3i)-3V-3 nding and connections, Caleulated eddy current loss at 75°C ransformer eddy loss in the connections plus stay loss in stuctural parts = Peps + Pees =P AXPPR + Pp) 1243-956 = 287 Total load fF the converter transformer at distorted current Py (1.056 « 31) + (14 157/13 78392» (30.5+30,.7) + (3.57 3.4) + (1.24% 28,7) 145 kW Load loss of the interphase transformer PPR = 25.00 « (17.9 + 165)» 108= 21,5 kV 44 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) The converter load current represents a transformer load of the fundamental current plus the content of harmonics under all load conditions NOTE The te secensary valve wandings per phase have clase to 100% magnetic coupling, Therefore, he edty tosses ofa wmndugs are Sased on st paste foee A diferent eesign of transformer may have close to r8ra magnets coupling beeen the seeandary valve wadings Such a desigs woul require caleulston of Fn anid Fe based 0 toree pulses for te seconsary valve wane A.4 Example of the determination of transformer load loss under distorted current load (Scheme as in Table 1, connection number 12 magnetic coupling between clectical valy windings practically 100%, p ~ 12) Converter rating Usi= 1 8804 Jan = 5 2008 Transformer connection D doyt th two six pulse bridges connected in seties secondary Transformer tine winding voltage (kV) 63 Transformer valve winding voltage (kV) 1580.2. = 0585 Rated transformer line current 4 (8) 5 200. 28 Rated transformer power Sp (kVA) VB. G3: 753-8216 Transformer valve winding power Sy (KYA) 2 Q5< 8216 = 2» 4108 4108 2.4054 ansformer valve winding rated current (A) 2« 30585 As the ratio between the LY windings tums numbers cannot equal exactly ¥3 then Transformer rating Primary Secondary windings Rated power (kVA) 8216 4129 4087 Rated system voltage (kV) 63 0.588 ase2 Rated wansformer phase current (A) hp = 4347 hg = 2341 hs - 4.054 Connection b a y 61378-1 © IEC:2011(€) Table A.3 - Specified harmonic currents and phase displacement in the line and valve windings Harmonie] Phase current] Phase current] Phase displacement | Phase currentin ‘order in delta valve instarvalve’ | between currents in | line winding 2 zu o = 436.2. VBA hy W2 ky 4 VBA Magnetic effect of harmonics 5, 7, 17 and 19 practeally offset each other and we eddy loss ‘ancement factors for valve and line windings are the same (refer to Figure 3in 6.5) foe 34] In this example we assume busbars are f ‘ompensated and magnetic effect of harmonics 7.17 and 19 pracheally offset each other in Ive wanding connections =1,045 and Fy, 46, 613781 Table A.4~ Measurements from test report (Gee Figure A.3) to value per phase tz 5° a ui 1s. 107-263. 10 Tt Figure A.3 - Terminal identification for winding connection D dOy1 Measured load loss at 75°C, 5OH2, and rated current hp - 434.7 A and hy 2.341 A or 4 054 ATT KW Prima Wet PR= 3% 4342317 Secondary PR 3x 23012 08 1115 ew U2 Secondary PR = 3 x 405A x 0.228. 10° 10-3 11.24 KW 3 3 nding and connections, Sy 4036 KW Caleulated eddy current iass at 75° s9KW ANTE RW Transformer edd loss in the conn lus stray loss in stuctural pacts, Pops Pees = P-(EPR + Pg) - 4977 - 41,75-BER KM Total loss of the converter transformer at distorted current py andy) (0,007 17,97) + (1,056 (11.18 1 11,24)» (1,88 1,39) (1.045 » 8.02) 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 52.7 kW. NOTE The two secensaty valve windings per shese have clase to 109% magnetic coupling. Therefore, the eddy tosses ofl windings ave hased on taslve pulses fee 6 5) A diferent cesign of transformer may have close to 28r0 magnet coupling benween the secandary valve windings Such des go would toque a caleulytion of Far and Per based on six ses fev the Secondary vt ve wand A.5 Example of the determination of transformer load loss under distorted current load. Multi-active parts in a same tank: bridge case (Scheme as in Table 1, connection number 10.2, magneve coupling between electrical va windings practically 0 Rectifier transformer combination with in the same tank: © Tragulating autotransformer ‘© 2ecotifier wanstormers, 2 primary delta connected, ndings star and delta connected, 2 secondary windings © 12tansduct for contibution of Uy — 1 792 ¥ dc. no load (1 600.V de. on load), Jy 55 KA de. in Supplying an aluminium potline. Supply voltage 132 KV Transductor cating: Number 2 Commanded voltage regulation 50 V dc Current valve current Valve current —ldeal wave forme 1/3 18 1 st Figure A.4- Valve current DB connection rectangular shape positive shape 48, 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) Table A.5 - Resulting current harmonics Harmonic] Currentin] Harmonic] Currentin] * continuous componen order | valveline| order | valve line h Nn ty 7 e TST] * ims fundamental component 1 10 643.2 1072084 2 u 643.2 zee 3 13 4 Vv 2144 . 5 19 Sho 2.1100 6 23 965 . 1S ST3A . ve) = 15 BIT A . 924 6 Rectificr transformers rating: Number 2 Primary vol SOK Secondary voltage (Ug ~ 1792/1, 35¥). 1-327 Rated line side current (85.000 » 0,390 « 1 327/50 600) 569 A Rated primary power 49.3 Rated secondary power: (SS. 49,3 MA 5a Rated valve side current: 21 442A Valve side current Ideal wave form eI 14 12 314 Figure A.S - Valve current DB connection rectangular shape positive and negative shape 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 49. Table A.6 - Resulting current harmonics vane] es, [ie vous order | Valve winding] winding b ) A 1 aa F] 5620 . po ox 2 ens 17 3 one 28 4 on a z 5 4073.8 108, . ex=|SFi| totalrms 585.8 6 2,4 06 7 58.3 n 34.1 13, 22,8 of 3 3 7 114 19 63 23 51 oF, 2a3.4 51 Regulating autotransformer rating: Number Secondary rated voltage: Secondary rated current Rated po: Primary rated voltage Primary tated current Table A.7 - Resulting current harmonics Phase yaa Ferme | tren ae, [euerent im tin winding winding b A) 7 T1387 2 34 3 a7 4 34 s 455 6 1 7 250 n 86 13 45.5 v7 22.8 19 14 23 10.2 25 102 lertary rated voltage Terary current rms total fms fundamental component rms harmonic component 3 rms harmonic component 5: Rated 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) SKY 1138 A (2 859A) 98,6 MYA 132 kv a3 A 1,008 9 + bv-[Si) worm ass . 1,902 2 . 0446 pak 946.64 923.8 184.84 824A 613781 lec:2011(€) Table A.8 ~ Detailed transformer load losses at rated tap position, with tertiary unloaded Sinusoiaat | Measured () unser SoHE | calculated (c) | Enhancement | dives aw Estimated (€) “ Wings Po a Bis a Zan gs Bey Suan 5 (tran 16) 5 55 Sections PRIoss 7 ane esa ts oon fay caren 4 i ana) wea 5 Seay loss wrstctral pars and nk 5 i andi) 2a 3 SR core loss (desaurated Norappicask a 3 Tih carentaveun PRioss Tone ar Tol SR core sauaaied Not appieab Tom AS (Scheme as in Table 1. ¢0 windings practically 100% Recta #1 regulating autotransformer © 1 rectifier wansformer, double and delta connected, 2 double star s © 2inter-phase transformers, nection number 2) transformer combination within the same tank ign wath intermediate ondary windings: ake 2 primary windings, Example of the determination of transformer load loss under distorted current load. Multi-active parts in a same tank: inter-phase case tar 52 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) for contribution of Uy ~ S18 d.c., Iyy ~ 85 kA d.c. in supplying a chlorine elecuolysis process. Supply voltage 17, 5k¥ Transductors rating: Number 12 Commanded voltage regulation IBY a. Valve current: Ideal wave form a 4 Figure A.6- Valve current D: Table A.9- Resulting current harmonics coT8 12 SS connection rectangular shape Harmonic] Currentin] Harmonic] Currentin] ® continuous component 85 000/12 order | valveline| order | valve line 7083.38 hy AL h # ims fundamental component 0 o 1 te 8 284,34 2 WW ag 3 331.4 4 1657 5 out 6 146 Z 746 . 12.084 A . ave) 12 269.8 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) ss Interphase trans former rating: Number 2 Voltage. 2» 190 dc. Curent: 221.2508 Rectifier transformer rating: Number 1 Pr nary voltage 2x 21.3kV 2xaasx ABV Secondary voltage (Ujg ~ 5180,675 ¥) Rated line side current Uy 285.000 0,195» 4433.21 300) Rated primary powe Rated secondary pi arn, iva Rated valve side current 2.2.11 T1688 Table A.10- Specified harmonic currents and phase displacement in the line and valve windings Phase lisptacement| pase Harmonie] «.Ph88, | "between purest in order ve winding) CUTEME!™ | winging windings h fA) O Ay < Tors} ane of 1 zona} ac 596.1 2 | iar} ran i 3 ae io f nc a : ac uA é ac a6 7 ac ne 8 anc ‘ac 0 jn ae 1 00 aoa : a0 23 u ac 119 5 at 6 2 ac v4 2 it 4 . 2.1100 total rms 2x 2x 120348 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) total rms 2x 26.12 2698 total ems, 2. 613A ndings and the eddy Magnetic effect of even harmonies practically offset each omer in valve Figure 3in 6.5). loss enhancement factars for value and line windings are the same (refer In this example we assume busbars ar harmonics practically offset each ather in fully compensated and magnetic effect af even Ive winding connections sep = 1,243 4 and Fe Regulating autotransformer rating: Number 1 Secondary rated voltage 21.3kV Secondary rated current, Tish (2 Rated power Aa MA Primary rated voltage TES kV Primary rated current 1 453A Table A.11 - Resulting current harmonics Prase Harmonie] currentin | PRAS® orter | vat ening . 1,006 9 b A) A 7 1935] 7 4808 2 ie aa . 11984 3 73 4 aa $ ot . 6 1.5 7 32,0 n 126 13 58.1 . Vv O41 19 145 _ 23 131 . Ly va 6 5 wt Fo =F = 35 h 044 6 61378-1 © IEC:2011(€) ss Table A.12 - Detailed transformer load losses at rated tap position, with tertiary unloaded Sinusoigar | Measured unsee sou Calculated (c) | Enhancement | Steen? « Estimated (€) ww Stay (oss m-stuctral parts and wank (2) (ana (0) or ings Eddy cure man 5 Dy Wndings Edy current To 5 thon 55 Stray toss w stuctral parts and tank errs) 5 Transtuctor core loss (sanrated Not appicane we i Interphase waratonmers Tl SR core sauated Not applicable 56 613781 © | Annex B (informative) Short-circuit test currents and load losses in transformers for single-way converters (total loss injection) For a single-way connection of a converter, the relavons the secondary load current per phase is between the primary current and ave 11) ay During the load loss test the following relationship is true hy = 2h, 2) Accordingly, the primary curtent is increased by a factor of 42 during the te In order to supply the total winding losses Pyy during load lass tests, itis necessary to increase the primary test current fpr by fpr / Ip whore Ba or Ba ) ) I wich gives a 3 Bn This test eusrent wall give 30% current overload of the primary winding. Thermal consequences, ing the test should be taken into consideration 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) Annex C (informative) Current sharing measurement in high current valve windings C1 General High current valve windings are generally made of several colls connected in parallel Due to the different magnete coupling among the single coils, these windings could be subject to a significant uneven current dismibution among the various coils. This distribution 6 a function of both the wansformer design and phase wlanonship among the current harmonics injected in the valve windings, Such current distibutions can be computed by means of electromagnetic simulations and tosts are performed only to validate these simulations. The measurement of these distributions is a special test which needs to be planned and agreed upon before placing the order. The measurements are carried out at rated frequency on one. phase per valve winding €.2 Current sharing measurement methodology Current sensors like Rog} ky coils connes the current sharing measurement 4 10 digital multimeters can be used to perform The measurement has to simulate the winding behaviour for current harmonics injected in valve windings in phase and, if present, in opposition The measurement can be done at reduced current (in the range of 10% the the converter transtormer active part out of the tank. ‘ated current) on The use af ovo current probes is recommended. The first probe remains fixed on the first eoil terminal during all the measurement and it will act as reference current value, while she other probe will be te measuring probe. Curent measured values by te second probe will be hormalized by reference t the first one to reduce errors due to possible feeding circuit fluctuations (see figure below), 58 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) nN : Ojja/o\0\0 oooogjoo Figure C.1 - Example of valve high current winding ‘and measurement equipment disposition C.3__In-phase harmonics distribution measurement surement is performed feeding the voltage 1 the line windings wath the valve windings} short circuit © Refer cach measure to the value of the average current per coll, Lc. the value of total injected phase current divided by the number of parallel coils © Build the diagram of the cuent distribution. C.4_ In-opposition harmonics distribution measurement This measurement applies to configurations where mare than ane valve winding is wound on the same core limb and hey are not magnetically decoupl @ The measurement is performed, feeding the voltage to ane valve winding wile the other falye winding(s) remain short circuited and the line winding terminals are left open (however if te line winding is made of more than one cail, then these colls shall be fully connected). * Refer cach measure to the value of the average current per coll, Le. the injected phase current divided by the number of parallel coils ue of total © Build the diagram of the current distribution. €.5 Example of in-phase and in-opposition harmonic current distribution measurement Transformer data Converter type 12 pulses double bridge ype of valves, I yristors Rated power line / valve star ot AElan entan save 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 59 line / valve star lap 1.0/4.0 kw Rated curtent line / valve star ea cu 23-179,01 /23 394/23 306 A Vectorial coil yyO- Yai Rated frequency He 3 ph no intermediate yoxe No. of parallel coils af valv waning No. of ps waning 1 coils of valve delta 8 | Figure C.2- Transformer windings arrangement =Q—- boy Figure C.3- Measurement circuit for the in-phase measurement 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 6 He oon Valve star vinding 4 parallel cos ‘ Figure C.4- Measurement circuit for the in-opposition measurement Measurement results compared with Le.m. simulation Table C.1 shows the results of the two measurements and the comparison with the simulation made by finite element method software 62 378.18 | Current distribution in phase value star line current — ijyey = 1 SSQKA valve star ave rent per call = 110,84 Ita tine current — .ge current per coll = 10.2 line total injected current: yyy = 23.4.8 Table C.1- Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite element method software for the in-phase current distribution Measurement FEM, Simulation | © % Simulation versus No pu os 1 E 1 6 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) hens van Ty 1a op t+ Le 121314 wi Ne Figure C.5 - Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite element method software for the in-phase current distribution 6 613781 © | Current distribution in opposition: value star line current, A valve star average current per coil = 111.6. value delta Hine current — hate 536.20 valve delta average current per call = 110,94 line total injected current: ng OA ~ Circuit open Table C.2- Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite element ‘method software for the in-opposition current distribution ‘Measurement FEM. Simulation | © % Simulation versus aN 8 ip nu E : 7 o v 19 t nae LN 4 LAS. i ase © 1011 12 13 1415 1617 16 19 20.2 22 2928 Figure C.6- Measurements and comparison with the simulations made by finite element method software for the in-opposition current distribution 66. Annex D (informati 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) Examples of duty cycles cles fox FHerent applications, Table D.1 - Examples of duty cycles for different applications Duty class | Rated current Examples of load cycles Hectochemical + 1.0 p.u. continuously ' processes 1,0pas. continuously Electrochemical ’ Uspastortmin [processes Light industria a |i Spactor2min— |raction 20 pu. tor 10s substation 1.Op.u. continuously 1.25 p.u. for 2 2.0 pat. for 105 Indusma service and heavy duty 1.G pas. continuously VS pau. for 2 2.0 pu for 1 min Medium traction substation and mining Opa. continuously LS pau. for 2 3.0 pu. for 1 min Heavy traction substation 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 67 Annex E (informative) Guidelines for design review E.1 General This annex is applicable provided shat an agreement between purchaser and manufacturer is, reached before placing the order A design review is an exercise to ensure that there is a common understanding of the applicable standards and specification requirements, and to provide an opportunity to scrutinize the design t ensure the requirements will be met, using the manufacuurer’s praven materials, and methodology. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure he of she has sufficient expertise to understand, and evaluate the design. The design review does not supersede the responsibility for the adequacy af the design, or the design limits, which must remain with the manufacturer Deficiencies which are identified shall be corrected. However. any changes which are a betterment to the design shall be subject to commercial resolution behween the purchaser and manufacturer Information sharing is essential for an effective design review. At the same time, the manulacturer has a legitimate right to protect its know-how. Therefore itis considered essential that the discussions and information exchanged during the design review process be kept confidential Design review of rectifier wansformer shall be carried with the documents listed in E.2 clearly available, E.2 Main transformer specifications verification and alignment The main wansformer specifications verification and alignment are as follows, a} base requirement, b}- special requirements during normal operation, ) current harmonies, ). applicable standard and limits ¢). special transport 1) wlerances. The following subjects should be covered 1. Aetive part design a) Core 1) core type structure (315 limbs, step lap) 2}. steel grade and losses, 5} hot spot in main limb at rated voltage and during overfiuxing: 4} core clamp. flitch plate and first packages hat spot due to leakage fu 5} flitch plate stress during lifting of active part, pressing of w short circuit ndings and b) windings. nindings arr hgement, 68. 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) 4) transient voltage analysis and voltage distribution inside windings results: 5) main insulation structure and design margins in insulation ducts 6} comer stresses in HY dise winaings; 7) paper stresses in windings: 8) creepage stresses in regulating windings. 9}. special tansposition, 10) current distribution in parallel groups ©) Load losses evaluation 1) load losses reactance and field analysis; 2) tank shunt application, 3} cleats and leads losses. 4}, Short circuit and in-rush forces evaluation 1). short circuit power af networks: 2). short circuit faults cases and current calculation 3} windings radial forces: 4} axial forces, 5) tltng ©) Cooling 1) admissible temperamre rises, 2) temperamre rises and hot spot calculation, 3} averloading requirements, 4} cooling duets in windings. 5) coolers oF radiator design 1) Tap changer 1) type and supplier: 2) insulation design levels 3} voltage distribution over selector 4g) Cleats and leads 1). diglectical clearances evaluation af cleats and leads: 2) HY exits dialectical stress evaluation, 3}. LV high current bus bar losses and impedance evaluation 4} high cucrent busbars leakge field effect, 5}. regulating windings exit bundle hot spot evaluation. 2 Tank and bushings a) Mechanical design evaluation: b} losses due to leakage flux ¢} tank hot spot evaluation, } check of interfaces and layout 3 Active part inspection Wingings and active part should be inspected during assembly. Supplier can demonstrate Such inspections by means of intemal quality pracedure and system, 4. Test to be performed a} Applies voltage: b) induced voltage short time /long time ¢} PD measure: 4) lighting impulse, 61378-1 9 IEC:2011(€) 69 9) heat cuny 1) any special tests (combined rectifier plus regulating) The tansformer manufacturer should be able to demonstrate the accuracy of design tols by means of test report af already produced units, 70. 61378-1 © IEC:2011€) Annex F (informative) Determination of loss in transformer tank due to magnetic field. 3D simulation and guidelines for tank losses evaluation and tank hotspot calculation The losses in a transformer tank generated by the leakage flux are an essential part of the load losses overextending many times 30% of the total, Nevertheless, itis well known that there is no direct measure af such losses. The latest developments of computer computation capability joined with the latest evolution of software today allow 30 analysis t be performed for field losses computation and hot spot evaluation, The 3D model of the tank usually merges together materials that have different permeability and conductivity. and in case of softstee! or magnetic tank shunts, the non-linear llects need t be considered, In addition to this, sn many cases structural steel magnevc properties depend on the material quality {magnetic carbon Steel and austenitic non-magnene Stainless stec!) but also on the different operation tb which such steel is subjected during the tank production process (welding, bending) So robust numerical methods joined with proper exemplification of the problem are sbil needed to achieve reliable results, It has to be underlined that transformer in normal operation could show a different loss field pation and consequently hot spat location due to the load charactaristics such as current harmonies and current sharing betwen parallel bars To prove that results from calculations are reliable, the supplier should always be able to show test comparison between calculations, measured losses and temperature. Infrared thermoscan technology is widely available and used nowadays. ifferent load case could be analysed and compared. For example load and tank hotspot calculations fer heat tun conditions could be verified by infrared thermascan measurements during factory acceptance west. The same [culation approach could be used to verify simulation of normal operation, A similar design can be dofined by comparison of the transformer main electrical parameters plus the following mechanical parameters: ¢ LV bus-bars layout up to bushings, ‘¢ main electrical distances between steel parts and windings andor bus bars, ‘¢ phase to phase distances, ¢ material utilized in different sections of the tank 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) n” Annex G (informative) Short-circuit measurements of rectifier transformers equipped with built in transductors G.1 General During short circuit tsting, wansductor cores make te test challenging because of the Addition of their ovm loss and impedance to the man transformer and because of the distortion fof current and voltage wave shapes. There are different methods to carry out this measurement and all of them have shortcomings, The main shortcoming is that during operation, cach busbar (with annexed wansductor) is connected to a diode and, therefore will see a single way current whist in the short circuit test the same busbar will see a double way current. No method has been commonly accepted Some of these methods are presented in this annex G.2 Method 1 for transductors mounted on the valve side This is an indirect measurement of core losses and short circuit impedance based on extrapolation routines. This method has the advantage that transductor loss and short circuit impedance are performed directly on the fully assembled unit durng the normal load loss and short circuit Impedance tost. The main disadvantage is related to the fact that the high saturation stage of the tansductor cores will generate a certain amount of both cusrent and voltage harmonics that could affect the measurement by causing distorvon in the feeding voltage wave shape. Ths impact depends mostly on the overall impedance of the feeding system. Compensation af te reactive power by a properly calculated capacitor bank should minimize this effect. To evaluate the voltage drap and the care losses of the transductars it is possible to proceed in accordance to the Following steps. 8) During the normal load loss and impedance test measurement of the complete wansfarmer perfarm several measurements of voltage and losses at different levels of the load current (for example from 100% rated value down to 40% in 10% steps). b) Apply correction factors for CT and PT errors and for short circuit busbar impedance and lasses deducton tp all measured points ©} Put losses data in a graph with loss en the y-axis and the squared value of the line current fn the x axis. The curve of losses should result ina straight line. 4}. Similarly put on another graph the measured voltage data with voltage on the y-axis and the value of the line currant on the x-axis 8) Extrapolate (by means of least squares linear regression} the losses and the voltage curves. to value of line current corresponding to OA. The extrapolated values ate conventionally assumed to be the load lasses in the transductors cores and the equivalent vokage drop invoduced by the wansductors in the transformer mpedance measurement. Losses in the cores and the voltage drop have to be applied for the calculation of the effect transformer load losses and impedance vokage 1 61378-1 9 1EC:2011(€) G.3 Method 2 for transductors mounted on the valve side The measurement is carried out without the tansductor cores. The transductor load loss is not directly measured but is calculated instead, Valtage drop under rated d.c. currents not directly measured and is either measured ina separate testor calculated This method has the advantage of avoiding perturbations on the current wave shape and therefore allows for proper conditions for te measurement of transformer load loss and short circuit impedance. The main disadvantage is related to the fact that the transductor load lass can be assessed by calculation only 1) Load loss and impedances are measured on active parts, out of tank at 10% of the rated load current (or higher if allowed by the manufacturer). This measurement includes losses and impedances due to windings, windings connectons and active parts suuctutes (wansductor busbars are not monte) b) The sransformer is fully assembled in te tank with the exception of the tansductor cores. Load loss and impedance measurement are repeated, ) The sum of tansductor bars and terminals resistances of any wanstormer should be calculated as the difference of total valve windings resistance measured during lest event b) and partial valve windings resistance measured duting test event a). The sum of tank influence, wansductor bars and terminals impedance and load loss of the twansformer should be calculated as the difference of respectively total impedance and load loss measured during test event b) and partial impedance and load loss measured during test event a}, In case of a single unit, tast event a) is optional, while in case a set of several wanstormer ‘aiffering only for phase shifting, measurement event b) can be carried out as a type test and be sed as reference for the measurements on all units. This is ta take inte account the fact that tm present a wanstormer without the transductar cores for short-circuit tests and then to mount the cores for completion and remaining dielectrical tests isa heavy time consuming and costly operation and hence not desirable. G.4 Method 3 for wound core transductor mounted on the line side Itis not possible to perform the short-circuit measurement with the tansductor included in the circuit. Therefare a bypass shall be installed to allow far short circuit and no load testing ansductor core loss can only be assessed by calculation,

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