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Chapter title - Here lies our pride

While you're being walked to your chambers by the maids, you try to grasp the
situation, with little success. [i]What the hell is happening?[/i]
You look at ${teo}'s face and for a second you're comforted by the thought that, at
least, you're not the only one confused.

'My ${lord},', one of the maids addresses you. 'This is your chamber.'
She turns to ${teo}. 'The one prepared for you, ${flord} Darkwater, is just around
the corner.'

You lock gazes with ${teo}, then you part ways without saying anything. [i]First
things first[/i], you think. You have to get dressed up for tonight.
You enter the room, with a sigh.

[i]And you nearly have a heart attack.[/i]

'Hello', a cheery voice greets you.

*if (anglerfriend)#'Sweets.'
*goto moving_fish
*if (magpiefriend)#'Raymond.'
*goto loud_bird

*label moving_fish
'Of course it's me, darling, who else could it be', she smiles at you with all her
pointy teeth. 'And look at this! The people here were kind enough to provide me
with a...helper. For moving around easier, you know', she announces, extremely
satisfied. 'He's Arthur!'

You look at the burly young man holding Sweet's bowl in his hands, with a
completely impassive expression on his face.

'Well, that's...nice', you say, unsure.

'Yes, indeed!', she agrees, then her eyes go wide, as if she just remembered
something important. 'But that's not what I came here for!'

'No?', you ask noncommittally, opening the closet to see if the clothes you took
with you were already brought.

'No. I heard you're going to a [i]ball[/i] tonight', she says, her voice excited.

'Yes. The Salt Dragons have...'

'What will you be wearing, dear?', she cuts you off.

You already know what you're going to choose, so you answer quickly.
#Formal, but practical clothes. You want to be balanced in your appearance, but
prepared for any kind of situation you will be confronted with.
*set methodical +2
*goto balanced_outfit
#Elegant, beautiful clothes. A good diplomat knows how important appearances are.
*set gregarious +2
*set arts +4
*goto diplomat_outfit
#Elegant, beautiful clothes. You care about your image and you want to stand out.
*set gregarious +4
*set arts +2
*goto beautiful_outfit
#A gown that's made specifically for this type of occasion, revealing that you
are part of the Northern Gates Council.
*set leadership +3
*goto leader_outfit
#A suit that's made specifically for this type of occasion, revealing that you
are part of the Northern Gates Council.
*set leadership +3
*goto leader_outfit
#The simplest clothes this occasion permits you. You don't really like formal
*set arts -3
*set innovative +4
*goto nononsense_outfit

*label balanced_outfit
'Something that won't give me any disadvantage while meeting rich nobles. Or in a

You add the latter after a pause, making Sweets look puzzled. 'Why would you fight?
Aren't we going to dance?'

Before you can answer, she turns to Arthur. 'We're going to dance, aren't we?'

'Yes, ma'am', you hear his deadpan response.

'See?', she turns back to you. 'You probably didn't understand what kind of event
the king was talking about.

Oh, but that's fine, dear, it also happens to me all the time. The way some people
speak is just so vague!'
You just look at her for a while, unsure if you should interrupt her. Finally, you
decide not to.

'So, now that I made sure your clothes are prepared for tonight, I'll go to ${teo},
to see if ${friendhe} needs my help', she smiles. 'Maybe ${friendhe} also
understood something else, so I should make haste', she says, determined.

You nod, smiling at the image forming in your head. How you wish you could witness
that. Unfortunately you don't have the time, so you remain in your room, to
#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label diplomat_outfit
'Something outstanding', you say confidently. 'I'm doing negotiations tonight, so I
should look my best!'

Sweets giggles and you can feel her enthusiasm. 'Perfect! You know, this is my
first time going to a ball! I can't wait. Arthur told me we're going to dance.
Aren't we?'

She turns to Arthur, expectantly.

'Yes, ma'am', you hear his deadpan response.

'So, now that I made sure you can handle this by yourself, I'll go to ${teo}, to
see if ${friendhe} needs my help', she smiles. 'I have a feeling ${friendhe} might
need my help', she says, pensively.

You nod, smiling at the image forming in your head. How you wish you could witness
that. Unfortunately you don't have the time, so you remain in your room, to
#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label beautiful_outfit
'Something outstanding', you say confidently. 'It's my first time attending a royal
ball, so I should look my best!'

Sweets giggles and you can feel her enthusiasm. 'Perfect! You know, this is also my
first time going to a ball! I can't wait. Arthur told me we're going to dance.
Aren't we?'

She turns to Arthur, expectantly.

'Yes, ma'am', you hear his deadpan response.

'So, now that I made sure you can handle this by yourself, I'll go to ${teo}, to
see if ${friendhe} needs my help', she smiles. 'I have a feeling ${friendhe} might
need my help', she says, pensively.

You nod, smiling at the image forming in your head. How you wish you could witness
that. Unfortunately you don't have the time, so you remain in your room, to
#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label leader_outfit
'I have something prepared especially for this type of gathering.'

You take the beautiful, green and silver set of clothing out of the closet, showing
it to her.

'That will look wonderful on you!', Sweets grins and you can feel her enthusiasm.
'I can't wait. You know, this is my first time going to a ball! Arthur told me
we're going to dance. Aren't we?'

She turns to Arthur, expectantly.

'Yes, ma'am', you hear his deadpan response.

'So, now that I made sure you can handle this by yourself, I'll go to ${teo}, to
see if ${friendhe} needs my help', she smiles. 'I have a feeling ${friendhe} might
need my help', she says, pensively.

You nod, smiling at the image forming in your head. How you wish you could witness
that. Unfortunately you don't have the time, so you remain in your room, to
#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label nononsense_outfit
'Something practical.'


She seems utterly disappointed for an instance, but she swiftly recovers. 'Well, I
can't wait. You know, this is my first time going to a ball! Arthur told me we're
going to dance. Aren't we?'

She turns to Arthur, expectantly.

'Yes, ma'am', you hear his deadpan response.

'So, now that I made sure you can handle this by yourself, I'll go to ${teo}, to
see if ${friendhe} needs my help', she smiles. 'I have a feeling ${friendhe} might
need my help', she says, pensively.

You nod, smiling at the image forming in your head. How you wish you could witness
that. Unfortunately you don't have the time, so you remain in your room, to
#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label loud_bird
'Who else?', he laughs. 'I'm terribly sorry if I scared you, the window was open
and I saw the maids preparing the room for us and it's just so much easier to enter
like this instead of using the...'

[i]The room for us?[/i], you think, squinting at him slightly. You wish you could
interrupt him, but you just know it's no use, so you go over to the closet, opening
it to check if the little clothes you took with you were already brought.

'Soooo, a ball, huh?', he asks, trying to sound indiferent.

'Yes. The Salt Dragons have...'

'How wonderful!', he cuts you off, not concealing his enthusiasm anymore. 'Tell me,
now. What will you be wearing?'

He plops on the bed, looking at you bright, expectant eyes.

You already know what you're going to choose, so you answer quickly.
#Formal, but practical clothes. You want to be balanced in your appearance, but
prepared for any kind of situation you will be confronted with.
*set methodical +2
*goto balanced_outfit_ray
#Elegant, beautiful clothes. A good diplomat knows how important appearances are.
*set gregarious +2
*set arts +4
*goto diplomat_outfit_ray
#Elegant, beautiful clothes. You care about your image and you want to stand out.
*set gregarious +4
*set arts +2
*goto beautiful_outfit_ray
#A gown that's made specifically for this type of occasion, revealing that you
are part of the Northern Gates Council.
*set leadership +3
*goto leader_outfit_ray
#A suit that's made specifically for this type of occasion, revealing that you
are part of the Northern Gates Council.
*set leadership +3
*goto leader_outfit_ray
#The simplest clothes this occasion permits you. You don't really like formal
*set arts -3
*set innovative +4
*goto nononsense_outfit_ray

*label balanced_outfit_ray
'Something that won't give me any disadvantage while meeting rich nobles. Or in a

You add the latter after a pause and you hear an approving sound coming from your
guest. 'Clever. I like that.'

'Thank yo...'

'Is that the one?', he cuts you off again, now staring over your shoulder into the

'Yes', you say, pushing him gently out of the way. [i]By the Twin God, this guy is
something else[/i], you think, looking at how serene he is no matter the

You busy yourself with sorting some of your belongings and he falls silent. Just
when you're about to turn, sensing that something's weird, you hear him speak.

'Do you think they'll...let me attend too?'

You need a moment to understand what he's referring to. He is slouching on the bed,
his voice smaller now and avoiding your gaze.

'The ball?'


'Why wouldn't they?'

'I never went to one and I'm not a noble...on top of that I'm also a demon, so...'
It's strange. He looks like a little child now, when just a few moments ago he
seemed like he couldn't care less what others were thinking about him.


His eyes lift up to yours.

'Who am I?', you ask, with a neutral expression.

He looks puzzled, but he answers eventually. '${name}...?'

'No, Ray, not my name. What [i]position[/i] do I hold?'

He blinks, wearing a silly expression. 'You're the ruler of the Northern Gates.'

'Exactly. If you want to, you'll attend.'

You turn your back to him, acting casual. However, you still catch the image of him
shifting nervously, not knowing how to react.

'You know what?', you begin, taking out tonight's clothes. 'Why don't you go see if
${teo} needs help getting prepared? I bet ${friendhe}'d be [i]really[/i] grateful.'

Raymond giggles behind you. 'I'll tell ${friendhim} [i]you[/i] sent me!', he
exclaims, flying out of the window in an instant.

'Hah', you hear yourself let out an amused breath. [i]Traitor[/i].

#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label diplomat_outfit_ray
'Something outstanding', you say confidently. 'I'm doing negotiations tonight, so I
should look my best!'

'Good thinking.'

'Thank yo...'

'Is that the one?', he cuts you off again, now staring over your shoulder into the

'Yes', you say, pushing him gently out of the way. [i]By the Twin God, this guy is
something else[/i], you think, looking at how serene he is no matter the

You busy yourself with sorting some of your belongings and he falls silent. Just
when you're about to turn, sensing that something's weird, you hear him speak.

'Do you think they'll...let me attend too?'

You need a moment to understand what he's referring to. He is slouching on the bed,
his voice smaller now and avoiding your gaze.

'The ball?'


'Why wouldn't they?'

'I never went to one and I'm not a noble...on top of that I'm also a demon, so...'

It's strange. He looks like a little child now, when just a few moments ago he
seemed like he couldn't care less what others were thinking about him.


His eyes lift up to yours.

'Who am I?', you ask, with a neutral expression.

He looks puzzled, but he answers eventually. '${name}...?'

'No, Ray, not my name. What [i]position[/i] do I hold?'

He blinks, wearing a silly expression. 'You're the ruler of the Northern Gates.'

'Exactly. If you want to, you'll attend.'

You turn your back to him, acting casual. However, you still catch the image of him
shifting nervously, not knowing how to react.

'You know what?', you begin, taking out tonight's clothes. 'Why don't you go see if
${teo} needs help getting prepared? I bet ${friendhe}'d be [i]really[/i] grateful.'

Raymond giggles behind you. 'I'll tell ${friendhim} [i]you[/i] sent me!', he
exclaims, flying out of the window in an instant.

'Hah', you hear yourself let out an amused breath. [i]Traitor[/i].

#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label beautiful_outfit_ray
'Something outstanding', you say confidently. 'It's my first time attending a royal
ball, so I should look my best!'

'Good thinking.'

'Thank yo...'

'Is that the one?', he cuts you off again, now staring over your shoulder into the

'Yes', you say, pushing him gently out of the way. [i]By the Twin God, this guy is
something else[/i], you think, looking at how serene he is no matter the

You busy yourself with sorting some of your belongings and he falls silent. Just
when you're about to turn, sensing that something's weird, you hear him speak.
'Do you think they'll...let me attend too?'

You need a moment to understand what he's referring to. He is slouching on the bed,
his voice smaller now and avoiding your gaze.

'The ball?'


'Why wouldn't they?'

'I never went to one and I'm not a noble...on top of that I'm also a demon, so...'

It's strange. He looks like a little child now, when just a few moments ago he
seemed like he couldn't care less what others were thinking about him.


His eyes lift up to yours.

'Who am I?', you ask, with a neutral expression.

He looks puzzled, but he answers eventually. '${name}...?'

'No, Ray, not my name. What [i]position[/i] do I hold?'

He blinks, wearing a silly expression. 'You're the ruler of the Northern Gates.'

'Exactly. If you want to, you'll attend.'

You turn your back to him, acting casual. However, you still catch the image of him
shifting nervously, not knowing how to react.

'You know what?', you begin, taking out tonight's clothes. 'Why don't you go see if
${teo} needs help getting prepared? I bet ${friendhe}'d be [i]really[/i] grateful.'

Raymond giggles behind you. 'I'll tell ${friendhim} [i]you[/i] sent me!', he
exclaims, flying out of the window in an instant.

'Hah', you hear yourself let out an amused breath. [i]Traitor[/i].

#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label leader_outfit_ray
'I have something prepared especially for this type of gathering.'

'Efficient. Good thinking.'

'Thank yo...'

'Is that the one?', he cuts you off again, now staring over your shoulder into the

'Yes', you say, pushing him gently out of the way. [i]By the Twin God, this guy is
something else[/i], you think, looking at how serene he is no matter the

You busy yourself with sorting some of your belongings and he falls silent. Just
when you're about to turn, sensing that something's weird, you hear him speak.

'Do you think they'll...let me attend too?'

You need a moment to understand what he's referring to. He is slouching on the bed,
his voice smaller now and avoiding your gaze.

'The ball?'


'Why wouldn't they?'

'I never went to one and I'm not a noble...on top of that I'm also a demon, so...'

It's strange. He looks like a little child now, when just a few moments ago he
seemed like he couldn't care less what others were thinking about him.


His eyes lift up to yours.

'Who am I?', you ask, with a neutral expression.

He looks puzzled, but he answers eventually. '${name}...?'

'No, Ray, not my name. What [i]position[/i] do I hold?'

He blinks, wearing a silly expression. 'You're the ruler of the Northern Gates.'

'Exactly. If you want to, you'll attend.'

You turn your back to him, acting casual. However, you still catch the image of him
shifting nervously, not knowing how to react.

'You know what?', you begin, taking out tonight's clothes. 'Why don't you go see if
${teo} needs help getting prepared? I bet ${friendhe}'d be [i]really[/i] grateful.'

Raymond giggles behind you. 'I'll tell ${friendhim} [i]you[/i] sent me!', he
exclaims, flying out of the window in an instant.

'Hah', you hear yourself let out an amused breath. [i]Traitor[/i].

#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label nononsense_outfit_ray
'Something practical.'

'Oh. Practical is good.'

'Glad you agr...'

'Is that the one?', he cuts you off again, now staring over your shoulder into the

'Yes', you say, pushing him gently out of the way. [i]By the Twin God, this guy is
something else[/i], you think, looking at how serene he is no matter the

You busy yourself with sorting some of your belongings and he falls silent. Just
when you're about to turn, sensing that something's weird, you hear him speak.

'Do you think they'll...let me attend too?'

You need a moment to understand what he's referring to. He is slouching on the bed,
his voice smaller now and avoiding your gaze.

'The ball?'


'Why wouldn't they?'

'I never went to one and I'm not a noble...on top of that I'm also a demon, so...'

It's strange. He looks like a little child now, when just a few moments ago he
seemed like he couldn't care less what others were thinking about him.


His eyes lift up to yours.

'Who am I?', you ask, with a neutral expression.

He looks puzzled, but he answers eventually. '${name}...?'

'No, Ray, not my name. What [i]position[/i] do I hold?'

He blinks, wearing a silly expression. 'You're the ruler of the Northern Gates.'

'Exactly. If you want to, you'll attend.'

You turn your back to him, acting casual. However, you still catch the image of him
shifting nervously, not knowing how to react.

'You know what?', you begin, taking out tonight's clothes. 'Why don't you go see if
${teo} needs help getting prepared? I bet ${friendhe}'d be [i]really[/i] grateful.'

Raymond giggles behind you. 'I'll tell ${friendhim} [i]you[/i] sent me!', he
exclaims, flying out of the window in an instant.

'Hah', you hear yourself let out an amused breath. [i]Traitor[/i].

#An hour later, you're standing in front of the mirror, putting the final touches
on your attire.
*if relationf
*goto with_th_rel
*if engagedfriend
*goto friends_but_engaged
*if relation_teo_pending
*goto pend_pend
*goto my_custodian

*label my_custodian
'Are you ready, yet?'

${teo}'s impatient voice comes from the doorway of your chamber and you turn to
face ${friendhim}. ${el}'s wearing ${friendhis} formal dark blue clothes, with the
Custodian symbol delicately sewn on ${friendhis} silk cravat. You notice the signet
ring on ${friendhis} right index finger and you raise your eyebrow.

'Let's pretend I took your advice and I'm thinking seriously about taking this
position. I am the official heir, after all. At least for the moment', ${friendhe}
sighs. 'So I'm going to attend the discussions.'
#'${teo}, maybe you're's your life after all and you should get to
decide what to do with it.'
*set friend +6
*set innovative +4
*gosub what_surprise
*goto ballroom
#Don't say anything. This is how it should be.
*set innovative -5
*gosub no_surprise
*goto ballroom
*label pend_pend
'Are you ready, yet?'

${teo}'s impatient voice comes from the doorway of your chamber and you turn to
face ${friendhim}. ${el}'s wearing ${friendhis} formal dark blue clothes, with the
Custodian symbol delicately sewn on ${friendhis} silk cravat. You notice the signet
ring on ${friendhis} right index finger and you raise your eyebrow.

'I think it's best if we don't bring up the...engagement.'

#You don't like where this is going. 'Why?'
*set relation_teo_pending false
*set friend +6
*gosub try_to_mend
*goto ballroom
#${el}'s right, it's time to face the fact this isn't going to work.
*set relation_teo_pending false
*gosub break_up
*goto ballroom

*label try_to_mend
${el} scrutinises your face for what feels like ages, then ${friendhe} slightly
tilts ${friendhis} head.

'What do you really [i]want[/i], ${name}?'

Your mouth opens instinctively, then your freeze. You only have one chance to do
this right and you know it.

'I'm sorry', you say, your voice clear now. 'I was afraid and that made me
incredibly stupid. I hurt you, I know. But...'

You breathe in. 'I want to do better. I want to be better for you. And I want us
back together.'

You keep looking ${friendhim} in the eyes, until ${friendhe} suddenly sighs,
running ${friendhis} fingers through ${friendhis} hair.
You lower your gaze, feeling defetead.
Out of a sudden, you feel ${friendhis} arms around you, then the caress of $
{friendhis} hand on your back. You shift, trying to see ${friendhis} face, but $
{friendhe} kisses your brow, stopping you. 'Don't move. I'm still mad, you know', $
{friendhe} says, quietly.

'I'm mad but...I understand. It's alright to get scared, ${name}. I just wish you
had chosen to come to me then, instead of running away.'
You nudge your head in the crook of ${friendhis} neck and you smile. 'Thank you, $

'I've got you, so don't worry.'

'Yes', your smile grows even wider, 'I know.'

'But I still think we should hide our engagement', ${friendhe} suddenly adds,

'What?!', you exclaim raising you head.

'Listen', ${friendhe} stops you, smiling.

'Nobody here knows about it and we might as well take advantage of that. Otherwise,
I can't be there during the discussions.'

'Oh', you mutter. 'You're right.'

${el} smirks, letting you go as ${friendhe} gives you a kiss on the cheek. 'Of
course I am. Now, shall we go?'

You follow ${friendhim} out of the room.


*label break_up
You lower your gaze, thinking about what to say.

'It's fine, ${name}', ${friendhe} continues, in a tone that's so strange for $

{friendhim} to use. [i]Vulnerable. Regretful[/i].

'${teo}', you begin, but ${friendhe} cuts you off, swiftly. 'No. Please. I can
understand. But I can't [i]talk[/i] about it right now.'

You nod sligthly and ${friendhe} clears ${friendhis} throat. 'So...I'm going to
attend the discussions.'

'Sure', you answer quietly, following ${friendhim} out of the room.


*label no_surprise
You both walk out of the room, in silence.
*label what_surprise
${el} stops abruptly from fixing up ${friendhis} last cuffs and looks at you,
surprise evident on ${friendhis} face. You look each other in the eyes for what is
feels like minutes, then ${friendhe} looks back down, at ${friendhis} sleeve.

'I'm sorry, ${teo}', you add, shifting your gaze as well.

'Thank you. It means a lot to hear it.'

You just nod awkwardly, then you hear ${friendhim} speak again. 'But I'm still
coming with you to attend the discussions.'

'Sure', you answer, as you head for the door. 'Shall we, then?'
You both walk out of the room, in silence.

*label friends_but_engaged
'Are you ready, yet?'

${teo}'s impatient voice comes from the doorway of your chamber and you turn to
face ${friendhim}. ${el}'s wearing ${friendhis} formal dark blue clothes, with the
Custodian symbol delicately sewn on ${friendhis} silk cravat. You notice the signet
ring on ${friendhis} right index finger and you raise your eyebrow.

'Nobody here knows I'm not going to be the next Custodian and we might as well take
advantage of that. Otherwise, I can't be there during the discussions.'

${el} pauses for a moment, frowning at some unspoken thought. 'Of course, if you
don't want me to be there, I'll comply...'
#You burst out laughing. 'No, you won't! I [i]know[/i] you, ${teo} and nothing
can stop you when you're curious about something.'
*set intelligence +3
*gosub laugh_friends
*goto ballroom
#Your eyes go wide. 'What the hell are you talking about? You're definitely
*set calm -2
*gosub ofcourse_friends
*goto ballroom
#'And be the only one having [i]all that fun[/i]?', you grin. 'I don't think so.'
*set sarcasm +2
*gosub having_fun
*goto ballroom
#'Of course you can come with me', you smile.
*set gentleness +3
*if cold < 60
*gosub gentle_friend_always
*goto ballroom
*gosub gentle_friend
*goto ballroom

*label gentle_friend
${fhis} neutral expression cracks and the corners of ${friendhis} thin lips raise a
little. ${el} doesn't respond at first,
focusing on fixing up ${friendhis} cuffs.

You look one last time in the mirror, preparing to walk out of the room, when you
hear ${friendhim} speak. 'Thank you.'

You turn to ${friendhim}. 'I mean it, ${name}', ${friendhe} continues, with a
grateful smile. 'You know this is more about my own curiosity than about political
matters. Truth be told, I'm surprised you accepted it so easily.'

${fhis} smile turns into a grin. 'I think you deserve a [i]non-refusable[/i]!'

You chuckle. 'How nice of you to offer one.'

'That's true, I don't know what came over me', ${friendhe} says, with a mock-
worried expression on ${friendhis} face.

'I'll take it', you say, in an amused voice.

'Better not be something [i]too[/i] dangerous, though...'

'Well, we shall see', you joke as you walk out the door. 'It's not as you can
[i]refuse[/i] now, can you?'

*label gentle_friend_always
${fhis} neutral expression cracks and the corners of ${friendhis} thin lips raise a
little. ${el} doesn't respond at first,
focusing on fixing up ${friendhis} cuffs.

You look one last time in the mirror, preparing to walk out of the room, when you
hear ${friendhim} speak. 'Thank you.'

You turn to ${friendhim}. 'I mean it, ${name}', ${friendhe} continues, with a
grateful smile. 'You know this is more about my own curiosity than about political
matters. Yet you're kind as always, not asking any questions.'
${fhis} smile turns into a grin. 'I think you deserve a [i]non-refusable[/i]!'

You chuckle. 'How nice of you to offer one.'

'That's true, I don't know what came over me', ${friendhe} says, with a mock-
worried expression on ${friendhis} face.

'I'll take it', you say, in an amused voice.

'Better not be something [i]too[/i] dangerous, though...'

'Well, we shall see', you joke as you walk out the door. 'It's not as you can
[i]refuse[/i] now, can you?'

*label having_fun
'Actually', ${friendhe} begins, still focused on fixing up ${friendhis} cuffs,
'this situation [i]is[/i] quite interesting...'

'Really?', you ask cunningly, a smile forming on your lips.

'Yes, I'm curious about...'

'Two [i]non-refusables[/i]', you say, offhandedly.

'What?! No!', ${friendhe} exclaims almost at the same time.

You look at ${friendhim} feigning innocence. 'Are you sure? I thought you wanted to
come with me.'

${el} sighs, realising what you're trying to do. 'Two are too many and you know


'Come on, ${name}. The last time you used a [i]non-refusable[/i] I was almost eaten
by a [i]fog tiger[/i]!'

'I was fourteen! And you're being dramatic about it, just so you know. He just
didn't like you, but he wouldn't have [i]eaten[/i] you', you counter, getting a
little hesitant. 'You're not fair, ${teo}. I haven't used any [i]non-refusables[/i]
since then.'
'One', ${friendhe} begrudgingly mutters. 'You get one.'

You grin. Truth be told, you knew you weren't going to get two so this is exactly
what you wanted. 'Deal!'

'Better not be something [i]too[/i] dangerous this time...'

'Well, we shall see', you joke as you walk out the door. 'It's not as you can
[i]refuse[/i], can you?'

*label laugh_friends
${fhis} neutral expression cracks and the corners of ${friendhis} thin lips raise
in a small, self-satisfied smile. ${el} doesn't respond at first,
focusing on fixing up ${friendhis} cuffs.

'Well', ${friendhe} suddenly looks up at you, 'I'm glad we both agreed on that,

'Oh, I didn't say anything about agreeing', you say, curling your lips in a
devilish smile.

${fhis} smile fades immediately and panic seizes ${friendhis} gaze.

'${name}...', ${friendhe} begins trying to sound casual. 'You can't leave me out of

'Two [i]non-refusables[/i]', you say, full of confidence.

'No!', ${friendhe} exclaims almost at the same time. 'Two are too many and you know

'Are you sure?'

'Come on, ${name}. The last time you used a [i]non-refusable[/i] I was almost eaten
by a [i]fog tiger[/i]!'

'I was fourteen! And you're being dramatic about it, just so you know. He just
didn't like you, but he wouldn't have [i]eaten[/i] you', you counter, getting a
little hesitant. 'You're not fair, ${teo}. I haven't used any [i]non-refusables[/i]
since then.'

'One', ${friendhe} begrudgingly mutters. 'You get one.'

You grin. Truth be told, you knew you weren't going to get two so this is exactly
what you wanted. 'Deal!'

'Better not be something [i]too[/i] dangerous this time...'

'Well, we shall see', you joke as you walk out the door. 'It's not as you can
[i]refuse[/i], can you?'

*label ofcourse_friends
${fhis} neutral expression cracks and the corners of ${friendhis} thin lips raise
in a small, self-satisfied smile. ${el} doesn't respond at first,
focusing on fixing up ${friendhis} cuffs.

'Well', ${friendhe} suddenly looks up at you, 'I'm glad we both agree on that,

'And I get two [i]non-refusables[/i]', you say, offhandedly.

'What?! No!', ${friendhe} exclaims almost at the same time.

You look at ${friendhim} feigning innocence. 'Are you sure? I thought you wanted to
come with me.'

${el} sighs, realising what you're trying to do. 'Two are too many and you know


'Come on, ${name}. The last time you used a [i]non-refusable[/i] I was almost eaten
by a [i]fog tiger[/i]!'

'I was fourteen! And you're being dramatic about it, just so you know. He just
didn't like you, but he wouldn't have [i]eaten[/i] you', you counter, getting a
little hesitant. 'You're not fair, ${teo}. I haven't used any [i]non-refusable[/i]
since then.'

'One', ${friendhe} begrudgingly mutters. 'You get one.'

You grin. Truth be told, you knew you weren't going to get two so this is exactly
what you wanted. 'Deal!'
'Better not be something [i]too[/i] dangerous this time...'

'Well, we shall see', you joke as you walk out the door. 'It's not as you can
[i]refuse[/i], can you?'

*label with_th_rel
'Are you ready, yet?'
${teo}'s impatient voice comes from the doorway of your chamber and you turn to
face ${friendhim}. ${el}'s wearing ${friendhis} formal dark blue clothes, with the
Custodian symbol delicately sewn on ${friendhis} silk cravat. You notice the signet
ring on ${friendhis} right index finger and you raise your eyebrow.

'Nobody here knows I'm not going to be the next Custodian and we might as well take
advantage of that. Otherwise, I can't be there during the discussions.'

${el} pauses for a moment, frowning at some unspoken thought. 'Of course, if you
don't want me to be there, I'll comply...'
#You burst out laughing. 'No, you won't! I [i]know[/i] you, ${teo} and nothing
can stop you when you're curious about something.'
*gosub laugh_rel
*goto ballroom
#You chuckle lightly. 'I can't believe you actually thought about that, you silly
man. Of course I need you.'
*gosub gentle_rel
*goto ballroom
#Your eyes go wide. 'What the hell are you talking about? You're definitely
*gosub ofcourse_rel
*goto ballroom
#You sigh. 'I'm just annoyed that we have to hide the fact that we're engaged.'
*if calm > 65
*gosub th_cant_believe
*goto ballroom
*gosub expected_reaction
*goto ballroom

*label laugh_rel
${fhis} neutral expression cracks and the corners of ${friendhis} thin lips raise
in a small, self-satisfied smile. ${el} doesn't respond at first,
focusing on fixing up ${friendhis} cuffs.

'Well', ${friendhe} suddenly looks up at you, 'I'm glad we both agreed on that,

You approach ${friendhim}, unable to stop yourself from letting out another
chuckle. 'Did we?'

'I'd say we just did', ${friendhe} nods, closing the distance between you.
'And like you said, I can be very [i]persistent[/i] when something peaks my
If you left me by myself I could be tempted to cause all sorts of trouble in order
to satisfy my curiousity.
Can you imagine!?', ${friendhe} says, pretending to be worried.

You're so close now that you can almost see yourself in the dark depths of $
{friendhis} eyes.
'So you see', ${friendhe} whispers, leaning closer to your ear, 'it's better not to
leave me out of your sight.'

The feel of ${friendhis} warm breath on your skin makes you tingle, and you have to
close your eyes to control your thoughts right now.
${el} kisses you gently, then ${friendhe} takes a step back, grinning.

'Shall we go now?'

You shake your head, but keep on smiling. 'Of course. If we agreed on something, I
guess I can't take it back now, can I?'

'Oh, no, that would be very dishonourable of you.'

You look at each other in complete seriousness for a moment, then you both start to
giggle loudly. It takes a while until you're calm enough to
remember that you have a banquet to attend.

*label gentle_rel
${el} looks at you with an unfathomable look in ${friendhis} eyes, like ${friendhe}
just saw you for the first time.
${el} approaches you and ${friendhis} gaze remains locked with yours, even as $
{friendhe} buttons the last cuffs. When ${friendhe} stops in front
of you, you can almost see yourself reflected in ${friendhis} dark eyes.

You lean in instinctively, kissing ${friendhim}.

${fhis} kiss is gentle, but you can feel something raw and urgent underneath,
barely restrained.
You close your eyes and you can feel ${friendhim} smile, as your kiss deepens. Then
${friendhe} suddenly takes a step back, leaving you breathless.
${el} runs ${friendhis} fingers through ${friendhis} hair, trying to calm down and
${friendhe} lets out a deep breath. Then ${friendhe} grins at you.

'This will probably be a...difficult evening', ${friendhe} comments, unable to stop

You blink a few times, a little confused. 'Mmmm, yes, it's an unusual situation and
we have to be careful to...'

${el} bursts into laughter and you become even more confused.

'You're so sweet, ${name}. But that wasn't what I was referring to', ${friendhe}
says, giving you a peck on the cheek.

'Now, don't we have a banquet to attend, love?'

It's not until you exit the room that realisation dawns upon you and you feel
yourself beginning to blush.

*label ofcourse_rel
'Someone's eager to keep me close to ${her}', ${friendhe} comments with a self-
satisfied smile now forming on ${friendhis} face.

*comment NETERMINAT!!!
*comment pai sa termini

*label th_cant_believe
${el} turns to look at you and you see ${friendhe} wasn't expecting your reaction.
'You are?'
You smile, raising an eyebrow.

'Is it so strange?', you ask. 'You're my lover. Surely, I can be a [i]little[/i]

impulsive when it comes to you, can't I?'

${el} lets out a chuckle as ${friendhe} approaches you. 'It's just surprising. In a
good way.'
${el} pulls you closer, kissing you softly, slowly, like ${friendhe}'s trying to
[i]uncover[/i] you. Just as your skin begins to tingle, ${friendhe} takes a step
back, smiling.

'You did that on purpose!', you say squinting at ${friendhim}.

'Maybe', ${friendhe} chuckles again. 'But we kind of have a banquet to attend. The
one where the [i]king[/i] expects us, remember?'

You scoff jokingly. 'I'm lucky to have my Custodian with me, then, to remind me.'

'Exactly', you hear ${friendhim} commenting from behind you, as you walk out the
*label expected_reaction
${el} nods, like ${friendhe} was expecting exactly this reaction from you.
You raise an eyebrow.

'Well, excuse me for being impulsive when it comes to my lover', you say, pouting.

${el} lets out a chuckle as ${friendhe} approaches you. 'I didn't say I don't like
${el} pulls you closer, kissing you softly, slowly, like ${friendhe}'s trying to
[i]uncover[/i] you. Just as your skin begins to tingle, ${friendhe} takes a step
back, smiling.

'You did that on purpose!', you say squinting at ${friendhim}.

'Maybe', ${friendhe} chuckles again. 'But we kind of have a banquet to attend. The
one where the [i]king[/i] expects us, remember?'

You scoff jokingly. 'I'm lucky to have my Custodian with me, then, to remind me.'

'Exactly', you hear ${friendhim} commenting from behind you, as you walk out the

*label ballroom
An elegantly dressed footman guides you to the banquet hall and you enter after
both of your names are announced.
The noise inside the room fades a little, as some of the ones already present turn
their heads to observe you, but it's clear from their stares that it's more out of
curiosity than anything. As you pass through the crowd you think you can actually
hear someone say that you're the [i]snot-nosed brat sent by the Council[/i].
Trying to focus on something else, you begin to look around you.

You've heard so many stories about this hall as you grew up. Now you understand why
everyone's so obsessed with it.
You can't say for sure what shape it has because of the many columns, probably
meant to disorientate the eye. Every arch formed between them is adorned with
precious gems at the edges, all in the same greenish colour, making the ceiling
look like a stormy ocean. Beautiful. Uncontrollable.

So this is it. This is the gem used only by the royal family. [i]Emerald by
day[/i], you whisper to yourself.

All of a sudden, you hear the entrance door closing and the strike of a gong. You
knew this would happen when everyone invited arrived, but it still takes you by
surprise. In a moment, the heavy curtains are pulled together, and luminous magic
stones begin to fill the room with a new light. You raise your face towards the
arches once again.

[i]Ruby by night[/i]. The ocean hanging from the ceiling is now bright red, like a
sea of blood, changed by the new type of light.
'Well, how is the first visit going?'

You turn to see Beanon Kilcolt smiling at you, with a glass in his hand. He notices
your confused expression and his eyes crinkle further, making his smile seem even

'I remember I was quite overwhelmed by all this the first time I came here', he
#'I must admit it's...something else.'
Kilcolt nods, taking a sip. 'You're definitely right about that.'
#'It's true I'm new to this kind of setting, but don't worry. I won't get
overwhelmed by it.'
Kilcolt you in the eyes, pondering your words for a moment, then he takes a
sip. 'Good. Stay focused.'
#'Well, it's not [i]underwhelming[/i], that's what I can say for sure.'
Kilcolt nods, taking a sip. 'You're definitely right about that.'
#'I think I made more enemies just by walking in here than I would have made by
trying to usurp the throne.'
Kilcolt nods, taking a sip. 'And you're probably right about it.'

'How was your first visit?', you ask, suddenly curious.

He lets out a small chuckle, looking at his glass. 'The first time I came in my
capacity as ruler was right after my mother, the previous ruler, died. I came to
ask the king permission to marry Muireann.'

'Oh', you interject, realising that you actually know about [i]that[/i] visit. The
one in which the young leader of the Planes of Golden relinquished all the
territory's military resources to gain permission to marry his demon lover.

He looks at you. 'By your expression I can guess you already know how it went.'
#'But did it go as you wanted it to go?', you ask, sensing there's something more
to that story than it meets the eye.
*set instinct +3
*set calm +3
*set kilcol +2
*gosub instinct_tells_you
#'Well, I don't know about that. Did it really go as I think it did?', you ask,
not wanting to make any wrong assumptions.
*set instinct -3
*set calm +3
*set kilcol +2
*gosub reason_tells_you
#'Yes. You gave up power for the sake of love', you smile admiringly.
*set idealist +3
*set calm -3
*gosub gentle_soul
#'Yes. You gave up power for the sake of love', you say, unable to stop yourself
from frowning.
*set idealist -3
*set calm -3
*gosub n_gentle_soul
*if (register)
*if (intelligence > 60) or (methodical > 60)
#'You made a clever move then. I think it went quite well.'
*set leadership +3
*set intelligence +2
*set kilcol +3
*gosub master_of_conv
#'Arailt thinks your move then was pretty clever, though I don't really
understand in what way.'
*set leadership -3
*set intelligence -2
*set kilcol -3
*gosub know_my_name_not_story

*label instinct_tells_you
'Hah!', he lets out a short, unintentional laugh. 'You're a sharp one.'

He takes a quick subtle glance around, probably to be sure no one's listening in on

your conversation, then he looks back at you. He smiles again, but it's different
now and you begin to understand a little better how he managed to become the
wealthiest man in the kingdom.

However, his cunning expression evaporates in a second, making you doubt it was
real in the first place and he goes back to his usual, soft smile.

'Yes. It did. You see, when I became the new head, I knew it was only a matter of
time until the king seized our troops. It was inevitable, our territory already had
too much power for him to sit comfortably in the capital. And the timing was
perfect. A new, young leader who could easily make...stupid mistakes.'

He slowly takes another sip of wine, while you remain silent, waiting for him to
'I didn't want to just wait for the king to set me up, so he could make this move
[i]legitimately[/i]. So I gave him a reason.'

Your eyes go wide. 'So...all of it was [i]planned[/i]?!'

'It depends on how you look at it, I guess', he muses. 'It's true I was planning on
marrying someone from the demon side and that I was going to use it as a way to
escape a messier situation. And it [i]might[/i] be true that some bards were
encouraged to spread certain stories about the love between a young noble from The
Planes of Golden and a beautiful demon. Which worked wonders, I must add.'
*goto but_he_says

*label reason_tells_you
'Hah!', he lets out a short, unintentional laugh. 'You're a wise one.'

He takes a quick subtle glance around, probably to be sure no one's listening in on

your conversation, then he looks back at you. He smiles again, but it's different
now and you begin to understand a little better how he managed to become the
wealthiest man in the kingdom.

However, his cunning expression evaporates in a second, making you doubt it was
real in the first place and he goes back to his usual, soft smile.

'Yes. It did. Well, mostly. You see, when I became the new head, I knew it was only
a matter of time until the king seized our troops. It was inevitable, our territory
already had too much power for him to sit comfortably in the capital. And the
timing was perfect. A new, young leader who could easily make...stupid mistakes.'

He slowly takes another sip of wine, while you remain silent, waiting for him to

'I didn't want to just wait for the king to set me up, so he could make this move
[i]legitimately[/i]. So I gave him a reason.'

Your eyes go wide. 'So...all of it was [i]planned[/i]?!'

'It depends on how you look at it, I guess', he muses. 'It's true I was planning on
marrying someone from the demon side and that I was going to use it as a way to
escape a messier situation. And it [i]might[/i] be true that some bards were
encouraged to spread certain stories about the love between a young noble from The
Planes of Golden and a beautiful demon. Which worked wonders, I must add.'
*goto but_he_says
*label gentle_soul
He looks at you fondly. 'You're just like Greer.'

He takes a quick subtle glance around, then he sighs, looking like someone else for
an instance. Someone wearier, more cunning. As you observe him now, you begin to
understand a little better how he managed to become the wealthiest man in the

However, the unusual expression evaporates in a second, making you doubt it was
real in the first place and he goes back to his usual, soft smile.

'That's not the whole story.

Now, listen to me, ${name}. Greer was my dear friend and even so, I couldn't help $
{deadhim} when ${deadhe} nedeed it the most. But...maybe I can help you instead,
hoping ${deadhe}'ll forgive me.

His words fall heavy between you two. His regret is almost palpable and you wish
you knew what to say, but you don't. He takes a moment to regain his composure,
then he speaks again.
'You see, when I became the new head, I knew it was only a matter of time until the
king seized our troops. It was inevitable, our territory already had too much power
for him to sit comfortably in the capital. And the timing was perfect. A new, young
leader who could easily make...stupid mistakes.'

He slowly takes another sip of wine, while you remain silent, waiting for him to

'I didn't want to just wait for the king to set me up, so he could make this move
[i]legitimately[/i]. So I gave him a reason.'

Your eyes go wide. 'So...all of it was [i]planned[/i]?!'

'It depends on how you look at it, I guess', he muses. 'It's true I was planning on
marrying someone from the demon side and that I was going to use it as a way to
escape a messier situation. And it [i]might[/i] be true that some bards were
encouraged to spread certain stories about the love between a young noble from The
Planes of Golden and a beautiful demon. Which worked wonders, I must add.'

'But', he says, his gaze tender now, 'Muireann appearing on my doorsteps one day,
saying with full confidence that she's my future wife, surely was not part of my
#You smile sincerely. 'I can actually imagine it.'
*set cold -5
*set gentleness +3
*set kilcol +2
*goto bet_you_do
#'So the bards were right in the end', you say, smiling knowingly.
*set intuition +3
*set sarcasm +3
*set cold -4
*set kilcol +2
*goto bards_true
#You frown, honestly concerned. 'Does anyone else know about this?'
*set cold -6
*set kilcol +7
*goto true_concern

*label n_gentle_soul
He looks at you amused. 'Don't be too hasty in your judgement. Or you'll regret it

He takes a quick subtle glance around, then he sighs, looking like someone else for
an instance. Someone wearier, more cunning. As you observe him now, you begin to
understand a little better how he managed to become the wealthiest man in the

However, the unusual expression evaporates in a second, making you doubt it was
real in the first place and he goes back to his usual, soft smile.

'That's the known part of the tale. But not the whole of it.
Now, listen to me, ${name}. Greer was my dear friend and even so, I couldn't help $
{deadhim} when ${deadhe} needed it the most. But...maybe I can help you instead,
hoping...${deadhe}'ll forgive me.'

His words fall heavy between you two. His regret is almost palpable and you wish
you knew what to say, but you don't. He takes a moment to regain his composure,
then he speaks again.
'You see, when I became the new head, I knew it was only a matter of time until the
king seized our troops. It was inevitable, our territory already had too much power
for him to sit comfortably in the capital. And the timing was perfect. A new, young
leader who could easily make..stupid mistakes.'

He slowly takes another sip of wine, while you remain silent, waiting for him to

'I didn't want to just wait for the king to set me up, so he could make this move
[i]legitimately[/i]. So I gave him a reason.'

Your eyes go wide. 'So...all of it was [i]planned[/i]?!'

'It depends on how you look at it, I guess', he muses. 'It's true I was planning on
marrying someone from the demon side and that I was going to use it as a way to
escape a messier situation. And it [i]might[/i] be true that some bards were
encouraged to spread certain stories about the love between a young noble from The
Planes of Golden and a beautiful demon. Which worked wonders, I must add.'
*goto but_he_says

*label master_of_conv
'Hah!', he lets out a short, unintentional laugh. 'How so?'

He takes a quick subtle glance around, probably to be sure no one's listening in on

your conversation, then he looks back at you.

'When you became the head of the Kilcolts, it was already too late to avoid your
military being taken away from you', you say, matter-of-factly.

'Your territory was too powerful for any king to just sit comfortably in his
throne. And when the matriarch died, the timing was perfect. A new, young leader
could...make certain mistakes that would justify certain punishments.'

He slowly takes another sip of wine, waiting for you to continue. He just smiles,
but there's something different about his expression and you begin to understand a
little better how he managed to become the wealthiest man in the kingdom.

'But...from what I know, you never really made those types of mistakes. Which I
imagine was inconvenient for the previous king. And unsettling for you. I suspect
the king was growing impatient and was thinking of resorting to other methods, such
as...[i]making it seem like you did something[/i].

The smartest move I can think of for someone in this position is to [i]create[/i]
the reason himself. This way, at least, he has a certain degree of control over it.
He can at least [i]negotiate[/i].'

His smile grows bigger and you take a deep breath.


'A love story wouldn't affect your political image as much as accusations of
corruption or something of the sort. But it could be serious enough to warrant some
royal intervention. Especially when your future wife is a banshee who can see the
future. Every noble with an ounce of self-preservation could agree it was just
[i]too much[/i]. So you traded. You gave your troops and, I suspect, something on
the side, in exchange for a friendly relation with the throne and your peace of

Silence falls between you for a few long moments and you begin to shift in your
place. Then you look him in the eyes, but his gaze is unreadable.

'Of course, that's just my personal opinion', you say, a little hesitantly. 'I
don't want to be presumptuous.'
Out of nowhere, he begins to laugh. 'You're a smart one. I must admit, you took me
by surprise.'

Your eyes go wide. 'I did?'

'Oh, yes. Now, ${name}, I have a question of my own. Do you think it all went
according to plan?'
He appears to enjoy this situation, like you're playing a guessing game.

'Mmmm...', you recall your short stay at the Kilcolts.

'It depends on how you look at it, I guess', he muses.
'You didn't expect to actually fall in love, lord Kilcolt', you smile.
'Yes', he grins. 'You're right.'

'It's true I was planning on marrying someone from the demon side and that I was
going to use it as a way to escape a messier situation. And it [i]might[/i] be true
that some bards were encouraged to spread certain stories about the love between a
young noble from The Planes of Golden and a beautiful demon. Which worked wonders,
I must add.'
*goto but_he_says

*label but_he_says
'But', he says, his gaze tender now, 'Muireann appearing on my doorsteps one day,
saying with full confidence that she's my future wife, surely was not part of my
#You smile sincerely. 'I can actually imagine it.'
*set cold -5
*set gentleness +3
*set kilcol +2
*goto bet_you_do
#'So the bards were right in the end', you say, smiling knowingly.
*set intuition +3
*set sarcasm +3
*set cold -4
*set kilcol +2
*goto bards_true
#You frown, honestly concerned. 'Does anyone else know about this?'
*set cold -6
*set kilcol +7
*goto true_concern
#'Does anyone else know about this?', you ask, trying not to look suspicious. You
could use this to your own advantage.
*set corruption +5
*set kilcol -10
*goto suspicious

*label know_my_name_not_story
'Hah!', he lets out a short, unintentional laugh. 'Yes, I imagine he does. That
clever rascal saw right through it.'

He looks at you amused. 'Word of advice, though, ${surname}. You're a leader now.
Don't make hasty comments, without understanding the situation. Or you'll regret it

He takes a quick subtle glance around, then he sighs, looking like someone else for
an instance. Someone wearier, more cunning. As you observe him now, you begin to
understand a little better how he managed to become the wealthiest man in the

However, the unusual expression evaporates in a second, making you doubt it was
real in the first place and he goes back to his usual, soft smile.

'There are more sides to that tale than you know.'


Now, listen to me, ${name}. Greer was my dear friend and even so, I couldn't help $
{deadhim} when ${deadhe} needed it the most. But...maybe I can help you instead,
hoping ${deadhe}'ll forgive me.'

His words fall heavy between you two. His regret is almost palpable and you wish
you knew what to say, but you don't. He takes a moment to regain his composure,
then he speaks again.
'You see, when I became the new head, I knew it was only a matter of time until the
king seized our troops. It was inevitable, our territory already had too much power
for him to sit comfortably in the capital. And the timing was perfect. A new, young
leader who could easily make...stupid mistakes.'

He slowly takes another sip of wine, while you remain silent, waiting for him to

'I didn't want to just wait for the king to set me up, so he could make this move
[i]legitimately[/i]. So I gave him a reason.'

Your eyes go wide. 'So...all of it was [i]planned[/i]?!'

'It depends on how you look at it, I guess', he muses. 'It's true I was planning on
marrying someone from the demon side and that I was going to use it as a way to
escape a messier situation. And it [i]might[/i] be true that some bards were
encouraged to spread certain stories about the love between a young noble from The
Planes of Golden and a beautiful demon. Which worked wonders, I must add.'

'But', he says, his gaze tender now, 'Muireann appearing on my doorsteps one day,
saying with full confidence that she's my future wife, surely was not part of my
#You smile sincerely. 'I can actually imagine it.'
*set cold -5
*set gentleness +3
*set kilcol +2
*goto bet_you_do
#'So the bards were right in the end', you say, smiling knowingly.
*set intuition +3
*set sarcasm +3
*set cold -4
*set kilcol +2
*goto bards_true
#You frown, honestly concerned. 'Does anyone else know about this?'
*set cold -6
*set kilcol +7
*goto true_concern
#'Does anyone else know about this?', you ask, trying not to look suspicious. You
could use this to your own advantage.
*set corruption +5
*set kilcol -10
*goto suspicious

*label bet_you_do
He laughs heartily at your comment. 'I'll never forget that day, I swear upon my
name! She just entered my life, turned it upside down and refused to leave, that

Your smile grows even bigger, because in spite of his words, you can see how much
he loves her, making his rambling all the more funnier.

'I really enjoyed staying with your family', you add gleefully. 'It felt strange at
first, but...restful somehow.'

His smile fades abruptly and a new, heavier emotion forms in his eyes, making you
feel confused. 'That's how family should feel, ${name}.'

You realise it's [i]sadness[/i]. That's what his gaze shows you now and you begin
to feel uncomfortable.

'Oh, well, I promised to visit soon, so I guess I'll get used to it.'
You pause shortly, then you decide it's time to go. Before it gets more awkward.

'Lord Kilcolt, it's been a pleasure.'

He nods his head in a silent greeting, his smile somehow regretful now.
*goto drink_food

*label bards_true
He laughs heartily at your comment. 'I guess they were! The young nobleman was
spellbound by a beautiful demon!'

Your smile grows even bigger, because in spite of his words, you can see how much
he loves her, making his rambling all the more funnier.

'I really enjoyed staying with your family', you add gleefully. 'It felt strange at
first, but...restful somehow.'

His smile fades abruptly and a new, heavier emotion forms in his eyes, making you
feel confused. 'That's how family should feel, ${name}.'

You realise it's [i]sadness[/i]. That's what his gaze shows you now and you begin
to feel uncomfortable.

'Oh, well, I promised to visit soon, so I guess I'll get used to it.'
You pause shortly, then you decide it's time to go. Before it gets awkward..

'Lord Kilcolt, it's been a pleasure.'

He nods his head in a silent greeting, his smile somehow regretful now.
*goto drink_food

*label drink_food
You walk away, turning towards...
#The buffet. Time for a snack!
*set methodical -2
*if friend > 50
*gosub dragon_entrance_food
*goto expected_envoy
*gosub no_friend_there
*goto expected_envoy_three
#The buffet. Time for a drink!
*set methodical -2
*if friend > 50
*gosub dragon_entrance_beverage
*goto expected_envoy
*gosub no_friend_there
*goto expected_envoy_three
#Somewhere closer to the throne. The envoy is expected to arrive any minute now,
you should be prepared to greet them.
*set methodical +2
*gosub envoy_i_know
*goto expected_envoy_two

*label true_concern
He laughs heartily at your comment. 'Don't worry about this old man!'

You smile a little, relaxing and he puts his hand on your shoulder. 'But thank you,
${name}. It's good to still meet friends around here. All of this almost makes me
miss my rowdy home, honestly.'

You laugh at his remark.

'I really enjoyed staying with your family. It's true it was kind of loud and it
felt strange at first, was restful somehow.'

His smile fades abruptly and a new, heavier emotion forms in his eyes, making you
feel confused. 'That's how family should feel, ${name}.'

You realise it's [i]sadness[/i]. That's what his gaze shows you now and you begin
to feel uncomfortable.

'Oh, well, I promised to visit soon, so I guess I'll get used to it.'
You pause shortly, then you decide it's time to go. Before it gets awkward..

'Lord Kilcolt, it's been a pleasure.'

He nods his head in a silent greeting, his smile somehow regretful now.
You walk away, turning towards...
#The buffet. Time for a snack!
*set methodical -2
*if friend > 50
*gosub dragon_entrance_food
*goto expected_envoy
*gosub no_friend_there
*goto expected_envoy_three
#The buffet. Time for a drink!
*set methodical -2
*if friend > 50
*gosub dragon_entrance_beverage
*goto expected_envoy
*gosub no_friend_there
*goto expected_envoy_three
#Somewhere closer to the throne. The envoy is expected to arrive any minute now,
you should be prepared to greet them.
*set methodical +2
*gosub envoy_i_know
*goto expected_envoy_two

*label suspicious
His smile disappears from his face and his gaze turns sharp.

'Careful now, ${surname}. The greatest mistake you could make is to assume that I
won't retaliate, just because you are the child of my friend.'

He pauses for an instance, then his usual smile returns to his face. 'The current
king helped me, actually. Together with your ${parentoth}. A funny story, maybe I
will get to share it with you someday. Now, ${lord} ${surname}, this has been a
pleasure, but I have to go.'

He nods his head in a silent greeting, but he doesn't really wait for your
Left alone, you turn towards...
#The buffet. Time for a snack!
*set methodical -2
*if friend > 50
*gosub dragon_entrance_food
*goto expected_envoy
*gosub no_friend_there
*goto expected_envoy_three
#The buffet. Time for a drink!
*set methodical -2
*if friend > 50
*gosub dragon_entrance_beverage
*goto expected_envoy
*gosub no_friend_there
*goto expected_envoy_three
#Somewhere closer to the throne. The envoy is expected to arrive any minute now,
you should be prepared to greet them.
*set methodical +2
*gosub envoy_i_know
*goto expected_envoy_two

*label no_friend_there
Dragons or no dragons, you're determined to at least enjoy the refreshments.

'You should be closer to the king's seat right now.'

You flinch, turning in the direction of ${teo}'s reproachful comment. You open your
mouth to say something, but seeing ${friendhis} expression, you just sigh. You
already know you're not going to get through to ${friendhim}.
Instead, you look over ${friendhis} shoulder, at the king. He's currently talking
about something with the queen, privately. You watch them for a moment. You also
noticed this before, but she seems tense. [i]Whereas he looks calm as the gliding

'The envoy is expected to arrive any minute now', you hear ${teo} say, bringing you
back to your conversation. 'You should be one of the first to greet them.'

'Yes, you're right', you admit, letting out a breath.


*label dragon_entrance_beverage
Dragons or no dragons, you're determined to at least enjoy the refreshments. It
doesn't take long before you're happily pouring yourself your second glass of
something yellowish and fragrant that you can't quite identify.

'You should be closer to the king's seat right now.'

You flinch, turning in the direction of ${teo}'s reproachful comment.

#'You look like aunt Cecily right now, you know that?', you answer, with an
impish smile.
${el} smirks, not in the least affected by your words. 'I would have no way of
knowing since she was wearing this expression only with you. And I fully understand
'That hurt!', you laugh.
#'Of course, I'll be there in a moment', you say, taking another sip of wine.
'At least you could [i]try[/i] to be convincing', ${friendhe} says, rolling $
{friendhis} eyes.
#'To be trampled to death by pretty ladies dressed in frills and handsome men
wearing expensive gloves?', you ask in disbelief.
'I'm quite sure you'll survive. But if you don't I promise to tell everybody at
home that you died heroically, for the land and the people.'
#You sigh. 'Yes, I know...'

You look over ${friendhis} shoulder, at the king. He's currently talking about
something with the queen, privately. You watch them for a moment. You also noticed
this before, but she seems tense. [i]Whereas he looks calm as the gliding moon[/i].
*label dragon_entrance_food
Dragons or no dragons, you're determined to at least enjoy the refreshments. It
doesn't take long before you're happily filling your second plate with delicious,
crispy biscuits and custard.

'You should be closer to the king's seat right now.'

You flinch, turning in the direction of ${teo}'s reproachful comment.

#'You look like aunt Cecily right now, you know that?', you answer, with an
impish smile.
${el} smirks, not in the least affected by your words. 'I would have no way of
knowing since she was wearing this expression only with you. And I fully understand
'That hurt!', you laugh.
#'Of course, I'll be there in a moment', you say, taking another bite from a
honey-glazed biscuit.
'At least you could [i]try[/i] to be convincing', ${friendhe} says, rolling $
{friendhis} eyes.
#'To be trampled to death by pretty ladies dressed in frills and handsome men
wearing expensive gloves?', you ask in disbelief.
'I'm quite sure you'll survive. But if you don't I promise to tell everybody at
home that you died heroically, for the land and the people.'
#You sigh, with a pleading look on your face.
'Nope, not going to work this time', ${friendhe} says, trying to avert $
{friendhis} eyes.

You look over ${friendhis} shoulder, at the king. He's currently talking about
something with the queen, privately. You watch them for a moment. You also noticed
this before, but she seems tense. [i]Whereas he looks calm as the gliding moon[/i].

'The envoy is expected to arrive any minute now', you hear ${teo} say, bringing you
back to your conversation. 'You should be one of the first to greet them.'

'Yes, you're right', you admit, letting out a breath.


*label envoy_i_know

You turn in the direction of ${teo}'s voice. Before ${friendhe} can add anything
else, you speak, nodding your head. 'The envoy. I was on my way.'

'Great. If we're lucky, we won't be trampled to death in the process.'

You turn, before ${friendhe} can see your smile.


*label expected_envoy_three
Just as you take the first step towards the throne, the heavy doors begin to shift
and everyone goes still. A booming voice shouts a row of six names and the dragons
come forward into the hall, in their human-like form. You cannot really see their
faces, but even at a distance, you notice the graceful and dignified air that
surrounds them. You advance as inconspicuous as you can through the crowd and you
feel ${teo} following closely behind. Although you're not near enough yet, you
catch a better glimpse of the last one in the group. The first thing you notice is
their straight, snowy hair, reaching just above their waist. And the fact that they
are the only one whose hair is braided.

All of them are clothed in exceptionally well made white and golden robes and it
crosses your mind that Giles would love to see this. [i]And they wouldn't let you
off ever again for not paying attention to your wardrobe[/i].

The group reaches the throne and you see the greetings being exchanged.

Your companion catches up to you quickly.

'${teo}', you begin quietly, keeping your eyes on the dragons, 'what do [i]you[/i]

You feel a thin magic thread forming and you discreetly turn towards ${teo}. $
{fhis} upturned black eyes are now almost hazel, as ${friendhe} focuses on the
scene taking place in front of you.

'I expected this, but they don't even try to hide the fact they aren't happy to be
here', ${friendhe} whispers. 'The king doesn't seem to mind, though.'

You remain silent, letting ${friendhim} concentrate.

There are six of them, but I'm sure not even your sight is that bad that you
wouldn't notice that...'

You roll your eyes, as ${friendhe} continues to speak. 'You already know the
hierarchy custom they have, so the ones in the front are the oldest of the

${fhis} eyes change back to their dark colour abruptly, and you sense the magic
beginning to evaporate. 'That's it. Nothing odd. Just six grumpy white dragons.'

You nod and your eyes move instinctively to ${friendhis} collar, where you're sure
the pendant ${friendhe} just used is, covered by ${friendhis} cravat. You've never
really seen ${friendhim} without it since ${friendhe} received it as a present,
when ${friendhe} was ten.
*goto late_for_the_party
*label expected_envoy
Just as you take the first step towards the throne, the heavy doors begin to shift
and everyone goes still. A booming voice shouts a row of six names and the dragons
come forward into the hall, in their human-like form. You cannot really see their
faces, but even at a distance, you notice the graceful and dignified air that
surrounds them. You advance as inconspicuous as you can through the crowd and you
feel ${teo} following closely behind. Although you're not near enough yet, you
catch a better glimpse of the last one in the group. The first thing you notice is
their straight, snowy hair, reaching just above their waist. And the fact that they
are the only one whose hair is braided.

All of them are clothed in exceptionally well made white and golden robes and it
crosses your mind that Giles would love to see this. [i]And they wouldn't let you
off ever again for not paying attention to your wardrobe[/i].

The group reaches the throne and you see the greetings being exchanged.

${teo} catches up to you quickly.

'${teo}', you begin quietly, keeping your eyes on the dragons, 'what do [i]you[/i]

You feel a thin magic thread forming and you discreetly turn towards ${teo}. $
{fhis} upturned black eyes are now almost hazel, as ${friendhe} focuses on the
scene taking place in front of you. 'I expected this, but they don't even try to
hide the fact they aren't happy to be here', ${friendhe} whispers.
'The king doesn't seem to mind, though.'

You remain silent, letting ${friendhim} concentrate.

'Hmmm...could it be?'

'What?', you ask impatiently.

'I think the embroidery is made of actual gold', ${friendhe} answers, completely
#'All of it?', you ask, genuinely curious.
*set methodical -3
*gosub all_gold
*goto late_for_the_party
#You roll your eyes. 'Focus, please.'
*set methodical +3
*gosub focus_focus
*goto late_for_the_party
#'And you have the guts to tell [i]me[/i] to be serious about this', you hiss at
*set sarcasm +3
*gosub please_be_serious
*goto late_for_the_party

*label focus_focus
'Unless you think they could use those ornaments to attack us, that's not a piece
of information worth knowing', you grumble.

'If you weren't too busy emptying the buffet, you could've gathered the information
you needed by yourself', ${friendhe} mutters under ${friendhis} breath, just like $
{friendhe} did when ${friendhe} he was scolded as a child. You almost smile.

'So, there are six of them, but I'm sure not even your sight is that bad that you
wouldn't notice that...'

You roll your eyes, as ${friendhe} continues to speak. 'You already know the
hierarchy custom they have, so the ones in the front are the oldest of the

${fhis} eyes change back to their dark colour abruptly, and you sense the magic
beginning to evaporate. 'That's it. Nothing odd. Just six grumpy white dragons.'

You nod and your eyes move instinctively to ${friendhis} collar, where you're sure
the pendant ${friendhe} just used is, covered by ${friendhis} cravat. You've never
really seen ${friendhim} without it since ${friendhe} received it as a present,
when ${friendhe} was ten.

*label please_be_serious
'Someone has to be. And now's your turn', ${friendhe} says, matter-of-factly.

You smirk. 'Well, besides details about their impressive choice of clothing, can
you provide some other type of information? Something worth knowing for our

'Well, there are six of them, but I'm sure not even your sight is that bad that you
wouldn't notice that...'

You roll your eyes, as ${friendhe} continues to speak. 'You already know the
hierarchy custom they have, so the ones in the front are the oldest of the

${fhis} eyes change back to their dark colour abruptly, and you sense the magic
beginning to evaporate. 'That's it. Nothing odd. Just six grumpy white dragons.'

You nod and your eyes move instinctively to ${friendhis} collar, where you're sure
the pendant ${friendhe} just used is, covered by ${friendhis} cravat. You've never
really seen ${friendhim} without it since ${friendhe} received it as a present,
when ${friendhe} was ten.

*label expected_envoy_two
Just as you take the first step towards the throne, the heavy doors begin to shift
and everyone goes still. A booming voice shouts a row of six names and the dragons
come forward into the hall. You cannot really see their faces, but even at a
distance, you notice the graceful and dignified air that surrounds them. You
advance as inconspicuous as you can through the crowd. Although you're not close
enough yet, you catch a better glimpse of the last one in the group. The first
thing you see is their straight, snowy hair, reaching just above their waist. And
the fact that they are the only one whose hair is braided.
All of them are clothed in exceptionally well made white and golden robes and the
first thought that crosses your mind is that Giles would love to see this. [i]And
they wouldn't let me off ever again for not paying attention to my wardrobe[/i].

The group reaches the throne and you see the greetings being exchanged.

${teo} catches up to you quickly.

'${teo}', you begin quietly, keeping your eyes on the dragons, 'what do [i]you[/i]

You feel a thin magic thread forming and you discreetly turn towards ${teo}. $
{fhis} upturned black eyes are now almost hazel, as ${friendhe} focuses on the
scene taking place in front of you.

'I expected this, but they don't even try to hide the fact they aren't happy to be
here', ${friendhe} whispers. 'The king doesn't seem to mind, though.'

You remain silent, letting ${friendhim} concentrate.

'Hmmm...could it be?'

'What?', you ask impatiently.

'I think the embroidery is made of actual gold', ${friendhe} answers, completely
#'All of it?', you ask, genuinely curious.
*set methodical -3
*gosub all_gold
*goto late_for_the_party
#You roll your eyes. 'Focus, please.'
*set methodical +3
*gosub focus_focus_two
*goto late_for_the_party

*label all_gold
'Yep', ${friendhe} says, not missing a beat.

'Interesting choice', you mutter.

'Putting it mildly...', ${friendhe} grimaces.

'But never mind that', you suddenly shift your attention. 'Something worth knowing
for [i]our[/i] meeting?'

'I don't think so', ${friendhe} answers. 'There are six of them, but I'm sure not
even your sight is that bad that you wouldn't notice that...'

You roll your eyes, as ${friendhe} continues to speak. 'You already know the
hierarchy custom they have, so the ones in the front are the oldest of the

${fhis} eyes change back to their dark colour abruptly, and you sense the magic
beginning to evaporate. 'That's it. Nothing odd. Just six grumpy white dragons.'

You nod and your eyes move instinctively to ${friendhis} collar, where you're sure
the pendant ${friendhe} just used is, covered by ${friendhis} cravat. You've never
really seen ${friendhim} without it since ${friendhe} received it as a present,
when ${friendhe} was ten.

*label focus_focus_two
'Unless you think they could use those ornaments to attack us, that's not a piece
of information worth knowing', you grumble.

'[i]Who hurt you lately?[/i]', ${friendhe} mutters under ${friendhis} breath, just
like ${friendhe} did when ${friendhe} he was scolded as a child. You almost smile.

'So, there are six of them, but I'm sure not even your sight is that bad that you
wouldn't notice that...'

You roll your eyes, as ${friendhe} continues to speak. 'You already know the
hierarchy custom they have, so the ones in the front are the oldest of the

${fhis} eyes change back to their dark colour abruptly, and you sense the magic
beginning to evaporate. 'That's it. Nothing odd. Just six grumpy white dragons.'

You nod and your eyes move instinctively to ${friendhis} collar, where you're sure
the pendant ${friendhe} just used is, covered by ${friendhis} cravat. You've never
really seen ${friendhim} without it since ${friendhe} received it as a present,
when ${friendhe} was ten.

*label late_for_the_party
'Anyways, it's useless for us to be running through the crowd now', ${friendhe}
continues, not noticing your gaze.

'True', you agree, watching a group of nobles approaching the envoy. 'At least
we're not the only ones late', you remark, tilting your chin towards the tall
figure standing a few feet apart from you.

${teo} controls ${friendhis} expression just in time to stop a grimace. 'Let's try
not to engage with him.'

You continue to discreetly observe the head of the Underdall family. 'Do you think
he was also caught in the wrong spot?'

'Not a chance', scoffs ${teo}. 'I just met him today, but I can already tell he's
too thorough for that to happen. There's another reason.'

You sigh. The orchestra begins to play.

[i]The orchestra begins to play[/i].

[i]Your body is frozen into place[/i].

'The music...', you try to speak, but you feel like you can barely even breathe

Instinctively you clutch onto ${teo}'s sleeve and you immediately feel ${friendhis}
hand on your arm, supporting you.
Beads of cold sweat begin to form on your temples and the image of bright yellow
poppies flash before your eyes.

'Shit', you hear yourself whisper. [i]The vision you had at the Kilcolts[/i].

You force yourself to steady your breath. '${teo}, listen...I need to rest a

'${name}, here you were!', someone exclaims from behind you.

You turn and you barely have time to figure out who exactly is the owner of the
voice, when a pair of golden feline-like eyes catch your attention.

'...let me introduce you to...'

'Ilzrus', you inadvertently cut him off, staring at the white dragon in front of

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