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Arabic Name of the Sounds Like ••• Example

Character Letter

'alif ('a) Sounds like the "a" in 'ab
"apple" Father
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like ••• Example
Character Letter

'- • )

baa' Sounds like the "b" Baab

in "boy" Door

Arabic Name of the- Sounds Like ••• Example
Character Letter

♦- taa' Sounds like the tilmiidh

in ''table" Student
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

thaa' Sounds like the thalaatha

:. ''th" Three
in ''think"

Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

jiim Sounds like the "j" jamiil

in "measure" Pretty
Arabic Name.of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter
No equ ivalent in English; Imag ine
Haa' the sound you make when you Harr
want toblow on your reading
glasses to clean them; that soft,
raspy noise That comes out is the
letter H aa'.

Arabic Name of the Sou nds Like •• Example

Character Letter

khaa' Sou nds a lot like khuukh

"Bach" in German Peach
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

daal Sounds like the "d" daar

in "dog" House
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

dhaal Sounds like the ''th" dhahab

in ''those" Gold
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

raa' Sounds like the "r" rajul

in "really" Man

Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example

Character Letter


zaay Sounds like the "z" zawja

in "zebra" Wife
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

siin Sounds like the "s" samak

in "Snake" Fishes
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter


shiin Sounds like the "sh" shams

in "Sheep" Sun

Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter
A very deep ''s"
Saad you can make if you Sadiiq
open your mouth really Friend
wide and lower your
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like-•• Example
Character Letter

• Daad
A very deep "d" sound, the
exact same sound as a Dabaab
Saad except that you use
a "d" instead of an "s"
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter
A very deep ''t" sound, start
Taa' off by saying a regular "t" Tabiib
and then lower your mouth Doctor
to make it rounder

Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

DHaa' Take the ''th" as in ''those" DHahr

and draw it to the back of Back
your throat
Arabic Name of Sounds Like-•• Example
Character the Letter
No equivalent in English; produced at
the very back of the throat. Breathe
'ayn heavily & Consistently through your 'amal
Esophagus & then Intermittently choke Work
off the airflow so that you create a
Staccato Noise
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

ghayn Sounds like the French "r" ghariib

in "rendezvous"; it's Strange
created at the back of the

Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example

Character Letter

♦ faa' Sounds like''f" in funduq

"Frank" Hotel

Arabic Name of Sounds Like-•• Example

Character the Letter
Similar to the letter "k," but
qaaf produced much farther at the qahwa
back of the throat; you should Coffee
feel airflow being Constricted at
the back of your throat
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

kaaf Sounds like "k" in kutub

"Keeper" Books
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

laam Sounds like "I" in lisaan

"learn" Tongue
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

miim Sounds like "m" in Makhzan

"Mary" Storehouse

Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example

Character Letter

• nuun Sounds like "n" in naDHiif

"No" Clean
Arabic Name of Sounds Like-•• Exampl
Character the Letter e
Created by exhaling heavily; very different
haa' from the Haa' earlier in the list. (Think of huwa
yourself as a marathon Runner who's just He
finished a long race & is breathing heavily
through the lungs to replenish your oxygen)
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

waaw Sounds like''w" in waziir

''Winner" Minister
Arabic Name of the Sounds Like •• Example
Character Letter

yaa' Sounds like ''Y" in yamiin

''Yes" Right

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