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Nama : Desi Fitria

NPM : 2020620035

C. Choose the correct preposition to complate the sentences.

1. Welcome to our company.

2. Mai has told me a lot about you.

3. We met in the sales conference.

4. We are working on a project together.

5. I’ii be back at a moment.

6. The restroom is on the left.

7. We’re meeting the sales manager at 11 o’clock.

8. I’II show you arround the building.

G. We can also use these phrases to ask about things.

Choose one of the prrases to complate the questions.

1. Clothes do you wear at work/collage? What Color / What Size

2. Coffe do you drink ? What Brand Of

3. Emails do you write (in the office)? What Kind Of

4. Magazines do you read? What Color

5. Smartphone do you prefer? What Brand Of

6. Spreadheet software do you use ? What Kind Of

7. Sports shoes do you wear? What Color / What Size

8. Food do you eat at lunchtime ? What Kind Of

A. Before you read skin the article and find out what krisada atthakor does in his free time.
He can watch a movies on the theater, gym and exercise. And then he can see a Sharks, sea
turtles, and different kinds of fish that swim under and around the rig.

B. Scanning for detail

1. Incorrect, because he shares his 16 by 16 matter. Bedroom with another engineer.

2. Incorrect, because they have cafeteria serves start from early in the morning until late at night .

3. Incorrect, he attended a special training course for work on the oil rig after he graduated from
Bangkok technical collage.

4. Incorrect, because he said that life is never boring at sea.

5. Incorrect, because they have their own gym.

6. Incorrect, because krisada said “and to relax I watch the shark, sea turtles, different kinds of
fish that swim under and around the rig.

7. Correct, because now they have fiber optics and a good internet connection.

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