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Chapter 2

● Scout’s first day at school

● The class is a mix of children from a cross section of society
● Scout’s new teacher is from a northern state ,hence is unaware of the “indigenous
peculiarities” of the south
● People in the north owned factories and did different businesses instead of owning
land. They were professors and politicians who were considered inferior in the
● Children in the South were extremely poor, they had to work on farms, picking
cotton or feeding pigs as soon as they could walk.
● By reading the local newspaper, The Mobile Register with Atticus, Scout learns to
● Scout starts school on the wrong foot.By knowing how to read. Miss Caroline found
her writing a letter in class because she was bored as she knew all that Miss
Caroline was teaching.
● Scout a breasts Miss Caroline about the Cunninghams they don’t borrow anything
they can't pay.They are proud and hardworking
● Atticus won them an entailment case against the government and they paid him
with vegetables, chicken and stove wood
● All the professionals in Maycomb are poor because the farmers are poor
● Miss Caroline feels offended and Scout is punished.

Chapter 3
● Scout fist fights Walter Cunningham as she holds him responsible for being
punished and landing in Miss Caroline’s bad books. This shows ,that although she
is kind at heart but aggressive in her actions
● Jem not only rescues Walter but invites him to dinner to make up for Scout’s
behaviour, this reflects his mature and responsible attitude although he is not so
● Scout’s condescending attitude towards Walter’s table manners and being punished
by Cal a black maid, says volumes about the brought up of Atticus
● Atticus is very different .He respects people for their moral values not the colour
of their skin.” Calpurnia had more education than most coloured folks”
● Scout’s new acquaintances in class. Lice infested Burris Ewell, “He didn’t know
where his next meal was coming from, but he was born a gentleman”
● Burris Ewell, filthy, dirty, foul mouthed a complete picture of an Ewell.
● Mrs Ewell passed away but it seems that her presence would not have made much
of a difference. Burris had been coming to school only for the first day for fear of
the “truant lady” a lady from the government who ensures that responsible
parenting is being carried out.
● Scout is horrified by her school experience and plans to run away
● Cal loves Scout , she makes her favourite crackling bread
● Scout appraises Atticus about her decision to be home schooled as she had been
forbidden to read with him, something she eagerly looked forward to
● ,\ Atticus is compassionate and empathetic
● He teaches Scout her first life lesson, “ You never really understand a person
until you climb into his skin and walk around it”
● Ewells have been the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations
● Atticus is law abiding. He does not let Scout skip school. “You Miss Finch are of the
common people. You must obey the law”
● gives the hint of deep rooted prejudice. Mr. Ewell is allowed to hunt in the
forbidden months, so that he could feed his children, since he does not work and
spends his relief cheque on whisky. Burris is so formidable because of his careless
● Atticus is understanding as he shows Scout the technicality of a compromise. If
Scout goes to school, he could go on reading with her, on the condition that she
does not tell anyone, so thankfully the Scout drops her plan of running away from

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