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Java JDesktopPane

The JDesktopPane class, can be used to create "multi-document" applications. A multi-

document application can have many windows included in it. We do it by making the
contentPane in the main window as an instance of the JDesktopPane class or a subclass.
Internal windows add instances of JInternalFrame to the JdesktopPane instance. The
internal windows are the instances of JInternalFrame or its subclasses.


Modifier and Field Description


static int LIVE_DRAG_MODE It indicates that the entire contents of the item being
dragged should appear inside the desktop pane.

static int OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE It indicates that an outline only of the item being
dragged should appear inside the desktop pane.


Constructor Description

JDesktopPane() Creates a new JDesktopPane.

Java JDesktopPane Example

1. import java.awt.BorderLayout;  
2. import java.awt.Container;  
3. import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;  
4. import javax.swing.JFrame;  
5. import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;  
6. import javax.swing.JLabel;  
7. public class JDPaneDemo extends JFrame  
8. {  
9.   public JDPaneDemo()   
10.   {  
11.     CustomDesktopPane desktopPane = new CustomDesktopPane();  
12.     Container contentPane = getContentPane();  
13.     contentPane.add(desktopPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);  
14.     desktopPane.display(desktopPane);  
16.     setTitle("JDesktopPane Example");  
17.     setSize(300,350);  
18.     setVisible(true);  
19.   }  
20.   public static void  main(String args[])  
21.   {  
22.     new JDPaneDemo();  
23.   }  
24. }  
25. class CustomDesktopPane extends JDesktopPane  
26. {  
27.   int numFrames = 3,  x = 30, y = 30;  
28.   public void display(CustomDesktopPane dp)   
29.   {  
30.     for(int  i = 0; i < numFrames ; ++i )   
31.     {  
32.       JInternalFrame jframe = new JInternalFrame("Internal Frame " + i ,  true, true, true, t
34.       jframe.setBounds(x, y, 250, 85);  
35.      Container c1 = jframe.getContentPane( ) ;  
36.      c1.add(new JLabel("I love my country"));  
37.      dp.add( jframe );  
38.      jframe.setVisible(true);         
39.      y += 85;  
40.     }  
41.   }  
42. }  

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