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Teacher’s Manual

Series' Highlights
 Online Safety and
 Devices and Technology
 Past Present Future of Technology
 Case Study
 Techno Facts
 Tech Manners

with Textbook
Digital Planet
Computing ICT

Teacher’s Manual
for Digital Planet Computing ICT

R. Ghosh
Chapter 1 – Computer Peripherals
1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. iii c. i d. iii e. ii f. iii g. i
h. ii i. i j. i
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Peripheral b. OMR c. Bar code d. RFID
e. Touch screen f. Touch sensor g. Finger printer
h. Label printer i. Smart board
3. State true or false.
a. True b. True c. False d. True e. False
f. True g. False h. False i. True j. True
4. Think and Answer.
Mobile Printer
5. Give the full form.
a. MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
b. OMR: Optical Mark Recognition
c. OCR: Optical Character Recognition
d. LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
e. CAD: Computer Aided Drafting
6. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. The peripheral devices are the different devices attached outside the
computer to perform a particular job.
b. Peripherals are commonly divided into three parts: Input devices, Output
devices and Storage devices.
c. The most commonly used input devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick,
scanner, light pen, digital camera, etc.
d. This stripe can contain up to 60 characters of information.
e. Graphic tablets can also be used to capture data or handwritten
f. Examples include fingerprints, facial features and eye patterns.
g. Information on the display device exists electronically and is displayed for

a temporary period of time. For this reason information on the display
device is also referred to as soft copy.
h. A mobile printer is a small, lightweight, battery-powered printer that
allows a mobile user to print from a notebook computer, or smart phone
or other mobile device while traveling.
i. Internal, External and Miniature hard disk drives.
Long-answer questions:
a. Biometrics is the technology of authenticating a person’s identity by
verifying a personal characteristic. Biometric devices are input devices
that grant users access to programs, systems, or rooms by analyzing
some physiological or behavioural characteristic. The different types of
Biometrics devices are:
i. A fingerprint reader captures curves and indentations of a fingerprint.
A fingerprint reader system has two basic jobs – first it captures an
image of your finger, and then it determines whether the pattern of
this image matches the pattern of pre-scanned images.
ii. Face recognition is a system that captures a live facial image and
compares it with a stored image to determine if the person is a
legitimate user.
iii. Iris recognition systems is used at high security areas. The camera
in an iris recognition system that uses iris recognition technology to
read patterns in the iris of the eye. These patterns are as unique as a
b. Computers have the capability to store your information in a variety of
ways. All of these different ways require a specific storage device. Storage
devices also known as secondary, auxiliary, permanent and mass storage.
They can hold data, instructions and information for future use. Hard disk
drive, NAS Server, Optical Media Storage Drive, Flash Drive, Smart Card
and Cloud Storage are some storage devices.
c. Braille printers’ also called Braille embosser is an impact printer that
renders text as Braille. Braille Printer operates by embossing raised Braille
dots onto Braille paper.
d. A smart board is a touch-sensitive device which resembles a black
board used in schools. It displays the image on a connected computer
screen. A user controls the computer program by clicking a remote
control, touching, drawing on or erasing with a special digital pen and

eraser. Notes written on the smart board can be saved directly on the
computer. These are used frequently in classrooms as a teaching tool and
to enhance delivery of presentations. Smart Board can be hung on the
wall or mounted on a stand.
e. Differentiate between:
i. Internal hard drives are found inside a computer. Every computer
comes with one at the time of purchase; they are required for the
machine to function.
External hard drives can be bought separately for extra storage
space and are generally connected to the computer in question via
a USB cable. Internal and external desktop hard drives are the same.
External desktop hard drives come in a shell that allows you to use it
outside of the computer case.
ii. A CRT monitor is a monitor that is similar to a standard television set
because it contains a cathode ray tube. A cathode ray tube (CRT) is
a large and sealed glass tube. The front of the tube has the screen.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors use liquid crystals, instead of a
cathode ray tube, to display information on the screen. LCD monitors
are a lightweight, compact screen that consumes less than one-third
of the power as compared to a CRT monitor.
iii. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that involves
reading typewritten, computer-printed or handwritten characters
from ordinary documents and converts them into a form that the
computer can understand.
OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) is a scanner that reads marks on
specific areas of the page. The scanner is able to detect a marked
area by shining a beam of light onto the document because it is more
reflective than an unmarked surface. OMR can read hand-drawn
marks such as small circles or rectangles.
iv. Input devices are used to enter data and information into the
computer. Most commonly used ones like keyboard, mouse, joystick,
scanner, light pen, digital camera, etc.
An output device accepts the results produced by the computer, which
are in coded form and hence cannot be read or understood easily.
So output devices convert the coded result in a readable form. The
different output devices like monitor, printer, speaker, headphone,

f. Describe the use of:
i. MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Reader (MICR) recognizes
numeric data printed with magnetically-charged ink. It is used on
bank checks and deposit slips.
ii. Bar code reader, also called a bar code scanner, is used to input data
from bar codes. Most products in the shops have bar codes on them.
iii. A magnetic stripe is the black or brown stripe that can be seen on
credit cards or may be at the back of airline tickets or transit cards.
This stripe can contain up to 60 characters of information which is
stored magnetically in the card when it is made and can never be
iv. A graphics tablet is a flat, rectangular, electronic, plastic board which
is an input device that allows you to draw images by hand, similar to
the way one draws an image with pencil and paper. These tablets can
also be used to capture data or handwritten signatures.
v. A touch screen is a computer display screen that is sensitive to human
touch, allowing users to interact with the computer by touching
an active area. You can touch words, pictures, numbers, letters, or
locations identified on the screen.
vi. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is technology that uses radio
signals to communicate with a tag placed in or attached to an object.
An RFID reader reads information on the tag via radio waves.
g. Cloud storage is an Internet service that provides storage to computer
users. There are many service providers that provide many types of
storage for free or a fee. Some provide storage for specific types of files,
such as photos or e-mail messages, whereas others store any type of file.
Some of the storage providers who provide storage are: Windows Live
SkyDrive, Flickr, Picasa, YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, etc.

Chapter 2 – Computer Memory

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. ii c. i d. i e. ii f. ii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. RAM b. Byte c. 1024 d. 72 e. DRAM f. MRAM g. EPROM
3. Give the full form.
a. RAM: Random Access Memory

b. MRAM: Magnetoresistive RAM
c. ROM: Read Only Memory
d. SIMM: Single In-Line Memory Module
e. RDRAM: Rambus DRAM
f. DDRSDRAM: Double Data Rate SDRAM
4. Match the following.
a. iii b. iv c. v d. vi e. ii f. i
5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. The primary memory or main memory stores data and instructions
temporarily in the computer.
b. Bits mean Binary Digits in the form of 0 and 1. A bit is the smallest unit
of information which a computer can process. After bit comes byte, a
combination of eight bits. A computer stores a character as a byte. Thus,
a byte is the basic storage unit in memory.
c. Dynamic RAM (DRAM), Static RAM (SRAM) and Magnetoresistive RAM
d. A memory module is a circuit board that holds memory chips.
Direcr RDRAM.
Long-answer questions:
a. Bits mean Binary Digits in the form of 0 and 1. A bit is the smallest unit
of information which a computer can process. After bit comes byte, a
combination of eight bits. A computer stores a character as a byte. Thus,
a byte is the basic storage unit in memory. Each bit and byte resides
temporarily in a location in memory that has an address. An address
simply is a unique number that identifies the location of a byte in memory.
In the computer, if one character is stored then one bit memory is filled
and if eight characters are stored then one byte memory is filled.
b. A Single In-Line Memory Module (SIMM) is the most common type of
memory module. SIMMs can have either 30 or 72 pins, but the 72-pin
module is more common in new computers. A bank of SIMMs usually
consists of two sockets, so you can install two SIMMs at a time. A Dual
In-Line Memory Module (DIMM) is used in computers with a Pentium or
compatible CPU. A DIMM is similar to a SIMM, but has 168 pins. A bank of

DIMMs consists of only one socket, so you only need to install one DIMM
at a time.
c. Direct RDRAM is the result of a collaboration between Intel and a
company called Rambus to develop a new memory system. It is a totally
new RAM architecture, complete with bus mastering and a new pathway
between memory devices. Direct RDRAM is actually the third version of
Rambus technology.
d. Different types of Dynamic RAM are:
i. Fast Page Mode DRAM (FPM DRAM): It is slightly faster than basic
ii. Extended Data Out DRAM (EDO DRAM): was developed by Micron
Technology for use in the first Pentium-class computers. It is a type
of dynamic RAM that keeps data available for the CPU while the next
memory access is being initialized, resulting in increased speed.
iii. Burst EDO DRAM (BEDO DRAM): BEDO is a new type of EDO DRAM
that is slightly faster.
iv. Synchronous DRAM (S DRAM): is a type of dynamic RAM memory
that provides a 25% speed increase over the earlier EDO technology
without any appreciable increase in cost, which is why it is used in so
many systems.
v. Double Data Rate SDRAM (DDR SDRAM): is the next-generation
SDRAM. Unfortunately, it is not backward compatible with
motherboards designed for straight SDRAM, so upgrading to DDR
means upgrading the motherboard as well.
vi. Rambus DRAM (RD RAM): a dynamic RAM chip technology from
Rambus that transfers data at 600 MBytes/sec (up to 10 times faster
than conventional DRAMs).
vii. Direct RDRAM: is a third version of Rambus technology.
e. Static RAM chips are faster and more reliable than any variation of DRAM
chips. SRAM is faster and consumes less power than DRAM and it is
slightly more expensive.
f. Cache is a temporary storage area for instructions and data that is closer
to the CPU’s speed. Cache is built directly in the processor chip. When the
processor needs an instruction or data, it first searches cache. If it cannot
locate the item in cache, then it searches RAM. Most modern computers
have three types or layers of memory cache: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

i. Level 1 (L1) cache, also called primary cache or internal cache, is built
directly into the processor chip. L1 cache usually has a very small
capacity, ranging from 8 KB to 128 KB.
ii. Level 2 (L2) cache, or external cache, is slightly slower than L1 cache,
but has a much larger capacity, ranging from 64 KB to 16 MB.

Chapter 3 – Buying a Computer

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. i c. iii d. ii e. iii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Enjoyable, frustrating b. Brand name, Clone computer
c. Expensive, reliable d. Desktop
e. Active-matrix, Passive-Matrix f. One
3. Think and Answer.
Clone computer (Desktop computer)
4. Answer the following question.
Short-answer questions:
a. A brand-name computer is a computer made by a large computer
manufacturer, such as IBM, Dell, HP or Compaq.
b. Clone computer refers to any computer that is not completely made by a
large computer manufacturer. It contains a variety of components from
different manufacturers.
c. A web cam is a small digital video camera that can capture and display live
video on a web page. Some web cams are built into computer monitors.
d. A netbook is smaller, lighter, and often not as powerful as a traditional
notebook computer. It is a perfect travel companion and meets basic
computing needs, including e-mail, web surfing, and simple document
e. You should always purchase your computer from a reputable store or
smaller outlet that other people have recommended to you.
Long-answer questions:
a. Before you purchase a computer, you need to know what type of
computer is right for you and what extras you really need. If you have
little experience with technology and find yourself unsure of how to

proceed. You can start by talking to your friends and teachers about
their computers. What type of computers did they buy? Why? For what
purposes do they use their computer.
b. A brand-name computer is a computer made by a large computer
manufacturer, such as IBM, Dell, HP or Compaq. Brand-name computers
contain components made or approved by the manufacturer. Clone
computer refers to any computer that is not completely made by a large
computer manufacturer. It contains a variety of components from different
manufacturers. Brand-name computers are usually more expensive
but more reliable than clone computers. You cannot easily upgrade a
brand name computer because it is specially designed and expensive to
replace. A clone computer can be easily upgraded because it can support
a wider range of components from a variety of manufacturers. Brand-
name computers usually come with better after-sale service than clone
c. When buying a computer, you need is to know the type of system that
would work for you.
i. You should buy a desktop computer if you work mostly in one place
and have plenty of space in the work area.
ii. You should buy a laptop computer if you travel for business or just
want to work outdoors. Keep in mind that a notebook generally costs
more than the equivalent desktop computer.
iii. You should buy a Netbook computer if you travel and budget is less.
It is the perfect travel companion and meets basic computing needs,
including e-mail, web surfing, and simple document creation.
iv. You should buy Tablet PC if you often take notes at meetings and you
want a convenient way to save those notes on your computer.
d. You must consider these factors before making your decision while buying
a computer.
i. You should always purchase your computer from a reputable store or
smaller outlet that other people have recommended to you.
ii. You must consider the price you want to spend on a computer. Low-
priced computers are often too slow for day-to-day use, and are made
with cheap parts that may not last very long. High-priced computers
are usually more powerful than what you need. Mid-priced computers
generally have the best combination of quality and performance.

iii. Sometimes dealers offer additional promotions to save your money.
For example, a dealer may offer extra RAM or a printer free with the
purchase of a new computer.
iv. Before purchasing, be sure to consider any additional costs
associated with buying a computer, such as a broadband modem, an
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), computer furniture, a USB flash
drive, stationary, etc.
v. Many computers will only come with a one year warranty. If your
computer gives more problems, consider purchasing an extended
warranty or a service plan through a local dealer. Most extended
warranties cover the repair and replacement of computer components
beyond the standard warranty of one year.
e. Many notebook computers give longer battery life but some notebook
computers come with the lowest capacity battery. For this reason, be
careful in choosing a notebook computer if you plan to use it without
access to electrical outlets for long periods. If you anticipate running the
notebook computer on batteries frequently, choose a computer that uses
lithium-ion batteries, which last longer than nickel cadmium or nickel
hydride batteries.
f. Short note on
i. The motherboard, sometimes called a system board, is the main
circuit board of the system unit. Many electronic components attach
to the motherboard; others are built into it.
ii. Most computers include a DVD+RW combination drive and/or DVD/
Blu-ray disc drive. These drives allow you to read optical discs and
to write data on (burn) an optical disc. It also will allow you to store
and share video files, digital photos, and other large files with other
people who have access to a DVD/Blu-ray Disc drive.
iii. The processor, also called the central processing unit (CPU), is used
to control all the functions of computers. Most processor chip
manufacturers now offer multi-core processors.

Chapter 4 – PivotTable & Chart in Excel

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. iii b. ii c. i d. i
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. 17 billion b. Function c. Report filter, data, column, row d. Slicer
3. State true or false.
a. True b. False c. True d. True
4. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows users to organize data in rows
and columns and perform calculations on the data. A function is a ready-
made formula that performs common calculations such as adding the
values in a group of cells.
b. Report Filter fields enable you to filter the data that appears in your
c. A pivotChart is a powerful data analysis tool that enables one to visualize
a PivotTable.
d. Quarter is another discrete variable because all values fall into one of four
quarters—Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, or Quarter 4.
Long-answer questions:
a. A Pivot chart is a powerful data analysis tool that enables one to visualize
a PivotTable. PivotTables reveal patterns in your data. PivotCharts, which
you base on PivotTables, make patterns even more apparent. You can
create this chart by following these steps.
i. Click on any cell in your PivotTable. The PivotTable tools will appear.
ii. Click on Option tab.
iii. Click on PivotChart. The Insert Chart dialog box appears.
iv. Select a chart type.
v. Select a chart sub-type.
vi. Click on OK. The PivotChart appears.
b. PivotTable is one of the most useful tool for keeping track of our data
and doing calculations in Excel. It shows how data is distributed across
categories. It help us to answer questions about our data. The body of
a PivotTable has continuous data to show how the data are distributed
across rows and columns. You can create this table by following these
i. Click inside the database list.
ii. Click on Insert tab.
iii. Click on PivotTable. The Create PivotTable dialog box opens.

iv. Click on the Table/range button to choose the table range.
v. Select a range and then click on Close.
vi. Click on the radio button to specify where to place the table. In this
example we are using New Worksheet.
vii. Click on OK.
viii. Excel opens the PivotTable Field List on a new worksheet named
Sheet 4. The PivotTable tools become available.
ix. Click on the checkbox for the field you want to include in your
x. Click and drag fields among the Report Filter, Column Labels, Row
Labels, and Values boxes. Your changes instantly appear as you build
the PivotTable.
c. If you want to remove a PivotTable from your worksheet:
i. Click anywhere in the PivotTable. The PivotTable tools become
ii. Click on the Options tab.
iii. Click on Select in the Actions group. A menu appears.
iv. Click on EntireTable. Excel selects the entire table.
v. Press the Delete key from the keyboard. Excel deletes your
d. Slicer is a new feature which provides a rich visualization of your PivotTable
view so you can dynamically segment and filter the data to display, just
what you need. A slicer also acts as a ‘remote control’ for the PivotTable.
You can place a slicer anywhere you want and without needing to move
the PivotTable, use the slicer to filter out data.

Chapter 5 – Tables in MS Access

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. ii c. i d. iii e. iii f. i
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Access b. Database c. 63,999 d. Relational, multiple e.Security
3. State true or false.
a. False b. False c. True d. False e. True

4. Think and answer.
Attachment data type
5. Write the steps.
Creating a table in Datasheet View.
i. Click on Create tab on the Ribbon.
ii. Click on the Table button. Access opens a new table in Datasheet view.

iii. Double-click the column header to create a field name.

iv. Type a name for the field.

v. Press the Enter key from keyboard.
vi. Click on the next column. A Data Type menu will appear.

vii. Select the data type for the field.

viii. Type a name for the field.

ix. Repeat Steps 6 to 8 to create more fields for the table.

x. Click inside the first field of the first row and type the data to enter
the first record.
xi. Press the Tab key.
xii. Type the next field’s data.

Repeat Steps 11 and 12 to complete the record.
When you reach the last field, you can press Enter to start a new record.
b. Creating a table in Design View.
1. Open the database and click on the Create tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the Table Design button. The Table1 Window appears.
3. In the Field Name column, type the name of the first field.
4. Press the Tab key to bring the Insertion point to the Data type field.
5. If you want to change the data type, click on the arrow button and change
the data type according to your need.
6. Press the Tab key to move the insertion point to the Description
7. Type your text as the description in the Description column.
8. Press the Tab key again to move to the Field Name column in the second
9. Repeat steps 3–7 to make the remaining entries in the table to
complete it.

6. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Database is a collection of data which is organized in a manner that can
be easily retrieved. They consist of fields, records and files.
b. In design view the Window is divided into two pans: top pane for creating
field name, specify field types, and entering field descriptions and bottom
pane for specifying field properties.
c. Datasheet View and Design View are the different views in which a table
can be created.
d. The General tab contains most of the properties you will work with.
e. Relational database can contain multiple tables with links between
f. Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time and Currency are the five commonly
used data types.
Long-answer questions:
a. A database is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access,
retrieval, and use of that data. In a manual database, you might record
data on paper and store it in a filing cabinet. With a database software
like Access, the computer stores the data in an electronic format on a
storage medium such as a hard disk. The software is also used to access,
release, modify, delete, search, sort, design and print the data.
b. Access stores the data in tables. Each individual entry in the table is called
a record. For example, in a students’ table, the information about each
student is a separate record. Each record is composed of one or more
fields that contain individual pieces of data. For example, student fields
may include Roll number, Name, Address and Class.
c. In Datasheet View you can add new fields simply by typing the field names
into the column-heading placeholders. Datasheet View is good when you
need a quick table consisting of just a few fields. In Design View you can
get the exact fields that you want. A data sheet view shows the data in
the database. It allows you to enter and edit the data, but you cannot
change the format of the database. Design view allows you to create or
change the table, form or any other database object.
d. Each field has a property which is set from the bottom pane of the Design
view window. These properties include basics such as its size and format
as well as rules for making entries, such as specifying whether an entry is
required or restricting an entry to certain values.
e. Each field has a data type that defines what you can store in it. Data
entry is restricted to valid entries for the type you choose, which helps to
prevent data-entry errors. For example, you cannot enter letters in a field
set to Number, and you must enter valid dates or times in a Date/Time

Chapter 6 – Features in MS Access

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. ii b. iii c. i d. i e. iii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Searched b. Relational database c. Multiple value d. AND, OR
e. Filtering data by selection f. Table/Query, Related data/Query
g. Form, Datasheet of Data h. Design
3. Complete the following.
a. Type of forms
i. Multiple Items ii. Datasheet iii. Split Form
iv. Modal Dialog v. PivotChart
b. Views of Forms
i. Design View ii. Layout View
4. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Selecting data in the table is necessary for doing any task. The selected
data appears highlighted on your screen.
b. Find and Replace is a feature that is used to find and replace the specific
record in a large database. Through the Find option one can search data
in table, queries and form easily and quickly, and through the Replace
option the searched data can be replaced with the other data easily.
c. You can filter data to display only records containing data of interest.
Filtering data can help you review and analyse information in your
d. Sorting means arranging the records in a particular order, ascending or
e. Primary key.
f. Simple Form, Split Form, Multiple Item Form, Datasheet, Modal Dialog,
PivotChart and PivotTable.

Long-answer questions:
a. Filtering data by selection is used to display only records containing data
of interest. Filtering data can help you review and analyse the information
in your database. For example, you may want to find all the customers
who work for a certain company or all the people with a certain job title.
b. You can connect tables by creating relationships between them based
on a common field that they share. These relationships make it possible
to create forms, queries, and reports that include fields from multiple
tables. Relationships are created and managed in a special database view
called the Relationships window. You can create relationships between
tables from this window by dragging a field from one table onto a field
from another table.
c. A form is a view of one or more tables that is designed to be used for
data entry and editing. By creating forms, you can make your database
more user-friendly for inexperienced users who need to enter and edit
records in it. You can create a simple form based on a table by following
the steps:
i. In the navigation Pane, click on the table you want to use as a form.
ii. Click on the Create tab.
iii. Click on Form. The form appears.

Chapter 7 – Queries & Reports in Access

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. ii b. i c. i d. i
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Parameter b. Cross tab c. Design d. Wild card e. Labels
3. State true or false.
a. False b. True c. False d. True e. True
4. Think and answer.
First create a query in design view and include sports. Now in the Criteria field,
type the data (swimming) you want to view. Now click on the Run button to
see the result of all the students who have taken swimming as sports.
5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Criteria acts like a filter option that filters out certain records.
b. Access provides two special wildcards. The asterisk (*) and Question
mark (?).
c. In Access, reports are used to present information in a neat and organised
format that is ready for printing.
Long-answer questions:
a. A query is simply a question represented in a way that Access can
understand. It is a basic tool that Access provides for retrieving information
from your database. It allows you to take information from single or
multiple tables to obtain the data you want. Each query functions like a
question that can be asked immediately or saved to be asked later. There
are several types of queries in MS Access.
i. Select Queries: The select query is the most common type of query
that retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the result in
ii. Parameter Queries: Parameter query displays its own dialog box
prompting you for information, such as criteria for retrieving records
or a value you wish to insert in a field.
iii. Crosstab Queries: Crosstab query is used to calculate and restructure
data for easier analysis.
iv. Action Queries: An action query uses just one operation to make
changes to or move many records. There are four types of action
queries : delete, update, append and make table queries.
b. Wildcards are symbols that represent any character or combination of
characters. Access provides two special wildcards. The asterisk (*) which
is the first of the two wildcards, represents any collection of characters.
Thus A* represents the letter A, followed by any collection of characters.
The other wildcard symbol is the question mark (?), which represents
any individual character. Thus A? represents the letter A, followed by any
single character that follows the letter, such as in Aman.
c. Reports are used to present information in a neat and organized format
that is ready for print. This is a way to display data from a query and table
in an appealing way i.e. presentation. When a report is opened in Access,
it is opened in Print Preview. After creating the report you can save and
modify it in the Layout view or Design view.

Chapter 8 – Tables and Forms in HTML
1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. ii c. ii d. ii e. iii f. ii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. <TR> b. <TD> c. Cell d. Tables e. Form f. Input
g. Checkbox h. Radio
3. State true or false.
a. True b. True c. True d. False e. True
4. Think and answer.
Your neighbour should set up a Form in the website.
5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Write the tags used for:
i. <BR> ii. <HR> iii. <Table> iv. <FORM>
b. Tables are used to present large amounts of data in rows and columns. It
is also used to organize the overall structure of a web page.
c. <TABLE>, <TR>, <TD>, <TH> and <CAPTION> tags are the building blocks
of HTML tables.
d. Forms provide an easy way to collect needed information from web page
Long-answer questions:
a. Tables are used to present large amounts of data in rows and columns. It
is also used to organize the overall structure of a web page. Tables contain
rows and columns. The places where the columns and rows intersect are
called cells. Each cell can hold web page content. All table-related tags
occur between the <TABLE> and </TABLE> container tags. The <TABLE>
element defines the table itself. The <TR> tag defines a table row. The <TD>
tag defines the table data, or cell content. The <TH> tag centres a heading
at a table’s top or side. <CAPTION> places a title at the top of the table.
b. Any type of input mechanism on a form is called an input control. A form
may contain several different input controls classified as data input or
text input controls. A data input control can be a radio button (radio), a
check box (checkbox), a Submit button (submit), a Reset button (reset),

or a selection menu (select). A text input control allows the user to enter
text through the following:
i. A text box (text), for small amounts of text.
ii. A textarea box (textarea), for larger amounts of text.
iii. A password text box (password), for entering a password.
c. Define the following:
i. Text boxes are normally used for entering names and addresses.
ii. Password box is used to enter confidential or secretive information,
such as credit card number or password.
iii. A large text area allows visitors to enter several lines of text. It is
ideally used for getting comments or feedback from the visitors.
iv. Check boxes are used on a form if you want visitors to be able to
select one or more options.
v. Radio buttons are used on a form if you want visitors to select to only
one of the several options.
vi. Menu is used to offer visitors a list of options to choose from.
vii. Submit button is used so that visitors can click to send the information
they entered in your form to your web server or your e-mail.
viii. Reset button is used so that visitors can click to clear the information
they entered in your form.

Test Paper 1 (Based on Chapters 1–8)

1. Fill in the blanks.
a. DIMM b. Formula c. finger d. Advanced filter e. Clone
f. record g. Theme h. Password
2. Define the following.
a. The different hardware devices attached to the computer are called
peripheral devices.
b. A primary key is a key that differentiates the records in a file.
c. Static Random Access Memory which is used in small amounts as cache
memory in a computer.
d. A simple question represented in a way that Access can understand.
3. State True or False.
a. True b. False c. True d. True e. False f. True
g. True h. False
4. Answer the following questions.
a. Two types of ROM chips are:
Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM): This type of ROM can be
re-programmed by using a special device called PROM programmer.
Generally, a PROM can only be changed or updated once. Erasable
Programmable ROM (EPROM): This type of ROM can have its contents
erased by ultraviolet light and then reprogrammed by an RPROM
programme. This procedure can be carried out many times but the
constant erasing and rewriting will eventually render the chip useless.
b. PivotTable: In Excel, a PivotTable shows how data is distributed across
categories. While a PivotChart is a powerful data analysis tool that
enables one to visualize a PivotTable.
c. The steps to add a Relationship between tables in MS Access are:
1. Click on the Database Tools tab.
2. Click on the Relationships button from the Ribbon to display the
Relationships window.
The Relationships window appears if any relationship already exists
between the tables in your database.
The Show Table dialog box may also appear, listing all the tables in
your database.
3. If the Show Table dialog box does not appear, click on the Show Table
button on the Ribbon to display the dialog box.
4. Click on a table you want to add to the Relationships window.
5. Click on the Add button to add the table to the window.
6. Repeat the steps 4 and 5 for each table that you want to add.
7. When you finish adding tables to the Relationships window, click on
the Close button to remove the Show Table dialog box.
8. Place your mouse pointer over the field you want to use to create a
relationship with another table.
9. Drag the field with the mouse over the other table until a small box
appears over the matching field.
The Edit Relationship dialog box will appear.
10. Click on the Create button to create a relationship.

d. The method to create a newspaper-style column in HTML is:
1. Within the <TR> and </TR> tags, type <TD VALIGN=“top”> to start the
first column of text.
You have option to specify a WIDTH attribute to constrain a column’s
2. Type your column text.
3. Type </TD> at the end of the text.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more columns and text.
The web browser displays the text as columns on the page.
e. Desktop: Most computer users buy desktops because these systems offer
the most flexible configurations. If your budget is limited, you can
purchase a less powerful system with fewer features; if money is not an
issue, you can purchase a high-performance computer with many
Notebook: Whether you travel for business, or just want to work in the
park or a mall for a while, a notebook computer offers you the flexibility
to work almost anywhere. Keep in mind that a notebook generally costs
more than the equivalent desktop computer.
Netbook: A netbook is a type of notebook computer. It is smaller,
lighter, and often not as powerful as a traditional notebook computer.
Most netbooks cost less than traditional notebook computers. It is a
perfect travel companion and meets basic computing needs, including
e-mail, web surfing, and simple document creation.
f. Steps to change the field’s data type are:
1. Click on the down arrow to open the Data Type list for the field.
2. Click on new type.
The type changes in the Data Type column.
3. To save the changes to the table, click on Save button on the Quick
Access Toolbar.
A warning message may appear.
4. Click on Yes to allow the deletion of records that violate the new field
type’s rules.
You can also click on No to abandon the change.

Chapter 9 – Starting with Visual Basic
1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. ii b. i c. iii d. i e. ii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Computer b. Graphic User Interface (GUI) c. Form Designer
d. Learning e. Toolbox f. Form Code Window
3. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. A computer language is a set of words, symbols and codes that are used
to write a computer program. The process of writing these instructions
(program) is called a programming language. Visual Basic and C++ are two
programming languages.
b. The people who can write computer programs are called programmers.
c. Microsoft developed Visual Basic.
d. Learning edition, Professional Edition and Enterprise edition are three
editions of Visual Basic.
e. Properties Window contains the properties of the object. To view an
object’s properties, simply click on an object such as a form, text box,
label, image, or command button to have its properties displayed in the
Properties window.
Long-answer questions:
a. Many times when you interact with a program or a website, you are
looking at and responding to a graphical user interface (GUI). Often, your
ability to use the program or website effectively will depend on the design
of the GUI. Modern programmers spend 25 percent to 40 percent of their
time creating and perfecting the user interface. They do this because they
realise the importance of user interaction with the program. The main
goal of a user interface is to allow a user to interact with the interface
in a very familiar way. If the user must stop and think how to use the
interface, then the interface has failed.
b. A computer cannot understand any human spoken language. A spoken
language such as English, French is simply too general and confusing for a
computer to understand. Computers only understand computer language.
Computer language is a special language understood by a computer. It is
a set of words, symbols and codes that are used to write a computer
program. A computer program is used to make the computer behave or
work in a predetermined manner. Without a program, computers are
useless. The process of writing these instructions (program) is called
programming. The people who can write these programs are called
c. Visual Basic (VB) is a very popular programming language. It is based on
the BASIC programming language, which was developed by Microsoft
Corporation. Visual Basic makes use of Graphical User Interface (GUI)
for creating robust and powerful applications. It is an event driven
programming language as the programming is done in a graphical
environment. It allows programmers to build complex programs very
easily. Basic features of Visual Basic are Form designer, Create User
Interface using design tools, Add drawings to the forms, Set properties
for the individual object on the form, Build an expectable file, Debug the
applications, Examine the objects in the forms, Work with date in the
program, Add more functionality to the program by writing code, Create
crystal reports.
d. Visual Basic consists of many tools that you will use while working on
your project.
i. Menu Bar: contains menu commands that you have probably seen in
other Windows-based applications—such as File, Edit and others.
ii. Toolbar: includes many icons that represent various functions of
Visual basic.
iii. Toolbox: contains icons that represent objects you can place on your
form such as image, label, frame, option button, command button
control, etc.
iv. Project Container Window: is like a container which contains other
windows such as form and code windows.
v. Form: provides a place where you can draw objects to design the
program’s user interface.
vi. Project Explorer Window: contains a list of all the components
included in your Visual Basic project.
vii. Properties Window: contains the properties of the object.
viii. Form Layout Window: allows you to position forms relative to your
screen’s size.
ix. Form Code Window: is a place where you will write your Visual Basic
Chapter 10 – More on Visual Basic

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

a. iii b. ii c. i d. ii e. ii f. ii g. ii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. BASIC, Visual Basic b. Command button c. Addition
d. String e. Variables f. Numeric, non-numeric g. DIM
3. State true or false.
a. True b. True c. True d. False e. True f. False g. True
4. Think and Answer.
Conditional Statement
5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Visual Basic is graphically designed programming language developed by
Microsoft. BASIC is the main programming language from which other
programming languages are derived and visual Basic is one of them.
b. Labels are used to display information which cannot be changed. It is
used to provide instructions to the users.
c. Byte, Integer, Long, Single, Double, Currency, Decimal are numeric data
types. String, Date, Boolean, Object and Variant are non-numeric data
d. A variant data type can hold any kind of data except fixed-length strings.
e. ^, *, /, +, -, /Mod, \, + or & are arithmetic operators and =, >, <, >=, <=, <>
are conditional operators.
f. The LEN, The RIGHT, The LEFT, The LTRIM, The RTRIM, TRIM, etc. are
String Manipulation functions.
Long-answer questions:
a. Visual Basic is a programming language from Microsoft. It is based on
BASIC language. BASIC is strictly a text-based language. Both its program
and output are textual and do not produce the graphical, windowed
output that today’s programs produce. But Visual Basic is more graphically
designed for the Windows Operating System. The secret to Visual Basic is
in its name: visual. With today’s Windows operating systems, a program
must be able to interact with the screen, keyboard, mouse, and printer
graphically. Visual Basic programming is one of the most enjoyable
ways to program. It is truly the only programming language today that
beginning programmers can learn easily. In addition, Visual Basic allows
advanced programmers to create powerful Windows applications.
b. The text box control is popular for acquiring user input and displaying
various outputs. You might find it useful when expecting a user to enter
either numbers or text or a combination of both.
c. Command Button enables the user to click a button and execute the
event associated with it. Because of its raised, three-dimensional (3D)
appearance, it displays an illusion that the button is pressed when the
user clicks on it.
d. An Event takes place when the user presses a command button or enters
text into a text box, that tells the application the user has just made a
move. Most events come directly from the user at the keyboard and
mouse running applications. All kinds of events can occur, such as a click,
a double-click, or a keystroke. For example, both a command button and
a text box can receive a Click event, because the user can click the mouse
over either control.
e. List Box is used to present a list of items. You can click and select the items
from the list. The Combo box is also used to display a list of items. The
user needs to click on the small arrowhead on the right of the combo box
to see the items which are presented in a drop-down list.
f. Define the following:
i. It represents data that can take only two values. These values are
usually represented as True or False; although they can also be
treated as Yes or No values. It is useful for setting values to a control
property that take only a True or False value such as an Enabled
property value.
ii. The variant data type can hold any kind of data except fixed-length
strings. You employ variant data for different uses, when a data
storage area is to hold different kinds of data. A variant storage area
can act as a temporary storage location for any data type that you will
later place elsewhere in a more specific data type area.
iii. Literals are the values that are assigned to the data. At times we need
to add a suffix behind a literal so that Visual Basic can handle the
calculation more accurately.
g. Variables can temporarily store the value of data in memory during the
execution of your program. They are often referred to as containers for
various types of data. But in reality, they are address placeholders to a
memory location in your computer. In addition, variables act as templates,
defining what type of data should be kept in a memory location and its
allowable size. Variables hold intermediate calculations and values that
you assign to and load from controls on the form. There are some rules
regarding naming the variables:
i. All variable names start with an alphabet.
ii. Use letters or numbers in the name.
iii. Maximum length for a variable name is 255 characters.
iv. Only one special character is allowed like underscore (_).
v. Period or space is not permitted.
h. In order to compute input from users and get results we need to use
certain mathematical symbols for performing calculations—certain
logical and some conditional—to evaluate an expression. These are called
operators. Operators manipulate the data by combining or computing
results. Some will work as symbols, but Mod and others will work more
like a command.
i. Conditional Operators will let the Visual Basic program to compare
values, decide what action is to be taken, whether to execute a program
or terminate the program. =, >, <, >=,<=, <>, etc. The logical operator lets
you combine two or more sets of conditional comparisons. And, Or, Xor,
Not, etc. are logical operators.
j. Visual Basic has numerous built-in string functions for processing strings.
Most Visual Basic string-handling functions return a string, although some
return a number (such as the Len function, which returns the length of
a string and functions like Instr and InstrRev, which return a character
position within the string). The functions that return strings can be coded
with or without the dollar sign ($) at the end, although it is more efficient
to use the version with the dollar sign.
Some of the string manipulation functions are Len, Right, Left, Mid, Trim,
Ltrim, Rtrim, Ucase, Lcase. Lets have a look at these string functions.

Chapter 11 – Photoshop
1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. iii c. ii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Photoshop b. Scanner
3. Think and answer.
By using the colour variation feature of Photoshop your friend can improve the
quality of his/her photograph. First insert the photograph in the computer by
using scanner. Open Photograph in Photoshop. 1. Click on Image menu. Click
on Adjustments. Click on Variations. The Variations window will appear. Now
using the many tools of Variations, the Photograph can be cleaned just like new.
4. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Photoshop
b. You can get raw material for using Photoshop from a variety of sources:
Start From Scratch, Scanned Photos and Art, Clip Art, Digital Photos, etc.
c. Digital images in Photoshop are made up of tiny, solid colour squares
called pixels. If you zoom in close, you can see the pixels that make up
your image.
Long-answer questions:
a. Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editor software
developed and published by Adobe Systems that allows you to create,
modify, combine and optimize digital images. You can then save the
images to print, share via e-mail, publish online, or view on a handheld
device, such as an iPod.
b. Photoshop allows you to create, modify, combine and optimize digital
images for both printing and publishing on the web. You can use
Photoshop’s Paintbrush, Airbrush, and Pencil tools to apply colours or
patterns to your images after selecting its pixels. You can also fill the
arrows of your selections with solid or semi-transparent colours. You
can brighten, darken, and change the hue (shade) of colours in parts of
your image with Photoshop’s Dodge, Burn, and similar tools. Photoshop’s
effects let you easily add drop shadows, 3D shading, and other styles

to your images. After you edit your work, you can use your images in
a variety of ways. Photoshop lets you print your images, save them in a
format suitable for use on a web page, or prepare them for use in a page-
layout program.
c. Write the procedure for:
i. Opening an image
1. Click on File on the menu bar. The file menu will open.

2. Click on Open. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Click on the down arrow to see the folder that contains the image you
4. Click on the file name to open.
5. Click on Open. The image appears in a new window of Photoshop.
ii. Creating an image window
1. Click on File from the menu bar. The file menu will open.
2. Click on New from the menu bar. The New dialog box appears.
3. Type a name for the new image.
4. Type in the desired dimensions and resolution.
5. Click on the arrow button for the type of Background Contents in
which the new image will be made.
6. Click on OK. Photoshop creates a new image window with the
specified dimensions.

Chapter 12 – Basic Tools in Photoshop

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. i c. ii d. ii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Paintbrush b. Eyedropper c. Crop
3. Think and Answer.
I will use a Crop Tool.
4. Name the following.
i. Lasso Tool ii.
Magic Wand iii.
Rubber Stamp
Crop Tool v.
Zoom Tool vi. Paint Bucket
Eyedropper viii. Foreground Colour

5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Shortcut keys
i. Marquee: M ii. Move: V iii. Lasso: L
iv. Paintbrush: B v. Type: T
b. RGB is the most common mode for working with colour images in
c. An Eyedropper tool is used to select a color from an open image.
d. A Pencil Tool is used to draw straight lines of colour in Photoshop.
Long-answer questions:
a. Write the procedure for:
i. Changing the size of an Image
1. Click on Image in the menu bar.
2. Click on Image Size.
The Image Size dialog box appears.
3. Type a new size for the dimension in this area.
4. Make sure that Resample Image is selected.
5. Click on OK. Photoshop will resize the image.
ii. Cropping the image
1. Click on the Crop tool.
2. Click and drag to select the area of the image you want to keep.
3. You can click and drag the sides and corner handles to adjust the
size of the cropping boundary.
4. Click on the right button or press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Photoshop crops the image, deleting the pixels outside the
cropping boundary.
iii. Selecting a rectangular or elliptical area of the image.
1. Click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool.

2. Click and drag diagonally inside the image window.
iv. Selecting the elements of the image.
1. Click and hold the Lasso Tool. A box will appear.
2. In the box, select Magnetic Lasso Tool.

3. Click on the edge of the element you want to select, to create the
beginning anchor point.
4. Drag your cursor along the edge of the element.
Magnetic Lasso snaps on to the edge of the element as you drag.
5. Click on the beginning anchor point to finish your selection.
v. Selecting the groups of similarly coloured pixels:
1. Click on the Magic Wand Tool.
2. Click on the area (pixels) you want to select inside the image.
Photoshop selects the pixel you clicked, and any similarly
coloured pixels near it.

Chapter 13 – Colour Adjustment & Filters

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. iii b. i c. i
2. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Colour Balance b. Brightness/Contrast c. White
Long-answer questions:
a. With Photoshop’s filters, you can quickly and easily apply enhancements
to your image, including artistic effects, texture effects, and distortions.
Filters can help you correct defects in your images or enable you to turn
a photograph into something resembling an impressionist painting.
Photoshop comes with more than 100 filters.
b. Write the procedure
i. Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image.
1. Click on Image in the menu bar.
2. Click on Adjustments.
3. Click on Brightness/Contrast. A dialog box appears.
4. To lighten the image, click and drag the Brightness: slide to the
right, or darken the image by dragging it to the left.
5. To increase the contrast, click and drag the Contrast: slider to the
right, or to decrease contrast, drag it to the left.
6. Click on OK.

ii. To lighten a specific area of an image.
1. Click on the Dodge Tool.
2. Click on the down arrow button of Brush: menu.
3. Click the brush size and type that you would like to use.
4. You can also select the range of colours you want to affect.
5. Click and drag over the area that you want to lighten.

Chapter 14 – Flash
1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. ii b. ii c. i d. i e. i
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. De facto b. Layers c. 12 d. Morphing
3. State true or false.
a. True b. True c. True d. False e. True
4. Write the procedure.
a. Create a new Flash file.
i. Click on File menu. The File menu appears.
ii. Click on New.
A New document dialog box will appear.
iii. Click on the Flash Document form the list.
iv. Click on OK. A blank document will appear.
b. Set a Flash Stage.
Set Your ActionScript Version and Flash Player Version
i. If the Properties tab is not already open, open it by clicking on
Window and then Properties.
The default Publish settings appear.
The default document properties appear.
ii. Click on the Publish settings button to edit in the Publish settings.
The Publish Settings dialog box appears.
iii. Click on the Player menu and select Flash Player 10.2.
iv. Click the Script menu, and select ActionScript 3.0.
v. Click on OK.
Your Publish settings are stored in your Flash document.
Change the Frame Rate
The document’s Properties appear below the Publish settings.
i. Click the number in the FPS field (frames per second).
ii. Type a new frame rate in the FPS field.
This example shows a frame rate of 30.
Change the Stage Size
i. Click on Edit in the Properties settings.
The Document Properties dialog box appears.
ii. Type the height and width dimensions you want for your Flash movie.
iii. Click on OK.
Your Flash movie is now set to your desired dimensions.
Change the Background Colour
i. Click on the white box.
A set of colour swatches appears.
ii. Click on one of the swatches to select a new background colour.
Your background colour changes to the colour you select.
5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. Flash Player plug-in allows user to view Flash in their browser.
b. The default extension of Flash file is .FLA.
c. The Stage is the on-screen area where you can view the contents of a
frame and draw graphic objects.
d. There are several kinds of layers, e.g., plain layers, guide layers and mask
e. Keyframes are used to add time to your Flash movie. Keyframes are used
for critical points in the timeline where your content changes.
Long-answer questions:
a. Flash is a multimedia software designed for creating animation,
multimedia experiences, and web page components. Flash has also
become the de facto standard for delivering video over the Internet. The
Flash Player plug-in allows users to view Flash in their browsers. Nearly
all current web browsers support Flash. In the Flash you can create your
drawing, animate your drawing.

b. Useful feature of Flash
i. Create Illustrations and Other Artwork: You can create vector graphics
and artwork by using the drawing tools of Flash.
ii. Work with Symbols and Instances: Flash offers many objects (Graphics,
Buttons, MovieClips, sounds, and videos) that you can reuse as
iii. Create Animation: There are many ways to animate in Flash. You
can create animation by using frame-by-frame or motion tweening
iv. Layers: Layers are very important while working with graphic objects
and animations. You can draw, erase, add or remove instances on one
layer without affecting another layer. You can also hide layers (make
them invisible) and lock layers (make them uneditable).
v. Publish Your Movies: You can publish and share your Flash movies
over the web or create self-contained Projector files.
c. The tools panel is packed with tools that you can use to create and work
with graphic objects. Some tools share space with an additional tool
which appears when you click on the tool. By default, it appears on the
far-right side of the program window but you can drag it to the far left
side of the window.
d. Layers are the key to work with graphic objects and animations. To add
depth to your Flash objects, layers are very helpful. In Flash, related
objects can be placed on a single layer to keep them organized. Objects
in one layer can be edited without affecting objects in another layer.
Layers are more useful for more complex movies. They are very helpful
for working with multiple animations. Layers are stacked. Items on the
top layer appear in front of items on the bottom layer to create a feeling
of depth. You might place a background on the bottom layer, and add
other objects to the subsequent layers. There are several kinds of layers,
e.g., plain layers, guide layers, and mask layers. Plain layers hold graphics,
sounds, and movie clips. Guide layers are useful in layout and positioning
of objects on other layers. With mask layers, you can hide elements from
view in the underlying layers.
e. Animation means moving the objects. Flash animations can be used for a
lively message or for entertainment. You can place your Flash project on
a web page or distribute it for others to view. Animations make a �ebsite
come to life. In animation effects, the scene or object changes slightly

from one frame to the next. It creates the illusion of movement. Each
frame replaces the earlier one so quickly that it is difficult to notice it.
f. You can set up the movie size and speed at which you want to play the
movie. A movie’s dimensions refer to its horizontal and vertical size on
Stage. The movie’s play speed determines the number of frames per
second (fps), that the animation occurs. The default frame rate for a
movie is 12 fps, which works well for most projects. The maximum rate
for a movie is 24 fps. You should avoid using a higher frame rate because
slower computers struggle to play at such speeds.
g. A tween is a method of creating animation, where you tell Flash where to
start and where to end, and Flash does all the work in the middle. There
are three types of tweens: Classic, Shape and Motion. Classic tweens are
the type of motion tween supported in Flash CS4 and earlier. If you plan
to work on a project with others who do not have Flash CS4, you will need
to use classic tweens. Motion tweens are new in Flash CS4. With the new
tweening system, you have access to more powerful animation tools,
including complex easing methods, 3-D tweening, and a new system for
animation along paths. Shape tweens are essentially used for morphing
from one shape to another. You can also use shape tweens to quickly
morph from one colour to another. Many times you may also need to use
shape hints to tell Flash how you want your shape to change over time.

Chapter 15 – E-Commerce & E-Banking

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. ii c. i
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. E-commerce b. Menu c. Fully Electronic Transactional
d. ATM pin, Password
3. State true or false
a. True b. False c. True d. True e. False
4. Think and answer
He can buy a smartphone from While doing the transactions
online, he should never share personal information like PIN number,
passwords, etc., with anyone, including employees of the bank.

5. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. E-commerce b. C2C (CONSUMER TO CONSUMER) c. E-banking
d. Bill Payment-service, Fund Transfer, Credit Card Customers, Railway
Pass, Investing Through Internet Banking and Shopping are the different
services availed through E-Banking.
Long-answer questions:
a. Electronic Commerce or E-Commerce refers to a wide range of online
business activities for products and services. It also pertains to any form
of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather
than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact. E-Commerce is
usually associated with buying and selling over the Internet. For example,
you can buy can buy anything online even when by sitting at home. This
is one of the biggest advantages of E-Commerce.
b. Different Categories:
i. B2B (Business To Business): It is the largest form of E-Commerce
in which companies do business with other companies such as,
manufacturers selling to distributors and whole sellers selling to
retailers. Pricing in this type is based on the quantity of the order and
is often negotiable.
ii. B2C (Business To Consumer): This is the most common E-Commerce
segment in which online businesses sell to individual consumers.
The basic concept behind this type is that the online retailers and
marketing can sell their products to the online consumer by using
crystal clear data which is made available via various online marketing
iii. C2B (Consumer To Business): In this category, a consumer posts his
project with a set budget online and within hours companies review
the consumer’s requirements and bid on the project. The consumer
reviews the bids and selects the company that will complete the
iv. C2C (Consumers To Consumers): It facilitates the online transactions
of goods or services between two people. Though there is no visible
intermediary involved but the parties cannot carry out the transactions
without the platform which is provided by the online market maker
such as
c. Today e-commerce has turned into one of the most important facts of the
Internet. The three benefits of E-Commerce are outlined below:
i. Complete Freedom: E-Commerce gives people complete freedom
from the barriers of time or distance. A single click of the mouse any
time can allow the user to purchase or sell anything.
ii. Lower Costs: An order taken from a website costs lower than an order
through the traditional means as there is no human interaction during
the online purchase.
iii. Faster: Online transactions are faster and more convenient for visitors.
d. Besides the benefits of E-Commerce there are a few limitations of
E-Commerce as well.
i. The Companies or the businesses who are selling the products are
not able to communicate with the customer face to face. Due to this
they are not able to get feedback about the products which would
help them to improve upon their products.
ii. Another limitation with E-Commerce is that you are not able to touch
and check the quality of a product before buying it.
iii. Credit Card Security is a serious issue. People who are carrying out a
transaction over the Internet are worried about credit card security.
e. E-Banking means any user with a personal computer and browser can
get connected to a bank website to perform any of the virtual banking
functions. In the Internet Banking System, the bank has a centralized,
database that is web enabled. All the services that the bank has permitted
on the Internet are displayed in menu.
f. The following benefits can be availed through E-banking:
i. Bill Payment-service: With the help of e-banking one can make
payments of electricity and telephone bills, mobile phone, credit card
and insurance premium bills as each bank has tie-ups with various
utility companies, service providers and insurance companies, across
the country.
ii. Fund Transfer: The amount from one account to another of the same
or another bank can be transferred through E-banking. Customers
can send money anywhere in Pakistan.
iii. Credit Card Customers: With Internet – Banking, Customers cannot
only pay credit card bills online but also get a loan on their cards.
iv. Railway Pass: Railway passes can be made for local train online. The
pass will be delivered at the passenger's doorsteps.

v. Investing Through Internet Banking: You can open an FD online
through funds transfer. The investors with interlinked Demat Account
and Bank account can easily track in the stock market. Moreover,
some banks also provide the facility to purchase mutual funds directly
from online banking.
vi. Shopping: You can buy products online and payment is also made
conveniently through the customer account. You can also purchase
Railways and Air tickets through Internet Banking.
g. Customers should never share personal information like PIN Number,
passwords etc. with anyone, including employees of the bank. Customers
should never provide sensitive account related information over
unsecured e-mails or over the phone. Customers should change the ATM
PIN and online log in transaction password on a regular basis and also
ensure that the logged-in session is properly signed out.

Chapter 16 – Computer Virus

1. Tick [ü] the correct answer.
a. i b. iii c. ii d. ii e. iii
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. Virus b. Boot Sector Virus c. Rootkit d. Sleeper
e. Trust f. Antivirus software g. Norton
3. State true or false.
a. True b. False c. True d. False e. True f. True
4. Answer the following questions.
Short-answer questions:
a. File Infector, Boot Sector Virus and Executable File Virus are different
types of viruses.
b. E-mail attachment and Internet Download two sources of viruses.
c. You should only open e-mail attachments sent by people you trust. If you
find an e-mail virus using a virus scanner, you should inform the person
who sent you the attachment that their files are infected. This can help
stop the spread of the virus.
d. Norton antivirus and McAFee are two popular antivirus softwares.

Long-answer questions:
a. A Computer Virus is a small Software program that spreads from one
computer to another computer without the permission or knowledge
of the user and interferes with computer operations. A Computer Virus
may corrupt or delete data on a Computer. Computer Viruses are most
easily spread by attachments in e-mail messages or by downloading from
the Internet. Viruses in computers are not generated accidentally but are
programmed intentionally by a programmer known as a virus author.
b. Trojan Horse virus comes as a friendly program (as a game, etc.). But it
is very dangerous as it destroys all data. Trojan horses do not replicate
themselves but they can be very destructive. The Trojan horse can be
spread through a number of ways but the common means of infection
is attachment of mail. Rootkit is a program that hides in a computer
and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the
computer. Once the rootkit is installed, the rootkit author can execute
programs, change settings, monitor activity, and access files on the
remote computer.
c. E-mail viruses are spread by files attached to e-mail messages. As e-mail
attachments become more common, the number of e-mail viruses may
also increase. You cannot get an e-mail virus from a message that contains
only text. When you open an e-mail attachment that contains a virus,
the virus spreads to your computer. If you forward the attachment to
other people, their computers will also be affected when they open the
attachment. Many e-mail viruses can also access your address book and
automatically send themselves to the e-mail addresses stored there.
d. The following are some of the primary indicators that your computer may
be infected:
• The computer runs slower than usual.
• The computer stops responding or it locks up frequently.
• The computer crashes, and get restarted after every few minutes.
• Applications on the computer do not work properly.
• Disks or disk drives are inaccessible.
• Unusual error messages are displayed again and again.
• An antivirus program does not get installed on the Computer.
• Strange sounds or music plays from the speakers unexpectedly.
• A program disappears from the computer.

e. Antivirus Software is used to prevent, detect and remove malware and
other computer viruses. You should install an antivirus program to
safeguard your computer from virus attacks and update it regularly. An
antivirus program protects a computer against viruses by identifying and
removing any computer viruses found in memory, on storage media or on
incoming files.

Test Paper 2 (Based on Chapters 9–16)

1. Fill in the blanks.

a. Sleeper b. Bank c. Tool bar d. Zoom
e. C2C f. DIM g. Visual Basic h. Image box, Picture box
2. Define the following.
a. B2C stands for Business to Consumer. This is the most common
e-commerce segment where, online businesses sell to individual
b. String is a series of zero or more characters.
c. A program in which a harmful code is contained in such a way that it can
gain control and do its chosen form of damage.
d. Filters are used to apply enhancements to the image quickly and easily.
3. Write True or False.
a. False b. False c. True d. False e. True f. True g. True h. False
4. Answer the following.
a. Two levels of e-banking are:
INFORMATION ONLY SYSTEM: General purpose information like interest

rates, branch location, bank products and their features, loan and deposit
calculations are provided in the bank website. There exist facilities for
downloading various types of application forms. The communication
is normally done through e-mail. There is no interaction between the
customer and bank’s application systems.

customer specific information in the form of account balances, transaction
details and statement of accounts. The information is still largely of the
‘read-only’ format. Identification and authentication of the customer is
through a password. The application systems cannot directly be accessed
through the Internet.

b. Two sources of viruses are:
INFECTED FLOPPY DISK OR CD: Before the Internet, the sharing of

programs and data on floppy disks was very common. This happens when
you take a program from one computer to another. When you place an
infected file on the CD or floppy, the virus or Trojan horse that was with
the file, goes with it. Then when you insert that floppy or CD to another
computer to run the program, the virus goes into the new computer.
EMAIL: E-mail viruses are spread by files attached to e-mail messages. As

e-mail attachments become more common, the number of e-mail viruses
may also increase. You cannot get an e-mail virus from a message that
contains only text. When you open an e-mail attachment that contains a
virus, the virus spreads to your computer. If you forward the attachment
to other people, their computers will also be affected when they open
the attachment.
c. Benefits of e-commerce are:
COMPLETE FREEDOM: E-commerce gives people complete freedom
from the barriers of time or distance. A single click of the mouse any time
can purchase or sell anything.
LOWER COSTS: An order taken from a website costs lower than an order
through traditional means as there is no human interaction during the
online purchase.
FASTER: Online transactions are faster and more convenient for visitors.
OPERATIONAL BENEFITS: Reducing both the time and workforce required
to complete business processes is one of the best benefits of e-commerce.
From the customer’s perspective, there are lots of e-commerce benefits
like better buyer decisions and opportunities for buying alternative
products. From the seller’s point of view, one can expand one’s market as
well as increase speed to market.
d. Procedure of using the dodge effect of an image is:
1. Click on the Dodge tool.
2. Click on the down arrow button of Brush menu and choose the
brush size and type what you would like to use.
3. You can also select the range of colours you want to affect.
4. Click and drag over the area that you want to lighten.

e. Different Photoshop tools are:
UNDERSTANDING PIXELS: Digital images in Photoshop are made up of
tiny, solid colour squares called pixels. Photoshop works its magic by
rearranging and re-colouring these squares. If you zoom in close, you can
see the pixels that make up your image.
SELECT YOUR PIXELS: To edit specific pixels in your image, you first have

to select them by using one of Photoshop’s selection tools. Photoshop
also has a number of commands that helps you to select specific parts of
your image.
PAINT YOUR IMAGE: After you have selected your pixels, you can apply

colour to them by using Photoshop’s Paintbrush and Airbrush tools. You
can also fill your selections with solid or semi-transparent colours.
ADJUST COLOUR: You can brighten, darken, and change the hue of

colours in parts of your image with Photoshop’s Dodge, Burn, and similar
f. Basic features of Visual Basic are:
• Form designer
• Create User Interface using design tools
• Add drawings to the forms
• Set properties for the individual object on the form
• Build an executable file
• Debug applications
• Examine objects in the forms
• Work with data in the program
• Add more functionality to the program by writing codes
• Create crystal reports

Teacher’s Manual
Digital Planet is a series of computer books for Kindergarten and
classes 1 through 8. The books are based on the latest NCF guidelines.
They are updated with Windows 8 and MS Office 2010.
The contents of the books will not just help the students understand
the operations and functions of Information Technology systems but
also make them proficient in their use. A variety of tasks are included
for better practice and reinforcement of the concepts.
Case studies on digital giants such as Google have been included in
books 6 to 8 to give a broader perspective and stimulate thinking in
the students.
Past Present Future, a section, in the books 3 to 8 takes the student
through different time zones giving a glimpse of how technology has
advanced in various disciplines.
Tips to the Digital Natives about online safety and appropriate use of
technology, and important technical facts have been put at relevant
places in the books.


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