Ojebuoboh 1992

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1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy -===========:=1

Bismuth-Production, Properties,
and Applications
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Funsho K. Ojebuoboh

Bismuth, the most metallic element in Earth's crust vary substantially, but av- muth glance (B~S3)' bismite or bismuth
group VA of the periodic table, is primarily erage between 0.1 ppm and 0.2 ppm. ocher(B~03),and bismutite [(BiO)zC03·
a by-product of lead refining. It is also a by- This is roughly the same level of abun- ~Ol. These minerals seldom occur in
product of several ore-dressing operations, dance as silver. Like some of the other sufficient quantities to be mined eco-
especially high-grade scheelite and wolframite minor metals (e.g., arsenic, antimony, nomically. Instead, bismuth glance oc-
ores. It is generally recovered by processing selenium, and tellurium), bismuth is re- curs in minor quantities with copper
lead electrorefining slimes, Kroll-Betterton covered from process residues in the and lead sulfides, and the others occur
dross, and other process residues which con- smelting and refining of the base met- with tin and tungsten oxides. Thus, bis-
tain bismuth. No matter the source, it is als-copper and lead. muth is a classic example of a metal re-
refined to virgin metal with chlorine. Bis- In the periodic table, bismuth is lo- covered primarily from process residues.
muth's unique properties make it attractive cated in the boundary region between In recent times, bismuth ore has been
for a plethora ofapplications such as alloying metals and nonmetals. As expected from mined only in Bolivia, where bismuth
additives in steel and aluminum, fusible al- the period it occupies, it has the stron- production was restarted in 1989. In the
loys, and pharmaceuticals. Recent awareness gest metallic characteristics of its group, rest of the Western world, bismuth is
of the "green" nature of bismuth in free- but it is also characterized by a low produced as a by-product from the
machining steels and similar applications melting point (271°C). Its chemistry is treatment of copper and lead ores. The
has made it a potential substitute for metals notable forseveral anomalous or extreme practice appears to be similar in the
deemed less favorable environmentally. properties: former Soviet Union, where bismuth is
• It expands on solidification. (This also recovered from lead-refining resi-
INTRODUCTION behavior is carried over to some dues. In the United States, the lead and
Although the use of bismuth bronze bismuth alloys.) lead-zinc ores of the West (e.g., Montana)
and bismuth-lead alloys was known in • Its thermal conductivity is the lowest are the primary domestic sources for
the Middle Ages, l the occurrence of this of any metal in the solid state at bismuth. Imports of bismuth bullion,
metal was recognized centuries earlier ambienttemperatures. (Its electrical originating particularly from Peru and
because of the apparent use of bismuth conductivity is also quite low for a Mexico, supplement domestically re-
compounds as a remedy for stomach metal.) fined bismuth.
discomfort, wounds, and sores. Bismuth • It is the most diamagnetic metal. An increasingly important source of
was first identified as a metal in the 15th Tables I and II summarize various bismuth is in the mining of tungsten ores
century, but it was more precisely char- material properties. in the People's Republic of China and
acterized in the 18th century by J. Pott Bismuth is supplied commercially in the Republic of Korea. Bismuth ore,
and T. Bergman.z Bismuth is a lustrous, the form of 99.99% pure ingots, arsenic- consisting of bismuthinite and its
silvery white, heavy metal with a ten- free needles primarily for pharmaceuti- weathering products, bismutite and na-
dency to crystallize in coarse grains. In cal applications, and pellets for steel and tive bismuth, is a by-product of the
lead-bismuth alloys being refined for foundry applications. It may also be tungsten mines in several deposits. Re-
bismuth recovery, the coarse grains of supplied as bismuth-lead alloy ingots. covery methods include rough hand-
bismuth start to appear at levels of -20 picking and standard ore-dressing pro-
wt. % Bi. Despite the metallic appear- cedures. The bismuth ores recovered in
MATERIALS some operations contain 60% bismuth,3
ance, tinges of pink and red characterize
pure bismuth. Bismuth occurs naturally in the forms and more than one-half of China's out-
Estimates of its occurrence in the of native bismuth, bismuthinite or bis- put is produced in the form of bismuth
Table I. Physical Properties of Blsmuth13 Table III shows the major sources of
Property Value bismuth raw material and the specific
Atomic Number 83 ores mined. The mineralogy of the as-
Crystal Structure Rhombohedral sociated bismuth is also identified.
Stable Isotopes 1
Atomic Mass 208.98 EXTRACTION
Melting Point 271°C While the primary processes in the
Boiling Point 1,564°C
recovery of bismuth differ depending
Heat of Fusion 52.1Jig
Heat of Vaporation 728 Jig on the minerals and the major metal
Specific Heat (O°C to 270°C, mean) 0.0123 Jig mined, the refining processes are in-
Coefficient of Linear Expansion 13.45 x 1(}-6;oC variably identical. Only a small portion,
Density at 20°C 9.8g/em> perhaps 0.5%, of current world produc-
Density at 271 °C (liquid) 10.07 g/em> tion is available from mines worked spe-
Volume Expansion on Solidification 3.2% cifically for bismuth ore. Table IV is a
Thermal Conductivity at 20°C 8.368 W I(m · K) survey of the processes available for
Electrical Resistivity at O°C 106.81l1'l · em extracting the bismuth as bullion. When
Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section 0.034 ± 0.002 barnsl atoms bismuth concentrate, typically oxide or

46 JOM • June 1992

carbonate as in Bolivia or China, is avail- The recovery of bismuth is one of sev- cess because it selectively removes bis-
able, it is leached with hydrochloric acid. eral process objectives in the treatment muth from lead bullion that has been
Bismuth is precipitated as bismuth oxy- of this process residue. The primary op- purified of other impurities. The process
chloride after repeated dissolution and eration is fusion of the dried residues to is named for Dr. Wilhelm Kroll, who
precipitation removes several soluble produce a slag which contains lead, an- proposed the use of alkaline-earth met-
impurities. The dried oxychloride is timony, and arsenic. The more noble als for this treatment, and Jesse Betterton,
smelted with carbon using soda ash flux metals (gold, if present, and silver and then director of research at the Ameri-
to produce crude bismuth bullion. bismuth) are concentrated in the phase can Smelting and Refining Company,
In the past, high-grade bismuth glance known as ''black metal." Black metal is who combined reagents in a systematic
was smelted directly to crude bullion air blown in converters to further purify examination of the process. 7
with iron in the so-called precipitation it of arsenic, antimony, and lead at about The procedure has remained prac-
process, and charcoal provided a re- 850°C. Transfer of the metal to a cupel tically unchanged except for efforts to
ducing atmosphere. Soda ash was also furnace produces dore (a silver-gold al- conduct it continuously. Metallic cal-
the conventional fluxing agent in this loy) and a bismuth-rich cupel slag. cium and magnesium are added to lead
route. In recent times, the primary ex- The cupel slag (Bip3-PbO) is reduced bullion from which mostimpurities have
tractive processes for most of the mar- in a reverberatory furnace to produce been removed. The net reaction is:
ket-available bismuth are the electro- bismuth bullion.
Ca + 2Mg + 2Bi = CaMg2Bi2 (s)
refining process for lead (the Betts pro- The Kroll-Betterton Process
cess) and the pyrorefining process for Calcium dimagnesium dibismuthide, the
lead (the Kroll-Betterton process). The The Kroll-Betterton process is fun- resulting intermetallic compound, is a
choice of one process over the other de- damentally different from the Betts pro- higher-melting, lower-density dross that
pends on the strategy for lead refining
rather than bismuth production. Table II. Mechanical Properties of Blsmuth 13
Cominco (Canada), Centromin (formerly Property Value
Cerro de Pasco) in La Oroya, Peru, and Modulus of Elasticity 31.7GPa
most Japanese lead refineries4 use the Shear Modulus 12.4GPa
Betts process. In contrast, Asarco-Omaha Poisson's Ratio 0.33
(Nebraska), Metallurgie Hoboken Over- Hardness, Brinell 4-8
pelt (Belgium), Broken Hill Associated Surface Tension at 300°C 376dyne/cm
Surface Tension at 400°C 370dyne/cm
Smelters (Australia), Brunswick-
Belledune (Canada), and Mitsubishi-
Cominco (Japan) practice the Kroll- Table III. Sources of Bismuth
Betterton process. Copper smelting and Mineral Major Source Concentrates
refining residues containing bismuth are United States Lead, Copper,
transferred to a lead circuit by several of BizS3
Former Soviet Union and Lead-Silver
these companies. The typical route is Mexico
shown in Figure 1. Peru
The Betts Electrolytic Process Australia
The Betts process is named after Dr. Bi20Jl Bi People's Republic of China Tungsten
Anson Betts, who developed it in 1901,5 Korea
It starts with lead bullion, which contains Bi20Jl (BiO)2C03 Bolivia Bismuth, Tin
copper, antimony, arsenic, selenium,
tellurium, silver, gold, and bismuth. The Lead Concentrate
lead bullion, which is substantially de-
tinned and which exceeds 90% pure lead,
is cast into anodes and electrolytically
refined in an electrolyte of lead fluo-
silicate (PbSiF6) and fluosilicic acid
(H2SiF6). While lead is corroded from the
anodes and deposited on refined lead Malte
cathode starting sheets, the bullion im-
purities, including bismuth, are retained Fumes
Converter 1-------------1
in the form of a black slime. The slime,
scraped from the anodes, is washed free
of soluble matter, and partially dried
before processing for bismuth and other
impurity metals. The dried slime is the
major process residue in lead electro-
refining. Anode Slimes
Anode slimes from the lead refinery Cupel
Litharge Slag Bismuth
may contain as much as 20.6 wt. % Bi, but Slimes Processing Metal
several operations report 5-10 wt.%.
Table V compares impurity loading as
reported for raw slimes at the La Oroya
operations of Centromin6 as well as
values typical of several operations. The Dore Bismuth Refining
values listed as typical are modeled after
the compositions at Cominco's Trail, Figure 1. The transfer of bismuth in process residues from copper to lead smelting and subsequent
Canada, smelter. recovery.

1992 June. JaM 47

floats to the top of the bullion as the steel additives, aluminum additives, Table VI. Average Dealer Price of
temperature is lowered to the freezing electronics, and fusible alloys. The re- Bismuth In the United StateS-
point of lead. The dross is removed by fined metal output has steadily declined
skimming the crust offthe refining kettle. in recent years to 3.5 million kilograms Year $/kg
The enriched bismuth dross typically (7.7millionpounds),about20% less than 1990 7.70
contains entrained metallic lead. Part of the recent high value in 1985. World 1989 12.67
1988 12.72
this lead is removed by reheating the production and demand have been 1987 8.03
dross and allowing the lead to liquate to roughly in balance since then, but the 1986 7.15
a pool under the dross. The liquated lead free market price appears to have been
is returned to the debismuthizing pro- eroded in the same period. Bismuth
cess, while the dross is treated with lead prices in the five years preceding the Table VII. Consumption, by
Percent, of Bismuth Materials
chloride or chlorine in kettles to remove 1990 Mineral Commodity Summaries B are
In the United States
the calcium and magnesium. The prod- shown in Table VI.
uct from this step, "high-bismuth metal," The United States' consumption ofbis- End Use Consumption (%)
is an alloy of lead and bismuth (nomi- muth was about 1.36 million kilograms Compounds 49
nally 7 wt. % BO. in both 1988 and 1989, and this level of Metallurgical Additions 29
consumption does not appear to have Fusible Alloys 21
BISMUTH Other Alloys 0.8
changed. The distribution of consump- Miscellaneous
tion in the United States is shown in
Practically all extractive processes for Table VIP The table shows that the solution of the vanadate, molybdate, and
bismuth result in a bullion which con- manufacture of chemicals accounts for tungstate of bismuth. With a bismuth
tains lead and bismuth. Unlike Kroll- approximately one-half the consump- content of 54.7%, it is reported to be
Betterton bullion, Betts bullion and bul- tion of bismuth, and metallurgical addi- suitable for the coloration of plastic and
lion produced from bismuth concentrate tives-in steel and aluminum-account paraffin products, and paints.
tend to also contain copper and various for some 30%. Bismuth trioxide, a yellow crystalline
amounts of arsenic, antimony, selenium, solid available in powder form, is pre-
Compound Applications
and tellurium. Drossing with sulfur is pared by blowing oxygen over molten
required to remove or control the copper Compound applications are uses in bismuth or by the decomposition of
load. Otherwise, lead and the other which bismuth is first converted into a bismuth nitrate. It is used in ceramic
impurities are removed by bubbling chemical compound. These are the pro- dielectrics and varistors. Bismuth oxy-
chlorine into the bullion. duction of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chloride (BiOCl) is used in the manufac-
Most bismuth refineries interrupt the catalysts, and pigments. It is important turing of cosmetic eye shadow, face
chlorine treatment at about 70% Bi to to note that refined bismuth is the starting powders, and other cosmetics to pro-
desilver. This is cohducted by the Parkes material for these applications. Taken vide iridescence. Bismuth phospho-
(zinc) process as in lead refining. Chlo- together, compound applications ac- molybdate is used for its catalytic effect
rine refining is then continued until a count for the largest demand of primary in the manufacture of plastic fibers.
predetermined bismuth (99.95%) level bismuth.
Alloying Additives
is achieved. Fine refining with caustic It would appear that the future of
often provides bismuth of greater than therapeutic and cosmetic formulas re- As early as 1941, workers at the Bat-
99.99% purity. At Asarco-Omaha, the quiring bismuth remains a significant telle Memorial Institutell reported that
only U.S. primary producer, bismuth is determinant of bismuth demand. In this small additions of bismuth (0.1-0.5%) to
also refined to 99.999%, which is high- regard, a report was recently released cast, corrosion-resistant, chromium and
purity bismuth. announcing a new ulcer-treating drug chromium-nickel stainless steels pro-
with antidine bismuth citrate as its active duced significant improvements in ma-
ingredient.9 chinability without deleterious effects
There is also development activitylO in on other mechanical properties or cor-
bismuth-based, nontoxic, inorganic yel- rosion resistance. Significant application
Bismuth consumption is distributed low pigments as potential substitutes of bismuth in free-machining steels be-
rather broadly among eight different for the effective but environmentally gan in earnest 20 years later, and it is
applications, each accounting for about undesirable pigments based on cadmium now a major area of consumption.12
10-15% of the bulk consumption. These and hexavalent chromium compounds. Bismuth is also added to several alu-
applications are pharmaceuticals, cos- Molybdenum-tungsten yellow, the sub- minum alloys at levels of 0.2-0.7% to
metics, catalysts, industrial pigments, ject of the report in Reference 9, is a solid also improve machinability. The con-
sumption of bismuth in aluminum al-
Table IV. Extraction of Bismuth loys is actually comparable to the level
Process Feed Material Reagent Refining in free-machining steels. Bismuth is used
- -
Leach-Reduce Bismuth concentrate HClleach Chlorine as an inoculant (200 ppm level) in mol-
Bi-Sn concentrate Fe,C ten cast irons to inhibit graphitization on
Roast-Reduce Sulfide + Oxide C Chlorine solidification.
Roast-Reduce Sulfide concentrate C Chlorine Fusible Alloys
Precipitation Fe
Exchange Reaction Debismuthization dross PbC~ Chlorine Bismuth is an important component
Reduction Cupel slag C Chlorine of many binary and multicomponent
alloys which have low eutectic or li-
Table V. Composition (wt.%) of Lead Electrorefinlng Slime Produced quidus temperatures. Several of the
at Centromin and by Other, Typical Operations common compositions are referred to as
Slime Producer Bi Pb Cu Sb Te Ag fusible alloys.
Centromin 20.6 15.6 1.6 33 0.74 9.5
Fusible alloys are used in the manu-
Typical 7.5 20 3.5 35 14 facture of components in shut-offs for
water heating systems, safety plugs in

48 JOM • June 1992

compressed gas cylinders, releases for Status and Future," Lead-Zinc '90, ed. T.S. Mackey and R.D. Thermfact Ltd. Tel: (613) 544-6159
Prengaman (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1990), pp. 23-38. 447 Berwick Ave. (514) 340-4nO
fire protection doors, and automatic 5. A.D. Betts, Lead Refining By Electrolysis (New York: John
Town of Mount Royal, Fax: (613) 544-7900
Wiley & Sons, 19(8).
sprinkler systems. In these applications, 6. I.L. Barker, "Slimes Treatment and Silver Refining Opera· Quebec, Canada H3R 1Z8 (514) 340-584Q
the component is sufficiently strong at tions by the Cerro De Pasco Corporation at La Oroya, Peru,"
Silver- Economics, Metallurgy and Use, ed. A. Butts and CD.
ambient temperatures; however, at a Coxe (New York: Van Nostrand, 1%7), ch. 6.
predetermined higher temperature, it 7. J.D. Betterton and Y.E. Lebedelf, "Debismuthizing Lead The F'A'C'T system provides a complete range
with Alkaline Earth Metals, Including Magnesium, and with
yields by fusion. Many compositions Antimony," Trans. AlME, 21 (1936), pp. 205-225. of computational services involving the applica-
have been tabulated by Howe13 and in 8. Anon., Mineral Commodity Summaries 1991 (Washington, tion of chemical thermodynamics to metallurgy,
D.C: U.s. Bureau of Mines, 1991), pp. 2fr.27. ceramics, malerials science and related areas of
Reference 14. A typical example is 9. S.M. Jasinski, "Bismuth" (U.S. Bureau of Mines Yearbook,
Wood's metal (SOBi-2SPb-12.SSn- 1988) ; see also Mineral Industry Surveys, Bismuth in the Third chemical engineering. The system is accessible
Quarter, 1990. by modem (TelenetiDatapac) or TCP/IP through-
12.5Cd), which melts at 60.S°C. 10. Z. Wenpu et aI., "A Bismuth-Containing Pigment: Mo-
out the world. The system is user-friendly; assis-
The anomalous expansion on solid- lybdenum-Tungsten Yellow," Bull. of the Bismuth Institute, 56
(1989), pp. 7-9. tance is always available: workshops are sched-
ification of bismuth also occurs in some 11. H. Pray, R.S. Peoples, and F. W. Fink, "Addition of Bismuth uled each year.
for Producing Free-machining Stainless Steels," Proc. ASTM,
fusible alloys. In some others, the solidi- 41 (1941), pp. 646-675. A complete range of consuitational services are
fication shrinkage is unusually low, per- 12. "About Bismuth in INcut 200: A new series of Free- provided by Dr. A.D. Pelton, Dr. C.w. Bale, Dr.
machining Steels," Bull. of the Bismuth Inslitute46 (1985), pp.
mitting their use for gripping tools and I~ .
W.T. Thompson, and our experienced staff.
punches. 13. Tabulated data are compiled from: H.H. Howe, "Bis- You (or we) can produce compulations of
muth," Rare Metals Handbook, ed. CA. Hampel (London: equalibrium and thermal effects, etc. for
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Reinhold, 1%1), and S.P. Parker, ed.,McCraw-Hill Concise
Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (1984), p. 233. ,SLAGIMETAUGAS REACTIONS
14. Metals Handbook, 9th ed., vol. 3 (Materials Park,OH: ASM,
Permission granted by Asarco to present 1980), pp. 79~1.
the information in this review is gratefully ,CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION
acknowledged. The author also thanks the
staff and workers at the Asarco Lead Refin- 'METAL-MATRIX COMPOSITE
Funsho K. Ojebuoboh earned his Ph .D. in INTERFACIAL REACTIONS
ery in Omaha, Nebraska, for ongoing helpful metallurgy atthe Colorado School of Mines in • FUEL CELL REACTIONS
discussions. 1985. He is currently a research engineer at • CORROSION
Asarco in Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Ojebuoboh • MULTICOMPONENT PHASE
References is also a member of TMS. DIAGRAMS
1. R.B. Gordon and J.R. Rutledge, "Bismuth Bronze from • ETC.
Machu Picchu, Peru," Science, 223 (1984), pp. 585-586. " you want more information on this subject,
2. H. Remy, Treatise On Inorganic Chemistry (New York: please circle reader service card number 51.

o o o
3. KC Li and CY. Wang. Tungsten (New York: Reinhold, THERIIODYNAIIIC CONSULTATION
1955), pp. 41-42, 46-47, 116.
4. K Moriya, "Lead Smelting and Refining-Its Current OVER 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN PROVIDING

Please circle no. 5 on the reader service card.

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