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● Listen to and watch the conversation. Listen w ​ ithout ​the "Conversation Transcript"
(PDF attached). Listen w​ ithout ​captions. The first time you listen, you do n
​ ot ​have to
write, read, or complete an activity. Simply listen and watch.
● Think about these questions while you listen: What ideas, words, or phrases do you
understand? What ideas, words, or phrases do you n ​ ot ​understand? What information
did you already know? What new information did you learn?


● Listen to and watch the conversation a s ​ econd time​. This time, read the
"Conversation Transcript" (PDF attached) and use captions w ​ hile ​you listen.
Vocabulary words (that we will review later) are underlined and in bold. Grammar
concepts (that we will review later) are highlighted in red.
● While reading and listening,​take notes b ​ y printing the Conversation Transcript or
using the PDF tools on your computer. U ​ nderline w ​ ords or phrases you don’t know.
Write a
​ ny important thoughts you have.

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