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Comprehension Activity: ​True or False?

Decide if each statement is “true” or “false” based on the conversation you listened to and watched 
earlier. ​Correct false statements to make them true​. Write in a complete sentence in English. Use the 
conversation transcript if you need to.  
Example: T ​ ipping five dollars per drink is normal in US bars and restaurants.  
Answer: ​False. Tipping a dollar per drink is normal in US bars and restaurants.  
1. Most waiters and waitresses in the United States depend on tips for survival. 
2. A 5% tip is the average tip given to waiters in the United States. 
3. It is considered rude to ask for a to-go bag in restaurants in the United States. 
4. On average, Bethany and Tyler eat out four to five times a week. 
5. One in four Americans eat fast food every day. 

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