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Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines

Telephone No.: (075) 5238265



This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

background of the study, the statement of the problem, significance of the study, and

scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

More than $40 billion in damage worldwide annually is being caused by floods

according to The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2016). This

damage caused by floods has been increasing since our world is changing too due to

climate change and global warming. There are so many consequences of heavy rainfalls

such as flooding, risks to human life, property damage, loss, and indebtedness to crops

and livestock, and landslides (NIWA, 2016).

The Philippines is located along the side of the Pacific’s typhoon belt in which the

Philippines is visited by an average of 20 typhoons annually, five of those typhoons are

destructive. Since the Philippines is situated in the “Pacific Ring of Fire” this makes the

Philippines vulnerable to many kinds of disasters mainly heavy storms. The Philippines

are highly susceptible to disasters like tsunami, storm surges, rising sea levels, landslides,

flood/flash flood/flooding, and drought (Asian Disaster Reduction Center, 2019).

A flood is a large amount of water that submerges in the usual dry lands (Earth

Networks, 2020). Floods are the most common and widespread natural severe weather
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

event experienced by many and it is also the most destructive natural hazard. Failure to

evacuate a certain flooded area or entering floodwaters can cause an injury or worse,

death (Ready, 2020). Floods happen quickly, it is unpredictable and people should always

be ready. It takes around 6 hours of continuous heavy rainfall to flood a flood-prone area.

Most of the time, floods can take hours before it is totally gone in the area. Floods can

happen in multiple ways: heavy rainfall, ruptured dam, storm surge, river flow, and

coastal flood.

Flooding is caused by heavy rainfalls, overflowing riverbanks, broken dams, a

decreasing number of planted trees that soak up water and melting of snow or ice due to

climate change. Every cause has an effect and the effect of these causes is expected to be

devastating not just to property but even lives are at stake. Just six inches of moving

water can knock a person down, and one foot of moving water can sweep a vehicle away

so it is dangerous to walk, swim, and drive in these floodwaters.

According to the National Severe Storms Laboratory, there are five types of

floods. This includes river flood (fluvial flood), coastal flood, storm surge, inland

flooding (urban flooding), and flash floods (pluvial floods). Pluvial floods or flash floods

are deadly, fast, unexpected, and sometimes unpredictable. While river floods or fluvial

floods are waters that overflowed from riverbanks and will go to neighboring lands

(Weber, 2019).

The Philippines is the most exposed country in the world to tropical storms (Time,

2013). Since the Philippines is exposed to tropical storms, as time passes by Filipinos
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

learned how to be prepared when storms struck their places. This kind of experiences

gave many Filipinos the idea and prepared them on how to prevent it and also on how to

tackle those experiences. These made the Filipinos’ perception change when there’s a big

storm coming in the Philippines.

In the Philippines, there are studies about the preparedness of Filipinos but there

are a limited number of research papers about the preparedness of people in the

barangays of San Carlos City, Pangasinan. The researchers of this study would like to

know how prepared the citizens of San Carlos City are when the rainy season starts and

how aware are they of avoiding property damage loss to human life, destruction of crops,

and loss of livestock. Knowing how aware and prepared the community folks of San

Carlos City, Pangasinan would help the barangays officials and the Local Government

Unit (LGU) of San Carlos City know how to increase and change their knowledge,

attitude, and beliefs on avoiding any casualties like damage to property, destruction of

crops, loss of livestock, and loss of human life.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perceptions and understanding of the civilians and

how they should prepare in ways to prevent/avoid being flooded. This study also seeks to

know what preventive measures and practices are being implemented in flood-prone

barangays in San Carlos City, Pangasinan. The following questions were proposed in

doing this research:

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

1. What is the Socio-Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. barangay residence

1.1.1. age,

1.1.2. sex, and

1.1.3. monthly family income?

1.2. barangay officials

1.2.1. age,

1.2.2. sex,

1.2.3. monthly family income, and

1.2.4. position or designation?

1.2.5. office or unit?

2. What preventive measures or practices are implemented and practiced in the flood-

prone barangays?

3. How prepared are the community folks of the said barangays in San Carlos City in

times of flooding?

4. Is there a significant association/correlation between:

4.1. The profile of the respondents and their preparation measures,

4.2. The respondent’s profile and degree of preparedness,

4.3. The method of preparation and degree of preparedness, and

4.4. The respondent’s preventive measures and their degree of preparation?

5. Is there a significant difference in the degree of preparation of the respondents in

terms of their profile and in terms of their preventive measures?

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers of the study want to determine how prepared and how aware the

community folks of San Carlos City is when it comes to flooding. Knowing how

prepared and how aware the community folks are, it would be a big help on things on

how to avoid being flooded and less damage would be dealt. The researchers of this study

would want to determine the level of preparedness of the community folks of flood-prone

areas in San Carlos City, Pangasinan. This research study would gather its data in flood-

prone barangays that are located near the Agno River namely: Barangay Aponit,

Barangay Bani, Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Bogaoan, Barangay Guelew, Barangay

Mabalbalino, Barangay Salinap, Barangay Supo, and Barangay Tamayo on the first week

of January 2021 and should end on the third week of January 2021. The researchers

would collect the data by looking for documentary reviews or documenting the place,

observing, and interviewing the barangay officials and residents and the head officer of

the city disaster risk reduction office of San Carlos City, Pangasinan. The study was

limited only to the preparedness of the inhabitants of the flood-prone barangays in San

Carlos in terms of preparing for typhoons and flooding due to typhoons. The researchers

limited the said barangays due to lack of time and money to go to the other barangays and

also because of the same reason the head officer or CDRRMO was not interviewed.

Significance of the Study

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

The researchers believe that the findings and recommendation of the study would

provide a better way to increase the preparedness and awareness of the said barangays in

San Carlos City, Pangasinan in terms of flooding in lowland areas or near river banks and

it would also benefit the citizens of San Carlos City, Pangasinan. Specifically, the study

is of importance to the following persons:

Community Folks. Community folks of flood prone barangays in San Carlos

City will be the main beneficiary because it would help them prepare on how to avoid

disasters like this. There are many ways the community folks can benefit from this study.

They can benefit from giving or preparing them to get the idea on how to prevent and

avoid being flooded like looking for a place that is on high-land, letting them know when

and where they should evacuate the area, and what preventive measures are done before

and during typhoons. This can also help them avoid the immediate impacts of flooding

that includes loss to human life, damage to property, destruction of crops, loss of

livestock, and getting water-borne and vector-borne diseases.

Barangay Officials. The barangay officials can find ways on how to intervene

and improve the methods of preparation at the barangay level.

City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO). The studies

output from the interviews would help them by letting them know some information

needed from the respondents on what should be done and what is needed in the flood

prone barangays.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Local Government Unit (LGU). The local government unit of San Carlos City,

Pangasinan will also benefit from the study because just like the CDRRMO. The higher

ups like the Mayor of the city will know what problems and situations are being tackled

by the said barangays in the city and also it will also let them know what needs to be

done and what should be improved for better outcomes in the future.

Researchers. This research study can serve as a basis or guide for future

researchers serving it as a reference in conducting a related study on preparedness



Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

This chapter of the paper presents the theoretical framework, the conceptual

framework and its paradigm and the review of related literature that discusses related

researches from articles and literatures conducted locally and overseas about preventive

measures and the preparedness level of folks in a certain place.

Theoretical Framework

This study anchors itself upon three theories: (1) theory on urban resilience to

flooding by Holling and associates (1996), (2) a theory of flood warning system by

Krzysztofowicz (1993), and (2) theory of planned behavior by Fishbein and Aizen (1980)

to test conceptual framework for determining the perceptions and understanding of the

civilians to prevent/avoid being flood by enhancing the preparedness level.

The theory on urban resilience to flooding (Holling et al., 1996) argues the urban

resilience to flooding is described as the city’s ability to withstand flooding reorganize if

their physical damage the socio-economic disturbance, to avoid death and injuries and

pressure the current socio-economic identity, for this reason, the planning practices

warning are also included in the study.

The TURF has been found to support river recovery across Fishbein and Ajzen

(1980), the theory of planned behavior. Fishbein and Ajzen’s theory planned behavior

that focuses on passions to participate in conduct at the given time and place. In planned

behavior (figure 1) show the attitudes behavioral and intentional subject norms social
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

norms perceived power and perceived behavioral control period this concept was

clarified all habits Individual has the potential to have ability self-control over. Holling

and association argue that it can be conceptualized when witnessing a flood as the

opportunity to stay desirable regime. A desirable regime is characterized by a collective

set of variables reflecting aspects such as security of livelihood, economic efficiency, and

mobility. Further, Fishbein and Ajzen (1980), argues that the theory of planned behavior

has a behavioral intent the central component of this model; behavioral will you have the

intended outcome and the subjective assessment of the costs and benefits of the

outcomes. Krzysztofowicz’ theory of flood warning system provides a structure for

modeling and mathematical principles required for, 1. Developing optimal decision rules

for issuing alerts based on an imperfect forecast, 2. Statistically as a system efficiently

and, 3. Calculating that system ex economic benefits. Thus, elements of this have been

incorporated also in this study particularly in the instrument for data collection.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Figure 1.

Theory on Planned Behavior (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1980)

Conceptual Framework

This study was conducted to determine what preventive measures are

implemented in flood-prone barangays of San Carlos City, Pangasinan, and how prepared

the Community Folks, Barangay Officials, and Local Government Unit of the said City is

in terms of Disasters faced. Preparedness of community folks in San Carlos City,


Figure 2 shows the Conceptual Paradigm of the study.

In the input, the socio-demographic profile of the respondents (Barangay

residents and officials of San Carlos City, Pangasinan) was collected along with their

preparedness level, preventive measures, and degree of preparation.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

The researchers adopted a descriptive - evaluative design as a model to direct the

researchers on the entire study. A purposive sampling also referred to as judgmental or

expert sampling, a type of non-probability sampling, was used as the sampling method

for collecting data among the respondents of San Carlos City, Pangasinan. The

instruments used in the study are by interviewing the respondents, look for documentary

analysis, giving out questionnaires, and by observing the place.

By doing the things said in the process part, the output would be determined by

knowing the determination of the Flood Prone Barangays in San Carlos City, Pangasinan.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

Socio-demographic Research Design:

profile  Descriptive –
1. Age Evaluative
2. Sex
Sampling Method:
3. Monthly
 Non-Probability
Family Income
4. Position or  Purposive or
Designation Judgmental Determination of the
Sampling Flood Prone
5. Unit or Office Method Barangays in San
Preparedness of Instrumentation: Carlos City,
community folks in Pangasinan.
San Carlos City,  Interview
Pangasinan. Method
 Look for
1. Preparedness Documentary
level Reviews or
2. Preventive Analysis
Measures  Observation

3. Degree of Data Analysis:

Preparation  Descriptive

Figure 2.

The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Null Hypothesis

The hypotheses below were tested at the .05 level of significance:

There is no significant correlation between: the respondent’s socio-demographic

profile and their measures of preparation, the respondent’s profile and degree of

preparedness, the respondent’s methods of preparation and degree of preparedness.

There is no significant difference in the degree of preparedness compared along

with their socio-demographic profiles and their methods of preparation.

Definition of Terms

Below are the terms and variables that is unusual to the study. This part of the

chapter seeks to determine the meaning or the terms or variables picked by the


Designation. Is a name, description, or title that is bestowed to someone to be the

official holder of the position. This is the position of the respondent in the community

and its barangays.

Flood Prone Barangays. These are the barangays that are susceptible to flood

during heavy storms. These are the barangays at San Carlos City, Pangasinan that are

near the Agno River and are highly inundated or saturated when the elevation of the river

is at twice the maximum of its depth.

Model Framework. A framework that establishes a set of assumptions to create

models and explain the mechanistic process. These are the models that are implemented,
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

developed, and used by the community folks and Local Government Units of San Carlos

City, Pangasinan.

Preparedness. Are set of actions or processes that are taken as a precautionary

measure to prevent potential disasters. These are actions that include both physical

preparations and trainings for emergency actions when a typhoon hits Pangasinan.

Preparedness Level. This refers to the increased preparation of a community by

leveling organizational readiness on natural disasters and the availability on resources.

This refers to how prepared and what safety measures or protocols are being

implemented by the barangays that are near the Agno River when rainy season starts.

Related Literature and Studies

The Philippines is most likely considered to be the most disaster-prone countries

in the world due to its geographical location. According to German Watch (Eckstein et

al., 2020), the Philippines ranks second in its 2018 Climate Risk Index, which indicates

the level of exposure and vulnerability to extreme events and should be understood as a

warning to be prepared for more frequent and more severe events in the future.

Typhoon refers to a tropical cyclonic storm that can bring terrible damage due to

thunderstorms, torrential rain and flooding, violent winds, incredible and extremely high

tides, and tidal surges. Destructive typhoons can generate winds of more than 75 miles

per hour and cause major flooding to areas that it will affect (Erik Devaney, 2018).
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

An average of 20 typhoons makes landfall in the Philippines every year, 5 of

those typhoons are destructive. The most destructive typhoons caused floods in which

became the source of severe destruction of houses and livelihoods as well as injuries and

deaths of people in the country. Not only the intensity of typhoons but also the loss and

damage have been increasing in the Philippines. An example of that is Super Typhoon

Haiyan, locally known as Typhoon Yolanda that entered the Philippine Area of

Responsibility (PAR) in November 2013 in which affected more than 3 million families

or 16 million citizens of the Philippines. Killing 6,318 persons, 28,689 was injured and

1,061 were still missing. Typhoon Yolanda destroyed 1,140,332 houses and damaged a

total of 19.6B pesos worth of Infrastructures and 20.3B pesos worth of Agriculture

(Asian Disaster Reduction Center, 2019).

According to Sciencing (Derek Gonzales, 2018), Tropical cyclones often cause

environmental changes far beyond the area where they make landfall. The winds from a

Category 1 cyclone cause minimal damage while Category 5 storms are the most

dangerous, bringing winds of more than 156 miles per hour. Winds this fast can rip trees

from the ground, flatten buildings, destroying vegetation, often results in loss of animal

habitats, interrupting and changing ecosystems. Cyclonic winds also can damage

infrastructures, such as power lines, communication towers, bridges, and roads. Tropical

Cyclonic Storms can bring torrential rains that lead to flooding. Eroding of the soil

damages existing vegetation and ecosystems.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Flood is the most common natural disaster experienced by many and it is also the

most destructive natural hazard. Flooding is caused by heavy rainfalls, overflowing

riverbanks, broken dams, a decreasing number of planted trees that soak up water and

melting of snow or ice due to climate change. Failure to evacuate the area or entering

floodwaters can cause injuries and can also lead to death. A flood may also cause power

outages, disrupt transportation, damage buildings, and create landslides (Ready, 2020).

A flood is a large amount of water that submerges in usually drylands (Earth

Networks, 2020). The immediate impacts of flooding include loss of human life,

destruction of crops, loss of livestock, damage to property, and deterioration of health

conditions. Flooding can traumatize the victims and their families for a long period of

time (The State of Queensland (Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist), 2018).

Many risk factors can cause a flood in an area. The causes of flooding can be due

to heavy or prolonged rainfall, storm surge, sudden snowmelt, places that are in lowland

areas, houses that are near riverbanks, deforestation, and the breakage of dams or levees.

Prolonged or heavy rainfall in an area can cause a sudden flood and can turn into a flash

flood in which many living things or organisms are affected (BBC, 2020).

The Agno River is about 270 km in length from its source in the Cordillera

Mountains to its mouth in the Lingayen Gulf. It drains the southeastern half of the Central

Cordillera in Benguet Province, flows across the broad Pangasinan Plain, and enters the

Lingayen Gulf (Elvira Baluyot, 2020). Agno River is a river in the Philippine island of

Luzon, in the province of Pangasinan. It is the fifth-largest river system in the country
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

with a drainage area of 5,952 km². Since San Carlos is located in Pangasinan, Philippines,

the Agno River makes its way into the said city. The barangays that are near Agno River

are Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Bani, Barangay Mabalbalino, Barangay Bogaoan,

Barangay Aponit, and Barangay Isla.

According to OCHA (Relief Web), Tropical Cyclone Halong or locally known as

Tropical typhoon "Cosme", made its landfall during the weekend of May 2008 in

Pangasinan and La Union with 135 kph wind leaving 15 persons dead, one missing and

three others injured and heavy losses to agricultural crops and infrastructure. Tropical

typhoon Cosme caused the said areas under the state of calamity and caused La Union a

total of 40.6 million Philippine peso cost of damage to agricultural crops and fisheries

while in Pangasinan it is reported that the total damage amounting was P1.3 billion

Philippine peso. The grand total of damaged infrastructure in the region was estimated at

P107.052 million Philippine pesos. All parts of San Carlos City were affected and caused

local power outages for almost a month in the said city (Henry Lagasca, 2008).

According to Rappler (Jodesz Gavilan, 2018), another big typhoon hit Pangasinan

and at least 2,335 families or 9,507 individuals in 26 areas in Pangasinan were evacuated

due to Typhoon Ompong (Mangkhut). This typhoon flooded San Carlos City for almost a

week in areas that are usually not flooded and caused the community folks of it hundreds

and thousands of pesos.

A research study on flood prevention and mitigation was conducted in the City of

Cabanatuan to gain information that served as the basis for the development and
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

integration of flood prevention and mitigation initiatives in the City. The study found out

that Barangays in Cabanatuan City lacks preventive infrastructure and facilities and poor

implementation of a waste management system that leads to causes of flooding in the

city. Flood prevention and mitigation initiatives were moderately implemented while

other mitigation measures had been done by the City Government of Cabanatuan were

properly implemented (Engr. Joefil C. Jocson Ph.D. et al., 2019).

As cited by Ragma and Severo (2017), the researcher’s study shows that flood

risk reduction and management is very efficient. The researchers concluded that the

practices in managing flood are executed properly, responded to the vast and immediate

needs of the people and the government of Candon City has no equal attention to the

different measures in flood risk reduction and management in the city.

In the research study of Uchenna Uzoma Okoroji (2018), the study reveals that

implementation in Nigeria is nearly absent. As stated in the research paper “It appears

that government presence is noticed only when disaster strikes.”

Cited in the research paper of Rufat, Tate, and Burton (2015), “The results

identify demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, and health as the leading

empirical drivers of social vulnerability to damaging flood events. However, risk

perception and coping capacity also featured prominently in the case studies, yet these

factors tend to be poorly reflected in many social vulnerability indicators. The influence

of social vulnerability drivers varied considerably by disaster stage and national setting,

highlighting the importance of context in understanding social vulnerability precursors,

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

processes, and outcomes.” The researchers focused on the intersecting social

vulnerability contexts of flood hazard, disaster phase, and national level of development.

Their aim is to distinguish and profile the leading drivers of social vulnerability to floods,

with the basic objective of reinforcing the foundation for pointer advancement.

Studies on Preventive measures and preparedness level of people and the

government of the place are still at high risk on the importance of context in

understanding social vulnerability precursors, processes, and outcomes. Almost all the

studies that are cited in the paper are telling that the Government has no equal attention to

different preventive measures and is only active or noticed when the calamity is done or

when disaster strikes. However, the gap remains the same as to how aware the

community folks are and know how to increase their knowledge and avoid any casualties

like damage to property, destruction of crops, loss of livestock, and loss of human life

and also to increase studies on the preparedness of San Carlos City's Folks on preventing

and mitigating flood.


Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

This chapter presents research design consistent with the study. It includes the

duration and locale, population and participants, materials and processes and tools for

data analysis.

Research Design

The researchers aimed to determine how prepared the community folks of San

Carlos City are when it comes to flooding and in order to attain this, a descriptive -

evaluative type of research design was employed in this study by observation,

documenting and interviewing residents of flood prone barangays in San Carlos City that

are traversed the Agno river. Descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically

describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and

how questions, but not why questions (McCombes, 2019). Evaluation research typically

associated with real-life scenarios within organizational contexts. This means that the

researcher will need to leverage common workplace skills including interpersonal skills

and team play to arrive at objective research findings that will be useful to stakeholders

(Formplus Blog, 2020). Non-experimental design includes research designs in which a

researcher describes the situation in phenomenon in research study and the socio

demographic profile. A purposive sample, a type of non-probability sampling was used in

this research paper to produce a sample that can be logically assumed to be a

representative of the population.

Duration and Locale of the Study

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

This research study was conducted in January 2021 in nine (9) barangays in San

Carlos City, Pangasinan that are prone to flood. The researchers gathered the data in the

date of January 26, 2021 and February 01, 2021. The researchers will gather data from

residents of barangays near the Agno River namely Barangay Aponit, Barangay Bani,

Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Bogaoan, Barangay Guelew, Barangay Mabalbalino,

Barangay Salinap, Barangay Supo, and Barangay Tamayo and these barangays are the

barangays in San Carlos City, Pangasinan that are highly susceptible to flood.

Aponit is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Aponit is situated at approximately 15.8966, 120.2942, in the island of Luzon. Elevation

at these coordinates is estimated at 8.4 meters or 27.6 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020).

Bani is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan. Bani

is situated at approximately 15.8903, 120.2742, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these

coordinates is estimated at 10.3 meters or 33.8 feet above mean sea level (PhilAtlas,


Bocboc is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Bocboc is situated at approximately 15.8781, 120.2775, in the island of Luzon. Elevation

at these coordinates is estimated at 9.3 meters or 30.5 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020).
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Bogaoan is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Bogaoan is situated at approximately 15.8969, 120.2672, in the island of Luzon.

Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 8.9 meters or 29.2 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020).

Guelew is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Guelew is situated at approximately 15.8588, 120.3238, in the island of Luzon. Elevation

at these coordinates is estimated at 16.2 meters or 53.1 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020)

Guelew is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Guelew is situated at approximately 15.8588, 120.3238, in the island of Luzon. Elevation

at these coordinates is estimated at 16.2 meters or 53.1 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020).

Mabalbalino is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of

Pangasinan. Mabalbalino is situated at approximately 15.9045, 120.2662, in the island of

Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 10.4 meters or 34.1 feet above mean

sea level (PhilAtlas, 2020).

Salinap is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Salinap is situated at approximately 15.8787, 120.2926, in the island of Luzon. Elevation

at these coordinates is estimated at 12.8 meters or 42.0 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020).
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Supo is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan. Supo

is situated at approximately 15.8510, 120.3109, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these

coordinates is estimated at 12.5 meters or 41.0 feet above mean sea level (PhilAtlas,


Tamayo is a barangay in the city of San Carlos, in the province of Pangasinan.

Tamayo is situated at approximately 15.8613, 120.3034, in the island of Luzon. Elevation

at these coordinates is estimated at 9.7 meters or 31.8 feet above mean sea level

(PhilAtlas, 2020).

The said barangays are given to the researchers by the City Disaster Risk

Reduction Management of San Carlos City for a better view or lookout for what

barangays are high susceptible to flooding see figure

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Figure 3.

High Flood Susceptibility Map

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Figure 4.

Map of San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Figure 5.

Aerial View of San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Population and Participants

Sampling relates to the systematic group selection method that will be evaluated

in the research report the aim is to gather data population. The general ability in

applicability of results increase once a good sample is collected.

The source of data of this study were population as determine by 2015 Census.

Barangay Aponit, Barangay Bani, Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Bogaoan, Barangay

Geulew, Barangay Mabalbalino, Barangay Salinap, Barangay Supo, Barangay Tamayo

from City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office of San Carlos that is highly

susceptibility to flooding.

In Barangay Aponit there are 2,257 residents, Barangay Bani has 846 residents,

Barangay Bocboc has 1175 residents, Barangay Bogaoan has 2340 residents, Barangay

Guelew which has the highest 4162 residents, Barangay Mabalbalino has 1932 residents,

Barangay Salinap has a populations of 2936, Barangay Supo has 1347 residents,

Barangay Tamayo has 3432 Populations and among all the barangay mention where

located nearly Agno river. The researchers employed purposive sampling method to

determine number of respondents based on judgment of the researchers that will

participate of this study. Researchers use this sampling method to access a particular

subset of relationship between two or more groups.

Using purposive sampling is appropriate for special cases in appropriate form of

something. In choosing cases it uses the opinion of an expert or it choses cases with a

particular intent in mind very frequently and its use when is important to assess the
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

difficult to reach population ( the selecting of the respondents was made

easy for the researchers.

Non-probability sampling does not pick there in mathematically random may

from the population. As a consequence, non-random sampling usually guild samples that

are not population representative. This also suggests that there is a very small capacity to

generalize from them.

Respondents were major ages who experienced severe flooding caused by rising

water level in the Agno river. The researchers purposefully selected a number of

community folks barangays in San Carlos which is traversed by the Agno river with a

different needs and order to gather a varied range of data on their experience.

Only the verbal consent of the participants was sought by the analysis. No written

consent indicating their temperament to voluntary participate was created because the

researchers determined to uphold the four principles of research ethics accordingly:

1. In despite of covid-19 pandemic, inter-agency task force (IATF) to strictly

implement health guidelines to prevent further spread of disease. the researchers

follow the guidelines as the following:

1.1. Mandatory wearing of face mask and face shield,

1.2. Physical and social distancing and keep distance of at least one m

between the researchers and respondents and

1.3. Always bring or have alcohol or disinfectant spray when gathering a data.

2. The decision was respected whether or not to participate in research study,

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

3. If you want to participate, no unnecessary harmful has been caused if at all happy

to participate in the research would only have caused them distress in terms of the

time taken by the involvement by reacting to the questionnaire and performing by

physical measurements,

4. And Lastly, in the relationships with perspective and actual participants the

researchers remain respectful impartial and reliable in gathering data from all


The total population is 20,427 from the high susceptible flood prone barangay

near Agno river. This uses a judgment from an expert in selecting cases every barangay

used as the research sample, so the 35 respondents were decided and selected by the


Out of those selected respondents, the researchers talked that they would divide

them equally, meaning one (1) barangay captain, one (1) barangay tanod, and one (1) to

three (3) residents would be chosen to be interviewed. The table below will tell how the

35 respondents would be divided.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents

Number of
Barangay/Local Government Unit Population
Aponit 3 2257
Bani 3 846
Bocboc 5 1175
Bogaoan 4 2340
Geulew 5 4162
Mabalbalino 3 1932
Salinap 4 2936
Supo 5 1347
Tamayo 3 3432
Total Number of Respondents: 35 20427

Materials and Procedures

Interviewing a person is generally a reliable source of information for the fact that

the interviewee is telling something, but it is not necessarily accurate of what the

interviewee said. As for what instrument was used by the researchers for collecting the

data, an interview method or guide was best on collecting the data needed. There are so

many ways on gathering data, but for this research interviewing the respondents would be

best. Since an interview can’t be totally reliable because sometimes the interviewees’

words can just be for bragging and sometimes they are not that confident on answering

and can’t totally tell the whole story needed, so the researchers thought of something that

would validate and can be reliable and that is looking for documentary reviews and

observing the respondent or the interviewee so that it would make the data more reliable

since a valid instrument is also a reliable instrument.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

The items in the instrument, interview guide, were based from the study’s

statement of the problem: numbers one (1) – three (3) and the guide was divided into two

parts which is the profiling or knowing basic information from the interviewees and

questions about preventive measure or practices implemented in the said barangays or

San Carlos City, Pangasinan.

Since the instrument used for the conducted research study is an interview guide,

a letter seeking permission to gather data was passed down to the head officer of the San

Carlos City disaster risk reduction management office and barangay officials of the

selected barangays and also a verbal consent was apprehended to the interviewees for

them to get a view of what the researchers wants to ask.

A purposive sample, also referred to as a judgmental or expert sample, is a type of

nonprobability sample and the main objective of it is to produce a sample that can be

logically assumed to be representative of the population (Lavrakas, 2008). Due to lack of

time only a few of the residents of the said barangays would be chosen as a respondent of

the conducted research. Only 35 respondents were chosen: 1 barangay captain, 1

barangay tanod, and 1-2 residents each barangay (Barangay Aponit, barangay Bani,

Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Bogaoan, Barangay Geulew, Barangay Mabalbalino,

Barangay Salinap, Barangay Supo, and Barangay Tamayo). Respondents that have been

selected were asked on the spot if they would like to participate or willing to participate.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Tools for Data Analysis

To determine the profile of participants, descriptive analysis was conducted using

a purposive sampling, a type of non-probability sampling in which the researchers would

pick their own respondents. Percentage formula was used by the researcher in analyzing

the data.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265


This chapter presents the research findings, interpretation and discussion of data

obtained from the questionnaire.

Respondents’ Profile

Table 2 presents the profile of the residents of the four barangays namely:

Barangay Bani, Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Salinap, and Barangay Tamayo of San

Carlos City, Pangasinan.

Table 2. Socio Demographic profile of the flood-prone barangays in San Carlos

City, Pangasinan

Percentage Mean
Demographic profile Frequency
34 1 6.7 %
37 1 6.7 %
40 1 6.7 %
41 1 6.7 %
46 1 6.7 %
51 1 6.7 %
56 2 13.3 % 54 years old
58 1 6.7 %
60 2 13.3 %
61 1 6.7 %
65 1 6.7 %
67 1 6.7 %
78 1 6.7 %
SEX Continues at the next
Female 6 40.0
Male 9 60.0 %
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265 Continuation


Less than PHP 9,520 7 46.7 %
Between PHP 9,520 and PHP 19,040 7 46.7 %
Between PHP 19,040 and PHP 38,080 1 6.7 %
Between PHP 38,080 and PHP 66,640 0 0.0 %
PHP 195,160
Between PHP 66,640 and PHP 114,240 0 0.0 %
Between PHP 114,240 and PHP
0 0.0 %
At least PHP 190,400 0 0.0 %

The table above, there is a total of fifteen respondents chosen to be interviewed.

At an age of 78 was the oldest and the youngest interviewee is only 34. Among the

fifteen respondents, six of them are now a senior citizen who almost spend their whole

life in their barangay or area.

In terms of sex, there are six female respondents and nine male respondents. From

those fifteen respondents, eight of them are barangay officials and almost the rest are

females. This means that more males are running as the captain of the barangay. The

researchers also tried to interview male residents but almost all of them didn’t agreed or

don’t want to be interviewed. Due to lack of time and money going t the other flood

prone barangays, only four barangays were set out to be interviewed. The researchers

also tried to interview the barangay captain but he wasn’t around so the on duty kagawad

was interviewed and also the researchers tried to interview the captain of barangay

Aponit but the captain was overwhelmed and the kagawad also said she don’t want to be

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Lastly, in terms of monthly family income, with a percentage of fourty-six point

seven, seven of them has a monthly family income of less than PHP 9,520 and between

PHP 9,520 and PHP 19,040 and only one has an accumulated monthly income between

PHP 19,040 and PHP 38,080.

Table 3. Preventive measures or practices of the barangays of San Carlos City,

Pangasinan (Before, during, and after)

Preventive measures or practices that are

implemented and practiced in the flood-prone F Rank
barangays of San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Checking the area or barangay 4 26.7 % 1
Preparing things 2 13.3 % 3
Telling the residents to prepare 2 13.3 % 5
Tying the roof and putting tires on top of it 1 6.7 % 7
Checking and cleaning the area and cutting parts of
3 20.0 % 2
Putting things at a safe or in a high area 2 13.3 % 4
Preparing things and praying that things would be
1 6.7 % 6
Checking and monitoring the barangay 1 6.7 % 3
Evacuating things that can be reached by the flood 3 20.0 % 2
Staying inside the house 11 73.3 % 1
Cleaning the road 1 6.7 % 6
Cleans the house and dividing relief goods 1 6.7 % 6
Roaming around, checking if there are damages, and
2 13.3 % 4
cleaning the area
Cleaning and checking the whole barangay or area 2 13.3 % 2
Cleans the barangay and removing things that
2 13.3 % 3
blocks or blocked the road
Cleans the house and checking if there are damages 5 33.3 % 1
Continues at the next
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Checks the field if something had happened there 1 6.7 % 5

Visits houses that needs to evacuate and gives relief
1 6.7 % 8
goods to residents

The table above presents the before, during, and after of the things the residents of

San Carlos City are doing. Based on the responses of the interviewees it is a fact that they

know what to do when a typhoon will hit the area or barangay.

Table 4. First aid kits inside the houses or barangay hall of the respondents.

First aid kits Frequency Percent (%)

No 3 20.0 %
Yes 12 80.0 %

The table 4 presents if there are first aid kits prepared and ready to use inside the

house or barangay hall of the respondents and it shows that eighty percent of the

respondents have their own first aid kits.

Table 5. Readiness of the respondents

Readiness of one’s own accord Frequency Percent (%)

No 3 20.0
Yes 12 80.0

This table shows if the interviewees are voluntarily doing their job as a citizen and

a member of their family. This shows that out of fifteen, twelve respondents are

independent and is doing their job voluntarily and in one’s own accord.

Table 6. Typhoon that was the most memorable to the respondents

Typhoons that are memorable to the

Frequency Percent Rank
Typhoon Rita or Gloring – 1972 3 20.0 % 2
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Tropical Storm Thelma or Uring – 1991 1 6.7 % 3

Severe Tropical Storm Halong or Cosme – 2008 11 73.3 % 1

The residents and the barangay officials have said in the interview that the most

memorable typhoon that they have remembered up to date was Severe Tropical Storm

Halong or Cosme (2008) with a frequency of eleven and a percentage of seventy-three

point three and the typhoon that has the least response was the Tropical Storm Thelma or

Uring (1991) with a percentage of six point seven and the oldest and retired typhoon was

the Typhoon Rita or Gloring (1972) with a response of three and a percentage of twenty.

Table 7. Awareness and preparedness of the flood-prone barangays

Frequency Percent (%)

Preventive measures and practices implemented in the barangay are enough
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0 %
Disagree 1 6.7 %
Undecided 2 13.3 %
Agree 3 20.0 %
Strongly Agree 9 60.0 %
The place or barangay area wouldn’t be flooded again
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0 %
Disagree 1 6.7 %
Undecided 2 13.3 %
Agree 6 40.0 %
Strongly Agree 6 40.0 %

The table above shows that many of the interviewees strongly agrees that the

preventive measures and practices implemented in the barangay is enough and it also

shows that the respondents think that the barangay or place wouldn’t be flooded again.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Table 8. Scale given by the respondents based on how prepared they are

Frequency Percent
A scale of 0 – 10 on the respondents readiness
5 - ready, 5 - unprepared 2 13.3 %
7 - ready, 3 - unprepared 2 13.3 %
8 - ready, 2 - unprepared 1 6.7 %
10 - ready, 0 - unprepared 10 66.7 %
Readiness based on the interviewees responses
3 to 5 - Unsure 2 13.3 %
6 to 8 - Ready 3 20.0 %
9 to 10 - Super Ready 10 66.7 %

The table 8 shows that given response or scale by the respondents during the time

they are interviewed and base on the responses the interviewees a lot of them answered

that they are ready when a typhoon will pass through the area or place again.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265



In this chapter, the summary, conclusions, and recommendations by the

researchers after conducting the test are presented.


This study investigated the preventive measures or practices implemented and

practiced in the flood prone barangay and also how prepared the community folks of San

Carlos City, Pangasinan are when a typhoon would hit the place. 15 respondents were

sampled by non-probabilistic quota from four barangays of San Carlos City namely:

Barangay Bani, Barangay Bocboc, Barangay Salinap, and Barangay Tamayo. A

researcher-made validated interview guide and schedule was used in this quantitative

non-experimental interview to gather pertinent data. Careful and thorough data

analyzation on the transcript was used to find out how prepared and what preventive

measures are implemented in the flood prone barangays.

Statistical measures were used to analyze data to facilitate the attainment of the

study objectives.


The following are the salient findings of this investigation:

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

1. There are families out there that does not have a stable job and if there are

their wages are below PHP 9,520.

2. The preventive measures implemented in the barangays are enough and could

keep the place safe and almost free from flooding.

3. The preparedness of the community folks is at a good state and they can be

ready on their own without telling them.

4. There is no significant association or correlation between the profile of the

respondents and their preparation measures. Their profile doesn’t affect the

way they are preparing.


The community folks in flood prone area of San Carlos City are prepared when it

comes of flooding.


From the results and gathered after the test conducted, the researchers recommend

the following improvements to fully furnish the research:

1. The residents and the barangay officials should have a plan that would help them

avoid on being flooded.

2. The CDRRMO or LGU of San Carlos should check the condition of the gabions.

3. The higher ups should give seminar and a list of things that they need to do when

disaster happens.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

4. Future researchers should conduct a similar or a follow up study on preparedness

of the community folks of San Carlos City, Pangasinan that includes all the flood

prone barangays of San Carlos City.

5. Lastly, other officials in the whole barangay or the city itself should conduct a

survey that would let them see if there are things that troubles the residents of

their place.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Devaney, E. (2019, March 02). The Effects of Typhoons. Retrieved April 19, 2018, from

Dudovskiy, J. (2018, February 6). Purposive sampling. Retrieved February 12, 2021,



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Lagasca, H. S. (2008, May 20). Philippines: Typhoon "Cosme" leaves 15 dead in Ilocos

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Lavrakas, P. J. (2008). Purposive Sample. Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods.


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NationCode=608&Lang=en#:~:text=Located along the typhoon belt five of which are


Appendix A:
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Letter to the Principal

Appendix B:
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Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Letter to the Barangay Captains

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Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
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Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
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Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Appendix C:
Interview Guide
Tell me about yourself (name, age, birthday, sex, and address)
Do you have a job? (Meron po ba kayong trabaho?)
Where do you work? (Saan po kayo nagtratrabaho?)
What is your position there? (Ano po iyong posisyon ninyo sa trabaho niyo?)
Are you fully employed or just working part time? (Full time or part time po kayo roon sa
trabaho ninyo?)
How much do you earn from your job on a monthly basis? (Magkano po ang iyong
kinikita doon kada buwan?)
Are you the bread winner of the family or is there someone who earns or has a job in
your family? (Kayo po ba ang bread winner sa inyong pamilya o meron pong ibang
kumikita sa loob ng inyong bahay?)
If you will sum up your monthly income in your whole family, how much would it all
be? (Kung sususmahin niyo po lahat ng kinikita ng inyong pamilya kada buwan, mga
magkano po iyon?)
From what you have said about the other jobs of your family, what is their job and where
do they work? (Ano po iyong trabaho ng mga sinasabi niyong may sweldo rin sa bahay
ninyo at saan po sila nagtratrabaho?)
Preventive measures or practices:
Ano po iyong pinaka memorableng hindi niyo makakalimutan na insidente na dinulot ng
bagyo? Pwede niyo po bang ikwento iyong karanasan na iyon? Kalian po nangyari iyon?
Bakit po nagging memorable iyong karanasan na iyon?
Nagevacuate po ba kayo sa panahon na iyon?
Iyon lang po ba yung panahon na kinailangan niyong magevacuate?
Doon po sa evacuation area ninyo, sa tingin po ninyo bakit po kinailangan niyong
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Iyon long po ba yung panahon na kinailangan niyong magevacuate?

Meron po ba kayong ibang naiisip na paraan para malaman niyo na kung dapat kailangan
niyong magevacuate agad ng hindi sinasabi ng iba gaya ng barangay officials?? *ask
what are those*
Meron po bang nagsasabi o nagaabiso sainyo na may tsansa na babahain ang inyong
lugar sa oras na iyon at kinakailangan niyong magevacuate o lumikas agad?
Iniinform po ba kayo ng barangay officials ng maayos tungkol sa pagdating ng baha or
may posibilidad na bahain ang inyong lugar?
Pag may nabalitaan po kayo na may darating na bagyo dito saatin, ginagawa po ba ng
mga barangay officials o ng CDRRMO na umiikot o nagbabahay sila para
mapaalalahanan kayo?
Paano po yung paraan nila na iinform kayo? Meron po ba silang binibigay na papel?
Sinasabi po ba nila kung kailan kayo mageevacuate? Kailan po nila sinasabi iyon?
Pag meron pong bagyo, yung mga sinabi niyo lang po ba iyong ginagawa nila?
Pagkatapos po ba nung baha, may ginawa po bang paraan iyong mga nakatataas para
maiwasan ng maulit o para hindi na kayo bahain ulit?
Nung sinemento na po ba yung dike, hindi na po ba kayo binaha ulit nun?
Nakatulong po ba o hindi iyong pagsemento nila sa dike?
Sa tingin niyo pa sapat na po ba iyong ginawa nilang mga paraan para maiwasan ang
pagbaha sa inyong lugar?
Sa tingin niyo po ano po iyong mga iba pang paraan o dapat pang gawin?
Sa tingin niyo po kung may darating ulit na bagyo na malakas masasabi niyo po bang
handa na kayo? Bakit o bakit hindi? *ask why*
Ano po sa tingin niyo iyong rason kung bakit kampante o confident kayo na ready kayo o
hindi kapag may darating na bagyo? *depends on their answer*
Yung pagiging handa niyo po ba nakaayon sa pagiging responsable o pagkukusa niyo o
ng pamilya niyo?
Sa tingin niyo po ready kayo dahil kayo mismo na residents ginagawa ninyo yung part
niyo pero hindi niyo masasabing ready kayo dahil may ginawang paraan iyong barangay
officials o CDRRMO? Bakit?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

From a scale of 0 - 10, 0 - meaning hindi kayo magiging handa kahit kailan at 10 -
meaning ready na ready kayo na pag inanounce sa TV na may drating na 5 days simula
ngayon may darating na super typhoon at matatamaan tayo dito ay alam niyo na yung
gagawin ninyo. *tanungin kung bakit yun yung sagot niya* *rate from 1-10* ex. 7 ang
sagot - 70% ready & 30% not ready ask (Ano yung rason kung bakit kayo ready at kung
bakit hindi kayo ready?)
Meron din po ba kayong ginawang sariling plan para ihanda niyo iyong sarili ninyo?
Ano po iyong ginagawa ng barangay and kayo din po before, during, at after ng baha?

Barangay Officials
Tell me about yourself (name, age, birthday, sex, and address)
Do you have a job? (Meron po ba kayong trabaho?)
Where do you work? (Saan po kayo nagtratrabaho?)
What is your position there? (Ano po iyong posisyon ninyo sa trabaho niyo?)
Are you fully employed or just working part time? (Full time or part time po kayo roon sa
trabaho ninyo?)
How much do you earn from your job on a monthly basis? (Magkano po ang iyong
kinikita doon kada buwan?)
Are you the bread winner of the family or is there someone who earns or has a job in
your family? (Kayo po ba ang bread winner sa inyong pamilya o meron pong ibang
kumikita sa loob ng inyong bahay?)
If you will sum up your monthly income in your whole family, how much would it all
be? (Kung sususmahin niyo po lahat ng kinikita ng inyong pamilya kada buwan, mga
magkano po iyon?)
From what you have said about the other jobs of your family, what is their job and where
do they work? (Ano po iyong trabaho ng mga sinasabi niyong may sweldo rin sa bahay
ninyo at saan po sila nagtratrabaho?)
Ano pong mga aksyon ang inyong ginagawa tuwing may darating na malakas na ulan?
Naiinform niyo po ba ng maayos iyong mga residents pag may darating na bagyo?
Ano po iyong mga ginagawa niyo before during and after ng baha?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

As a resident ano po iyong mga ginagawa niyo pag may darating na malakas na bagyo?
As a barangay official naman po, ano po iyong mga ginagawa niyo pag may darating na
malakas na bagyo?
Sa tingin niyo po ano pa po iyong mga pwedeng niyong gawin para mabawasan or
maiwasan niyo iyong pagbaha sa inyong barangay?
Ano po iyong pwede niyong marecommend pag may pagkakataon po kayong makausap
iyong mga nakatataas patungkol sa problemang ito?
From a scale of 0 - 10, 0 - meaning hindi kayo magiging handa kahit kailan at 10 -
meaning ready na ready kayo na pag inanounce sa TV na may drating na 5 days simula
ngayon may darating na super typhoon at matatamaan tayo dito ay alam niyo na yung
gagawin ninyo. *tanungin kung bakit yun yung sagot niya* *rate from 1-10* ex. 7 ang
sagot - 70% ready & 30% not ready ask (Ano yung rason kung bakit kayo ready at kung
bakit hindi kayo ready?)

Local Government Officials

Tell me about yourself (name, age, birthday, sex, and address)
Do you have a job? (Meron po ba kayong trabaho?)
Where do you work? (Saan po kayo nagtratrabaho?)
What is your position there? (Ano po iyong posisyon ninyo sa trabaho niyo?)
Are you fully employed or just working part time? (Full time or part time po kayo roon sa
trabaho ninyo?)
How much do you earn from your job on a monthly basis? (Magkano po ang iyong
kinikita doon kada buwan?)
Are you the bread winner of the family or is there someone who earns or has a job in
your family? (Kayo po ba ang bread winner sa inyong pamilya o meron pong ibang
kumikita sa loob ng inyong bahay?)
If you will sum up your monthly income in your whole family, how much would it all
be? (Kung sususmahin niyo po lahat ng kinikita ng inyong pamilya kada buwan, mga
magkano po iyon?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

From what you have said about the other jobs of your family, what is their job and where
do they work? (Ano po iyong trabaho ng mga sinasabi niyong may sweldo rin sa bahay
ninyo at saan po sila nagtratrabaho?)
Ano pong mga barangay ang inyong pinupuntahan o tinulungan niyo tuwing may
malakas na bagyo at paano niyo po sila tinulungan? Before, during, and after

Appendix D:
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interview Transcripts
Researcher: Ano po pangalan nila tay?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name Withheld)
Researcher: Ilan taon napo kayo?
(How old are you?)
Interviewee: 56
Researcher: Kailan po birthday nila?
(When is their birthday?)
Interviewee: December 5,1964
Researcher: Sa 56 na namalagi po kayo dito ilan years po kayo naging kapitan?parang
pang ilan term niyo napo?
(In the 56 that you stayed here how many years did you become captain? how many more
terms do you have?)
Interviewee: Kasi nung una kasi sampong taon tapos ngayon 3years na kaya bali 13
(Almost 13 hyears in the action.)
Researcher: Dito napo kayo lumaki?
(Did you grow up here?)
Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Dito na din po ba kayo nakapang asawa?
(Are you still married here?)
Interviewee: Oo,hindi kasi yung asaawa ko taga
(Yes, because my wife is not from)
Researcher: Ano po trabaho ng asawa niyo?
(What is your husband's job?)
Interviewee: Teacher
Researcher: Ilan po anak niyo?
(How many children do you have?)
Interviewee: Yung isa 32
(The other one is 32.)
Researcher: Ano po trabaho nila?
(What is their job?)
Interviewee: Yung isa asa maynila branch manager ng Papa Jhon’s pizza
(The one is in manila branch manager of Papa John’s pizza.)
Researcher: Yung sumunod po?
(The other one?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Nagtratrabaho din dyan sa bayan lang greenich

(Also works there in the town only greenich)
Researcher: Ilan taon napo ung pangawala?
(How many years old is the other one?)
Interviewee: 29 years old
Researcher: Pangatlo po? Nagtratrabaho napo ba sila?
(The third one? Is he working yet?)
Interviewee: nagaaral palang
(He’s still studying)
Researcher: Anong year napo?
(What year is he in?)
Interviewee: Grade 9
Researcher: Ilan po ung tanod niyo po dito?
(How many barangay tanod’s do you have here?)
Interviewee: 23
Researcher: Lahat po ba sila tumutulong?
(Are they all helping?)
Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Pati din po ung kagawad niyo?
(As well as your barangay kagawads?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Monthly family income niyo po?susumahin?may binibigay po ban a tulong
mga anak niyo?parang lahat ng pamilya niyo napo?estimate niyo lang po?
(Your monthly income?sum? do you give any help to your children? like all your family?
Your estimate?)
Interviewee: Lagpas minimum yan shempre kasi manager yung panganay tapos ung isa
din sa bayan tapos ung asawa ko din teacher kasi di ko naman tinatanong ung mga
sweldo nila eh computin nalang natin siguro sa minimum.
(Beyond the minimum, of course, because the eldest is the manager, then the other one is
also in the town, then my wife is also a teacher, because I don't ask their salaries, eh, let's
just compute maybe at the minimum.)
Researcher: Sa talang buhay niyo po ano pinakamemorable po na nangyare sa inyo
baha po?bagyo po?
(In your life record, what is the most memorable thing that happened to you in the flood?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Nasusubukan naming ung lumilikas kami sa ibang bgry sa aponit ganun
(We are trying to evacuate to another bgry in aponit like that)
Researcher: Ano pong bagyo pinaka naaalala niyo po?
(What storm do you remember the most?)
Interviewee: Cosme na bumaha dito shempre mga bata pa kayo nun
(Cosme was the one who flooded the barangay, you are still young nun)
Researcher: Opo
Interviewee: Nakikita mo mga halaman dyan putol at lubog mga yan
(You can see the plants there are broken and submerged)
Researcher: Pwede po ba naming malaman kung ilan naaksidente po nung kasagsagan
ng bagyo?
(Can we know how many accidents occurred during the height of the typhoon?)
Interviewee: Ay wala naman sa awa ng diyos,kasalukuyan na kapitan na din kasi ako
nun eh 2007 ayun ung unang unang taon ko nun.
(Is not at the mercy of god, I am also the current captain because 2007 was my first year)
Researcher: Sa tuwing may bagyo po pag maydadating po?sinasabi niyo po ba sa mga
brgy niyo po?
(Every time there is a typhoon when it arrives? do you tell your brgy?)
Interviewee: Oo shempre umiikot ako niyan na magprepare kayo ganun
(Yes, I always rotate that so that you can prepare like that)
Researcher: Ano po yun before po?
(What was that before?)
Interviewee: Oo bago dumating yan umiikot na ako
(Yes before that came I was spinning)
Researcher: Mga ilan days po ganun?
(How many days is that?)
Interviewee: Mga 3days before ganun
(About 3days before that)
Researcher: Pag kasalukuyan po ng bagyo ano po ginagawa niyo?
(When a typhoon is present, what are you doing?)
Interviewee: Iniikotan ko mga brgy ko ganun tsaka shempre pag may natumba na ano
sa karsada tinatawagan ko mga tanod ko ganun at pinapaalis ko para walang abirya sa
mga dumadaan
(I circle my brgy like that and always when something falls on the road I call my
bodyguards like that and I drive them away so that there is no disturbance to passers-by)
Researcher: Sa mga cdrrmo po pumupunta po ba sila dito?
(To the cdrrmo do they come here)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Oo umiikot sila

(Yes they are rotating or cheking the area.)
Researcher: Kada buwan po ba?
(Every month?)
Interviewee: Yung CDRRMO hindi lang buwan buwan yun minsan nga talagang
nagmomonitor sila dito sa loob ng isang buwan siguro minsan nga lingo lingo
dumadaan sila dito nagmomonitor.
(The CDRRMO not only month sometimes ther monitored in here in 1 month sometimes
week week they pass by here to monitor)
Researcher: Aside po sa pagmomonitor nila nagkakaroon po ba ng seminars meeting po
(Aside from monitoring them, is there a seminars meeting?)
Interviewee: Oo last ano siguro last siguro mga past two weeks
(yes last what maybe last maybe past two weeks)
Researcher: Mga ilan po sa taon po? Parang isa sa isang buwan po?
(How many a year? like one a month?)
Interviewee: Alin?
(Which one?)
Researcher: Yung paseminar po
(The seminar)
Interviewee: ahy di naman mga twice a year lang siguro pero tuwing session ko
umaattend mga pulis ko kasi may mga session yan kada brgy kaniya kaniyang pulis kada
brgy ang session ko dalawang beses po yan pero umaattend ung pulis isang beses lang
kasi maraming pulis may mga trabaho din kasi.
(Only about twice a year maybe but every session I attend my policemen because there
are sessions that per barangay him his police per barangay my session is twice that but
the police attend only once because many policemen also have jobs.)
Researcher: Pag after po ng bagyo ano pa po mga ginagawa niyo?
(After the typhoon what else are you doing?)
Interviewee: Shempre naglilinis sa mga karsada
(Always cleaning the roads)
Researcher: Bilang residence po hindi bilang kapitan po ano po mga ginagawa niyo
pag sa inyong pamilya po mga kahandaan po kapag may darating na kalamidad po?
(As a residence, not as a captain, what are you doing when you are with your family, are
you ready when there is a disaster?)
Interviewee: Shempre nagpreprepare ako ng gamit ganun kung may kunting pera ka bili
kana ng pilis dyan diba?kunting gamut ganun.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

(I always prepare things like that, if you have a little money, you can buy that pilis there,
Researcher: May mga first aid kit po ba kayo sa bahay?
(Do you have first aid kits at home?)
Interviewee: Oo meron
(Yes there is)
Researcher: May mga gamit po ba na mga binibigay for example po ung rubber boat
(Are there any tools that are given for example the rubber boat like that?)
Interviewee: Katulad ng sinasabi ko sa ung cosmi bay un? May mga rubber boat na
pumupunta ditto ung mga pamilya ko nililikas ko sila sa apunit ganunkung inalok ko sila
ng lilikas diko sila pipilitin kasi kung ayaw nila nasa sakanila na yun baka may
mangyare pa sa kanila wag nila sisisihinkasi ang iniisip kasi doon malaks agos dito ang
unang natutubigan sa brgy na to ung sa may bahay ko ung pinuntahan niyo ung may
palaminate ung sa bahay ko hanggang dito na pero dito wala pa
(Like i said in ung cosmi bay un? There are rubber boats that come here and my family I
evacuate them in apunit so I offered them a evacuation there they will be forced because
if they do not want to be in them that might happen to them do not blame them for
thinking because there is a strong flow here first watered in this brgy ung in my house
ung you went ung may palaminate ung in my house up to here but here nothing)
Researcher: Pag may pagkakataon po na makausap niyo ung mga cdrm po or ung mga
LGU ano po pwede niyo mairecommend or maisasuggest po sa pagdating ng ganun na
kalamidad parang sobrahan pa ung relifgoods ganun?
(If you have the opportunity to talk to the cdrms or the Lgu, what can you recommend or
suggest when such a calamity comes, it seems like there are too many relifgoods like
Interviewee: Shempre pag ganun number 1 talaga is ung makain ng mga tao kasi diba
di makakakilos mga tao diba pero kahit ganun paman pagdating ng ganun ang ginagawa
ko is nilalabas ko na din budget ng brgy para pambili ng unting pagkain ganun.
(Always number 1 really is the food of people.)
Researcher: Sumasakto po ba ung budget ganun?
(Does the budget hurt like that?)
Interviewee: Hindi kasi shempre maliit lang ung brgy bani ang budget is kung magkano
ang mabibili ng bigas kapi asukal ganun kung ilan inabot nun ayun ung ididivide mo sa
pamilya pamilya katulad sa bahay na to dalawang pamilya dalawang pack ibibigay
(Not because always brgy bani the budget is small is how much rice can be bought kapi
sugar like that how much it takes then you will divide it into a family family like in this
house two families two packs will be given.)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ay hindi po ba kayo per bahay ganun?

(Aren't you per house like that?)
Interviewee: Ay hindi kasi tignan mop ag may nakatira sa isang bahay na dalawang
pamilya ganun kawawa naman sila may isang bahay naman na magasawa lang kaya ang
ginagawa ko doon bago idispose ung galling sa ano naguusap usap kami ng mga kasama
ko para ganun tama ang mabigay
(Because I don't look at a mop and someone lives in a house with two families, so they
are unfortunate.)
Researcher: Confident po ba kayo na dina kayo bahahain ditto ganun?
(Are you confident that you will be flooded here like that?)
Interviewee: Hindi
Researcher: Hindi po?
Interviewee: Oo pagdumadating talaga ung ano ang unang binabaha dito is ung part na
to magmula sa apunit Tamayo salinap bocboc bani mabalbalino antipangol yan ang
brgy na nababaha palagi dito walong brgy yan di kami comportble kaya pagdating ng
ulan di kami comportable for exampleumulan ng isang lingo at nakikita natin ang agno
river na tumaas na din aborido na kami ang ginagawa naming pag malapit na umapaw
ang agno river dyan ang mga hayop namin na mga bata nililikas naming dyan sad k
kaya di kami komportable.
(Yes when it really comes down to what the first flood here is the part to come from
apunit Tamayo salinap bocboc bani mabalbalino antipangol that’s the barangays flooded
in here eight barangays were not we comportble so when the rain came we were not
comfortable for example it started a week and we saw the agno river rise also not
comortable we are what we do when the agno river is about to overflow there our animals
are evacuated.)
Researcher: Yung nilagyan po ba nila ng bato masasabi niyo po bang effective yun?
(If they put a stone in it, can you say that it is effective?)
Interviewee: Oo effective yun kasi malaking tulong yan,effective yan bakit kamo?kasi
pagmalakas ang agos dyan gumuguho dyan kaya malaking tulong yan kaya ang ginawa
nilang trabaho dyan effectibo yan.
(Yes it 's effective because it' s a big help, it's effective why do you?)
Interviewee: Ano pa mga ibang ginagawa niyo po at mga CDRRMO shempre number 1
bilang isang kapitan family first bago ako umikot sa barangay ko.
(What else are you doing and CDRRMO always number 1 as a captain family first before
I go around my barangay.)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Sa pamilya niyo po ba may sarili kayong plano or gagawin para makaiwas
sa pagbaha?
(Do you have a plan in your family or do you have something to do to prevent flooding?)
Interviewee: Kung tutuusin talaga gusto ko makaiwas talaga pero shempre number 1
talaga is financial.
(In fact I really want to avoid but always number 1 really is financial)
Researcher: Kung bibigyan po kayo ng pagkakataon na lumipat parang may sarili na
kayong pera malaki na po pera niyo lilipat po ba kayo?
(If you are given the opportunity to move as if you already have your own money will
you move?)
Interviewee: Hindi naman ako basta basta lilipat kasi nakasanayan ko na dito dito
talaga ako lumaki siguro pupunta ako sa brgyganun papasyal.
(I don't just move because I'm used to it here I really grew up maybe I'll go to brgyganun
for a walk)
Researcher: From scale to 0 to 10 po 0 means hindi po kayo handa and 10 po is reading
ready na kayo?
(From scale to 0 to 10 po 0 means hindi po kayo siap and 10 po is reading ready na
Interviewee: Siguro nasa 5 tayo
(Maybe we are at 5)
Researcher: Bakit po 5?
(Why 5?)
Interviewee: kasi nandyan ung nakaready kana paglagpas mo ng 7 ganun reading ready
kana wala kana problema.
(Because its there when your ready its over 7 your reading ready you don’t have
Researcher: Sa 50 po is di namanpo kayo ready pano niyo po nasabi?
(At 50 you are not ready, how did you say that?)
Interviewee: Shempre di tayo nahuhuli sa balita tulad ng sinabi ko kanina na shempre
bago ako umikot may ginagawa pa sa bahay kaya yun
(We are always not caught up in the news like I said before that always before I go
around there is still work at home so that's it.)
Thankyou po!
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano po pangalan niyo tay?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name Withheld)
Researcher: Ilan taon napo kayo?
(How old are you?)
Interviewee: 61
Researcher: Ilan taon napo kayo sa pagiging tanod?
(How many years have you been a bodyguard?)
Interviewee: Siguro mga anim o lima pero dati akong tanod noon pero nung nahalal si
kapitan kinuha ulit niya ako
(Maybe about six or five but I used to be a bodyguard but when the captain was elected
he took me again.)
Researcher: Yung bago po ilan years po kayo?
(How many years?)
Interviewee: Mga 6 years din
(About 6 years)
Researcher: Kailan po birthday niyo tay?
(When is your birthday?)
Interviewee: July 28 1968
Researcher: Ano pong address niyo?
(What is your address?)
Interviewee: Ito lang bani 58 dati number ng bahay naming
(Bani 58 just our previous house number)
Researcher: Pag sa tanod po ba fulltime po ba?
(Are the bodyguards are fulltime?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: May iba pa po ba kayong pinagtratrabahuan bukod sa pagtatanod?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

(Do you have anything else to do besides supervision?)

Interviewee: Oo nak minsan naghahatid ako doon sa pgt ngtratrabaho pamangkin ko
kung minsan nagvuvulcanize,kung minsan may magpapadrive ganun
(Yes, sometimes I deliver there to my niece's job, sometimes I vulcanize, sometimes
someone drives like that)
Researcher: Ano pa po mga trabaho na natry niyo na?
(What other jobs have you tried?)
Interviewee: Dati tricycle driver ako pero ngayon hindi na ako pumapasada
(I used to be a tricycle driver but now I don't ride anymore)
Researcher: Ilan po mga anak niyo?
(How many children do you have?)
Interviewee: Binata pero may ampon ako, pinagaaral ko din tapos na din sa teacher
nagaaral sa binalatongan college
(Young man but I have an adoption, I am also studying and I also finished with the
teacher studying at Binalatongan college)
Researcher: Ano pong trabaho ng asawa niyo?
(What is your husband's job?)
Interviewee: binata
Researcher: Yng mga inampon niyo po ilan taon nap o sila?
(how many years did you adopt?)
Interviewee: 22 or 23
Researcher: Pag pinagsama sama po monthly income niyo?
(When combined with your monthly income?)
Interviewee: Maliit lang mga isang libo siguro
(Just about a thousand maybe)
Researcher: Yung asawa niyo po binibigyan din po kayo?
(Your wife is also giving you?)
Interviewee: Dati nung nagtututor pa
(Before when she was still teaching)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ilan po kinikita niyo bilang isang tanod?

(How much do you earn as a bodyguard?)
Interviewee: Ang sahod naming quarterly nasa 1001
(Our quarterly wage is at 1001)
Researcher: Yung panganay nap o na inampon niyo may trabaho na?
(Yung eldest nap or did you adopt a job?)
Interviewee: Wala pang trabaho yun
(She don't have a job yet)
Researcher: Yung pangalawa po?
(The second?)
Interviewee: Wala din, kakagraduate niya lang sa college
(No, he just graduated from college)
Researcher: Pag pinagsamasama po ba ung income niyo sa isang buwan sapat po ba?
(If you combine your income for a month, is it enough?)
Interviewee: Parang hindi
(Seems not)
Researcher: Ano po dahilan sa di kayo nakapagaral?
(What is the reason you did not study?)
Interviewee: Yung nanay ko nagkasakit kaya ganun ako na nakatingin nagtrabaho din
ako sa manila kaso nabangcrop din ung pinagtratrabahuan ko
(My mother got sick so I looked like that I also worked in manila in case my work was
also bankrupt.)
Researcher: Pero ayos lang po ba kinikita niyo?
(But is your income okay?)
Interviewee: Oo ayos lang kasi wala naman din akong bisyo
(Yes it's okay because I also have no vices)
Researcher: Dito po sa paninirahan niyo sa brgy bani ano po pinakamemorable niyo?
(Here in your residence in brgy bani what is your most memorable?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: nung habagat yun lang ung baha nay un inabot talaga kami ung agno river
is umapaw dati pero nung nagawaan na nung flood control ung mga bato simula nun
dina umaapaw ung tubig.
(When it was south, it was just the flood, it really reached us, the Agno river was
overflowing before, but when the flood control was done, the rocks started to flood.)
Interviewee: Kasi pagnagpapakawala ung dam dati umaapaw yan ngayon hindi na
(If the dam release last time it overflow and now its no longer)
Researcher: Kapag umapaw ung agno river doon lang kami binabaha pano po ung
pagtaas ng tubig pano niyo po nalalaman?
(When the Agno river overflows we only flood there how does the rising water how do
you know?)
Interviewee: Kasi pag umuulan ng walang tigill pumupunta kami doon sa river tapos
tinitignan naming kung aapaw tsaka namin sinasabihan ung mga kabarangay naming
(Because when it rains without tigill we go there to the river and then we see if it is
overflowing and then we tell our neighbors.)
Researcher: Dito po sa brgy official nagsasabi din po ba sila?
(Here in the brgy official do they also say?)
Interviewee: Oo sinasabihan din kami na ganto wag masyado matulog
(Yes we are also told not to sleep too much)
Researcher: Pag tumaas po ba level ng tubig iniinform niyo po ba sila?
(When the water level rises do you inform them?)
Interviewee: Oo, alam niyo ung papuntang dike doon sa Tamayo pag umapaw na doon
yun tsaka na papasok tubig dito naano ung mga pananim ganun
(Yes, you know the one that goes to Tamayo when it overflows there and also the water
that enters here what are the crops like that)
Researcher: Kapag tumataas po ba level ng tubig pumupunta po ba cddrmo dito?
(When the water level rises does cddrmo come here?)
Interviewee: Oo nagbibigay ng abiso ganun minsan may nagbigay ng rubber boat doon
sa dk
(Yes give notice so sometimes someone gave a rubber boat there in dk)
Researcher: Pag tataas po tubig ano po mga ginagawa niyo sa bahay bahay?
(When the water rises, what do you do at home?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Ayun inaakyat mga gamit ganun pati mga hayop

(Carrying the things even the animals)
Researcher: Nung dati po ba nageevacuate kayo?
(When did you evacuate before?)
Interviewee: Oo dati nung bata pa ako nung baha ng 1972 dinadala kami sa doon sa
simbahan ganun mga Bangka dinadala sa dk tas nung pababa na tubig ayun
nagsisibalikan na din
(Yes before when I was young when the flood of 1972 took us there to the church so
Boats were taken to the dk tas when the water went down it was also coming back)
Researcher: Madami po ba nasasayang na kagamitan?
(Is there a lot of wasted equipment?)
Interviewee: Oo ung mga palay ganun inaanod
(Yes, the rice is drifting like that)
Researcher: Sa 12years na pamamahala dito bilang tanod ilan po namamatay kada
(In the 12 years of management here as a bodyguard how many people die every month?)
Interviewee: Wala, pero ung iba manok ganun pero wala naman namamatay kasi
nililikas na agad
(Nothing, but the other chickens are like that but no one dies because they are evacuated
Researcher: Bilang isang tanod dito sa brgy niyo ano recommendation niyo?
(As a bodyguard here in your brgy what is your recommendation?)
Interviewee: Ganun tulong tulong
(Giving help to others.)
Researcher: sa tingin niyo po ba ano pa po pwedeng ibang gawin para maiwasan ang
pag baha?
(Do you think what else can be done to prevent flooding?)
Interviewee: Nung ano umunti ang pag baha kasi ung sa dk may binakko sila kaya
ganun pag umapaw sa dk deretso na nababahadin kami kaso dina ganu kalalim
(When the flood subsided because in the dk they had a flood, so that's how it overflowed
in the dk directly that we were flooding the case in that depth)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano pong taon ung sinabi or ininform sa inyo ung ganun para maiwasan
ung ganun?
(What year did you say or inform you about that to avoid that?)
Interviewee: Inayos nila ung dk 2016,pati imbornal ganun inayos kung malagyan daw
ng tulay ayun maaayos nagmeeting na din sila
(They fixed dike 2016, as well as imbornal that was fixed if a bridge is fitted so it will be
fixed they are also meeting.)
Researcher: May iba pa po ba kayong binibigay na papel ganun or announce nalang sa
social media?
(Do you give anyone else such a role or just announce it on social media?)
Interviewee: Walang pumupunta dito eh kaya bahay bahay nalang
(No one comes here eh so just house)
Researcher: Kung sakaling bumaha ulit ready na po ba kayo sabihin sa kanila agad?
(In case it floods again, are you ready to tell them right away?)
Interviewee: Oo nakikita naman sa news ganun observe lang
(Yes, it can be seen in the news, just observe)
Researcher: Before 4days po ano pa po ginagawa niyo?
(Before 4days po ano pa po ginagawa niyo?)
Interviewee: Ayun nagiipon ng mga gagamitinkasi pagbumabagyo tinatalian naming
ung bahay naming ganun ayun ung pinakamasaklap na nangyare samin,ung mga
nasirang bahay ganun pipila sa hardware kaso pag walang pera ganun maghihintay
nalang na magkapera
(That's how we collect our storms, we tie our house like that, that's the worst thing that
happened to us, the broken houses are some of the hardware cases, if we don't have
money, we just have to wait to make money)
Researcher: Before 2 days po bago bumagyo?
(Before 2 days before the storm?)
Interviewee: Nagprepepare
Researcher: Habang bumabagyo po ano ginagawa niyo?
(During the storm what are you doing?)
Interviewee: Nililikas ko ung mga gamit ganun pati tricyvle ko
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

(I evacuate my belongings as well as my tricyvle)

Researcher: Kung mag evacuate po saan?
(Where to evacuate?)
Interviewee: Doon sa dk pwede din doon
(There in dk its possible there)
Researcher: Natry niyo po ba mag evacuate sa ibang lugar?
(Did you try to evacuate in other place?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: After po ng bagyo?
(After the typhoon?)
Interviewee: Ay madami dito sa bahay ayun maglilinis ng bahay ganun linis linis pag
umikot naman alam na nila ganun sa calamity ganun alam na nila kung may dadating na
relief ganun dinidivide naming ganun
(There are many here in the house, they will clean the house, so clean, clean, when they
turn around, they already know that in calamity they alreaady know if relief will come,
we will divide it like that)
Researcher: From scale of 0 to 10 po pag may darating na malakas na bagyo or super
typhoon?gaano po kayo kaready?pag 0 po is di ready and 10 po is ready?(From scale of
0 to 10 when there is a strong typhoon or super typhoon? how much are you kaready?
when 0 is not ready and 10 is ready?)
Interviewee: Handa kami kasi alam namin kilos ng baha ganun sasabihan na naming
mga kapitbahay ganun na wag masyado matulog ganun dina kamiiiglip nun lalo pag
nagbubukas mga dam ganun unting iglip lang tapos gising na ulit dala flashlight ganun
(We are ready because we know the action of the flood, so we will tell our neighbors that
we should not sleep too much, that is how we snap, especially when we open the dams,
just sneeze more and then wake up again with a flashlight like that)
Researcher: Thank you po!

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano po ang pangalan niyo?

(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Researcher: Edad?
Interviewee: 56 yrs old
Researcher: Birthday
Interviewee: 10/16/65
Researcher: Address
Interviewee: 066 Bani, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Researcher: Meron po ba kayong trabaho?
(Do you have a job?)
Interviewee: Wala
Researcher: Ilan po mga anak niyo?
(How many children do you have?)
Interviewee: Dalawa
Researcher: Sa dalawang anak niyo po, may nagtratrabaho na ba?
(From your two children, do they have a job or do they work?)
Interviewee: Meron yong panganay
(I have, the oldest has a job.)
Researcher: Monthly Income
Interviewee: 500 per day
Researcher: Monthly Income ng anak
Interviewee: hindi alam
(I don’t know)
Researcher: Pinapadalhan po ba kayo ng pera?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

(Are they giving you money?)

Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Memorable na bagyong naranasan?
(What typhoon was memorable to you?)
Interviewee: Cosme
Researcher: Paano niyo po nasabi na tumatak ang ganong insidente?
(Why did you tell that the incident was memorable?)
Interviewee: Sa tanda ko yon talaga ang pinakamalakas pati mga matitibay na bahay na
wash out. Mga mangga at santol natumba dulot ng hangin.
Researcher: Nag-evacuate po ba kayo?
(Did you evacuate back then?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Saan po kayo nag evacuate?
(Where did you evacuated?)
Interviewee: Sa kabilang bahay lang
(We evacuated to the other house or our neighbors house)
Researcher: Yon lang po ba ang time na nag evacuate kayo?
(Was that the only time you evacuated?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Ibang paraan para malaman kung kailangan mag-evacuate bago sabihin
ng barangay?
Interviewee: Hindi kasi uso ang mag evacuate samin, kung sakali nagkukusa na lang
Researcher: Iniinform po ba kayo ng barangay kung babaha?
(Does the barangay informing you?)
Interviewee: Hindi
Researcher: May pumunta na bang CDRRMO?
(Does the CDRRMO going to your pace?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Meron pero matagal na

(Yes but that was a long time ago)
Researcher: Pag bumabaha po ba dito umiikot ang mga barangay officials?
(Are the barangay officials take rounds on cheking the barangay?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Sa tingin niyo po, nakatulong po ba ang pagsemento ng mga bahay?
(In your own opinion does cementing your house helps you prevent casualties?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Ibang paraan Para maiwasan ang pag baha
Interviewee: Yong pagtayo nila ng tulay sa aguilar ay malaking tulong upang hindi
gaano tumaas ang baha.
Researcher: Masasabi niyo bang handa na kayo?
(Are you confident that you won’t be flooded again?)
Interviewee: Kampante na
Researcher: Ano po ang rason kung bakit nasasabi niyo nang kampante na kayo?
Interviewee: Madalang na ang pagbaha at hindi na masyadong mataas pag bumabaha.
Researcher: Yong pagiging handa niyo po ba nakahain na sainyo?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: May mga nakastock na po bang mga first aid kit, pagkain at iba pa?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Nasasabihan po ba kayo ng barangay kung may mga darating na bagyo or
Interviewee: Hindi naman
Researcher: From 1 to 10 po, irate niyo po kung gaano na kayo kahanda –
Interviewee: 7
Researcher: Ano po ang ginagawa ng brgy. niyo bago dumating ang bagyo?
Interviewee: Nag iikot ang mga barangay officials.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Bago dumating ang bagyo nagpuputol na po ba kayo ng mga puno?

Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Sa kasagsagan ng bagyo, ano po ang ginagawa ng inyong brgy or brgy.
Interviewee: Nag iikot ang mga kagawad
Researcher: After po ng bagyo, ano pong ginagawa nila?
Interviewee: Nag iikot at nagchecheck kung ano ang mga nadamage
Researcher: Tumutulonh din po ba kayong maglinis?
Interviewee: Hindi na, dito kasi tapat mo linis mo -ang mga tanod naglilinis lalo na
kapag may nga natumbang puno at nakaharang sa daan.

Researcher: Ano po pangalan niyo?
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ilan taon na po kayo?

Interviewee: 67 years old
Interviewee: May 21, 1953
Researcher: Address
Interviewee: Brgy. Bocboc SCCP
Researcher: Hanggang ngayon po ba tanod pa rin kayo?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Ano pong posisyon niyo ey?
Interviewee: Tanod
Researcher: Magkano kita niyo bilang tanod?
Interviewee: 1300 to 1500 quarterly
Researcher: Ilan taon na kayo bilang tanod?
Interviewee: 25 years
Researcher: Ilan po anak niyo?
Interviewee: 6
Researcher: May mga asawa na po sila?
Interviewee: wala pa
Researcher: Sa mga anak niyo po, sino na ang nakapagtapos ng pag aaral?
Interviewee: wala pa
Researcher: May trabaho na po ba sila?
Interviewee: Meron
Researcher: Nagbibigay po ba sila ng pera sainyo?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Bahay niyo na po ito? Matagal na po ba kayong nakatira dito?
Interviewee: oo, mga 15 years na
Researcher: Ilan ang mga anak niyo pong nasa manila?
Interviewee: Lima
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Action na ginagawa pag dumadating ang bagyo?

Interviewee: Itaas ang mga gamit, at kung may kailangan tulungan sa labas tumutulong
Researcher: Naiinform niyo po ba mga kabarangay niyo p kapag mqy bagyo na?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Kapigan kayo unaaksiyon ey no bago man bagyo o no sinmabi lay bagyo?
Interviewee: no bago man bagyo, bagaan mi lara ma manready lara unman
Researcher: Antoy gagaween yo ey no kayariy bagyo?
Interviewee: manlinis ed barangay, manekal na iray akaharang ed dalan
Researcher: Sa pananalagi niyo bilang tanod, ano ang hindi niyo makakalimutang bagyo
na naranasan?
Interviewee: 1972, bagyong wilmeng
Researcher: Antoy agawa ed samay abong yo dati?
Interviewee: Atumba may kusina mi
Researcher: Anton action so gaween yo pano naiwasan so unpatey kantura no unsabi lay
Interviewee: manprepare la, mantakar la na abong pano agala natumba.
Researcher: No dyad barangay la ey, anton action la so gaween yo ey?
Interviewee: unman met, mansinger kami na abong
Researcher: Manpapaseminar kayo ed barangay pano naiwasan so panbaha kantura?
Interviewee: On

Researcher: Aray CDRRMO manpapaseminar ira?

Interviewee: On
Researcher: Panon da ibabaga na walay seminar ey?
Interviewee: Si kapitan ibabaga to ed sikami na walay seminar tayo untan
Researcher: Aray CDRRMO ba walay itutulong da ed sikayo bukod ed seminar, aray
gamit na pankalamidad?
Interviewee: On wala met
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Man momonitor kayo no unuuran la?

Interviewee: On
Researcher: No mangiibaga kayo na man'evacuate ed saray kabarangay yo unaalis met
iran tampol or andi?
Interviewee: walay arom na andi, walamet so arom na unalis lan tampol
Researcher: Kailan nila pinatayo yong tulay?
Interviewee: 6 years ago
Researcher: Binabaha pa rin kayo after mapatayo ang tulay?
Interviewee: minsan minsan
Researcher: Effective ba ang pagsemento da na dike?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Ibabaga da ba no manbulos ira danom ed Dam?
Interviewee: On
Researcher: No manbabaga iray CDRRMO ey, ibalita da o ibaga da labat ed sikayo?
Interviewee: Ibaga da ed kapitan san da ipasabi ed sikami
Researcher: Kung irarate po ninyo kung gaano kayo kahanda ilan po from 1 to 10?
Interviewee: 10
Researcher: Handa na po ba kayo pag may darating na bagyo?
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Ano pong rason niyo bakit handa na kayo?
Interviewee: Madaming rason para maghanda
Researcher: No bago unsabiy bagyo antoray gaween yo bilang tanod?
Interviewee: unaction lan tampol, manprepare la na dapat iprepare
Researcher: No asumpal lay bagyo ey, anto lay gagaween yo?
Interviewee: unliber kami la pano manlinis na barangay.

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano po yung pinaka hindi nyo makakalimutan na experience sa pagbaba or

sa bagyo?
(What is the most memorable experienced when it flooded?)
Interviewee: Mataas na pag baha noong 2017
(Increased level of flood water in the year 2017)
Researcher: Ano po pangalan niyo?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Researcher: Edad
Interviewee: 34 years old
Researcher: Birthday
Interviewee: December 20 1986
Researcher: Address
Interviewee: 069 Barangay Bocboc San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Researcher: Nagtratrabaho po ba kayo?
(Do you have a job?)
Interviewee: Oo, barangay treasurer
(Yes, I’m a barangay treasurer.)
Researcher: Part time or full time?
Interviewee: Full time
Researcher: Monthly family income
Interviewee: 5000
Researcher: May anak na po kayo?
(Do you children?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Ano pong trabaho ng asawa nyo?
(What does your husband do for living?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Checker sa LBJ lumber at kagawad

(He’s a checker at a place called LBJ lumber and a barangay kagawad.)
Researcher: Total monthly familiy income
Interviewee: 21,000
Researcher: Ano po yong nararanasan nyo po pag umuulan? Natatakot pa po ba kayo?
(What are the things you’ve been experiencing during rainy season or if it rains?
Natatakot parin po ba kayo?)
Interviewee: Hindi na nakakatakot pag bumabaha, kapag ano lang may bagyo ganun.
(It’s not that frightening if it floods, it’s just that when a typhoon lands.)
Researcher: Kapag po ba bumabaha, may nagsasabi po ba na magevacuate ganun?
(If it floods, is there anyone that is telling you to evacuate?)
Interviewee: Oo, may nagsasabi naman
(Yes, there is someone.)
Researcher: Nasubukan nyo na pong mag evacuate?
(Did you experienced evacuateing?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Kung malaman niyong tataas po yung baha mag evacuate na kayo kaagad?
(If you ever will know that the flood water would arise, would you evacuate?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Yung mga binabalita sa tv na sinasabing kailangan gawin, sinusunod po ba
Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Ano po yung mga pagbabago sa bahay niyo noong hindi na maabot ng
Interviewee: tinambakan lang yong sa may likod
Researcher: Sa tingin po nakatulong ba yong pagpapatayo ng dike
Interviewee: oo
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Handa na ba kayo sa mga darating palang na bagyo?

Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Yung pagiging handa niyo po,nakahain na o nakadepende sa ano ng
Interviewee: samin lang
Researcher: Pumunta rin ba dito ang mgs CDRRMO?
Interviewee: oo, nag checheck sila ganun.
Researcher: Lagi po ba silang pumupunta dito?
Interviewee: oo, sa isang araw mga apat na beses
Researcher: Sapat na po ba yong dike upang maging handa na kayo?
Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Mga paraan po na kailangan niyong gawin pata maka-iwas sa baha?
Interviewee: kapag nag wawalis or nag tatanggal ng tubig huwag isama ang lupa para
hindi mas lalong lumalim.
Researcher: May alam po ba kayong ginagawa ng mga barangay na gustong gawin pero
hindi masabi?
Interviewee: kapag karapat-dapat nang lumipat especially yung mga maliit na bahay
sinasabi namin na lumikas na sila sa barangay hall.
Researcher: Sa tingin niyo po kampante na kayo sa sitwasyon nyo ngayon?
Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Paano niyo po masasabi na kampante na kayo?
Interviewee: kasi dati tumutulo yong sa bahay namin kaya pinalitan na kaya ngayon safe
Interviewee: hindi naman na pumapasok yung tubig digo
Researcher: Ano po ba yong ginagawa nyo before dumating ang bagyo?
Interviewee: naglilinis na
Interviewee: nagpuputol na ng mga puno
Interviewee: nag checheck na
Researcher: Ano po ba yung ginagawa nyo during ng bagyo or baha?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Chinecheck na namin, nag pupunta na sa bahay-bahay para mangamusta.

Researcher: After ng baha , ano ang ginagawa ng mga barangay niyo?
Interviewee: naglilinis na at nag aayos
Researcher: May sarili ba kayong plano before, during, after ng baha?
Interviewee: nag lilinis din
Researcher: Nabibigyan po ba kayo ng relief goods?
Interviewee: oo
Researcher: Irate niyo kung gaano na kayo kahanda 1-10 sa pag baha.
Interviewee: 10
Researcher: Rason kung bakit 10 yung binigay niyo? –
Interviewee: Kasi ready na ako non, nag preprepare na para sa safety namin.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano pong pangalan niyo?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Researcher: Edad?
Interviewee: 60 years old
Researcher: Sex?
Interviewee: Male
Researcher: Address?
Interviewee: 239 San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Researcher: May iba pa ba kayong trabaho bukod dito sa barangay?
(Do you have any job except here in barangay?)
Interviewee: Yes, Welder
Researcher: Magkano naman po ang kita niyo?
(How much is your income?)
Interviewee: Depende po. Walang fix po na kinikita ang isang self-employed kasi
depende kung may kontrata ka.
(It depends. There is no fixed income for a self-employed, because it depends if you have
a contract.)
Researcher: Kapag isang buwan po?
(How about 1 month?)
Interviewee: Hindi po parehas yan. Siguro mga P10, 000.
(It’s not the same, maybe P10, 000)
Researcher: Ano po iyong pinaka memorableng hindi niyo makakalimutan na insidente
na dinulot ng bagyo? Pwede niyo po bang ikwento iyong karanasan na iyon? Kalian po
nangyari iyon?
(What typhoon was the most memorable to you?What were the things that happened back
then or why is it memorable?)
Interviewee: Ang hindi ko po makalimutan na nangyare is yung pagbinabaha kami
nasa tabing ilog kami, malalim ang tubig, yung tinatanggal mo yung bubung nang bahay
mo para lumikas kana. Sa ilang beses na babaha sa loob nang isang taon. Tatlong beses
o apat na beses. Apat na beses kang magtatanggal nang bubung para kahit maanod na
yung bahay meron padin yung bubung na pag uumpisahan, kaya yun ang hindi mo
makalimutan dahil tabing ilog kami. Tinitignan mo nalang yung isang puno kapag
nalaglag na yun automatic, lalayas kana.
(The most memorable to me is when we got flooded and we are near in the river, the
water is too deep. We need to remove the roof of our house so that we can evacuate,
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Several times flooded in a year, three times or four. Four times you will need to remove
your roof so that even if the house drift, there is the roof you’ll start, that is my most
unforgettable experience because we are near in river. You just need to look at a tree
when it falls, you will automatically move out.)
Researcher: Ano pong mga bagyo yun?
(What are those storm?)
Interviewee: Hindi ko narin matandaan kasi kahit hindi bumabagyo pag nagpakawala
nang tubig ang binga at amboklaw nang wala pa pong San Roque dam. Kahit walang
bagyo babahain ang Salinap.
(I can’t even remember because even if it doesn’t storm when the Binga and amboklaw
release water without San Roque Dam we will be flooded.)
Researcher: Pero nabawasan naman po yun nung inayos po yung sa may ilog?
(Did it lessen when they fixed the gabions?)
Interviewee: Nung nalagyan na po ang agno river ng bato, nabawasan narin po lalo
nung nag operate na ang San roque dam. Dahil malaking tulong saamin dito sa tabing
ilog nang Agno River yung San Roque Dam dahil kayang kayang saluhin ang tubig ng
binga at amboklaw, dati kasi kapag nagpakawala na ng tubig ang binga at amboklao
automatic na yan lulubog na yung mga nasa tabing ilog.
(When the Agno River was already covered with stone, we are not encountering flood
that much maybe because of San Roque dam too.)
Researcher: Nung time na yun po ba nag evacuate kayo?
(Did you evacuate that time?)
Interviewee: Oo naman po.
(Yes, of course.)
Researcher: San po kayo?
(Where were you?)
Interviewee: Tinatabi lang, kasi hindi ka makalayo, kundi mag evacuate ka. Doon narin
hahanap ka nang mataas taas na lugar para ilagay mo yung mga gamit kasi hindi mo
mailalayo odi ihahanap mo lang siya nang medyo safety na konte e kung inabot o
walang magagawa. Ganun lang po ang nararanasan namin dito lalo saamin tabing ilog
po kami kung galing kayo dun sa tabing ilog doon yun po ang bahay namin sa may
church kaya yan ang ako ang unang naaapektuhan talaga saamin dahil nasa tabing ilog
po kami kung saan napaka layo more or less 1km ang ilog na yun umabot na po doon sa
may pangpang dito saamin kaya kahit sino parang nag aalangan ka kapag dumarating
na yung panahon ng baha.
Researcher: Ano po yung ginagawa nila para ma aware po sila about sa pagbaha po?
(What were the things you did for letting them be aware of the things that happens during
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Sa ngayon po, di po ba ang pdr o cdr nag aabiso na po yan ngayon tuwing
darating na po ang isang bagyo bago po dumating ang bagyo naka abiso na yan sa mga
barangay official, kahit sa social media nandyan po eyan na pinag iingat na ang mga tao
may darating na kalamidad o bagyo na posibilidad na babaha kaya ngayon po
napaghahandaan na nang mga tao yan.
(The PDRRMO or CDRRMO are always updating us, before the typhoon come they are
updating us immediately and social media is always there to tell that we have a typhoon
so be ready.)
Researcher: So may mga ginagawa pa po ba kayo sa mga walang access about sa
bagyo for example wala po silang access sa social media o kaya po wala silang tv
(So do you do something to the resident who don’t have a social media or telebisyon?)
Interviewee: Ang barangay official po andyan din po na alerto once na nagsabi na ang
weather forecast na may bagyo ang barangay official po ay alerto po sila na pinapaalam
sa mga tao na meron pong dumarating na bagyo. Sinasabihan po namin sila agad lalo
na yung mga tabing ilog.
(The barangay official is always alert. Once the weather forecast announce that we have a
typhoon we immediately telling to our people to be ready.)
Researcher: Sabi niyo po may mga part na nababaha at yung iba ay hindi. Anong part
po nang lugar yun?
Interviewee: Merong part na nababaha, Hindi po lahat ay nababaha.Yun pong highway
dahil po yun po ang lower sa salinap na lugar, pero dito madalang na po na binabaha.
Hindi na kami binabaha, basta yun lang po karamihan highway lang po ang binabaha.
Researcher: Ano pa po yung ibang rason kung bakit kayo nababaha dito?
(What is the other reason why you are being flooded?)
Interviewee: Hindi na po kami nababaha dito magmula po nung nalagyan na po yung
pangpang na ilog, kais dati po kapag tumaas na yung ilog papasok na po agad yung
tubig sa mga mabababang lugar ngayon wala pong lalabasan nang tubig sa ilong na
mababaha na lugar halos kundi dun lang sa may bandang lugar nang Tamayo.
(The flood stop here because of that rock, well when the river rises the water enters
Researcher: Pag may darating na bagyo po yung bago po dumating ano pong ginagawa
(Before the typhoon come what are you doing?)
Interviewee: Abisuhan yung mga tao. Kapag nararanasan na pinapasyalan namin kung
sino talaga ang kailangang umalis
(Before the typhoon we are visiting them, if someone need to evacuate we are telling
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: After po nun?

(After that?)
Interviewee: Andyan nadin po ang pagtulong nang barangay katulad nang pagbibigay
ng pagkain. Minsan hindi pa po bumababa ang tubig andyan po nagbibigay parin sila
nang relief ang barangay alisto po yan para mabigyan nang tulong ang mga tao.
(We are always giving relief foods to our people, even if the flood is there we are doing
our best to help them.)
Researcher: Yung sinabi niyo po na kapag nagpakawala sila nang tubig sa dam
pagnagsabi po kayo na mag evacuate aalis din po ba sila agad?
Interviewee: Hindi po basta basta, yung mga tao po minsan hinihintay talaga yung
andyan na yung baha na. Kasi nasanay na yung mga tao sa lugar namin nasanay na sila
na kung dumating talaga yung baha o hindi na kaya nang mga alaga nilang hayop at
saka lang sila aalis. Ang kayamanan nang tao gusto niya laging nakikita at
nababantayan ang kanilang kayamanan.
Researcher: Kamusta naman po ang serbisyon nang CDRRMO nagsesemenar naman po
ba kayo?
(How’s CDRRMO, are they implementing a seminar?)
Interviewee: Opo noon hindi maganda ang serbisyon nila ngayon tumawag ka lang
andyan agad ang tulong. Okay na po ang serbisyo anng CDRRMO natin na hindi po
kagaya noon na kahit po saating elektrisidad mahirap tawagan bago gawin pero ngayon
iba na po ang panahon parang mga tao ano narin nagbabago dahil po sa ating
presidente ayaw niya nang mga sinusumbong ka sakanya nang kahit anong organisasyon
o company kailangan tumulong sa tao.
(Yes, years ago our cdrrmo is not in a good condition, but now they are doing their best
to help us if we need anything. Maybe because of our president.)
Researcher: Meron po ba kayong First Aid Kit?
(Do you have First aid kit?)
Interviewee: Meron po dahil meron kaming Health Center.
(Yes, because we have Health Center)
Researcher: Kapag may darating po ba na bagyo masasabi niyo po bang handa na po
yung barangay official niyo?
(When a storm come, can you say that you are ready?)
Interviewee: Nakahanda na po lagi ang barangay official, sa mga ganyan kaya lang
yung magagamit kung minsan ang nagagamit lang po namin na umiikot meron din pong
patrol para maabiso sa mga tao.
(Our barangay official is always ready and we have a patrol car that we use to inform the
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: From a scale of 0 - 10, 0 - meaning hindi kayo magiging handa kahit kailan
at 10 - meaning ready na ready kayo na pag inanounce sa TV na may drating na 5 days
simula ngayon may darating na super typhoon at matatamaan tayo dito ay alam niyo na
yung gagawin ninyo. *tanungin kung bakit yun yung sagot niya* *rate from 1-10* ex. 7
ang sagot - 70% ready & 30% not ready ask (Ano yung rason kung bakit kayo ready at
kung bakit hindi kayo ready?)
Interviewee: 7 dahil ang barangay po namin anytime kapag may problema 24/7 may
naka duty samin hindi po nawawalan nang naka duty sa barangay hall.
(7, because our barangay is open 24/7 if ever something happen someone is on duty in
our barangay hall.)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano po ang pangalan niyo?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Researcher: Edad?
Interviewee: 41
Researcher: Sex?
Interviewee: Male
Researcher: Address?
Interviewee: Barangay Salinap San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Researcher: May trabaho po ba kayo?
(Do you have a work?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Saan po kayo nagtratrabaho o ano po ang posisyon niyo doon?
(Where do you work or what is your position there?)
Interviewee: Ako po ay isang driver sa Manila.
(I’m a driver in Manila.)
Researcher: How much is your income?
Interviewee: 1500
Researcher: Ano po iyong pinaka memorableng hindi niyo makakalimutan na insidente
na dinulot ng bagyo? Pwede niyo po bang ikwento iyong karanasan na iyon? Kailan po
nangyari iyon?
(What typhoon was the most memorable to you?)
Interviewee: Wala naman po kasi nakulong lang kami sa bahay, mas nabaha sa
highway kasi lampas tao na. Mababa na dito hindi na masyadong mataas.
(Nothing because we were just trapped in the house it’s more flooded on the highway.)
Researcher: Nag evacuate po ba kayo?
(Did you evacuate?)
Interviewee: Hindi na po kasi nandyan naman kami sa bahay nang nanay ko. Mataas
naman dyan kesa sa highway.
(No, because we are in my mother’s house, it is higher there than the highway.)
Researcher: Ano pong ginagawa nang barangay niyo before po na may darating na
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Wala pa pong ganyan dito, siguro hayop po nila ang uunahin nila.
Researcher: Kapag nararanasan niyo na po yung bagyo?
Interviewee: Ang naranasan ko lang na bagyo dito yung Cosme, andito lang kami sa
bahay, nasa loob lang kapag tapos na ang bagyo saka lalabas. Maglilinis at iba pa.

Researcher: Pagkatapos pa po nang baha ano pa po yung ginawa niyo para maiwasan
po yung pagbaha?
(After the flood what are you doing?)
Interviewee: Wala naman kaming ginawa kasi hindi talaga kami masyadong nababaha
dito. Sa highway binabaha talaga sila dyan.
(We didn’t do anything because we weren’t really flooded here. On the highway they are
really flooded there.)
Researcher: May first aid kit po ba kayo?
(Do you have first aid kit?)
Interviewee: Wala po
Researcher: Yung mga CDRRMO po may pumupunta po ba dito?
(Is the CDRMO or LGU checking up on you?)
Interviewee: Hindi ko po alam kasi lagi ako sa manila ang asawa ko naman e hindi
masyadong lumalabas, siguro yung mga taga barangay lang ganun
(I don’t know because I’m always in manila, my wife doesn’t come out that much, maybe
the barangays.)
Researcher: Nung nilagyan po ba nang bato yang ilog nabawasan naman po ba ang
pagbabaha dito?
(Does fixing or putting gabions near the Agno river helpful or effective?)
Interviewee: Yang ilog na yan malayo pa yan, Kalahating barangay na ang kinain
niyan. Nakatulong din samin yan, yung sa highway lang talaga. Nung wala pa yung bato
laging dumadaan ang tubig dito, pero nung nabato na yan hindi na dumadaan ang tubig
Researcher: Nagsasabi din po ba sila na mag evacuate po kayo?
(Did they inform you to evacuate the area?)
Interviewee: Nagsasabi kaya lang nasanay na mga tao na hindi umalis dito
Researcher: From a scale of 0 - 10, 0 - meaning hindi kayo magiging handa kahit kailan
at 10 - meaning ready na ready kayo na pag inanounce sa TV na may drating na 5 days
simula ngayon may darating na super typhoon at matatamaan tayo dito ay alam niyo na
yung gagawin ninyo. tanungin kung bakit yun yung sagot niya rate from 1-10 ex. 7 ang
sagot - 70% ready & 30% not ready ask (Ano yung rason kung bakit kayo ready at kung
bakit hindi kayo ready?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: 10, syempre handang handa wag lang yung biglaan.

Researcher: Pano niyo po masasabing handang handa na kayo?
(How do you say that you are really ready?)
Interviewee: Kasi alam na namin ang gagawin namin.
(Because we know what we are going to do.)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ano po pangalan niyo?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Researcher: Ilan taon na po kayo?
(How old are you?)
Interviewee: 37
Researcher: Ano pong trabaho niyo ngayon?
(What is your job now?)
Interviewee: house wife
Researcher: Kailan po birthday niyo?
(When is your birthday?)
Interviewee: April 4
Researcher: Ano po number ng address ng bahay niyo?
(What is your home address number?)
Interviewee: 17 highway salinap
Researcher: Ilan po mga anak niyo po?
(How many children do you have?)
Interviewee: Dalawa grade 9 and 10
(Two grades 9 and 10)
Researcher: Ano pong trabaho ng asawa niyo?
(What is your husband's job?)
Interviewee: farmer
Researcher: Ano mga pangunahin tinatanim nila?
(What are the main ones they plant?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: mais and palay

(corn and rice)
Researcher: Yun lang po ba pinagkukuhanan ng kita?
(Is that the only source of income?)
Interviewee: pagtaga nila sa mga mais and palay parang harvest
(they harvest corn and rice like harvest)
Researcher: Bukod pa po sa pagfafarmers ano pa po?
(Apart from farmers, what else?
Interviewee: Dati kasi driver yan and ngayon pandemic farmers sa manila siya driver
ng jeep
(He used to be a driver and now he is a pandemic farmer in manila he is a jeep driver)
Researcher: Ilan po kita niyo po doon?
(How many of you are there?)
Interviewee: Dati malakas ngayon mahina na kasi dami na ng jeep
(It used to be strong, now it is weak because there are so many jeeps)
Researcher: Ilan po kinikita nila sa isang araw ?
(How much do they earn a day?)
Interviewee: malaki din pero shempre magbabayad sila boundary sila doon din
napupunta nila mga 500 ganun malinis
(also big but they always pay boundary they also there they go about 500 so clean)
Researcher: Sa isang buwan po ilan po kinikita nila?
(How much do they earn in a month?)
Interviewee: malaki din
(big too)
Researcher: sa lahat na ung kasama mga kuryente ganun?
(with all the electricity included?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Mga 5 po
(About 5 please)
Researcher: Pag dito po ilan binibigay sa inyo sa pang gastos niyo po dito?
(If so, how much is given to you at your expense here?)
Interviewee: Dati doon din kami, kaya tama lang din ung sumasapat pa naman
(We used to be there too, so it's only right that we still have enough)
Researcher: Member po ba kayo ng 4ps?
(Are you a member of 4ps?)
Interviewee: Hindi yun nga ung inaano namin malaki bahay namin pero kasi dati pa
(That's not what we think our house is big but because it used to be)
Researcher: Pag pinagsama po ung kinikita niyo at asawa niyo?
(When you combine your income with your spouse?)
Interviewee: Wala po ako,yun sapat lang pag may ano unting tiis lang
(I don't have it, that 's enough for me to be patient)
Researcher: Ilan po kinikita niyo sa isang buwan po?
(How much do you earn in a month?)
Interviewee: mga 20 ganun
(about 20 like that)
Researcher: Yun mga anak niyo po ba nagaaral ngayon?
(Are those children of yours studying now?
Interviewee: Oo nagaaral 9 tapos 10
(Yes study 9 then 10)
Researcher: Kapag may gastosin sila sa pagaaral tinutostusan niyo po ba iyun?
(When they have an education cost do you pay for it?)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: Nakakaano din kami pag minsan kasi kailangan talaga yun kaming mga
parents ganun kinakailangan talaga namin na magbigay kasi kailangan talaga para sa
pag aaral nila kasi dalawa sila kaya yun naiintindihan naman nila
(How do we sometimes get along because we really need those parents so we really need
to give because they really need to study because they are two so they understand that)
Researcher: Dito na po ba kayo lumaki?
(Have you grown up here?)
Interviewee: Ay hindi ako taga dito pero ung asawa ko taga dito
(I am not from here but my husband is from here)
Researcher: Ilan years kayo nanatili sa manila po?
(How many years did you stay in manila?)
Interviewee: 15 na,nung medyo napapalaki na ung gastos ganun nagdeside na kami na
umuwi sa probinsya para ung aral nila deretso na
(15 already, when the cost increased a bit so we decided to go home to the province for
their study straight)
Researcher: Sa 15 na po yun ano po pinakamemorable sa inyo?
(Of those 15, what is the most memorable for you?)
Interviewee: Ung bagyong cosmi first time ko maranasan yun kasi ung bahay namin
ginagawa natimingan namin na ganun kalakas ung bagyo kasi kami lang magasawa
tapos mga anak ko takot na tako t sila kasi ung kalahati ng bahay namin is hinangin buti
walang na disgrasya
(The typhoon cosmi is the first time I have experienced it because our house we are
working on is so strong that the typhoon is because we are just married and then my
children are scared because they are half of our house is windy but there is no accident)
Researcher: Doon po ba sa manila po may bagyo?
(Is there a typhoon in Manila?)
Interviewee: oo pero hindi ganun kalakas mahangin lang sa caloocan kami sanay na
kami sa bagyo doon tapos nung dumating kami dito yun
(yes but it's not that strong windy in caloocan we are used to the storm there then when
we came here it)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Nagevacuate po ba kayo?

(Are you evacuating?)
Interviewee: Oo may pumunta dito tas humingi kami ng saklolo
(Yes, someone came here and we asked for help)
Researchers: May mga kagawad po ba na pumunta dito ganun mga brgy officials?
(Are there any councilors who come here like brgy officials?)
Interviewee: Oo nung after pero nung nararanasan na namin ung bagyo wala sila
siguro nabigla din sila
(Yes after that but when we experienced the storm they were not there maybe they were
also shocked)
Researcher: May mga nagroronda po ba ganun or mga binigay ganun?
(Are there any patrols like that or those given like that?)
Interviewee: Wala
Researcher: Nagkabaha po ba dito?
(Is it flooding here?)
Interviewee: Oo ngayon ano na ung di nagbabaha sana dina maulit
Ganun pala dito pag binaha ganun na dito na magstay talaga
Pag may pupyntahn ganun may baluto ganun sasakay sana dina maulit yun kasi
nasalanta lahat ung buhay nun
(Yes, now what if it doesn't flood again That's how it is here when it floods, that's how it
really stays here If there is a pupyntahn like that with baluto, then I would have boarded it
again because it ruined all my life)
Researcher: Bakit po kayo nagevacuate nun?
(Why did you evacuate then?)
Interviewee: Shempre natakot na kami kasi kalahati na ng bubong ung nawala samin
kaya yun para sigurado
(We are always scared because we have lost half of the roof so that is for sure)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: San po kayo nagevacuate?

(Where did you evacuate?)
Interviewee: Doon lang din sa tsahin niya may second floor din tsaka matibay
(Only in his kitchen is there a second floor and it is sturdy)
Researcher: Diba sabi niyo po 2yrs na na dina binabaha dito dahil po ba yun doon sa
bato na nilagay nila?
(Didn't you say that it has been flooding here for 2 years because is it there on the rock
they put?)
Interviewee: Oo
Researcher: Sa tingin niyo po ba sapat na yun?
(Do you think that is enough?)
Interviewee: Hindi pa kailangan ng tibay ganun kasi parang mawawaldas waldas pa
yun shempre pagmatibay edi matagal tagal pa at para dina masira
(You still don't need that kind of strength because it looks like it will be lost, it will
always be strong, it will take a long time and it will break)
Researcher: Hindi pa kayo kampante sa mga ginagawa?
(Are you not yet comfortable with what you are doing?)
Interviewee: hindi pa oo kampante kaso yun natatakot ka na baka maulit ulit ung
nangyare kasi dimo masasabi ung ano eh dasal namin na yun dina maulit
(not yet yes complacent case that you are afraid that it may happen again because it
happened you can not say what eh we pray that it will be repeated)
Researcher: Ano po mga recommendation para sa kanila po cddrmo ganun?
(What are the recommendations for them cddrmo like that?)
Interviewee: sana lahat matulongan ung mga tao na iba bigyan nila ng pansin or kung
ano man ang hinanain ng ibang tao ay pakinggan nila
(I hope everyone can help other people to pay attention or whatever other people are
worried about they will listen)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Ngayon po?

Interviewee: Minsan ganun may mga update naman may ganto ganto ganun kaya
naaaupdate naman pero ung iba dinaaalam kasi malalayo kaya ganun nalalaman nalang
namin sa iba parang observe lang
(Sometimes there are updates, there are so many things like that, so they are updated, but
others know because they are far away, so that's how we only know others, just like
Researcher: May sariling plan po ba kayo pagdating ng bagyo or baha?
(Do you have your own plan for a typhoon or flood?)
Interviewee: Maging laging handa nalang kami ganun na dina aasa sa ibang tao ganun
(We should always be ready to rely on other people like that)
Researcher: Ano po ung pagiging handa?
(What is readiness?)
Interviewee: Ung ayusin ung bahay ganun ung completo dina mahihirapan tapos alert
(To fix the house like that is complete in difficult then always alert)
Researcher: Ano po mga ginagawa niyo bago po dumating ang bagyo?
(What were you doing before the storm came?)
Interviewee: Kasi ako first time ko dati di naghahanda nagdadasal nalang dito kala
namin dadaan lang ganun kaya nagdasal lang kami
(Because I used to be unprepared for the first time, I just prayed here when we just passed
by like that, so we just prayed)
Researcher: Ano po ginagawa niyo during bagyo?
(What are you doing during the storm?)
Interviewee: Nasa bahay nagdadasal
(At home praying)
Researcher: May first aid kit po ba kayo da bahay niyo?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

(Do you have a first aid kit in your house?)

Interviewee: ung ano lang
Pag may bagyo yun alam na namin gagawin namin
(ung ano lang When there is a storm we know we will do it)
Researcher: Ano po ginagawa niyo after ng bagyo?
(What are you doing after the storm?)
Interviewee: Ayun naglilinis ganun nagoobserb
(Ayun naglilinis ganun nagoobserb)
Researcher: Ano po ginagawa ng mga brgy officials niyo?
(What are your brgy officials doing?)
Interviewee: Ayun inaayos nila kung may sira kung may ilaw man ganun
(That's how they fix if there is something wrong with the light)
Researcher: Kung irarate niyo po 0 hanggang 10 anong rate po?
(If you rate 0 to 10 what is the rate?)
Interviewee: 10 ung handang handa ka shempre nakaranas kana kaya yun handang
handa kana
(10 ung ready you are always experienced that so that ready you are ready)
Thank you po!

Researcher: Ano pong pangalan niyo?
(What is your name?)
Interviewee: (Name withheld)
Researcher: Edad?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewee: 60
Researcher: Sex?
Interviewee: Female
Researcher: Address?
Interviewee: Tamayo SCCP
Researcher: May trabaho po ba kayo?
(Do you have job?)
Interviewee: Wala
Researcher: Kung sususmahin niyo po lahat ng kinikita ng inyong pamilya kada buwan,
mga magkano po iyon?
(If you will sum up your monthly income in your whole family, how much would it all
Interviewee: 15,000 ganun.
(15,000 pesos like that.)
Researcher: Ano po iyong pinaka memorableng hindi niyo makakalimutan na insidente
na dinulot ng bagyo? Pwede niyo po bang ikwento iyong karanasan na iyon? Kalian po
nangyari iyon?
(What typhoon was the most memorable to you? What were the things that happened
back then or why is it memorable?)
Interviewee: Yung bagyong cosme nung 2008 kasi kalahati ng bahay namin ay nasira
na at wala kaming magawa, muntik na kaming mag evacuate nung oras na yun.
(The bagyong Cosme in 2008 because our half in our house have damage and we can't do
anything because we almost evacuate that time.)
Researcher: Nag evacuate po ba kayo? Bakit?
(Did you evacuate? Why?)
Interviewee: Hindi pumunta lang kami sa kabilang bahay.
(No, we just go in the next house there.)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Researcher: Nung oras po ba na yun, may nagsabi po bang mag evacuate kayo?
(In that time, did anyone told you to evacuate?)
Interviewee: Oo, yung pamilya nang asawa ko na taga aponit. Sinabi niya na kailangan
naming lumikas pero hindi na kami umalis pumunta nalang kami sa pangalawang
palapag ng bahay dun lang kami.
(Yes, the family of my husband from aponit came. He said that we should evacuate, but
we didn't evacuate because we are in the second floor that time. We stay there)
Researcher: Sinasabi po ba ng barangay kapag may darating na bagyo?
(Are the barangay officials telling you or informing you when there is a typhoon landing
in the area?)
Interviewee: Oo, minsan
(Yes, sometimes)
Researcher: Ina-update po ba nila kayo?
(Are they updating you?)
Interviewee: Hindi, sarili lang namin.
(No, we do it in our own)
Researcher: May gusto po ba kayong sabihin sa inyong barangay, o recommendation po
about sa ganitong sitwasyon?
(Do you want to tell something in your barangay, recommendation from this matter?)
Interviewee: Okay naman sila
(They are okay)
Researcher: Pagkatapos po nang bagyo, may ginagawa po ba kayo para maiwasan
niyong mangyare ulit yun?
(After the typhoon did you do something to avoid the situation like that again?)
Interviewee: Wala naman, inaayos lang namin ang bubung nang bahay naming.
(Nothing, we just fix our roof in our house.)
Researcher: Sinabi niyo po na apektado kayo dahil sa Agno river, nakatulong po ba ang
paglalagay nila nang bato para tumigil ang baha sainyong barangay?
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

(So you said that you are affected because of Agno River. Does putting rocks help to stop
the flood in your barangay?)
Interviewee: Oo.
Researcher: May first aid kit po ba kayo?
(Do you have First Aid Kit?)
Interviewee: Wala
Researcher: If a super typhoons come again in our country. What will you do?
Interviewee: Maghahanda kami, titignan namin kung kailangan ba naming lumikas.
(We will get alert and be ready, we will see if we need to evacuate like that.)
Researcher: Masasabi niyo po bang handa na kayo para harapin ang malakas na
(Can you say that you are ready to face that super typhoon?)
Interviewee: Siguro.
Researcher: Ano pong rason niyo bat handa kayo?
(What is your reason, why are you ready?)
Interviewee: Ipasa diyos nalang.
Researcher: From a scale of 0 - 10, 0 - meaning hindi kayo magiging handa kahit kailan
at 10 - meaning ready na ready kayo na pag inanounce sa TV na may drating na 5 days
simula ngayon may darating na super typhoon at matatamaan tayo dito ay alam niyo na
yung gagawin ninyo. tanungin kung bakit yun yung sagot niya rate from 1-10 ex. 7 ang
sagot - 70% ready & 30% not ready ask (Ano yung rason kung bakit kayo ready at kung
bakit hindi kayo ready?)
Interviewee: 10
Researcher: Why 10?
Interviewee: Kasi ready na kami, titignan namin kung kami ba ay lilikas.
(Because we are ready, we will see if we will evacuate that time.)
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Appendix E:
Interview Guide
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Names of the barangays officials

of Barangay Bani, San Carlos
City, Pangasinan

Multi-Purpose Hall of Barangay Bani A part of Bani that is flooded

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewing the Barangay Captain of Bani on the day of January 26, 2021

Interviewing a Barangay Tanod of Bani on the 26th day of January 2021

Interviewing a resident from

Barangay Bani on the 26th day of
January 2021
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

The researchers floated an interview schedule to Barangay officials and Barangay

resident of barangay Bani on the 26th day of January 2021.
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

In front of the Barangay Hall of Bocboc

A picture in front of a sign telling that Interviewing the Barangay Captain of

the Barangay Bocboc is a flood prone area Barangay Bocboc on the 26th day of
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewing the barangay tanod of

Bocboc on the 26th day of January

Interviewing a barangay resident of

Barangay Bocboc on the day of
January 26 2021

Interviewee showing the Agno river

near Barangay Bocboc on the day
of January 26, 2021
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewing a barangay resident of

Barangay Bocbocon the day of
January 26 2021

A job well done interview in Barangay Bocboc, San Carlos City, Pangasinan on the
26th day of January 2021
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

A picture of the Barangay Hall of Barangay Salinap on the 1st day of February 2021

Names of the Barangay officials of A sign that is telling that a project has
Salinap been developed in the Barangay
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Agno River in Barangay Salinap

Getting permission from the Barangay

Interviewing the Barangay Kagawad Interviewing a barangay resident of

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewing a barangay resident of Salinap

Another job well done interviewing the barangay officials and the residents of
Barangay Salinap on the 1st day od February 2021
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

picture of the barangay hall of Barangay Tamayo on the 1st day of February 2021

Barangay Hall of Barangay Tamayo A sign indicating Barangay Tamayo is a

flood-prone area
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Interviewing a barangay resident of Barangay Tamayo on the 1st day of

February 2021

A face-to-face interview with the Barangay Captain and Kagawad of

Barangay Tamayo
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Asking for permission from the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management office of
San Carlos City, Pangasinan on the 7th day of January 2021
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Appendix F:
Documentary Reviews

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2017 – 2027

Rural Projected Population CY: 2018 - 2027
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Urban Projected Population CY: 2018 - 2027

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Barangay Evacuation Guide prepared and given by the CDRRMO

Family Disaster Preparedness prepared and given by the CDRRMO

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Clean-Up-Drive of Barangay Residents of Barngay Bani San Carlos City,

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Clean-Up-Drive in Barangay Bocboc

Flooded area located at Barangay Salinap, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Gabions on top of a Nipa Hut in Barangay Salinap, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Clean-Up-Drive in Barangay Salniap, San Carlos City, Pangasinan


Personal Information

Name: Alleyah Jaira D. Lorenzo

Date of Birth: January 22, 2003

Birthplace: Virgen Milagrosa Medical Center

Address: Caoayan Kiling, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Samuel P. Lorenzo

Mother’s Name: Joyce D. Lorenzo

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Educational Background:

Elementary Virgen Milagrosa Child Learning Center (VMCLC)

Dr. Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City,


March 2015

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2019

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Personal Information

Name: Jericho F. De Guzman

Date of Birth: August 29, 2002

Birthplace: Naguilayan, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Address: Naguilayan, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Gerry G. De Guzman

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Mother’s Name: Shirley F. De Guzman

Educational Background:

Elementary Naguilayan Elementary School

Naguilayan, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

March 2015

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2019

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Personal Information

Name: John Luis B. Menor

Date of Birth: April 24, 2002

Birthplace: Kitanglad Araneta Ave. Quezon City

Address: Bolingit, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Christian

Father’s Name: Joebert Menor

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Mother’s Name: Rosita Menor

Educational Background:

Elementary Betty Go Belmonte Elementary School

Bayani, Quezon City, Metro Manila

March 2015

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2019

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Personal Information

Name: Mark C. Zacarias

Date of Birth: November 24, 2002

Birthplace: Makati City

Address: Cruz, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Christian

Father’s Name: Ernesto M. Zacarias

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Mother’s Name: Lanie C. Zacarias

Educational Background:

Elementary Bolingit Elementary School

Bolingit, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

March 2015

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2019

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Personal Information

Name: Jc Austin P. Del Rosario

Date of Birth: December 16, 2002

Birthplace: Virgen Milagrosa Medical Center

Address: Bolingit, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Christian

Father’s Name: Jessie S. Del Rosario

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Mother’s Name: Arlene P. Del Rosario

Educational Background:

Elementary Bolingit Elementary School

Bolingit, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

March 2015

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2019

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Personal Information

Name: Jushua Guevarra

Date of Birth: August 26, 2002

Birthplace: Parañaque Hospital

Address: Manzon, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Julie D.C. Rosario

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Mother’s Name: Amelia T. Guevarra

Educational Background:

Elementary Central I Elementary School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

March 2015

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2019

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Personal Information

Name: Mylene Grace A. Ferrer

Date of Birth: August 11, 2000

Birthplace: Pangasinan Provincial Hospital

Address: Manzon, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Melvin B. Ferrer

Roxas, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines
Telephone No.: (075) 5238265

Mother’s Name: Alma A. Ferrer

Educational Background:

Elementary Bolingit Elementary School

Bolingit, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

March 2013

Junior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

April 2017

Senior High School Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School

Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

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